• Published 5th Dec 2011
  • 41,112 Views, 2,159 Comments

The Wizard and the Lonely Princess - Harry Leferts

We all have imaginary friends when growing up, right? Harry's turns out not to be so Imaginary...

  • ...

Chapter 17

Disclaimer: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro and Harry Potter is the property of JK Rowling.

"Hello"-Normal Speaking
"Interesting..."- Nightmare Moon speaking.
'Huh'- Normal Thoughts.
'All mine...' Nightmare Moon's thoughts
'It's beautiful...' Luna broadcasting her thoughts

Two days after the troll incident finds Harry flying on his broom looking for something in the night. Finally spotting his target, he heads towards it before stopping and looking the cloud over. "What do you two think? This good enough?"

Flapping her wings beside him, Luna taps her chin as she slowly looks the over the ball of condensed water vapor. "Seems good enough." Flying over, she examines it more closely and nods as she pokes it with a hoof. Nodding, she turns back to Harry. "Yes, this one will do nicely indeed."

Feeling something, Harry turns to see Nightmare just behind him looking up at his face with an emotionless expression. "Are you ready Harry? If you're not confident that you have the spell down..."

Harry just smiles at her and nods. "I am Nim. As long as you two are here to catch me if I fall."

As a small smile crosses her own face, Luna shakes her head. "We'll always be here to catch you Harry." She then becomes serious. "Okay then Harry. We've taught you every bit of the spell inside and out. Now comes the point where you need to use it yourself."

Taking a breath, Harry nods. "Okay, let's do this then." Closing his eyes, his brows furrow in concentration as he casts the spell. Once he feels it completed, he opens his eyes and nods at Luna. "Ready?"

Nodding, Luna smiles. "Ready."

Nightmare just snorts from where she is. "Been ready."

Gulping, Harry maneuvers the broom over the cloud and takes a breath. "Okay..." Closing his eyes, he moves around and starts lowering himself off the broom. He stops as with his knees still bent, he can feel something squishy and soft under his feet making him open his eyes to see a smirking Nightmare who's pointing downwards. Looking, he blinks as he can see that he's now supported by the cloud and slowly straightens before giving a hop (while still holding onto the broom). Hearing a giggle, he turns and gives Luna a small confused look. "What?"

Smothering her giggles for the moment, Luna gives him a smile before landing beside him. "I think that its safe for you to let go now." Giving her a slight glare, he does so and then looks down at his feet on top of the cloud and taps them a bit causing Luna to break out into another batch of giggles. "See?"

Rolling his eyes, he gives her an exasperated look. "Yeah, yeah."

From her perch, Nightmare watches as he gets down on his knees and presses his hand against the cloud's form. "Is there something the matter Harry?"

He just looks up at her and shrugs a little. "It's nothing but..."

Nightmare raises an eyebrow. "But...?"

Harry shrugs again. "It odd. Kind of like damp cotton balls but... that's not quite either..."

Giggiling some more, Luna shakes her head. "Don't try to think about it Harry, a cloud feels like a cloud and nothing really else." She then shapes some of the cloud into a small backing before patting her hoof in front of it. "Harry, could you come here for a second?"

Blinking, Harry carefully makes his way over (still causing Luna and Nightmare to chuckle) before sitting down and leaning back against the cloud. "Is something the matter?"

Luna shakes her head and sighs. "It's about your lessons."

Hearing that, Harry starts to become worried. "Did I do something wrong?"

Seeing the worry and hearing it, Luna waves her hooves in the air. "Oh no Harry! Nothing like that!" She then smiles as she lays a hoof on his shoulder in a comfortingly manner. "In fact, you've made me proud to call you my student. Not once have you given up learning something no matter how hard it is. And you've succeeded with learning what I've taught you."

Nightmare snort as she maneuvers the broom right above the cloud and within hands reach of Harry before hopping off and snuggling in. "And I am proud as to the progress that you have made in mine."

Harry just stares at her and opens his mouth before closing it. He then tries again with better results. "You can walk on clouds too Nim?" She just gives him a look as if questioning if he's stupid. "What?"

Nightmare grumbles some before poking him in the chest as Luna tries to keep a straight face. "This body is animated and saturated with my magic. And being an Alicorn, my magic allows me to walk on clouds."

Rubbing the back of his neck, Harry clears his throat a bit. "Sorry about that."

