• Published 4th Dec 2017
  • 1,095 Views, 35 Comments

Time Bubbles - Janicethelight

Doctor Whooves and Derpy go on adventures through time and space

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Chapter 30: The Price

Sombra leaped into a sitting position. Panic. Breathlessness. Chest pain. Sweat. Bitter smell. Shaking. What was happening? He tried to climb off the bed and nearly fell. Sombra scrambled over to a vanity mirror in the corner of the room, looking at himself. Were those the same eyes looking back at him in the dim light? As he gazed into it, still panting wildly, he swore he saw the reflection smirk at him. Sombra staggered away from the mirror and rushed out of the chambers into the corridor. He needed air. He ran for the entrance of the castle-like someone trapped under water trying to reach the surface.

The medallion around Sombra’s neck sparked with green lightning, burning brighter. The jolt knocked Sombra to the ground. It fired again. Sombra clutched at his chest; the pain in his heart felt like fire. He tried to speak but the breath was taken from him. He called out again. “Lu-- Lu-- Luuuunaaaaaaaa!!!! Help!”

The Princess of the Night leaped up at once, shocked to see the room empty and the door open. “Sombra!” She galloped out of the room down the hallway and found Sombra writhing on the ground. Two guards were trying to figure out what to do.

“What happened to him? Are those wings?”

“Is this really him?”

Stand back! Let me help!” Luna commanded, rushing up to him. “My love, what is it?” Sombra looked terrified, and that made Luna afraid.

Sombra raised a shaking hoof towards Luna’s face like he was fighting against the strongest wind ever. “I don’t want to be taken away from you!”

“Taken away from-- no, we’re safe now!”

At once everything seemed to change. Sombra’s breathing slowed. He took a deep breath. “Alright, I’m alright now,” Sombra said. “Just a side-effect.” He slowly stood up. “I have to expect there will be… complications.”

“Are you sure you’re OK?”

“Sure.” Sombra looked to the two guards staring at him confusedly. He looked towards the window. “Nearly sunrise. It will be time to tell my ponies what has transpired on this night. And I must make plans. Come with me, Luna.” He looked to the guards. “What you have just witnessed, mention it to nopony. But send a messenger to all in the kingdom, to be present at the castle, one hour after sunrise.”

“It will be done, your highness.”

Sombra and Luna walked back to the chambers. Sombra said, “With my new Alicorn eyes, I see all, clearly now.”

“Sombra, I’m worried about what just--”

“It is of no consequence now. We must act quickly.”

“Act quickly?”

They entered the chambers and Sombra closed and then locked the door with unicorn magic. He turned and looked at Luna. “Surely you see it too. This form is not enough.”

“Not enough for what?”

“For me to be with you.”

“What? Why? You are an Alicorn now!”

“Princess of the Night, just think about it. The Light is blinding, and fools are those who dare cast their eyes towards it; they see nothing! In the shadows, hidden from it, is where we found each other. In the dark, the deeper beauty reveals itself. Why must the shadows always yield to the burning rays of the day?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Surely you have felt it yourself. Co-ruler of Equestria, but who is really in control? What was the last decree you yourself made?”

“Well, I don--”

“Exactly. You haven’t been permitted. She has controlled every aspect of your life, just as she controls me. All of us. But why?!”


“This must end. We will only be free when we no longer have to fear the light. It can only be us. Nopony else!”

Luna’s gaze turned from frightened to serious. “What did you do to become Alicorn?”

“What I did, is my price to pay. My burden to bear. And I will overcome… any… adversity, at any… cost.”

“And what… is… the cost?”

“The light must learn its place. Too long has it enjoyed superiority, and in doing so, it has become foolish and arrogant. No more, Luna! The time of the dark is coming. And together we will rule over it. There will be no interference. No distraction. I shall see to that.”

Luna didn’t feel like she was addressing her lover now. She felt pain as if she was watching him being tortured. Her gaze went from his eyes to the medallion he wore. It was humming, and slowly getting brighter. “Sombra, take off the talisman.”

“What? Why?!”

“It’s doing something to you. It isn’t worth this. We can find another way.”

“Sacrifice my only bargaining chip? Have you gone soft?”

“What?! This isn’t you! Listen to yourself! Sombra, please! Wake up!”

“I am more awake than I have ever been! I see the light for what it is! I am appalled that you cannot see the same, having been in such a form, for far longer than I!”

“Sombra, I’m sorry.” Luna’s horn lit up and she tried to rip the talisman from Sombra.

Don’t you dare!” Sombra screamed with a voice that shook the entire room, his eyes glowed green with purple vapor. Before he even realized it, his magic had knocked Luna away. Her body slid into the opposite wall and she slowly got back to her feet. She looked with horror as Sombra stepped up. His expression was completely different. The strange fire in his eyes. Beams of red light leaped from the talisman. He looked angry enough to kill.

Luna winced, expecting an attack, but couldn’t bring herself to defend.

Sombra’s eyes returned to normal and he gasped. “My… my moonflower, what have I done? I’m so, so sorry.” He held up a hoof towards her cheek and Luna scampered away.

“Don’t touch me!” she cried.

“Luna…” He looked around, frightened, then placed a hoof to the medallion. Sombra then slipped his hoof between his neck and the chain and tried to pull it off. The medallion reacted violently, firing surges of electrical energy into him. Sombra screamed out. He pulled harder, but the device would not yield. The electricity jolted him into a spasm, causing him to flop to the floor nearly motionless. “I… can’t. I must… for us. I... can’t... be separated from you.”

“You don’t have to--”

Sombra’s eyes flashed green again. “She must yield to us!

“Let me remove--”

No!Sombra snapped at her like a wounded animal and his horn glowed with energy so strong that it frightened her.

“OK, OK. I won’t.”

Sombra calmed down. Slightly.

Luna looked around at the castle, at him, at the talisman, before finally speaking, “I don’t know where you are now. Sombra, but if you can hear me. Fight. I’m going to find a way to cure you of whatever this is! I will save you. And then I will be with you. I promise you! I don’t give a damn what my sister says.” She started to cry. “Wait for me, please. Hang on.”

Sombra’s eyes continued to glow. The purple flame of immortality emerged like mist from them. His expressions changed rapidly between sadness and fury, finally settling on fury. “Go. Go on, Princess. Tell your infernal sister what King Sombra has done. For all the good it will do her.”

“Sombra, I love you!” Luna turned and galloped out of the room.

Sombra watched blankly as Luna disappeared from sight. He turned and walked towards the mirror and looked at himself. He began to smile. The smile became laughter. The laughter became manic. His eyes glowed brighter than ever. The talisman fired forth red beams; green light; luminous purple smoke. The flame of the torches in the room changed from yellow to red, finally extinguishing in a flash of white light, leaving the king in a lightless room as his laughter continued.

Derpy awoke in a panic, screaming. “Sombra!”

The Doctor snapped up, “Derpy?” he asked a bit groggily from the floor where he had apparently fallen to at some point during the night. He shook the cobwebs off once he saw tears streaming down her face as she shook, “Derpy? What is it?”

Derpy slipped out of bed woozily, “He’s gone, Doctor! Sombra died.”

“Derpy.” The doctor hugged her close, “It was a nightmare.”

“I know!” she shouted before calming a bit, wiping the tears off her face only to have more replace them, “it was just...It was just too real!”

“It's alright. Nightmares usually do. Doctor let her go, helping to wipe the tears. He had complicated feelings. He hated seeing her cry, but part of him wondered if it was a good thing that at least this nightmare was in their world. Perhaps this showed progress. His mind ran with the possibility until his thoughts were interrupted by a fanfare from outside. “That sounds important,” the Doctor noted, and then realized derpy was opening the door.

“Derpy? Where are you going?”

“I know I woke up. I know it was just a dream, but I still have to see him. I have to see he’s okay with my own eyes.”

The Doctor nodded understanding, putting a hoof on her shoulder, “I'll come with you. We can see him together...just be ready for a bit of a shock. He may look different today.”

“Right. Alicorn Now. I remember. I don't care, so long as he is okay.”

With that, the Doctor and Derpy went in Search of the king of the crystal empire. Within moments they encountered a pair of guards. One of them was Ruby. A look of something between shock and awe was on their faces. Ruby stopped, and the other guard did also shortly after.

Both the Doctor and Derpy saw the fear.

“Ruby… are you OK?” the Doctor asked.

“I… don’t know. I don’t know what just happened. Something…” he almost seemed to be in a state of shock.

“Is Sombra OK?” Derpy asked, suddenly fearing that the dream was real.

“I… I don’t…”

The other guard interjected. “He is our King. We must still trust in that.”

Ruby snapped back, “Not if--” He looked down at the floor, trying not to cry. “He brought us together, my wife and I… he…”

The Doctor was getting a terrible feeling now. “Ruby, what… happened?

“The Princess… Luna… he--” Ruby choked up. “They had a fight. She looked wounded when she left. She was afraid. What could frighten an Alicorn-- she said she was trying to find a cure. The power, the dark, the--” He took a deep breath. “My allegiance is to my King!”

Derpy was freaking out now. “Doctor, is Sombra OK?”

The Doctor spoke more authoritatively. “Ruby, I just got woken up by what I assumed was nothing, but now you’re worrying me, and that doesn’t happen easily. What is happening with King Sombra?”

Ruby blurted out, “Doctor, I have known Sombra for years. What I just saw; it wasn’t him. It was something else. Well sometimes yes, sometimes no! I don’t know! Doctor, this can’t happen! He has done too much good! Whatever Princess Luna hopes to accomplish, I hope that with every bit of my heart, that it works, for his sake, for all of ours! I have seen countless unspeakable things serving under Sombra; we’ve fought against all manner of abominations, but I never felt this kind of fear until now. Something isn’t right!”

