Equestrian Railway Tales

by Sudrian Engineer

First published

Sodor and Equestria, Two lands, different as can be. Once they are connected, friendships will be made, engines will be driven, and most importantly, fun will be had as we ride the rails of Sodor in these, Tales of Sudrian and Equestrian Railways.

The steam engine, for its size, is the most powerful vehicle on land. And the engines of the NWR are part of the power behind the docks, industries and branchlines that make up the world-renowned Island of Sodor.

And Ponies, for their size, are some of the most powerful creatures known to man. And 6 special citizens of Ponyville are the power behind the magic and friendship that make up the peaceful land of Equestria.

With these groups joined, fun shall be had and lessons shall be learned. These are the Equestrian Railway Tales

Note: Set during season 4 and will mention events of said season and some of the Equestria Girls Films and will include The Rev. W. Awdry's stories. Christopher's may be added if reviews are positive enough.

Co-Written by Nova Blaze

Magi Tail Welkin- Official Timeline Manager

Cover art owned by Tidmouthmilk12 on Deviantart

Arriving on Sodor

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Dear Mom and Dad,

Life has been pretty crazy on the railway this past week Troy and I met these weird creatures and Sir Topham Hatt told us about some legends of the island. Work is picking up so my next message may not be for a few months. I love and miss you both.

Forever your son,

Matthew Hope


It was a beautiful day in Equestria, and Twilight Sparkle and her friends were riding on the Friendship Express, heading back to Ponyville after visiting Canterlot. They had been visiting Cadence and Shining Armour, who were in the city to see Twilight and Shining’s parents. Twilight was heading back to her seat, when she noticed a jar filled with a golden substance. What she didn’t know, was that the jar had gold dust, something Princess Celestia put there for a soon to be fulfilled purpose. Being the smart, eager to learn alicorn she was, Twilight picked up the jar with her magic and planned to study it when she got home. The rest of the bearers of The Elements of Harmony, affectionately called the Main Six, were already in their seats chatting with each other.

“What’s that ya got there, Twi?” asked the orange Earth Pony, Applejack.

“I don’t know, Applejack. It looks like gold dust, but it seems to have magical properties. Maybe Princess Celestia put it there? But if so, why? I’ll need to study it when we get back to Ponyville.” What happened next was possibly due to fate, or due to Celestian Circumstances, either way the train went around a very tight turn and leaned to the side. This sudden jerk caused Twilight to drop the jar. As the jar hit the ground, it shattered, spreading gold dust all over the ponies.

“What in tarnation,” Applejack tried to say, but she was never able to finish. As the locomotive’s whistle blew, the gold dust glew and the ponies teleported away.

---Meanwhile, far away, in another World---

It was morning on the Island of Sodor, and two friends were on their way to work on Sir Topham Hatt’s railway. One of them was Troy Blaze, a fairly solidly built young man with shaggy dark brown hair. At 5’5”, he was fairly average height. The other was named Matthew Hope, he had a slightly pudgy build but was by no means overweight. He was 5’6” and had a full head of brown hair like Troy. The two had been friends since they met back when Troy first came to the island.

“Hey Matt, so what do ya think about Sir Topham Hatt bringing a new tank engine to the railway?” Troy asked.

Matthew thought for a moment before responding, “Well we do need a new station pilot. I just hope Gordon doesn’t tease him or her.”

Troy sighed and shook his head. “Ah doubt it. He seems to think the other engines are beneath him. But yer right about needing a new pilot. It’s rough on me an Eagle having to both work the yard and run trains, so a new engi- LOOK OUT!” Up ahead there was a bright flash and six figures appeared on the side of the road.

Matthew quickly hit the brakes and swerved off the road to avoid hitting the figures. WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?!” He shouted in fear.

“Ugh, well, ah’d say it was a bright flash with six figures appearing, like the authors said. But, uh, correct me if ah’m wrong, but… are those… ponies?”

Matthew stared for a moment before answering, “Yes but they don’t look like any ponies I’ve ever seen.”

Troy sighed. “Well, guess we should probably do somethin with em. Ah mean, we can’t just leave em here. Yer place is closer, we’ll take em there. Huh, ya know, it’s weird but, the purple one kinda reminds me of this girl ah knew back home. ”

They carefully put the unconscious ponies into the back of the van before setting off to Matthew‘s home. While on their way, Troy phoned Sir Topham Hatt. He had no idea how a cell phone got signal on the island, but he just assumed magic and didn’t think too hard about it. Though at the moment, he was wishing it didn’t. He really did not want to make this call.

“Hello, Sir Topham Hatt speaking.”

“Um, g-good morning sir! How’s it going?” Troy asked nervously.

“What did you do this time?” sighed Sir Topham Hatt.

