• Published 4th Dec 2017
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Time Bubbles - Janicethelight

Doctor Whooves and Derpy go on adventures through time and space

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Chapter 38: The Old and The New

Doctor and Derpy popped into the Tardis, laughing.

“I can't believe you got us out of there with a hoof full of catnip!”

“Well, I decided giant talking cats can't be too different from normal cats, and I always carry a bit of catnip with me in case I intrude on a feral cat's territory. I still can't believe how many things they knocked over, and yet we're in trouble for frightening them when you knocked over the vase!”

They laughed and laughed until their sides were sore.

“That was almost as good as the dog world.” The Doctor sighed.

“When we ran away while you threw a ball and every dog ran after the ball?!”

“Honestly, it didn't surprise me. Dogs are usually easily distracted.”

“It's been a lot of fun.” Derpy smiled, “I'm glad we kept going.”

“Same. Your universe is so interesting. We've been to five different planets and still no signs of humanity anywhere.”

“Who-manitees? What's that?”

“People. Humans.”

“Lyra talks about humans. She has some mythology books from canterlot that says we used to have humans in Equestria, but that was thousands and thousands of moons ago. She knows more about it than I do. Most ponies don't bother with ancient history before the three tribes lived together.”

“Huh. Lyra, huh. If we happen upon her, maybe I can borrow these books she has.”

“She would be happy to share them, I'm sure.” Derpy nodded, sitting on the floor, “Where should we go next?”

“Anywhere. Anywhen, my dear Derpy.” The doctor grinned. He began his usual routine around the tardis, but stopped midway through. The reason being that his psychic paper had fallen out of his tie, and was lying on the ground, paper up. On the paper, was written, HELP! in scratchy writing with a paw print as the signature. The doctor picked up the note, studying the print as Derpy walked up, worry plastered on her face. “Racoon print. Seems some of our friends need us.” His tone carried the weight of both their worries. The raccoons had asked them to never come back, and now they were asking for help.”Are you ready for whatever they might need us for?”

Derpy nodded, but her heart wasn't in it. The idea of something as stress inducing as the Crystal Empire crossed her mind. Fear iced its way through her heart even as the doctor changed things around the Tardis. She swallowed the fear like a knot in her throat as the tardis signaled it's departure.

It only took a moment as always before silence signaled their arrival. Doctor looked at Derpy for a moment, an understanding smile crossing his face. “Why don't you stay in the Tardis, Derpy? I can see what the problem is and come right back to tell you.”

Derpy shook her head, “If you're going, so am I!”

The Doctor took her hoof, “It's alright if your scared.”

“I am scared. I think you are too. But you're still going out because you know our friends need help. That's why I'm going to!”

He nodded, “Alright. We'll go together.” Hoof in hoof, Doctor took a breath and opened the door. Whatever he was trying to ready himself for, this wasn't it. Instead of the town with a perfect blend of science and naturalistic that they hoped to have left behind, the city of Ruhsla’ Tuhna looked as if it had been the victim of a war. Tools, gems, and metals were scattered. There was silence instead of the sounds of tinkering. The Doctor moved closer, hugging Derpy, who shook at the sight.

“What could have happened here?”

“I don't know, Derpy. Are you still alright to look around? I need to find any of the racoons that are around.”

“Yeah...I'm worried about Forsker and Procione…”

They made their way through the silent town, the eeriness causing their fur to stand on end. Derpy had an odd sensation of Deja vu. There was no sign anywhere of the boisterous raccoon creatures. The longer the silence, the more worried both ponies became that something terrible had happened to all of them. They made their way up to the grand counsel area, once filled with raccoons hoping to have their inventions noticed, but even in the gigantic open space, not a single raccoon could be spotted. The doctor's ears shifted. “Derpy. Did you hear that?”

Derpy shifted her own ears. There was a small pained sound coming from somewhere high above them. Both suddenly remembering Derpy's ‘trial on the roof, they looked up, their eyes wide in shock. On the roof, tied to a pole, was a badly beaten raccoon. They shared a look, Doctor nodding to Derpy as she flew up to the pole. “Hold on. The Doctor and I will help you!” She nodded, pulling at the ropes with her teeth.

“Doc-tor?” The racoon managed.

“Right. Good. Keep talking!” Derpy encouraged.


Derpy stopped a moment. Coming closer, “yeah…”

“I'm...so-sorry.” The raccoon whimpered out.

“Hey. Hey. It's alright now.”