“Where is he?” The Doctor asked.

“In the throne room, I think. The fanfare to summon all to the castle has been played. He's getting ready to tell the kingdom...about him, and about some plan. He's...he needs help. Maybe you two can do it. There's something about the amulet around his neck.”

The Doctor felt a black hole settle in his stomach. The side effects. His mind reeled with possibilities of what could be happening, each one worse than the last as he rushed to the throne room. Derpy followed, sick with worry as confusion clouded her own thoughts. Millions of questions popped up at once. Both only knew one thing. They would do anything they could to help. Derpy only hoped there was a way they could.

The two found their way to the throne room where Sombra was murmuring to himself about something. The Doctor stepped in first, bodily putting himself in front of Derpy just in case. “Sombra?” The Doctor questioned.

“Ah, Doctor!” Sombra said, almost sounding suave. “Welcome, welcome! I’m pleased that you’re here.”

Both the Doctor and Derpy were immediately confused. This wasn’t at all what they expected. “I’m not sure if you will be. There’s been some concern.”

“Oh, yes, yes, I’m sure there has been, but all will be remedied. Soon everything will be as it should. These things take time, and like anything worth fighting for, some pain and anguish are to be expected. But in the end, you don’t think about those things, you only think about the glory of your success. Isn’t that right?” Sombra beamed at the Doctor; his head cocking to random positions almost as if he was drunk.

The Doctor felt like he didn’t even know specifically what Sombra was referring to. “Are you... sure you’re feeling OK?”

“I’m fine, Doctor, don’t worry yourself or your assistant.”

“Princess Luna is worried too, as are the guards who witnessed your fall.”

“Temporary problems that will also be remedied.”

“Would you mind submitting to an examination?”

“Examination? What for?” Sombra’s tone sounded more intimidating.

The Doctor hesitated for a moment. “Think of it as a check-up. You’ve just put yourself through an incredible ordeal that no pony has ever experienced before. Just for safety, and a bit of science. Just imagine all of the tests Starswirl would want to perform.

The King laughed at the thought, momentarily sounding like his usual self. “That is very astute of you, but anything detailed will have to wait until later. I am due to address the kingdom in ten minutes.

“Enough time for this, at least?” the Doctor held out his screwdriver. “It’s quite fast and completely non-invasive.”

“Very well, if it will help to satisfy.”

“If you wouldn’t mind standing?”

Sombra climbed out of the throne and remained motionless while the Doctor slowly walked around him, scanning and gathering data. He was getting a great deal of information, but unfortunately there no smoking gun. Attempts to scan Sombra’s wings and horn was fruitless. The sonic couldn’t even verify that something was there.

Sombra sneered when the Doctor scanned the amulet that was causing so much worry. “What are you doing? Leave that alone!”

The Doctor recoiled slightly, a bit shaken. And Sombra’s teeth caught his attention for a split second as the King opened his mouth. Were those… fangs? “Apologies. It’s fine, I wasn’t trying to tamper or anything.”

“Then what were you doing?”

“Just a comparative analysis, like what you’ve been doing with those mirrors. I only wanted to see if there had been any change.” He looked at the screwdriver. Again, he detected nothing particularly exceptional about the amulet. As before, as far as the sonic was concerned it was just a piece of decorative jewelry. “Seems the same, except, oh now that’s interesting.”

“What is?” Sombra asked.

“It seems to be resonating at a very high frequency.”

“And that means, what?”

“Oh, nothing I’m aware of. But it is interesting. Well, I’m sorry if I offended--”

“No, no,” Sombra said, almost sounding like the Doctor was being silly for even thinking it. “I’ve just been slightly on edge, probably just the result of the drama from last night.”

“Would you mind telling me what happened last night in your own words?”

“Doctor, my mind is somewhat exhausted at the moment, and I need to focus on the address.” Sombra looked sad, almost drained. Then in an instant, he perked up like he had all the energy in the world. “But please, both you and your companion, would you accompany me? You are not going to want to miss this; it’s history in the making!”

The two looked at each other, sharing a look of confusion before tentatively following Sombra out to the veranda where it seemed every pony in the kingdom was waiting outside. All eyes were on them, or more specifically, Sombra. As he appeared, the initial cheer shifted to a unified gasp. Murmuring grew to a buzz as all of the ponies in the Kingdom noticed the wings and horn. Sombra spread out his wings to give his subjects a better look, getting sounds of awe in response. After a few moments, Sombra merely held up a hoof, silencing them.

“Greetings, my Crystal Ponies. What surely you are already wondering, is true. Your beloved King has risen to the prominence of the Alicorn!” The entire kingdom erupted in cheers. The crystal heart spun, strengthening the force field more, causing crystal coats to shine through the crowd. Sombra held up his hoof once more. “I am humbled by your adoration, my Crystal Ponies. However, this is not an entirely joyous occasion. I have some...distressing news.” He breathed, as silence blanketed the ponies below. “As you all are aware, Princess Luna and I have been courting for some time. In the final hours of the Crystal Fair, she graciously accepted my invitation for her hoof in marriage! But-” he shouted the last word before the ponies could express any excitement, or think he might have been joking about the bad news, “Princess Celestia does not approve of this union, suggesting that only another Alicorn could be worthy. Even after the lengths, I have taken though, my beloved’s mind has been poisoned by the venomous words of her sister. The Princess Celestia will devise any reason to keep us apart. And do you know why?! Because she fears the dark! She believes our union would provide far too much for my fair Luna. It would give Luna that which Celestia has never shared: power! Princess Luna would have us who love the splendor of night that she brings, and Celestia would no longer be the center of the universe. I've realized the harsh truth when she refused to enjoy the fair. And when broke she poor Luna’s heart, she caused the crystal heart to dim, nearly leaving us vulnerable to the full fury of the winter storms.”

The crowd was growing angry now. Derpy and the Doctor exchanged looks of shock and confusion about this sudden twist.

“The truth is, my Crystal ponies, that Celestia will fight tooth and nail, makeup anything...even possibly go so far as to use magic to tamper with Luna’s memory, if it meant keeping us apart. The love I share with Princess Luna is a direct threat to her power! Her lust for power has harmed her sister, has harmed me and put all of us at great risk. I ask you, Crystal ponies, will we stand for this?!”

“NO!” a resounding cry echoed.

“No! We won't! We are a Kingdom built on the foundation of love. Celestia tried to destroy that foundation. The truth is all too clear now. She never sought a peaceful coexistence, only more ponies to subjugate. As far as she is concerned, the Crystal Kingdom fell when she separated Luna from me. Then let it be so. We will fight her light under a new title. One that will show that we are strong, mighty ponies who will not give bow down to the searing sun. From this point on, we will be known as the Crystal Empire.”

More cheers erupted. The Crystal heart suddenly stopped spinning. The doctor couldn't see it, but he definitely noticed the crystal coats completely vanish in one swift moment. “Sombra-” Doctor attempted.

“All the lands will know our name. It will command respect, and where necessary, fear. We will show the world that we will not be oppressed, and that the Heart… will… triumph!

The cheers and screams grew even louder. Ponies stomped their forehooves on the ground so fiercely that it sounded and felt like an earthquake.

Sombra raised his hoof again, but it took a few moments for the crowd to settle down. “Do not give into arrogance. Equestria is a powerful nation that has survived threats that rival our own. The road ahead is not an easy one and will be fraught with danger. We must make preparations. Taskmasters will be appointed to coordinate our efforts. When they visit you, show them the same respect that you have shown me. Together, we will win the day, we will conquer this abomination that stands against true love. Only then can my Princess, and all of us, finally be free!”

The crowd screamed with a deafening roar that shook the land and the roar eventually formed into a chant. “Long live King Sombra! Long live the Crystal Empire!”

Sombra turned and headed back out of the terrace into the relative quiet of the indoors. “Sombra, don’t you think this a bit hasty? We shouldn’t abandon negotiations, not this quick--”

“Doctor, I’m shocked at you. Surely you’re not blinded by the sunlight to what is going on here?”

“I’m not sure I understand.”

“In spite of the apparent unwillingness of ponies from your land to stay up into the dark of night, have you ever wondered; why is it that most ponies wait until nightfall to… how shall I say? Show their affection for one another in the most intimate ways imaginable?”

“I… never gave that much thought.”

“It is the absence of light that makes this possible. The dark is inviting, understanding. It ignites imagination, fantasy, wonder, and passion. It is the domain where dreams come alive and our fondest wishes come true. It welcomes all into its fold to behold the deeper beauty that flees from the light of day. But the sun? It makes Ponies feel ashamed of themselves as if they are wrong for feeling the things they do. It enacts judgment upon all that it sees and imposes meaningless limitations. You see, Doctor, this is Celestia’s very nature. She is a natural enemy of the purity of love. And I-- no, we… will stand for it no longer.” Derpy opened her mouth to protest, but the Doctor beat her to it.

“So you’re going to counter a defiance of love with hate?”

“Not hate, Doctor, justice,” Sombra said with a slight chuckle.

“Let’s make this simple. Are you declaring war on Equestria?” Derpy’s eyes widened at the word.

“Not until we are properly-equipped to wage it.”

“That isn’t justice. That is revenge.”

“And what is the difference? What is a criminal sentence? Somepony breaks the law, violates the rights of others, said pony is punished. Is that not the definition of revenge?”

“Punishment of criminals is to correct behavior and give them a second chance at living in society. War is a death sentence; it takes away that chance! And that isn’t just for the Ponies of Equestria, but your own as well!”

“A risk they’re willing to take. Love keeps us alive here, Doctor. It fuels the Crystal Heart; all that stands between us and Winter’s death-touch.”

