• Published 5th Dec 2011
  • 41,112 Views, 2,159 Comments

The Wizard and the Lonely Princess - Harry Leferts

We all have imaginary friends when growing up, right? Harry's turns out not to be so Imaginary...

  • ...

Chapter 25

Disclaimer: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro and Harry Potter is the property of JK Rowling.

"Hello"-Normal Speaking
"Interesting..."- Nightmare Moon speaking.
'Huh'- Normal Thoughts.
'All mine...' Nightmare Moon's thoughts

Harry frowned some as he slowly worked his way through a game of Cat's Cradle using only his magic to move the yarn. "I have to admit... this is a lot harder then it actually looks." As he advanced, he shook his head. "Really hard work."

As Luna glanced over to where Nightmare sat, a bag of cotton swabs in her hooves from which she would reach in and grab one before she popped in her mouth. "A number of unicorns actually underestimate it as well. They think that due to it being a simple child's game, that it is useless." She snorted some. "They are, not surprisingly, quite wrong about that." Luna then shifted so that she was laying down more comfortable before she propped up her chin on her forelegs as she observed him making ever more complicated patterns. "While a child's game, this is actually very good for both learning control over one's magic as well as preserving that control as they grow older. Especially for those foals who have control issues."

It was then that the alicorn plush caught something and frowned at her friend. "Harry... are you squinting again?" At his hesitation to answer, her frown descended into a scowl. "When are you going to go and have Madam Pomfrey examine your eyes?"

He simply sighed before he replied. "I'm waiting until after the exams are finished, Nim. It's only eyestrain after all." After she nodded, though with a scowl, he turned back to his exercise. "By the way, you really are taking this whole bit about making me live longer seriously considering earlier..." Harry then snorted. "In fact, the last time that I saw you this serious was when you tried stuffing all that health food stuff that Aunt Petunia bought into me with vitamins because you heard that it might make me live longer."

Nim gave him a steady stare for several moments before she snorted. "Did you expect otherwise for some reason?"

The young wizard rolled his eyes at that. "Not really, no." He then raised his eyebrow at her. "You knowing so much about Nicholas Flamel and the others on the other hand... well, that was a bit surprising to say the least."

After a moment of thought, Nightmare conceeded the point as she tilted her head. "True." She then sighed before she shook her head. "Though most of my research dates back to before Hogwarts and us finding out that Harry was not the only human out there who could use magic."

That tidbit of information surprised the other alicorn as she looked over with widened eyes. "Really?"

The plush just nodded her head. "Yes." She then leaned back on her back legs and spread her forelegs wide. "Back then, we had no clue that other humans besides Harry had magic or that, indeed, it was possible for humans to have magic of their own. We were, after all, acting under the assumption that it was our connection with him that had somehow given him magic from us. So studying human legends about extreme longevity and immortality seemed to be the right direction in which to take my research." Nightmare then chuckled. "Of course, the fact that humans naturally do have magic has opened up much better avenues of research with better possibilities. After all, if humans are anything like the magic using races back home, then there are those who have already researched the matter and quite possibly succeeded in some ways at it."

Harry simply listened into the conversation between the two alicorns, it having interested him. Luna, however, soon frowned. "Be that as it may, even those methods that we have even an inkling of have severe drawbacks to them or are quite vile." She then tapped her hoof against the floor. "Whatever method that Sombra used to make himself as close to immortal as possible, for example, caused his body to disintegrate into mist after Celly and I defeated him while he became something less then a ghost that we sealed away. Then there was also that unicorn mage who we executed once we found out that he was sacrificing foals in a ritual to transfer their youth over to him in order to extend his own life."

Her darker counterpart just grunted, slight disgust in her face from that memory as she ignored Harry as he shuddered at the thought. "Sadly quite true in some cases." She then gave Luna a stare. "However, just having the knowledge gives us the leg up in this. If nothing else it might yield up a clue or two."

The lighter blue alicorn just sighed, having had this conversation with her before. "Fine, but don't even think of using those methods in this."

Nightmare rolled her eyes. "What kind of foal do you take me for?"

As her lips twitched, Luna gave a dry reply. "Do you really want the answer to that?" Not having given Nightmare a chance to reply, she then turned toward Harry and trotted over to him. "Now then, I do believe that we had a test scheduled for you?"