“No. It's my fault. It's all my fault. I should have left it. I should...have been a good friend. It was...so shiny and...intriguing. At first, I was hailed...as a hero. Taking something from the chaos bringer...I should have known there would be a price to pay.”

“Derpy? Everything alright?” The doctor asked from above.

“I'm not a chaos bringer. And I don't know what you're talking about. Let me finish untying you, and then you can explain it to both of us while we tend your wounds.”

“YOU MUSTN'T!” Derpy froze, shocked, “This is my retribution. Because of me...so many racoons were taken...but we aren't compatible for it...but you are. Derpy. Take the Doctor and run! Get out of her and don't look back. Forget about Rahska Quari. I know now that you were not the chaos bringer...but she could be back, and she will take you and turn you into something awful! I'm sorry. I promised we would be friends, and I betrayed your trust.”

The rope had almost broken when Derpy froze, “Procione?!” The rope broke, and Derpy flew, catching her badly beaten friend.

She flew down with him, laying him next to the Doctor. “What hap-” the Doctor began.

“Doctor! It's Procione!”

“Procione? Derpy, stay with him. I'll go look for any medical supplies.”

Derpy nodded as the Doctor left, her heart not wanting to see him leave. “You're safe now, Procione!”

“You're not!” He managed in a pained hiss. He breathed for a moment before continuing, “Derpy, listen. You need to leave! Now! Before she finds you!”

“Who finds me?”

“She made a deal with the raccoons and Imbuka. We would be left in peace...but only if they gave you up when you came back.”

“What are you talking about?!”

“You have to leave before they see you! They blame you for this Derpy. But it was my fault. I took the magic globe! I incurred the wrath of the chaos bringer! Please, leave me to my fate and go. I am not worthy of your friendship!”

“Procione. I don't understand. A magic globe?! Why does this raccoon girl want me for anyway?!”

“Not a raccoon Derpy. One of your kind! One with a horn! She came out when I dropped the magic winter globe. She's been looking for you. And the raccoons want to give you to her!” As Procione finished, memories flooded back to Derpy once forgotten due to her stress of the long stay in the past.

Derpy realized now and understood. “Velmani did this...didn't she?” Pricione merely nodded, “you took the snowglobe. That's why she was gone. Poor Velmani probably thought I just threw her away and forgot about her...and she wasn't wrong either.”

“Derpy! I found some medical-” the Doctor stopped, noting the change in Derpy's body language. He breathed, ready for the worst. “Alright. Let's get Procione wrapped up and he can tell us everything from the beginning.”

Procione took a worried look to the doors of the council hall. The Doctor followed his gaze to the doors. “They send out a scouting team every few hours for supplies.” He managed, “they can't...find you here.”

“Then talk quickly!” The Doctor breathed. He wanted to tell Derpy to go back to the Tardis and stay there. He knew she wouldn't. She wouldn't leave him or Procione in his state. “Please.” He finished, eyes now in Derpy's direction.

Procione followed the Doctor's gaze this time and understood. “I just liked that it shined in the sun, and wanted to understand how you managed to get a snow storm inside it. The others were thrilled with both sides. We began running test until one day it broke.” He took a breath, eyeing the doors again before he quickly continued. “The horned girl came out with machines, asked what happened and before we knew it, she was using these chaotic psychic abilities under the guise of magic, and we weren't a match for her. Some raccoons went to her side, aiding her. They gave her any tools and materials needed, and before long she experimented on the raccoons. She was trying to turn us into machines, but the raccoons weren't compatible with her machines, and died. So she made us build a rocket, and asked every raccoon to send a signal if the mare who looks two ways at once comes back...And she left us in this state. The raccoons are afraid of leaving their sanctuary for more than a few minutes, worried she may come back. They think you and Derpy planned this from the start, saying the least you deserve is whatever plan she has for you. I knew better. Those raccoons’ blood rest in my claws, not yours…” he sighed, another whimper escaping him, “so leave. Get out of here, and don't look back! I don't want to lose my friends…”

“Procione…” Derpy murmured.

“You heard him Derpy. This may very well have been a trap. We need to go.” The Doctor nodded.


Derpy stopped mid sentence when she saw the Doctor pick Procione Up onto his back in one swooping moment, “Don't worry. He's coming with us!” He winked.. “Now, quickly and quietly, and let's avoid the main road just to be safe.”

Derpy nodded, following the Doctor away from the main strip and behind shops. They began walking back down the hill. They tread lightly around broken and bent materials as the went, Derpy's mind on Procione's story. After a few silent minutes, an eerie wailing sound pierced through the silence. The ponies stopped as Procione shook with fear. “Scouts…” he managed.