“And the Crystal ponies coats stopped shining in the midst of your speech! Tell me what that meant to you, because, to me, that was a dangerous warning to you Sombra. Continuing this trail to hate could do far more harm to the kingdom, or Empire than you can possibly imagine!”

Sombra stopped in his tracks and turned. For a moment his horn glowed brighter. “You are with me or you are with her, Doctor. The small bit of strain on the heart now will be made up for by the love Luna and I will share in our Kingdom of the night.”

Derpy felt like she should say something. She needed to say something, but her voice wouldn't work from the shock of everything.

They returned to the throne room. It was much more crowded than it was before. Both excitement and fear filled the air.

“Sombra, could we please discuss this further?”

“Doctor, this must happen. Do not worry, I have no interest in causing a bloodbath. Casualties will be minimal… mostly. Once they see how foolish it would be to stand against us, Celestia will be far more easily swayed to see our point-of-view.”

“Do you realize what you are doing? There is still a chance for peace!”

“Oh, there will be. Once Princess Sunbutt yields.”

Laughter echoed through the room. Derpy’s ears drooped and her heart sank. Was this really happening? Her Princess, her Country, declared an enemy? “Sombra, this isn’t Princess Celestia. I know she’s better than this.” finally, she found her voice, determination in her eyes.

Sombra turned his focus to Derpy. “Of course you would think that; exposed to propaganda for so long. Understand that her deception is difficult to see beyond.” He took a moment, his mind seeming to turn, “wait. you said...when we first met, you were surprised about there only being one princess.” Derpy’s ears flattened when she realized what she just implied, “you know only of Celestia?! She has gotten so powerful in your time that she has completely cast Luna out of the limelight completely. I knew she was power hungry, but to hide her sister from her subjects. Surely, you can see now. Her reign only seems pleasant to you because she has no one to question her authority...Don't be surprised when your history changes, little mare.”

Derpy felt her entire being shake. The way he spoke at that moment sent sirens throughout her soul. She felt like the stallion before her was like the changelings she saw in Canterlot: he looked the same, but wasn't. “I-”

Sombra belted out, “Executor!”

A gray-coated pony in crystal garments approached. “Yes, Your Majesty?”

“Gather what you deem to be the six most trusted Ponies. They are to be my chosen taskmasters. Bring them to me at once.”

“Of course, Your Majesty!” The Executor bowed and then trotted out of the throne room.

The Doctor said, “You have time to prepare, Sombra, and I have plenty of experience with diplomacy. I beg of you, let me speak to the Princess on your behalf. I have more experience with this sort of thing than you can possibly imagine; I’m convinced we can avoid this.”

Sombra’s expression changed and he stared at the Doctor. “And let you warn them of what is coming? Give them a chance to attack before we are ready for her?” Sombra’s voice echoed like that of a god.

The Doctor’s eyes grew large and afraid. “No, no, Sombra, absolutely no. I have no desire to see violence here; I only seek a peaceful solution!”

“And yet, being an Equestrian visitor, your loyalty is ultimately to your home Kingdom.”

The Doctor glanced back at Derpy. She was shaking. The Doctor felt a knot form in his stomach. “King Sombra, I know what you’re probably thinking.” He bowed, as best he could on four legs, not even sure if he was doing it properly. “You are my friend, please believe that. I wish to see you and Luna happily together. If I can accomplish that witho--”

A flash of light emerged in the center of the throne room, accompanied by a huge banging noise, causing everypony to flinch. The Doctor immediately looked in its direction. A rift had appeared in the center of the room. It was visible to all present.

“Doctor!” Derpy screamed. “It’s wide open!”

All the Doctor could see was a blinding white light.

“Derpy, what’s in there? Can you see anything?”

“It’s dark. I feel cold. I see nothing but blackness-- no, it’s moving, Doctor. There are flashes; lightning. The blackness is moving, it’s like millions of snakes! It’s coming this way!”

“Derpy, close it! Close it!” the Doctor yelled.

“But, before, you said-”

“I know what I said! I'm sorry, but you're the only one who can!”

Derpy ran to the rift and touched it with her hoof. As before, it exploded and threw Derpy away from it. The Doctor was prepared this time and caught her. After the initial shock, Derpy turned, shaking like a leaf, buried her face in the Doctor’s shoulder and bawled.

The commotion in the throne room was almost deafening.

The Doctor yelled to Sombra, “See what is happening? All this talk of war, it’s frightening her, and it caused another rift. There is more going on here than the risk to the Crystal Heart. The fabric of reality is unstable and this is making it worse!”

“Interesting. Very interesting,” Sombra said.

The Doctor looked furious now. “What is interesting?”

“Tell me, Doctor, how long would it take for her to master this power?”

“Master it? We don’t even know what it is! We don't know if she is seeing these rifts, or somehow making them! If it's not made by her, then she could just see them more often when scared. There are too many questions. Why would you even want that?”

“Think of how much effort it took Starswirl to accomplish such an amazing feat.” Sombra continued, ignoring The Doctor completely, “Your companion does it without even trying. And if she can close these portals. She could possibly open them as well!”

“What are you saying?”

“Imagine it, Doctor. A force, powerful enough to rip the barrier between dimensions.”

“We don't know if she is the cause or just a victim of something else’s cause!” the Doctor interjected.

“Just imagine what it could do to a fortress or an army. Imagine if we could use it to raise against our enemies.”

“I won’t bring harm to Eques--” Doctor yelled.

“Then you are prisoners of war,” Sombra sneered, “prisoners that will be forced to comply.”

The Doctor looked between Derpy and Sombra, reading between the lines. Derpy suddenly fell to the floor as the Doctor released her and he dropped to his knees, putting his face mere inches from the ground. “I swear my allegiance to you, Transcendent one, Grand Regent of the Crystal Empire and Divine Protector of the Crystal Heart!”

Derpy spun her head around and looked at the Doctor, tears still streaming down her face, “What are y--”

“Derpy, do not question! Look beyond the deception of your false Princess and see the truth in the King’s words! ” He glared at Derpy, trying to show authority but only fear was evident in his eyes.

“I don’t--”

The Doctor stood and brought his face to within inches of her’s. “Abandon your loyalty to Princess Celestia, declare your devotion to King Sombra. Do not question my judgment, Ditzy Doo!”

Derpy was shaking again, her cheeks soaked from tears, hoping she didn’t cause another rift to appear. “Ditzy Doo…” she repeated.

The Doctor only scowled at her almost as if he owned her. “Do it. The age of Celestia is at an end.”

“I won’t!” Derpy stood her ground.

“I need you to trust me, Ditzy. This is the best course of action for both of us.” Doctor begged.

Derpy slowly turned and looked at Sombra, who stared back with those neon green eyes, to the Doctor’s pleading eyes. Slowly she buckled her knees and then bent over, staring at the floor. “My-my loyalty is to you... Great King Sombra.” She felt like her heart was going to shatter. She betrayed her princess, her kingdom. Her fear turned to anger. Her mind ran over thoughts. Did Sombra do something to the Doctor? Or was he this easy to sway?

Sombra smiled and applauded. “Very very good Doctor. And here I was starting to think you were soft; I didn’t know you had it in you. My apologies. You will be a great asset.”

The Doctor knelt next to Derpy and faced the floor again, fighting back against the pain and sadness. “Your Majesty, with your permission, she needs rest, as do I. We need time to come to terms, with… with... the grief of losing the world we thought we knew, and to let it pass into shadow as the sun sets upon it. For the final time.”

The ominous light in Sombra’s eyes faded away for a moment, and sadness covered his face. One tear came from his eye before the violet flame returned. “Very well, Doctor, and Derpy. Take the time you need. I give you twelve hours to mourn the death of your former reality.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty,” the Doctor got to his feet and bowed again. “Come along, Ditzy,” he said forcefully.

Derpy turned and looked to the Doctor with a hateful gaze that pierced him to the heart. Everything in the universe; the multiverse; that the Doctor wished to avoid, he somehow felt in that moment. The Doctor had to tug Derpy along, hoping she didn’t bite his leg as he did.

A couple of the ponies in the room congratulated them. “Welcome to the Crystal Empire.”

The Doctor nodded. Derpy trudged along silently, staring at the ground. They exited the throne room like a funeral procession. As soon as the Doctor was convinced they were out of sight, he grabbed Derpy and pulled harder.

“Do you really think I’m going anywhere with you now?!”

“Derpy, please just try to understand!”

“What’s there to under--”

“Not here! This way, back to our room!”

Derpy groaned, looking ready to slap the Doctor in the face. “Fine!”

The two of them stomped down the corridors. The Doctor continuously looking behind him to be sure they weren’t followed. Finally, they reached the room, and he closed and locked the door.

Derpy screamed, “You made me betray my Kingdom!”

“No, no I didn’t, and keep it down!”

“What were you thinking?” she screamed.

The Doctor put a hoof to her mouth. “Derpy, we’re in very great danger here. This is out of control, and I don’t know what to do.”

“Don’t know, but you told me yourself, you’ve gotten out of much worse things than this?”

“In a place governed by entirely different rules, yes. Those rules don’t apply here, it’s a whole new ball game!” Derpy’s anger turned more to confusion at what the Doctor said. He dove to the floor and peeked under the door for guards. “Alright, so far it seems the King-- whatever that is, is keeping to his word. Twelve hours. We need to run. Now! We’ll need protection and shovels.”

“What? What for?”

“We’re getting back to the TARDIS, and we’re leaving. Sombra looks at you as a weapon now, and I’m not taking any chances.”

“A weapon? What can I do? Accidentally crash into some--”

“He’s absolutely right. The power to rip through dimensions; unleashed upon a single world, could cause unbelievable destruction. It’s a game changer. I’m not letting him turn you into a guinea pig.”

“What’s a guinea pig?”

