• Published 5th Dec 2011
  • 41,111 Views, 2,159 Comments

The Wizard and the Lonely Princess - Harry Leferts

We all have imaginary friends when growing up, right? Harry's turns out not to be so Imaginary...

  • ...

Chapter 14

To answer several questions I've gotten, Luna has her Season 1 appearence as the seal on the moon locks away most of her's and Nightmare's powers. And without that power, her appearence is that of a younger pony.

Disclaimer: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro and Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling.

"Hello"-Normal Speaking

"Interesting..."-Nightmare Moon speaking

'Huh.' -Normal thoughts.

'All mine...' Nightmare Moon's thoughts


Walking behind the fastly striding McGonagall, Harry sighs as he places his hands in his pockets while mumbling. "At least it was fun while it lasted."

Luna just sighs and shakes her head. "Harry, I am so sorry."

This causes the other two to turn their heads and give her identical expressions of puzzlement. "For what?"

Keeping an eye on the female professor in front of them, Luna grimaces. "I should have done something... or maybe stopped you from going up."

Raising an eyebrow, Harry gives a soft snort, causing McGonagall to look at him for a few seconds before tuning away. Letting out a small sigh of relief, Harry just grumbles under his breath. "Yeah, like that would have stopped me Luna. Particularly in defense of a friend."

Any response that Luna might come out with is stopped as McGonagall stops in front of the Charms classroom and knocks before opening the door. "Fillus, sorry to bother you, but I need to borrow Wood for a moment."

Luna stiffens as she remembers that Wizarding society is a bit backwards compared to mundane society. Realizing that, she glares at the witch in front of her. 'If she thinks that she can beat Harry, she's got another thing coming.'

Harry gives Luna a glance when a large burly boy comes out into the hallway and greets them. McGonagall turns to Harry and, after giving a slight glare at Nightmare, gives Harry a small smile. "Mr. Potter, this is Oliver Wood." She then turns to the other boy. "Mr. Wood, I do believe that I found ourselves a new Seeker."

Oliver slowly looks over the boy before him and nods. "Well, he does have the right body type for it. Small and lanky." Not noticing Harry fuming a little (and Nightmare smirking while Luna tries to smother a snort), he begins to muse. "We'll need to get him a new broom of course... Either a Cleansweep or a Nimbus."

McGonagall is nodding herself and is about to say something when Harry clears his throat causing her to raise an eyebrow. "Yes Mr. Potter?"

Harry just gives her an even stare making her feel uncomfortable. "Am I correct in assuming that by 'Seeker' you mean the position on the House Team, correct?" She slowly nods as he gives her a look. "I don't remember asking to join."

McGonagall's eyes widen as she stares at the boy before her. "Well, I assumed..."

Harry just shakes his head as she trails off. "Professor, you should never assume things."

Seeing the lost look on the professor's face, Luna leans towards Harry's ear. "Harry, tell her you need a moment to think about it. Then we'll go a bit down the hall, okay?"

Harry doesn't glace at her as the two people in front of him are watching, but he slowly nods. "Can I have a moment to think Professor? I came here expecting to be punished, only for this to happen instead. I'm a little... disorientated at the moment."

McGonagall just gives him an understanding look. "Of course Mr. Potter. I am sorry that I may have given you the wrong idea."

Harry gives her a nod before walking down the hallway and out of ear shot. Leaning beside a suit of armor, Harry grimaces. "What is it Luna? Something the matter?"

Shaking her head, the blue Alicorn sighs. "I think that you should go for it." Seeing that both him and Nightmare are about to explode, she holds up a hoof. "Let me explain my reasoning first. Okay?"

Taking a breath, Harry let's it out in a slight hiss while Nightmare gives Luna a partial glare mixed with some curiosity. "Okay, go ahead."

Smiling, Luna nods. "Right." Looking down the hall, she begins. "Harry, at the moment as you know, everyone in Gryffindor associates you with 'The-Boy-Who-Lived' right?" At his nod, she continues. "If you go with this, if, you have the chance to become known for your own abilities and not for something that you have no real memory of. At least here in the school."

Nightmare then makes a thoughtful sound. "It would also have the effect of increasing his social standing in the House's hierarchy as well I suppose. Not to mention within the school's."

Luna simply rolls her eyes. "I was thinking more along the lines it gives him another method to socialize." Seeing his raised eyebrow (as well as Nightmare's) she then reaches up and rubs the back of her neck, her expression becoming serious. "Harry, you need to learn how to socialize with other humans and joining a school sports team is one of the better ways we've got."