Harry groaned as he looked at her. "Wait, that was tonight?!"

The deadpan look was enough of an answer, though Luna's reply sealed it. "Yes." She then rubbed the side of her head and shook it. "Right now, you're caught up in everything as is and this happens to be the perfect time. After all, we don't know if you'll get into trouble if you continue your magical practice at your relatives' house." To her and the other two, it would never be Harry's home. Luna then sighed. "And we're still testing whether if you learn magic on the moon if it carries over into the waking world as well. We'll be able to determine that with this."

While he rubbed his face, Harry nodded. "Okay, fine." He then looked at her. "Happy?"

Luna grinned as she stuck her tongue out at him. "Very." She then looked over at the chest which contained their practice materials and her horn glowed. A moment later, various items drifted out like a wide bottomed stone bowl which was also rather thick along with others like a plastic cup, a bottle of water, a can, and so forth. She then set them down in between her and Harry as he had gotten out of his chair and sat down in front of her. "Now then, if you'll fill up that cup, we can test out your Freezing Touch and Heated Touch spells."

After he poured the water, he frowned as he looked at the cup before he placed it into the bowl. "Okay... so how exactly do you want me to go about this then?"

As she shifted her position and laid fully out, Luna placed her forehooves under her chin. "I want you to freeze the water as quickly as you can, without freezing any condensation on the outside of the cup. And no, it happening after you're done won't matter for this."

Harry nodded as he closed his eyes and concentrated as around his finger a soft silver glow gathered, and then around that a bluish one as he cast the spell. 'Okay... you can do this...' He then looked at Luna. "Cup or water?"

She thought it over and then gestured at the cup. "Water. It would be easier that way."

The young wizard then touched his finger to the surface of the water and as he watched, a film of ice grew on it. To his slight amazement, the ice continued to grow downwards until the entire cup was frozen within 30 seconds. He then quickly pulled his finger away. "There."

Thoughtful, Luna examined the cup and slowly nodded. "Very good." She then smiled and gestured at it again. "Now, for the opposite. I want you to use the Heated Touch to melt the ice before making the water boil as quickly as possible... without melting the cup in doing so." The alicorn then held up a hoof. "And I want you to do it through the cup. Not touching the ice." As Harry prepared the spell and his hands glowed silvery-whitish with a red tinge, Luna continued. "Now this, like the Freezing Touch, was a close combat spell. Quite useful when you get up close to somepony and kick them with it on as at the highest levels it would leave burns and even make armor glow." She then held out a hoof. "However, also like it's sister spell, Heated Touch can have more then just combat applications. Can you name them?"

Harry grimaced as he had to focus on both the spell and speaking about the information regarding the spell. "It could also have uses such as heating up water, creating metal work with some metals, and keeping warm by heating up rocks when a open flame might attract attention."

As she both watched the ice as it rapidly melted and listened into Harry's explanation, Nightmare popped another cotton swab into her mouth. 'Hmm... he has come a long way indeed. Much better knowledge and more focus...' Then after she chewed the puff of cotton and swallowed, she smacked her lips speculatively and looked at the bag. 'I wonder why these taste like blobs of the finest cream...'

Since Nightmare hadn't voiced her thoughts, they continued the test and Luna eventually examined the cup. "Hmm... not bad, but you melted the cup a little here." She gestured at an area close to where Harry had touched the cup which was crumped a little. "Still, quite a success." As they slowly worked their way through the list of spells, she made mental notes of where to improve. Finally, she reached the last spell. "Okay, the last one is the Shocking Touch." At his look, Luna held up a hoof. "It's the newest spell you got. Now, aim it at the tin can, if you would..."

Harry closed his eyes and slowly concentrated as his eyebrows furrowed. After a few moments he felt the hairs on his arm raise before he smelt ozone and heard the crackle of static. The young wizard then opened his eyes to see small bolts of electricity that arced between his fingers on one hand. "Okay..." He then slowly brought his finger close to the can and once it was nearly touching it, a bolt shot from it causing the can to fly away. "Now that was kind of neat..."

