• Published 4th Dec 2017
  • 1,095 Views, 35 Comments

Time Bubbles - Janicethelight

Doctor Whooves and Derpy go on adventures through time and space

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Chapter 18: One Wonderful Day in Ponyville

The Tardis stopped. Derpy felt elated when she opened the door to find ponies just outside. “How long have we been gone?” She asked curiously.

“According to the Tardis….two minutes. Not bad if I do say so myself. Now, I do believe there is a problem you need fixing, my dear Derpy, and I shall help!” The Doctor held up his hoof, escorting Derpy back to the angry ponies. It felt like ages ago that she ran away crying from this. The same ponies were now complaining to Sunshower, who was trying to handle the situation.

Derpy took a deep breath, storming into the group of unpleased equines, “Hey! Leave Sunshower alone! It’s not her fault that your mail is wrong. It’s mine!” The group fell silent as angry faces turned to Derpy. Her eyes stayed determined, continuing, “I am sorry that your mail wasn’t right today, but I’m not going to quit. I will keep working at it until one day, I am the best mail mare in all of Ponyville! I will do everything I can to fix the mistakes I made, but I ask that you please give me time to learn in the future, and let y know more kindly next time, as friends.”

Heads began to drop one by one until one of the ponies walked up, “Sorry Der-uh Ditzy...I guess we all got up on the wrong side of the bed. Forgive us?”

“Of course. What are friends for.” Derpy beamed.

As the other ponies were helped to fix their mail as well as possible, they left until only Sunshower, Derpy And the Doctor were left. Sunshower Hughes Derpy, “that was amazing!” She squealed, “you are the bravest pony I’ve ever met! I mean, to calm down a herd of angry ponies! Wow! Are you okay? I mean, you seem a lot better…”

“I am a lot better! Thank you, Sunshower.” Derpy looked back at the Doctor, “my good friend helped me through it, and now I’m ready to get back to work.”

“Are you sure? I mean, you were really upset when you left.”

“I’m sure, Sunshower! I was upset, but the doctor came to cheer me up and-“ she couldn’t say they went through time and space without seeming like a crazy pony, “he helped me understand that mistakes can happen, but that doesn’t mean you stop trying.” She decided, thinking back to the raccoons. The Doctor felt pride flow through him. Ponies were amazing creatures! The three worked together to finish Derpy’s mail route, taking a breath. Derpy turned to Sunshower, “I owe you an apology too.” The wall eyes mare admitted, “you told me to slow down, but I was so determined to prove I could be a mailmare, that I ended up getting it all wrong….”

“That’s alright, Ditzy.”

“No, Sunshower. I should have listened, and I’ll be sure to listen to you in the future. I hope you can forgive me.”

“Already have.” The mares giggled, before Sunshower leaned up close to Derpy’s ear, “You know, we finished your route, and you still have a lot of the day left. You and your new colt friend could go enjoy the town.” She winked as she moved away.

“You know, that sounds like a wonderful idea. The Doctor hasn’t been in Ponyville long. I need to take him to see Rarity anyway, so we can make it a Ponyville tour. I’m sure he’d-wait. Colt friend?!” She said the last two words louder than she meant to, and the Doctor turned his head their way, confusion covering his face. Derpy felt her own face redden, “no no no no no no no no no no! We barely...I mean he’s a wonderful stallion...and smart. But we’re just-I mean we only just met!”

“Awwwww, you are so cute when you get all flustered!” Sunshower twirled into the air, holding her heart with her hooves, “Sorry, it’s just he hasn’t taken his eyes off you since you two got back. I think he’s smitten! But, maybe I’m reading into it too much.” She shrugged, “either way, I’m going to let the boss know we finished. Enjoy your daaaaate!” She San has she flew off.

The Doctor walked closer once Sunshower left, tilting his head, “are you alright, Derpy???”

“What?! Yes! Fine! Never better, Doctor, why?”

“Well, your face is an unusual shade of pink. Are you overexerted? Overheated perhaps? Don’t tell me you got sick!”

“No. No, Doctor. I’m okay, I promise. Sunshower just teased me a bit is all….”