Rolling his eyes, Harry gives her a sigh. "Luna, I already socialize with a large number of people."

Luna just raises an eyebrow in reply. "Really now?"

Harry raises one of his own eyebrows as well. "Well, yeah. I talk to my classmates and dormates as well as my friends."

Taking a slow breath as she closes her eyes, Luna shakes her head. "Harry, that's not what I meant and you know it." Opening her eyes, she fixes him with a steady stare. "Harry, while you have Hermione, Neville, and Tonks as friends, that's not enough." Gesturing with her hoof, she continues. "Harry, I am far from an expert in humans and I have never claimed to be so. However, I can tell you that humans are social creatures by their nature like ponies." Grimacing, she sighs. "And I can tell you, if they're anything like ponies that being a loner, which you act like, can be more trouble then it's worth. Especially if said loner is of some... renown let's say."

Blinking, Harry can feel his eyebrows raising. "Well, hasn't seemed to be an issue as is..." He trails off as he sees the annoyed look on Luna's face. "What?"

Luna slowly shakes her head. "Harry, they've already been talking about you being a loner as is."

Now Nightmare's looking at her directly. "Wait, what? This is the first I've heard of this."

Snorting, Luna rolls her eyes. "Yes, because they're going to be discussing things within earshot of Harry or his stuffed toy who would report things to him."

Swallowing, Harry asks the question on his and Nightmare's mind. "What kind of things are we talking about here...?"

Biting her lip, Luna shakes her head. "Nothing really bad yet." She then shrugs. "Most of the things right now being that you seem to look down on everyone as being less then you and you being distant as well as being unapproachable."

Narrowing his eyes, Harry grumbles. "I'm none of those things."

Rolling her eyes, Luna gives him a dramatic sigh. "And that is why I think that you should go for this." She then waves her hoof in the direction of where McGonagall is. "By joining a sports team, you'll be seen as no longer being as much as a loner, your standing in the eyes of your peers will increase as you'll be seen as doing something for your House, and you'll increase the pool of people that you'll be socializing with as well as possibly getting more friends of your own gender to chew the cud with."

Nightmare facehoofs at this. "Please tell me that you're kidding..."

Rolling her eyes, Luna lets out a long suffering sigh. "I'm not." She then places her front hooves on her hips and glares down at the Alicorn plushy. "Out of Harry's five friends, how many are co- I mean boys? One." She then looks slightly uncomfortable. "And having more male friends might come in handy if he has any other... male issues."

Wincing as he remembers the time when he hit puberty and Luna had to explain things, Harry nods. "Okay, I can see that." He then gives her a small smirk. "But that's not everything, is it." Chuckling at her expression, he shakes his head. "Luna, I know you too well."

Now even Nightmare is giving her a smirk. "Indeed Little Princess. There's another reason, isn't there?"

Huffling a little with a heavy blush at being caught, Luna turns away. "Yes well..." Clearing her throat, she shrugs a little. "The fact that they're apprently willing to buy you a broom, one of the better ones at that from what I've heard, and that they'll be throwing out that silly rule about First Years having their own brooms and flying makes the offer very tempting indeed." She then floats down and nudges the ground with the tip of her hoof. "And while flying on my moon with you is great, it's just not the same as flying through the clouds next to someone you care about. Not to mention that I want to show you the majesty of the vista that is the sky at night with the moon above instead of below."

Softly smiling, Harry sighs as he decides to make one last protest. "And my studies? I won't have enough time for all this you know."

Oddly, it's Nightmare who answers. "Please Harry." Seeing that the attention is on her, she waves him off with a hoof. "You need how many hours to get a restful sleep?"

Harry blinks for a moment. "Well... I always do feel fully rested after about 6 or so hours sleep... Mind, I do have issues with waking up in the hours in between..."

Nightmare nods with a victorious look. "Exactly. So either way, you'll have enough time for your practical studies while if needed, we can use your dreams and speed them up for the theoretical parts."

Harry raises an eyebrow in response. "I would have thought that you of all people would be against this."

Nightmare snorts as her smirk grows. "Why? It offers us a number of advantages with few disadvantages that can be solved simply enough." She then grins as she spreads her forelegs wide. "And with some luck, you might get written permission to 'Practice' flying that would allow you to get off scot-free if caught outside the House after curfew."

