• Published 5th Dec 2011
  • 41,112 Views, 2,159 Comments

The Wizard and the Lonely Princess - Harry Leferts

We all have imaginary friends when growing up, right? Harry's turns out not to be so Imaginary...

  • ...

Chapter 11

Disclaimer: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro and Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling.

"Hello"-Normal Speaking

"Interesting..."-Nightmare Moon speaking

'Huh.' -Normal thoughts.

'All mine...' Nightmare Moon's thoughts


As he paced one of the study rooms just off from the Slytherin dorms, Draco snarled as he clenched his fist. "I can't believe that... that ragamuffin was Potter!" Stopping for a moment, he slammed his palm down on a desk. Staring to pace once more, Draco bit his thumb. "The signs were all there and I missed it!" Stopping for a moment, Draco hissed. "The perfect opportunity and I missed it."

From where he stood near the door, Crabbe scratched his head in confusion. "I don't get it..."

Draco just rolled his eyes before he waved him off. "It would have been a coup for our side if we brought him to our views." Suddenly frowning, Draco let out a breath. "Thankfully Father should not be too displeased..."


Having walked into his father's office after being summoned, Draco found him standing in front of the fireplace. Once he was fully inside, he shut the door and stood there while waited for Lucius to acknowledge him, the only sounds being the crackle of the fire and the tick of the mantel clock. Minutes passed until his father nodded. "Very good Draco. Now then, take a seat. What I have to say to you is very important." Making his way over to the seat in front of Lucius' desk, Draco waited as his father stayed near the fireplace. "Do you know why I sent for you Draco?"

Not long after he took a breath to calm himself, Draco answered. "No Father, I don't."

After a moment, Lucius nodded. "Hm... yes." Reaching over and grabbing a fire poker, Lucius stirred the glowing embers. "I was disappointed in you the other day Draco. Letting a stuffed toy rile you up as it did." As he placed the poker back, Lucius sighed. "But I suppose that you're young yet. Still, do practice not letting such things faze you and act as befits a Malfoy. Or else I might become... annoyed."

As he gulped, Draco nodded as he gripped the chairs armrests. "Of course Father."

Having finally turned, Lucius nodded as he looked at his son with a cold mask of indifference. "Good." After he walked over, he stopped in front of Draco as he let a sigh escape his lips. "But that is not what I called you here for Draco." Having waited for a moment to see if his son would respond, he continued. "I have a... consider it your first mission for our side."

As he cleared his throat, a house elf appeared with a platter with a tea cup on it. Not even acknowledging the being's presence, the elder Malfoy took the cup and brought it to his lips. As he wetted his lips some as he watched his father, Draco took note that he was to reply. "May I ask what mission Father?"

Pulling the cup away from his mouth, Lucius nodded. "You may Draco. As you know, tomorrow you are to head to Hogwarts. I expect you to carry yourself as a Malfoy should. We are one of the Purest of the old Bloodlines after all." While he took another sip, the elder Malfoy noticed the slight confusion on his son's face. 'More work to be done I think.' Once more he took the cup from his mouth before he set it down on his desk. "All that you already know. But there is one last thing I wish for you to do." Another moment of silence passed. "And that is to become... friendly... with Harry Potter."

Draco's head shot up at this. "But why Father!? Because of him, our Lord is-" He suddenly froze as he notices his father giving him a cold look. "I... am sorry Father for my unbefitting behavior. I was simply... shocked is all."

After a moment, Lucius nodded. "I can understand that Draco." A moment later, he began to explain. "You see Draco, we are now being presented with an opportunity we cannot waste." He started to walk behind his desk. "The Potter child represents a rather large amount of political capital. However... he is also more than that,"

Seeing that it was his turn to speak, Draco did so. "How so Father?"

As he stopped behind his chair, Lucius reached out and grasped it as he looked at a painting. "I have a source in the Ministry that has told me that there has been a rather large number of magical surges wherever he is. Not enough if it continues to see him expelled for breaking the underage laws, but enough to show up. That shows that he might be quite powerful. And, more than that, he might hold the secret within himself as to how to defeat the Killing Curse. Listen close Draco, information is power. And the knowledge to defeat something unblockable would secure our Family's position among our... associates." He then looked on with a slight smirk. "And if we turn him to our side? All the better for us..."

****************Flashback End*******************

As he stared at the wall with his hands clasped behind his back, Draco let out a sigh. 'At least Father should understand why I failed due to previous circumstances...'

