• Published 1st Jun 2020
  • 621 Views, 20 Comments

Stargate SG1: Children of Equestria - Megaskullmon

A long history of friendship on a world long forgotten.

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Chapter Two: The Abydos search

Author's Note:

Now I am asking for ideas on the best way to get them to find the old SG team. Maybe even run into the accident beings. Because the ponies haven't run into them yet. Also Henry and Ruby will become Main stays in the story if you wish.

It was 7 in the morning the next day. The team had gotten fully dressed and their weapons all ready to go along with all their food. The team hasn't been on this planet in years. So they have no idea what it's like now. It's even harder to know where to look since the Abydonins have left the planet. The gate is open to the planet and the MALP has already been sent through.

"I am sure the best place to look at. Is the old camps that they left behind." Daniel told the others.

"I remember the last time we after helping them escape there were some abandoned Ha'taks Maybe we could learn more if we can unlock them, sir." Sam is talking to Jack about this so just seems to nod.

"When we get there Teal'c stays with Daniel. SG 4 will go with you, Carter. I will be with SG 2." The team looks behind them to the two teams. SG 4 is a female team of Griffins. The griffins of the earth are less likely to cause problems like their Equestrian brothers and sisters. Then SG 2 has a changeling, A griffin, A diamond dog, A unicorn, and a dragon as their leader. She was one of the larger dragons, a large pink dragon that had spikes all over her back to her tail.

"Do you have that Ruby?" Jack looked to the Dragon.

"Yes." This dragon is from what is known as the USA. They all live in the Rocky Mountain area. She is the pride of Wyoming. "If we can find proof Equestria is real sir. I can take it back to the dragon lord of Wyoming. She shall love knowing."

Hammer spoke over the PA

"Okay, you have a go. Just stay in contact with each other and if you see anything or find anything contact us. Your first check-in is in 2400. Now get going and Goddess-speed to you."

"Let's move out!!!" Yelled Jack as the team leaders of the other teams yelled the same. Then they all got into the Stargate.


All the teams come out of the gate on the other side. It's been years since most of them have been here. They looked around seeing some bodies of ponies and other races still decaying. Since they couldn't return here to get the bodies since the enemy kept them from taking them. With the gate still, open Jack speaks into his radio.

"It looks like they never took our dead the last time we were here. We will search for more of our dead. Then bring them back to the gate to send them home." He looks to the others with him. "I know most of you lost family or friends here. So please ignore your feelings for now till we find what we came for. Then morn." The other teams nod. I could tell some in the group lost many friends and even family here. Ruby lost almost all her family here. She is the one that deserves to be morn. She lost her father, two of her brothers, and almost even her mother. Since families work together.

"Now take everything you need Ammo food and then we will start searching. If you find anything we will all come back here. If anyone shows up don't be a hero. You all got that?" Jack turned to the others and they all nod to him. Jack Flew into the air. SG 2 followed him some by air some by the ground. Carter went her own way and of course, Daniel and Teal'c stayed by the gate.

"Now to get to work.." He set his bag down, unzipping the bag to bring out his books. "We never did a good amount of reading here when I first came here. Let's.." He went silent looking through the sand this version of the gate pedestal on Abydos has no hard floor. He looked through it finding old glasses broken and chard. He stares at it seeing the glasses belonged to him.

"Memories" Using his claws to dig through the sand to see if he can find more. Sighs that he couldn't find anymore. "So much for my hunch. Hoping to see if I can find some of my journals I left here.." He places the glasses in his bag and sighed. Remembering his wife he met here and the fact that Teal'c had to kill her in the past. More of the fact she got fully taken over by the snake in her head.

"Come" Daniel takes his books and reads the walls



It took a few hours but Jack and his team finally made it to the old camp that they had to force the Abydonis to leave behind. Jack and his team look through the camp. They stayed silent about all this since many of them had friends that died here. Many SG teams lost members of their teams. Rubie's sister died during this battle. All stayed silent since the family may have died here for each of them.

Jack stayed silent. He looked back on how he lost his son. He had his pistol sitting in his room. It was unlocked while he was with his wife outside. They heard a gunshot and shot himself dead. He wanted to use this mission to head to a planet like this one. But to him, it was a nightmare. He had no idea why he did it before.

"Jack.." He kept hearing. "Jack.."

He came out of his memory and in front of him, Ruby was standing there.

