• Published 1st Jun 2020
  • 621 Views, 20 Comments

Stargate SG1: Children of Equestria - Megaskullmon

A long history of friendship on a world long forgotten.

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Chapter Nine: The truth of war The mother arc

I open my eyes looking over to Jack who is lying beside me. I could hear he is having nightmares of what he has been through. I move out of the bed so I don’t wake him. I learned ages ago don’t wake a pony from their war nightmares it’s not pretty. I need some fresh air it’s been so long since I have been back in Wyoming.

I walk outside the house seeing the old dragon leaning on the old fence looking over at me. She didn't frown or even smile when she saw me. She pours a cup of tea offering it to me.

“These Wyoming nights get cold these days. I have a feeling you have questions for me? Don’t worry I understand this is your first time talking to a very old dragon.”

I laugh

“No, I have talked to many old dragons even those who survived being in pony prisons during the war. Maybe you can explain something to me about something. I never understood why we started that war?”

The old dragon sips from the tea.

“It’s why I left the others. I can tell you why though the dragons got too prideful for their good. They didn’t like a dragon who didn’t become the president of the United States. They hated the fact it was stolen from them we all know it was. Even the ponies admitted it just I am starting to understand why they didn’t trust the one we had running.”

She drinks from the cup of tea.

“The truth about the war was never told.”

I shift upset learning this now.

“Who was this dragon who was in the running to be president?”

She chuckles.

“You’re looking at her.”

I stare at her my eyes wide.

“Wait you’re the reason the war started.”

The old dragon shakes her head.

“The war started because the old dragonlord who died during the war didn’t want to listen to me and not go to war over the election being stolen. I even admitted to him I knew it was stolen. Because I knew full well giving our kind the type of power as president is unwise.”

She sips the tea setting the cup down. Looking up into the sky shaking her head remembering things in her head.

“Only a few dragons know this the dragonlord we have now known and with her being a former german dragon. She understands not telling those the truth is sometimes the best idea.”

I stroke my head wanting to be upset I saw so many of my friends die on the battlefield I killed ponies while other races tried to stay out of the war. I take a deep breath very upset. I didn’t want to get angry at this old dragon though.

“All the deaths we dragons caused all the places we took from the ponies the lives we uprooted and we forced many of them to leave their homes because our old dragonlord wanted a dragon in power? Ponies won’t even ask for their homes or land back and now we have mixed breeds which are making it harder to give everything back.”

The old dragon nods.

“It’s why I told the dragonlord we have now and many of the dragons of Wyoming why I am leaving the dragons as a whole and going into hiding. Someday they will have to tell the truth about everything. It’s something the government is hiding they know if the truth is told the ponies will want another war. It’s why the pony who won stepped down and let his running mate the mare in office now to take over.”

I sigh stroking my face. The scales so smooth makes it easy for me to relax when I do this. It’s just so sad to me. If everything she is saying is true it would mean if this ever comes to light there would be another war.

“So many dragons wonder why I joined the Stargate program to get away from politics and go see new worlds and new life. This is why I wished to join it. I can no longer sit by and let my kind become dumber.”

The dragon laughs loudly.

“Oh trust me Ruby the dragons from Equestria or Equss as many of us called the world. Many of the dragons in that world got so prideful it was hard to even make peace with the ponies. The mother made it even harder and those who chased her.”

I turn back to look at the dragon.

“The mother was on the run?”

The old dragon nod.

“It’s when I saw humans for the first time. They died trying to defend us and why the mother killed those that chased her and then gathered who she could and came to this world. Of course, I wasn’t awake when this happen the mother wrote it in my journal when she found them.”

I was confused why she is telling me all this.

“I don’t get it why are you telling me all this?”

The old one chuckles.

“It’s because when I die the truth is going to come out. The dragonlord is going to call for the press and she is going to explain the truth. Thankfully I won’t be dying any time soon. Just I know when I do things won’t be as peaceful as they are now.”

I lean on the old fence made from the trees of this lovely forest. I look down below since I didn’t notice how high up we are. I see many of the elk and moose creatures walking back and forth with their children. I watch while many dragons come in with trading and I look back to the old dragon.

“Is there a reason you haven’t told the others about Equss?”

The old dragon thinks. Maybe she never thought of it.

“What will I tell a world of many creatures? Oh yes everyone we were brought this planet by a Goa’ould using an Ailcorn mare as a host. Oh yes, you and I both know it won’t go over well, Ruby. You and I know full well with the hatred many have for them.”

I sit on the chair beside the old dragon's chair.

“You mean the old stories of Goa’ould used human host? So those are real stories? Granted I have seen Daniel’s readings and he told me about everything he found over the years. He even said there might be human worlds out there still.”

The old dragon sighs.

“The races today don’t understand the universe is big. In the world, we came from Ruby we had no idea there are other races out there or other worlds. The ponies focused too much on worshipping two mares as goddesses or princesses. Our dragon lords cared more about being stronger than other races. Zebras kept to themselves and it’s happening again.”

What does she mean it’s happening again?

“I thought this country we welcomed every other race under the sun? Is there something I don’t know about?”

The old dragon sighs shaking her head.

“Listen closely Ruby things are good on the outside yes. The changelings aren’t trying to take over another city for their hives and they have been given jungles for their hives. The issue though dragons like us want more and we demand too much. The zebras are getting upset and going deeper into the savannah to just live.”

Stroking my head confused at all this. I am sure sooner or later I will understand what she means. If all this is true then I am starting to see why so many dragons are starting to breed with other races than just ponies.

“So you going to tell the others what you told me?”

The old dragon just laughs.

“Of course but I won’t be telling them about why the war started. I shouldn’t have even told you. We shouldn’t have even handled the war as we did. It’s why I left the main cities of the dragons and came here. I didn’t enjoy seeing dragons abuse ponies I am sure over the years it’s no longer like that anymore.”

A deep sigh releases from my mouth stroking my head.

“No, it’s not. A lot of dragons got very angry at how the ponies got treated. So one of them married a mare and had children with her. He demanded those who destroyed the lives of the ponies to bring them into their families.”

The old dragon smiles. I could tell just from those words alone it made a use amount of stress lift from her shoulders. The old dragon gets onto her old claws and hugs me as tightly as she could. I could feel the old thing and she is not even close to death yet.

“I needed to hear this Ruby. I was worried I would never be able to face my species again. Many are worried I am close to death. I am not the mother who made those that came before live longer. The others who came with me the chosen few may have died but even been made to live longer. They weren't dragons they just made the laws and rules of their communities and their decedents still lead.”

I nod then a long yawn comes from my mouth.

“Hmm excuse me I am going to get back to sleep thank you for the wonderful talk old one. I hope I can learn more from you before you do follow the crystals to the great afterlife of fire.”

The old one laughs.

“I would enjoy doing just that.”

I head back into the house watching the old dragon go to her room to sleep. I get back into the room I shared with Jack. I get into bed and I lay my head on the pillow wrapping my arms tightly around the pony holding him tightly to me as I fall asleep.

The truth in a way has been said what is coming next in this story about the mother to the rest of the team? Find out in the next chapter.