Shaking her head at their antics, Luna sighs before giving Harry a slightly serious look. "Harry, me and Nightmare have been discussing something since we discovered the Cerberus. And Halloween made our decision for us."

Raising an eyebrow, Harry looks between them. "Really? And what is it?"

Nightmare gives a snort and shakes her head. "As you now have a decent foundation of magic to build upon, the fact that there are monsters within the school, as well as close by..." She gestures towards the Forbidden Forest just as a howl splits the air making all three shiver and punctuating the point. "Er... right. As I was saying, with those facts and the recent incident with the troll, me and the Little Princess have decided on training you on more combat orientated spells."

Luna then continues. "And I will teach you some support spells. In fact, one of them is a healing spell that requires no real control, just letting the magic flow from you into a victim to heal them. The more magic used the better and more healing that you can do."

Harry looks between them and grins a bit. "So what's first? HEY!" Together the two Alicorns poke him in the sides. Rubbing the places, he scowls. "What was that for?"

Nightmare just wiggles a hoof in front of his face. "We felt that you should be told now, not later. And as for why we did that... tonight is for relaxation and enjoyment. Not lessons..."

Luna then cocks her head to the side thoughtfully as she looks at the night sky. "At least... not magic lessons." Both Harry and Nightmare look at her, only for Luna to smile as she lays back with one wing outstretched. "Come on you two, lay here with me for a bit."

Harry just shrugs and then lays back on top of her wing, Luna taking some magic to make it more solid as the two stare up at the stars. Nightmare joins them a moment later on Harry's other side. Harry slowly smiles as the stars twinkle and the moon covers the area in a soft light. "Beautiful..."

Luna nods beside him. "It is as always." She frowns before smiling and chuckling a bit. "Even if it's not my night." The three lapse into silence when Luna frowns in thought. After a few minutes though, she turns to Harry still in thought before finally nodding. "Harry?"

Blinking, he turns to her. "Yeah Luna?"

She takes a breath before letting it out. "I want to share something with you. Its something that I've only ever shared with Celly before."

Harry's eyes widen at this. "Um... you don't have to..."

Shaking her head, Luna gives him a smile and a nod. "Harry, I want to share this with you."

Smiling, Harry nods. "Okay Luna. If that's what you want."

Luna smiles as well before pressing up to his side and wrapping her tail around him. Taking a breath, her horn softly begins to glow. She then smiles. "Now Harry, I need you to close your eyes and open your mind and drift okay? Just like how you were when I was teaching you magic."

Harry raises an eyebrow and then looks at the cloud that they're on. "Um... won't that cause the spell we're using to fail?"

Luna shakes her head. "No Harry, the cloudwalking spell once cast will continue to work whether or not the caster is conscious or not. And Nightmare can keep track of the time for us." Simply nodding, Harry gets comfortable and slowly closes his eyes. After a moment Luna does the same as the glow around her horn increases as she lays it against his head, a barely visible one around both their bodies as Luna's voice echoes in Harry's head. 'Just relax Harry... relax and listen...'

Harry mentally blinks. 'Listen...?' All of a sudden he can hear something. Barely noticeable at the first the sound slowly grows until he can hear it clearly, a sort of thrumming. 'What is that?'

He can feel Luna's smile before she answers. 'That's the Earth Harry, the song of the planet.' Slowly other sounds are also added creating a intertwined melody. 'And there are the other planets, the moons and the asteroids as well as the comets.' Finally, other ones join creating a orchestra of music. 'There. Those are the stars themselves.'

Mentally blinking, Harry gulps as it surrounds him. 'How...'

Luna chuckles echo throughout his mind before she answers. 'All things in the universe are connected by magic, each with their own resonance. For those like I and my sister who are attuned to magic, we can 'hear' the resonance as a song. However, normally me and Celly can only hear that which we have the most connection to. Me, to celestial objects. And Celly can hear the beautiful song of life, the resonances within magic that all living things create...' She the sighs as Harry continues to listen. 'Long ago me and Celly created this spell to allow the other to hear the songs we can. And, once, we listened to the combined spells...it was... even with all the years I have lived there can be no words to describe it.'

