• Published 21st Dec 2017
  • 3,709 Views, 392 Comments

Brotherhood and Sisterhood - CartoonNerd12

King Tirek has six sons that are engaged to Chrysalis's daughters. Can these princes love these girls?

  • ...

Chapter 12

Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Applejack watched from the kitchen window to see which prince was going to show up.

Pinkie said, "Ooh, I really hope it's Prince Cheese!"

Fluttershy blushed, "I hope it's Prince Discord."

Applejack commented, "I wouldn't mind if it was Prince Spike." she looked on in eagerness.

Rarity stated, "Well whoever it is we will greet them with the proper decorum as befitting their royal status." but that all came crashing down the moment she saw Prince Capper riding in. She let out a giant squeal making the other girls fall to the floor as Rarity was acting crazy and bouncing around.

"It's him! It's him! My prince!" she rushed out and ran to him.

He saw her as he disembark his horse with a wide smile and awaited her with open arms. When she landed in them, he nearly fell over but managed to twirl her around.

When he set her down, he smirked, "Someone's anxious to see me…"

She told him, "I'm just so happy to see you." she looked up to his eyes as they stared at each other for awhile until a cough got their attention.

They turned to see Applejack holding the picnic basket out, saying, "You forgot this."

Rarity blushed in embarrassment, "Oh, yes… so I have." she took the basket, "Thank you, Applejack."

The chamber maid made a tiny smile, "Just be sure to enjoy yerself and don't stay out too late." she went back toward the house.

Rarity turned back to Capper as he inquired, "Shall we then?" he gestured toward his horse.

She smiled, "Let's."

He helped her up onto the saddle and he followed after to take the reins. He asked, "And where does the lady wish to go?"

She pointed in a direction toward the forest, stating, "That way."

He questioned, "Any reason?"

She just smiled, "You'll see."

They rode on for a bit until Rarity said, "Stop. We're here."

He stopped his horse and got off, then he helped Rarity down as she took the lead. She led him to a clearing where a willow tree was but what was next tree is what really got his attention as it was a white gazebo with all sorts of flowers growing on it.

Seeing the expression on his face, she explained, "This was the place the girls and I met for the first time." pointing to the willow tree, "Shortly after that fateful meeting, we kept coming here to play that our families decided to build this gazebo for us."

Capper uttered in amazement, "Wow…"

"It is, isn't it?" she took his hand and they approached the gazebo and she set the basket down. They sat down after she took out the picnic blanket, the plates, the flatware, and a tea set. Then she started taking out the food.

"Some finger sandwiches, a salad, and for dessert, tea cakes!"

"Mmm, sounds delicious." he licked his lips.

She giggled, "The girls and I were up early this morning getting this ready. I will admit this picnic would have been for one of your brothers instead if they had showed up today."

"That makes sense. Since we have draw straws anyway just to see who gets a turn next."

"But you won this round, didn't you?"

"Naturally. Though my brothers think I cheated."

"What makes them say that?"

"Well… I tend to be… "too smart" for my own good sometimes…"

"Ah… so you trick them?"

"Pretty much." he made a cheesy grin.

"Well… while I don't approve of deceit I can certainly appreciate a man that's quick witted. It proves he rather uses his brains instead resorting to violence to solve a problem."

He smiled, "It's true. I never did like getting my hands dirty like that."

As they started to eat, she questioned between bites, "What else can you tell me about yourself?"

"Oh, where to begin?" he playfully said then he went serious and replied, "I grew up in the royal court with my parents if only for a short time. I was six-years-old when Tirek chose me to be his son. Since then I grew up with my brothers and was taught how a prince should act. I tutored in just about everything including etiquette, protocol and style."

"My goodness. I knew being royalty wasn't easy but I had no idea just how many rules that went with it."

"There's a lot of them, all right. So what about you? What can you tell me about yourself?"

"Well there isn't much to tell, I grew up in the village with my parents and my little sister, Sweetie Belle. I became a maid with the other girls shortly after Applejack had to start working for Lady Chrysalis."

"So you have a little sister?"

"Yes, that is correct." taking a sip from her tea cup, "Sweetie Belle and I weren't close at first but Applejack helped me see how important my sister was given she was a big sister herself, so it was easy to follow her advice and so Sweetie and I got close after that and I enjoy her company every time I visit the family."

"That's a very sweet sentiment."

"I'm curious, if you weren't chosen as the prince, what would you do instead?"

Her question took him completely by surprise, no one has ever asked him that so he never thought about what his life would be like without his title.

Rarity noticed how quiet he was and asked, "Did I say something wrong?"

Capper broke out of his trance and quickly told her, "No! I just… never thought about it before…"

"Oh… I'm sorry, I suppose when one is used to living a certain way, why would you questioned it?"

"No, it's okay, it's actually a pretty good question. Now that you've brought it up, I'm starting to wonder how different my life would be if I wasn't chosen."

"And what do you think that is?"

"Mostly likely I would still be living in the royal court, I would still know the guys but not in a brotherly way, I would probably work with Lord Fancy Pants as we help the princes prepare themselves to get married. That would actually be the only upside to me not being a prince, I could marry whoever I want." he smiled right at her when he said that last part.

