• Published 5th Dec 2011
  • 41,108 Views, 2,159 Comments

The Wizard and the Lonely Princess - Harry Leferts

We all have imaginary friends when growing up, right? Harry's turns out not to be so Imaginary...

  • ...

Chapter 18

Disclaimer: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro and Harry Potter is the property of JK Rowling.

"Hello"-Normal Speaking
"Interesting..."- Nightmare Moon speaking.
'Huh'- Normal Thoughts.
'All mine...' Nightmare Moon's thoughts

Sitting in Hagrid's hut as he sips some warm tea the day after his match, Harry watches the argument between Hagrid, Hermione, and Neville. "Hagrid, he had his wand out and pointing towards Harry while moving his lips! I remember reading that, that type of jinx needs continuous eye contact to work and as soon as we set fire to his robes and he broke eye contact, it stopped!" Slightly amused with the thought of his least favorite teacher being set fire to by someone as rules orientated (not to mention placing teachers on pedestals) as Hermione, he softly snorts into his cup causing Hermione to turn her attention to him. "What?"

Harry doesn't say nothing though he smiles as he polishes off his tea. Hagrid pours him another cup before looking towards Hermione with a scowl. "Now I keep tellin' yeh. Professor Snape would not do something like that! Dumbledore trusts him."

Poking her head out of Harry's sweater, Nightmare raises an eyebrow as she leans her head against her hoof. "So let me get this straight... we should trust him, because Dumbledore does? Am I hearing you correctly?"

Slightly flustered, Hagrid sputters a bit. "Dumbledore is a great man and-"

Nightmare cuts him off and jabs her hoof in his direction. "Exactly. And that is something that you have seemed to have forgotten." She shakes her head as she explains. "For all his age and wisdom, he is but a man and so is not infallible. He can be as wrong as the rest of us." Seeing that she has caused him to be flabbergasted, she nonetheless throws Hagrid a bone. "That said, I agree with Hagrid that Snape was not trying to kill Harry."

Hermione whips around and glares at her. "How can you say that!? You were right there with us when we got close! You had to see him standing there looking at Harry while having his wand in his hands!"

Nightmare rolls her eyes at that. "Let us look at that piece by piece shall we?" Glancing towards where she can see fang, she gestures with a hoof. "First, him standing up. I will note that he did not do so until Harry started to have problems on his broom. And he was not the only one. Same with keeping his eyes on Harry. Almost all of the people there were too, unless you're suggesting that they were in on it."

Hermione just scowls. "He still had his wand in his hands and was moving it."

Cocking her head to the side, the Alicorn plush smiles. "And? From what I can see, most wizards would and did go for their wands while mumbling. Perhaps he was considering what spell he might use under his breath. Or perhaps he praying that Harry would fall off?" Seeing the looks, she shrugs. "That I would not put past him."

Gulping some, Neville takes a short breath. "And what about the fact that as soon as he noticed the... er... fire, he was distracted and looked away? And then all of a sudden Harry's broom was back to normal?"

Nightmare regards him for a moment and then smiles. "Very good Neville. However there is an explanation there."

Crossing her arms, Hermione gives a slight huff. "Oh? And what might that be?"

Smirking, the dark Alicorn chuckles. "Simple. We don't know at what point the spell on Harry's broom was undone compared to when he was lit up." She then shrugs. "Could have been just before, just as, or just after he was lit up."

Hermione sputters a bit before finally getting it out. "But the jinx! You have to keep eye contact and-"

Jabbing her hoof towards the bushy haired girl, Nightmare snorts. "Exactly." She then leans back and crosses her forelegs across each other. "And how many people did you bump into or knock over in your rush to get to Snape? Hmm?" Seeing the heavy blushes on Neville's and Hermione's faces, Nightmare smirks. "Exactly. And then you have the fact that, I don't know about you, but for me seeing someone on fire would be distraction enough to pull my eyes to it."

Now grasping at straws, Hermione tries to say something. "Bu... but... he hates Harry!"

