• Published 21st Dec 2017
  • 3,709 Views, 392 Comments

Brotherhood and Sisterhood - CartoonNerd12

King Tirek has six sons that are engaged to Chrysalis's daughters. Can these princes love these girls?

  • ...

Chapter 14

Pinkie was humming around the kitchen as Rainbow watched her with a raised brow.

"You're being unusually cheery. Well, more so than usual… any reason?"

Pinkie grinned at her, "Oh… I just have this feeling that I'm going to see my prince today…"

"How can you know that? We don't even know which of the remaining princes will show up; it could be Prince Discord or Prince Spike instead for Fluttershy and Applejack."

"Perhaps, but I have this really strong feeling it will be Prince Cheese."

"I just hope you won't be too disappointed if it isn't him."

Suddenly they heard a horse neighing and they turned toward the window and much to Rainbow's shock and Pinkie's elation, Cheese rode in.

The kitchen maid smugly told her friend, "You were saying?"

Dash sputtered, "But… how…?"

Pinkie giggled as she made her way out and Rainbow decided to follow.

Cheese got off his horse and went straight to his girl holding his arms out, Pinkie had hers out in turn and they embraced in a tight hug.

"I knew you were coming!" she told him.

"Did you hear me last night?"

She gasped in realization, "I thought that was you!"

"What?!" Rainbow gapped.

"Oh good, you're here, Rainbow Dash!" Cheese took out the paper and said, "Soarin wanted me to give this to you."

Rainbow took it and looked it over, "It's the list of ships that Celaeno needs!" she addressed Cheese, "I could kiss that boy!" she sighed, "If only he was here."

The prince gave a sad smile, "He misses you too." then he suggested, "If you want I can give him a kiss on the cheek for you."

She uneasily replied, "Uhh, thanks, your highness, but I don't think it would be the same coming from you."

Pinkie told him, "Yeah, you would have to give him another hickie in order for it to be the same."

"I told you, it was a spider bite!"

"Ah-ha! So Soarin got a spider bite too!"

"Yes! Wait… oh crud…" Rainbow slapped her forehead.

Cheese asked in confusion, "You gave each other hickies?"

Dash sighed in defeat and removed the cloth that she had kept around her neck for the past three days. The love bite was smaller now but the statement was still there. She explained, "It was an accident, once he saw the mark on me, he insisted that I gave him one too."

"That explains why he's been wearing high-collar suits lately."

"Look just tell him that I'm grateful for what he's done and that I wish him luck on his new marriage…" she muttered under her breath, "He'll need it."

Cheese smiled, "I'll do that."

Pinkie said, "In the meantime, you and I got a busy day ahead!" she took his hand and led him back his horse, she called back, "Keep my dinner warm for me, Dashie!"

Rainbow shouted out, "You do know you have to be back by sunset, right?!"

"Of course!" she got on the horse and Cheese did the same, taking his horse's reins and moved away.

Rainbow looked doubtful and uttered as she went back inside, "She's not going to be back until late tonight, is she?"

As they were riding through the forest, Cheese questioned, "So what does my lady have planned for us?"

"Ah-ah-ah, it's a surprise."

He chuckled, "I should have known."

"All you need to know that it's going to be a lot of fun and romantic!"

"I can't wait!"

"Well you won't have to wait long, turn here!" she pointed to a path in forest and he did as she said.

They came upon a river where a row boat was tied to a dock. He stopped the horse and she got off. He followed after her after tying his horse to a tree, he quickly told his riding companion, "We'll be back, Bony, just rest up in the meantime."

She inquired, "His name is Bony?"

"Actually his full name is Boneless due to how timid he was as a colt when I was younger. Father didn't think he was fit to be a royal steed and because of that I felt bad for him so I took him on and helped him get over his timidity."

"Aww, and is he?"

"Yup, he's pretty skittish now so it's hard to control him sometimes. Actually there's another reason I took him in, he reminded me of, well, me."


"That's right." he stated as they got in the boat and Pinkie cast them off, he continued as the boat started moving down stream, "I was awkward and shy as a young boy but at least I was well-behaved. I think that's why Father chose me along with my brothers."

"How old were you?"


"Whoa… But toddlers are usually so active, I should know. I help watch over the village bakers' twin children most days and they are two-years-old right now."

"What are their names?"

"Pound and Pumpkin Cake."

"And do you enjoy watching over them?"

"They're a handful most of the time but yes, I love them with all my heart. In fact, they make me wish to have children someday."

"Do you wish for a lot?"

"Oh most definitely! I want to have as many babies as I can!"

Cheese made a sad look, "Well I hope that comes true for you one day…"

It was her turn to be sad, "I doubt it. The man I want to have a family with is marrying another and there's nothing I can do about it."

"Oh… well he'll be sorry…"

"I'm sure he already is, since he's you…"

His eyes widen and proclaimed, "Oh right! Duh! I forgot that for a moment."

She giggled, "It's okay, we're all a little forgetful sometimes. Why, I even forget stuff from time to time!"

"But you won't forget about me, will you?"

"I don't think I could! In the time that we've been together, I've had the best moments of my life!"

"Me too!"

"I have to confess, when we first touched hands, I couldn't stop thinking about you."

"You too?! I couldn't get you out of my head for days after that! I still can't!"

She sighed lovingly and went closer to him. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, bringing her to his chest. She cuddled up to him and closed her eyes in bliss.

