• Published 4th Dec 2017
  • 1,095 Views, 35 Comments

Time Bubbles - Janicethelight

Doctor Whooves and Derpy go on adventures through time and space

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Chapter 13: TOT Syndrome

Derpy opened her eyes. The first thing she realized was that she and Procione were on the ground. She wondered if the stress had knocked them out. Had they been unconscious, and if so, for how long? But they seemed OK. No broken bones, or even a bruise. “As far as crash landings go, we made out better than I could have hoped.” She breathed, relieved.

Procione was starting to wake up as well, even more surprised than Derpy at their state. “Somehow we came out unscathed...but it doesn’t matter. We’re doomed now.”

“That’s no way to talk. The Doctor will find us! Until then, we find a way to survive, and get these bindings off ourselves. Once I can fly again, travel will be easy.”

“You don’t understand, miss Derpy. They threw us into the ruins outside the city. Only the Imbuka thrive here…”

“Imbuka?” Derpy asked, looking around at the decrepit buildings that the wilderness had almost taken as a part of its own.

“Savage raccoons that threw out the ways of science. They will do anything to get what they want...and they will eat anything they can get their paws on…”


Procione nodded, terror in his eyes as Hope slipped away. The two walked in silence for a while, listening to any sounds that could be approaching Imbuka. Procione stopped, putting an arm out to stop Derpy. He heard a loud creak close by. He tilted his ears to listen better. Moans of old wood sounded like they were mere moments from-, “Derpy! Watch out!” Procione tried to move Derpy from the danger too late, and both fell down into the remains of one of the temples, “I am so tired of crashing today..,”

“Thanks for trying to stop my fall.” Derpy hugged Procione before shaking off the bits of dust and debris, “Well, it’s probably safer than out in the open.”

“I suppose…”. Procione couldn’t argue with the logic, allowing Derpy to lead the way. “So, how did you meet this...doctor?”

“He helped me when I was feeling down after I delivered mail to him.”

“So he’s like the professor...like Forsker, and you’re me...an assistant.”

“I’m not just an assistant though. I’m his friend.”

“Friendship is meaningless. Only partnerships when necessary.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. Friendship had always been an aspect of pony culture...almost as important as harmony. We’re taught from foals that we all need to trust and respect one another. To think a place belongs that doesn’t have that. It’s shocking!”

“Yeah well, you’ve seen our leaders.”

“You need better leadership….” Derpy sighed when something caught her good eye. She stopped, dashing over to an old mural. Her mouth hung open in shock. “That’s...that’s Impossible!”

Procione checked around them before following Derpy, noting the look of recognition on her face. She followed her gaze to the old mural. He met a sight that every raccoon had been taught to fear since they were kits. He froze for a moment, the nightmare of a creature seeming to stare back at him. The snake like body noodles both ways, ending in two different legs: one fur covered with a hoof and the other scaley with claws. One arm was a paw and the other was a bird claw. It had a mane, and two different horns on its head. A mischievous grin was on its face complete with a snaggletooth. Even the eyes were different sizes as it’s head starred at the two of them. “It’s the Chaos Bringer.” Procione explained, “The creature that throws all rules out the window. Able to change the world in ways that make no scientific sense...some raccoons, like the Imbuka, chose to worship his ways. It’s said that he came to our world from a shooting star, bringing nothing but horrid changes.

“You… you’ve seen this?”

“No no, no… he’s just an old metaphorical tale given to kids as a warning. I still remember the nursery rhyme like it was taught to me yesterday.

Beware the creature of chaos

He only brings with him strife

You never want to come across

If you wish to keep your sane life

Keep science at your heart, dear kit

Remember that logic is true

Cast away thoughts of magic, it’s unfit

For our minds can think it through.

Every kit knows the chaos bringer...but how do you know of it?”

Derpy looked at the familiar symbol in front of her. She knew it. She knew it so well. But, where did she know it from. Her good eye went down as she tried to think...she had seen it before, but where? “I uh...um...well…”

“Got a bit of TOT syndrome, huh? I hate that.” Procione smiled comfortingly, “once I had it during an exam, ended up forgetting half the questions!”

“What’s TOT?”