“Ah, well, I am starving. And we need to find this rarity.” He beamed. The thought of needing to leave was bawling at the back of his head. There was no telling how long the dimensional rift would be open for, plus he needed to close it before it tore the world of ponies apart. Still, Derpy has helped so much, and her spirit was high right now. He couldn’t bear the thought of crushing it. He’d stay that day, and leave that night.

Derpy began to show the Doctor all around Ponyville. “This is Sweet Apple Acres, Doctor. If you’re really hungry, I’m sure the Apple family wouldn’t be opposed to sharing some apple treats with us.”

“Opposed?!” The orange pony he met on his first walk through Ponyville trotted up, “we here at sweet Apple acres love to share our Apple treats with anypony!”

“Nice to see you, Applejack!” Derpy smiled, “what would you suggest?”

“There’s Apple pie, Apple cobbler, Apple turnovers, baked apples, caramel apples, Apple crisp, candy apples, Apple dumplings, apple fritter, applesauce, applesauce cake, Apple strudel, Apple cake...whatcha’ got a hankering for?”

“Doctor? Any of that sound good?” Derpy cocked her head toward him.

“It all sounds delicious.” The Doctor response, shocked, I know those. I know all of those. The ponies have some of the same foods as humans have on Earth?! That’s...that’s fantastic! A smile rose on his face for a moment before he shook his head, realizing he never gave an answer, “the trouble is, I don’t think those are the most filling things…”

“Wait.” Derpy stooped, eyeing Applejack, “Applejack, do you have any apple muffins?”

“Not yet, Ditzy.” Applejack shook her head, “Maybe sugar cube corner will have some muffins for ya. I reckon if ya eat much more, you may end up being a muffin!”

“I think I’m safe.” Derpy shrugged, “after all, you have yet to become an Apple.”

“Ditzy….I’ve always been an Apple!” The two mares started silently for a moment before they both busted out laughing. “Well, if y’all get a hankering for some apples, y’all know where ya find me!”

“Thanks, Applejack!” Derpy waved, flying close to the Doctor as they continued on.

The Doctor noticed a rainbow streak appear in the air as they walked. “Derpy! What was that?!”

“Huh?! Oh. That’s Rainbow Dash. She’s probably training to be a wonderbolt again.” The Doctor noticed Derpy’s eyes sadden, realization dawned on him that Derpy also had a connection to those wonderbolts.

“What’s a wonderbolt?”

Derpy’s shock washed over her, he’s not from here! She reminded herself, “they’re the greatest flyers in all of Equestria. They have flying shows all over, and they are in stand by if there is an attack on Equestria.”

“Ohhhh, so they’re like your air force.”

“No they’re our flying force...why would we force air? That doesn’t make any sense.”

“No, I meant...never mind.”

The two were quiet for a bit as the passed across the bridge, stopping as a yellow Pegasus lead a line of ducklings across. The Doctor bounced in awe of the handling the pink haired mare had on the tiny animals. He remembered seeing her on his first day as well. Once she finished, he couldn’t wait any more. “That was fantastic!” He congratulated exuberantly. She squealed, eyes full of sudden fear of him.

“Doctor. You have to be gentle with Fluttershy. She startles easily!” Derpy warned, walking over to her, “sorry, Fluttershy. Doctor didn’t mean to startle you.”

“Um...that’s...okay….”. She murmured.

“Well let you get back to those ducklings now…”. She nodded, pulling the Doctor away. “Sorry, Doctor. Fluttershy is really timid with new ponies!”

“Well, that’s alright-wait. Rainbow Dash makes rainbows, applejack works with apples, Fluttershy is, well, shy...are you all gifted with your names later in life?”

“No. We’re given our names at birth like every creature. Why?”

“Interesting. Your names match your personalities, physical attributes, or interests like a glove!”

“Oh? Huh. I guess I never thought about it before.” Derpy shrugged, “Alright, Doctor. We can go to the restaurant nearby to get some daisy sandwiches and hat fries, or we can stop by sugar cube corner and see if they have any muffins. Your choice.”

The Doctor mused, daisy sandwiches and hay fries are definitely things I’ve never tried before...but I’m not sure if they sound appetizing. I don’t even know what they put into the things I consider normal food. I think I’ll start with what I know. “I’ll try a muffin.” He decided.