Luna just gives her a look half way between amusement and exasperation. "That would only work if he was caught within an hour or two of curfew you know. And only with some of the teachers at that."

Shrugging, Nightmare smirks again. "So? All he has to do is not get caught by those teachers and it would allow him to head out into the school proper earlier then normal." A small glint enters her eye. "As I said, a number of advantages for few, easily worked around, disadvantages."

Harry just sighs theatrically. "Two against one is unfair you know." Grinning to let them know that he's kidding, he continues. "So you're both of the mind that I should go for this?" They both nod causing Harry to shrug before he starts walking back. 'Well, lets go give Professor McGonagall the good news..." Heading towards McGonagall, he notices her turning towards him. "Professor? After some thought I decided to go with it."

McGonagall sighs with some relief. "Thank you Mr. Potter."

Nodding, Harry rubs the back of his head. "Yes, well... I do have some conditions."

Raising an eyebrow, both McGonagall and Wood look at each other before the Transfiguration teacher clears her throat. "What kind of conditions...?"

Ignoring the glare that Wood is giving him, Harry sighs. "This is the big one." Seeing that he has their attention, he continues. "I want all the team together to evaluate me. If I am going to be on the team, I want that much at least."

For the first time in a while, McGonagall finds herself speechless. Swallowing, Wood gives him an icluderous look as Luna looks on proudly. "Uh... Harry, I can call you that, right?" Harry nods. "Why?"

Slightly enjoying the confusion, Harry's lips twitch as he raises an eyebrow. "Why what?"

Wood scratches his head for a moment before answering. "Why would you want to go through a tryout? With Professor McGonagall's say so you're already on the team! This..." He throws his hands up into the air. "This type of thing is what First Years dream about! Bloody hell kid, I dreamt about such a chance!"

Crossing his arms, Harry shakes his head. "Because I want in on my own merits and to prove so. Not just be given the position for something that just well might be a fluke. Otherwise, how could I say with pride that I wasn't just given it due to favoritism."

Snapping out of her shock, McGonagall narrows her eyes for a moment before nodding. "I can see how someone might get that idea Mr. Potter." She then raises an eyebrow as she gives him a intrigued look. "You do realize of course that such a... tryout would only be a formality?" Harry simply shrugs causing her lips to twitch. 'Fillius was right, he does take after Lily a great deal.' She clears her throat. "And the other conditions?"

Taking a breath, Harry lets it out. "The only other two is a increase to my curfew as I might need to use the library for my homework and being allowed to leave the dorms earlier."

Giving it some thought, McGonagall slowly nods. "I see no issue with either of those." Giving him a small smile, she nods. "I will increase your curfew to that of the older students. 9 O'clock. That should give you the time you need. As for the morning..." Humming thoughtfully, she shakes her head. "I will allow you out of the dorms no earlier then 6."

Harry just smiles. "Thank you professor, that's perfect." She's about to leave when Harry suddenly smirks. "Well... there is one last thing that I would like, but it's not a condition..."

Slightly suspicious, McGonagall turns and raises an eyebrow. "Yes Mr. Potter? And what might that be?"

Harry just points at Nightmare. "I would like for Nightmare to accompany me to classes at times. Not often mind you, and certain classes she wouldn't be allowed in of course..."

Giving a bit of a stare, McGonagall grimaces at the thought of it. "I shall give it some thought. Now, I need to gather the rest of the team. If you would take Mr. Potter to the Pitch, Wood?" As she walks off, Harry, Luna, and Nightmare can all her mutter how the Weasley Twins and Professor Snape are both going to be happy for them getting out of potions. A little while later finds the rest of the Gryffindor Team coming out onto the pitch as Wood finishes his little lesson to Harry. Her lips twitching, McGonagall clears her throat to catch their attention before turning to Harry. "Mr. Potter, I would like for you to meet the rest of the team."

After she introduces them, George gives the professor a raised eyebrow. "Professor, why,"

Fred takes over. "Is there a ickle firstie here?"

Slightly annoyed, McGonagall is about to reply when Harry does. "Well you see"

Then Nightmare takes over as they talk back and forth. "The good professor here."

"Just so happened to catch me today."

"Doing an incredible stunt in Flying class today."

"And so decided to have me join the team."

"But my good friend Harry here decided out of his own code of honor."

"That I wanted to try out instead of just being given it."