The Doctor took a look at Derpy, “This isn't your fault.” He murmured with a nod, reading her expression. “Be quick and silent.” He acted fast, tip...hoofing around the debris as fast as he could. The brush seemed to shift all around them now. The Doctor's senses were heightened. With their raccoon friend down and Derpy worrying about things she couldn't have controlled, their chances of getting out without being noticed were low. He hated seeing that look on Derpy's face. He knew she would be blaming herself. Chittering sounds filled the air. Across the trees, he could make out the shadows of the raccoons looking for scraps. They were far too close. It they decided to go into the woods...no, he had to concentrate on moving forward. He was more worried about Derpy’s steps than his own. With her clumsy nature, it was only a matter of time until-

Glass broke under Derpy's hooves at that moment. Derpy gasped, falling over right onto a giant piece metal. The chittering stopped and all of the rustling was coming Towards them. “Sorry…” Derpy whispered, picking herself back up.

Doctor nodded in understanding with only one murmured word, “Run!”

Derpy's wings unfurled, flying quickly first alongside the running Doctor but quickly outmatched his speed. Saw the Tardis first, looking behind her only to see no sign of the Doctor and Procione. Panic swallowed her as thoughts of the last time they were separated rushed through her mind. She closed her eyes, reminding herself that they weren't in the same situation. She wouldn't be stuck this time. The Doctor popped out a moment later. Relief swept through her for a half second before an entire tribe of Racoons came out after. “Unlock the Tardis!” The Doctor exclaimed. Imbuka and Racoon alike encircled them as Derpy thrust the key into the lock. She heard the click, throwing the doors open.

“Stop!” A voice demanded. The girl Imbuka without an arm walked up. She looked older now, and Derpy wondered how long they had been gone for. She held some odd metal instrument against Doctor's friend, Forsker. Derpy tilted her head in confusion as the Doctor's eyes widened in terror. “You know what this is.”

“No.” Derpy said.

“Yes.” The Doctor's voice wavered. “Please. Don't do this. There is no reason to kill any creature.”


“Right, Haoss Begis. This invention is known as a gun. It is able to throw a tiny projectile at exhilarating speeds. The projectile will fly through anything...and I do mean anything that gets in its way, and right now, this raccoon is in its way.”

The Doctor stood stoically, “Neither raccoons nor Imbuka are murderers. This tool...no, this weapon you created will only hurt. It won't help.”

“It will help. The chaos bringer challenges us and we stood tall. She wants Haoss Biggis, and that is what she will get. Until she comes for you, let's find you a room to stay in! No funny tricks now!”

She lead them to a jail cell, closing the doors. Derpy was in a different cell then Doctor and Procione. “Don't forget the brown one's sonic device!” One of the raccoons shouted in the group.

“Where is your sonic device?”

“Do I look like I have it?”

“True. He had to hold the device in his mouth.” Another pointed out.

“fine. Each Raccoon will take a shift watching them.” She ordered.

“Since when were you elected leader?” Derpy asked.

“Since the chaos bringer took the concave and Basura Colla away, years ago.”

“Velmani isn't the chaos bringer. She doesn't even look like the chaos bringer...and did you say years?!”

“One of his minions much like yourself then, I suppose. And yes, as in five years since you left.”

“Five years…” Derpy sat as the first watch began. “I know we were gone for a while, but...five years?!”

“You never really know with the Tardis.” The Doctor shrugged.

“And now the Tardis is open for them. What if they take everything out of it? What if they take it through time and space, leaving us here?” She whispered.

“Oh. Don't worry. The Tardis can handle a bunch of unwanted visitors.”

“....maybe it's better that we confront Velmani any way. I need to apologize to her for leaving her…”

“Derpy. This. isn't. Your. Fault.” The doctor emphasized.

“He's right...it's mine.” Procione sighed, paws over his eyes, “I just took it. I never thought it would cause all of this!”

The doctor wanted to say so many things at that moment. He wanted to agree with Procione, to describe exactly what his actions caused for every...creature? Creature. However, it was clear from his face and how they found him that Procione knew his mistake...he had understood full well that his one action caused so much hurt, and The Doctor knew very well how much it hurt to have one action hurt you for the rest of your live-s. He breathed, :”It was wrong of you to take it. However, you couldn’t have known this would happen, and right now, we all need to think less about fault and more about escape.” he murmured murmured the last portion, eyeing the raccoon guard that was eyeing them, “I could use my sonic, but our guard friend would notice right away and-”

“Eh, No whispering over there!”