“YES!!!! I am so glad you chose muffins. They are the best food in all of Equestria, after all. They are delicious and they have so many different flavors and they’re really good for you and they’re so fluffy.” Then she started to sing, “we are getting muffins! We are getting muffins!” Derpy stopped, blushing a bit as she looked behind her to the Doctor, “I uh...I reeeeeally like muffins.”

The Doctor couldn’t help but smile at her sudden burst of excitement over something so simple as a muffin. “Well, if I knew you felt that way, I would have chosen muffins faster.”

Derpy blushed, “well, let’s hope they have muffins today…” she lead the way into the store.

“Well if it isn’t Ditzy Doo! My favorite mail mare! I know what you’re here for!” Pinkie smiled, taking a tray of muffins out of nowhere, “I figured after a hard day delivering the mail, you would like a muffin, and we can decide what muffin to use for your congratulations on getting a new job party!” Pinkie grinned.

“But how- she didn’t have that tray anywhere around her! That...what?!” The Doctor was astounded.

“Feel free to decide with Doctor Whooves! Glad to see you’ve already made two friends in Equestria, Doctor!”

“Wait. Two friends? Who’s the second?”

“Me of course!” Pinkie popped up on the opposite side of where she was just a moment ago, confetti showering around them from a cannon that was not anywhere in the shop a moment ago.

“How did you-?” Doctor asked, looking from the place Pinkie was to where she appeared.

“Pinkie is friends with every pony in Ponyville. She prides herself in knowing every pony.” Derpy continued as if Pinkie literally teleporting was normal.

“Yes, but-“

“It’s true. Which reminds me. I need to know your birthday when you have a chance and your favorite treat so I can make sure to never forget your birthday!” Pinkie took a notebook and pen from inside her mane, “buuuuut, it would be rude to interrupt your day together.” She decided, putting the pen and notebook away with no viable clues that they ever existed. “Well, you two enjoy your muffins!” She smiled, bouncing back to the counter.

The two sat down to a table, the Doctor muttering, “if Pinke came with us, those poor raccoons’ heads would have exploded from her improbabilities…”

“What, Doctor?!” Derpy asked.

“Sorry, I just wonder how Pinkie did half the things she did. She did not have that tray before she made it appear out of nowhere. She teleported! She put that notebook and pen in her hair and it just seemed to vanish!”

“Oh, Yeah. It’s just Pinkie Pie. Everypony has a rule to just not question Pinkie Pie.” Derpy shrugged, taking a bite of her muffin before soaring to the air, “This is the most delicious muffin I’ve had since...well, since my last muffin! Doctor, you should try it!” Derpy offered the Doctor the muffin.

“Well, Alright. One bite.” He shrugged, tasting the treat. He swallowed, “that is an amazing muffin!”

“Ohhhh, this one is good too! And so is this one! Oh, how will I ever choose?!” Derpy sighed. The Doctor laughed despite himself. They grew a bit calm the two enjoying the variety of muffins before them. “Thanks again for coming for me, Doctor.”

“Of course. I wouldn’t leave you behind.”

“What happened after I was thrown off the building?”

“Oh, well, first I warned the raccoons not to do something that stupid, and then I took Procione out of the town, and through the woods. We tangled a Sluggeen, and found you...to give the short version. Anything interesting that happened on your end?”

“Well...before the Imbuka found us….Procione and I crashed in an old temple.”

“Ohhh, that’s fascinating!”

“Yeah, but it had the weirdest window.”

“A...a window?”

Derpy had to take a moment to chew a bite, as Doctor leaned closer, his interest peaked. Once she finished, she continued, “Yeah, Procione went ahead for a minute. There was this glow on the other side of this fork in the hall...I was curious, so I went to have a look. There was another hall down the side, and at the end, instead of a door, there was this window.”

“And the window glowed?”

“Yeah. It was oval, and had a purple and gold glow to it. But that’s not the strangest part…”

“What was the strangest part?”

