• Published 1st Jun 2020
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Stargate SG1: Children of Equestria - Megaskullmon

A long history of friendship on a world long forgotten.

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Chapter Four: Dragons of Wyoming part one

It’s been many days since SG1 came back from the off-world all of SG1 Jack stayed at command though. The others left the base. Jack couldn’t stop thinking of what everyone had been talking about. If everything they know is not true and this world used to be one of the humans. Then why did they come in control of it?

There is bare to no history of Equestria either. They have been in this world for so long. Dragons can live longer than ponies. They don’t even remember what happened. The only dragon that knew won’t speak and lives in Crazy mare canyon away from the rest of Wyoming. Dragons control that land.

“Jack what are you thinking?” He turns to Hammer shrugging.

“I am thinking we should talk to the dragons. Since they live longer than the rest of us. Maybe they could tell us something.”

Hammer nodded.

“The issue is though after everything came out about it. Some of them closed off their towns and cities in Wyoming. The only ones still open to other cities still open to us are Casper and Buffalo. Casper would be harder with it being a mining city and Buffalo is very unfriendly to outsiders.”

Jack sighed and took a deep breath.

“I don’t blame them the dragons keep so much to themselves. The only dragons that don’t know are the younger ones. The ones that work for us. Maybe it’s wise if we go with other dragons. Of course, I don’t really know. I should not go. I pissed off many dragons in my time.”

Hammer laughs. Jack turned to stare at the large stallion.

“I wouldn’t ask you to go Jack. You're Not the best when it comes to talking and trying to change the minds of others.”

Jack laughs.

“Of course now do you have orders, sir?”

Hammer shook his head.

“The only orders I have for you is to gather your team and hoof pick a few dragons to join you.”

Jack sighed.

“I see I will do it in an hour or so. It’s not going to be easy to just find any dragons since most of them are so closed off.”

Jack shook his head and didn’t like this idea of going to a state to hunt one to talk with. Dragons are full of wisdom but they will never openly give anything. But now he had to find dragons that would be able to get them inside the state. Wyoming has been very unwelcoming to outsiders these last few years. It’s been that way since the last few elections and the fact that dragons don’t feel they’re represented that well.

“Jack, what’s on your mind?” Jack turns his head a bit to look back at Hammer and a smile forms along his face. In his eyes, he is very tired and unsure of how to handle all this. Dragons only welcome other races that conform to their ways of living.

“The issue I have had with dragons. They don’t care about fishing. But truthfully I never got along with dragons that much. After the stargate program became more widespread they have gotten very untrusting of ponies controlling it.”

Hammer sighed, shaking his head.

“I don’t blame them for feeling that way. It’s not just the dragons that want more claws into the gate it’s also the hippogriffs, sea ponies, and Minotaurs. The griffins have not given any issues for that in many years.”

Jack nodded and walked off away from the others. In the darkness near Hammer, a couple of glowing eyes show up in darkness coming out of the darkness one of the parrots. This race is normally living in a flying airship city above the middle of the sea.

“I see why you trust him.” Hammer turns his head to the female parrot. He smirked, nodding to her.

“Yes, I have trusted Jack for years. If anyone can learn the truth he can. I am just hoping when he learns the truth. I am hoping we don’t get another war. So many wish to see this world of Equestria. Some even wish to go back if we can go back, that is.”

The parrot sighs stroking her forehead with her wing. Her feathers looked very deshelled and her eyes blood red from lack of sleep. So much stress is in the poor creature’s body. She felt the urge to scream but it’s harder for her to do that.

“The city in the sky hasn’t been the same since this came out. We had protests and riots even people so upset that our elections have been pushed back to next year. It’s not going easy for us and I heard it’s in every country this is happening.”

Hammer sighed nodding.
“It’s been happening here..” The parrot sighs looking away from Hammer. This world has had so much happen. Peace has always been normal, war barely breaks out. The last war was when the dragons wanted a land of their own. So they gave the entire race of dragons Wyoming. Even if they leave to live in other areas.

“It’s like the dragon wars all over again. Just without everything on fire. At least the riots are somewhat peaceful. With what I mean somewhat peaceful at least unicorns rebuild things quick enough with their magic”

Hammer nods.

“Let’s hope… Come let’s make sure they learn the truth.” The two old friends leave the halls heading to the command center to question who else returns from the gate.

