• Published 4th Dec 2017
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Time Bubbles - Janicethelight

Doctor Whooves and Derpy go on adventures through time and space

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Chapter 34. The Final Countdown

Derpy tried not to look back at the small heap that no longer resembled bodies. The orange hue catching her attention. Most ponies were looking down to avoid it, and the princesses were still arguing amongst each other. Derpy followed the light to the sky, expecting some sort of cloud work as a reason for the odd color choice. Instead, she noticed the sun’s orange glow. “Um...hey...what’s up with the sun?” she asked a pegasus next to her.” He looked at her before looking up. Horrified, he alarmed another soldier, and another, until a rush of alarmed murmuring was loud enough to distract the two princesses. They stopped, and turned. “What is the-” Celestia froze. She didn’t have to look up. The orange hue had already sent a shiver down her spine. She glanced, as if hoping her worst nightmare weren’t realized. Upon seeing the sun, her eyes widened. “What-has-he-done?!”

“Tia? What’s happening with the sun?”

“It’s...I think it’s dying.”

Luna raised an eyebrow, but from the look on her sister’s face, she could tell that she was serious. They were close enough to touch the border of the barrier now. “We can not delay. Sombra...He could kill every creature in the world!”

“This may not be Sombra. It could be an illusion to frighten you, Tia!” Luna reasoned, “Or perhaps there is another reason for the sun to be behaving like this.”

“No! That’s why. I was in pain. I felt it...I felt the attack.” Celestia seemed to be freaking out. Derpy wondered how long it had been looking that way. With every pony’s spirits so low, it could have been minutes...or even hours. “Soldiers! Sweep the border! I don't want any more surprises before we make our way in!”

“Derpy went with a soldier. It was better than staying with the two arguing sisters. Two small groups went opposite directions, sweeping around the perimeter. Derpy stayed in the back, lagging further and further as they swept.. As the group went out of sight, something caught her wonky eye. She stopped, turning the attention of her good eye on it. There were ponies popping out of the snow like daisies! Shocked, Derpy ran over before she thought. She stopped in front of the ponies. “Who are you?”

“Crystal ponies, escaping from the empire. Please don’t hurt us!”

Derpy felt relief was over her. “I’m glad some of you found a way out. How bad has it gotten?”

“Everypony has been forced to work for his majesty’s plan...whatever that plan may be. He keeps it close to his chest.” Derpy stopped them as she noticed a larger group coming from the hole. She gasped, “There are so many of you!”

“Not nearly as many as we would have liked to save. Most ponies are under some form of mind control.”

“I remember.”

“You remember?” one pony, the leader of the larger group stepped up, “What do you mean by that, pegasus?”

“I was in the Kingdom before it became the...Empire. And my name isn’t pegasus. You can call me Derpy.”

“DERPY!” The crystal ponies murmured to one another. Derpy became nervous. “What? Why is my name so shocking?”

“You’re not...the Doctor’s Derpy...are you?”

“You know the Doctor! Where is he? Is he okay? He hasn’t done anything reckless, has he?”

“Well…” the lead pony sighed, “Look, my name is Hedron. The Doctor...how can I put this...the Doctor believes you’re dead…”

Derpy froze, “He...he thinks I’m DEAD?!” Worry spread throughout her. Didn’t he say he lost a lot of friends...how must he be feeling now? Poor Doctor! “Where is he?”

“Last I heard, he was headed for the castle. He wanted to confront Sombra on something. Please, he’s saved all of us, but we couldn’t stop him, but maybe...maybe if he sees you…”

“...Right. Thank you!” Derpy said, rushing into the cave without a second thought, “The princesses are around the forcefield. They’ll keep you safe, but I have to save the Doctor!”

“Thank you Derpy!”

Derpy didn’t second guess herself. She couldn’t think of the how right now. That would come later. She just had to find him. She just had to save him! “Doctor, please don’t do something reckless before I find you!” She knew where to find him. Ignoring her aching muscles, she kept on into the mines, and out of them, heading straight for the castle.
One pair of doors was the last thing between the Doctor and Sombra. He had one last chance to change his mind. He reached out to open the doors, closing them behind him. There was nothing left to lose. “King Sombra.”