“Nevermind.” he sighed.

“you said yourself we aren't sure I'm causing them, right?!”

“Honestly, you could be for all we know, and even if you aren't, Sombra thinks you do, and at the very least you can definitely see and close the rifts that do appear, which means you might be able to open them as well. Sombra will try to force you to do that, and see how far he can push your talent. In his current state, i don't want to imagine what he would do to get you to see more.”

Derpy saw the Doctor visibly shiver, “okay. I understand...you did what you did to get us out as fast as possible. What do we do to get out without being noticed?”

“We’re going to have to be very cautious. If any other pony sees you, act casual. Acknowledge them as an ally. Speak highly of the King, the Empire, the Crystal Heart. Whatever you need to. Derpy, I don’t know if you’ve ever experienced this in your life, but this is war. It does terrible, unspeakable things. Not only does it turn nations against one another, but even the protagonist nations themselves are often split in two or more. Distrust; paranoia; xenophobia, will spread like wildfire, and in a world as medieval as this, I’m not willing to take any risks. Now, let’s go find survival equipment.”

“What for?”

“We need to get to the TARDIS. Now.”



“....I'm really scared.”

The Doctor gave a short laugh, “I would be far more worried if you weren't scared, my friend. I promise I won't let him use you like that.”

Derpy nodded, hugging the Doctor. The two opened the door seeing two guards coming their way. “Long live the Crystal Empire!” the Doctor nodded, starting to come out.

“where are you going?” one of the guards asked.

“My...Derpy was saying she hasn't eaten today. We were going to get some food.”

“We will call and order food to your room. King Sombra has ordered no one to come in or out of your room!”

“Oh...of course…”

“For your own protection. He worries that you may be targeted by the crystal ponies for being outsiders.”

“I'm sure that is exactly what he is worried about.” The Doctor murmured under his breath. He then spoke aloud, “Thank you, kind Crystal guards. I shall let her know the food will be here soon.” Doctor shut the door, cursing under his breath, “Well, I suppose that would have been too easy. Let me think…”

Derpy sat on the bed, shaking again. “Doctor...I think...I think my nightmare came true…”

“What do you mean?”

Derpy bit her lip, looking to the door before she whispered, “He’s gone, Doctor. That's not Sombra. At least, not the Sombra we know. Did my dream cause this somehow?!” tears streamed down her eyes again.

The Doctor hugged Derpy tight, “No, it may very well have been trying to warn you! No, this is from his choice of using whatever he used to turn himself into an alicorn.”

“If this is how he is now, it must have been some powerful and dark magic.” Derpy murmured.

The Doctor’s looked slightly frustrated for a moment, and then he sighed.

“What?” Derpy asked.

“I’m sorry, Derpy, I’m just not prepared to accept this. No, it’s something else. Some kind of parasite, perhaps. Brain implant. Mind-altering substance. I don’t know!”

Derpy cocked her head to one side. “You don’t believe in magic? Like the raccoons?”

“I... believe that magic is science that has yet to be discovered.”

Derpy looked down, hurt. “Why do you even want to be friends with me? You must think I’m-- all of us-- are delusional.”

“No! No! Derpy, I don’t think you’re delusional. You are wonderful. I don’t need you to view everything as I do in order to accept you. I love varying viewpoints; how boring would the world be if everypony thought exactly the same?”


“No but’s, Derpy. I think no less of you for believing in magic.”

Silence drifted over the two. The Doctor went back to thinking of a way out, trotting over to the giant windows over the castle. It was a long way to the bottom. He tested the window. It was open. He breathed easier. Sombra hadn't thought of everything at least. He tip hoofed over to Derpy. “Derpy? He murmured, “do you think you could fly us down?”

Derpy followed the Doctor silently, looking through the giant window. She looked at the bottom, swallowing loudly, “I've never held a pony for that long...but I think I can do it.”

“I'm depending on you.” The doctor nodded, “now, we need to make it seem like we are still in here. Otherwise, they will probably notice we’re gone before we find the supplies we need.” The doctor roamed around the room when a knock made the two nearly jump out their fur. Derpy quickly closed the window. “Come in.”

A Crystal pony came in with food for the two, eyeing them with a suspicious gaze. They left the tray, going out. The two let out a breath they didn't know they held. “Okay, let's-” Derpy heard her stomach rumble in protest, blushing, “Uh…”

“Derpy, eating breakfast will help us keep energy.” The Doctor prompted.

“well, can't argue with that!” Derpy opened the door tray, only to pout, “awwww, no muffins?”

“Sorry, Derpy. Just eat something else.”

“That's easy for you to say. They didn't forget your corn.” Derpy sighed, eating the pancakes a bit gloomily.

After their meal, Derpy quietly opened the window once more. The Doctor quickly went to work stuffing the bed with pillows before throwing a blanket on top. He also stuffed the couch with anything he could find, covering it up as well. Once he was certain that the room looked like they were sleeping in it, he made his way to Derpy and the window. Eating at least gave time for the crowd to thin out to help in whatever way they could. Derpy took another look down, taking a breath, “alright, Doctor. Make sure you hold on tight. Here goes nothing.” Doctor held on to Derpy as tight as he could with hooves. Derpy unfolded her wings, flapping a few times before she flew, aware of the Doctor’s weight as she held onto him as well. “How far should we fly?” she asked.

“Let’s try to find a market. There should he somepony there who will be selling survival gear.” The Doctor nodded.

“I'll try.” Derpy nodded, noting that she was steadily declining as they flew. She stayed close to the castle at first, trying to stay out of sight of most ponies. She worried about being seen escaping. She looked for a place to land for the moment seeing an area at the bottom of the castle, breathing a moment. “Sorry, Doctor. We can still go to the market, but I didn't want to be noticed sneaking out of the castle.”

“No, you were right to do so. We can continue to fly in a moment... I think you accidentally brought us exactly where we need to be most…” the Doctor walked over behind Derpy to what he saw when he looked back. Behind Derpy was the Crystal heart, “as I expected...look at this, Derpy.”

Derpy turned to the heart, Doctor...it doesn't seem as bright…”

“it's not as bad as when Luna broke Sombra’s heart, but there is a definite dimming problem. If they keep up this hatred, then it will end much much worse than that moment.”

“What are you doing near the heart?” a random Crystal Pony sneered. “Filthy Equestrians!”

“We’re not fi--” Derpy began.

“Save your insults for the enemy for Sombra’s sake, we’re defectors, and we’re going to do our part to give that Celestia exactly what she deserves!”

“I’ll ask again, what are you doing here?”

“Admiring the Empire’s most prized artifact? I would say that’s a perfectly acceptable thing for a Crystal Po--”

“You are not Crystal Ponies, and don’t you forget it! You just watch yourselves.” The pony gave them a final glare before trotting off, trying but failing to flick them in the face with her tail.

The Doctor took a deep breath. “It’s already starting. We have to--” He turned around and faced the heart again. “A-ha. Maybe we are… doing… something here.” He took out his sonic and aimed it at the heart.

“Doing… what?”

“Finding the right resonance.” The screwdriver hummed a series of different sounds. The heart vibrated briefly and then suddenly began spinning rapidly. “Now, come on, you have to have at least a bit of positive energy still in there.” He fired a quick burst of light from the screwdriver and the heart responded with a pulse of its own. In moments, both the Doctor and Derpy had gained a crystal sheen.

“There. Now we look like Crystal Ponies fresh from the Fair. If any of them ask how we still look so shiny, we just talk about how in love we--”

“Do--Doc--” Derpy said, sounding bashful. She was glad that with the crystal sheen he wouldn’t be able to notice her blushing. “Doctor, Crystal Ponies don’t have wings.”

“Right, right. Pegasus. Here we go.” He took off his coat and threw it over Derpy. “Voila!”

The Crystal Heart stopped spinning again, looking slightly dimmer still.

Derpy looked at it with worried eyes. “Doctor, is it right to leave? I mean, so many ponies are in danger.”

The Doctor stayed quiet for a long moment. “I know it's bad... I don't like it either, but with your odd talent, this is for the best. We haven't seen Luna, so I can only hope that she noticed Sombra’s change and went to tell her sister. Two Alicorns will be able to take him, and hopefully, help him.”

“I suppose that makes sense. Though, I still worry for the sake of Princess Luna.”

“I worry too. We just have to hope for the best.”

Derpy took one more look at the heart before sneaking with the Doctor out, and around. They asked some ponies about the market, pretending they wanted to help with the war effort. They shouted hail to the crystal empire more times than they could count. It felt like a completely different place. The positive energy of the Crystal Fair was gone. In its place was fear and anger. Finally, the found the market, and with it, a sea of ponies buying who knows what for who knows why. It was a madhouse! Making their way through the swarm was impossible.
“Maybe I can fly over,” Derpy suggested after failing at squeezing through the crowds.

“It would attract too much attention to us. We need to keep ourselves from sticking out like sore thumbs!”

“A sore what?!”

“Uh….just...we need to stay as blended in as possible.”

“But we can't just wait it out-” Derpy paused, hearing the sound of marching approaching the market.

A group of soldiers, a couple of them pulling covered wagons behind them came into view. “Attention, good merchants, by order of King Sombra, all crystalline materials for sale are to be requisitioned for the war. Donation of the resources is mandatory.”

“Mandatory donations? I don’t think he understands what those words mean,” the Doctor grumbled. Most of the merchants were delighted to help. Others, not so much. The two stayed mostly out of sight, quietly watching as a loud argument began between one of the sellers and the commanding officer. The shouting eventually grabbed the attention of the entire square.