It's Harry's turn to roll his eyes. "Yes Hermione. And that is a fact that just about everyone in school knows about." He then jerks his thumb at Hagrid. "Even Hagrid as much as he doesn't want to say it, knows about how Snape dislikes me." Leaning forward, He doesn't see Nightmare try to get deeper into his sweater as she notices Fang looking at her. "And since everyone knows his personal feelings, he would be the first one to be suspected with the way he was acting." Harry then shakes his head as he leans back, not hearing Nightmare's sigh of relief. "And despite everything, I can't see Snape being that stupid."

Seeing the scowl on Hermione's face, Nightmare taps Harry's neck causing him to look down to see her wink at him. Harry's lips twitch as he nods before Nightmare speaks up. "I am still surprised that someone as into the rules as you..."

Harry nods. "Who worships the ground the teachers walk on."

Nightmare shakes her head. "And who adores authority figures..."

Harry shakes his head as well. "Would do such a cruel..."

As Harry trails off, Nightmare takes up the slack. "Horrible thing..."

"Like setting a teacher on fire."

"We must be..."

Harry finishes as he shakes his head sadly. "The most awful influence on you." Hermione glares at him before glaring at Hagrid who snorts, not noticing Neville trying to hold back one of his own as he turns away. Turning back, she glares at the amused duo of Nightmare and Harry while unseen by her Luna is snickering.

Not too long afterwards, the group is walking through the halls as they head back to Gryffindor Tower. Rolling his eyes at Hermione's continued grumbling, he sighs. "You're not still hung up about my disagreement with you, are you Hermione?"

Huffing, Hermione turns her head away. "You didn't have to be so dismissive of it." Placing her hands on her hips, she gives Harry a slight glare. "You could at least not have dismissed it out of hand like you did. Snape could have been trying to kill you."

Harry just rolls his eyes as neither him, Nightmare, or Hermione notice Neville freeze up with his eyes widening. "Come off it Hermione. Snape would never try to kill me with something so obvious as jixing my broom in the middle of a match with him standing up and a wand in his hand." He then waves his hand as Neville turns towards them panicking. "If he actually wanted to kill me, he would likely use a poison in my food that would be undetectable and likely have symptoms akin to food poisoning or an allergy so no one would think about the possibility of poisoning." He then frowns thoughtfully. "Perhaps something that would decay rapidly with warmth so that the heat in my cooling corpse would destroy it."

All of a sudden him, Hermione, and Nightmare (as well as Luna) stiffen at a familiar voice. "Indeed Potter." They slowly turn to see Snape looking at them with a raised eyebrow. "I would never do something as obvious as jinxing a broom in full view of people." He then looks at Hermione with a small glare. "Ten Points from Gryffindor Granger for your accusations." He then turns and takes a few steps before stopping. "And five points to Gryffindor Potter for correctly theorizing a method by which I would kill you."

Watching as the potions professor walks out of view, Harry becomes thoughtful before looking at his friends. "I'm confused as to whether I should be amused by what happened or paranoid and worried that he agreed with me..." He then scratches his chin as Hermione and Neville stare at him. "Of course, he's unlikely to use that method now that he's admitted that it would be one way he could kill me." He then frowns. "Unless of course he wants me to think that so that I'll let down my guard and because no one would think that he would use that method due to what just happened..."

At that moment Tonks walks up and sees the stares and looks at Harry. "Wotcher Harry." She then jerks her thumb at Hermione and Neville who are still staring ludicrously at Harry. "What's up with them?" Harry tells her what happened and his thoughts only for her to give him a deadpan look before her enlarged hand covers her face in a facepalm. "Gee, I wonder what might be wrong with them..."

Amused by the whole thing, Nightmare leans her head against one hoof. "The world may never know."

Harry ignores the glare as he sighs. "Do you guys think that if I added methods of him killing me to my essays that I might get better marks?"

Hermione and Tonks exchange a looks before the metamorphmagi's hand comes up and slaps Harry in the back of the head, with the same answer coming from both her and Hermione's mouths. "No."

Hovering in midair, Luna can only shake her head in amusement. "Only you Harry, only you..."

Sighing happily and with some pride as she closes her book, Hermione smiles. 'There, all done.' Stretching, she looks around and soon notices that most of the tower has gone to bed besides Neville (who's currently dozing in his chair) and Harry (who's looking over one book as he writes on some paper). Blinking and feeling curious, Hermione gets up and walks over. "Not done the homework we were assigned?"