Dragon district of colorado springs.

A large section of the town has walls around it built by the dragons. It’s been this way ever since the war. They only allow family and friends to enter. Even some dragons are married to non-dragons and they treat these marriages like it’s very normal to them. But outsiders to this city angers them even more.

Jack finally gets out of his truck and waiting for him is Carter. The gate is heavily locked and right beside the gate are a couple of heavily armed dragon guards. They don’t have the normal armor of us and weapons.

“Now.. sir. Please don’t anger them. Don’t talk at all let me do the talking.” Jack just glared at Carter and he shrugged his shoulders. Jack stays far behind while Carter takes a deep breath and the two guards stare at the large lanky mare.

“We have come to talk to the one known as Ruby of the Rocky mountains. We need to speak to her so please can you allow us in?”

The two dragons look at each other and then look at Jack. The large female guard points at him.

“You stallion are you the one known as Jack?” Jack’s ears perk up and trot up to them tilting his head. He has a confused look in his eyes. Who would know him in this town? The only one he knows is Ruby.

“So um yes?” The female dragon looks Jack over and snorts.

“So you’re the one that she is going on a fishing date later. She can do better than you but go in. But we will be watching you closely. If you try to force your pony views on us. We will toss you out. If you try to change our kind to the side of that zebra mare running DC then get out. Now enjoy your stay.” She smiles sweetly

“Jack..but you vote for her to..”

“Yes we do but it doesn’t mean we have to allow the weak-minded zebra leader to control our lives. Our dragon lord makes our laws. When a dragon takes over they will put your ponies and zebras to the task.”

The male dragon sighs.

“Ignore her.” The female dragon stares at the other guard and he opens the gate. “Welcome to Dragon springs.”

Jack nods walking into the gated town Carter not far behind and the door closes behind them and he sighs deeply.

“I remember the dragon wars. The fact that we lost and had to give them a little bit of each state and towns maybe it’s wise we didn’t go any further with the war.”

Carter nodded and the two ponies walk through the town. The dragons don’t seem to care that they are in the town. Since a couple of families are mixed. A zebra mare and a female dragon sit together and from the looks of it, they’re married.

“Excuse me.” Jack looks up to the zebra sitting by the orange dragoness.


“Are you Jack O’neal?”

Jack sighed, shaking his head.

“Yes my face is all over the tv so yes I am Jack. So how can I help you?’

The zebra looks up to her friend and then back to Jack. Jack has a confused look on his face. The zebra finally got off the bench and smiled very sweetly.

“I have been asked by the leader of this town to show you around. Also no offense to keep an eye on you. It’s not easy to get trusted in this town of dragons. Sometimes it could never happen. This is my wife Spitter.” The orange dragon just stares at Jack; she stays silent and pulls the zebra to her by her tail wrapping her large wings around her.

Jack just stares at the dragon.
“Listen I know how your kind feels about the stargate program. But this is the only way we can find the world we all came from. Are you willing to stay hateful of an old war?”


“Carter?” Jack turns his head to Carter.

“You’re making a scene.” Around them, a group of dragons and other creatures, one of the dragons is dressed in a cop uniform. The dragon cop walks up to Jack and he whispers in Jack’s ear. Jack sighed nodding looking at Carter.

“Go find Ruby Carter.” Jack is led by the cop to the cop car and his wings are chained to keep him from flying away and taken down the way to the prison. Carter just stares at the car heading down the road.

“What...just happened?” Carter turned her head to the zebra mare. The dragon spitter sighed, shaking her head. She looks down at her wife whispering in her ear. To make sure that her wife understands she didn’t call these others to go after jack.

“Don’t worry, your friend will be fine. Spitter is telling me that the cops came to protect him. You got to remember even though the world war between the entire world vs the dragons it still stings hard for them even though they did win. But you gotta understand ponies invading their lands are still fresh in their minds. So the cops came to protect him from any forming mobs.”

Carter sighs deeply, shaking her head. The other dragons didn’t leave though they all stare at her. She doesn’t understand if it’s something to do with the stargate program. She took a deep breath turning to the growing group of dragons.

“ We aren’t here to fight you. Remember the stargate program is to find anything out there for everypony and every creature. I understand that you find it harder to trust ponies. I don’t blame you I don’t blame you at all.”

The leader of the mob shook his head.

