• Published 8th Jul 2017
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Equestrian Railway Tales - Sudrian Engineer

Sodor and Equestria, Two lands, different as can be. Once they are connected, friendships will be made, engines will be driven, and most importantly, fun will be had as we ride the rails of Sodor in these, Tales of Sudrian and Equestrian Railways.

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Proving Yourself

"Every day the fat director came to the station to catch his train, and he always said 'Hullo' to Thomas."


A few days after Thomas's incident, he and Edward were still working in the yard with their usual crews, plus one. Troy, after much effort, had managed to convince Twilight to bring Spike along with her that morning, and he was now helping Troy and Fluttershy in Edward's cab. Thankfully, it was an easy day and there was not much shunting to be done. However, a familiar blue car soon drove up.

"Hello all," Started the controller. “Troy, I have a job for you 3 days from now."

"What kinda job?" asked Troy as he hopped down from Edward’s cab.

"A new mixed traffic engine is coming and I need you to help put him through his paces with a goods train.”

"Sure thing. Be nice to run a train again." He turned to Spike. "Wanna come with, Little Bit?"

Twilight had a bad feeling about that for some reason, perhaps a form of motherly instinct? But they wouldn't be possible, she was not Spike's mom, right?. Anyways, she voiced her opinion. "Uhm, Troy? I don't think that is a good idea." Troy turned back to Twilight.

"Maybe not. But the kid's got potential, and the freight cars aren't that bad once you know how to handle them." he said flashing a thumbs up.

"But, this is an engine you have never driven before."

"It's just like a new stick shift. Ya just gotta go real easy and get a feel for it before you start really running." Troy replied.

"But, But, I, uhm..."

"Twilight. He'll be fine. Kid's got thick skin and at the first sign of trouble, he'll be the first one out of the cab, alright?" Troy said.

Twilight sighed as she looked at the man, "It just feels like something bad is gonna happen is all." Troy just smiled.

For a second, Twilight could have sworn there was a hint of regret in it. "Trust me, Spike's not the one you'll need to worry about. I'll chuck him out myself before he gets hurt." he said.

Twilight couldn't help but frown at the way he phrased that. "I don't want you hurt either Troy."

He just shrugged. "Meh. Ah'd prefer to stay alive and whole too, but if it comes down to me or the kid, well, that's a pretty easy decision innit. Right, well. We'd better get movin. These cars aren’t gonna sort themselves. Let’s go, Spike.” Then Troy had an idea. "Hey Twi, why not have Spike work with us for the next few days? I'm sure he'll learn as much as Thomas." The purple alicorn sighed and nodded.

"Fine, I suppose you are right, he can join us for a few days."

"Great! Let's hop to!" Troy said. For the next few days they worked hard making sure Thomas learned about shunting, caring for coaches, and more. Thursday came, the day before the new engine was due to arrive when Thomas noticed something in the corner of the yard.

"Matthew, what are those?" Thomas asked.

"Those are Cranes, but you probably already knew that part, huh?"

"Uh-uh. What are they for?"

"Well the whole group is called the breakdown train and it must stay here. It is for lifting engines, cars, or coaches back on the rails if there is a crash."

"Then I hope it stays there!" said Thomas.

"That is a hope of every railway worker everywhere Thomas."

Finally the day arrived. Fluttershy was with Edward, Twi, Matthew, and Thomas while Troy and Spike were at Vicarstown Station, waiting. "You excited Spike?" Troy asked.

"You bet! I get to meet a new engine and help on my first train!" The young drake said excitedly. Troy chuckled at Spike’s enthusiasm.

"Yeah, it kinda is a big deal ain't it? Though ya might wanna temper yer expectations a bit there son. Still gotta do the full inspection, an that could take a bit." Seeing Spike's face fall, Troy grinned and kept going. "Though I suppose it might go a bit quicker if I had, oh Ah don't know, maybe a number one assistant helpin out?"

The dragon laughed as they waited for the engine, and soon, he arrived. The engine that approached the platform was a redesigned Class 28 in a black livery. He seemed to be both nervous and completely sure of himself at the same time, which thoroughly impressed Troy. "How ya doin? You must be the new engine Sir Topham is bringing in."

"Y-Yes, I am, My name is James."

"Well, nice to meet ya James. Ah'm Troy, an this here is Spike. We'll be doin yer run in today. Course first, Ah need to conduct an inspection to ensure yer ready to go out."

"Uhm, okay, that makes sense I guess... Uhm, did Mr. Hatt tell you about my brakes?"

An eyebrow shot up at that. "No. An Ah want you in that sidin right now so I can take a look." Troy's stern expression softened and he sighed as he realized how he sounded. "Relax, I'm trained and certified to inspect an repair steam locomotives. You've got nothin to worry about." he said.

"Y-yes sir, but you need to drive me there. It's not that their are broken... they are wooden..."

"Hm. Ah don't like that." He sighed. "Well, let's get you over there and have a look then." He then climbed in the cab and moved James into the siding. Spike, meanwhile, walked to James's front as Troy looked the engine over.