Both Fred and George grin at him as McGonagall starts feeling a headache coming on. "Yes, well. I want you to put him through his paces as if he was trying out." Walking over to a nearby bench, she conjures up several golf balls and hand them to the chasers and Wood. She then sits down for a moment before narrowing her eyes and looking to the side where Nightmare is innocently sitting down. "May I help you?"

Glancing over at her, Nightmare cocks her head to the side before going back to watching Harry try and catch the balls being thrown around. "Just wondering a few things."

McGonagall slowly raises an eyebrow. "Oh?"

Nightmare nods, not taking her eyes off Harry as he dodges and weaves. "Yes. See, there's this one little thing that I don't quite understand." Taking her eyes off Harry, she gives McGonagall a piercing stare. "Why would you possibly go this far to get Harry on the Quidditch team? With your personality I would have thought that you would be against this."

Looking up at Harry, McGonagall slowly sighs. "I would not say that my reasons are altruistic. Did you know that Gryffindor has not won a single match for a few years now. Slytherin's won both the Quidditch and the House Cups for that time. And while I dislike speaking ill of my co-workers..."

Nightmare keeps her expression blank as she comments. "So... you're basically doing this to both annoy and get one over Snape?" At her slow nod, Nightmare grins widely. "Now that is a reason that I can get behind!"

Needless to say Harry passes the teams expectations and is excepted on the team. Just as he's about to leave, McGonagall makes one last comment. "Your father would be proud Mr. Potter as would your mother."

Eyes wide, Harry turns towards her. "Really Professor?"

She nods as a small smile makes itself known on her face. "Your mother would be proud due to you not wanting to be just given the privilege of being on the team. Your father would be proud about you being on the team. He was on the team himself when he was in school, as Chaser as a matter of fact and later Captain."

Harry gulps for a moment before asking the question on his mind. "Why are you telling me this now and not before?"

McGonagall shakes her head. "Because after the issue with my misconception, I did not want to say anything that could sway you too much." A sad expression then crosses her face as she sighs. "And for a child who grew up without parents, following in their parents' footsteps can be a great motivator."

Even Nightmare is impressed with this as she finds her respect (what little she has) rise a little. "Our thanks for that."

McGonagall nods and is about to leave herself when she stops. "If you ever wish, perhaps you should have a look at the Trophy Room. The Quidditch Cup is there and has your father's name inscribed on it." And with that, she soon leaves the group...


Shaking her head as they head down together towards the Great Hall, Hermione sighs. "Honestly Harry, I was expecting you to get expelled." Seeing his frown, she holds up her hands in a warding gesture. "Not to say that I'm not happy to see that you weren't... I mean I am happy that you weren't..." Seeing the slight twitch of Harry's lips, she rolls her eyes. "Just the same, I was worried you know. When I saw you diving..."

On Harry's shoulders, Nightmare rolls her eyes. "And here I was thinking that you would have more faith in him girly. After all, he was in no danger."

Unseen by either Hermione or Neville is Luna nodding from where she's trotting before she looks at Harry with a wink. "After all, not everyone has a invisible goddess ready to cast a protection spell at a moment's notice."

Harry snorts causing Hermione to look at him. "She's right Hermione."

Before Hermione can say anything, Neville just shakes his head in amazement. "It's still incredible Harry. You have to be the youngest Seeker in a century."

Harry just shrugs. "I guess." He then sighs. "It's just not that big of a deal to me, you know?" Reaching the Great Hall, Harry sits down and pulls his arms out of his cloak, leaving it draped over him like a cape. "It's a just a sport." Seeing the looks, he rolls his eyes as Luna pops her head up from under the table, the cloak covering where she is. "Okay, it's an interesting sport, possibly a very exciting one. But it's one being played at the school level not the Professional Level."

Hermione nods as Harry starts eating (and using the positioning of various things to hide him feeding Luna). "That's true." Thinking it over, she sighs as she starts eating. "In fact, it's even more true as it's not really at the school level as we're not talking about matches between schools."

Swallowing the piece of pie in his mouth, Harry nods. "Exactly." Pointing the fork at her, he smiles. "It's nothing to really get all that worked up about."

Beside them, Neville sighs. "You two are odd, you know that?"

Harry smirks before clapping him on the shoulder causing him choke a little. "No worse then anyone else here."

Neville swallows hurriedly and glares at the messy haired wizard and is about to say something when Draco walks up followed by Crabbe and Goyle. "So Potter, enjoying your last meal before catching the train?"

