• Published 8th Jul 2017
  • 3,027 Views, 132 Comments

Equestrian Railway Tales - Sudrian Engineer

Sodor and Equestria, Two lands, different as can be. Once they are connected, friendships will be made, engines will be driven, and most importantly, fun will be had as we ride the rails of Sodor in these, Tales of Sudrian and Equestrian Railways.

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Little Blue Introduction

Dear Christopher,

Here is your friend Thomas the Tank Engine. He wanted to come out of his station yard and see the world. These stories tell you how he did it.

I hope you will like them because you helped me to make them.

Your Loving Daddy


A few weeks later, on a bank holiday, Twilight was flying to Troy’s house with Spike on her back. While Twilight had respected Tory’s request to not be super early, it was still about eight in the morning. As they came in for a landing, they got their first glimpse of where their friend lived. The view that greeted them was calm, almost serene.

The first thing they noticed was a cozy looking cement house with Troy’s truck parked next to the porch on one side. Off to the side was a big garage with the doors currently down. Next to it was an open shed with a tractor and various implements. After they got done looking, Twilight made her way to the door and knocked. After knocking a few times, she heard someone moving around before the door opened to reveal Troy but with a major difference.

“Are you wearing glasses?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah? Ah usually wear contacts, but since Ah got the day off, Ah took em out las night.”

“Oh, wow. They, umm. They look good on you.”

“Thanks. Well, come on in, Ah guess. Ah’ll make coffee.” As they walked in Troy motioned to the table for them to sit down while he got the coffee ready. When he turned back around, he almost burst out laughing. “Ah knew Ah forgot somethin.” he said. All that could be seen of Twilight was her horn sticking up over the table.

“Gee, ya think?” Spike snickered.

“Don’t start with me little boy. Yer bout to be on my turf.” Troy joked. He was enjoying himself immensely. It wasn’t often he got to really stretch his snark with someone who could fire back. “So anyway. Ya enjoying yer time here on Sodor, Twi?”

“Oh yes. It’s been fascinating.” Twilight replied. As she and Troy made small talk, Spike had wandered into the living room to investigate something that had caught his attention.

“Hey Troy?” Spike called.

“Hmm? What’s up kiddo?” Troy said.

“What’s this?” Spike asked pointing to an electric guitar.

Troy just looked at Spike with a confused expression. “Do y’all not have guitars in Equestria?” He then looked over to Twilight. “Oh, right. The dominant species doesn’t have fingers. Well, Ah suppose it wouldn’t hurt to show off a bit.” He grabbed it and pulled the pick from the strings and began to play. As he finished and looked over at Spike, Troy could swear he saw stars shining in the young dragon’s eyes.

“Woah. Can you teach me how to do that?!” Spike asked.

“Maybe later. One thing at a time buddy.” Troy responded. “Well, Ah think we’ve spent enough time inside. Ah did a lil poking around las night , and figured out that it’s the plugs, so we get to have fun with that. Fortunately, Ah already have the replacement plugs and wires in the toolbox on the truck, so we don’t have to worry about that.”

“Wait, what do you mean by ‘have fun’? This isn’t another prank, is it?” Twilight asked.

“As much fun as it is to prank you, when it comes to mah truck, Ah ain’t about to play around.”

“It must mean a lot to you.” Twilight said.

Troy sighed. “...It was my Grandpa’s truck.”

“O-oh. I didn’t know. Are you sure it’s-”

“Truck’s mine now. Means Ah get the final say on what happens to it. Sides, one way or the other, it’s still a machine. Means it still has to have basic maintenance done on it. An if a couple city slickers who don’ know the first thing about automobiles happen to learn something while Ah’m at it, then alls the better. Well, Ah got ‘er parked in the garage so Ah could have a little light las night.”

When Troy opened the door to the garage, Twilight and Spike saw that there were three other vehicles under tarps. One though, was a little loose allowing them a look at a white fender and a yellow number five on a red background on the door before Troy covered it back up. “Whoops. Can’t show that one til after Henry’s book.” Troy muttered to himself.

“What’s that one?” Twilight asked.

“It’s another that means a lot to me. That’s why Ah keep it under the tarp. Right, well. We’re not gettin anythin done just standin around. Let’s get to work.” With that said, Troy got his toolset and the parts out of the toolbox and set them down on the carburetor pan. “Alright. Spike, since you’re learning and don’t have wings, you’ll be sitting on the radiator. Twi, unfortunately, Ah was serious when Ah said yer wings would be getting a workout.” Troy then broke out in a grin as he followed up with “Though from what Ah’ve seen, that’s probably a good thing.”