Harry just shakes his head as Nightmare watches him write with a pencil to Hermione's surprise. "Oh, I got that done a bit ago. Just working on something extra is all."

This catches Hermione's attention so she leans over his shoulder excitedly. "Something extra? Did you find a way to get some extra credit?" She then blinks as she recognizes what book he's looking over. "Harry... that's a muggle textbook..."

Raising an eyebrow, Harry looks up. "So?"

Hermione just gives him a weird look before gesturing around them. "Why are you doing work problems from a muggle text book in a magical school?"

Looking at her with a 'What are you, stupid?' expression, Harry rolls his eyes. "Maybe because I'm planning for graduating in the muggle world once I graduate here? And maybe going to collage or university afterwards?" He then shrugs. "I had plans for my life before getting the invitation to Hogwarts you know."

Opening her mouth for a moment, Hermione soon closes it as she looks down in thought. "I take it that you'll be using the excuse that you were homeschooled then?"

Harry just nods. "Pretty much." He then sighs. "Professor McGonagall was pretty confused as to why I would want to continue my mundane education, but told me that something could be arraigned through the Ministry. If I work hard, then I should be able to sit for my GCSEs sometime around Fourth Year. Maybe the summer before it if I can."

Hermione just stares at him for a few moments as if in equal parts shock and awe. "You're... serious about this, aren't you?"

Leaning back in his chair, Harry nods as he clasps his hands together. "Very Hermione." With a sigh, he looks around. "When I graduate Hogwarts, I could very likely get any job I want. But would be because of me..." He then turns to her. "Or because my fame?" He then shakes his head before smiling. "Besides, I'm eleven Hermione, my future isn't set in stone." He then gestures at the papers on his desk. "And all this? This is just keeping my options open is all." Hermione just stands the for a moment and then looks back at his work before looking at him again with a thoughtful expression. Seeing this he raises an eyebrow. "What?"

Sighing, she gestures for him to move over. Still slightly confused, though figuring it out, Harry does so and she sits next to him before looking over his work."Where exactly are you?" She then raises an eyebrow. "And who's checking your work?" In reply, Nightmare raises her head and gives Hermione a look over her glasses causing the bushy haired girl's eyes to widen as she stares. "YOU!?"

Nightmare's smirk just causes her fists to clinch. "Who else did you think that it would be?Father Christmas perhaps?"

Harry just shakes his head. "She doesn't need to sleep Hermione. So she can check my work more then once."

Nightmare just chuckles. "Just to let you know, I don't explain exactly what you might have done wrong, just that you did and which question."

Raising an eyebrow, Hermione gives her a look. "Any particular reason for not telling me what I got wrong?"

Snorting, Nightmare shakes her head. "How else would you get better if I just up and told you? It's better in my view to make you work at it and through it."

Looking over the work, Hermione's eyebrows rise as she realizes how far along he is before she looks at Harry. "Harry... where are you finding the time for this? And how do you schedule it?"

Harry shrugs a bit before answering with a reply he had made a while back just in case. "I have a type of insomnia. So I find myself with plenty of time before I can fall asleep." He then taps his work. "As for scheduling it, I have a single subject that I work about two hours on a night. On weekends, I basically do a random choice of subject for about three hours or so." Seeing Hermione's jaw drop, he blinks. "What?"

Waving him off, Hermione sighs. "Nothing... nothing at all.' Internally, she shaking her head. 'I'm going to need tutoring over the summer if I'm going to keep up...' Suddenly she turns to Harry as she realizes something that he said making her worried about her friend's health. "Harry... is your insomnia really that bad?"

Harry simply rolls his eyes before replying. "Hermione, it's not that bad."

Scowling, Hermione waves a finger in his face. "Harry you need sleep! Too little sleep over a long period is unhealthy!" She then frowns. "Have you had Madame Pomfrey check it out? Ooo! I hope it's not a sign of something serious!"

Harry just internally groans at that. "It's nothing special Hermione and I've been dealing with it for years now. It's just something that's part of me I guess." He then gets a fake shocked look on his face. "Maybe it's one of the first signs of a superpower that was given to me by the killing curse!"