“Oh, Doctor. Good! Have you seen Amore? She seems to have disappeared.”

No reason to lie at this point. “Yes, I have. I freed her from this Place.”

“Oh?” the icy edge to that one sound could send chills down anypony's spine. “Why would you take her from me.”

“I didn't want a baby used as a hostage.”

“That was not your decision to make.”

“Well, I’ve never been one to take orders that are against my own moral compass, and I can decide for myself what decisions are mine to make. Including the decision to decide about decisions. Gee, that was redundant.”

“Well this is an amusing turn of events to be sure. Why the sudden about-face?”

“Nothing sudden about it, actually. But… I am going to be completely open with you now.”


“I... am not from this world. I was not even a Pony until a short time ago. I have wandered throughout time and space for thousands of years, and through all of that, I have saved countless worlds from monsters and tyrants of all shapes and sizes. I am a Time Lord, from the planet Gallifrey, and you have made me extremely irate.”

Sombra’s expression was hard to follow, quickling jumping between amusement, anger, surprise, and curiosity.

“Well, not exactly the reaction I was expecting,” the Doctor continued. “I would presume this means you have never heard of me.”

“No, afraid not. Your alleged reputation does not precede you in this case.”

“Neither that, nor Time Lord?”

“No, Doctor. Does this sadden you?”

“No, actually I find it interesting. And perhaps not surprising. Nopony I have met since I arrived here, or Racoon for that matter, seems to have knowledge of them, and that is very unusual.”

“So then. Why come to me with this information now?”

“Well, I will tell you what I know. I know that you were personally responsible for the train the whole time, because I was there when it happened. I figured out that the same trick you used on tiny flames here and there was also used against the sun. The same phenomenon that occurred when you were first summoned. And yes, I said summoned… because I figured out that you are not sombra, but something else entirely.”

Sombra gave a soft laugh that grew until it echoed through the room. “Very impressive, Doctor, you continue to surprise me!” Sombra spoke with the same icy tone, eyes gleaming with amusement, “But how did you figure it out, I wonder?”

“Well, you are by far not the only creature that behaves in this fashion. I’ve encountered many, ranging from symbiote to parasite. Very fascinating they all were. But ultimately, you gave it away yourself by speaking so alien. For future reference, the word here is anypony, not anybody.”

“Ah, so it was a simple problem of dialect.”

“More than that, using anybody or nobody isn’t done in this world. You look weird if you even try it. I had made the same mistake myself until Derpy pointed it out.

“So...even in death, your dear companion finds a way to help you, how sweet.”

“How DARE you talk about her in that tone.” The Doctor seethed, but realized quickly that Sombra wanted that...for him to lose his composure. He reigned himself in, “So… I have taken my mask off. Are you willing to take off yours? I know you’re not Sombra. So who or what are you really?”

“Always so direct and to the point. My real name, is Shadow King. So, have you ever heard of me?”

“Mutual ignorance today, it seems.”

“Unsurprising. I suspect very few besides Sombra knew. Yes, you are correct. I am a stranger to this world as well. And I like you, have been around, for a very long time. I was in this world long ago. I can’t tell you exactly how long, because I have no way to measure it. I ruled over this Kingdom, but lost it, and then I lay waiting for ages, until Sombra called upon me.”

“So you were defeated before.”

“Oh, you think I have given something away. Yes, Doctor, I know what you are trying to do. But that trick of old will not work on me now. I learned from that mistake and have ensured that it cannot happen again.”

The Doctor sensed he was being honest about that. But still, he knew there was always a way.

“As for that what: I am not what you need to fear. I am but a servant. A vanguard.”

“A Vanguard? For what?”

“Oh... nothing.” Sombra smirked and bore his augmented fangs.

“Are you just messing with me now?”

“Certainly not. I have given you the truth.”

