• Published 4th Dec 2017
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Time Bubbles - Janicethelight

Doctor Whooves and Derpy go on adventures through time and space

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Chapter 26: The Hearts of the Kingdom

The crystal heart was more brilliant than they could have imagined. The polishers had given it a beautiful sparkle. Just looking at it filled a pony’s heart with happiness. It was enough that the two time travelers didn’t realize they were in the presence of the Equestrian royalty until the two alicorn sisters were seen to be standing nearby, accompanied by Starswirl. All three of them appeared to have a sense of accomplishment visible on their faces.

The ponies were beside themselves with excitement and the fair’s good spirits seemed to be bursting at the seams. Sombra came up beside Derpy and the Doctor. “Isn’t she lovely?! Like a lovely moonlit night!”

“....I’m guessing she’s your special Somepony?” Derpy asked, noticing more hearts flying around him.

“Yes. My dear sweet Luna! Tonight, I will ask for her hoof in marriage. Isn’t it amazing, Doctor! One moment you’re sitting, thinking that everything will always be the same, and then a special pony trots into your life, and suddenly, you know your life has changed for the better, and you can’t imagine having another day without her.” Sombra gave Derpy a wink, causing her to look away, digging her hoof in the dirt to hide her reddening cheeks.

The Doctor looked over from the suddenly shy Derpy to Sombra, who held his love struck face. He thought back to when he first met Derpy, and their adventures so far. He thought about her stories of her past, and chuckled a bit. “Yes, Sombra, it is amazing. I wish you all the luck in the world.”

Derpy thought her heart would explode from happiness. He knew what Sombra meant. Did that mean he liked her too.

“Thank you Doctor!” Sombra nodded, following Luna, and air of triumph about him.

“King Sombra, with such a large crowd surrounding the heart now, might it be more beneficial to make the announcement while the energy is at its highest, instead of waiting for morning when we leave?” Luna asked.

“It would certainly bring more energy to the occasion,” Celestia said.

“A great suggestion, Princess Luna, and I wholeheartedly agree,” Sombra said. He motioned to a nearby trumpeter to draw the attention of the crowd. Once the noise died down, Sombra spoke. “Attention, my Crystal Ponies, and all visitors beyond our borders. I have wonderful news to bring you this day. A short time ago, negotiations were completed, and I am pleased to announce, that the Alliance Treaty between Equestria and the Crystal Kingdom has been officially signed!”

The noise from the ponies was absolutely deafening. The crystal heart spun faster and the ground beneath it glowed a brilliant blue that snaked its way about until it looked as if every pony was standing on pure energy. A moment later, a sphere of light shot out of the heart, spreading in all directions, its radiance filling every pony with a feeling of pure joy. As the ponies were hit with the energy wave, their coats gained a marvelous sheen. The Doctor and Derpy were not immune to this effect. The Doctor was shocked by it the most, holding his foreleg in front of his face in amazement. He likened it to an ice sculpture, marveling at how impossible it seemed. “How is this possible? I can see completely through this. If I’m really transparent, I should be able to see veins, bones, muscle. Maybe I’m bending light around me somehow, like a cloaking shield, but what about the radiat--”

“Doctor, Doctor, don’t ask. Just smile,” Derpy said.

The wonder of the Crystal Heart continued as it pulsed a beam of light upwards into the castle. Within moments, the energy had found its way to the spire at the top of the castle, which then projected a blast of brilliant color that expanded across the sky in all directions, before taking the form of the most amazing auroral display that anyone had ever seen.

The crowd continued their revelry and the cheers became slightly rhythmic. With every unified cry of happiness, the light in the crystal heart seemed to pulse in response.

The Doctor could only stare with his mouth hanging open. Without thinking, he wiped a happy tear away from his eye. Eventually the excitement winded down and the pones resumed the normal festivities of the crystal fair.

The Princesses observed the crystal fair quietly, but didn’t really participate in any of the activities. The Doctor noticed Derpy’s confusion deepen. “What is it?” He asked.

“Just, from what I’ve heard about Celestia, she’s not the type of pony to stand around during a celebration. She’s the type of pony to enjoy it!”

“Well, this is a thousand years ago...chances are she’s changed since-”. The Doctor stopped mid thought, turning on his hooves to look straight at Derpy. “Wait. You said she’s...and you knew her. You said she changed her hair...as in...in your time….”


“She’s over a thousand years old?”

“I guess now that you say it out loud...wow. I guess it didn’t hit me until now….”

“That’s alright. I only just realized myself. My thoughts were on.” He coughed, “other things.”

Derpy was still processing the information. ‘How old is princess Celestia?’ She thought, her mind recalling with the possibilities until it was suddenly distracted. Sombra was much further away now, giving some sort of signal. The blue princess noticed, laughing despite herself. Celestia, shot her sister a glare, and Luna immediately stopped laughing, eyes to the ground. Sombra huffed, whispering to a group of crystal ponies. A few minutes later those same ponies distracted Celestia with praise of her beautiful sun. They managed to separate and pull her away from Luna to show her something else in the kingdom. Celestia tried to call for Luna, but the Princess of night suddenly acted like she couldn’t hear Celestia. She looked the other way to hide the smirk from her sister, ignoring Celestia’s call for help which were becoming hushed and more distant. As soon as Celestia was far away from her, Sombra approached, hoof up, “It appears that luck has finally granted us some much-needed time. May I escort the fair lady Luna?”