"Hi," he started, "I am Spike, nice to meet you James."

"Hello Spike. If I may ask, what ARE you?"

Spike laughed for a bit before answering, "I am a dragon."

"Wow, I thought dragons weren't real?" Spike laughed again and briefly explained about Equestria. As Spike was finishing his explanation, Troy was also finishing his inspection.

"Well, aside from the brakes, everything looks alright." The man seemed to be debating about something.

"Spike, I'm calling Twilight. I'm not sure about this with those wood brakes. Honestly, who thought those were a good idea."

"What? NO I wanna help..." Spike was sad yes, but it seemed there was something else he wasn't fully conveying. Troy just couldn't tell exactly what.

"An Ah can respect that, but Ah'm more worried about yer safety."

"I am a tough dragon, I can handle some wooden brakes."

Troy just sighed. "Ah know Ah'm gonna regret this, but fine. Let's go, son." Not noticing the word son, he hopped into the cab. "Alright. Let's get started." Troy said. "So the first thing you're gonna want to do is spin the reverser to full forward." Troy grabbed Spike and lifted him to where he could reach the lever. "Alright, all the way to the right."

A little while later, back at Wellsworth, Edward was telling Thomas about some of the events from before he arrived as they moved around the yard. "And then," he said, "Henry and I helped Gordon to the sheds where Troy fixed his safety valve."
Thomas was giggling. "All that bragging and he burst his safety valve!" he laughed. The others laughed a bit before Edward remembered something. "Oh, Thomas, I just remembered something. Sir Topham will be here soon to see how well your getting on."

"He is? Do you think he'll be impressed?"

Edward smiled as he looked at the tank engine. "Yes, I believe he will Thomas, I believe he will." They all smiled for a bit before a whistle was heard, and a panicked one at that.

As the two engines looked to see the source of the whistle, a freight train came rushing through much too fast. "Help! Help!" called the engine. "They're pushing me!" It was James, and he was frightened. Thomas and Edward were shocked to see his brakes were on fire. The freight cars were rattling and laughing "On! On! On!" behind James. Still whistling "Help! Help!" poor James rushed out of the yard and disappeared into the distance.

Matthew and Twilight's faces paled as they realised the implications of this runaway. Matthew was first to snap out of his shock. "TROY!!"

"Spike's with him!" Twilight gasped. Then they heard an alarm. A worker came running up to Thomas.

"James has come off the line! We need the breakdown train! Quickly!"
Meanwhile, Sir Topham had just arrived and saw Thomas, Twilight, and Matthew shoot by with the breakdown train.

"Was that Thomas?," he asked himself in shock before going to Edward. "Edward, WHAT is going on here?" Edward explained, prompting the controller to hop in his cab. "Very well. Come on then, Edward. We must go at once."

Thomas soon arrived at the site of the accident, working as hard as he could to help clear enough debris to get to James. The freight cars groaned as they were pulled away. Thomas felt no sympathy for them and told them "This will teach you a lesson. This will teach you a lesson."

To which the cars responded with "Yes it will! Yes it will!"

"Bother these trucks and their tricks." Thomas said. "I hope poor James isn't hurt."
At the other end of the train, Troy, Spike and the fireman were looking James over to see if he was hurt. It didn't take long before they were finished.

"Don't worry none James. It was yer old wooden brakes and those idiotic freight cars that caused the accident."

Twilight, meanwhile, was hugging Spike. "Spike, are you okay?!" she asked.

"I told you mo- Twilight, I'm fine!" Spike replied.

Twilight was too worried to notice Spike's near slip-up, but Troy wasn't, though he remained respectfully silent. 'Well now, seems me an Spike are gonna have an interesting conversation tomorrow' he thought to himself.

Meanwhile, Thomas and Matthew had pushed the Breakdown Train into position to lift James. Troy decided to make himself useful by helping the workmen to secure the chains to James to get him back on the tracks. Once everything was ready, he signaled the crane operator to start lifting. The operators flipped the switches, the cranes starting to lift James. Thomas watched with wonder and amazement as the black engine rose into the air. It wasn't long before James was back on the rails. Sir Topham smiled once James was on the rails and walked up to Thomas and Matthew.

"James needs to be taken to the works, do you know the way?"

The tank engine smiled, "Yes sir, I do sir, it was where I was painted blue."

The controller nodded with a chuckle, "Yes it was, please shunt James there. Edward and Troy will help finish cleaning the wreckage."

"Yes sir!" Thomas said.

"We'll get it taken care of." said Troy. "C'mon, Spike! You're still part of mah crew fer the day, so hop to, boy!" he called. The dragon had a smile and hopped in Edward's cab, ready to help more. That night, as the sun had just finished setting, Thomas and Matthew were finally returning to Vicarstown Sheds. As soon as they entered the yard, the workers erupted in cheers and applause.

"What's going on?" asked Thomas.

"They are all cheering, for you buddy," Matthew replied, patting the side of Thomas' cab. "You did a good job today, and helped the most after James' accident."

"Aye, lad!" called a workman. "Ye did the work o' ten engines today ye did. Why, I'd wager yeh put even big Gordon to shame!"

