• Published 1st Jun 2020
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Stargate SG1: Children of Equestria - Megaskullmon

A long history of friendship on a world long forgotten.

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Chapter three: The mother

In a galaxy two thousand years ago. A planet much like the earth has a war that has been going on for years and years. This war was to fight the one that made those on the planet slaves all those years ago. One known as the mother she never gave them her name. Just called the mother and she helped start a rebellion after hearing rumors of other planets starting their own. One of the planets known as the earth started it all.

This planet did all it's could to fight off the invaders. It was getting harder and harder since the system lords started to come and help themselves with the planets. The only planets they gave up on is the planets that fully kicked off the others. They wish to kill the one known as the mother. She is too powerful in their minds and she refuses to call herself a god. So she is a threat to their lives. The war ends with them getting the mother on a ship. It was more than one ship that escaped.

They chased her across the universe for years. Each battle they had she lost a ship. Fights happen almost every other year since they kept finding planets for her to escape to. She hides there and tries to stay hidden even if every time she is there a few years. They take over the planet to get more slaves. Then she has to escape again. This time though they were ready for her.

When she fully escaped the planet they all fired on her ship and she went into hyperspace. All on the ship but her are dead. She is dying slowly while she tries to find a planet that she can land on. But the only planet she can find is an earth-like planet. It said it will take 100 years before she even gets there and thanks to the attack that causes her ship to stay in hyperspace till it makes it there. So she knows it will crash land on the planet. She would have to come back out of stasis each year.

Every year goes by she comes out of stasis every year and her body grows older and older. Her body is what most call human. Her mind also falls apart as well. Since she knows sooner or later her ship will either run out of power or make it. She has to replace the placements of the crystals. In the final year, her body is just too old to get out of stasis and the ship finally makes it to the planet. The entire ship is so damaged it crashes into a large body of water and half of it is out of the water. The stasis pod is kept running in lower power.

Outside the forest, many years go by. The forest grows more and more around this land. This very forest looks to be alive. It slithers and engulfs every inch of the land. Many things change even do the forest. Creatures start living there and powerful creatures form within the forest. Creatures known as Ailcorns try their best to tame this land. But when one drinks the water. They vanish never to be seen again. The Alicorns say to the others the forest is off-limits. They place a spell on it and whatever caused that Ailcorn to vanish is given the time to build its forces.

Years again past by another group of explores go inside the forest and get to the same lake and again vanish. Rumors and legends start to form about this forest. They start to call it the Ever-free forest. But stories of ponies vanishing and never returning. Rumors of ponies staying inside the forest and large objects in the water there is so much history of the goings-on of what is going on with this device. Some even make it back to warn others to stay away from it. They also warn of something strange in the water. As well as rumors of an alicorn that has been seen in the area.

More years past and fewer and fewer ponies end up in the land. Till a castle is started to be built. A castle is known as the two sisters it doesn't attract these ponies or creatures to it yet. Again so many years pass till a group of six go to the castle together. They come back powerful and a newfound friendship at least in the mind of this creature watching them. The six gather what they can and invade the ship.

Before anything too crazy happens. An alicorn stands right in front of them. One they have never seen before. But for some reason, they don't fear her. They never feared her but she was scared herself unsure. A queen in her own right would she tell them this?

"I mean no harm. I am called The mother."