The lighter alicorn slowly nodded. "It certainly was." She then noticed as he shook his hand. "However, it seems like you have not managed to prevent some backlash."

He shook his head. "Still better. Just feels as if it's full of pins and needles rather then the amount pain from before."

As she popped another cotton puff into her mouth, Nightmare smirked. "Indeed, that is a high improvement..." She then put the bag down and trotted over to him. "Now it's my turn to test you. First up, ghost steps." And once more, Harry went through his list until he reached the last one. As he used it, Nightmare examined the softly flickering, blue flame that covered Harry's arm. "Hmm... An impressive feat to have the Spirit Flame to extend that far so soon..." She then patted it with a smile. "Yes, quite well."

Harry just shook his head in amazement as he twisted his arm this way and that. "No matter how many times I see this, I just can't get over how wierd it is." He then looked toward the two alicorns. "I can't feel it, but my mind is telling me that I have to be feeling something..." Harry soon shook it off and yawned before the three headed back to his bed in the dorms for another night's rest.

As she looked over the revision tables that she had worked out with Hermione's help, Nightmare frowned as a few things stood out. "If I had not known better, I would have thought that the teachers were trying to overload you with too much work..." She then looked over at the now common sight of Tonks sitting at the Gryffindor table, though the plush had to hold back a snort at how the 7th year was sleeping with her face in a bowl of porridge. "Now I know that it is simply the way that they have chosen to prepare you for when they actually do overload you with work."

The fact that no one reacted as Nightmare pulled out a camera and took a picture said more then anything else could have how much they had become inured to her behavior. Well, besides Hermione who huffed and crossed her arms as the plush took several pictures. "Really Nightmare?"

Nightmare just grinned widely in response. "Yes, yes I am." She then waved a hoof around. "One day, years from now, we shall look at these pictures and laugh at simpler times and have a sense of nostalgia and enjoyment."

From where he had been sitting beside her, Harry rolled his eyes and snorted. "And I am sure that the fact that this is the perfect blackmail has absolutely nothing at all to do with it, hmm?"

Her smirk caused him to shake his head. "Well, i would be lying if I said that had nothing to do with it." She then looked around and before Harry could say anything she grabbed a pair of tongs and fished a ice cube out of a juice pitcher... right before she ran over to Tonks and dropped it down the back of her shirt. "HAHAHAHAHA!"

As she laughed, Tonks awoke with a screech as she jumped up and began doing an odd dance as she tried to get the ice cube out of her shirt. "C-cold! COLD DAMMIT!" After several times, it fell out of her shirt and onto the floor. Sadly for the Metamorph, she stepped on it and went flying she landed on her ass. "Ugh!" From where she sat on the floor, she glared up at the laughing plush as people around her snickered. "Why you..."

Nightmare's grin only widened before she pointed upward with a faked surprise look. "Oh, and it seems like Hedwig has arrived with a letter." Once the owl had landed, she cooed as she patted her. "Such a smart and beautiful owl." Hedwig glanced between Nightmare and Tonks before she seemed to give the plush an annoyed expression, which most people around dismissed as a trick of the light as owls were not that smart. The snowy owl then gave the plush a bark that caused the stuffed alicorn to draw herself up as if offended. "WHAT!? How dare you suggest that I am only saying such to serve as a distraction. For shame, Hedwig my dear friend. For shame!" Hedwig just glared at her levelly for a few seconds before she barked. Nightmare then clutched at her chest. "Ugh! That hurts me, my fine feathered friend! It destroys me in fact!"

As she fell back as if she had suffered a heart attack, Hedwig seemed to give an owl's version of a sigh before she walked over toward Harry and held out the leg with the letter. Harry reached out and gently took it before he gave her several slices of bacon which she ate with gusto. Harry ignored the odd look that Hermione had been giving Hedwig in favor of reading it. He read it again before she shook his head and turned to the others and said the two words that they really hadn't wanted to hear. "It's hatching."

Luna rubbed her forehead as she held back a groan. "All I can say is thank Equestria that you are slowly convincing Hagrid that he should involve Dumbledore in this."

The young wizard slowly nodded before he leaned forward and looked at the others. "We should head down on our break, it would give us some time instead of rushing down and coming right back."

