• Published 5th Dec 2011
  • 41,107 Views, 2,159 Comments

The Wizard and the Lonely Princess - Harry Leferts

We all have imaginary friends when growing up, right? Harry's turns out not to be so Imaginary...

  • ...

Chapter 16

Disclaimer: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro and Harry Potter is the property of JK Rowling.

"Hello"-Normal Speaking
"Interesting..."- Nightmare Moon speaking.
'Huh'- Normal Thoughts.
'All mine...' Nightmare Moon's thoughts

Sitting across from Harry, Luna has her horn lit up as she watches him slowly work on a spell. Finally, she smiles. "Very good Harry. You don't have very much farther to go before you'll be able to use the cloud walking spell in the outside world and have it work."

Harry grins as he leans back on his hands. "I can't wait to see if clouds really are as comfortable as you say they are."

Looking up from her notepad, Nightmare gives a snort as she looks at him over the rim of her glasses. "It'll be a while yet Harry before you can do anything like sleep on one." She ignores his grumbling as she turns to Luna. "By the way... how's your research into Arithemancy going?"

Luna grins as she clasps her forehooves together. "It's amazing! Understanding the underlying principals of magic using mathematics!" Her grin slowly widens as she continues on. "It's truly beautiful in it's simplicity!"

Harry just raises an eyebrow as he mutters. "Simplistic for you maybe..."

Nightmare for her part gives the lunar Princess a look. "And yet it's mainly for fortune telling."

Luna scowls before shaking a hoof at her. "Using mathematics to try and map out trends into the future and come out with probabilities is something that is being done even in the non-magical world. It's just that the magical world has been at it for longer." She then goes starry eyed as she puts her front hooves together once more. "And if one takes into account Chaos Theory and adds it..."

Both Harry and Nightmare roll their eyes together at Luna's schoolgirl squeal. Nightmare then waves a hoof. "I, myself, am more intrigued by its usage in spell creation."

Snapping out of her imagination, Luna nods thoughtfully. "That is true. It does have a purpose there and helps make spell creation both easier and safer by predicting how different components of a spell might react when added." Luna then makes a circle in the air with her hoof. "It's also a needed subject for spell deconstructions."

Nightmare shrugs. "I guess it's somewhat useful then..." She then looks at Harry over her glasses before tapping several rolls of parchment beside her. "And I checked over your homework Harry. I noted where you made mistakes, but not how you made them."

Harry smiles as he walks over and opens the rolls, looking them over. "Still out to make me work, hmm?"

Nightmare just smirks. "Of course, after all how else are you going to learn?" As Harry starts making corrections, Nightmare spots Luna gesturing for her to come over. Raising an eyebrow, she trots over to the lunar princess. "Something you want Little Princess?"

Rolling her eyes, Luna nonetheless leans down towards Nightmare's ear. "Look, I want to check out that trapdoor you saw the Cerberus standing on."

Nightmare blinks and looks back at Harry for a moment before leaning in herself. "Are you sure that you wish to do this Little Princess? Who knows what other traps might be down there after all..."

Luna sighs and shakes her head. "Its been bothering me and will continue to do so until I go have a look." She grumbles a little. "What the hay could they possibly be hiding there that's important enough for a Cerberus..."

Nightmare shrugs a little. "Guess that you're going to find out. But keep our connection open and don't get into trouble." She then gestures at Harry. "He would never forgive himself if something happened to you."

Luna nods with a slight smile and soon afterwards heads up and out of the trunk causing Harry to blink as he watches her. "Where's she off to?"

Nightmare waves him off as she sits beside him, going back to her own notes as she looks over several books on the paranormal written by non-magicals. "She needs to look in the library for something is all."

Harry nods his head as Luna has done the same thing before. "Okay then." He turns back to his work, though he glances at what Nightmare's reading about. 'Count St. Germaine...?'

With Luna, however, she reaches the door beyond which is the Cerberus. Poking her head through the wall, she sees it still there sitting on top of the trapdoor causing her to frown a little as she realizes just how little room it has. 'Poor pup...' To her surprise, however, the guardian turns and watches her causing her to blink. "Well now... seems that you can see spirits then, doesn't it?"
For it's part, the Cerberus watches the little spirit thing as it observes it, growling softly as moves from one spot to another.