The Doctor tried to make sense of it. There was something oddly familiar about his words, but he couldn’t pinpoint it. “Well, no matter. I’m sure I’ll figure it out anyway.”

“Of course you will, with that superior intellect of yours. I clearly cannot compete with you there.” He grinned. “Of course, more than intellect is needed in this world, which I’m sure you have begun to figure out. So, let us not delay any further, and remind ourselves of where the true power lies.” A beam of purple flame flung from his horn towards the Doctor, who just barely dodged. “All I have to do...is hit you once. Another shot fired. Another near miss. The doctor ducked behind thing after thing. He knew he couldn’t get hit by the beam.

“So.” he shouted while behind the throne, “All of this was some ruse to get rid of the sun. What, not a fan of light in your world?!”

“Sunbutt has proven herself unable to show care for anything other. Maybe cooling off is exactly what she needs!”

“And, then what?! Do you really think that Luna will just….forgive you for killing her sister?! For killing every living thing on this planet?! You do realize that this planet, like most I’ve seen, needs their sun to live, correct?!”

“Ah, but does it?! This world is overflowing with a different kind of energy source, Doctor. An energy source that can keep beings or all type alive even without the light of their crutch of a sun. You don’t realize it, but it is inside each and every pony you have come across. It is embedded in the soil, the clouds...everything. This world does not need the light of the sun, Doctor. They only believe they do.”

Sombra was next to him now. His beam too close for comfort as the doctor zigged and zagged to keep away from his blasts, “So, what, you’re some sort of savior?!”

“Exactly. These ponies don’t know it, but they have been led down a path of lies for...who knows how long! You saw Luna. You know how happy she was here when ponies enjoyed her work, and yet, her sister never tried our festivities with her Equestrians. Why? I can stell you. It’s because she loved the praise. She did not wish to share it with her dear sister. She wanted all of it. Not anymore. With the sun gone, Equestria will see a new age where the night sky gets the attention it deserves.”

“That is, until you decide the moon sheds too much light...wait, it won’t...because the moon reflects the sun.”

“Perhaps in the worlds you are used to, Doctor, but not this one.”

The Doctor was getting tired, and Sombra was making less sense by the moment. Perhaps the thing inside him went mad. The room was a disaster, He had to find a way to get around the blast, and get the amulet off his neck. “Right. Even so, Luna will not forgive you for this plan of yours.”

“She won’t know.”

“Oh wonderful. Just act like it wasn’t your idea. I’m certain that will work wonderfully.”

“Listen to you. The high and mighty Doctor. Tell me. Did you tell Derpy all of your Deep, dark secrets?!” The Doctor froze for a moment. The question hurt him in more ways than Sombra could know. And yet, Sombra saw his chance, firing a beam. The Doctor looked up too late. He was caught in the red light that quickly surrounded his body. It enveloped him, and then, he quickly felt himself being drained. It felt as if Sombra was pulling his very soul from his body, somehow. He fought against it trying to tear away for the sake of the other ponies in the kingdom. The beam didn’t budge.

Sorry, Derpy… he thought, his head bowing as his color drained from him.

BAM! “Let him go!”

The ring of a familiar voice rang out as Derpy ran over, bruised but determined as she rain straight for Sombra, and head butting him. In his shock, the beam dropped, the Doctor falling to the floor. Derpy turned her attention to the the Doctor, panting. “Doctor? Doctor!” His color seemed grayer than normal. She wasn’t sure what Sombra did. Tears came to her eyes, “Hey, you gotta wake up. Doctor!” His eyes opened.


“Doctor.” she smiled before his eyes seemed to close again, “No. It’s okay. I’m okay! I’m not dead. You didn’t lose me...we just got separated somehow. Oh, I am so sorry. Please, Doctor. Don’t give up!”

“How...how are you alive?!” Sombra asked, “He knew about this, Didn’t he?! Of course. He was playing me for a fool the whole time!”

“....no…” The Doctor managed to get up weakly, “No. Not this. I would never pretend...a companion is dead...not after...truely losing so many.” He looked over to Derpy, a smile on his face as tears escaped his eyes, “You truly are a mare of infinite possibilities.”