The two of them just listen, some of the strains of music slowly building into a crescendo until suddenly fading away signifying a star just died, while at the same time, new ones burst onto the scene showing that a star was just born. Eventually, Luna tells him that it's time to leave and the music slowly fades as Harry's consciousness is pulled back to the waking world. Opening his eyes, he wipes at the wetness there before hugging Luna tightly. "Thank you."

Luna just hugs him back just as tightly. "You're welcome Harry."

After a few moments they hear the sound of a throat clearing and turn to see Nightmare giving a raised eyebrow as she taps her "Wrist". "As nice as this moment is, Harry's got about ten minutes before the spell ends and I don't think that he would enjoy falling hundreds of feet."

Sighing, the two look at each other and chuckle a bit before Harry gets up and walks to his broom. The ride back to the open window of the Gryffindor dorm is silent, each of the three in their own thoughts. Hopping off the broom, he gives the other two a smile. "Thank you both."

Nightmare and Luna just nod, the two sharing the same thought, happy to see him smiling since the anniversary of his parents' death had just passed. 'After Halloween, you needed this.'


The day of the first Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Slytherin dawns bright and clear. Reading a book, Luna looks up and smiles as she sees Harry stepping out from the showers already dressed in his Quidditch Team Uniform. She starts grinning and shaking her head. "Well, look at who's looking sharp." She then leans forwards. "You look, dare I say it, like someone who's actually going to play."

Rolling his eyes, Harry gives her a look. "Luna..." Luna only snickers at him. He then frowns as he looks around. "By the way, have you seen Night... mare..." He catches sight of something and then slaps his face with his open palm which echoes through the room as he groans. "Nightmare..."

Blinking, Luna looks in the direction he was looking in and facehoofs herself. "Dammit Nightmare..."

Nightmare for her part just stands there in her tiny version of the Gryffindor Quidditch uniform and raises an eyebrow. "What?" She then points at Harry. "If I'm going to support him, and by extension the team, might as well look the part."

Harry just takes a breath before slowly letting it out. "And you couldn't do it a normal way like, say, cheering for us?"

Nightmare just snorts. "I'm not cheering for the rest of the team, just for you. For them it's a bonus. And as for cheering..." She starts grinning. "That's why I used those galleons you bought me to get my delivery."

Remembering the package Hedwig delivered a few days before that had Nightmare doing an evil laugh before she took off with it, Luna narrows her eyes as she looks at the possessed plush. "What did you get...?"

Nightmare grins before jumping under the bed and diving under the bed. As Luna and Harry share a unnerved look, Nightmare pokes her head over the top of the bed before hopping onto the bed... revealing the large air horn in her hooves. "Why cheer when I have this little thing?"

Seeing the grin widen, Harry's eyes widen as he remembers that he's the only one awake in the First Year dorm, and perhaps the entirety of the dorms. "No... Nightmare-"

He doesn't get any farther then that as Nightmare presses on it causing it to go off... with the expected results as the rest of Harry's dorm mates leap from their beds in surprise. "WHAT THE FUCK!?"




Harry just pinches the bridge of his nose to ward off the oncoming headache as he can hear yells and shouts as well as swearing from the rest of the dorm. Looking at the still grinning Nightmare, he takes a calming breath. "You just couldn't bucking resist, could you...?"

Nightmare just laughs. "NOPE!"

She's still laughing and ignoring the glares a few minutes later when a pissed Hermione bursts in and sees the airhorn and puts one and one together. Harry's headache gets worse as he remembers her staying up late the night before studying and groans as the angry witch launches herself at the laughing plush. "Ugh..."

Nightmare dodges Hermione and cackles as she rushes out of the dorm and down the stairs... only to run into McGonagall and various other members of the dorm who all glare at her. Blinking, she looks from them to the can and then back to them before giving a smile. "Lovely morning we're having."

McGonagall just keeps giving her an unamused look and reaches down and grabs her before bringing her to eye level. "Miss Moon. Would you mind explaining your actions?"

Nightmare looks at the ceiling and then at McGonagall. "Well... I wanted to make this day special for Harry." She then smiles at the others. "Besides, you wouldn't want to sleep through the game, right?" Seeing no change in the expression except for the them getting angrier, Nightmare looks at the airhorn still in her hooves and grins...


A few hours later, Nightmare is grumbling from where she is sitting on the benches on the Quidditch pitch beside Hermione. "I can't believe that she took it away..."

Hagrid gives her an raised eyebrow. "Took wha' away?"