Cocking her head to the side, Luna narrows her eyes. "Well then... let's see if you can keep up with this..." Poking the tip of her tongue out the side of her mouth, Luna crouches down with her muscles tensing. A moment later she leaps into action pulling various aerial acrobatics she ducks, dodges, and weaves past the Cerberus' three heads before diving through the trap door just as the massive dog's middle head smashes into it. Below, Luna winces a bit and gives the "Ceiling" above her a sympathetic look as she hears the yelp and whine. "Sorry Poochy..." She then continues downwards until she reaches a ring planter embedded in the wall with several vines growing from it making her raise an eyebrow. "Plants? Okay..." Shaking her head, she continues on through the rooms including one filled with what looks like flying keys and another with dark shapes that she ignores. Finally, she enters one room and wrinkles her nose as a powerful order hits it. Clapping her hooves over her muzzle, she gasps a bit as she looks around before a thumping sound catches her attention. "What the hay...?" Turning, she's confronted with a massive being that's shaped like a human, but has a wrinkly head that's too small for its body. It takes her but a moment to place what she's seeing. "A... troll... they have a troll down here..." Looking around, her scowl grows as she sees that like the Cerberus, it's trapped in a small room. "They have a sapient being imprisoned as a glorified security guard! WHAT THE HAY IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE!"

A moment later, she can feel Nightmare looking through her eyes as well as a mental shrug. 'What do you expect with these people? Out of all of them besides Harry, only Tonks, Neville, and Hermione are worthy of any respect.'

Luna just scowls as she continues on. 'I was expecting something different. The Cerberus could be waved away since me and Celly have one guarding Tartarus. But we still give it more room and let it out once in a while with either me or Celly taking over for a time.' She then gestures back at the striding troll. 'However, that is a thinking creature! It is sapient!'

She looks back at it only to see it pick it's nose and eat it. Nightmare gives a mental eye roll. 'Yes, they're obviously Einstein, now aren't they?'

Luna just grumbles. 'That wasn't what I meant...'

Back in the trunk, Nightmare glances at Harry who leans back. "Done already?"

Harry nods as he passes her his work to look over. "For the moment at least. So, better?"

Nightmare picks up the parchment and reads it over, mumbling under her breath as she nods. After a few minutes, she smiles and lays it down. "Much." She then feels a jolt causing her to turn her attention back to Luna. 'Something the matter Little Princess?'

Luna slowly looks behind her at the wall of magical flames and then in front of her at the other wall. She gulps a little as she looks around. 'I'm... trapped...'

Nightmare blinks for a bit as she watches Harry stretch a little while also seeing out of Luna's eyes. 'How the hay are you trapped? You're a spirit after all.'

Luna sighs before reaching towards one of the flame walls only to wince in pain as she pulls it back. She tries the same with the other only for the same thing to occur. 'Whatever these flames are, they seem to be able to affect spirits.' She then frowns before landing as if to go through the floor only for her hooves to meet solid stone. She then flaps up to the ceiling and presses her hooves against it, only to feel the solid rock. Lighting her horn, she frowns as she prods at the spell there. 'Its some kind of necromancy spell... very dark magic.' Her eyes then shoot open with a frightened look. 'And there is some kind of alarm spell!'

Nightmare then grimaces before looking at Harry and smiling as she sees him yawn, a plan forming in her mind. "Well now, looks like someone is a bit sleepy."

Through bleary eyes, Harry looks at her and shrugs. "Maybe. Long day and it's..." He looks at the watch on his wrist. "Wow, nearly twelve thirty."

Nightmare nods. "Well then, time for bed."

Harry just shakes his head. "I'm going to wait until Luna gets back like I usually do."

Nightmare clinches her metaphorical teeth for a moment before she feels Luna's rising panic. 'What is it Princess?'
Deep below the third floor, Luna gulps as she looks back the way she came. "I can sense the Headmaster coming. He's nearly here."

Nightmare's eyes widen unseen by Harry before she assumes her usual expression. 'I got something planned, but while I work on it, use the Remote Sensing Spell on the other room if you can.'