She said, "Tell me more about your life at the castle."

"Well, I help plan some of the events happening, like garden parties, tea parties, banquets, and sometimes balls."

"Did you help with the masquerade ball?"

"No, that was all my father's doing, since I was to be part of the announcement of being betrothed." he sighed deeply.

"It… won't be so bad…" she tried to reassure him and herself, "Sonata may be demanding and not nice from time to time. But she's not completely bad, she can actually be really funny sometimes, you'll like that. After all having a sense of humor is important in a marriage."

"But that will probably be the only thing we'll have in common. Besides, when I first met her at the ball, there was no spark, while with you there's always fireworks, you know?"

She sighed, "You're right. I keep getting this fuzzy feeling whenever I'm with you, in fact, I'm feeling it right now." she looked up to him as they locked eyes.

"So am I…" they kept gazing into each other's eyes.

Suddenly the water began to go faster making them break their trance and faced ahead to see the river was rushing.

"Ooh! Now comes the fun part! Quick grab a paddle!" she grabbed an oar and began rowing to steady the boat.

Cheese followed her lead and helped steady the boat as the water got faster and faster. It was very thrilling as they kept going down the rushing river. They found themselves at a small waterfall and when the boat went down the fall, it made them shriek in exhilaration. When they reached the bottom, the stream started to calm down again and they relaxed.

"That was amazing!" Cheese exclaimed.

"I knew you would like it!"

"Were you always this exciting?"

"Unfortunately, no. I grew up near a coal mine with my parents and my three sisters. We would spend the day gathering coal, it was very dull."

"I'm sure it was."

"I hate to think what would happen if I didn't meet the girls. I would still be gathering coal like my sisters, Limestone, Marble, and Maud."

"Are you closer to your friends than your sisters?"

"I like to think I'm close to all of them but it does seem I'm closer to the girls than my sisters, but at least Maud likes to visit me from time to time so that keeps me close to her. But in the end, all of them are my sisters whether they're related or not."

"I get that. Even though the guys and I aren't blood-related, we consider ourselves brothers because we grew up together and have made a bond that's inseparable."

"I know." she smirked, "I've seen it firsthand." she cuddled back up to him and he wrapped his arms around her. He presses his forehead to hers and they rubbed together before slowly moved up to rub noses, gradually rubbing cheeks, before finally moving to their lips and passionately kissed.

They fell to the bottom of the boat as they kept kissing. When they took a breath, they just kept laying there, enjoying the warmth of their bodies.

He uttered, "I'm glad I met you…"

She uttered back, "I'm glad I met you…"

"Out of all the girls I have ever known in my life, you stand out the most…"

"So do you… I know you try to fit in with your brothers when it comes to being a prince, but honestly, you were born to stand out."

He beamed at her words and cupped her cheek to bring her face closer to him and they kissed again.

Without realizing it, the boat started to turn in the riverbank and with a jolt the boat crashed into it, making the vessel tip over with Pinkie and Cheese landing straight into the water getting wet.

They blink in bewilderment of what just happened before bursting into laughter and began to splash water on each other, not caring a wit about how drenched they would be when they got out.

When they were riding back to the manor, the sun was setting and Pinkie was clinging on to Cheese. And Cheese didn't want Pinkie to let go as they were getting closer to their destination.

She whimpered, "I don't want you to go!"

"And I don't want to leave you…" he sadly replied.

She started to cry, "Oh Cheese!"

"Oh Pinkie!" he tightly held on to her while releasing his own tears.

It took all of their willpower to let go and Pinkie ran to the manor while Cheese rode away, not daring to look back.

"It was so painful when we parted!" Cheese declared in his room with his brothers gathered around him. "It was at that very moment I realized I couldn't live without her!" he threw himself onto the bed and wailed into his pillow.

Flash quickly tried to comfort him by patting his back and told him, "Just let it out… It hurts, I know…" he looked over to Soarin and Capper and they nodded in agreement.

Discord slowly addressed Spike, "So… then… shall we see which one of us gets to go next?"

Spike looked at his forlorn brothers, if they were feeling pain from losing the girls that make them so happy, who's to say the same won't happen with him and Applejack? He told his oldest brother, "No, you can go tomorrow."

Discord raised his brow, "Really?"


"O-kay, why would you be willing to give away a day of spending time with your dearest?"

"It just seems going last will be less painful… since we have to get married in four days."

Soarin said to them, "He's right. I'm starting to wish I could have gone last because ever since my time with Rainbow Dash, the days seem to be torturous without me being able to see her again."

Cheese briefly stopped his blubbering to tell Soarin, "That reminds me, when I gave her the list she wanted you to know how grateful she was and how much she misses you."

"She does?" his eyes lit up in hope.

"That's right."

Soarin looked away in a daze, feeling like his heart was going to burst from pure joy.

Capper motioned Flash over to the other side of the room while Spike and Discord talked to Cheese.

"So far, four of us have experienced unbridled happiness with the girls we have come to known since we first met them."

"Right… So what are you trying to tell me?"

"Well if the same happens to Discord and Spike within these next two days then I think we need to come up with a serious plan…"

Flash looked uneasy, "What kind of plan?"

Capper stated, "I think you know…"

His eyes widened, "You can't mean… No…"

"You know it'll have to be done."

Flash shook his head, "Let's how it goes with them first," gesturing to Discord and Spike, "Then we'll decide if we have to do it."