“You may.” Luna put her hoof in his, and they walked together, Sombra giving one more wink to the Doctor and Derpy as he left.

“Princess...Luna… this is driving me crazy! How come I’ve never heard of her?” Derpy asked.

“Maybe she became queen here, and lives here with Sombra,” Doctor suggested, “though you would still hear of her, and this kingdom. I don’t like the feel of this, Derpy...not one bit.”

“I hope it works out.” Derpy tried to ignore the same feeling the Doctor had. It was a feeling of impending disaster.

“What’s with the long faces?” Topstitch was out in a gorgeous outfit, accentuating her purple crystine fur.

“Oh...um,” Derpy murmured.

“We were worried that his highness wouldn’t get to spend much time with his special someone-Somepony,” The Doctor corrected quickly, stepping in to give a reason, “after the day he showed us, he deserves a day to enjoy too!”

“Oh, you don’t have to worry. We’ve been planning this day for months! All the crystal ponies in the kingdom are making sure they have some time together!”

“That’s...that’s amazing!”

“Yes, well, he’s always one to bring ponies together; both in unity, and he has had a hoof in many a successful love during his reign.”

“You mean… he plays matchmaker?”

“Oh, yes, and he loves nothing more than to see ponies happy together. It’s a defining characteristic that has really set him apart from kings of the past. Sometimes he is referred to as the ‘Other’ Heart of the Kingdom.”

“That’s adorable!” Derpy said.

“We all love our king dearly, and we’re overjoyed that for once we have a chance to do for him what he has done for so many of us.”

Derpy smiled. Maybe the feeling was wrong. Maybe Sombra and Luna could be happy together. With so many ponies pulling for them, Derpy had to believe there was a chance. They tried their best to bury the uneasiness within themselves and enjoy the rest of the fair.

A flugelhorn sounded from the top of the castle, grabbing everypony’s attention. Sombra stepped out from a castle balcony overlooking the fair and bellowed, “Mares and Gentlecolts, the sun is setting on our great festival! Please, continue the fair and enjoy the splendor of the night, and as always, remember to spread the warmth in your hearts wherever you go!” He waved to his ponies and retreated back inside. Night fell swiftly, and Derpy and the Doctor looked around as the crystal structures glowed with a magical light of their own beneath the sea of stars. The two stayed out a bit longer before the Doctor noticed the look on Derpy’s face.

“What’s on your mind, Derpy?”

“It’s such a beautiful night! I don’t think I’ve ever seen the sky look so beautiful.” Her eyes sparkled in the ambient crystal light, “I want to be out longer, but-”

“You’re tired after a long day?” The Doctor finished.

Derpy nodded with a long yawn.

“That’s quite alright.” He smiled, holding out his hoof to her, “we can go in together.”

Derpy nodded, grinning from cheek to cheek as he lead her inside. They headed towards their room when they noticed Top Stitch peering through the entrance to the dining hall. She noticed the pair out of her peripheral vision, jumping for a second before sighing in relief and motioning for them to come closer. They snuck, noting her silence, looking in to the secret meeting. It was a small intimate candlelit dessert for two with Sombra and Luna eating happily in the dining hall in front of a balcony window. Hearts were materializing around both of them, slowly drifting towards the ceiling. The two were gazing into each other’s eyes and laughing. “My goodness, when you sent those ponies to coax my sister away-- the look on her face-- one would think you had ordered her ejected from the kingdom!”

“Well, when you acted like you didn’t even notice, I thought Her Blindingness was going to blow her top!”

“I know! I am going to get such an earful when we get back home.”

“It isn’t fair to you, Luna. You deserve to have a personal life. She acts so seriously.”

“She takes our roles very seriously. Could you imagine how her face would look if she found your letters to me?!”

“I imagine I wouldn’t notice. I’d be too distracted by the sun exploding.”

Luna snorted and then cleared her throat as if to excuse it. “So sorry.”

“No need to apologize. You must never be ashamed to laugh.”

“Your metaphor was accurate enough though. She would be furious.”

“And why? You are happier here than I have ever seen you on my brief trips to Canterlot.”

“Yes, well… your citizens have a far better appreciation of my work.” She smiled, “Thanks in no small part to you. I was elated to hear you suggest to them to enjoy the night!”

“Of course. Luna, your night is spectacular and you deserve as much recognition as she does. But appreciation of your work isn’t what I was referring to. I almost never see you smile in her presence. I’ve even seen her correct you on it when you do.”

“She’s just trying to keep me respectable in the eyes of our subjects.”

