• Published 8th Jul 2017
  • 3,027 Views, 132 Comments

Equestrian Railway Tales - Sudrian Engineer

Sodor and Equestria, Two lands, different as can be. Once they are connected, friendships will be made, engines will be driven, and most importantly, fun will be had as we ride the rails of Sodor in these, Tales of Sudrian and Equestrian Railways.

  • ...

Make Way for James, Hurray for James

"Sometimes Gordon and Henry would sleep in James' shed, and they would talk of nothing but bootlaces."

One night, a few days after James' Troublesome Trucks Triumph, Thomas, Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, and Melissa were awake in the sheds. Matthew, Troy, the ponies, and other railway workers had gone home for the night. Gordon looked over at James, then to Henry.

"I say Henry, did you know that apparently BOOTLACES can be used to run a train?"
Henry and Melissa snickered, the previously green engine replying. "Indeed I did, did you know being red apparently means you can wheesh steam whenever and wherever you want?"

"Oh yeah?" James retorted. "Well what was this I hear about a big blue express engine that couldn't even get a simple goods train over the hill that was named after him? Or a certain other engine that was afraid of the rain?"

Mellissa just laughed, speaking before anyone else could. "Why don't you let the trucks make you crash again, maybe let them kill you and your crew this time useless red monster."

The shed went completely silent. Gordon, Henry, Thomas and James were shocked to their frames and left speechless. Worse for them was the look on Edward's face. One that only Gordon had seen, back when he had thought to teach Thomas a lesson, the memory of which still gave him chills.

"Now see here young lady." Edward said. "I don't know how they do things in London, but that sort of talk will not be tolerated on Sodor. Do not EVER let me hear of you saying something like that ever again. Am I clear?"

Melissa just rolled her eyes before answering, "What ever oldie. You should let them crash and kill you as well. Us little tank engines could run this railway better than any tender head, right Thomas?"

"You leave me out of it!" spat Thomas. "Edward is a way better engine than you!" Melissa just rolled her eyes again and pretended to fall asleep, still listening to the others in secret.

Gordon looked around as he and the others took in what Melissa had said. "Going back to previous things..." he began, "You talk too much little James. I am a big engine and have something to talk about. After all, I'm the only engine that can pull the express. When I'm not there, they need two or more engines, think of that! You see, I've pulled expresses for years, and not once have I ever lost my way. Why, it's almost as if I know which line to take by INSTINCT."

Melissa gained a very slight smirk, thinking of a way to get back at the tender engines. You see, every wise engine knows that the signalman, not them, sets the switches so that the trains travel down the right line. But Gordon had grown so proud and arrogant that he'd forgotten this simple fact. Melissa knew this as well, and was going to use it to her advantage the very next day.

Matthew and Rarity arrived early the next morning to warm James up. "Hello James, how did you sleep?," Rarity asked.

"Well enough I suppose." James replied.

Quickly, knowing they had a time table to keep, they fully prepared James, and were soon off to the yards, but not before Gordon was able to give James grief.

"Ah good morning James." Gordon said. "What are you doing today, odd jobs? Ah well. I suppose we all have to start somewhere, don't we?" Before James could get a retort in, Gordon carried on. "It's nearly time for the express. Now run along and fetch my coaches, there's a good engine. And don't be late!"

"What do you mean, you suppose," Matthew inquired of the red engine as they got to the yard. James told them what had happened.

Their eyes widened to the size of saucers, looking at each other in shock. They expected teasing from Gordon and Henry, but the other aspect was a surprise. "She really said that to you?!" Rarity asked, flabbergasted.

"Yeah" James sighed. "She also told Edward he should too. And then tried to get Thomas to agree with her. He didn't, of course."

Matthew suddenly shivered a bit, groaning. "Ooohhh no, Troy is NOT going to be happy when he hears, I just hope Edward is smart enough not to tell him yet."

"Edward seems the tactful sort. I'm sure he'll wait til the right time to tell him." Rarity said.
Matthew nodded as they arrived in the yards, starting to shunt coaches for the express.
It wasn't long before Gordon arrived to back down onto his train, Troy on the footplate. The murderous expression on his face promising swift vengeance.

Matthew sighed, realizing he found out somehow, giving him a look that said 'we discuss this together with Sir Topham.' Troy simply nodded. Neither of them noticed Melissa leaving the station a few minutes before Gordon.

The signalman just outside Knapford Station was a veteran who'd been with the railway for years. As good a signalman as he was, he was currently wishing he hadn't celebrated quite so hard last night as he took another sip of coffee to quell the rather nasty hangover he had. Melissa rolled up, blowing her whistle loudly. "SIR SIR," she called, "THERE IS A GROUP OF PASSENGERS LEFT BEHIND FROM THE EXPRESS, IT MUST BE PUT ON THE LOOP LINE!"