“In the other side wasn’t a forest like you would expect. It was a black fortress of some kind. And there were creatures fighting with long glowy sticks! I’ve never seen such creatures...one looked like some sort of black armored thing on two legs, and his helmet covered his whole face! The other had almost no fur! It jumped around like a frog, twirling in the air. And the glowy sticks made this weird noise! It was like vwoosh, vwoosh, vwoosh!” Derpy pretended to fight with a stick like she saw, “and another that was like-“. She gripped her teeth together, purposely laboring her breathing. To the Doctor, this was sounding more and more familiar.

“Did they hear you?”

“What? No. Well, I didn’t really try to talk to them. I guess I should have, but I was so confused. I went to touch the window...honestly, I don’t even know why, but Procione called my name and-“


“Promise you won’t think I’m a crazy pony?”

“Cross my heart!”

“...when I looked back, the window disappeared…”

“What do you mean, exactly?”

“Like...it was there...I looked away, and when I looked back, no window.”

The Doctor covered his mouth with his hoof. Could there already be more than one tear from his dimension to hers? After all, that was one of the most popular movies on Earth...it seemed plausible that she witnessed a tv playing it. It might explain the glow...though it being oval instead of rectangle was odd. He needed to fix any tear when he left. He noticed Derpy’s worried gaze. He spent too much time sitting quietly! ‘She must think something terrible made that happen...well, she’s certainly not wrong, but I don’t want her worrying. I’ll fix any crack before I go out.’ “Thank you for sharing this with me, Derpy. I don’t think you are a crazy mare at all. You saw something amazing!” The Doctor noticed her breath a sigh of relief, smiling, “now, how about you show me this rarity thing?”

“Right. Give me a sec!” Derpy smiled, throwing away the crumbs and giving Pinkie the tray, “can we just have a muffin variety?” Derpy asked hopefully.

Pinkie laughed, “well of course, silly! I thought you might say that!”

“Then why ask me to choose?”

“You seemed like you had a lot on your mind, and so did your new friend. You looked like you could use some cheering up, and I know that nothing cheers you up like a nice muffin!”

“Pinkie, you are a really amazing friend!”

“Thanks, Ditzy!”

Derpy came back, grinning from ear to ear as she lead the Doctor to the Carousel Boutique.

The white unicorn inside was puzzling over a dress she had been making, “it still needs something…” she murmured.

“Oh, hold on, Doctor.” Derpy whispered, “we shouldn’t interrupt her work.”

The unicorn started at the dress as if it were trying to speak to her. It was intensely quiet. Then, after a few more minutes, she decided, “yes, a lace trim and some hem work on the skirt.” Her horn glowed, as gems and lace flew in the air of their own accord, lit by the same glow enveloping the unicorn’s horn. Thread and needle floated by next, sewing the lace and gems in place expertally. The doctor’s mouth hung open. He had never seen anything like it! Derpy walked forward once certain the unicorn was enjoying her work and not trying to think of anything else her dress needed.

“Hello, Rarity!” She smiled.

Rarity looked up, “Oh hello, Ditzy. I am terribly sorry I didn’t hear you come in. Oh, I see you brought our dapper new stallion into my shop. What can I do for you?”

“The Doctor would like an outfit...something with pockets.”

“Well, you have come to the right place. Please, feel free to look around. If you don’t find something that strikes your fancy, let me know, and I can whip up a custom piece in a few weeks or so.”

The Doctor shook his shock away, a smile covering his amazed face, “Yes mam, miss Rarity.” He nodded eagerly. The two ponies looked through Rarities collection of clothing. The Doctor checked out his new outfits. He tried a shirt with pants, but pants just looked weird to him. He tried a suit jacket, but he felt like that was a bit too stuffy. Just a shirt felt weird. A ruffled shirt looked silly. A shirt with a bow tie made him feel too nostalgic. He just couldn’t decide. Then, on a rack marked for clearance, there was a white colored shirt with a rip on the sleeve, and a green tie. He walked over, trying them on. The whole shirt seemed like a bit much...but maybe. “Miss Rarity?”

“Yes, Doctor?”

“Could you make this so that I only have the color of this white shirt?”

“Well, I’m certain I could, but-“

“Wonderful! I will take the collar and the tie!” He grinned.