"Oh sorry, what's up?"

"We haven't found anything yet. We will keep looking." Jack nodded. "Jack.." He looked back up to the dragon.

"Yes?" He didn't seem happy that this dragon wanted to speak to him. But he has grown close to a lot of these new members that risked their lives for so many of their world. Ruby sits down beside him looking at Jack wrapping a wing around him. Jack wasn't used to this kindness from a dragon. Of course, only a certain amount of dragons on earth are harsh and rude.

"I read up on your file. I am sorry about your son." That struck a nerve. He was about to get very defensive. "I know it's not something easy to talk about. I just wanted to let you know you're not alone."

"What are you meant to be doing?" She was taken aback by what he said. "You and your team need to be doing what you're here for." He pats her shoulder. "Also thank you but right now is not the time." Ruby sighed and she knew this was a bad idea. She was about to stand back up.

"We found something!!" One of her team yelled. Jack and Ruby fully stood up and walked over to the tent. A changeling is holding a very old book. "It's also in ponish or something close to it."

Ruby took it and opened it up. They can only read one thing. "Dr. Frank." The rest of the name and the entire journal is smudged. But they feel they found something at least but not enough to lead them on their journey.

"Well, at least that is something to keep looking at. We might be able to learn more. " Jack went back out of the tent taking a swig of water and looked to Ruby who stood beside him.

"Ruby after this mission, how about we go fishing. Maybe you can learn more about me and I can learn more about you."

"Oh I love Fishing, will it just be catching them and tossing them back?"

"Ah, a dragon after my own heart. Yes, that's what it would be."

"It's a date then." She went back to her team and it struck Jack after what she said was a date?! That is new to him somepony thinking fishing is a date? Well, then he's now sure he will like this dragon.

"Sir we just got to the Ha'taks if we find anything we will let you know."

"Alright, Carter. Keep in touch if you can."


Daniel and Teal'c

It's been almost four hours since they got here. They aren't any closer to finding anything. Daniel refuses to give up since this is the find for a long time. If they could find the gate to Equestria it would be amazing to him. It a great find just to see the world they all came from. some words finally struck him as odd.

"Teal'c It says here ages ago there was a war between one enemy and five factions. One is the Nox, Furlings, I can't read the last one. It's smudged something about them being very old. The Asgard and... Read that."

Teal'C looked at the words and cocked his eyebrow. "Tari or humans. They fought a race like the one we fought and beat a while ago. So this is not the first time they went into hiding. But nothing about the wait. It says here this planet was hit by a large beam from a ship in orbit. Everyone around even the people here was killed. "

"Hmm not much to go on but it seems there were humans and they fought an enemy as we have. But shouldn't there be more? What happens to the rest of them? It's making no sense on this. Not every human would just vanish from the universe unless something wanted all of them dead."

"I wish I could answer. But I don't have any idea this is new to me as well. Among the jaffa, there is an old story of humans and their determination in battle. But most of us always thought it was a fake story. Since every legend has a little bit of truth. There are also rumors that human Jaffa is still out there among the ranks of old. But if it's true I have never seen them myself."

Daniel sighed stroking along his head with his claws. It was getting harder for him to concentrate. All he could think of is finding Equestria the find the fact after all these years he would finally get what he deserved. Instead of being laughed at. But the problem is the rest of the world wishes to stay in the dark about Equestria.

"You seem tired Dr. Jackson."

Daniel sighed. "That's the thing I haven't slept since we found that Equestria might be real. I always felt there is more to us than magic and creatures that can control the weather. If the world is where every creature came from then... Then I need to find it!!" Daniel sounded more obsessed than anyone Teal'c saw he had known Daniel for a long time. He didn't show it but he was worried. Daniel slides his claw along the wall again to read it. A strange mist catches his eye. The mist enters him. When this thing enters him his rage and sadness fill him. It's like whatever entered him is full of these feelings itself.

"Daniel I am sure you will find it. I am sure you would find it!!" Daniel is talking to himself out loud. Daniel has been laughed at and told he was wrong about Equestria being real for years. " Finally they will know I was right!!"

"Dr. Jackson" Daniel turned around quickly, lifting his pistol. Aiming right at the one he's called a friend for years. His eyes are glossed over like something finally has snapped inside him.