While he walked for the door, he placed a haughty expression on his face . A moment later he was out the door and heading into the dorm. A few minutes had passed when an eleven year old strawberry blond girl appears from a nearby alcove before she tapped her ear which cancelled a spell. 'How intriguing. Seems that the Malfoy family wanted to draw Potter into their sphere of influence and failed. That knowledge might indeed be worth something to the right person...'

After she made her way into the girls' dorm, she noticed another girl leaned against the wall who was watching her with a smirk. "Well now Daphne. You certainly took a while."

As she smirked herself, Daphne Greengrass shrugged. "Let's just say I found something profitable and leave it at that." Walking to her bed, Greengrass' smirk grew. 'Yes. Very profitable indeed...'


As she slowly woke up, Nightmare blinked as she took note of the lunar landscape around her. 'Beautiful desolation indeed...' She then sighed as she started to get up. 'But even this beauty gets old...' She grunted though as she found herself stiff before she pondered that for a moment. 'Hm... now that was different.' Soon she was walking across the shadowed landscape of Equestria's moon as she headed to the border between the dark side and the light side. Upon reaching it, she looked around for Harry and Luna only to find no one. 'Must be somewhere else...' Sighing she turned and was about to keep walking along the border when she stopped as she could hear Harry shout her name and tell Luna to hurry it up which caused her to sit and wait. Five minutes later Harry came out from behind a boulder with a grin on his face as he was puffing for breath. "Took you long enough. I could hear you shout."

Harry gave her an odd look at this. "You heard me?"

As she rolled her eyes while Luna landed, Nightmare sighed. "Of course I heard you." She shook her head a small bit. "But I'll give you leeway as I barely heard it as is so you must have been quite a distance away."

Both Luna and Harry gave each other a confused look before they shrugged it off. It was at this point that Luna noticed that Nightmare was still sitting over the line separating the halves of the moon. "Any particular reason that you're still over there?"

Nightmare raised an eyebrow before she smirked. "Well Little Princess, you don't come onto my side without asking first. So I suppose that I should offer you the same courtesy."

Luna's eyebrow twitched some as she was both complimented and insulted. "Do you mind not doing that...?"

Nightmare raised an eyebrow and tilted her head to the side in false confusion. "Do what Little Princess? Not ask for permission?"

As she ground her teeth together, Luna hissed. "Calling me 'Little Princess'." She then waved a hoof at an amused Harry. "You call him by his name now."

Nightmare just blinked while still having false confusion on her face. "But you are little. And a Princess." She then just waved a hoof. "Just calling it as I see it."

Her smirk faded a moment later as Luna shot back. "We then, guess I should call you 'Moony' then."

Nightmare glared at her as neither noticed the confused and disturbed look on Harry's face as face as he looked at the ground. 'Moony... why does that sound so familiar...'

Luna just snorted and held her head high. "Very well, how about Ni? Or Moomoo?" Nightmare growled for a second. Smirking, Luna waved a hoof at her. "Something the matter?"

Nightmare just snarled. "Don't... call... me... that."

Luna was about to say something when she suddenly stopped. "Oh... I forgot about that." Seeing Nightmare turn away, she sighed and walked up. "I'm sorry..."

Nightmare just nodded. "Yes well...Anyways... may I?" Luna nodded before she looked down as Nightmare stepped over the line. About to say something, Nightmare stopped as she felt two arms wrap around her neck which caused her to blink and look down to see Harry as he hugged her around her neck. "Harry?"

He just stayed like that for a bit before he sighed. "Just thought that you needed a hug."

Nightmare looked at him before she nodded. "I did not, but I appreciate the thought all the same." She then watched his expression before she sighed and looked into the starry night sky. "Go ahead."

Harry pulled away with a confused yet amused look. "Go ahead and what?"

As she looked back at him, Nightmare's expression became deadpan. "I know that you thought up a nickname of your own. Go ahead and let it out now rather than later."

Harry's lips twitched as he held his hands behind his head. "I was thinking... Nim."

Luna stared at him with a confused expression as did Nightmare. "Nim? What does that have to do with the moon or her name?"

Nightmare also nodded as she wanted to hear this as well. For his part, Harry rolled his eyes before he knelt down and wrote "NmM" in the lunar dust. "Her initials of course. Nightmare Moon, N-M-M. Nim. See?"

As she cocked her head to the side, Luna slowly nodded. "Huh. That's interesting." She then gave the other two a smirk. "And she does have a secret or two."

Facehoofing, Nightmare groaned. "That was bad Little Princess. Haven't I been punished enough as is?" That set off a round of groans from both Luna and Harry. "Yes, I am a baaa-d mare who should feel sheepish about it all."