Derpy blushed. Sombra didn’t seemed convinced, “You had no idea, and yet she comes to save you. Well then, I suppose I can make this where I can have two things at once.” he grinned, his beam concentrated on Derpy now.
And, just like he thought, the Doctor didn’t think. The Doctor ran in front of her instantaneously, choosing to lose himself over her. “No. Doctor. Stop. Sombra, please!”

“That’s right, Derpy. Feel scared, upset, angry. Let those feelings fill you until you force this world to open a link to the new one.”

“Please, don’t do this! I love him!” she begged, tears falling from her eyes.

The Doctor felt a sudden warmth after feeling almost nothing. It grew, and, at the same moment, he was on the ground again. He panted now, closing his eyes for a moment to regain his senses. Sombra almost completely had him. Why did he stop?! He couldn’t help but wonder.

Sombra shook. Derpy rushed, tackling the Doctor as she sniffled, “I promised myself I wouldn’t cry….but I was so scared...I thought I was going to lose you.” She then realized what she said out loud, her face flushing.

“Did you-” The Doctor started, eyes still on Sombra.

“Yeah...I meant it…” Derpy looked away, her wonky eye keeping tabs on the Doctor despite her best efforts not to, “I think...no. I know I’ve been in love with you….for a while now. It’s...it’s okay if you don’t feel the same way as I do, but...I had to say it before...I couldn’t leave it unsaid.”

“Derpy...look at me.” The Doctor sighed. Derpy swallowed hard. Here it would come. She said her piece, and she was already imagining the ‘we’re friends, and that’s it speech’. She got her heart ready for the heart ache. She turned her head to face his, and immediately, their lips locked together. Shock quickly turned to happiness until the kiss broke after a few moments that also felt like a lifetime. He laughed at her stunned face. “I am so very happy to know you ‘aren’t dead.’” he teased.

She snickered a bit at the tease. It seemed those words weren’t something he was ready for, but the feelings were there. She could feel it, and her heart light up like alicorn magic in her heart.

“What...have I done?!” A voice asked as Sombra raised his head. Derpy and the Doctor looked over to Sombra, sitting while looking at his hooves. Tears slowly formed before sliding down his face. “what...what have I done?!”

The Doctor shielded Derpy in front of himself, hoof out. Sombra sounded different. Derpy’s eyes shifting to eyes of confusion showed she noticed too. Was he really himself again? Or was this some sort of trap since he let the Doctor go? The Doctor wasn’t completely sure. Derpy held the Doctor’s outstretched hoof, sharing a look with him. “Sombra…?” Derpy asked, “Are you...you?”

“Sombra...we want to believe you are yourself again, but just asking what you did doesn’t prove that you’ve come to your senses.” The Doctor explained carefully, “If you have regained your senses, then please...do something...or say something that only your true self would say.”

“I’m sorry…” Sombra managed, eyes closed tightly, “You’re right, Doctor...I was...no, it was going to drain your essence...through me...but when Derpy begged for your life, her love reached me. I was able to pull through. I...I couldn’t take your love apart...not when you only just found it. I wish for your happiness...I couldn’t...No, I refused to take away some pony else’s love from them...like Luna was almost taken from me...this retribution should not harm my friends as well as me...If I had known that the book in question would lead me to THIS path...I would have destroyed it long ago...I’m sorry…” Tears ran down his face.

Derpy immediately let her guard down. The Doctor kept his up, but chose to believe him. There was so much pain etched into each word. “Sombra, Derpy’s love brought you back to your senses completely?” The Doctor asked.

“No…” The Doctor was worried about that, “It’s trying to take me again. Doctor, I’m afraid. I don’t know how long I keep it subdued.”

“But, I mean...if you were able to break through because of us, then if we stay--.” Derpy said, hopefully.

“I don’t think so.” The Doctor sighed, “Otherwise, he wouldn’t already be fighting so hard.”