Luna slowly nods. 'I should be close enough... but I don't know if I have the power.' She suddenly feels the rush of a very familiar magic rushing through her non-existent veins. 'Nightmare?'

Nightmare just gives a grunt causing Harry to look at her. 'You got this far, use that and have a look.' Despite the rising panic as she has no idea if the Headmaster will be able to see her due to the spells interwoven into the room, she closes her eyes as her horn lights up. A moment later she casts the spell which begins to penetrate the last room. Nightmare for her part, gestures to the reclining chair in the middle of the room. "Well, since we're waiting Harry, how about we go and sit there."

Harry slowly nods as he gives her a raised eyebrow at her slightly odder then normal behavior. "Sure I guess." Getting up, he walks over before sitting down in the chair and reclining back. "Any idea how much longer she's going to be by the way?"

Nightmare shrugs as she watches him getting comfortable before her horn glows some. "I do not know. But anyways... I think a bit of relaxation might do you some good."

Harry just nods as his eyelids flutter some, Nightmare's sleeping spell helped along from the exhaustion from his practice. "Mmm..."

In the fire room, Luna finishes the spell before realizing that the Headmaster is just two rooms away and closing fast. Suddenly a wave of sleepiness hits her as she drifts to the floor. "What...? I..." Her own eyelids begin to slowly flutter close as she tries to fight it off. "No..."

Back in the trunk room, Nightmare notices Harry starting to go into full wakefulness as the spell is being fought off. 'Dammit...' Scowling, she increases the power of the spell causing Harry to slump back in the chair as he falls fully asleep. Panting, she looks at him as she tries to sense where Luna is. "Did it work...?"

Down in the space between the two walls of flames, Luna slumps over fully asleep and vanishes a full minute before Dumbledore opens the door causing the flames to go out as he enters. He then pauses as he looks around and casts a revealing spell. Once more, there's no sign of anything though there is still the tingling of foreign magic present causing him to frown. "Hmm..." Walking through the room and passing the test, he enters the next where there's a small ruby like stone sitting in the middle of a spell array. His frown deepens as he feels the foreign magic here as well, but rapidly disappearing as if being sucked somewhere else. Casting a spell, all he can find out is that the magic was tinted by darkness before the trace vanishes completely. "Well Tom... seems like I may have underestimated you..."

Up on the moon, Luna suddenly awakes with a gasp as she looks around. She looks to the side to see a confused Harry scratching his head as he looks at her. Luna begins to calm as she remembers how Nightmare had told her that when she fell asleep on the moon that Harry's 'Spirit' would vanish. She then realizes what Nightmare did causing her to smile as her heartbeat slows. 'So that was your plan then...'

It takes a few minutes to fully calm down as Harry watches her with a worried look. He's about to say something when he feels a stiring behind him and turns to see Nightmare waking up. As soon as she stretches and smacks her lips, he gives her a glare. "Mind telling me why you cast a sleeping spell on me!" Seeing the surprise on both mares' faces he sighs. "I recognize your magic Nim. Now why would you pulls a stunt like that? Poor Luna here was frightened out of her wits."

Luna winces and looks down guiltily and is about to explain when Nightmare beats her to the punch. "I was conducting an experiment to check something that I've been wondering about our connection."

Harry narrows his eyes and once more interrupts Luna just as she's about to say something. "Oh? And you couldn't let me know before because..."

Nightmare shrugs unapologetic. "You knowing might have caused a difference in how the experiment performed as you might not have faught it." Seeing that he's about to say something, she continues. "And I couldn't say anything to the Little Princess as I knew that she might not agree." She then shrugs again. "At least now we know that if you were to be knocked out that automatically Luna would show up here. So that means we can plan in case it happens if you're attacked."

Harry just scowls. "So? Next time ask."

A moment later, both of them find that their mouths are glued shut as they turn and look at Luna who glares at one and then the other. "Enough of that you two." She then sighs as she looks at Nightmare and softens her glare. "Nightmare, no matter how much I may appreciate it, I don't need you to get yourself in trouble for my sake." She then turns to Harry. "Harry, she knocked you out to save me. I was trapped below the Third Floor Corridor because I wanted to check it out. By making you fall asleep, she dragged us both here at the same time."