Luna just held up her hooves in surrender. "Okay, okay. I give up. Enough with the puns already Nim!" Nightmare just gave her a deadpan look. "What?"

Nightmare just snorted. "You're not allowed to call me that Little Princess." She then gestured at Harry. "He's allowed though."

Luna's eyes widened for a moment before she glared. "What!? You call me 'Little Princess' all the time! Why shouldn't I be allowed to call you that!?"

Putting on a thoughtful expression, Nightmare smirked. "Well, for one thing I don't like it when you say it. For another, Harry created it. And last?" Nightmare shrugged and leaned in close. "I just like him better then you." She smirked and ducked as a glowing ball of lunar dust flew past her head. "My, someone is a little testy today...

Ducking another, she galloped off with a chuckle as she had gotten on Luna's nerves again and "won". Luna growled and was about to take off after her when she heard a snort. She slowly turned to see a gulping Harry who gave her a sheepish grin. A moment later he took off as "Dustballs" are also swung at him. "HARRY!"

As he ran, Harry just groaned. "I should have known better... I really should... have..."

A laughing Nightmare Moon soon dropped back so that she was right beside him. "Enjoying ourselves?"

Harry gave her a dry look between breaths before he answered her in a voice just as dry as the dust around them. "Oh yes. Very much so."

Nightmare snorted as her grin widened. "Good then." She then looked back and chuckled. "The Little Princess is so easy to rile up at times isn't she? Almost takes the fun out of it at times." She then looked at Harry who was struggling to keep up. "Hm... perhaps we should leave the Little Princess time to cool off?"

The young wizard rolled his eyes for a moment as he answered, ducking under another dustball as more flew through the air. "You think?"

As she snorted in amusement, Nightmare looked over her shoulder at the chasing Luna, also having taken note of the grin on her face. A moment later, she watched Harry out of the corner of her eye. "Do you trust me Harry?"

Harry just gave her an odd look. "Of course I do Nightmare, why wouldn't I?" Not having heard anything in reply, he turned and was about to say something when he found himself wrapped up in Nightmare's mane for a moment before he was deposited on her back. "Wha...!?"

Nightmare just grinedas her mane wraps around his wrists. "Oh, and please don't pull too much."

With that, and a flap of her wings, she went airborne. Harry tightened his grip for a moment before it loosened as he looked around as the landscape passed below them along with Nightmare's shadow. As he leaned forward, Harry grinned as he whispered into the dark Alicorn's ear. "This is amazing Nightmare!"

She looked back at him with a small smile. "Glad that you think so." She then saw something that caused her to narrow her eyes and smirk. "And this is about to get slightly more exciting..."

Harry gave her a slightly confused look. "What?" A moment later he got his answer as a dustball shot past, and, upon looking behind them, found Luna as she flew with several other dustballs following in her wake. "Aw... hay." What followed is an aerial chase across the face of the moon as Luna triec to pelt the two with dustballs while Nightmare dodged, ducked, and weaved to avoid them. Harry spent the whole time holding on in an adrenaline fueled excitement. After a while, the three landed laughing (well, Harry and Luna are, Nightmare is gave off a chuckle). As he stretched for a moment, Harry slowly got off Nightmare's back and gave her a grin. "Well that was awesome." He then gave a sly look at Nightmare. "And you seemed to have enjoyed yourself for a change."

Nightmare blinked and Harry could swear that she was blushing. "Yes. well..." Upon seeing the amused looks the other two were giving her, she looked away while clearing her throat with a cough. "Got caught up in the moment there is all."

Luna just winked at a grinning Harry, her own grin having nearly splitted her face in half. "Sure you did Nightmare... we believe you." Seeing Nightmare grumble caused the grin to widen if it was possible. A moment later she frowned as she watched Nightmare rotate her wing joint with a slight wince. "You okay?"

Nightmare just grunted. "Yeah, fine." Noticing the concerned look from Luna, she grumbled. "It's nothing okay..." She trails off as she saw Harry cross his arms and look at her with a raised eyebrow. "What?"

Harry just gestured to the ground. "Now sit."

In response Nightmare narrowed her eyes. "I am not a dog."

Harry gave her a look in reply. "Nightmare..."

As she grumbled some, Nightmare turned away and slowly sat down with a scowl. "Better no-" She jerked a little as Harry walked up beside her and started feeling where her wings joined with the rest of her body. "What are you... uhhhh..."

Whatever else she was going to say disappeared into a groan as Harry began to massage that area with his fingers. "Man you're tense. When was the last time you moved around like that?"

