• Published 1st Jun 2020
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Stargate SG1: Children of Equestria - Megaskullmon

A long history of friendship on a world long forgotten.

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Chapter Five: Dragons of Wyoming part three

Ruby wakes up in a private room all to herself and she looks around seeing that there is a mirror window she is being watched and she is sure that whoever is watching is the dragons that knocked them out.

“I am sorry for what we had to do to you, Ruby. But we can’t trust any of the dragons or SG1. You’re a hero to Wyoming. Just the issue is the dragons haven’t wanted to trust anyone outside of Wyoming since the war Ruby you know this. The others are being tested and experimented you know what this means Ruby.”

Ruby strokes her head sighing she knows what this means. Her scales have been cut into even to test her scales. She looks at the fact her shirt was removing showing her smooth scaled body. She is a little angry that this happened but she never understood why dragons even wear clothes outside of Wyoming.

“I know what it means but why remove my scales. What has caused these issues to get so far out of control?”

The female voice sighs.

“I wish I could tell you, Ruby. These orders come from the dragon lord herself. She needs to know if the StarGate Project will learn the truth. She is worried that they’re hunting too much for the truth and that they will cause a problem for this world for a long time. She needs to make sure they use this information wisely.”

Ruby shifts her large body full of pain after being poked and prodded.

“I may not respect it. But I do understand perfectly. If we prod too much into the truth we might find things we don’t want to find. I feel though that we need to find the truth before we go any further.”

The female laughs.

“Let’s just say of course Jack the one you took an interest in is taking this better than you are. He went did I randomly get married? Am I going to age to the point I die? Am I going to become a king?”

Ruby laughs shaking her head. She was correct to try to win the heart of the one named Jack. The door opens up and The Dragonlord walks through the door and she closes it and sits down at the table. The orange dragoness shifts in the chair holding the tooth tightly.

“I am sorry for this Ruby you’re a hero to every dragon here. Just many questions are going around why outsiders have come here. Now please tell me why do you wish to see the old one? The one hasn’t been seen in a long time and the Moose and the deer are protecting her from us.”
Ruby found this very confusing. She stands on her claws shifting a bit the pain from everything she has gone through just by being here is even more confusing. She shivers that her body is finally withdrawing from the pain.

“Why are they protecting her?

The dragon lord shifts.

“It’s because we are demanding the land of the Moose and the deer and we are trying to take it by force but they have beat it back at every chance. We feel they’re getting help by the old dragon herself.”

Ruby sighs shaking her head,

“What happened to let them keep their lands hmm? The rest of the country allows the Moose and the deer to have their lands what made us dragons the ones to steal it from them hmm?”

The dragon lord growls softly shifting in her chair. Ruby could tell that she struck a nerve then what Ruby was worried about is true. The dragons of Wyoming still think the war is still on. The dragon lord gets out of the chair and quickly swings the golden tooth at Ruby and Ruby turns to grab the tooth with her claws pushing the dragon lord back into the glass.

“What is wrong with you?!”

The dragon lord smirks.

“So you have gotten faster and you would have been knocked out. Your friend Jack even saw me coming. All he did was stand there and said ‘If you wish to hit me aim for the face. My face is not my best part. Just aim for the chest.’ I like him but no we aren’t trying to steal the land. We are trying to understand why they won’t even do peace talks with us. We go there even with a little group to talk to them and they outright attack us.”

Ruby found something odd with that the dragon lord said they’re trying to take the land from the moose and deer. She shakes her head unsure of the dragon lord misspoke to her or if the dragon lord’s anger got the best of her.

“Flow you’re allowing your anger to get the best of you again. You told me that you’re trying to take the land of the moose and deer now you said that you’re not what is it, my friend?”

Flow the dragon lord finally realizes what she said her cheeks glow brightly and she chuckles.

“Yes, I allowed my anger to get the best of me again. The issue is the area the moose and deer are in has many plants that could help our sick of this state since we refuse to allow outsiders to help. But we have attacked them before thinking we deserve their land and they beat us good.”

Ruby laughs.

“So the ponies couldn’t kick our butts. But a group of deer and moose could. I will admit this I feel we did wrong for going to war with the ponies. Because oh one dares to ask for some of our cattle meat and then we lose it.”

Flow sighs shaking her head.

“I wish I could talk about the past with you about how the war destroyed our species’ respect for other species. I am trying hard to fix that with the ponies but the dragons here refuse it. It will be slow but I am sure It will happen someday.”

Flow stands up from the chair looking back at Ruby.

“I need to go see how the others are doing. I can’t get you out yet Ruby. So if they do sound testing on you I am sorry.”

Flow leaves the room and after she does a strange loud sound comes out and Ruby holds her claws tightly to her head and from the sound, she bleeds a bit and passes out in the bed. The last thing in her mind is ‘I am going to need a painkiller after this.’