“Now’s our chance. Go!” the Doctor whispered. They made their way through the market, looking at all the tables, and peeking into some of the tents, eventually finding one marked by a pair of crisscrossing snowshoes. “This may be what we’re looking for,” the Doctor said. The two of them entered the tent, completely unnoticed by the merchant who was staring across the market towards the commotion surrounding the soldiers.

“Some heavy coats, the shoes will make our lives simpler, and ah-ha! Shovels!”

“That will cost you 96 Facets.”

Both of them froze for a moment before the Doctor began to speak confidently. “We are here on official orders to collect some important goods for the King, now do be a good fellow and cooperate.”

Official orders? Why aren’t you addressed appropriately?”

“These are dangerous times, sir, not all soldiers can look like soldiers. But if it will help convince you.” He reached into the pocket of the coat Derpy was wearing, fished out a wallet, opened it and showed his psychic paper to the merchant. The Doctor added, “I would advise you to deal with me. Those soldiers who are cleaning out the marketplace, they’re not as patient as I am.”

The Doctor could never be sure exactly what appeared to others on the psychic paper, but it did its job. Whatever the merchant saw, it looked legitimate enough. “Anything for his Majesty. My apologies.” He loaded everything into a bag and then slung it over the Doctor’s back.

“Let’s go, Miss D,” the Doctor said. “We mustn’t keep King Sombra waiting.” They both scampered out of the tent, meandered towards the palace for a moment, and then made a turn for the perimeter in the direction of the TARDIS.

The further they got from the square, the quieter things became. At least momentarily. The quiet gave way to a different sound, the sound of crying. The Doctor wanted to keep pressing towards the TARDIS, but his curiosity got the better of him.

They turned a corner, moving along the edge of a home to an adjacent street and spotted another covered wagon. This one looked more armored. Two soldiers were hitched to it. Nopony was looking near the back, and Derpy trotted up to the back of the wagon to peer inside.

“Derpy, get back here!” the Doctor whispered.

Derpy was confused by what she saw. Crystal ponies were crammed into it, all of them sad; a couple of them weeping. One of them peeked her head up slightly and glanced at Derpy before looking back towards the floor.

“Hey! Get away from there!” a soldier yelled, scaring Derpy away.

“Doctor, they’re rounding up ponies. What for?”

“The taskmasters,” the Doctor muttered. He peeked around the corner of the house, past the wagon to where there was a crystal pony in a prismatic cloak. On his head was a small signet crystal. It glowed green and emitted a purple smoke, just like Sombra’s amulet. The stallion rapped on the door and it opened shortly thereafter.

“Can I help you?” asked the stallion who peeked his head out.

“Will all in the household please exit?” the taskmaster commanded.

He glanced back into the home. “Sadie, they’re here. Both you and the foals, they want to see us.”

The Taskmaster said, “Jasper Anatexis, you have been recruited to join the ranks of the first army of the Crystal Empire.”

Jasper was shocked. “What? Why? I’ve been a smith my entire life, why would you--”

“A stallion who can wield the hammer can wield the finished product just as well with the proper training. Equestria’s sheer numbers are far greater than ours. We are not short on artisans, sir, we are short on fighters.”

“And my wife and foals?”

“They will go to the crystal mines.”

Crystal mines?! What? Our youngest she’s only six!”

“We all have our orders, Mr. Anatexis.”

“Can’t we talk about this?”

“I have 4,697 more houses to visit today, I have no time to talk. Are you going to cooperate or not?”

“I will fight for our nation, but my family doesn’t des--”

A bolt of energy shot out of the taskmaster’s signet, split in two, and entered Jasper’s eyes. He staggered backward until he hit the wall of his home, flailing his head back and forth like he was trying to shake something off of his face. At once, his struggle stopped. His angry expression was replaced with a blank stare, and his eyes were now green.

“Jasper?” his wife said.

Jasper glanced at her and then his foals for a brief moment, then quietly trotted to the back of the wagon and hopped in.

The Taskmaster turned and saw that the commotion had drawn a number of concerned ponies from their homes. He spoke loudly and firmly, “Let that be a warning to all of you, that is what will happen to those who defy Taskmaster orders; this is not our first preference though, every pony controlled is one less who can power the Crystal Heart, so thank you in advance for your cooperation!

He turned and faced the rest of the family, who were all clearly frightened. “Do I need to persuade any more of you to follow orders?”

They all slowly made their way towards the wagon.

The Doctor pulled Derpy away from the scene and they ran towards the TARDIS even faster, then stopping at the perimeter.

“Alright, Derpy,” he said, pulling the saddlebags off of him and taking out the winter cloaks. “We have to do this before somepony catches us.”

“Doctor, we can’t leave them like this! They need our help!”

“We can’t do this now, Derpy, it’s too dangerous.” Truthfully, the Doctor had no plan to abandon the former Crystal Kingdom. “I’ll take Derpy home, send her to get some muffins for a picnic, or check to see if this changed anything in her time, and I’ll be back here before she can do anything about it.”

They put on the cloaks and the snowshoes, each grabbed a shovel, and the Doctor took one last look around to ensure that no other pony was watching them. Through the barrier, they went into the blizzard, which had intensified again. But this time it was daylight, and somewhat easier to see.

“That’s strange. I would have thought the snow would have covered my tracks by now,” he said, looking at his path still visible. “Oh well, it’ll be easy to find this way,” he yelled above the killer winds.

They moved quickly across the snowy fields and came to the ditch the Doctor had dug. But something wasn’t right. The ditch looked deeper. Much deeper than before. “Oh, no,” the Doctor yelled. “No, no, no!”

“What’s wrong?” Derpy asked.

The Doctor jumped down into the ditch with his shovel and began to dig. “Come on, where are you? Don’t do this to me now!”

“Do what?! Who?”

Frustrated he threw down the shovel and took out his sonic and scanned the area. Terror covered his face. “She’s gone!”


“She’s gone! Why would she--” He scrambled to get back out of the ditch with a little help from Derpy to pull him up. He scanned a wider area and the sonic’s tone changed when he pointed it towards the city. “It’s inside the Empire, somewhere around the palace from the looks of it, and I have a pretty good idea of how it got there.”

“What do we do?” Derpy asked.

“We’re stuck. We can’t stay out here, so our only option is back in there.”

The pair trudged, less hopeful, back into the relative safety of the forcefield and removed the garments. “We’ll head back to the palace, go back in through the window.”

Derpy felt concerned. “Doctor, I don’t know if I’m strong enough. Going down, sure, but up? That high?”

“We’ll just have to try.”

“And Doctor, I think we’re fading.”

He looked at himself and at Derpy. Their crystal sheen wasn’t as strong as before. The effect was wearing off. “We don’t have much time.”

The pair had traveled back roughly half way when at the other end of the street they saw a Pegasus and a tiny foal backed to a wall. Facing off against them were a couple of crystal ponies; a stallion and a mare. “I’d have thought you would be running back to your beloved Celestia by now,” the stallion said to the Pegasus.

“This is my home. I’ve been here for years. I’m married to a Crystal Pony, and I love this land.”

“And what did you think of King Sombra’s speech? Did you find it moving?” the mare asked.

Melody’s ears drooped slightly.

“That’s what I thought,” the mare said, shoving her into the wall.

Melody begged, “No, I only dream of a united world, I don’t want it torn apart again!”

“Doctor?” Derpy said.

The mare shoved her again, smacking her head against the wall of the building, and causing her to collapse. The little foal started screaming.

“Doctor!” Derpy screamed, but the Doctor was already running for the group.

“Back off!” he yelled as Derpy jumped between Melody and the attackers.

“What is your business here, we’re just making sure these lowlives remember their place in the order of things.”

“I said, back off!” the Doctor yelled.

“Or what?” the stallion asked.

The Doctor fished out his psychic paper again and held it in the face of the pair. “Is this good enough for you? Now get back to whatever you were doing and forget you saw us, we are not to be trifled with. And if I catch you roughing those two up again, I can think of a couple of very interesting things that could be done with you.”

The crystal stallion gently prodded his friend. “Come on, let’s go. We made our point.”

“Hey, are you, alright?” Derpy asked, concerned.

“Ow. I'll admit, I've had better days…” she sighed, trying to calm the tiny foal still crying, “Hush my little Amore. Everything is alright. Shhhh.” she picked up her baby, rocking her gently.

Derpy watched and gasped. “You’re bleeding!”

Doctor noticed it too. The mother must have scraped the back of her head as she fell. “I know.” Melody replied shaking, “But I need to let Amore know everything will be okay. It's just a scratch. “

“Melody, do you have anywhere safe?” The Doctor asked quickly.

“We can hide at my place for now.”

“Thank you. We need to be careful though. We have no idea if those ponies have visited your home.”

“Those ponies?”

“We will explain everything when we get there.”

The three stuck to the sides of the houses, opting for stealth. Once the ponies made it to her house, the Doctor recounted what happened in the market, and at the houses.

“We need a plan of some sort…” the Doctor murmured. Derpy found the bandages and carefully wrapped Melody’s cut.

“Is it alright with you if I use this to check you for further injuries?” the Doctor asked.

“That would be fine.”

The Doctor began to scan Melody in much the same fashion he did with Sombra.

“How did you come here in the first place, Melody?” Derpy asked, curiously.

“There is an unfinished train station outside of the force field.”

“I’m guessing this stop is the end of the line?” the Doctor asked, still scanning.

“Yes, and there’s no regular schedule. It’s only been used a hoof-full of times, mostly by Starswirl the Bearded.”

“And the Princesses probably took it home, so the train probably isn’t sitting here waiting for any of us,” Derpy said.

“There is a spare engine on a side track, along with a couple of cars, kept there for emergencies.”