Nightmare scowls at her after dispelling the spell that was keeping her from talking. "Stop lying Little Princess." She then turns and looks at Harry. "Don't mind the Little Princess Harry, she just wants the fighting to stop and so she came up with that story."

Watching as they start to bicker, Harry sighs as he slowly massages his temples as they continue. After a moment, he holds up a hand. "Stop it you two." He then scowls. "I swear that you two bicker like sisters at times."

That brings the two of them up short as they look at each other for a moment then turn away with a huff. "WE ARE NOT LIKE SISTERS!"

He gives them both a raised eyebrow. "Riiiight..." Sighing, he shakes his head. "One of you two is lying to me, now to find out which one." He then leans forwards. "Now, look me right in the eye and tell me your excuse." Both Alicorns fidget as they look at each other before sighing as they take their turns. A moment later, Harry rubs the bridge of his nose. "Nightmare, why the hay would you lie to me? About this." Nightmare squirms a bit as she looks away and mumbles something. "I'm sorry, I don't speak mumblese."

Nightmare scowls as she looks away. "I can deal with... people... being angry with me and mad at me. It would hurt me less then it would the Little Princess." She then notices Luna giving her a smile before said smaller Alicorn wipes something away. "What?"

Luna then grins before jumping over and glomping the larger Alicorn around the neck. "Aw! I didn't know that you care Nighty!"

Nightmare starts wiggling to get out of the (what she thinks) mad Alicorn's grasp. "GAH! LET GO!"

Luna just shakes her head as she nuzzling the still squirming Alicorn. "Don't be like that Nighty! I always knew that you were a big softy!"

Nightmare's eyes bug out a little as her fighting increases. "I AM NOT A SOFTY!"

Luna grins as she tightens her hold as she speaks in a sing-song voice. "Aw, sounds like somepony needs a hug!"

Finally throwing her off with the help of her magic, Nightmare scrambles behind an amused Harry and uses him as a barrier as she points a shaking hoof at the lunar Princess. "WHAT THE HAY IS WRONG WITH YOU!"

Luna just grins as she takes a step towards the larger Alicorn who tries to place as much of Harry between them as possible. "I just want to show how thankful I am for what you tried to do Nighty!" Luna then gets up on her hind legs and holds her forelegs wide. "Now come here and give Lulu a hug!"

The reaction is predictable as Nightmare scrambles and starts running away as fast as she can with a laughing Luna in hot pursuit. "GET THE BUCK AWAY FROM ME YOU CRAZY MARE!"

Harry just shakes his head at their antics as he sighs. 'Yeah, like that's going to distract me...' He then grins as he gets up and starts running after them. 'I wonder if Luna has forgotten that I know her ticklish spots...' Down on Equestria for the next few hours, many note that the moon is glowing brighter then it has in a lifetime. And more then one Equestrian has a dream filled with laughter and joy as Celestia herself ponders on exactly why her sister seems to be full of mirth on this night. Later that night, while the three are lying on their backs trying to get their breath back as they gaze at the stars, Harry sighs. "You two know that all you had to do was let me know what you were doing, right?"

The two Alicorns look guilty before Luna clears her throat. "Well... we thought that you might get worried because of me going to look."

Harry raises an eyebrow. "And I didn't anyways?" Seeing them look away, he sighs. "Just do it next time, okay?" Seeing them beside him, he pokes them in the sides just under the ribs since they haven't answered causing the two to jerk. "I said-" He blinks as he's lifted into the air by magic, the two Alicorns getting up with matching grins. "What are you two..." Feeling his shirt lifted some, his eyes widen as he shakes his head as he sees them each spread one wing. "Oh no..."

Nightmare grins as she wiggles the feathers on the end, her eyes lighting up. "Oh yes!" She then laughs a little. "You forget that we know your ticklish spots as well Harry."

Luna chuckles darkly before using the RCV. "THE TICKLING HAST BEEN DOUBLED!"


A week later, Halloween dawns bright and clear as Harry lays back in bed, staring at the ceiling as the fingers on one hand work their magic behind Nightmare's ears. After a while though, Nightmare opens her eyes as she gives him a sad look. "And how are you feeling today?"

Looking between Nightmare and the saddened Luna, he shakes his head. "A little down I suppose, but not that much."

