• Published 1st Jun 2020
  • 619 Views, 20 Comments

Stargate SG1: Children of Equestria - Megaskullmon

A long history of friendship on a world long forgotten.

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Chapter Seven: Dragons of Wyoming Part Five [Final]

It’s been at least almost a week since the team has been in Wyoming. It’s been so long that they are now able to head up to crazy mare canyon and they finally can speak to the moose and the deer. The dragon team and the SG team are in a large bus heading up there.

They don’t speak to each other because they’re all worried about what they will learn. Sam sat beside her old dragoness friend. They spoke very quietly as the serpent and her laugh and chuckle. Old friends from young hood becoming closer.

The driver of the bus who is one of the few pure ponies that lives in Wyoming wants to try to learn what they want to learn.

“So what do you wish to learn?”

Jack lifts his head sighs he woke up after leaning against Ruby. It took him a while to answer.

“We wish to learn the truth if Equestria existed. If it did then why did so many of us end up here? There has to be a reason for it. There have been stories about it from the jaffa that captured us. That has been so many stories told to us over the years.”

Ruby shifts in the seat.

“Well, I am just a simple driver. My family is half dragon and pony I am a rare pony from my family. Since most are either full or half. I just wish to know so I can tell my family there is nothing to worry about.”

Daniel is sitting next to Rose. They’re here to watch the teams and make sure they don’t become a threat to each other. Rose didn’t want Daniel to say anything. She shook her head. She stands up walking to the driver.

“Tell your family this. These two teams may be outsiders. But Ruby is a former of this state. Allow them to find what they can. If they can learn what they can. Then it could lead to peace in this world. That is the sad thing most would never understand.”

The driver sighs.

“I wish I could agree with that. This is a state full of angry dragons. Half and half of the species do a better job at calming down. Just if you learn something that could anger the entire world then there could be another world war.”

Jack sits up about to speak Ruby uses her wing to stop him. She shakes her head.

“How about I speak for all here. I am part of this state or used to be a hero of this state. If you can’t take the words of the others here then take mine. Dragons need to learn to calm themselves. I had to learn to do just that during training with ponies and others in the stargate program.”

Jack lifts his hoof.

“One second is there a toilet in here for one to empty the tank and salute the king?”

The other just stared at Jack.

“Yes in the back..”

Ruby laughs getting out of the seat allowing Jack to head to the bathroom. Jack gets out of the seat humming a song. He gives the others a nod while walking to the back of the bus to get to the bathroom. He looks out the back of the window as Moose and Deer start coming out of the bushes to block the road.

He goes into the bathroom and then comes out a few minutes later after cleaning his hooves and he whispers to Ruby about what he saw. Ruby lifts her head to stare at the Moose and deer following them now.

“It seems the moose and deer know we are coming.”

The driver sighs.

“Yes, they do this a lot. I don’t blame them for doing so since it’s the only way they can protect themselves.”

Teal’c shifts.

“The problem of old wars still rising. The hate from the old wars coming back. It’s like your kind can’t move on. A jaffa knows when it’s best to move on. Even though at times we don’t move on ourselves.”

The bus turns into a crazy mare canyon and they’re forced to stop by deer and Moose who are waiting by a roadblock.

“I guess this is the end of the line. I am sorry for not being able to take you all the full way. I will stay here if I am allowed to wait for you.”

Both teams get out of the bus. They walk to the two leaders of deer and moose standing there.

“Forgive us for stopping you here. But she only wishes to see SG1 and Ruby. So forgive us.”

Ruby turns to her team.

“I am sorry my friends please do your best to not harm anything.”

The door comes over with bags putting them over their heads.

“Um.. why?’

Jack simply asks.

“Forgive us our friends don’t trust you. So they will take you to the oldest dragoness on earth.”

Each of the team gets bags put on their head and it takes them about an hour to get into the city and be taken to the oldest dragoness on earth. When the bags are removed the SG 1 team and Ruby sat in a chair infront of the old dragoness. For now, she is still very healthy and her scales hard as diamond.

“So I am told you’re wishing to speak to me about Equestria? Why should I tell you anything? You could use the information I would give to you as a way to start a war. So again tell me why I should tell you anything.”

Ruby stood up.

“Because elder if you die without telling us. Then the only way to find our way back home wouldn’t be easy so please in the name of the dragonlords of old.”

The old dragoness sighs.

“I don’t remember much. I remember Equestria but I remember more about her.”

Jack shifts a bit.

“Who is her?”

The old dragoness smiles.

“The mother.”

The dragoness opens a book of what she remembers.

"Many years ago."

What will the Sg team learn? Find out next time in the story of the mother.