The old signalman winced. Even without the hangover, that was a bit much.
"Ya sure? Usually either I'd get a call from the stationmaster or more like those passengers would just be out of luck." he said.


Meanwhile, at Tidmouth, Gordon was just leaving, calling James. "Goodbye James, see you tonight at the sheds." He was soon thundering along the line, headed to the signal box and switches outside it.

"Everything's looking good so far. Once we clear the signal box, it'll be full steam ahead!" Rainbow said. Troy nodded.

"Aye." Troy agreed as he pulled the whistle chain." Looks like we'll make good time tod-WOAH"

Troy was cutoff as they swerved off the mainline and onto the Loop. He immediately shut the regulator and slammed the brakes to emergency full on to slow them down enough to avoid derailing. By the time they had slowed, they had no choice but to continue on the Loop back to Knapford.

"I hope." Troy panted. "That THAT. Was just an operational error. Cause if it was intentional..."

Rainbow had noticed something when they passed the signal box, a specific engine to be exact. She didn't want to enrage Troy further at the moment, however, so she kept silent for now.

As they pulled into the station, Gordon was desperately trying to go unnoticed as they saw James bring the coaches for another train to the platform. Not knowing how serious the situation was, James couldn't help himself. "Hello Gordon," he called, "is it tonight already? It is awfully bright out to be night time." Gordon was silent. "Did you lose your way Gordon?" James went on.

"No, it was lost FOR me. I was switched off the main line and onto the loop. I had to go all round and back again!" Gordon replied.

"Perhaps it was instinct!" said James.

Matthew couldn't help but laugh at James' remark, before he saw the commotion at the ticket window. Passengers were complaining, demanding their money back. Sir Topham, who had just finished talking to Troy and Rainbow Dash about what had happened, climbed onto a cart and blew the guard's whistle so loudly that all the passengers turned to look at him.

Matthew and Rarity, once making sure James' breaks were on, got out and walked over to Sir Topham as well. "Matthew, Rarity, after this debacle Gordon isn't going to be able to take the train." Sir Topham said. "The passengers won't accept it. I'll need James to take it. Be quick now!"

They both nodded excitedly, dashing off to move James as Troy and Dash moved Gordon out of the way. Before the Fat Controller could board the train, Troy stopped him.
"Sir, we need to talk tonight. After work, reckon you can meet us at the Wonky Whistle? Ah'd prefer to keep it private."

"Very well Troy. Now, if you'll excuse me." With that, he boarded the train.
Soon James and Gordon had switched positions, the guard about to blow the whistle, the stationmaster calling ahead this time, ensuring the points were set right, the signalman explaining what had happened. "Ready to do this James?," Matthew asked.

"Yes! And we'll do it right this time!" James replied.

The pair in his cab nodded, Rarity blowing the whistle as James began to move when Matthew opened his regulator. In no time the train had rattled out onto the main line and was quickly picking up speed. As they were, Matthew turned to Rarity. "Hey, Rarity," he began, "Do you ever just have some random music pop into your mind?"

"You mean Heartsong, darling?"

"Not a song really, just music, or lyrics or anything."

"I suppose I do sometimes. I take it you have one such melody in your head?"

"Yes actually, would you like to hear it?"

"Of course I would."

He began to hum at a good volume, honestly making it up as he went. "Why Matthew, I dare say that's quite a catchy tune!" Rarity said.

"Thank you Rarity, it just seems to suit James, doesn't it?"

"Indeed. Almost as if it were made just for him."

The trio continued down the line, bridges, stations, and tunnels flashing by. The passengers were all cheering in the carriages. Sir Topham however was feeling something different: Pride. James was performing excellently, and the ride was incredibly smooth. He started to lean out the window to tell James, but decided to wait till the next station since the engine probably wouldn't be able to hear him over the wind anyway.

They soon glided to a gentle stop, arriving at the last station. Despite starting late, they had made it on time, James having made up for lost time along the way. Sir Topham stepped out and walked up to James who was simmering happily. "Well well. It's been quite some time since the Wild Nor'wester ran so smoothly. Would you like to pull it again sometime?"

James felt like he could burst with excitement, replying happily. "Yes sir, please sir!," he joyfully exclaimed.

"Very well. I'm proud of you James. You've really come a long way." Sir Topham said.
The red engine smiled happily, excited to be praised by Sir Tophamm. "Now then, let's go. I've got a very Important meeting to get to."