The group hushed, but the raccoon couldn't stop the Doctor's thoughts. One: he had his sonic, and could easily pick the lock, so to speak, using it. However, the guard could well have the entire gaze upon them in mere moments with a simple alarm. The first thing was to find some way to get him out. He walked back and forth in thought. After some time, Forsker came into the building, bringing in a covered dish. “Hey, ready for lunch?”

“lunch isn't for another half hour. And I get my own. Leave.”

“Well, Alguacil. We've had a big day. Why not take off early. I can keep an eye on the prisoners. We all know that the brown one dragged me off against my own will, forced me through the woods and back. I am the last raccoon that wants them free.”

Derpy looked confusedly to the Doctor, whose ears lowered in response. Alguacil looked from Forsker to the covered plate and back. “What's in it for you?”

“So glad you asked. Your food is currently stored on my new patented heated plate. If I have this right, the heated plate should keep your food at the perfect temperature. Think of it. If you want hot soup, warm pizza, or a good old fashioned cold shoe, this would be the plate for you. Thing is-”

“You haven't tested it yet, and you thought I would want to be your Obette.”

“Every raccoon knows you can't turn down free food, Alguacil. Come on. For science!”

Alguacil took another look at the prisoners before sitting up, “alright, fine. For science. Don't let this group out of your sight. Who knows what sorts of things those monstrous ponies could pull.”

Alguacil left. The room became awkwardly quiet for a few minute before Forsker took the keys from the wall. Bewildered into silence, the others watched as Forsker unlocked the door. “If you hurry, you might be able to save your ship.” He spoke breathlessly, checking behind him every few moments.

“But why-?”

“Before we were attacked by the evil horned pony, we were living better than ever. The Imbuka taught us cures from the wilds and we gave them our technologies...plus, she's not the chaos bringer. She wanted only perfection....and you two don't answer for her crimes, nor will I allow you to be destroyed by her.” He spoke quickly, messing up the jail cell all over the place. He messed his fur up before turning to the Doctor, “now hit me.”


“It's the only way to clear Procione. You attacked and used your friend's ability to collapse an entire wall to break out and decked me out. Procione fought bravely to stop you, but you managed to take him out too.” He looked to the door, nodding before shutting it again, “If you wouldn't mind, Ms. Density.” He nodded.

“Ma-what? How dare-.” Derpy started, rushing to the door. “My name is-” Procione understood, tripping Derpy, who fell into the door, causing it to fall like cardboard. Forsker tried to catch it, only to be pinned by it, knocked out by the impact. “Oh no. I am...sooooo sorry.”

Procione stood, paws up to his mouth with a mixture of shock and humor going through him. The Doctor ran over, checking Derpy. “Are you alright?” He asked.

“Yeah, but...Forsker-”

“What in the elements of the periodic table happened?” Derpy and the Doctor looked over to see Alguacil staring at the scene. Procione looked from Alguacil to Forsker, an idea popping into his head.

“The chaos bringer has unleashed her power! We have to stop her!” He yelled overdramatically. He ran, jumping at Derpy and the Doctor.

The Doctor didn't think. He didn't even realize it was Procione. He saw something dark diving toward them, and bucked as hard as he could while memories flooded his mind. It wasn't until he saw Procione knocked out with a hoof print on his face that he realized what he had done. Alguacil eyes widened in fear. The Doctor stood, pulling out his sonic at him, “Run!” He commanded.

Alguacil scampered out on all fours. The Doctor turned back to Derpy, helping her up. “Are you sure you're not hurt?”

“Yeah. I'm okay. Poor Procione.”

“Hey, he bravely attempted to stop us from escaping ...more than I can say for their police...when he wakes up, he will he christened a hero. Though I do feel a bit bad about that blow. Oh wait.” The Doctor turned, forcing sonic waves from one end of the station to the other. “There. Now they won't be able to signal any others.”

“Good idea-whoa!” Derpy started before being pulled away by the Doctor, running with him.

“Sorry, Derpy, the longer we wait, the more likely we are to be caught.”