"You don't want us to find it!! Y....You're the Enemy like the others. Are they following us?!" He cocks the pistol aiming while he aims his claw shakes. Tears streaming down his feathered face. " You don't get it... You don't get it!!! They all laughed at me. I knew Equestria is real for years. I have found proof but... They tossed me out on my ass. I was laughed at and treated like a threat to the community. My family won't even look at me!!"

"Daniel Jackson!!" He lifts a Zat gun in his hoof. " We will find it. Now please drop the gun. I wish to help you." He fires his gun on Teal'c hitting him in the armor but it still went through. The Zat gun went off and while he turned he didn't notice a strange mist flying out of Daniel seeping away into the wall.

"O'neal. Something is wrong with Daniel Jackson he shot me."

"Come again?" Jack asked.

"Is there anything wrong with him Teal'c?" Sam sounded very worried.


"Alright. I am sending Ruby back since she knows him better than anypony."

"Daniel Jackson and I did find something about humans. It seems this planet is a lot older than we first thought. I am worried about him. He has never treated me like this and lost his mind."

"Yes, Teal'c many of us have been stressed lately. If this is true then everything we know for years has been a lie. That is the issue Earth is facing right now. The fact that Earth is not the true planet that everything came from. Then I would fall into that trap as well. It's a matter of how some see this. The rest of our planet is angry at us and will be even more upset if we find the truth. Ruby and others of her team will be returning to help you with Daniel and to read more on the walls. I will stay here and keep searching."

Sam and the Griffins

It took Sam and the Griffins even longer to get to their mission. The old ship is thankfully still somewhat intact. She turns to look at the Griffins. It was hard to see the color of their feathers. Because of them, they wore black helmets with visors covering everything and their outfits covered them too.

"Alright, we just need.." Before Sam was going to say we need to find a way in. One of the Griffins already did. They didn't talk to each other. They just went on their way having Sam follow. It confused her because she normally felt that Griffins never worked well together. This is the first group of Griffins that worked together this good.

The lead Griffin that had the Russian symbol on her helm pointed to one of the others pointing to the hall and she nodded. Then pointed to the other hall. Then she stood by Sam along with another Griffin. This group just talked through gestures.

"I um.... let's go then." The two Griffins followed her to the core to get the power back on so they could get the information from the memory banks. They made it to the core and the leader of the Griffins pointed to the bridge in the hall and the other Griffin left. She removed her helm showing she is a gentle brown owl peak.

"Forgive Major. The others don't trust ponies as I do. It's a matter of how the ponies have been on earth for many years. It's a past thing many can't get over. But I am sure someday they will."

Sam smiled nodding. " I understand from all the magic wars we had and issues in the past. I don't blame them. I do hope this won't be a problem."

"Oh, not at all Major. Just if we can find the world that we all come from. Then I am welcomed to join with ponies." The radio came on.

"O'Neal Daniel Jackson shot me." Teal'c sad over the Radio

"Come Again?"

"Is there anything wrong with Teal'c?" Sam sounded very worried about her friend. The look on her face the griffin could see. It made her worried as well for a Russian of course.


"Alright, I am sending Ruby back. She knows Daniel more than anyone"

"Daniel Jackson and I did find something about humans. It seems this planet is a lot older than we first thought. I am worried about him. He has never treated me like this and lost his mind." Teal'c added when that was said the Griffin and Sam looked up in surprise. To them the fact they found anything is surprising.

"Yes, Teal'c many of us have been stressed lately. If this is true then everything we know for years has been a lie. That is the issue Earth is facing right now. The fact that Earth is not the true planet that everything came from. Then I would fall into that trap as well. It's a matter of how some see this. The rest of our planet is angry at us and will be even more upset if we find the truth. Ruby and the other of her team will be returning to help you with Daniel and to read more on the walls. I will stay here and keep searching."

Sam lowered her ears if she knew this she could have talked to Daniel or Jack. She hates it when she gets so entrenched in other things that matter to her. But always seems to forget her friends. She sits on her haunches feeling bad and sighs looking down to the floor.

"Miss Carter you shouldn't feel bad for what happened, things aren't always so easy for others. Take it from a Russian living in a country full of my kind and others. Griffins normally never get along together. It also doesn't help that our leader is not a griffin that doesn't understand the ones that live there."

"I wish I could understand that. Just it hasn't been that long. But he has been trying to find Equestria almost his entire adult life. If he can finally find it then he will be happy. I have lived in the United States all my life. My family never really gets along. Also, my father died of cancer. It's a matter of how some see life. But I think we better get going Miss.. Miss."