Rarity looked a bit uneasy as she disconnected the collar, sewing it together with the tie in front to make it easier to put on. She worked delicately. Carefully, making sure it looked just like a tied tie when it was finished. She brought it over, fitting the whole thing around he Docor’s neck, “There we go now, darling. I wasn’t certain at first, but it is becoming on you.”

“It does seem to fit me well.” He mused, spotting himself in a mirror.

“But Doctor, you still don’t have any pockets….”. Derpy realized.

“True...this fashion doesn’t help the problem we came in for….hmmm...miss Rarity, would you be so kind as to see a small secret pocket on the back of the tie?”

“Well, of course, but a pocket that size wouldn’t hold two bits!”

“Leave that to me.” The Doctor winked.

Rarity shrugged, adding a pocket. Derpy paid for the items, figuring that the Doctor probably didn’t have any bits. He lifted the pocket, making sure his hoof could reach inside. “Thank you so much, Rarity!” Derpy nodded.

“Anytime, Darlings. Anything for you today, Ditzy?”

“No thanks.” She smiled, walking out with the Doctor. She showed him the town square, the fillies’ school, her house, the Golden Oak Library. He love the library, looking through the history of Equestria, and pony kind. While he read those, she read a book on muffin recipes. The sun began to set as they returned to the Tardis. “So Doctor, how do you like Ponyville?”

“It is an amazing place. There’s so much more I’m curious about. Like there was documentation of your moons ‘face’ looking like a moon until a thousand years ago, starswirl the bearded disappearance still leaves ponies baffled, your hearth's warming to remember unity, and speaking of a thousand years ago, a lot happened around that time!”


“Yeah, though the book I found didn’t go into much detail, it was known as the dark ages. Earth had one too, but yours was for so many calamities happening at once whereas Earth…. had different reasons.”

“Oh, speaking of reasons, you never did tell me yours for that tiny pocket. How are you going to be able to fit much of anything in there?”

“Ah, time lord technology! Hold on juuuuust a moment.” The Doctor went into the Tardis. Derpy wasn’t sure how long she waited, but it felt like more than a moment. The sun had finished setting and the moon had risen when the Doctor came out, “there we are!” He grinned, oblivious to the change around him as he proudly showed off his work, “now the pocket is bigger on the inside!” He smiled, “see!” He pulled out a new sonic screwdriver to prove it. This one looked almost wooden and natural with no buttons. He made it to register to thoughts, turning on the sonic with a simple command, “there’s plenty more in there too!”

“That’s amazing, Doctor!” Derpy yawned and now the Doctor realized the sudden change around him.

“Oh Derpy. I’m so sorry.” He felt awful making her wait so long. He looked around for some way to make it up to her, his eyes looking back to the sky and the constellations….and the moon with a mars face embedded on half of it. Intrigue and curiosity of how that specific shape came to be flooded his mind.

“It’s fine. I don’t mind waiting, but now, I’ve got to get to sleep so I can work tomorrow. I’ll see you in the morning.” The Doctor joyed out of his thoughts, and felt his heart sank. In the morning. He realized that he wouldn’t be there in the morning. With all the fun he had been having, he forgot. No, he ignored. This new place felt like a home to him. His ears dropped, and Derpy tilted her head. “Doctor? What’s wrong?”

“Derpy, I’m sorry, but ….I can’t see you tomorrow…”

“Oh right. You probably have a lot of things to get sorted while settling in. Sorry. When do you want to meet again?”

“That’s just it Derpy...I don’t think I can stay?”

“Wha-but why?”

“I got here from a dimensional rift like what you saw. Too many could shatter reality as you know it.”

“Then fix it!”

“That’s just it. When I fix it, I’ll go back to Earth.”

“....do you want to go back?”

“Well, of course not, but I don’t want to lose it forever. I put a lot work into that planet.”

Derpy’s ears drooped. “I guess I can understand...but I’ll miss you.”

“And I You. It has been an honor...miss Ditzy Doo…”

“...no, you can call me Derpy if you want. You sound way too serious calling me Ditzy. And it doesn’t bother me anymore.”

The two hugged. “Good bye miss Derpy.”

“Goodbye, Doctor.”

The Tardis went off, and Derpy went home with a heavy heart.

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