Exhausted, Sombra reached near his chest and slipped an arm in underneath the amulet and tried to remove it. It reacted by firing a jolt of electricity into him. He kept up the fight, gritting his teeth trying to break it free until he had no strength left. Breathing heavily, he placed his head back on the floor.

“It’s worse than that. I’ve been trapped in here the whole time, trying to find a way out. But it’s been taking more and more of me. You gave me an edge for the moment but now that I’ve use, that edge, the monster will come straight for it. Soon there will be nothing left.”

“No, I won’t accept that!” the Doctor said. He took out his sonic, aimed it at the neckchain, and with a squealing sound, the chain snapped. Immediately the electricity fired again, this time hitting both Sombra and the Doctor, throwing him backwards. When the Doctor looked back, the chain had already reattached itself.

“There’s nothing you can do.”

“I don’t play that game, and I will not give up on a friend!”

“I’m afraid, Doctor. Please. Get Luna. I want to see her again before I’m gone.”

The Doctor’s eyes widened slightly. An idea.

“Alright, Sombra. Alright.”

“Do you want me to stay with him?” Derpy asked.

Sombra ordered, “No! I don’t want either of you at risk. You won’t be able to defend yourselves. Doctor, I nearly killed you already.”

“He’s right, Derpy. Let’s go. Quickly.” He put a hoof to Sombra’s neck. “Sombra, hold on. Please hold on. We’ll see what we can do.”

“But…” Derpy began.

“Quickly!” He pulled her into a gallop back out of the throne room.

“We can’t leave him like th--”

“Luna is his best chance. Maybe between the three of us, we can get that thing away from him now.”

The Doctor and Derpy ran quickly out of the tunnel. The path never seemed so long before! They managed to find their way out to The snow covered terrain. Derpy grabbed the Doctor, pulling him along the outside of the perimeter.

“Luna! Thank goodness we found you!” Derpy breathed.

“Derpy! While I am glad to see you are well, I need to-” she stopped, eyeing the pony just behind her, “...you found him!”

“Of course I did.”

“And...he’s unharmed?”

“Well, he is the doctor, though there was a close moment there.”

“Sister. I believe we have more pressing matters than the reuniting of two love stricken ponies.” Celestia declared.

“Yes, and, as I said, I demand to speak with Sombra before you attack!”

“Why, so he can have a chance to completely kill you this time?! How many have died over this already? Even your newest little ‘friend’ almost died because of him!”

Doctor gave a look to Derpy, noting the bandaging on her wings. Derpy tried to show an innocent grin. The doctor sighed, instinctively walking closer to her.

“Tia, you don’t understand-”

“But I DO understand, Luna! I’ve BEEN where you are right now. I had somepony I cared for do something wrong. I thought, maybe, just maybe, there was a reason for it. I gave him the benefit of the doubt. And, do you know what happend? He took advantage...After promising me that he wouldn’t take things too far, he went BEHIND MY BACK, and took things MUCH too far!”

“Sombra is NOT Discord, Tia!” Luna burst out in a rage, “And I’m sorry. I know you had...feelings for him. I know he hurt you, but it is NOT FAIR to put me in the same boat!”

“But you are doing exactly what I was doing!” Celestia stomped her hoof.

“For a different reason, Tia! Sombra is...possessed by dark magic. Discord CHOSE to betray us. Sombra only wished to fulfill YOUR outrageous demands for our love to stay. I doubt he even knew it was dark magic when he cast it!”

“Then how do you know YOUR Sombra even exists?!”

“He does!” Derpy interjected, stepping between the Two with The Doctor right by her side.

“Indeed. Sombra was fighting with me...and winning, I admit...when Derpy spoke of...well, let’s just say she revealed her own feelings.”

Derpy blushed, and continued, “And then, he dropped the Doctor, and he was himself again!”

“Yes, I asked for confirmation, and the things he said...he would never say those things when possessed...the hurt in his eyes...it was definitely him.”

“Yes, because I’m sure as an Earth Pony, you’re an expert on arcane magic.”

“But, it’s the truth. His whole demeanor changed!”