Hermione just watches him tiredly for a moment before she closes her eyes and pinches the bridge of her nose. "Harry, first of all that's something from a badly written novel." She then glares at him. "Also, it's late, I'm tired, and I most definitely do not appreciate you being sarcastic to me over this. Not to mention that a part of me wants nothing more right now then to take a page out of Tonks' notebook and slap you upside the head." She then gives him a pleading look causing him to flinch. "The fact that you're having trouble sleeping and it's normal enough for you to joke about worried me Harry."

Sighing as he shakes his head, Harry runs his hands through his hair before talking. "Look, I'm sorry that I was being flippant about you worrying Hermione. I really am." He then shrugs before opening his arms wide and giving her a hug. "Did you know that for the longest time I thought that being able to run on five hours sleep was normal? It was only when I read about the normal amount of sleep a person actually needs."

Hermione pulls away slightly and shakes her head with a worried look. "Only five hours Harry? That's nowhere near the amount of sleep you should be getting."

Disengaging from the hug, Harry gestures to his eyes. " Do you see any bags or rings around my eyes Hermione?" He waits until she shakes her head to continue. "I don't know why, but for me, five hours sleep acts like... I don't know, twelve hours for as normal person." He then shrugs. "I've never had issues with tiredness as long as I get that much." He then frowns a little. "Though apparently I sleep deep enough that nothing can wake me when I do."

That catches Hermione's interest. "Could you be somehow sleeping at a different level? I remember reading somewhere that very deep sleeps are the most restful I think." Harry just shrugs in reply before she frowns and places a hand on Harry's shoulder. "I'll let this go... for now anyways, as long as you promise me right now that if you get any issues due to your sleeping habits that you'll seek help." Seeing Harry about to reply, she glares. "And I don't mean in a sarcastic way Harry. Promise me."

Sighing and rolling his eyes (and stopping as the witch in front of him, glares at him) he nods. "Okay Hermione, if anything major happens due to my sleeping habits, I'll seek some medical help, okay?"

Seeing her nod, Harry glances around before his eyes fall on an amused Nightmare causing him to snort. Raising an eyebrow, Hermione first looks at Nightmare and then back at Harry. "What's so funny?"

Harry glances at her and chuckles. "Well... remember that comment about the killing curse giving me superpowers?"

Slowly nodding, Hermione gives him a look while drawling. "Yes..."

Harry smirks. "At first I was going to suggest that it came from being bitten by a magical horse."

Grumbling, Nightmare looks away as Hermione gives a unlady-like snort. "You bite someone the once and no one will ever let you forget about it..."

Blinking Hermione looks at her. "Should I even ask who..."

Harry rolls his eyes and snorts. "Seamus." Seeing Hermione's stare, he jerks his thumb at Nightmare. "Ask her, not me."

Grumbling as Hermione looks back at her, Nightmare sighs. "The foal was going to wake Harry up by dumping a bucket of water on him when he was asleep. So... I bit him." Hermione just keeps staring as Nightmare scowls and looks away. "Not my problem that he screamed like a little filly and tripped and hit his head with the bucket."

Hermione just shakes her head as she mutters under his breath. "Must have been from surprise." She then looks up and for a split second could swear that Nightmare was grinning with a mouthful of fangs before they disappear causing her blink and rapidly shake her head. 'I must be tired, my imagination is running away with me.'

She doesn't notice Harry give Nightmare a small look, only for her to return a "butter couldn't melt in my mouth" smile. Harry then sighs. "Anyways, to get back on track, I wouldn't worry Hermione, my sleeping ability is likely some kind of magical ability."

Hermione just looks at him. "Well, it's possible I guess..." She then bites her lip as she thinks. "Considering that Tonks' can physically manipulate her appearance and Professor McGonagall can become a cat as well as some others I have read about..." She then massages the side of her head and sighs. "I guess being able to run on far less sleep would look positively mundane next to those..."

Harry then shrugs. "Maybe it's not that common. Who knows?"

Rolling her eyes as she crosses her arms, Hermione grumbles some. "I wouldn't go quite that far Harry..." She then sighs and shakes her head. "Still though... I suppose it would still be a neat ability to have. Imagine all the books I could read or the amount I could study..." A slight sparkle comes to her eyes. "And I would have to be worried about being too tired after pulling all nighters either!"