“Hey, it wasn’t me this time! We found a bunch o’ weird lookin ponies on the side o’ the road after they appeared there in some kinda flash of light!”Troy exclaimed. “We didn’t know what else ta do, so we’re bringin’ em to Matt’s house before we report in, so we might be a wee bit late.”

“Very well, I shall see you two soon.” said Sir Topham Hatt.

“Yes sir” replied Troy as he hung up. He then turned to Matthew. “Well, we’re in the clear. Let’s get these girls back to your place and get to work. We’ll move em to mah place later. It’s out of the way, so ah don’t get a lot of visitors."

Matthew replied in a confused manner, “Good idea.”


Sir Topham Hatt sighed as he stared out the window of his office thinking about what Troy had told him. “So, the legends were true and it does exist. But out of all my employees, why those two? Why did those two have to be the ones to make first contact? Well, I suppose it could be worse. At least they appeared on my railway. They’ll treat them well enough, not like livestock. I hope.”

---Back with our intrepid railroaders, our other six heroes---

“Ah crap.”

“What is it, Troy?”

“Did I leave the stove on?”

“I sure hope not,” Matthew replied as they finished setting the ponies on his living room floor.

“No, ah didn’t. Forgot ah didn’t even use the stove last night. Ah went to that new ramen place in town. Good eats, you should try it sometime.” Troy said. “Welp, they’re here, ah don’t think there’s anything they can destroy, that should do it. No, hold on, think we should leave somethin out for em ta eat?” Matthew was about to reply when the ponies started to stir and groan slightly.

“Hey, they’re waking up. And they sound oddly human.” Troy pointed out.

As the girls woke fully, they gasped at the sight before them.

“Wh-who are you?” asked Twilight.

“Huh. Didn’t see that comin.”

The Meeting of a Lifetime

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A spotlight shone onto a stage as Matthew walked out.

“Last time on Equestria Railw-,” he said before Troy walked out and interrupting him.

“Uh, Matt, what are ya doin?”

“Reminding our readers of last chapter's events”

“Well, that's a good idea an all, but, uh, we didn't really do a whole lot last chapter. Let's save that for the cliffhangers, ok?”

“Oh like when we,” before he can finish a hand finds his way to covering his mouth.

“Ah ah ah, spoilers! Bad Matt! No biscuit!,” Troy removed his hand and smirked.

“Cinders and Ashes, you hand hit my tongue”

“Eew, well, anyway, back to our regularly scheduled story”

“Toodle pip,” Matthew then whispered to Troy, “Why the heck did you make me say that?”

“Don't blame me, that was YOUR author.”

“Ah don't you love Meta references in the morning”

“They're almost as good as coffee.”

“Yes, yes they are”


“What do you mean?” Asked Twilight.

“I mean, that ah wasn't expecting you to be able to talk. Ponies round here don't normally do that sort of thing." Troy responded. It was at this point that Rainbow finally got over her shock.

“Alright, hold up! Who the hay are you guys?! And where are we?! Did you kidnap us?!” she demanded.

“Well, if by ‘kidnapped’, you mean saved you from hypothermia or bein roadkill, then yes. Yes we did.” Troy replied. The thought terrified poor Fluttershy. But Rainbow kept going.

“Wait, what do you mean roadkill?! I haven't seen anypony since we got here!” She said. In response Troy simply pointed out the window at his truck.

“Ya see that big steel behemoth out there? The one that says ‘Ford’ in the big blue oval? Ya see it? THAT'S what we saved you from.” he said.

“So you were trying to hurt us?!”

“What part of ‘saved you’ are we not getting here?!” At this point Twilight tried to step in to stop Rainbow and Troy’s argument, but neither one was really paying attention. Until a shout broke the argument.

“ENOUGH!!,” yelled Matthew, his autism starting to take over, “THAT IS ENOUGH. YES WE ALMOST HIT YOU BUT, DO YOU REALLY THINK IT WAS ON PURPOSE?? DID YOU THINK WE MEANT IT??” He proceeded to take a few breaths before continuing, “I was driving that thing,” he said pointing to his van. “If we were mean, yeah, we could have run you over or just left you there, but DID WE??? I'm not even that strong but my urge to makes sure you six were ok let me be able to somehow lift three of you into that thing and carry you into MY house.” He started to leak tears, “And, I don’t even know you, yet I still saved you from the cold and Stupid people. So as thanks, MY FRIEND AND I GET YELLED AT?” He then starts to fully cry and runs down the hall to his room, slamming the door as he enters. Troy let out a sigh as he took stock of the situation.

“Ah hell. This is as much my fault as Skittles over here. Reckon Ah better call the boss, let him know we won’t be able to make it today. Gonna take a while to calm him down” As Troy started to walk away, Fluttershy decided to speak up.

“U-um, excuse me sir?” Troy turned and knelt down to her level.
“Name’s Troy. What’s up?” he asked.