The Doctor finished his scan. “You seem fine, just a little bump on the head.” He tucked the sonic away in his necktie. “Well, with the ponies that have been taken, more will try to escape before their families are next. Whether the tracks are clear or not, I’m sure they will try to use the train. Probably not the safest idea, but given the alternative-- alright, I have an idea, but it's risky. Even more so with your baby pony.”

“I'm listening.”

“You know the way to the train station. We find the path of the crystal empire that has few ponies, or at the very least the fewest ponies that will notice two tagalongs...the fewer ponies that notice us, the better. We get to the train to Equestria, and tell your Celestia everything.”

“B-But Doctor, what about your-”

“Trust me, I don't like this any more than you, Derpy, but at this rate, this is the only option we have left…”

Melody sighed deeply, “It might be the best way. If Celestia knows everything, she and Luna will be able to stop this before it starts. The only thing is, I can't leave without Ruby.”

“Ruby? Doesn't he work nights at the castle?” The Doctor asked.

“Yeah, but...how did you know?”

“I met him. He helped me out, and He tried to warn us about Sombra.”

“Oh, the guard with the red coat, right?” Derpy asked, “He was really trying to help us. You seemed like you knew each other before then too. But I don't remember him before that…”

“You were sleeping, so I didn't expect you too, at least, not vividly.” the Doctor gave Derpy an understanding smile, but Derpy noticed the urgency in his eyes.

“But...if he works the night shift, shouldn't he have been home by now?” Derpy realized, “and the last time we saw him was just before Sombra made his speech.”

“Oh...oh no.” The Doctor realized, “We have to go now-”

The door burst open. Ruby walked in, eyes dazed and glowing green. “Melody.” He nearly moaned. “We need you for the good of the Crystal Empire.”

“Melody! Stay behind me!” The Doctor ordered.

“Ruby? What are you doing?! You're scaring me!” Melody shook. Amore clopped her hooves together with giggles.

“My beloved, you will help our endeavors in our efforts to win the war.”

“Ruby, please, think of our foal! What would they want with a simple Pegasus anyhow?”

“Amore will be well taken care of until she is old enough to work for his majesty. As for you, We need to be certain that Equestrian ponies can be...swayed as well.”

“I won't let you!” Derpy stood by the Doctor, glaring as Ruby, “That's my home! I won't let you just push Sombra’s thoughts into their heads. It's just not right!”

“Derpy.” Doctor breathed. There was no way of running now anyhow. “Fight this, Ruby. Your wife and foal are right here. You can leave with them!”

Ruby’s head turned to the Doctor and Derpy as if he just realized they were in the same area. “Doctor. Derpy. Welcome to my home.” He responded robotically, “sorry, but you can't stay. Follow me, please, and I will escort you.”

The doctor opened his mouth to protest, when tiny Amore toddled past them, “da da da da da da!” she cooed.

Ruby picked the baby up, head-turning straight to the Doctor, “Such a sweet little foal, and she has so much trust in her daddy. It would be a shame if something were to harm her, wouldn't it, Doctor?”

“Ruby, what are you-” Melody began only for Doctor to cut her off with his hoof. He understood.

“We will follow.”

“I'm glad you decided to make the right choice.” Ruby nodded, leading the way while holding the baby, still laughing as they walked, unaware of the imminent danger. They lead them back to the castle, the Doctor feeling more of his fear growing. They had a teeny tiny hostage, but Derpy could also be in great danger. He was stuck between a rock and a hard place. What went wrong? There was no way that Sombra could have developed technology that fast. Even a pony with Sombra’s advantages would need weeks at least to get this much-taken care of, not a few hours. This seemed impossible. Unless...no, magic was never found to exist. He had been tricked before. This time only seems like magic as well. There had to be a scientific reason.

They slowly came back to the throne room, Sombra laughing maniacally. The laughter continued for an uncomfortable amount of time, slowly growing louder by each moment. Finally, it stopped, leaving a creepy silence for a few minutes before Sombra decided to speak, “oh, Doctor, color me impressed. Putting on a front in order to sneak out. You are very good. It could have worked...but you made a grave mistake.” He pulled a rope, opening a curtain containing the Tardis, “You lost the moment you told me how to find your little box.”

Shock filled Derpy’s face as she looked between the Tardis and the Doctor. The Doctor’s face was calm. He had already known this. “What do you plan to do then, Sombra? Do you plan on brainwashing us, like your citizens?!”

“Oh, Doctor. You’re so accusatory. I would never take your minds.”

“Like you weren’t going to take Melody’s choice from her?!” The doctor shot back, pointing to the mare that was shaking like a leaf.

“Oh...I didn’t say that.” Sombra smirked, shooting a dark green beam straight at the mare, who tried to fly away, only to get struck by the sudden blast. She fought, bumping herself against the walls as if fighting an unseen foe before she slowly stopped, landing with her eyes closed. When her eyes opened, they were the same sickly green as Ruby’s.

“Melody!” The Doctor and Derpy cried, but she could no longer hear them.

Sombra laughed once more, “Good. This power does work on Equestrians as well. Thank you, Melody. You will be a fine edition for the army daycare, taking care of the youngest foals until they are of age to work.”

“Yes, Sombra.” Melody bowed robotically.

The Doctor went in front of Derpy, protectively, “So, if you’re so gung-ho about taking control of ponies, why leave us?!”

“Haven’t you figured it out, Doctor?” Sombra grinned, “These ponies I have collected are apart of me know. They are like a hive mind, each with their own jobs, but everyone is connected to me. That means, their memories, their hopes, dreams...fears-” his eyes shot to Derpy who stepped back a bit, “it all leaves them. Their only thoughts are what I wish of them. You two...you two are a special case. For you, Doctor, I need your intellect to get me into your lovely little box...and for Derpy...I need her emotions to stay, and those two things would be impossible if I took control. You see….you’re more useful as you are, and now….now you know there is no escaping.” Sombra’s smile seemed to twist itself. His head shifting in different directions. Smoke enveloped his back hooves as he strutted towards them. Doctor stood his ground. Derpy backed up a bit more. Every single fiber of her being told her to run, but there was nowhere to run to. Ruby stayed at the exit, baby Amore still cooing in his arms. The Doctor wasn’t moving either, and she couldn’t leave him behind. She stayed, pushing down her instincts to run, shaking from the terror of it all...war, brainwashing, a friend that was no longer himself, and their entrapment went over and over in her head as panic filled her very being. A dark purple light erupted from above them. Everyone looked up at the same time. The rim on the portal was no longer white as it was before. It had turned dark purple, looking as if it had been blown out by some mysterious force. Something deep inside Derpy knew in an instant that anything could easily come out of that window. Could she close it?! She wasn’t sure.

On the other side, a funny creature with white hair was yelling an incantation, turning odd bat-winged creatures with talons and sharp teeth. Slowly, the winged creatures turned to stone except one. It stood taller, and broader than the rest, swooping in order to meet the wizard, only to come through the portal himself. He roared fiercely, confused by the sudden change around him, and unaware that his features turned into a bat pony instead of whatever he was. His fangs remained as he bit at Derpy and the Doctor, who ducked right in time. He looked around, realizing he was in the wrong place. He looked up, noting the wizard above his head, and flew back up to meet him. Derpy followed without a thought, hoof out. He passed through, and as she stuck her hoof in, an odd claw on the other side of the window where her hoof was. She pulled it out, worry flooding her...that thing could have killed them...was she really causing all of this?! She had to calm down. She closed her eyes, trying to ignore the bat like creature fighting with the wizard. Once her shaking stopped, she focused, holding her hoof out once more, “Close!” she shouted and hit the now familiar glass-like barrier that wasn’t there a few seconds ago. The impact made Derpy ricochet back to the floor, The doctor tumbling to catch her. She blinked, and the straight glowing eyes went back to their usual wonky selves as she shook her head. Sombra looked between Derpy and the ceiling, elated.

“Did you see that thing of beauty.” he murmured, looking to Derpy like she was the prize he never knew he wanted. He grinned, “Now.” he continued, “I am a stallion of my word. You two can still have the rest of the day to mourn your loss. However...tomorrow, Doctor, you will let me into your Tardis, and Derpy, we will be helping to nurture that talent of yours.” Derpy now understood. If she was the one opening those windows without realizing...then she could hurt far too many ponied without realizing. Sombra nodded to Ruby, who stepped aside, “Now, please follow me to your room, you two.” he nearly sang.

The Doctor noticed Derpy’s stress as they walked. He put a hoof around her. They stopped at their door. “Please wait here just a moment. Ruby, make certain they do.”

“Yes, King Sombra.”

Sombra went into their room, shutting the door. A few moments later, he came out, a sadistic smile plastered on his face, “Feel free to try try again, Doctor, but I think you will find it difficult to escape again.” Sombra warned, passing Ruby. Amore touched his hoof with a giggle, and Sombra stopped in his tracks, looking at the small foal. “Oh, this day just gets more and more interesting.” Sombra grinned, “Ruby, with me. They won’t be able to leave.” Sombra added confidently, forcing the two inside with their magic. He shut the door and left them.

The Doctor took out his sonic, scanning for anything close to a trap on the door or window...nothing. “He’s bluffing Derpy.” he smiled confidently, “Let’s go!”

“Doctor...wait.” Derpy murmured.

“We don’t have time to wait anymore.”

Derpy’s good eye looked at him, while the other strayed towards the couch, “Am I a dangerous pony?”


“I’ve always wanted to know what my talent is, but...but if I’m really the one opening these windows to other worlds, then I’m dangerous. I just let a creature that could hurt ponies into the world, and I don’t even understand how I did it!”

“Derpy, I know how you must be feeling, but this isn’t the best time.”

“It has to be, Doctor, because if we find a way back home, and I’m not really sure how we could manage that, but if we did, then I could hurt everypony in ponyville!” Derpy exclaimed.

“There’s more to this. This time seems to have made it more powerful.”