Derpy nodded. Outside, they found themselves in an underground city. The old concave had been converted into a man-raccoon made cave. A city as booming as the old one covered in glittering lights. The Doctor gave a slight sigh of relief as they ran. The raccoons still found a way to recuperate despite whatever hell Velmenni put them through. It wasn't nearly as big, but it was still thriving. The Doctor smirked. The raccoons were scavengers. They knew how to make something from nothing in any world. He could still understand their anger and pain...they lost lives of family and friends and had to make a city again from scratch...he was just glad they managed to make it work. Determination set in his eyes as they tried to run stealthily, ducking into corners, nooks and crannies any time a raccoon came by. Most were absorbed in some new technological advancement. They would look up when they ran. The Doctor quickly realized that the sound of horse hooves was probably a sound of fear at this point. Running has made them more noticeable, so they went as quietly as possible. He wished there was grass or something that could silence their hoof steps. But with the cavernous ground, every step seemed to echo that wasn't deliberately placed. Their going was slow moving. Derpy heard her heartbeat in her ears, swallowing as they treaded past a raccoon with his back turned.

Eventually, an bell sounded, and the Doctor grabbed Derpy, ducking behind a huge wall of junk as another small group of raccoons marched toward the outside. He motioned for Derpy to follow his lead, and went behind them as they walked the short distance left to the outside. With the group of raccoons, their hoof steps were stifled by the melodious marching. Once they were outside in the dark, the raccoons started to dart off in groups going in various directions until it was only the ponies left.

“Alright, looks like none of the raccoons go toward the hole you made, Derpy. Let's go that way.” he whispered, feeling his way through the night.

“How could you tell? I can barely see my hoof in front of my face!”

“ Easy. They would have bumped into us, or we would have at least herd them going backwards.”

Once he felt the Raccoons were a safe distance away, he turned the sonic on for a little light every so often. “There it is. Tread careful, Derpy!”

“I can't believe they didn't fix this hole in 5 years!”

“I'm certainly glad they neglected to.”

He carefully slipped through the hole. Derpy followed, thankful that she didn't topple a massive amount of rocks over. Doctor kept one hoof to the wall, creeping slowly with the other hoof refusing to let go of Derpy. He hoped he was right, and the Tardis decided to take defensive measures. Thankfully, it was difficult to hurt a Tardis…’unless of course you're wonky eyed pegasus with an ability to break anything randomly’ he mused to himself. That brought his thoughts back to the Tardis leaving Derpy to show him the snow globe. Why was that important? The TARDIS was trying to tell him something then and he hadn't gotten it so all this happened...he shook his head. He knew he couldn't think like that. He just had to figure out what he needed to do before more creatures ended up hurt. Another bell sounded, about ten minutes into their walk. Doctor hoped that was the sound to come back. They used the sonic as a flashlight as they navigated themselves to the gate. The gate had been destroyed by some force, and it looked like some sort of fight happened. The Doctor lead Derpy up the road, through the silent lower district. He noticed some raccoons that hadn't made it to this point, various robot parts stuck to their decaying bodies. He held Derpy closer, shielding her from seeing the bodies as he went. “Keep your eyes on me, Derpy.” He murmured, knowing from years of experience, saying don't look would always end in a companion looking. They came closer to the market district. They found the Tardis where they left it, red tape in an x shape on the door to warn against entry. The Doctor stood in shock, “I was expecting a whole gaze of raccoons inside, trying to steal whatever they could. I certainly wasn't expecting a keep out tape x on the door!”

“Well, to be fair, the last thing they took from the TARDIS is what started this whole mess. They probably don't want to take any chances.”

“Right. They are probably holding a meeting to figure out what to do with it.” Doctor nodded, “well, after you, Derpy.”

“Thank you, Doctor!” The two snuck inside, closing the door behind them.

“Well, over all, that wasn't so bad.” The Doctor began messing around with the Tardis console.

“Doctor...I know we need to leave here, but...I don't feel right about all of this. I really feel like we need to-”

“Find Velmani? I agree! In fact, I'm trying to do just that but there are far too many worlds and even more dimensions with the dimensional wormholes opening up. She could be anywhere, and I'm trying to figure out a way to find her without anything of hers to use.” He flipped another switch, and a helmet lowered down attached to a hose of come sort..or a big cord. The Doctor smiled, “oh, you clever girl! You are sensational! Derpy! Come here!”

Derpy walked over to the Doctor confusedly. When she was close enough. He put the helmet on her. “Alright, we can find Velmani, but I need your help. You know her better than I do. Think back to her. Remember everything you can, and the Tardis will do the rest.”

“Okay. I'll try.” Derpy breathed, concentrating on everything she could remember about Velmani. She mentally walked her mind through the day that they met, how she looked, things she said. The Tardis burst into life, responding its noise of travel. Eventually, it stopped. “Did it work?”

“I suppose we'll find out.” The Doctor nodded as Derpy took the helmet off. As she walked toward him, he opened the door.

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