All of a sudden they all jump as a sleepy voice speaks up. "That's great and all I suppose but..." Neville turns and looks at the clock on the wall as he stretches. "It's midnight. I'm heading to bed."

Hermione frowns as she glances at the clock and then glares after turning back to see Harry sorting his work and putting it away. At her expression, Harry chuckles. "Hermione, he's right. It is late after all and we got Potions first thing." He smirks as he sees both her and Neville wince. He then turns to Hermione directly. "If you want to join in, I can give you my notes tomorrow so that you can catch up. Sound good?"

Hermione thinks it over for a moment before nodding and holding out her hand with a smile. "Sounds good."

After shaking hands, they go their separate ways with Neville heading straight to bed. After waiting until the Dorm is once more quiet, Harry and the two Alicorns head into his trunk and soon after finds them sitting on the floor. Glancing between them, Harry gives a slight cough. "So... er... what's on the list for tonight?"

Nightmare rolls her eyes a bit and sighs. "Tonight we'll be working on two spells. One, as per usual is a distraction and the other can be used in battle."

Shifting a little, Harry glances between them as Luna settles next to him. "Which spells?"

Nightmare's horn lights up briefly to Harry's confusion only for him to jump at the sound of heavy footsteps right behind him. Twisting, Harry turns as the plush smirks. "That's the first. It's called 'Specter's hooves'." She then gestures at the spot where the sound came from. "With it, one can copy the sound of any kind of footstep and make it sound as if it was coming from wherever the caster chooses. Quite useful when sneaking around and you need a distraction."

Harry just grins. "Wicked." He then turns to Luna and blinks. "So what's the other?"

Luna shares a look with Nightmare before taking a breath. "Harry, in order to teach you this, I have to use it on you first you understand?"

Confused, Harry nods. "I understand Luna, I do trust you after all."

Grimacing, Luna sighs. "And that's what makes this hard..." She then gestures at his arm. "Roll up your sleeves and hold out your arm."

Raising an eyebrow, Harry does so only to yelp and pull it away after Luna reaches out with her hoof and a small bolt of electricity leaps from her hoof and into his arm. "OW!" Rubbing his now numb arm, he grimaces. "What the hay?"

Reaching out once more, Luna's horn glows as she runs her hoof over his arm, restoring feeling. "That was a simple spell called 'Shock'." She gestures at her hooves once she's done. "Unlike many animals, Ponies do not truly have what you would call natural weapons outside of horns for a Unicorn and those are not suited to be used as such. To this end, the Unicorns created a simple series of spells designed around the idea of touch." She then taps his arm. "Shock creates a small bolt of electricity. It has two effects."

Harry gives her a deadpan look. "It hurts and numbs, right?"

Luna nods. "Correct." She then frowns as she notices him still rubbing his arm. "Are you okay? I didn't hurt you too badly, did I?"

Harry just shakes his head before letting his arm go. "Nah." He then frowns. "So... you're going to teach me how to numb a person's arm?"

Shaking her head, Luna frowns. "No." She then taps his arm. "The power behind the spell depends on control and the amount of magic being used. In this case, I used a moderate amount and managed to cripple one of your arms for what would normally be a few minutes." She then leans back and sighs. "But there is a drawback, can you tell me what it is?"

Frowning in thought for a moment, Harry's eyes widen as he looks at Luna. "You have to get right up close."

Luna nods. "Yes." She then smiles and holds her hooves about five inches apart. "This is as far as you can get it not matter how much power you throw into it." She then drops her hooves. "And even then, it's weakened by a lot due to distance." She then smiles as she sees the slightly worried look. "It is, however, pretty much non-lethal except in the most extreme cases." She then shakes her head. "And this is but the first spell of many that is used to help a Unicorn get used to manipulating the elements around them." She then steps in front of him and sits down as Nightmare curls up and starts checking his work. "Now, I'll start off the lesson tonight and then Nightmare can take over. First thing you do is..." By the time Harry moves onto Nightmare's lesson, he's arms are a little sore needless to say.