Tonks sighed while she shook her head and drew their attention so that none of them saw Nightmare use the tongs to grab another ice cube and place it on a spoon. "You four go. I got too much to do right now to even think of going down there on my break. I need that."

She shrieked a moment later as Nightmare used the spoon to sling the ice cube so it went downt the front of her shirt. The plush then grinned as Tonks tried desperately to get the ice cube out. "Hey now, why don't you just... chill."

After Tonks finally got it out, the enraged witch's hair turned red and her eyes black as she chased the cacking plush. Harry however chose to slowly lower his head to the table as he sighed. "This is going to be another one of those days, I can tell..."

By the time that they had arrived at Hagrid's hut on their break, the gentle giant was already there at the door waiting before he ushered them inside. " 'E's nearly out!"

There, on the table, laid the large black egg which slowly shook from side to side as the sounds of cracking issued forth from the inside. It's formally pristine surface was deeply cracked and from some of the larger ones and in the low light of the room, the group could see movement. Then all at once the egg cracked in half as the dragonling fell out. Nightmare raised an eyebrow from where she perched inside Harry's shirt like usual. "Well... that was rather quick and anti-climatic..."

The baby dragon then sneezed with caused a cloud of sparks to shoot out it's nose as Hagrid watched with a grin. "Isn' 'E beautiful..."

Harry gave him a glance as he searched for a polite way as he looked at the wrinkly and scaly thing on the table. "Er... I wouldn't go quite that far Hagird..."

As she giggled and flew around the table so that she could look at the hatchling from all angles, Luna playfully gave Harry a glare as she smirked. "That's putting it rather mildly I would honestly think." She then frowned some as she bent down. "It does look rather different from the few dragon hatchlings that I remember having seen..."

The young wizard gave her a glance before he cleared his throat. "Uh, Hagrid? Thanks for inviting us over and entrusting us with this and all, but..." As he spotted Hagrid grimace, the giant already having guessed what was coming, Harry held up his hands. "We just worry for you is all."

Hermione nodded as she added her own bits to the conversation. "He's right, Hagrid. It may only be a baby right now and not that dangerous..." She trailed off as it belched a gout of flame. "Okay, maybe a little dangerous. But like Nightmare said she read, dragons grow up fast."

As he shook his head, Hagrid waved them off. "And like I told yeh, I already have it under control and I ain' in any danger from th' little fellow."

After having heard this, Nightmare had quite enough of it. "And what of the students, Hagrid? Or Fang?" She glanced at the large dog which had been watching the hatchling with wariness. "You won't always be in the hut with your duties and the warmer weather. You'd be leaving him alone with the hatchling which won't be small for much longer." As Hagrid looked at his dog in thought, the possessed plush sighed internally. 'I really don't want to do this, but we're nearly out of time with this...' She knew that what she was going to say next would get Harry angry at her, but she also knew that someone had to do this. "And what about Dumbledore, Hagrid? Do you want him to get in trouble over this?"

The friendly giant didn't notice the slight glare that Harry shot his 'toy' as he answered in surprise. "Dumbledore? Why would 'E get in trouble?"

Nightmare sighed as she felt Harry let out a breath before she shook her head. "Hagrid, even if you manage to somehow prevent the dragon from hurting anyone, someone is bound to spot it flying above the forest unless you do something like clip it's wings to prevent it from flying." She spotted his wince and knew that had never occurred to him so she continued. "After that, there is no way that the Ministry would not be getting involved and if they find out that you had been keeping the dragon illegally..."

As he shook his head, Hagrid bit his lip as this hadn't occurred to him. "Dumbledore wouldn' get in trouble over tha', would 'E?"

Now it was Neville's turn to frown before he spoke up. "Er, I think that Nightmare might be right, Hagrid..." He ignored the triumphant expression on Nightmare's face as well as the annoyed one that crossed it when Harry flicked her ear. The young wizard then walked up and patted Hagrid on the arm. "Gran told me that when you had gotten into some kind of trouble years ago that Dumbledore had stuck his neck out for you politically to get you the job of groundskeeper." At his worried expression, Neville held up his hands. "She wouldn't tell me what, just that it was something rather big. Though she said that he was fully in the right to do so." He then frowned. "But the point is the same Hagrid. If you get caught with the dragon, it's not just you who would get into trouble."