“There’s more to it than that and you know it. I’m nearly appalled that your own sister has never done such a thing so simple as to suggest that your kingdom take some time to see the night, even for just one day! She’s paying attention to you as a Princess, but not as a sister. Little miss sun butt needs to gets her horn out of where her cutie mark lies!”

Luna snorted, “Please, Sombra. That is my sister you are speaking of.”

“Forgive the rudeness. Allow me to alter my statement. She’s so busy keeping her nose to the sky, that she wouldn’t notice manure if she stepped in it.”

Luna spoke more seriously this time. “I know she can be difficult, but I love my sister.”

“Redacted,” Sombra said bluntly, sighing. “You have been neglected. I know that much. And it hurts very deeply to know that. And for how long?”

“I wish you could have seen her before. She was once… how shall I say it politely? Less than majestic? But we had to deal with something unexpected recently. There were two brothers who came to Equestria. One came in peace, but the other came to steal everypony's magic. Then, there was the troublesome chaos being who threatened the fabric of reality. We were able to defeat them both, but it seems like since then, Celestia has had more stress on herself, trying to remain calm and happy to our subjects. I get the feeling that she’s just constantly waiting vigilantly, wondering where the next threat will come from.”

“Would it hurt her to even spend an hour a day on something… fun? Maybe just give you someone to talk to about something other than royal tasks?”

“I’m able to vent my frustrations at night while everypony is asleep, and thankfully, I’ve had you to lean on. In that way, I guess being ignored by so many has come with a few advantages. But Celestia never gets a chance to let her feelings out. She can never relax. I feel like if she doesn’t soon, she may well explode.”

“I had high hopes that the crystal fair would have been able to do just that. It’s an incredible stress reliever for my subjects in the face of the relentless onslaught of storms. Love and unity, it’s how we survive the harshness of the frozen north without going insane! I thought for sure the fair could bring out a somewhat more… approachable side of Princess Celestia, but at the tournament, her mind was focused only on diplomacy. That was bad enough, but then, in the evening-- no, no pony basking in the energy of the crystal heart fails to come away without a feeling that their burdens have been lifted from them. If that wasn’t enough to wake her up to what she’s doing to herself-- to you, then what ever could?”

“I really don’t know, but can we please not press the issue any further? We don’t get to do this very often, we have to leave in the morning, and I don’t want our last few hours together to be haunted by unhappy thoughts.”

“Very well. I agree that we need to talk about something more pleasant….like you!”

Luna blushed deeply. “You always know how to charm your way into my heart.”

“You charmed your way into mine long ago.” Sombra blushed as well. He rose from his seat, made his way over to the window and pushed it open.

“Sombra, what are you--”

He put a hoof to his lips. “Shhh.” Then he motioned her over. Sombra grabbed a small crystal lantern from the edge of the balcony and waved it in the air a couple of times. Moments later, brilliant rockets soared into the air over the fair and exploded in a barrage of colorful sparks. All heads in the fair immediately turned their heads skyward, mesmerized by the unexpected display.

“Sombra, what manner of magic is this?”

“Not magic, my starlight angel. Good old-fashioned chemistry. Something Starswirl helped me cook up. We call them fireworks.”

“You were even able to employ Starswirl’s help in making this evening? Without Celestia knowing?”

“Starswirl and I have assisted one another greatly. I’m not sure either knows who owes the other more at this point. So, do you like them?”

“They’re gorgeous!”

“Not as gorgeous as your night, but even that pales in comparison to your beauty and grace.”

Luna’s eyes were pulled away from the fireworks back to Sombra’s eyes as he continued.

“You illuminate the room when you enter just as brightly as your moon illuminates the snow. You, dear Princess, deserve so much more appreciation than you have been given. Here, we see the night for what it is! We see the majesty of your work; the stars, the moon, even the aurora that we are blessed with. The sun is nice, but the moon is beauty beyond compare. After all, ponies must look away from the sun, but may gaze at the moon as long as they wish!”

“Sombra...that is the sweetest thing anypony has ever said to me!”

The King smirked, feeling the box hidden in his cloak, “Luna, your moonlight makes my heart glow!” Sombra blushed, holding out the box and opening it. “Would you do me the honor of being the Queen of the Crystal empire?”

The three buttoned their lips in hope, leaning in close.

“I would be delighted!” Luna said with eyes filled with happy tears.

The three jumped silently for joy as Luna jumped at Sombra and hugged him tightly. Top-Stitch quietly closed the door as the King and Princess embraced. Top-Stitch, Derpy, and the Doctor quietly scampered away from the door until they were out of earshot and then giggled and cried with delight.

“What a perfectly beautiful festival this has been,” the Doctor said. “I am so glad we were able to witness this.”

“I’m so glad you came,” Top-Stitch said. “Spending time with the two of you gave him such joy. As you can imagine, he was very nervous about tonight, but when you arrived, he was much more relaxed. I doubt he would have gotten a wink of rest before the fair if not for the audience you had with him yesterday.”

“I’m very happy we were able to help.”

They bade one another goodnight, exchanged hoof bumps all around, and made their way back to their beds, excited for the next day when they were sure that a date for a royal wedding would be officially-announced.

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