Slowly as she seemingly melted under his fingers (with sparks of magic coming from them), Nightmare murmured. "Not for a long time..." Harry just rolled his eyes as she laid down, with him still working. "How *Oooo* did you get *Mmmm* so good *ahhh* at this...?"

Harry just snorted. "Luna. Sometimes she woke up stiff so I learned to help."

Seeing that Nightmare was giving her an inquiring look, Luna flushed deeply and looked away with a small grin. "What can I say? His fingers are excellent for this type of thing..." Her lips twitched a little. "One could say that he has...'Magic Hands'." Both Harry and Nightmare groaned at that which caused her to smirk. "It's the truth."

Nightmare just rolled her eyes as she sighed. "So how often...?"

Luna thought it over for a moment before she shrugged. "Not that often..." She gave Harry a playful glare a moment later as he snorted. "What?"

Harry just rolled his eyes as he moved on to one of Nightmare's wings which caused her to coo. "I know that you weren't actually that stiff that often you know."

Once more Luna's flushed until she looked away with a huff. "Yes, well... those fingers of yours are quite useful."

Harry's lips twitched as he smirked before he faked a sob. "I knew it! You only care for me for my fingers!"

Nightmare just lazily stretched out like a cat before she mumbled. "Who cares. I'll have to come here more often just for this... and make you the Royal Massager..."

Her cat-like image was completed a moment later as she began to purr like one which caused Harry to raise an eyebrow. 'Okay... she really likes this...' After a while Harry finished up and soon lied against the still deeply relaxed Nightmare. "So... now what do we do?"

Having opening her eyes. Nightmare gave him a glance. "What do you and the Little Princess normally do here?"

Luna just shrugged. "Usually we just perform discussions on magical theory, Equestrian History, maths... stuff like that." As she tapped her chin, Luna sighed. "Now what are we going to talk about tonight..." Her thoughts were interrupted by Nightmare as she cleared her throat. "Yes?"

Nightmare cracked her neck a little before she answered. "I do believe that I should handle tonight then." She then raised an eyebrow at the astonished looks before grumbling. "I did say that I would help some."

Harry sat up and looked at her. "So what are you going to teach me Nightmare?"

She gave him a raised eyebrow. "Well, seeing as the Little Princess has been teaching you spells that can affect the physical world, I on the other hoof will teach you spells that affect that which is immaterial. The mind." Upon seeing Harry's widened eyes, she grined. "Yes. I shall teach you the magic of illusions." She then gave him a small smile. "Can you tell me what an illusion is Harry?"

Harry blinked at the odd question. "Uh, making people see things that aren't there?" As he saw Nightmare slowly shake her head, he frowned. "Am I wrong?"

She shook her head again. "Not... fully." She crossed her forelegs before she continued. "While making people see things is part of it. That is all it is. Not the whole thing." She smirked. "A true illusionist can ensnare the mind and senses, or affect the senses individually. They can make one feel fear for no apparent reason. One can do many things with illusions. From something as flashy as a phantasm, to something as hidden as the feeling of being watched. All these can be considered illusions..." As the night moved on, Nightmare gave an overview of illusionary magic and before they knew it, Harry started feeling tired and they went to sleep. Once they woke up in Harry’s world, Nightmare took a peek out of the curtains and saw that the sun had barely risen yet. Lips twitching, she turned to a stretching Harry. “Well now, seems that we’re in luck since it’s still early so we can actually get some practice in.

As he stopped for a moment, Harry frowned. “How? I’m the only one up right now.” He then poked his head out the bed’s curtains and sighed. “You know, I get the feeling that I’m going to hate the fact that I’m so used to getting up early that I do so automatically...”

Luna just laid there with her head propped up on one hoof. “Actually, that might be a good thing.” Seeing the looks, she shrugged. “Well, you won’t ever have to worry about oversleeping and missing some appointment.” She then cocked her head to the side. “Though you needing less sleep is surprising.”

Harry just shrugged before he turned back to Nightmare. “So how am I supposed to practice then? No one else is awake here after all.”

Nightmare, for her part, rolled her eyes and tapped her chest with her hoof. “I’m the one that you’re going to test it on Harry.” Once she saw the shocked look on his face, she sighed. “Harry, no matter what, your illusions are not going to affect me to any great degree and even then, I’ll be easily able to break free of them. Then, having gone through them, I’ll be able to tell you how to improve upon them.

Harry just gave her a worried look. “Are you… sure about this?”