Thomas just blushed, as they arrived at the shed proper and the engine was being rotated on the turntable, the ponies appeared and cheered for him as well, Edward, Eagle, and Henry congratulating him. Gordon didn't say anything, but even he smiled as a way of showing slight approval.

"Now hold yer horses, folks!" called Troy with a cheeky grin at the ponies. "We ain't heard what the big man himself has had to say yet." He then turned to Sir Topham. "After all sir, didn't you have an announcement to make?"

"Why yes I do Troy," the controller started, "James, shall have new brakes, a new coat of paint, and all the repairs he needs. Thomas, due to your active nature in the face of danger, want to help a friend, and excellent work ethic since the incident with the trucks, you shall have a branchline all to yourself."

At this the cheers were deafening. Thomas barely got out "Oh, thank you sir!"

"Congrats, kid." Troy said. "Ya've definitely earned this one."

Gordon sputtered and groaned, "But, but, who will fetch our Coaches? Tender engine are not meant to... shunt"

Before Sir Topham could answer, Troy piped up. "Well, looks like a perfect time to learn how. Might wanna get used to it, well, Ah can't rightly call ya Big Boy. Heh, you'd look like a toy next to one o' them." he said. The others burst out laughing at Gordon’s indignant expression.

"So anyway, as Ah was sayin. A branch line engine needs coaches if they're gonna be any use." Troy continued. "Well, Sir Topham an I were going over the rollin stock, an we found a couple of coaches that haven't been used in years that you can use. We'll get you introduced to em tomorrow."

A few days later, Troy had brought his guitar to the sheds. Thomas was about to start his first official run on his branchline. He had been practicing with empty trains and was finally ready to start. A puffing filled the air as a red engine slowly approached the sheds. Thomas gasped and smiled. "JAMES? Is that you?"

"Yes, Thomas. How do you like my new paint?" True to Sir Topham's word, James had received a completely new paint job. He was now a brilliant red with gold banding and his dome shone with polished brass.

"You look... Splendid," the little blue engine replied.

"I know. And, I am ready to do work. what’s first for me?"

"Sorry James, I don't know, I am off to run my new Branchline," The blue engine smiled and Matthew blew the whistle and pulled the lever, Thomas leaving the shed to head to the yards. Gordon was being by a different driver that day, said driver having made a mistake and brought him to the station too early. As Gordon slept, wanting to catch up on the sleep he missed, Thomas pulled in and smiled.

A rule on the North Western Railway, as with most, is that engines had to whistle before leaving the station to ensure nobody would be injured for any reason. Thomas couldn't help but grin cheekily as he blew a loud "PEEP PEEP" on his whistle as he pulled out.

"WAKE UP LAZYBONES, really useful engine coming through," the tank engine called, giggling as he rolled along the line and away from the station. Gordon spluttered awake at that.

"Cheeky little tank engine." he grumbled. Rainbow sighed but had a smile, speaking to the engine. Further down the line, Thomas had just taken the points he needed to, officially on the Ffarquhar Branch. As he pulled into the first station, Sir Topham Hatt was standing on the platform with the passengers.

"Thomas, I am very proud of you. I know you’ll represent the North Western very well. Remember, these passengers are counting on you." he said.

"Yes Sir," the little blue engine replies, "I promise to not let you down." His whistle was blown once all the passengers were aboard and Thomas rolled on.

"Hey Thomas." Matthew started, "Troy and I have a surprise." Twilight was confused, but smiled in understanding when she saw Troy sit on a box with his guitar. Troy cracked his knuckles to limber them up and began to play. As the music echoed across the island, Matthew started them off.

"He's a really useful engine, you know, All the other engines they'll tell you so. He huffs and puffs and whistles, Rushing to and fro, He's the really useful engine we adore!"

Troy joined in for the next part as they continued to sing, Thomas puffing along his new branchline.


"Now Thomas is as happy as can be. He has a branch line all to himself, and puffs proudly backwards and forwards with two coaches all day. He is never lonely, because there is always some engine to talk to at the junction. Edward and Henry stop quite often, and tell him the news. Gordon is always in a hurry and does not stop; but he never forgets to say 'Poop, poop' to little Thomas, and Thomas always whistles 'Peep, peep' in return."

Author's Note:

"So, another chapter done, and about time too."

"Darn Right.. By the way, my author, The Asper Pariah, would like to apologize, he has a week day job, and has been busy many weekends, thus the delay in this chapter."

"Dang, yours too? Yeah, guess that would explain a lot, huh?"

"I hope everyone understands"

"Doesn't help that Nova's been distracted by new games either."

"Back to the task at hand... He definatly is, as they say, a really useful engine, huh?"

"Yep. He's always looking to help out."

"As that song says, If you need help, with a situation, who comes into mind? He has definatly helped my author through some tough times, that's for sure."

"With that said, we all hope you are enjoying the story. Our authors are pouring their heart and souls into this. Matt, would you like to close out this note?"

"Sure, to let everyone know, another Intermission chapter is next."

"It's should be prtty interesting. See you there!"