Luna then shakes her head. "Maybe it hasn't sunk in fully yet."

Harry then sadly smiles. "Or maybe it has." He then looks at Nightmare who's lying on his chest and then at Luna. "I would likely be a lot more depressed then I am if I didn't have you two here to knock it out of me."

Nightmare just closes her eyes as she enjoys the fingers in her mane. "Perhaps. But that might be giving you enough credit Harry." A few hours later however, her good mood is gone as she snarls while on Harry's shoulder. "That foal!"

Harry gives her a glance and a raised eyebrow. "Which one?"

Nightmare just scowls. "Both of them!" She then looks at Harry as she tightens her hold on his shoulder. "The Weasley child, for his abyssmal lack of tact. Hermione, for running away and hiding from her troubles." She then huffs. "I am most disappointed in the filly.

Harry raises an eyebrow as he whistles. "Is that why you want me to take you to the washroom she's in?" Seeing Nightmare nod with a determined look on her face, Harry rolls his eyes as he points towards a door. "Besides, we're there."

Still scowling, Nightmare hops off. "Good."

Ignoring her, Harry knocks on the door. "Hermione?"

A moment later, he hears her yelling back. "GO AWAY!"

Harry sighs and is about to say something when Nightmare gestures for him to leave with a grunt. "Um... Nightmare, I don't think-"

She just cuts him off right there. "Harry, I do not need you at the moment. This is between me and her so go a distance down the hallway."

Harry opens his mouth when he feels Luna's hoof on his shoulder making him turn. "Harry... I don't think that either of us wants to interfere with this..."

Giving in, Harry walks back down the hallway and turns in time to see Nightmare kick the door in as she roars. "WHAT THE BUCKING HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU, YOU FOALISH MARE!"

Harry blinks as she enters the washroom as the two begin yelling at each other. After a few minutes, Hermione is shouting loudly only for Nightmare to override her voice with the RCV, which is itself almost loud enough that Harry can hear what's being said. Gulping, Harry takes a step forwards only to be stopped by a hoof on his shoulder causing him to look at the blue Alicorn beside him. "Luna?"

She sighs a bit before cocking her head towards the door. "Harry, you don't want to get in there between them. Trust me on this."

Harry is about to say something when all of a sudden it goes quiet with no more shouting to be heard coming from the washroom. A minute then passes, then two, and then three and still nothing is heard. Nervous, Harry looks towards Luna and the next words out of his mouth causing her to facehoof. "You think that they killed each other?"

Rolling her eyes, she sighs. "No Harry, I am perfectly sure that they did not kill each other." She then notices something causing her to smile. "Besides, here they come now."

Harry blinks as he sees a smiling Hermione and Nightmare walking out of the washroom just chatting with each other softly. "Wait... how...?"

Luna just giggles some and shakes her head. "Don't try Harry."

Harry shakes his head in confusion. "But..."

Hermione by this point is close enough to hear him and gives him a smile as she wipes at her eyes. "Come on Harry, we got to get to the feast."

Her and Nightmare walk past him and Luna flies beside them, giggling every once in a while. Harry stands there for a minute before throwing his hands into the air. "I will never understand females of any species!" He then follows them as they continue walking. It doesn't take them long to reach the Great Hall and from there they begin to enjoy the feast (Harry slipping various things under the table to Luna). All of a sudden, the doors open and Professor Quirrell comes running in. "Okay... something going on?"

Professor Quirrell stands there for a moment as Dumbledore asks what the problem is. His next words cause everyone to panic. "Troll. In the Dungeons. Thought that you should know."

He then falls back into a "Faint" as Nightmare narrows her eyes at him. Seeing people freaking around him, Harry clears his throat and takes a breath. "QUIET!"

In the ensuring silence, Professor Dumbledore gives him a smile before it turns grim. "Prefects, lead your Houses back to your Dormitories immediately."

Nightmare just scowls before shouting. "ARE YOU BUCKING INSANE!"

McGonagall does a fish impression for a few moments before she can speak. "Miss Moon!"

Nightmare just glares at her before turning it to Dumbledore. "You're going to split the students into smaller groups which could be picked off and send them out when you could keep them here in a central location. With all the Prefects and the older students, I'd say that they'd be safer here."