As she rolled her eyes with another sigh, she gave him a deadpan expression. “Of course I am.” She then cleared her throat. “The one that I am going to teach you right now is of a group of spells. They’re called ‘Ghost Spells’ or ‘Stage Spells’.” She added the bit with hoof quotes. “These are relatively simple illusionary spells sometimes used in plays as a form of sound effects. They’re also used quite often in pranking.” At her chuckle, both Harry and Luna gave her a deadpan look which caused her to roll her eyes. “Anyways… The first one we’re going to practice is one used to throw your voice making it seem to come from another direction from where you are entirely…” After having explained the spell, she closed her eyes and had him perform it before she shook her head. “Hm… not a bad try, but not quite there.” She has him do it a few more times until she opened her eyes. “Harry, where are you concentrating your magic?

Clearing his throat a little, Harry shrugged. “My voice box, why?”

Nightmare just facehoofed. “Harry, it’s not your throat, but rather your lips that’s where the magic is focused.

As he slapped himself in the forehead, Harry sighed. “I should have guessed…” Trying it again, Harry watched Nightmare. “Better?”

Opening her eyes, she nodded. “Much better. You sounded like you were about a foot to the right.” Seeing Harry’s disbelief, she chuckled. “That is in fact quite good Harry. For the amount of time you’ve spent on it that is.” She then noted the sounds coming from the other beds. “Anyways, your room mates are waking so it is time to head down to breakfast…” After she hopped onto Harry’s shoulder, she tapped the side of his head. “Well? Aren’t we heading out now?” Only shaking his head in amusement, Harry headed out of the dorm and toward the Great Hall for breakfast…


As she grumbled from her spot on Tonks' shoulder, Nightmare snarled. "I can't believe that, that old hag is preventing me from going with Harry."

Upon hearing this, Tonks rolled her eyes before she glanced at her. "She is doing it for a reason you know."

Still glaring, Nightmare huffed at her. "And her reasoning is flawed as I do not see me as being disruptive in her classes." Her glare increased as she sees Tonks' amused look. "What?"

Her lips twitched as Tonks shook her head. "Nothing. Nothing at all." Tonks then rolled her eyes. "You're lucky that I'm heading this way anyways to my first class."

Nightmare raised an eyebrow. "You're first class?"

Tonks simply nodded. "Yup. Ancient Runes. Don't really need it to be an Auror, but it should help if I ever need it."

Nightmare cocked her head to the side in confusion. "Auror? And by Runes I assume you mean those old ways of writing?"

Tonks chuckled a little. "Well, to answer your first question, Aurors are... well, magical policemen. They take care of Dark Wizards and criminals." She then waved her hand. "As for Runes, yes, they're old ways of writing, but they have uses." As she gave Nightmare a smirk, she continued. "Have you ever heard the old saying 'Words contain power'?"

Nightmare nodded. "I have. Certain phrases can cause powerful magic. But I'm assuming that it also counts for the written word then?"

Tonks tapped her on the nose much to her annoyance. "Indeed." As she ignored her growling, she continued. "A single rune, such as the one for 'Fire' can create a magical effect. For example, the one I mentioned is used in magical lighters. And if you string out the right runes in the right pattern... the possibilities can be endless. You can create traps or break them. Create powerful wards... protection spells in other words, by inscribing them onto stones. However..." She became serious. "Messing them up the wrong way can also have dangerous effects for the user if anything happens at all."

Nightmare nodded thoughtfully. "Interesting..."

Tonks gave her an odd look before she shook her head. "Anyways, we're here."

Seeing that she was right, Nightmare jumped off Tonks' shoulder. "Thanks Pinky." She opened the painting and looked back one final time. "Oh, and lay off the tissues."

Tonks blinked as the painting closed as she tried to piece together what she had meant. Suddenly, she got it and growled as her hair goes blood red and her eyes pitch black. Twitching, she gripped her wand tightly enough that it was under quite a bit of strain. "That... damn... doll!" Punching a nearby suit of armor, she gained a nasty smirk. "One of these days doll... one of these days..."

Inside the Common room, Nightmare looked around but other than a few older students on their off periods, nothing caught her interest. Suddenly, she remembered the conversation with Tonks and headed upstairs before going into the trunk. She spent the next hour as she jumped from one book shelf to another as she looked them over before she grabbed two books, a binder filled with loose-leaf, and a pencil. As she settled into her chair, she placed the open binder to one side before she opened "Rune Dictionary" and "Beginners Guide to Runes: Grade 1". A moment later the whole trunk lapsed into silence as she began to read, only the scratching of the pencil against the paper and the flipping of pages breaking it...