"Henry" Sam smiled as she stood back up on her lanky hooves. "I do have one question though," Henry asked before walking along with Carter.


"Are all you Americans this tall?" Sam stops in her tracks looking at Henry smirking.

"Now this just runs in my mother's side of the family. Some can be small, stout, and even plump. It's a matter of how some see them. We don't even have all the ponies there. Remember over the years we got a lot of other races coming to us. It's very normal."

Sam used her magic to open up the core. The crystals look intact. There were no words between them anymore while they worked. It took a little bit of a few hours when the power finally came on.

"Alright let's get to the bridge"


Daniel and Ruby.

Daniel finally woke up he was tied by his front claws. While this was going on Teal'c still read the writing he even had to move Daniel and his gear to other areas of the temple even deeper inside. After a while, the large dragon walked in with a Changeling beside her.

"Go help Pete." The red Changeling lifted one of Daniel's books and went to go help Teal'c. Ruby sat by the Griffin looking at him sighing softly.

"You hurt one of your teammates, Danny." Daniel looked up at his friend.

"I was just reading and doing what I can with the wall. Then I felt what was a presence enter me and then everything else went black."

Ruby stares at him tilting her head. "Daniel, we know you have issues with Teal'c after what happened to your wife."

"Ruby you have known me since we were kids. You can't trust me this once?" Ruby stares at Daniel then back to the others.

"Jack I am letting Daniel go."

"Are you sure you can trust him?"

"If I can't trust the one I grew up with who can you trust?"

"Then you keep an eye on him. If he acts up again shoot him." Ruby just softly laughs to herself. Daniel smirks knowing Jack would never allow that.

"Sir." Carter interrupted.

"What Carter." Jack sounded a bit upset this time.

"We got the computer running but.. something is wrong here. We got all the other Griffins back but they said they found something. There are old bodies on this ship. Now how long they have been here is another story. But that is not else we found a list of gate Addresses. We will be looking for anything else in here. But should we bring the bodies?"

"It might be best. If you can find anything else let me know." Jack sighed on the Radio he sounded very tired.

Ruby helps Daniel out of the bind and then stands up. "Don't worry if you act up I won't shoot you."

Daniel smiled.


More hours passed during the search and they found nothing else. All they found is these gate addresses. After a while Ruby and Daniel spent the time talking. While they waited for the others to return.

"Well yeah, I have laid ten clutches. Of course, that is normal for us. Some do stay together but I'm not one of those. Like I do you before." Daniel nodded he felt bad for what he did to Teal'c he looks over to him. Who is still looking at the writing? They have gone even deeper learning more about that. The humans fought here long ago. One of them destroyed the enemy with a great weapon that made the sky glow. They also learned that the humans had many places they went to. Including a gate address to a place called the Alpha sight. But other than that it's just about stories of the gods and them taking over the land.

After a while, the others came back and Ruby convinced Daniel to go talk to Teal'c before they left and they started clicking the address to return. The gate opened.

"We found all we could. There is nothing else other than the desert, more desert, and more desert."

"We expected you to stay there longer, are you sure you can't find anything else?" Hammer added.

"Not for a matter of trying we might need to have more ponies than just us here. But I feel we did all we could."

"We will send a few other teams there then to study then. You may come home with what you have. Of course, also we need a security detail on Daniel because he shot Teal'c"

"Alright, you can debrief me when you get back."

The other started going into the gate. But the three that stayed behind Teal'c Daniel and Ruby. Daniel walked up to his Jaffa friend and he felt bad for what he did. Teal'c stared at him on his left foreleg and he had a bloody hole and blood still kind of leaking from the wound.

"I am sorry Teal'c I don't." Teal'c just pats his shoulder. Giving him a gentle smile.

"Don't worry about it, Daniel Jackson. We all have had things happen to us. Like when our enemy tried to force me to think they're Gods again when they're just worms in ponies' heads. So we all have these problems. I am very sorry for this happening to you as well." Teal'c looks at Ruby nodding to her and walks into the gate.

"There I told you." Ruby Smiles wrapping her wings around her friend and they both went through the gate. But unknowing to them the same mist that went into Daniel before seeped into the gate following them whatever it is.

Tune in next time for the next chapter of Stargate: SG 1: Children of Equestria