Finishing chewing, Harry looks over at him with a bored look. "Do you really want to spend your last meal here heckling me Malfoy? Really?"

Draco simply sneers before replying. "They're not going to dare expel me due to father."

Making a circle in the air, Harry just drawls. "So once more you go running to daddy-dearest. How expected." He then turns to Neville and shakes his head. "Might be calling in a lot of favors he might need later on I think if what's happened so far is a sign of things to come." He then turns back to the rapidly reddening Malfoy. "Also, I barely had to do much to convince Professor McGonagall not to expel me."

Clinching his fist, Draco suddenly smiles. "Potter, I challenge you to a duel tonight!"

Harry slowly raises an eyebrow before twisting around, making sure to knock a couple of knees as he does so and drawing attention to what's happening. "I'm sorry, but what was that again?"

Malfoy slowly smirks. "I said I challenge you to a duel tonight at midnight in the Trophy Room."

Harry slowly nods as he notices more and more eyes from the Gryffindor table on him. Very well..." He then smirks before standing up. "I FULLY ACCEPT YOUR CHALLENGE TO A DUEL DRACO MALFOY!"

Rapidly blinking from the wind generated from Harry's usage of the "Traditional Royal Canterlot Speaking Voice", he doesn't have time to react before Professor Flitwick followed by Snape and McGonagall arrive at the table. "What is this about a duel Mr. Potter?"

Harry gives the paling Malfoy a glance before answering the small Professor. "Professor Flitwick, Draco here just challenged me to a duel tonight in the Trophy Room at Midnight."

Turning to Malfoy, Flitwick narrows his eyes. "Is this true Mr. Malfoy?"

Puffing himself up, Draco snorts. "Of course not Professor." He then gestures at Crabbe and Goyle. "And they can back me up."

His smirk falls a moment later as Katie Bell stands up from where she had been sitting across from Harry. "Professor, I heard him say so as well."

A number of others also nod and throw in their bit only for Snape to sneer at them. "Considering he's a member of your House, of course you Gryffindors would say as much."

Before he can say anything else, one last voice speaks up. "Then maybe you should listen to me?"

Turning, the three teachers are surprised to see Tonks standing there with a slightly annoyed look. Snape just narrows his eyes at her. "And why would you be at a table not of your House?"

Tonks crosses her arms and raises an eyebrow before shrugging. "I heard what happened today at the Flying Lesson so I was coming over to talk to Harry here." She then gestures at Malfoy. "And when I saw Draco here heading towards the Gryffindors, I hurried up and caught him challenging Harry here."

Snape looks like he's bitten into a apple and found a worm there before he glares. "Five points from Gryffindor for interrupting Dinner with your voice Potter and five points from Hufflepuff for leaving your table in the middle of dinner Nymphadora." Nightmare glares at the other two teachers as they don't speak up as Snape turns to Malfoy. "Draco, head back to your table."

A moment later, Flitwick speaks up. "And Mr. Malfoy? Ten points for leaving your table and causing a disturbance." Gritting his teeth, Snape leaves, but not before catching Flitwick continuing. "Miss. Tonks, ten points for showing one of the virtues your House is known for. And ten points for you Mr. Potter for an excellent usage of the Sonorus charm."

McGonagall looks over her House with a proud look before nodding. "I am proud of all of you."

She then leaves and Flitwick is about to as well when Harry stops him, whispering. "Professor, I wasn't using that charm you know..."

Flitwick's lips twitch a little before he whispers back. "I figured as much." He then gives him a raised eyebrow."However, I could tell that you used magic somehow and so it's similar to the Sonorus charm. So I can give the points. Also Mr. Potter, you're not the first I've seen who's done something similar. After all, I had a visit from your mother shortly after your birth and she caught your father taking you up on a school broom." He then chuckles a little. "You weren't close to your mother's volume."

With that he walks away leaving behind three confused people as Luna turns to Harry. "Your mother was able to use the Traditional Royal Canterlot Speaking Voice?"

AN: I decided to do an author's note because of some reactions from my pre-readers. Now, I know that some of you are likely disappointed that I went ahead and had him join the Qudditch Team. I realize that it seems like it's going too close to canon, but I do have reasons for doing so. Some will show up soon, others will appear later on. But I can say that Harry won't become obesssed with the sport as he did in canon, he'll see it as something fun to do and nothing else.