• Published 21st Dec 2017
  • 3,709 Views, 392 Comments

Brotherhood and Sisterhood - CartoonNerd12

King Tirek has six sons that are engaged to Chrysalis's daughters. Can these princes love these girls?

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Chapter 15

Pinkie with her hair completely straight down stayed in her bed looking gloomy. The girls looked at her with sympathy.

Applejack told her, "I take it you won't be up to working today?"

Pinkie shook her head and whimpered.

Rarity assured her while rubbing her back, "That's quite alright, darling. We'll manage just like yesterday."

Twilight said, "Except we might have a problem if Prince Spike or Prince Discord shows up today…" she looked to Applejack and Fluttershy, "Will you be okay with staying close to the manor?"

The two exchanged looks and nodded.

Fluttershy mentioned, "I think it's a good idea, with Pinkie too heartsick we'll need to work extra hard to get our chores done and to make sure the meals still get made and served."

Applejack added, "If anything, I hope it'll be Prince Discord who shows up so I can stay close to the kitchen to help make the meals."

Twilight smiled, "Next to Pinkie you are our best cook."

Fluttershy started gathering sheets from her bed and girls'-sans Pinkie- and said, "I better get these washed before I have to wash the mistresses' blankets, clothes, and towels for the rest of the day."

Twilight pointed, "You know, there is a faster way to get them clean."

Fluttershy and Twilight stood by a fountain that was behind the manor. There was a nearly-submerged wooden barrel close to the edge with a rope and rod attached to both it and a harnessed donkey.

Twilight explained, "Flash and I made this when he was here, but we had his horse to do the pulling, so I had to ask the Doodles down the road if I could borrow their donkey, needless to say, Mr. Doodle was skeptical but his wife was more than willing to help. I promised I would return him by sundown."

Fluttershy patted the donkey's head affectionately making his ears wiggle in response and she inquired with concern, "It won't hurt him, will it, Twilight?"

"Not at all! All he has to do is go around in a circle until the laundry is done. There's nothing to it."

"Oh, okay." she stepped back as she watched Twilight put in a load of laundry into the barrel alongside with soap powder. She motioned for the donkey to go and he did. The soap started to dissolve into bubbles making Fluttershy marvel at the sight.

Twilight stated, "I have to get back inside now, but don't worry, if you leave it be it should get the job done faster."

"Thank you." she hugged her friend and the hug was returned before she went.

Fluttershy watched patiently for the laundry to be done suddenly two bluebirds flew up to her and started to chirp around her almost like they were singing to her. She giggled and decided to join them by vocalizing, "Ahh-ah-ah…"

They whistled back making her vocalize again, "Ahh-ah-ah…"

While that was going on, Discord was riding in on his dark colored steed in front of the manor when he heard the most beautiful sound he ever heard. It was such a haunting melody that he couldn't resist finding out where it was coming from. He got off his horse and started heading to the back of the grand house. To his complete and utter surprise, it was Fluttershy! She didn't see him so he was careful to walk up to her as she continued to sing so melodiously.

When her song had died down, she cooed at the birds before they flew away. She sighed in content until she heard a voice.

"That… was… incredible!"

She gasped and turned to find her prince standing right behind her. She jumped in fright and nearly fell toward the fountain but luckily he caught her in time.

"O-Oh, Prince Discord… I didn't know you were there!" she blushed bright red from embarrassment and from him touching her.

"I'm sorry if I frightened you, my darling, but I couldn't help overhearing your beautiful voice!"

"O-oh, thank you… but my voice isn't that beautiful…"

"I beg to differ! It's gorgeous! Just like an angel's…" he smirked, "so heavenly and divine…"

She felt herself blushing further.

Then he spotted the makeshift washing machine and inquired, "What's this?"

She explained, "Oh, it's one of Twilight's inventions, it's suppose to clean the laundry without having to use your hands."

"Ah, yes, Flash told me about Miss Sparkle's enthusiasm for creating contraptions, very clever." he smiled, "In fact, it gives us a golden opportunity to get to know each other better."

Fluttershy pondered on it, "Well… Twilight did say to leave it alone so it can do the work for me…"

"Excellent! Now then, shall we go some place more private?" he wrapped his arm around her waist and brought her closer to him. "To talk?"