Twilight just narrowed her eyes as Spike and Troy burst into laughter that choked off abruptly at the sight of the evil grin plastered across Twilight’s muzzle. “You’re right boys. That is pretty funny. Almost as funny as me asking Pinkie and Rainbow to plan a revenge prank.”

“Aw crap. She’s learning!” Troy exclaimed. Eventually, none of them could take it anymore and burst into laughter. After they all calmed down, Troy picked Spike up and set him on the front of of the truck on top of the radiator. After that, he climbed up on the fender and sat down and began to teach them how to change out the spark plugs and the wires that connected them as well as what all the various parts did and how they all fit together.

Meanwhile, a few miles away, in the yard near the big station, Sir Topham was waiting with Matthew. “What did you want me here for, Sir?” The brown-haired boy asked his boss.

“To show you our newest addition to the railway of course, with 98462 and 87546 being gone, and Eagle leaving soon, we need more help here,” The Director answered. Matthew was about to ask another question when a whistle sounded.

Sir Topham smiled. “Ah,” he said, “here they come.” Matthew sighed, “You have a wonderful sense of timing, sir,” A 0-6-0 black tank engine backed into the yard. The letters ‘NWR’ painted on the side tanks and the number ‘1" under the bunker. A cheeky face grinned as the locomotive stopped.

From the cab a slightly greasy face in between a smart railway uniform poked out. “Good morning, sir,” it called, “Oh, morning Matthew,” the figure clambered down the steps and walked up to the two.

Matthew raised an eyebrow. “William?” he asked. “Where did you get this one?”

William still smiled and run a rag over his forehead, managing to make it greaser against logical convention. “Well, once the workshop was done, and his trials were finished, he was sent to Barrow, where I collected him,”

Sir Topham Hatt nodded. “And very good of you to do it,” he paused and looked at the new engine. “Since he’s now part of the fleet we need him to be in North Western livery,” he cleared his throat. “And I would prefer to know him by a name than a number, 1 is not as much a mouthful as 98462 and 87546, but I always felt I was speaking to machines, not speaking with locomotives,” the Director walked up to the engine, to two employees quickly following like unwitting henchmen. Sir Topham Hatt look up expectantly at the now unsure face of his new engine and hand his hands grandly went to his tailcoats lapels. “Now then, do you have a name?”

"Uhm," the engine began, "No really sir... B-but the person who drove me for my trials and safety checks, his last name was Thompson, and he called me Tom."

The Director hummed. “Tom?” he cleared his throat once more. “Then I shall refer to you as Thomas,” he turned back to William. “I think Thomas will be very helpful at the station,” he said nodding towards the Vicarstown Station. "But like I said, William, go and get him repainted.” William nodded.

“Yes, sir,” he turned around, but then Sir Topham Hatt spoke up again, “Be quick now, you do have more jobs to do." The man nodded and scrambled to get back in the cab quickly, before they fully left the yard, the tank engine called back.

“I really do get a new coat of paint?” William chuckled.

“I wouldn’t lie about something like that,” he opened Thomas’s regulator and they steam away. Over the erupting hisses William called out, “Since you are going to be a Station Pilot it might be a good idea to have you be blue like the other mainline engines,”

“I like the sound of that,” Thomas said, “I didn’t really like this black colour,”

Sir Topham Hatt nodded. Then he turned to address Matthew and spoke. “Go get Troy and have him take you to the works. Also arrange our Equestrian friends to arrive at the sheds at 5. You and Thomas should be there soon after and everyone can meet him.” Matthew nodded and took off to his van, hoping Troy was done with his Truck.

Back at Troy’s house, he, Twilight, and Spike were just finishing the final touches on the truck. After doing so, they closed the hood and walked outside. Suddenly, there was a car’s honk and Matthew pulled up. “Hey Troy, Twi, and Spike, I hope your done with the Truck cause I need your help Troy.”

"Sure Matt, what's up," he replied.

“I need you to get me to the works, then get Spike and the girls to Tidmouth at about 5.”

“Uh, Ah mean, yeah, Ah can do it, but what for?”

Oh, that’s a Surprise for the girls and you, just trust me, I do that for you all the time,” he them mumbled something that sounded like, “against my better judgment.”