James would have nodded if he could. Once everyone was back onboard, Matthew and Rarity started James again, him flying along the line again. It was late in the evening when James returned with the express. He was surprised when as he was shunting the coaches into their siding he saw Gordon pushing trucks.

"Gordon," he asked in a confused way, "Sir Topham made you shunt?"

Gordon sighed. "Yes. Though I loathe it so, at least it's quiet. But enough about that, I hear you did well with those coaches."

Matthew called from the cab, "Oh yes, he did splendidly, I would even say as good as you."

"Now now Matthew. Let's not get carried away."

"He's not darling," Rarity answered. "Obviously you do a good job, as you do it 9 times out of 10, but James did a good job as well. He didn't say James was better, he said as good as."

"As you say." Gordon huffed. "Regardless, well done little James."

James just felt himself blush a bit as he answered. "Thanks Gordon... by the way, did you ever figure out why you were switched on to the loop?"

"Unfortunately not." Gordon replied.

"Ah intend to talk to the signal man later, but that's all we got to go on." said Troy.

"Um, guys?" Rainbow said. Troy looked over to her.

"What's up? Ya alright, ya look a lil nervous."

Matthew recognized the look Rainbow had, it was the same one he himself had when about to tell Troy something that might anger him. "Well come on then. What's eatin ya?"

"Uhm... Dash... you may wanna wait till after we bring the engines to the shed... I know that look," Matthew interrupted.

"And what look is that?" Troy asked.

"Uhmm... the 'Troy is not gonna like it' look..."

"Y'all seem to think I'm a loose cannon just waitin to fire, huh? Dash, if you know, then say so we can get this sorted."

Matthew simply frowed, "Troy, buddy, we have been friends for a while, so I feel comfortable saying this, you ARE a loose cannon waiting for a reason to fire."

"I've put up with you this whole time haven't I?" The smile fell from his face as he sighed.

"In all seriousness, Dash, what happened? Look, if it makes you feel better, I won't explode alright?"

Matthew thought for a moment and gained a smirk. "If you really mean it, PINKIE PROMISE not to explode..."

"Yeah alright whatever"

"Do the actions and say the rhyme or it doesn't count." Matthew wasn't sure if Troy had heard, but Twilight, Applejack, and Rarity had warned him of Pinkie Promises a few times.

"Know that as I do this, I am despising every thrice damned second of it. Cross mah heart, hope ta fly, stick a cupcake in mah eye. There, ya happy?"

"Very much, Rainbow, Rarity, you are also witnesses, so are you Gordon and James, Right?" The four vocalized their agreement, Rainbow and Rarity doing so reluctantly.

"Yer lack of trust is veeeeeeery reassurin."

"Just this morning, you seemed like your fuse was lit when you found out about Melissa... anyways, proceed Rainbow."

“That’s because Ah was pissed about that- anyway, go ahead Rainbow.”

"Er, yeah. Well anyway, right before we got switched off the main line, I saw Melissa sitting on the line next to it." Everyone tensed and looked to Troy, expecting him to blow up. Instead, his face lost all emotion.

"Dash, you ever seen the bar for the railway men?"

"No... but I could probably find it if you told me what town, and what's around it..."

"Ah'll show ya tonight. Ah'm meetin Sir Topham anyway so you can just ride with me. He needs to hear this."

The pegasus nodded as the crew soon set about bringing their engines to the sheds, a certain tank engine wisely deciding not to be there. As the crews were dropping the engines' fires for the night, Gordon decided to break the silence.

"Well now. It would seem today was a most interesting day." he said.The engines and ponies all agreed, talking about it. All the engines, except for Thomas. He had a very worried look as he tried to avoid conversation. The engines and ponies all agreed with Gordon and began discussing the events of the day.. All the engines, except for Thomas. He had a very worried look as he tried to avoid conversation.

Soon, Edward had enough and looked to the little blue tank ening to ask him if something was wrong. "I, I am o-ok," he shakily replied.

"Rrrriiiiight. Ah don't believe not a word o that, but that ain't my business."

"W-what do you mean, I am my n-normal ch-cheeky self..." Thomas stammered.
All the engines and their crews, both pony and human, tried everything they could think of to get Thomas to tell them what was wrong, but to no avail. The blue engine grew more and more scared, worried, and angry, before he finally snapped, shouting.


"James and Gordon are now good friends. James sometimes takes the Express to give Gordon a rest. Gordon never talks about bootlaces, and they are both quite agreed on the subject of trucks!"

Comments ( 3 )

The next story thomas and James

really? twilight dying and thomas being scrapped? now that's just stupid.

It will make sense when the next chapter is published. As for when that will be... not sure

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