Hagrid began to pace as he thought it over, every once in a while he glanced at the curious hatchling. "Yeh might be right... but iffin I do tell Dumbledore, I would still get into trouble just the same..."

It was then that Luna pressed herself into Harry's back. "Harry, say exactly as what I am about to tell you..."

Harry cleared his throat to catch Hagrid's attention. "Why don't you tell him the truth and say that you won it in a poker game down at the pub but didn't come forward because you were scared of what might happen?" He paused for a moment as if to collect his thoughts before he continued. "You could even add that the only reason why you took it was that you were worried about what might happen to it, which is true." Harry then smiled and spread his arms. "See? No lies there."

Still unsure, Hagrid looked back at the hatchling as his eyes teared up. "But what abou' 'im? What will happen ter the little fellow?" He stretched out a finger and the dragon nipped at it. "See? 'E knows his mommy, bless his little heart."

Hermione looked at the others, but before she could say anything, Myrtle spoke up. "Well, it would take the Headmaster some time to actually set everything up without involving the Ministry as I doubt that he would like them poking their long noses into this. So, he'll need someone trustworthy to take care of it that would know what they're doing." She smiled as she saw Hagrid brighten. "And if you ask, I'm sure that he can arrange something so that you can visit the hatchling whenever you want and can do so. Not many would say no to him after all."

As he wiped at his eyes, Hagrid nodded. "I'll think on all that yeh have said."

Harry nodded as he smiled. "Take your time Hagrid." He then sat down on a seat and reached into his backpack. "You don't mind if I make some drawings, do you? Not every day that you get to see a dragon hatch and I want to get it down while the memories are still fresh." Harry then chuckled. "Its almost like how I imagine a dinosaur might hatch."

The gentle giant frowned a bit. "A dinosaur? Wha's tha' 'Arry?"

Both Hermione and Harry stopped what they had been doing before they looked at him as did Myrtle. The bushy haired girl stared. "Hagrid... you really don't understand what a dinosaur is?" She couldn't honestly believe that something that has been so prevalent in the muggle world for so long was seemingly unknown, though his confused headshake said as much as did Neville's. "Er... they're kind of..."

Myrtle shook her head. "They were kind of wingless dragon-like creatures that lived millions of years ago, all dead now and muggles dig up their bones all the time." She then smiled in remembrance. "I still remember my mother and father taking me to the museum in London and seeing that giant long necked dinosaur skeleton on it's back legs..."

Her fellow female muggleborn shook her head. "Not all dead, Myrtle. It's now thought that some dinosaurs eventually became birds."

The ghost just gave her a strange look. "I remember seeing a feathered dinosaur bird thingy..." She then tapped her chin. "Though they did die out during an ice age, right?"

As her and Hermione continued their conversation to the befuddlement of the two wizards, Harry shook his head as he looked at a distracted Hagrid. "So, mind if I make some drawings?" The giant of a man shook his head as he continued to listen with a look of fascination on his face. Harry just chuckled as he brought his drawing supplies out and began to draw the dragon while it watched him curiously...

As they stepped out the door to head back to the school at the end of the break, Harry stopped to look at Hagrid. "I'll get those drawings to you asap, okay?"

Hagrid just smiled and nodded. "Thanks, 'Arry." He then snapped his fingers. "Before I forget, I found yeh a spot that should be perfect for what yeh needs."

The giant man then gave an obvious wink that caused Harry's eyes to dart around quickly before he shakingly smiled. "Really? That's great, Hagrid. Thanks so much and sorry to trouble you over it and all." Harry then frowned. "Mind showing me where it is later today? If possible?"

His large friend just nodded and waved goodbye as Harry headed back to the school. He walked in silence as far ahead Hermione, Myrtle, and Neville conversed while Nightmare fidgeted in his shirt. After a few awkward moments, the plush sighed before she looked up at him. "Look... I know that we agreed to hold back on that unless we had no choice... but we were running out of time for this. The longer he has the dragon the more trouble he might get into." Only silence met her and she hanged her head. "I'm... sorry."