Troy just grinned. “Ah thought I was supposed to be the dark and broody character here? Looks like yer stealing mah thunder there, slick!” he laughed.

Twilight and Spike watched the two go back and forth soon Matthew spoke again, “Anyways, Let’s get going, I am needed at the works.”

Troy looked down at his phone before looking back at Matthew. “Well, it’s gettin to be around noon. Got time fer a bite fore we leave?”

“Sure, what were you thinking, and can your helpers join us?”

“Who do you think Ah am? Lunch was part o’ the deal fer helping me with mah truck! But anyway, Ah was thinkin burgers fer us, and a salad fer the herbivores. What do y’all think?”

Twilight nodded, albeit a little slowly. She was used to seeing meat being eaten and talked about, but not fully. Spike, on the other hand (”Or claw or hoof.” “Stop breaking the 4th wall Pinkie, your not even that involved in the story yet.” “Sorry Matthew.”) nodded more quickly as they all got into Troy’s other vehicle.After a decent trip, they pulled into the works parking lot.

“Alright, we’re here.” Troy said. “Ah’ll head over to the portal and get the others. See ya later!”

“You don’t have to yet, relax for a bit, cya later.” He walked in and greeted the workers, “Alright men, let’s get to work.”

Troy looked at the other two who had moved into the front seat. “Well, the kid did wanna learn guitar. Ah reckon we can kill a couple hours. Might wanna send a message though so the others know to meet us later.”

Twilight thought for a moment, “I really have no reason to stick around, I will go back to Equestria and let the others know.”

“Sounds good to me.” Troy said. ’Heheh, and Ah can introduce the kid to some anime while we’re at it.’ he thought to himself. “Alright, well we’ll see ya later Twi.”

She playfully hit his arm, “You need to take me to the portal first.”

“Honestly, Ah thought you were gonna teleport or somethin. But hey, if ya wanna ride, you gotta ride.”

“I am not that good at teleporting that far, so a ride is preferable, yes.”

“Fair enough. Let’s go.” With that, they took off. After they dropped Twilight off at the portal, Troy and Spike went back to his house to relax until it was time to go back and get the girls.

Meanwhile, at the works, the paint was drying and Matthew spoke to Thomas. “Ok So, Thomas, when were you Built?”

“Oh, um. Well, I was only finished a few months ago. The people at the workshop told me I was a special order.” Thomas replied. One of the workers nodding.

“That is correct," he started. "Sir Topham wanted a shunter for the yards at the big station, as you know. Thanks to Edward returning to service, the railway had more money than usual, so he commissioned you to be made based off of, but not the exact same as, a London, Brighton, South Coast Railway E2 class.”

Matthew smiled happily as he and the engine talked for a while, soon he was given the ok and climbed into Thomas’ cab, starting the fire after shoveling some coal. “Well Thomas, are you ready to see your new home?”

“Yes, please!” Thomas said excitedly. He couldn’t wait to show off his smart blue paint. They had even changed the position of his number “1” and made it bigger.

As they travelled along the line, Matthew began to hum a tune “If I may ask sir,” Thomas said respectfully, “what are you humming? I kinda like it.”

“Oh, it is just a few notes that popped into my mind for some reason,” The man replied, continuing to hum as they went.

At this point, Troy and Spike had made a fair bit of progress on Spike’s lessons, as the young drakes blunted claws proved perfect for holding down the strings of a guitar.

“Not bad, kid.” Troy said as he put his guitar away. “Ah’ll be headin back home for a bit here pretty soon, Ah’ll see about gettin you a guitar sized to you.”

Spike nodded and smiled, “Thanks Troy, this is gonna be fun, but we need to go get the girls and take them to the sheds.”

“Aye. C’mon, Spike. The ole Anglia’s gettin a real good workout today.” With that, the two left to pick up the girls. Troy made good time back to Tidmouth Sheds, and actually got there ahead of time.

About 10 minutes later. A whistle sounded, one the engines, ponies, dragon, and human had never heard before. A few seconds later, and engine rolled up. He had six small wheels, a short stumpy funnel, a short stumpy boiler, and a short stumpu dome. The engine had a sky blue paintjob, much like Edward, Henry, and Gordon, and had the same red stripes and yellow outlines on his cab windows just like the others aswell. The key difference, however, was on his side tanks, he had a big bold 1.