Her cheeks went pink from the closeness and timidly told him, "I-I do know a place that can do that…" she moved out of his grasp and led him to a secluded part of the gardens where a single swing attached to a tree was, she elucidated, "The mistresses haven't been here since they were young girls, so I come here whenever I have the time to feed my animal friends mainly the mice and the birds."

"You love animals?" he asked as they sat down on the ground.

"Very much so." her voice was now stronger and full of passion. She questioned, "Do you like animals?"

He slightly winced and admitted, "Not really…"

"Oh…" she had disappointment in her tone.

He quickly added, "But that does not mean I'm not an animal expert, I've learned about all sorts of creatures in the books I've read at the palace."

That got her hopes rising, "Really?"

"Oh yes! I can tell you about all kinds of animals that live in different parts of the world!"

"Ooh! I would love to know more about them!"

They had a long discussion about exotic animals until he mentioned, "One time I saw an actual tiger when a circus visited the castle when I was twelve-years-old, talk about an animal that was fierce! But after the show Capper and I got a closer look at him and it turned out he was very tame."

Fluttershy gushed.

"That was also around the time I met the magician there and he and I got along great, so much so that he taught me a couple of his tricks."

"Oh really? Like what?"

He took out a golden doubloon and put it in the palm of his hand, "Like this." he rubbed over the coin with his other hand for a bit then when he removed it the coin was gone!

She gasped.

He playfully said, "Now where did that priceless doubloon go? Oh! I know!" he reached over to Fluttershy's right ear and pulled it out, "Here it is!"

She giggled as she exclaimed, "That's amazing! I didn't even know it was there!"

He smirked, "l can show you another trick but I'll need a handkerchief."

She took off the cloth that was on her head and handed over to him, "You can you use this."

"Thank you, my dear." he took it and instructed, "Now watch closely as I make this coin vanish from beneath the cloth." he put the handkerchief over the doubloon and waved his hand over it, than he removed the cloth to show the coin was gone!

She gasped again.

"Now watch as I make it come back." he put the fabric over his hand and waved his other hand over it, and when he pulled up the handkerchief the coin was back!

Fluttershy applauded excitedly.

He mocked a bow, "Thank you, thank you, you're too kind."

She ended up giggling and proclaimed, "Oh Discord, you're so funny!" then she gasped from what she said, and quickly apologized, "Oh, I'm sorry, I mean… Your Highness…"

"Pish-posh, my dear, I want you to call me by my name. I want no formalities between us; frankly I always found my titles to be too stuffy. Regal but stuffy."

"But… you're the prince… Shouldn't I address you as such?"

"Perhaps in public, yes. But since it's just the two of us, I don't want you to be uncomfortable around me."

"Oh… I could never be uncomfortable around you…" she blushed.

That made his eyes widened and inquired, "Really?"

She slightly nodded.

"But just when I came in to hear you sing, you seemed scared that I was there."

"That was because I didn't know you were there and I'm not used to people hearing me sing…" she touched her hair nervously.

"But why should you hide such a lovely voice?"

"I just can't handle the stares…"

"Hmm… maybe if you had some practice with an audience watching you, you won't be so frightened of singing in front of them."

"I guess… but I'm just not ready for that…"

"That's alright, so… have you always been a maid?"

She shook her head, "I grew up in the village with my parents and my little brother…" she chuckled, "You actually remind me of him a little, he can be full of himself but he means well…"

"Well that's interesting, I would like to meet him some day."

"I think you two would get along very well."

There was a pause between them until Discord broke the silence by tenderly saying, "Fluttershy…?"

She softly replied, "Yes, Discord?"

He suddenly felt nervous, "Fluttershy… um, I don't know how to put this… but whenever I'm around you I just feel so serene and calm… I've never felt that way before… ever…"

"How strange… because whenever I'm with you I feel I can be more bold and brave."

He smiled, "Perhaps we're just one of those people whose opposites attract because we desire the other's personality."

She smiled back, "I think you're right."

He gently touched her hand and she grasped it. They stayed there in peaceful silence listening to the wind lightly blowing and the birds tweeting. Then he told her, "I'm so fortunate to have known you… I wish I could stay with you forever…"

"Oh Discord…"

"It just won't be the same after I get married…" he bitterly said.