Hermione rolls her eyes and sighs before answering him. "Her airhorn with a built in Sornous charm that she was going to bring. She used it first thing this morning and woke everyone up." She then glares at Nightmare. "And she took it away after you blew it right in her face from less then a meter away!"

Nightmare just snorts and gives her a glare. "Still wasn't reason enough to take it."

Suddenly she grins as she dives under the benches causing Hermione to sigh as she rubs the bridge of her nose, Hagrid watching in amusement. "Nightmare, now what are you... doing..." Seeing the plush crawl out with something, Hermione has to bite back the urge to hurt something. "What... the... bloody... hell?!"

Nightmare's grin grows as she shakes the airhorn in her hooves some. "What? Did you honestly think that, that was my only one? I got them stashed all over the place now!" She then nuzzles it. "It's okay... Mama won't let the mean women take you away."

While the grinding of Hermione's teeth are almost loud enough to be heard, McGonagall just glares at her from where she is behind the announcer's desk. Down below, the Gryffindor team is getting ready as Luna is giving Harry a little pep talk. "Now Harry, there is nothing to worry about, just play and enjoy yourself win or lose."

Harry just nods as he whispers from the corner of his mouth. "I know that Luna. But still, with how seriously some of these guys seem to take the sport..."

Luna rolls her eyes at this. "Harry, they're not about to do anything to you for something like that." She then lays a hoof on his shoulder as she smiles. "And also, I will be right there beside you the whole time..." She then gives him a playful glare. "Just don't expect me to help you win."

Harry's lips twitch some as he glances at her, the knot of nervousness in his stomach loosening. "And I wouldn't expect you to Luna. Wouldn't feel satisfying or right in any case."

Luna nods and the two lapse into silence for a few seconds. She's about to say something when a hand claps itself on Harry's shoulder causing him to turn and see Fred Weasley. "Hey there mate."

Another hand claps down on his other shoulder as George continues. "I and my twin here want to speak to you about your stuffed toy."

Harry sighs and shakes his head. "Look, if you're angry about this morning..."

Both twins look at each other before turning back to Harry with massive grins. "Of course not our dear friend and fellow dorm mate!"

George nods as his grin widens. "Thought it quite brilliant in fact."

Fred nods before shrugging. "Not quite as brilliant as most of ours of course."

George then turns to his twin and shakes his head. "Sadly there's not many who do."

Turning back to Harry, Fred's grin comes back full force. "And we were wondering if."

George takes over. "She might be open to discussing some ideas of ours."

Fred nods as he crosses his arms. "We could use someone like her in our..."

The twins look at each other and then back at Harry before leaning in whispering conspiratory. "Endeavors."

Harry blinks before giving them a deadpan look. "You want her help in playing pranks..." Seeing them nod, he shrugs. "Ask her, not me."

The twins are about to answer when Wood interrupts them that it's time and they head out. The game goes well for both sides as it's played. Of course, things don't stay okay for long as soon Harry is holding onto a jerking broom for dear life. Beside him, a slightly panicking Luna is trying to keep him calm. "Harry, don't worry, I am right here and I will catch you if you fall."

Harry glances over at her and grits his teeth as he tries to hold on. "And I'd rather not fall in the first place as then people will wonder why I am flying without a broom." He then looks around as well as he can as the broom keeps going to and fro trying to throw him. "Can you see any clouds Luna?"

Her eyes widen as she catches on to the idea, she nods as she points to the side. "Right there!"

Looking in the direction she's gesturing in, Harry nods as he sees the cloud drifting just outside the pitch where it would be just below him if he went in that direction. "Got it!" He then grimaces as he focuses everything he can on the broom, slowly getting it to move in that direction as he fights the spell. All of a sudden, the broom jerks to a standstill and won't move any farther in that direction. "Bucking dammit!"

Down below, Flitwick sighs as he keeps his wand trained on Harry's direction. "That was a close one Minerva, if he continued in that direction and fell off, then we couldn't catch him in time. Whoever is causing this is serious."

McGonagall nods as she glances to where Snape is mumbling under his breath as he holds his wand in his hand. "Are you sure he's trying to help?"

Flitwick glances in the same direction before going back to watching Harry. "Yes. I can recognize the wand movements as a counterspell." He then grimaces. "I may be a Charms Master but Severus does know more about the Dark Arts and how to counter them then me." He then shakes his head slightly while muttering. "I'll have to brush up on that just in case..."