Troy cast a critical eye over the young engine. “Hmm. Aye, you’ll do just fine.” His attention was captured as he heard Matthew humming a tune. “Huh. Ya know, it’s almost as if that song was made just for him.”

The little engine looked around excitedly as he took in the sights and sounds of Tidmouth. “Hello everyone, my name is Thomas,” he said in a tone of child-ish wonder. “I am really happy to be here, A workmen told me that I was built especially for this island, and I am so excited to call such a beautiful place my home.” He smiled, the ponies loving his excitment, but of course, Gordon had to be his bossy self.

“Sir Topham Hatt must have made a terrible mistake,” he started, drawing the annoyance of the others. “You are much too small to be really useful.” Thomas looked hurt, he had dealt with bigger engines belittling him almost the entire time he was in the workshop where he was built, but it still got to him each time.

Troy just sighed. "Gordon. At least the kid hasn't blown his safety valve and doesn't get stuck on hills."

This comment caused the others to laugh, Gordon, meanwhile was furious at being reminded of his mistakes. “Hmph. High spirits and and those bothersome trucks.”

Matthew rolled his eyes and smiled, “Well everyone, as he said, this is Thomas.”

After the girls introduced themselves, Troy spoke up. “Well, Ah can tell our resident jackass” he looked at Gordon as he said that “didn’t exactly leave a favorable impression on ya. But you won’t dealin with him too much. The main one you need to get to know is Old Iron over here. See, me an Edward are gone be the ones teachin ya how to run the yard tomorrow, so Ah would suggest bunkin next ta him tonight.”

The little blue engine smiled as Matthew turned the table and drove him into the shed next to Edward. “Ok Mr, I promise to do my best and make everyone proud of me,” the little blue engine said.

This made the old steamer smile wide. “Well now, you keep that attitude up, you’ll be well on you way to it.” Edward said warmly. “And by the way, my name is Edward.”

“I’m Henry.”

“I’m Eagle, but you won’t see me for long, I am needed on a different railway, and will be leaving soon.”

“Oh.” Thomas sounded a bit sad at that. “W-well, I hope you enjoy it.”

“Relax, kid.” Troy spoke up. “He’s jus movin, ain’t like he’s gettin scrapped. Shoot, there’s a good chance he may come back for a visit.”

Matthew nodded, “Troy is right, and if Eagle wasn’t leaving, you wouldn’t be here, Edward is taking over for Eagle, so we need a tank engine like you to shunt in the yards.

“Oh, okay.” Thomas now felt much better. “We start tomorrow, right? I can’t wait!” The ponies, Matthew, Troy, Eagle, Henry, and Edward smiled while Gordon just groaned and rolled his eyes.

“Alright, it’s gettin late, ya’ll. Let’s get Thomas in a berth and get these engines shut down and ready for the mornin routine!” Troy called out. With that, he climbed into Edward’s cab and backed him into the roundhouse berth.

Matthew nodded and helped, getting all the engines in and locking the doors.

Troy looked over at his friends and sighed contentedly. “Welp. Today has been pretty productive. You girls might want to stay with us tonight, it’s a good ride to the portal and back. Twi, you and Spike are with me. Oh, speaking of, Ah got some time off coming up pretty soon, you wanna come fishin with me, kiddo?”
Spike just smiled and nodded eagerly as they all headed home, to bed.

Author's Note:

"Well, here we are once again. This wonderful place known as the note from the Authors. God, Ah’m glad it’s over. How bout you, buddy?”

Matthew was too busy napping, exhausted from all the writing, however there was a folded paper next to him that said: Read me aloud.

“Seriously? Well, let’s see here. Hmm, thanks fer the help Magi. Certainly appreciate it, yeah it’s just a letter thankin Magi Tail Welkin. Seriously, though. You’ve actually influenced a big chunk of the story. Oh, fore Ah forget, man Author wanted me to pass on that said from the background music fer mah ranch, everything that had attention called to it in the beginning is a teaser for a big reveal later in the story. Nova also would like me to pass on his sincere apologies as it’s mostly his fault this chapter took so long. Hope you enjoyed the chapter, and feel free to let us know what you think so we can improve! Later guys!”

Suddenly Matthew woke up, and as the screen faded, yelled out, “ALSO PARTLY MY FAULT MY AUNT WAS IN THE HOSPITAL FOR ABOUT A MONTH AND SLOWED ME DOWN, anyways, bye.”