“We don’t even know what it is!” Derpy yelled before breathing “I just...I need some air.”

Derpy opened the window, stepping out into the veranda. She leaned over the banister a bit to look at the once wonderful nation. The moment the did, the entire veranda went dark.

“Derpy?” the doctor asked. She seemed to be murmuring outside. He walked out in worry, seeing Derpy backing up from the veranda slowly. Her eyes were green, and purple smoke was drifting out the sides.

“No! Everypony! Run! I’m sorry! It’s all my fault. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I just don’t know what went wrong!” she shouted.

“Derpy!” The Doctor rushed around, his mind going on overdrive. Sombra had said that he didn’t want to mind control them like the others, so even though Derpy’s eyes looked the same, this was different. That was also evident in the fact that she was talking. “Derpy, can you hear me?” he asked.

“I can’t close it...What have I done…” Derpy was shaking.

The Doctor no longer thought. He acted, holding her with his hooves, “Ditzy Doo, Please! You’ve done nothing wrong.!”

Derpy’s eyes slowly returned to their normal golden sheen. “Doctor...what? What happened?”

“To be honest, I’m not sure. The sonic didn’t sence any traps around or outside the room. I’m at a loss...what did you see?”

“I was back in Ponyville, and there was a window to another world that was open, like the last one...It was letting out these dark creatures that attacked every pony in sight. They were hurting ponies, and I couldn’t close it...I probably opened it in the first place. It was awful…”

“It was only an illusion, Derpy. Don’t worry.” Doctor hugged Derpy, tight, looking around the room, “Sombra was smart. He figured out that I wouldn’t risk my Companions well being. Really, I should say, whatever found it’s way inside him did its homework…”


“You didn’t catch it? I can’t blame you with the amount of stress you’ve been under. He was talking about how his brainwashing trick. Derpy, you’re the one who always corrects me, so it was easy to notice...when he was saying that they were connected, he said everyone, not everypony.”

Derpy stopped, wiping her eyes, “ He-he did?”

“Yes. That’s when I realized this thing isn’t at all Sombra. I don’t know if he’s still in there. I can only hope. But, first, I need you to know something.”


The doctor took a breath, “Let’s go back inside first.” he lead her back into the room. He scanned the room, his eyes focusing on one point for a moment before they went back to Derpy’s. “Derpy. It’s not your fault.” he began.

“How can you say that?” she asked, “You said yourself that I’m somehow creating these things and-”

“Just let me finish.” The Doctor spoke, gently moving her slowly backward as he spoke. “I shouldn’t have assumed.” His eyes traveled up for a second, turning her slightly, and moving her back again, bit by bit, “It was a lot of pressure on your shoulders. I’m sorry.”


“This has had a lot of effect of you. Honestly, I miss your smile already. “ Derpy blushed, slightly turned again.

“I never wanted this for you. I wanted to show you the best parts of the universe, not the worst.”

“I don’t blame you for this Doctor. This isn’t your fault.”

“I feel like it is, though.” he admitted, his eyes cast to the floor, “I brought you to this time..to this place. You may have been better off without me…”

“Don’t...don’t say that.” Derpy shook her head, “Look...I’ll admit, I’m scared, and it’s been hard. Really hard, but I wouldn’t ever say I regret being with you...even because of this. You’re my friend, Doctor...I care about you. I never wanted you to feel that way either. I’m sorry. I’ll try to be brave...because I want you to know that I still enjoyed the fun times...I just wish they didn’t have to end up this way. In a way, I feel like this is my fault.”


“If I hadn’t been carried by the wind...if I had remembered to tuck my wings in the first place...then we wouldn’t have gone into here…”

“Let’s just blame the wind then.”

“Stupid wind.” Derpy smiled a bit.

“There’s that beautiful smile.” Doctor said, stopping their movement, “I’m glad we were able to tell each other how we felt.” he sighed, “Now, I just have to say sorry one more time.”

“For what?” Derpy asked.

“For this.” Doctor pushed Derpy back. Derpy squeaked, her back hitting something. There was a sudden crashing noise. Derpy looked up after a moment of disorientation, noticing a giant hole into the room she was just in. Doctor took her hoof, “RUN!” he shouted, turning the door on that room, and running out, “I realized, we never told Sombra about the wall you crashed into. Who would expect one pony to have such a destructive force!” The Doctor laughed, “Oh, Derpy, you beautiful mare of infinite possibilities. You were our answer the whole time. Now, we just gotta keep running!”

Derpy struggled to keep up, the Doctor dodging pony after pony. He pulled her into a room as the guards came running toward their room. “where can we go?”

“you can come with me.” a voice caused them both to jump. Doctor turned in a flash holding his sonic straight at the pony. Derpy held her breath as she turned. In front of them was not who they had expected.

“Topstitch!” Derpy gasped.

“Hold on, Derpy. We can't be certain that she isn't being controlled as well.” Doctor wanted, moving closer to Topstitch. His sonic still poised, he looked directly at her eyes, shining the sonic’s light to see them in the sunroom. Topstitch eyes were violet, not the sickening green of the controlled ponies. Slowly, Doctor Whooves lowered his sonic, keeping it on hoof. “I can see you aren't being controlled, at least…”

“This...this is not Sombra. He would never have called for an all-out war.” Topstitch shook, “I can't continue to watch him go down this path...I know this may seem...selfish of me, but I have to leave. Before he decides to turn me into a soldier. Those helmets will not go with my coat!”

Derpy sputtered out a snicker before she could help herself. The Doctor kept his wary glare, “How can we be certain you aren't another trap laid by him in case we escaped again.”

“I suppose there's no way for me to prove it to you darling, except maybe to compare those horrid helmets to my violet coat, but you may not see it as garishly as I do. In fact, looking at your odd taste in tie color, I would suspect you would even think the combination...fine!” she finished the sentence with a shutter, comparing herself before she continued, “besides. I've known Sombra since he was a filly. I made him his coronation attire. I have heard his tone with Luna, and Celestia...I admit that I may have eavesdropped more than any pony should…” she blushed, trailing off for some time before shaking her head, “but only because I care for Sombra. And because I care for him, I know this isn't him.”

“oh...Ohhhhhh, when you say you care for him, you mean like-” The Doctor started.

Topstitch blushed to move her flowing white hair out of her eyes, “I may have had the slightest crush on Sombra since fillyhood. I know he never saw me as more than a friend, so I let my feelings remain in my heart. He deserves someone more marvelous than some ordinary sewing pony anyway.”

“you’re fantastic as well.” the Doctor began, stopping when they heard guards running down the hall. Once the hall was quiet, he opened his mouth to continue, Topstitch lifted her hoof, shaking her head.

“I do appreciate the pep talk. However, we have more pressing matters at this moment. The guards most likely think you dashed out the front doors. Luckily for you, I know this castle like the back of my hoof. I can lead us to a different opening, and get us the first train out of this horrid nightmare.”

The Doctor considered this, wondering if she was truly honest or not. Derpy stepped up, “I trust you, Topstitch.”

“why thank you, Derpy. Wonderful to see some ponies haven't lost all of their faith.”

The three set off with Topstitch leading the way, shaking away from the door, and through the maze of passages and doors, dodging any guard as soon as they heard them. Derpy felt lost in mere minutes. The Doctor kept his ears perked, suddenly aware that he was moving them around at will. The further they went into The castle, the fewer guards were about. Before Sombra’s transformation, the Doctor wouldn't have thought twice about that, but now, he couldn't help but feel suspicious about a trap. Though, there could be another reason he kept this area clear. He knew they were close to the book, and that meant close to what started this. That meant there was every possibility that the book had a way to undo it. Doctor slowed, temptation raising. He knew where it was. He knew how to grab it. It would only take a few turns. He could grab it and be back before Topstitch or Derpy noticed. He looked over, Derpy’s face. She had kept herself brave as she said, determination held in her brilliant, offset eyes. He thought back to the room, and the specific traps set. Traps laid with fear in mind. The Doctor knew his fear. It would ensnare him if he got caught in the same kind of trap that Derpy did. But, to Derpy, fear meant the higher possibility of seeing the rifts, which were becoming more unstable. The Doctor bit his lip, moving a bit slower so the two mares would pass, puzzling. Derpy needed to get out of the empire fast, but he needed to try to get his hooves on the book and find out more. He thought of a plan as they came out on the other side of the castle. Controlled ponies marched through the streets in perfect formation. Topstitch kept her wits about her, leading them away from the city. If any pony gave them trouble, the Doctor used his psychic paper to give them safe passage. This didn’t prevent a few crystal ponies from giving them dirty looks though. Derpy regularly felt a chills run down her spine, but wanted to keep her promise to stay calm. Once they passed the barrier, there was a relieving quiet of the snow.

“How are we going to find anything in this?” Derpy asked.

“It should be over that way!” Topstitch yelled.

The Doctor scanned the horizon. “You’re right, there’s a lot of processed metal over there, probably the train. Let’s go, quickly.”

The three trotted across the frozen landscape, knee-deep in the snow, shielding themselves from the wind and the stinging snowflakes. Eventually, the faint outline of a partially-finished train station became visible. There was a hiss of steam and white smoke billowed skyward from behind the station.

“There we go! Now, all we need to do is--” the Doctor stopped speaking mid-sentence. Multiple ponies, some Equestrian, some Crystal, came out from behind and from inside the station, and they were pointing weapons straight at the three. Some had crystal bows, a couple had swords, one was even holding up a shovel.

The Doctor spoke first. “Ah. I see I’m not the only one who thought of the train. Don’t worry, we, like you, seek asylu--”

One of the crystal ponies rushed up and held a sword at the Doctor’s throat. “Don’t make any funny moves.”

“Doctor!” Derpy cried.