“Well, um, I-I was wondering if I could talk to him? I might be able to calm him down.” she replied.

“Hmm, sure, go right ahead. Guy’s got a real soft spot for small furry creatures, so you’ll definitely have an easier go of it than Ah would.” He then stood up. “Now, if you'll excuse me, Ah’ll be back.”

“Wait, where are you going?” Asked Twilight.

“Ah’m headed back to my place.” Troy replied. “Ah just remembered that I left mah special whistle and I gotta go get it real quick."

Rainbow looked at him weirdly and spoke, "What's so special about this specific whistle, huh?"

"A long time friend of mine gave it to me," Troy simply replied, "Right, well, Ah really better get going. Matt’s gonna hear that truck leaving, and it's probably not gonna help matters none. Just hope that girl can help. And we really need to do a meet and greet when Ah get back. Later.” With that Troy walked out and took off.

As he left, the girls started to talk. “I am gonna go down the hall and help the other human,” Fluttershy said as she walked away.

“You know,” said Twilight, “That human that just left sounded a little like you Applejack.”

“I reckon’ you're right,” The orange mare replied. Meanwhile, Fluttershy had found Matthew’s room and knocked on the door.

“Troy, is that you?” Matthew asked apprehensively.

“Oh, um, sorry, but no. My name is Fluttershy.” she said. “May I come in?”

“Why?” Matthew replied, “I just yelled at you and your friends, I am useless.”

“Oh goodness. No, you're not useless.” Fluttershy said.

“How can you be sure,” he asked in a depressed tone.

“Because no one’s useless. Except my brother.” Fluttershy replied.

“Maybe if I tell you and your friends a bit about myself, you will agree with me,” He replied with a sad tone before opening his door, coming out, and leading her back to the living room. Once he arrived he spoke to the ponies in a calm apologetic tone. “Hello again ladies. Before you say anything or call me any names that I deserve, please let me explain myself. You see, I have autism, specifically Asperger Syndrome…”

He went on to explain what autism was and how it affected him. Meanwhile, Troy had arrived back but heard Matthew talking and waited outside for him to finish. Once Matthew was done, the ponies all forgave him. After Troy had came inside, both men were forced explained the concept of a minivan to the ponies before they all go in the vehicle and headed of to Sir Toppham Hatt’s office in Vickerstown.

Legends of Time

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A spotlight shines on the same stage from the last chapter as Troy and Matthew walk out

“Hey everyone, Ah know ah said we should leave this for cliffhangers, but apparently our authors think it would be more fun to do this at the beginning and end of all our chapters in a way that fans of Fairy Tail may recognize, so… Matt, where are we in the story?”

Matthew smirks at Troy as if to say, I was Right, then he begins to talk in an announcer voice. “When we last saw our intrepid heroes, they were in a minivan, riding down a country road to avoid being seen yet. Now let us resume the action.” Matthew then took out a remote and hovered his finger over the play button.

Troy just facepalms and sighs. “Ah’m never gonna hear the end of this, am I? Also, gimme that, that plot device is overused.” Troy snatches the remote.

“No, no you are not and hey, isn’t characters breaking the 4th wall overused too, HMMM,” Matthew retorted with a smug grin while grabbing the remote back.

“Eeeenope!” Troy replies.

“True, but either way this remote can do many things, wanna see?”

“You know, Ah know you’re playing me, and Ah do.”

With a mischievous expression, Matthew presses a button and Troy turns into an Earth Pony. “You’re stuck like that till the note at the end of the chapter so HA!”

“You jerk. It’s been made pretty obvious by my personality, Ah’m a pegasus. Eh, could have been worse.”

“I know you're more like a pegasus, but for trying to deny me usage of the remote, that’s what you get. Now, if you excuse me.” He then pressed a button to turn himself into a unicorn before pressing a different button to start the chapter before Troy could comment.


As Matthew said, we find the ponies and humans on an old, mostly unused road. “Honestly darlings, did you have to take us along such a bumpy road,” Rarity said suddenly, after a few minutes of silence.

“Because we don’t want anyone to see you six just yet, Miss,” Matthew started before suddenly pulling to the side of the road and stopping. “You know, in all the excitement back at my house, we forgot to introduce ourselves to each other.”

At this, Troy piped up. “Ah’ll go first. Name's Troy Blaze, pleased to meetcha.”

Next, Rainbow Dash spoke up. “I’m Rainbow Dash, the best and fastest flyer in Equestria.”

Troy leaned over to Matthew and whispered “still gonna call her Skittles.”

Matthew just had a smirk as the next pony spoke

“My Name is Twilight Sparkle.”



“I’m Pinkie Pie. DoYouLikeParties,What’sYourFavoriteColor, WhatIsYourFavoriteCakeFlavour,When’sYourBirthday, WhereAreWeGoing?”