“No offense to you. Just not all of us trust ponies. I called the police to protect your friend from the others that can’t get over their hate for ponies. We may allow some ponies in our lands. But why are you here?”

Carter sighs and takes a deep breath again to try to relax.

“I am here to find Ruby of the Rocky mountains. To help us get into Wyoming to find the oldest dragon alive.” Some of the dragon’s gulp.

“Ah, I see the dragon of Wyoming the most hateful ones of our species. Ruby did announce that she had a date with a pony stallion. By the name of Jack. Wait…That was him wasn’t it?”

Carter nods.

“Yes, he is also my commander. The leader of SG1. So I thank you for protecting him since. If he did get hurt you do know what the air force would have done.” The leader of the mobs nodded gulping a bit.

“They would have attacked us and bombed us like the last time we had an issue with us. Look I didn’t want to be the one to cause another dragon world war. I get it that some ponies and other creatures out there are a bit upset that they had to give up some cities and some smaller states to us.”

Carter nods. “Same as for me I feel that we can make peace with your kind. But please lead me to Ruby. I would like to see if we can learn anything in Wyoming and then see if we can find more human history and Equestria.”

The mob’s leader nods singles his followers to disperse and leads Carter to Rubie’s home. The home tended to be deeper in the homes that are mixed families that would mean Ruby is part of these mixed-race families.

A large crystal-made house at the end of the suburb-like homes. Coming out of the front door are a bunch of ponies and a mix of dragons. Ruby is at a grill cooking a large slab of meat and veggies.

“Hey sis you got a visitor.” Ruby turns her head to look at Carter and the leader of the mob. He waved to her and left soon after Carter walked into the backyard. Ruby sighed deeply, not seeing Jack with her.

“Hello, Sam. Did you come here alone?” Carter shook her head.

“No, I came here with Jack. He was arrested for causing a riot but it was more to protect him.” Ruby’s crest fell and she shook her head. She didn’t like the sound of that looking towards her family.

“I will be back soon. I need to get my fishing date out of jail. But why are you here Sam?”

“We want you to help us get into Wyoming. We need to find what Jack said the oldest of all the dragons. He told us she is in Crazy mare canyon and no one has seen her since. Are you willing to help us do this?”

Ruby smiles. “I would love to in fact the old team I used to work with. Would love to join us to get us in there. But it would mean flying in there. But first, let’s get Jack out of prison.”

The airport

It took a while to get Jack out of the prison. In fact, they had to do an entire legal case to get him out. Ruby asked Carter and Jack to get their team and meet them at the airport in a day or so. Ruby is a former soldier of a large bomber group. A group that Jack lost many friends to.

She is known for killing many ponies and being a hero of her kind along with her team. Many never forgave her after the dragons won the war and demanded land of their own. Some ponies try to tell lies about why the war started. It started because the ponies didn’t treat the dragons well at all.

“So. Jack, how did you convince Ruby to contact her old team?” Jack shrugged his shoulders.

“No idea Daniel. I have a feeling she wants to know why the dragons of Wyoming have broken off from the rest of the dragons since they learned Equestria might be real.” Daniel shrugged his griffin shoulders.

“Got to remember Jack I was raised by a mixed family of Dragons and Griffins. So dragons aren’t always easy to read and some can get very full of themselves.” Jack sighed shaking his head. Carter finally came out of a large truck with Teal’c coming out of the other side of the car.

“We are here sir. What is…” Before she could finish a large crystal-made truck comes up to them and stops. Coming out are Ruby and a group of large various species of dragons. A large green female turns to the group. She has one of her eyes missing and a large flamethrower on her back.

The next a pink dragoness Chineses looking dragon. She stares at the group as she curls up around the truck growling softly at the ponies and griffin. A small red male in heavy armor and Jack remembers him as an infiltrator that caused many deaths in the past.

The last one a dragoness that Carter knows from foal hood. One she grew up one and refused to attack her on the battlefield but ever since the war the two old friends haven’t seen each other since then.

“Alright, we are all ready.” The group stares at each other with so much pain and anger in the eyes of each other than Teal’c. Ruby sighed she strokes her temples knowing this wouldn’t be easy. Ruby clicks her claws and the other dragons go into a large crystal-made bomber. She turns to Jack and the others going inside the bomber herself.

“This is going to be a long flight.” Jack groaned walking into the bomber followed by the others.

To be continued.