Harry just sighed. "I'm not angry Nightmare. Just... disappointed." He then frowned as he shook his head. "I was against using that unless we had no other choice because it smacks too much of manipulating a friend, even if it is for his own good."

Beside him, having spotted Nightmare's ears droop, Luna added her own bit. "Well... I admit that both of you have good points, Harry. What Nightmare did do was the right thing for the situation in this case." She then gave the plush a side-on look. "As long as she understands that this particular way of doing things is not acceptable in every situation."

Nightmare rapidly nodded. "Yes, yes! I know." After a few more minutes, the plush thoughtfully frowned. "I do wonder what type of place that Hagrid found is..."

Two weeks later, after 'Norbert' the dragon had been sent to a refuge in Romania and after the students had found a small break from homework, Harry, Luna, and Nim decided it was time for him to practice some. Which is why one could find Harry as he set down a small backpack and looked around what remained of a small building with three crumbling walls being all the remained. He slowly shook his head as the scabbard containing his dagger tapped his thigh from where it hanged "Well... it certainly is isolated, which is exactly what we wanted really..."

From her perch on top of the wall, Nim looked down at him. "Perhaps..." She then glanced at the darkened forest that surrounded them. "Though I have my doubts as to how safe we truly are with this forest around us."

Luna glanced up from where she was preparing a spell. "Agreed. There's a... malevolence in the air." Her eyes narrowed. "Something wicked is upon the wind."

He waited until after his friend cast a spell, Nightmare casting one of her own a few moments later. "What was that, Luna?"

She chuckled some before she looked at her student directly. "That, Harry, is a special spell which has the purpose of making it uncomfortable for things that would be hostile to those keyed to the spell, in this case you, myself, and Nightmare are the only ones keyed in." At his interested look, Luna smiled. "I'll teach it to you maybe next year depending on how you advance. Probably third though."

Harry just nodded as he looked around and frowned. "How does it work?"

Having easily slid into her position of teacher, Luna laid down upon the bed of ferns that Harry had placed on the ground. "It doesn't actually physically hurt them, it just gives the sensation of painful shocks until they leave the area. Usually doesn't take a creature long to decide to go somewhere else."