She looked on in concern, "Can't you tell your father you don't want to marry someone you don't love?"

He sadly chuckled, "I wish… Our father is a very strict man. My brothers and I had to follow his rules ever since we were chosen as his sons. At the time I thought being a prince would be a good thing, but since I was ten-years-old I was rather foolish to believe my parents' words of gaining such power and wealth. Needless to say, I was granted the honor of being the eldest of the royal highnesses. While it's true I saw my brothers as annoyances when we were younger, but in time I became rather attached to them. I value their friendship and I hope it never goes away."

She beamed at his words, "What a lovely thought. I feel the same way about the girls."

"I guess we're not so different after all."

She shook her head, "I think deep down we are truly alike."

In that moment they stared straight into each other's eyes and couldn't look away. Slowly, their faces leaned toward the other's with their lips coming closer together until they felt them. The kiss felt like an eternity before they pulled away. Without uttering a single word, they got up and went toward the swing and sat down together in it. They moved the swing in sync and kept going higher and higher. They both felt light as air and were laughing joyfully at the feeling.

For the rest of the day it was like that. They were lost in their own world and they never wanted to leave it.

When it was close to sunset, Twilight came out to find the donkey was still attached to the device and exhausted from walking in a circle all day. Fluttershy was nowhere to be seen making Twilight worried and started to look around until she heard laughter and found a maid and a prince lying on the ground close in each other's embrace.

Twilight made sure they didn't see her and carefully backed away so she could leave the couple alone.

Fluttershy noticed the sun dropping and sighed, "You'll have to leave soon."

Discord held her closer as he said, "I don't want to."

She gently got out of his grasp and sat up, he followed.

"Please, Discord, I don't want this to be any harder than it has to…" tears were brimming in her eyes.

He delicately wiped those tears away as he sighed, "Alright… I'll go, but know that I don't take any pleasure in doing so."

She sorrowfully smiled as the two embraced one last time and he slowly got up and moved away from her. It was painful watching him go and when he vanished from view, she broke down and cried her heart out.

The boys were concern on Discord not saying a word when they gathered in his room that night.

Spike finally had the courage to ask, "Was it that bad?"

Capper and Flash exchanged worried looks since this could disrupt their plans.

Discord made a deep sigh and stated, "No. It was… unbelievable…" his eyes went soft and he had this dreamy look to his face.

They gawked at the sight, their brother was not one for showing emotion toward sentimental things but if Fluttershy could bring out that side of him then it must be love.

Capper whispered under his breath, "I knew it… I knew this would happen."

Flash turned to Spike, "Well, this is it, tomorrow is your chance to meet with your girl."

Cheese was still upset from yesterday but he tried to put on a smile for the sake of his brothers and asked, "Are you nervous?"

Spike proclaimed, "Ha! Me, nervous? Of course not!" he went toward an open window and gazed up to look at the stars while thinking, I mean… there's no reason to be nervous is there? Just because your brothers had great times with their lady fairs doesn't mean I'm going to have the worst time with mine, right?

He pondered on it and softly asked the stars, "Please give me a sign if we will have the best time…"

Fluttershy was feeling guilty about leaving the Doodles' donkey all day that Twilight had to reassure her that it was an understandable mistake.

"I saw how happy you were with him…"

Fluttershy eeped, "You saw us?!" and covered her face in shame.

"Only for a little bit, once I saw you two, I knew it was best to leave you alone."

Fluttershy sighed in relief.

Rarity motioned, "So now that Prince Discord has come, that means there's only one prince left…" she looked to Applejack with a smirk.

The chamber maid blushed and started fiddling with her hair.

Pinkie was feeling better but her hair was drooping and she was going slow verses how fast she usually goes, she said with a small smile, "So… what are you two going to do?"

Applejack went close to the window and said, "I'm… I'm not sure… I guess I'll wait and see until he gets here." she looked out and up to the night sky, she prayed, Mama, Papa… please help me get through this… From what the others have told me, they couldn't stop themselves from falling… Please help me from doin' the same…

Then she saw two shooting stars flying across the cosmos unaware a certain prince saw the same thing.