Harry rubs the back of his neck as murmurs begin. "She has a point. And um... also, isn't the Slytherin Dorms in the dungeon... where the troll was sighted?"

A pin could drop and unseen by anyone, a small smile crosses Dumbledore's face before it's gone as he strokes his beard. "You both bring up very good points Miss Moon and Mr. Potter. Good points indeed."

McGonagall turns to him with a slight look of shock. "Albus..."

Dumbledore gives her a slight smile. "Minerva, under most circumstances, the Prefects escorting the students back to their dorms would be the right decision. However in this one, Miss Moon and Mr. Potter may well have the right idea. And the safety of the students is our responsibility after all."

Flitwick nods a bit. "And having them all here rather then roaming the castle does have the benefit that means there's no chance of students becoming separated and meeting the troll."

Dumbledore just nods. "Yes, this would make more sense I suppose." He then turns to the Groundskeeper. "Hagrid, would you and Silvanus please stay here and help guard the students? Once we find the troll, we can move them to their Common Rooms."

Hagrid nods as does a heavily scarred older man, who looks relieved. "Of Course Headmaster."

Harry just stands there slightly uncomfortable though he frowns as he sees a scowling Tonks come walking up before she smacks him on the back of the head and does the same to Nightmare. "Ow! What the buck was that for!"

Tonks just glares as her hair turns red. "That was for being rude to the Headmaster." She crosses her arms for a moment before sighing as she shakes her head. "However, you did have a point."

At that point, another voice speaks up. "Indeed they did." They all turn and see two Slytherin first year girls standing there, the one with the strawberry blond hair nodding as she continues. "I for one am thankful that we weren't sent into the area that the troll was seen in."

The blond female Slytherin looks him over before giving him a slight smile as she ignores the glare being sent to her by Nightmare as she shakes his hand. "Unlike Daphne here, I can say things a lot shorter. So thanks. I'm Tracy Davis by the way." She then gives him a curious look. "Odd to see a Gryffindore sticking up for Slytherins."

Harry rolls his eyes as he looks up at the ceiling. "If you're willing to put fellow students and classmates into a dangerous situation over something as stupid and silly as House rivalry, then you are deserving of no respect."

Daphne gives him a raised eyebrow before nodding. "Well put." She then smirks a little. "You are... quite the interesting person Potter."

Harry just shrugs a little. "Perhaps."

Raising an eyebrow as Daphne holds out her hand, he does take it and afterwards, she lets it fall along his side before leaving alongside Tracy. Harry watches them go and catches sight of Draco confronting them, only to get smacked on the back of the head by a older Slytherin who upon seeing Harry gives him a nod. Tonks just shakes her head in amazement. "That was odd."

Harry nods as he places his hands in his pockets, a brief look of surprise crossing his face before he masks it. "Yeah, really odd indeed."

As the night wears on and the group eats some of the food, eventually the teachers return with news of the troll's capture, though Hermione does go white and start hugging Nightmare and thanking her profusely. Of course, the reason being that they had found and cornered the troll in the very same washroom that she had been in earlier that day. Later, as he's lying in bed, Harry reaches into his pocket and pulls out the note he had found in his pocket. He then hands it to Luna. "'Potter, I can't explain much in this letter, but beware, while the younger Malfoy is easily taken care of, you must watch out for the elder. You feature in some of his designs, but what they are I cannot safely say in this format. Consider this what the Muggles call a freebe.'" She then looks up at Harry. "And you think that this came from the Slytherin girls that came over?"

Harry just nods. "Yeah, I found it in my pocket after they left."

Nightmare then closes her eyes. "And when added to the fact that Professor Quirrell faked his fainting spell..."

Harry turns to her. "He did?"

Nightmare opens one eye to look at him as she nods. "He did. A person fainting will fall forwards while a person faking it will fall backwards."

Harry frowns as he processes this. "But why...?"

Nightmare then spreads her forehooves in the air in front of her. "I don't know. However, on a guess I would say that he was hoping that they would forget about or take pity on him and so he wouldn't have to go looking himself." She then looks at the letter with narrowed eyes. "Still... something is going on around here..."