He then looked toward Nim who shrugged. "The spell that I cast is a complimentary one which acts as a repellant to creatures of the night time hours. It's a bit of a double whammy I suppose, but it works quite well."
Harry just smiled as he chuckled and got out a bottle and set it to the side. "Well, I'm not complaining..." For the next several hours he stayed there as he practiced the wizarding spells he had been having trouble with over and over, a small incremental improvement with each the more he did. "Ugh... Why are these so hard?"
Her forelegs crossed in front of her, Nightmare frowned thoughtfully. "Is there anything different feeling when you cast them compared to the others?" At his questioning glance, she gestured at his wand. "In your magic. How does your magic feel when you try to cast the spells?"
The young wizard frowned for a moment as he thought it over before he rubbed the back of his neck. "It... feels like I'm forcing it somehow, like the magic is trying to do something else and I have to fight it. I can't put it any better then that, really."
Nightmare tapped her chin in thought before she shared a look with Luna. "I wonder..."
Suddenly, she stiffened as did Luna and, to both alicorns' surprise, Harry. The young wizard whipped his head around as he scanned his surroundings. He thanked that he had very good night vision as he watched and felt the hairs on his neck rise as he whispered. "There's something out there..."
Luna seemed to teleport as she was suddenly at his side, her countenance turned completely serious. "Yes, but the question is from which direction is it coming from and why would it come so far into the forest's outskirts..." All three peered through the darkness, the normally noisy night gone completely silent. Then Luna took a sniff as a breeze passed them and her eyes widened. "I smell blood... a lot of it both new and old."
It was Nim whose ears had rotated back and forth whom had caught the first bit of sound. "THERE!"
Harry turned toward the sound of something as it crashed through the underbrush in time to spot the unicorn as it leapt into the clearing. "What the..." He jumped to the side as the unicorn nearly trampled him, but it was soon trapped in the remains of the former building. And then Harry spotted the blood as it collapsed. "It's hurt..."
He went to take a step forward when Luna spotted the being that had been chasing the unicorn as it silently rushed at toward Harry. "LOOK OUT!"
Not having any time to make a plan in his head, Harry followed his instincts and dropped to all fours on the ground and lashed out with both legs as it caught the creature in what might have been it's chest and sent it flying. Standing up as he tried to find it in the fog that had sprung up out of nowhere, Harry frowned as he could not see whatever had tried to attack him as he fought through a massive splitting headache that had come from nowhere. "Where did it..."
He never saw the blow that caught him in the side and slammed him into the wall, nor did he catch sight of the enraged Nightmare as she dropped down from the top of the wall onto the creature's back. He did however feel her as she was thrown into him and knocked his wand from his hand. Harry swore as the being drew itself up and a voice hissed from it as parts of it spasmed. "Potter..."
Harry tried to pull himself up as beside as patted around him for his wand. He hadn't found it before the creature sprang forward with a screech, though his fingers closed on cold metal. No longer even thinking through the pain in his head and back, Harry lashed out with what was in his hand which turned out to be his dagger much to his surprise. A moment later he struck pay dirt as it pierced through the arm of the being.
And then it was gone as quickly as it had arrived, only the screech that issued from it's being the only thing to remain. His headache fading, Harry slowly stumbled to his feet as he looked around. "What... what was that?!"
Nim just grunted as she pulled herself up. "I have no clue, but it smelt of blood and corruption..." Her eyes then narrowed. "And it knew your name..."
They then heard Luna's voice. "Harry!" The two turned to see Luna crouched next to the unicorn. "She's dying..."
Harry slowly walked forward and beheld both the most beautiful and saddest sight he had ever beheld in his life. For there was the unicorn splayed out on the ground with her silvery mane around it as it breathed laboriously. Around it, the ground was stained silver from her blood. "Oh Equestria..." He then swallowed as he looked at the wounds. "What can we do...?"
A voice spoke up from the other end of the clearing which caused the three to whip around. "There is nothing that you can do to save her." Out of the shadows of the tree strode what at first looked like a man upon a horse, until he got closer and they could see it was a silver haired centaur with a palomino horse's body who calmly gazed at them with astonishingly blue eyes. "The wounds were caused by an evil being and thus are corrupted. No magic nor being can heal such wounds inflicted upon a unicorn."
The young wizard snarled as he gestured back at the unicorn. "There must be some way to save her! I can't just let her die!"
It was Luna who came to a realization. "The healing spell..." She looked at Harry. "We can use the general healing spell that I taught you to heal her!"
Harry began to turn. "I'm not about to let her go without doing something." Harry then walked over to it and dropped to his knees as he laid his hands on the dying unicorn, it's eye barely turned to regard him. "It's okay... I'm going to help you..."
As his hands began to spark, Nightmare jumped onto his back and whispered to him. "Luna and I shall give you as much of our magic as you can take... it should help."
Luna then sided up beside him and laid her hoof on her shoulder. "Don't focus on healing everything, just run your hands over the wounds that you can see."
During this time, the centaur just shook his head. "There is nothing that you can do, child. All this will do is cause you pain..." He then narrowed his eyes for a moment as he watched a pained expression appear on Harry's face, and then widened as he watched the wound that he had been running his hand over slowly close as what looked like steam drifted from it. "What is this...?"
To Harry, it felt like his hands had been placed on a hot stove due to how burned they felt, but he continued to push the spell as he felt Luna's and Nim's magic alongside his own. All three were so focused on their work that they had not noticed as the unicorn's breathing evened out. Nor did they realize that she was watching them. He did notice that they were done with the wounds on that side and was about try and turn the unicorn onto her other side when she did so on her own. Harry just smiled at her through pants as sweat beaded on his forehead and his hands twitched. "Thanks..." He then took a deep breath before he continued to heal her. Finally, he was done and looked her over, the scars from the wounds having already begun to fade before he turned to the shocked centaur. "See... proved... you..."
He got nothing else out as he collapsed from pain and exhaustion as Nightmare and Luna did the same. The centaur watched them for a moment before he turned to the unicorn who had laid a piercing stare upon him and bowed. "Do not worry Pure One, I shall guard you and your saviors this night."
The unicorn just nickered as she moved Harry and Nightmare so that they were laying upon her before she, too, laid back and fell asleep...