“Fine, let’s pretend for one moment that when you left, Sombra had somehow managed to bring back his old self...can you honestly tell me that you are 100% confident that he hasn’t changed back now?!”

“Well...no…” Derpy admitted.

“But, he is trying, and we have a theory, though it may seem far fetched...Since Derpy’s feelings reached Sombra, allowing him to have enough will to hold this thing off, then Luna can buy him more time.”

“And then what?”

“We separate Sombra from the parasite.”

“No, it’s foolish! Luna, you said yourself that you tried to reason with him before, and he hurt you!”

“Yes, but Tia-”

“No buts. He has gone too far. He has corrupted this kingdom, killed our own equestrians, killed his own soldiers, and now, he has done something to our very sun!”

“Not he. It!. And we can stop it, and bring him back!” Luna’s face was inches from her sister’s.

“Or, you could be walking into a well laid trap, with only two well duped ponies to lead you right into his hooves!”

“You’re not listening. You never listened, Tia!”

“ENOUGH!!!” All eyes stuck onto the Doctor. “First of all, I never get duped. Well… maybe once out of thousands of times. Second, you two are acting like a pair of bickering fillies.”

Celestia scowled. “How dare y--”

“Now, If you two are ready to behave like rulers, maybe we can think things through calmly. Princess Celestia, I can understand your fears. You worry that your sister will misplace your trust, and get her heart broken...or worse, since from what you said...it seems like that thing has done more harm than even I knew. I have been here for quite some time myself. I can't blame you for suspecting me, and Derpy, who you know harbors feelings for me. However, I think we both know that Luna would never be able to live with herself if she attacked Sombra without at least trying one last time. Wouldn't you?”

“She did.” Luna replied quickly.

“And it was my mistake,” Celestia said.

“And only fate can say if this is mine, but only if I try.”

“Surely we can reach a compromise? If you will accept Luna coming to try one last time to help a pony that means so much to her, then we will be more than happy to have a pony you trust with us. You can even come with us if you would like. Give us one hour. Just one hour or less to try this, and then you can feel free to do as you please. BUT, if we come back, with Sombra in custody, you need to listen to his story before you judge him. I can guarantee you that he has been controlled for some time. Do you think that is acceptable?”

Celestia was quiet for a few moments. “I agree.” she nodded, “Allow me to confer with the ponies that I trust to come with you.”

“I thought you might come with us.” Derpy gasped.

“Decidedly not. I must stay behind for when this folly undoubtedly fails. And Luna, when that happens, I will save you from Sombra, but I will not be responsible for saving you from your broken heart.”

Luna sighed, but nodded in agreement.

Celestia nodded as well and then looked down at the brown Earth pony. “We have an agreement, Doctor.” Then she stepped away and called for a number of her private armed guards. The hushed conversation lasted a few minutes. Then, no less than ten unicorns formed around the three, backed up by armed Earth ponies. “These are the soldiers that will accompany you.” Celestia nodded. “If they think for one moment that you are attempting to harm my sister in any way, they will use any force to stop you. Do I make myself clear?!”

“Yes, your highness...and thank you. Hopefully with this chance, we can stop this without any more bloodshed.” The Doctor bowed low.

“Yes, thank you, sister.” Luna sighed in relief, “You won’t regret this.”

“...Just go before I change my mind...your time has already started.”

The Doctor nodded, the group running off. Once they disappeared from view, one of Celestia’s guards walked up to her, “Your highness, with all due respect, are you certain you can trust them.”

“Unfortunately, this isn’t about trust. The Earth Pony had one thing correct: Luna would never be able to start the attack and forgive herself without trying to do the impossible...Luna couldn’t do that. I’ve known that was the case...I told her from the beginning that she was too close to the situation...in an ideal world, she would have listened, and stayed back....at any rate, the earth pony and pegasus have given my a great favor...with Luna distracted, nothing and no pony can prolong us any longer. We must hurry before that evil pony twists Luna to his ends...like he has those two Equestrians. Give word to our forces. We attack NOW!”

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