Up above, Harry watches as Luna starts moving around the stadium quickly. "What are you doing?!"

Luna glances back before stopping right under him, what looks like a wispy bunch of smoke between her hooves. "Since you can't come to the cloud, I'll make one right here!" All of a sudden, the jerking of the broom stops causing her to blink. "Wait... it's over?"

Harry takes a breath and smiles as his shaking arms relax some. "Seems like it..." He then spots something and grins. "Luna! The Snitch!"

Luna then grins herself. " GO FOR IT!"

As Harry dives for it, she's right beside him as he catches it. However, just before he's about to head back to the dorm for a victory party, Harry notices McGonagall and Flitwick coming towards him. " Professors."

McGonagall nods at him with a small, barely noticeable smile. "Mr. Potter. May I say that you were quite impressive in this game."

Flitwick also smiles, though wider then McGonagall's. " Quite. In fact I am looking forward to the Gryffindor/Ravenclaw match to see how well you do."

Harry smiles wider. "Thank you." His smile then disappears as Nightmare climbs up and perches herself on his head. "But that's not all you want, is it?"

Sighing, Flitwick shakes his head. "No Mr. Potter."

McGonagall purses her lips as she continues. "We would like to have your broom so that we can examine it."

Harry sighs with relief. "So you can try and see who cast the spell on it, right?" He then holds it out and raises an eyebrow as they both look shocked that he's just handing it over. "What?"

Flitwick recovers first. "Thank you Mr. Potter. We'll endeavor to get it back to you as soon as we can."

Harry simply shrugs. "Take as long as you need professor if it gives you a better chance to find out who did it."

Seeing him glance back at the gathered Gryffindors, McGonagall waves him him on. "Go ahead Mr. Potter and enjoy yourself."

Harry gives them both one last smile and nod before leaving. "Thanks."

Watching as he jogs to the group, Flitwick shakes his head before looking back at the broom in his hands. "Definitely has Lily's maturity."

McGonagall nods as she looks at her co-worker. "Indeed." She then chuckles as she shakes her head. "So strange to see someone so much like James acting so much like Lily."

Flitwick nods before turning to the broom and frowning as Madam Hooch walks over and stands near them. "Quite." He then sighs. "Down to work then I suppose."

Hooch and McGonagall stand there for the next few minutes as Flitwick runs his wand over the broom in various patterns while mumbling. Eventually he stops as his eyebrows knit together and his frown deepens causing the Deputy Headmistress to sigh. "Nothing Filius?"

Flitwick shakes his head. "I'm afraid not Minerva." He then looks up at her with worried expression. "Whoever did this was an expert and hid their traces well."

Hooch shakes her head with a scowl. "Which basically allows for most of the former Death Eaters that were here today to watch."

McGonagall turns to her with a frown. "We can't yet point fingers Rolanda."

Hooch just glares at her, her hawk-like eyes increasing the severity of it. "You and I both know that it was the perfect chance for those creatures to pull such a stunt. And that most would not think twice if it meant revenge for their fallen 'Master'." She then frowns a bit and sighs at seeing McGonagall's shocked expression causing her to rub her face. "Sorry Minerva, you didn't deserve that." She then looks around. "It's just that this had to happen on my watch and..."

McGonagall just softly smiles and lays a hand on her colleague's shoulder. "It's nothing Rolanda. I, myself, would likely react much the same way in your shoes."

Flitwick nods himself. "Indeed. If something happened under my watch I know that I would be much more..." He gestures his hand in the air. A moment later, Hooch asks him if there were any other spells besides those built into the broom by the manufacturer causing him to shake his head. "No, why?"

Seeing the expressions, she first glances at the broom and then the sky. "I've been a flying teacher here for many years now and a expert on brooms for even longer." She then sighs and frowns. "And I know exactly how fast a Nimbus can go as well as how to tell a broom's speed even when it's in the air."

The other two share a look as she lapses into silence and McGonagall raises an eyebrow. "Did you see something wrong with Mr. Potter's broom speed?"

Silent for a moment, Hooch finally answers as her frown becomes thoughtful. "Wrong? No." She then turns and looks back at the broom. "However, Mr. Potter's broom was going a little faster then it should have..."