In another room Dr, Daniel Jackson finally opens his eyes. He groans and puts his glasses back on. After a while over the pa system, a German voice comes over the PA

“Daniel, wir wissen, dass du ein Greif vieler Worte bist. Sagen Sie uns, warum Sie hier sind?
{Daniel, we know that you are a griffin of many words. Tell us why you are here?}

Daniel took a bit of time to speak. He shifts onto the bed and grunts.

“Warum hast du uns ausgeknockt?”
{Why did you knock us out]

It took a while for the german dragon to speak again. He could hear a female and a male arguing in german but couldn’t understand any words at all. He shifts a bit looking around this is not the first time he has been in a situation like this. Since each time they return sometimes a group will force the team into this. Since some ponies don’t trust the program

“Das war ein Fehler unseres Drachenlords, guter Herr. Wir heißen Sie herzlich willkommen in Wyoming.”
{That was a mistake of our dragonlord, good sir. We wish to welcome you to Wyoming.}

Daniel laughs shaking his head. The griffin looks at the window and taps the glass with his sharp claw and sighs he understands why the dragons are like this. Since his kind can be even worse at times.

“Wir möchten nur mit dem ältesten Drachen der Erde sprechen.”
{All we wish to do is talk to the oldest dragon on earth.}

The two german dragons argue again, The two seem to not understand the real reason why they’re here.

“Wir möchten etwas über Equestria erfahren, das wir gefunden haben. Die Welt, aus der wir stammen könnten, ist real.”
{We wish to learn about Equestria we found info that the world.. The world that we might have come from is real.}

The german dragons argue again. Then Flow walks into the room and the dragon lord stares at the griffin.

“So you’re Jackson then? I knew your parents I loved your parents and I am sorry for your loss when their boat sank.”

Daniel stares at Flow he sighs and shakes his head.

“Listen all we wish to do is learn about Equestria. I understand that your species has issues with us trying to find out the truth. Just why do this to us?”

Flow shifts a bit and sits on the bed beside Daniel.

“The truth? I lied to you all it’s not about protecting you. It’s about protecting ourselves. Many are scared the ponies are trying to get their land back. But like your leader, Jack told me. The ponies have moved on if only my kind could do the same.”

Daniel shifts and is unsure what to say. He looks towards the golden tooth. He knows what that is from it’s an old object that the dragonlords of old had with them. It’s from the first-ever dragon lord on earth.

“I don’t blame your species. The griffins got treated even worse by the ponies earlier on it took years for them not to want to kill us and fight us. What brought us all together Minotaurs so forth is the dragons attacking all species but dragons work together now because of dragons.”

Flow sighs shaking her head.

“Declaring war was not my best moment. If I told my kind to move on and do it by force they would. There still would to many issues as well if we did. But my request to you do you know french?”

Daniel nods.

“That is what the moose mostly speak. If you want to get to the oldest dragon on earth you need to open up talks with them. Just listen I am very sorry for all you have been through. Ruby and the others will be free soon. Teal’c is already free since to us dragons he is not part of the issues we have on earth.”

Jackson nodded and a dragon walks into the room and gives Jackson all his gear and the female bows her head.

“I am sorry for what we did. We followed the lies of our hatred for other species. If it wasn’t for Flow a lot of you would have never even made it out alive.”

The dragon felt awful from what Daniel could tell.

“Don’t worry about it hatred is a normal thing. But it’s mostly through fear of what we would have done to you. All we would have done is come here and talk to the oldest dragon. Just I feel many are scared to learn the truth.”

Flow smirks.

“This is the truth a lot of us are scared to learn the truth.”

Daniel put his gear on and he turns to Flow and smiles.

“Thank you for telling me the truth did you tell the others?”

Flow nods.

“Of course the dragons are being treated worse than they should be. I can’t control that because dragons treat dragons with more disrespect than others at times. But they’re being freed now. Just be prepared Ruby may be a bit upset when you see her again.”

Daniel left the room and the two stayed behind the female looks over to Flow and she sits beside her sighing stroking her head.

“Was passiert, wenn sie erfahren, was uns auf diesen Planeten gebracht hat? Was sollen wir machen?”
{What happens when they learn about what brought us to this planet? What should we do?}

Flow stood and leaned on the golden tooth and shakes her head.

“Wir werden Frieden mit dem Rest der Welt schließen. Wir werden Ponys wieder in die Ländereien zulassen, die wir ihnen weggenommen haben. Mit uns zu leben und sich mit uns zu paaren. Weil wir zusammenarbeiten müssen, um die Wahrheit zu finden.”

[We will make peace with the rest of the world. We will allow ponies back into the lands we took from them. To live with us and mate with us. Because we will have to work together to find the truth.}

The dragon nods and stands putting her claw on Flows shoulder.

“We are here for you dragon lord if we have to follow your word and make peace. Because many of us are tired of war. We will do so goddess speed my friend.”

Flow watches her friend leave and she sits down in the bed closing her eyes. She worries that what the team will learn will destroy her ability to stop the dragons from being upset. But it’s the world she is worried about. When the oldest dragon saids her peace it will come clear.

“Oh, father if you were only alive to see this. What would you have done?”