“Don’t move, Derpy!” He addressed his assailant. “I assure you we do not serve the Empire. Though I don’t know how I can prove that.” The Doctor’s eyes glanced towards a pair of crystal ponies lying in the snow. It was stained red. The Doctor took a step back and looked at the sight. “You killed them?”

“They acted threateningly,” the pony with the sword responded.

“Yeah, that tends to happen when you hold a sword to a pony’s throat.” Ignoring the sword. He walked over to wounded, holding out his sonic. As he did, one of them grunted. “They’re alive! Derpy, Topstitch, get me a cloth, quickly!”

Derpy gave the swordspony a nasty glare as she stomped into the station looking for first aid. Topstitch darted over to the Doctor and tore off part of her dress and handed it to him, which he used combined with a hoof-full of snow to put pressure on the deep wound.

The injured pony opened his eyes slightly and spoke. “Spire… Dendrite… Corporal, Former Crystal Kingd--”

“You’re not a prisoner,” the Doctor said.

“It’s OK,” Topstitch added.

The Doctor continued, “Keep talking. What happened?”

“Sombra-- crazy-- everything... crazy. Not my King. Not my Kingdom. They didn’t trust us.”

“They? Who?” Topstitch asked.

“The ones trying to escape,” he replied.

The Doctor scowled at the swordspony who slowly lowered his weapon.

Derpy appeared with a mouthful of bandages and wrapped it tightly to keep the cloth pressed against it.

The sentry continued speaking, grabbing the Doctor by the shoulder. “Can’t… end… this way…” His hoof slipped from the Doctor’s shoulder and fell motionless in the snow.

The Doctor clenched his eyes shut for a moment.

“I knew him,” Topstitch said. “He was a faithful soldier. He would have taken an arrow for anypony,” Topstitch said, crying.

The Doctor leaped up and shot over to the pony who had threatened him. “Don't you ever raise a weapon to a pony again, especially if you don’t know who it is you’re attacking. Paranoia isn’t the answer, or we’re no better than what holds the Crystal Kingdom hostage! Do you understand me?!”

The other armed refugees who were present, remained motionless, watching the conversation.

The Doctor continued. “When fighting monsters, take great caution, or you might find that you yourself have become a monster as well.”

The Crystal Pony shuddered for a moment. “What about the other one?”

“He should be fine, he’s unconscious. Might have a concussion. Sleeping in the snow isn’t going to do him any good. Get him inside, keep him warm, before hypothermia sets in.” A couple of ponies came over and did as he asked. The Doctor then noticed Derpy, who was lifting the wounded guard. She pulled him toward the train as well. The Doctor gingerly looked up to her, “Derpy, I-”

“I'm not leaving him!” Derpy insisted.

“Why not?!” another pony asked. “He’s--”

“If there is even a tiny chance that he can be saved, then I will do everything I can to save him!” Derpy glared at the ponies, “because that's what Equestrians do! We help other ponies, not hurt them! This… this isn't us. I have to try to save him…”

For a very brief moment, the Doctor’s hearts felt like they could burst. He wanted to squeeze her and never let go. But urgency wiped the thought away just as quickly. “Good, get him inside.” He turned to some others who were still standoffish and keeping their weapons half-raised. “The rest of you, if you’re not doing anything productive, help.” He walked over to the crystal pony who had threatened him with the sword. “What’s your name?”


“Are you all about ready to go, Rhodon?”

“There’s a few more we’re waiting for. We’ve got the furnace heated up but-- we don’t know--”

“None of you have ever operated a steam locomotive before.”

“Yes,” Rhodon said, looking a bit embarrassed.

“Well, you’re lucky I’m here then. Controls might be a bit strange but the mechanics will be the same.” He trotted around to the back of the station and stopped. “Yeah, you don’t know how to operate a steam locomotive.” Black smoke was pouring out through the open windows of the cab, and a trio of ponies was standing outside covered in soot.

“Somepony forgot to open a valve,” the Doctor said bluntly, taking a deep breath and then rushing inside. After a few moments, he stuck his head out the window and took another breath. “It’ll clear out in a moment but I can’t read the instruments. Please tell me you filled the boiler before you heated her up.”

“Boiler’s full,” one of the ponies said.

“Alright, good. We’ll be out of here in a few minutes.” The smoke was clearing out now and the Doctor peeked out back and saw a pair of train cars sitting further down the track. “I’m putting it in reverse. Make sure the couplers on the coal car and on that passenger car are open. And tell anypony in there to be ready for a little jolt!”

In moments, the Doctor had the engine moving backward, and he gently coupled the cars like an old pro.

“He leaned out the window again and pointed ahead of the engine. Throw the switch on the track up there, I want us ready to go at a moment’s notice.”

“The three of you, if you’re driving, get in here and I’ll show you what to do. This might not be the best course in train operation but it will be enough to get you out of the country safely. Unless of course on the way out there you find a train coming towards you, and in that case… jump.” The Doctor explained the basics, probably a bit more than was needed. Once he was convinced the ponies knew what they were doing, he stepped out of the engine. Derpy, Topstitch, and Rhodan were waiting. “How are the patients?”

“They’re in the front car, they’re resting. I think they’ll make it,” Topstitch said.

“Doctor, the snow is letting up,” Derpy noticed. “I can see the palace.”

The Doctor looked nervously towards the Empire. “If we can see them, then they can definitely see that big column of white smoke.”

The last few ponies who were guarding the station came around with a family of five.

“Is that every pony we were waiting for?” the Doctor asked.

“Yes,” Rhodan said. “Doctor, I’m sorry that I--”

“Don’t worry about being sorry now. Just be the best pony you possibly can.”

A pony screamed from the window of the passenger car. “Crystal soldiers!”

Everypony looked towards the Crystal Empire. A bunch of dark shapes were visible outside the forcefield and were clearly coming closer.

“Everyone on the train! Now!” Rhodan yelled.

Every part of the train shook violently for a moment. The Doctor looked towards the engine and sighed.

“Topstitch, Derpy, get in the car. I’ll be there in a minute.”

The Doctor ran back into the engine and started it moving forward before hopping back out and running to the car and jumping onto the steps as the train accelerated. An arrow pierced the wood of the car just inches away from him.

More arrows flew their way and everypony ducked away from any open door or window until they were safely out of range.

The Doctor looked out the window at the Crystal Empire slowly fading away into the gray of the snowfall. Derpy was sitting nervously in one of the benches. The Doctor looked to Topstitch and Rhodan and tugged them out of earshot. “Rhodan, take good care of everypony. Topstitch, I need you to keep an eye on Derpy. Make her feel safe or… bad things might happen. Tell her not to worry about me. I will come back, and I will find her. Just don’t leave her alone, can you do that for me?”

“What are you talking about? She has you.”

“I’m going back to the Empire.”

“What?!” Rhodan said, almost too loudly. “They’ll kill you!”

“I’ve faced worse. I can’t leave all those ponies there. Any that I can save, I will. My ride is still in there and I need to get it back. And I need to learn all I can about Sombra’s affliction in the hopes that we can cure it. Don’t worry about me. Just worry about yourselves. Get across the border, request asylum, tell the Princesses everything you know.” He took a deep breath and looked sadly at Derpy, fidgeting nervously about the whole situation, completely unaware. The Doctor walked over to Derpy and gave her a hug. “Everything is going to be OK now. I’m going to the other car to check on the patients.”

Derpy saw concern in the Doctor’s eyes like there was more than he was letting on, but she let it go for the moment. “Okay. Come back soon…”

The Doctor opened the door to the adjacent car and shut it behind him. Then he opened the exit door, glancing at the steps and the landscape flying past him. “It’s deep snow, I’ll be fine. Probably.”

A couple of the ponies asked him what he was doing and tried to pull him away. “No, I have to do this. Good luck to all of you. I’m staying in the Empire to do whatever I can to help.” With that, he jumped into the frozen air and tumbled into the snow. The momentum carried him a few dozen feet before he finally stopped. Luckily, he didn’t collide with anything solid. Remaining motionless for a moment to make sure he didn’t get a serious injury, he then got up and ran back towards the Empire which was still faintly visible in the distance. He paused for a moment, thinking he saw a dark object being launched from the top of the palace. No, that didn’t make sense. They couldn’t possibly have a ballista up there. Then he saw the dark object again, changing direction. It grew larger still and massive black wings and a royal robe became visible as it punched through the forcefield and entered the storm. It was heading straight towards him. “Oh, no.”

The Doctor’s concerns weren’t for himself. He waved his hooves in the air and jumped up, trying to get Sombra’s attention, but Sombra flew straight by him, not even noticing. Sombra didn’t have his sights set on the Doctor. He was after the train.

The Doctor remained motionless in the storm, watching the train speeding away from him. It was easily a couple miles out now and Sombra was catching up. Dark purple bolts of light fired from Sombra towards the train, impacting the rear passenger car. Moments later, blue blasts streaked back towards Sombra, forcing him to evade as he returned fire again.

“No, no, no no!!!! No!!” the Doctor screamed as if his cries would alter the outcome of this.

Sombra and the train exchanged fire a couple more times, the sight becoming almost invisible to the Doctor as it got further away from him. Then he saw Sombra climb up into the sky and a purple jet of flame shot forth towards the ground. The explosion turned the sky and the snow purple for a moment and the Doctor shielded his eyes from the bright flash. When he looked again, black smoke was rising towards the sky; purple bolts of electricity shot across it at random. Sombra veered away from the wreckage and back towards the palace. “Derpy!!!”

The Doctor’s legs folded beneath him and he buried his face in his forehooves. He thought of running to the train to look for survivors, but he had no protection. The train was at least five miles away now. He’d never survive the journey. His only option was to return to the Empire.

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