“Tip of the Tongue syndrome...when you try to think of something and the more you try the less you can remember. Don’t worry too much. If you just let it go, you’ll probably remember how you know when you’re not thinking about it.”

“Yeah...but, I feel like I should know it…”

“Doesn’t every creature?” Procione gave a short laugh, “But, the thing is, you do know it, but you can’t find the file, so to speak. You know you know it but now how. We can at least help narrow it down.”


“How long have you been traveling the stars?”

“Not long…”

“So, it’s more likely something you’ve seen on your home planet...your home planet….But, that’s impossible. How could a terrible thing like that be on your planet...unless the magic you think your kind holds is some sort of different branch of technology that he had...his impossible technology might be your flight answer. Oh no….Oh no, no no no no no….”

“Procione. What is it?”

“The Imbuka can’t know that. If they get the idea in their heads that you come from the world of the chaos bringer-- we have to get away from here, back to the city. If we are really careful, we could get you to your doctor, and out of this world...and you can’t come back, Derpy. You have to tell your Doctor that you can’t come back. Do you understand me? You can’t come back ever.”


“The raccoons will chase you out. The Imbuka...they worship the chaos bringer...if they believe you could bring it back...they’d do anything to you in order to do that...anything. I like you, Derpy. I think you have his innocence about you, like a kit. I don’t want them to hurt you.”

“Procione, you’re scaring me.”

“I don’t want to, but I have heard of their ways of worship. No matter what, from this moment on, you can’t do or say anything about that creature or magic.” Procione was shaking, looking around as if the Imbuka would come out of the shadows. The two stood in silence for a bit, too scared to move. Derpy swallowed hard, taking a breath with her eyes close a moment, “Okay. Do we know the way to the city?”


“Okay, that’s not a problem. We find a way to cut these restraints, and I can fly up to-”

“NO! You can’t fly, Derpy. Your flying is impossible.”

“But it’s not. It’s-”

“I know what you say it is, Derpy. That’s my point. None of the raccoons could explain it, and to the Imbuka, anything unexplainable is a sign of the Chaos Bringer! You can’t fly, Derpy, or they’ll see you as an omen.”

“Wow. You really are worried. I’m so sorry, Procione…”

“Sorry? What are you sorry for?”

“I was starting to think you raccoons thought more about science than you do about their kin.”

“Oh. We do.”

“But, you’re worried...for my sake.”

“To be honest, I’m more worried for all of our sakes. No raccoon with any sense wants Chaos taking over again. We may love scientific discovery more than our own lives, but the Imbuka with their very idea of the Chaos Bringer, their zealotry bolstered by your presence, could take away all of what we worked for.”

“Oh...I thought we were becoming friends…”

“Friendship doesn’t further science!”

“Oh and I suppose launching anything that doesn’t agree with your logic into the sky furthers science?!” Procione’s ears fell with his eyes. Derpy realized she struck a wrong cord with her frustration, and took a breath, “I’m sorry, Procione. You wouldn’t even be in this mess if it weren’t for me...I really do mess up everything…” Derpy looked away herself, tears falling from her face.

“W-wait...Don’t cry. Come on. It’s not so bad. I mean, we’re alive right?”

“I should have just kept my mouth shut.”

“For what it’s worth...I thought it was amazing.”

“You’re just saying that…”

“No. Really. I’ve never seen the conclave like that.” he snickered a bit, “I thought at least three of them would pop from sheer anger when they heard you.”

Derpy smiled despite herself. “Their faces did get pretty red.”

Procione nodded, “I thought they were all turning into tomatoes.” he joked.

“Yeah.” Derpy’s ears fell, “Equestria isn’t perfect, but it’s my home...I don’t care if anypony makes fun of me, but I couldn’t just stand by without saying a word when they cut down my home for believing something they don’t...I should have listened to you. I am sorry.”

Procione sighed, looking over to her, “If I was in a strange place that called Rahska’ Quri savage for trusting in science...I wouldn’t have been able to sit quietly either. I don’t blame you Derpy...you’re new here, so you don’t know our laws.”

“Thanks.” she smiled, feeling a bit better. They stayed in silent for a few moments before she continued, “You know...helping me feel better didn’t really further science any...but it was a great way to show friendship.” She smiled before walking away from the mural, “We won’t get back to the city standing here, so let’s go.”

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