She felt her cheeks going pink from his hint.

He asked, "So what about you? If you weren't a maid, what would you be instead?"

Her eyes lit up and passionately told him, "I would run my own dress shop, making new fashions for everyone to wear, just so they can feel beautiful about themselves."



"Something tells me you would be great at that."

She went sad, "Of course… with everyone in the village so poor, they couldn't be able to afford the latest style anyway…"

Capper slightly frowned, "Soarin told us about the village, is it truly that awful?"

She sadly nodded her head.

He shook his own head in disappointment.

She then said, "Well… let's not dwell on what could have been, instead let's discuss how wonderful this day is and how lucky we are to be spending some time together."

A small smile crept on his lips, "I agree." taking another bite from the finger sandwiches. "So do you have a favorite animal?"

She smiled brightly at this and answered, "Oh that's easy. Cats."

This time his eyes lit up and inquired, "Cats? You like cats?"

"Very much so. In fact, on some days if there's plenty of scraps from the mistresses' table, Fluttershy and I then take those scraps to feed the alley cats in the village."

"How very generous of you." he smirked, "I always thought of myself as a cat person, not sure why though, but I find them to be very fascinating creatures and my brothers tend to joke that I'm like a cat in some ways."

Her eyes widen in joy from this information as she exclaimed, "That's wonderful to hear!"

They soon went on an ongoing conversation about felines.

When they had finished with their picnic lunch, Capper helped her put away the dishes in the basket.

She swooned at how well he was helping her clean up.

He noticed this and teasingly said, "You like a man that cleans up after himself, don't you?"

She blushed, "Well… um, it's certainly nice that you're being helpful and not many men would do that for a lady."

"But as you are a lady, it is only fitting I do this for you." he took her hand and planted a kiss on it.

Her heart pounded like crazy and nearly fell over when she felt the kiss.

He then reached over for a rose that was hanging above her and plucked it before presenting it to her.

"For the most beautiful of all beauties."

She playfully replied, "Oh do be quiet and kiss me already."

He released a laugh, "Ha, and my brothers say I move fast."

"Well it just shows you've met your match, darling." she winked.

He cupped her cheek, looking at her with half-lid eyes, "That I have…" he wrapped his other arm around her waist and they moved in for a long passionate kiss.

When they took a breath she genuinely asked in concern, "But is my beauty all that matters to you?"

He made a determined look, "No, it isn't. And you know why? You're generous, loving, smart, and best of all… you're not afraid to speak your mind…"

She smiled brightly at his words as she drew closer for another kiss, uttering, "And you're not just a handsome prince to me, you're also smart, funny, and classy and I enjoy every bit of it."

He smiled back and eagerly accepted her lips. They were just so sweet against his mouth. Rarity was also enjoying the taste of his maw; she just couldn't get enough of it.

The sun was about to set and the couple watched it from the gazebo. They admired the beauty of the orange and red colors that had painted the sky.

Rarity commented in awe, "It's gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous."

He looked at her with a smirk, "Yes, you are…"

She looked at him and smirked back, "Always the charmer."

"Ah, but I'm only charming to you, my lady. No one else deserves my charm."

Those words made her heart fluttered. She declared, "Flattery will get you everywhere." and took his hand to hold.

He grasped it and dared not to let go.

She sighed, "We'll have to go soon."

He lowered his head in sadness, "I'm afraid so… Father would be furious if I don't show up for dinner."

"And I'll need to serve the ladies their dinner…"

They sighed together before facing each other and leaned in for one last kiss.

They got back to the manor and Capper helped Rarity down from the horse. She looked up to him with sad eyes. His eyes were the same way as he looked at her.

"Thank you… I had a wonderful time…" she told him in a heartbreaking tone.

"No. Thank you. You gave me a chance at happiness before it was too late, I shall never forget that as long as I live." he held out for her hand and he planted a long kiss on it.

Tears were beginning to run down her eyes, and she started to say, "I lov-" but she caught herself in time, fearing had the words escaped she would never get them back.

He simply replied with remorse, "I know…" and he quickly moved his horse away from her so she wouldn't be able to see the pain on his face.

"It was the most wondrous thing that had ever happen to me." Capper told his brothers after they met in his room, "Rarity was perfect, the setting was perfect, everything was perfect! That I never wanted it to end!"

Soarin and Flash exchanged knowing looks while the others were gawking.

Discord motioned, "That does it! Give me the straw! I'm dying to know if I'll go next!"

Capper handed the straw pieces over and Discord held them out to Cheese and Spike. The three brothers sucked in their breaths as they drew a piece. They looked and Spike and Discord groaned while Cheese was hopping around in excitement.

"Finally!" he went to an open window in the room and shouted out, "I'm coming, Pinkie!"

Discord quickly slapped his hand over his brother's mouth, and harshly whispered, "Shut up, you idiot! It's supposed to be a secret!"

But Cheese wasn't paying attention; he was too busy daydreaming about the love of his life.

Author's Note:

That's right, CheesePie will be next, then it'll be Fluttercord, then finally, AppleSpike. Sorry, if that gives away the element of surprise but considering which ships have been in more demand, I feel there's no need to hide it.