Matthew just nodded and spoke, “Yes, Blue, Chocolate, April 13th, and mine and Troy’s boss’s office.”

“What about you?” Pinkie asked Troy.

“In order: Depends, Blue, marble, and April 11th.” Troy said. He then turned to the last pony. “Anyway, what’s your name?”

“Oh, um, I’m Fluttershy.”

“Come again?” Troy asked.

“She said her name’s Fluttershy.” Rainbow said. “So, what's this boss of yours like, anyway?”

“Sir Tophamm Hatt is a pretty good guy. Though you girls may wanna muzzle Skittles here so she doesn't start another argument.” Troy said with an impish grin. Before Rainbow could say anything, Applejack shoved a hoof in her mouth and asked “Why do you keep calling rainbow that?”

“What, Skittles? Well, cliche as it is, it’s because she reminds me of the candy. Not only are they in every color of the rainbow, their tagline is ‘taste the rainbow’, so… yeah.” Troy replied.

“CANDY???” Pinkie Pie Gasped as she spoke.

“Ah’m not too big on em mahself, but ah tell ya what, when we get a chance, Ah’ll get you some.” Troy replied.

“So why is Mr. Matthew driving and not you Mr. Troy?” Twilight asked.

“Woah there, missy. None of that ‘mister’ business. Anyway, the reason is twofold. One, this is Matt’s van. Two, eh, something about Ah drive too fast, and mah truck being sideways around a curve when it had no business doing so, something like that.” Troy said.

“Troy you know the difference, driving here is different than driving in, uh, where you used to live, some turns are tighter and we drive on the other side of the road,” Matthew replied.

“But did you die?” Troy asked.

“Yes, I am a ghost who is haunting you, WHAT DO YOU THINK?,” he replied cheekily.

“Sarcasm is most unbecoming of you. You have learned well young padawan.”

With a playful salute, Matthew replied “Thank you Sensei!” At this time, our heroes were in Tidmouth and pulling up to the parking lot at Knapford.

“Well, here we are. So how do we get these girls into Sir Tophamm’s office without gettin spotted?” Troy asked.

“I could teleport us to the door.” Twilight suggested.

“How stealthy is it?” Troy asked.

“Oh, um, not very.” Twilight replied.

“What about the old coat rack and a sheet move?” Matthew suggested.

“That is just so terribly cliched.” said Rarity.

“Aye.” agreed Troy, stroking his beard. “So cliche it just, might, work. Ah'll go talk to Sir Tophamm see if Ah can find a coat rack an a sheet. Ah’ll be back”

“So uh what do you 6 do?” Matthew asked trying to waste time.

“I guess I’ll start.” Twilight said. “I run the library in Ponyville.”

“Reckon Ah’ll go next.” Applejack said. “Ah help run the family farm Sweet Apple Acres. Best apples in all o’ Equestria!” The name Sweet Apple Acres sounded vaguely familiar to Matthew, but he couldn’t figure out where he had heard the name. He eventually decided not to worry about it.

“Well, I suppose I shall go next.” Rarity said. “I run Carousel Boutique, where everything is chic, unique, and magnifique!”

“Ooh ooh! Me next! Me next!” exclaimed Pinkie. “I help out at Sugercube Corner, and plan the bestest parties in Equestria!”

“Oh, um, I take care of all the critters in Ponyville.” Fluttershy said.

“I’m the fastest flier in Equestria, and future Wonderbolt!” Rainbow bragged. “And I still don’t trust you. And If you do anything to hurt my friends, I’ll-”

“Ya know, that would be intimidating,if you were… well… intimidating.” Troy joked as he came back with the rack and sheet.

“Alright, alright, we’ve already had one fight today, please, let’s not have another one.” Matthew said nervously.

“Alright, Ah was just yankin er chain anyway. So anyway, Sir Tophamm’s aware of the plan, and wants us to get you girls in his office ASAP while the station’s still dead. Unfortunately, you’ll probably be stuck there till late tonight after the last train runs. This is one o the busiest stations on the island, so Ah doubt our little trick will work again.” A few minutes later, they were all standing in Sir Tophamm Hatt’s office, with two in particular staring at Pinkie Pie in bewilderment.

“I still can’t believe you managed to fit you and your friends on that cart with just some paper and string, Pinkie.” Matthew said.

“It’s Pinkie Pie, we don’t question it.” Rainbow said.

“Trust me, it’s better for your sanity.” Twilight muttered. She was a bit startled when Troy rested a hand on her head. He simply smirked.

“Ah, sanity’s overrated anyway.” Troy said. Meanwhile, in the back of his mind, Matthew was thinking that he had heard these girls’ names before. Setting that aside, he focused on his boss. Sir Tophamm Hatt was sitting behind his desk flipping through a book. He looked up when he heard everyone’s voices.

“Troy, Matthew, glad could make it. And your new friends as well. I trust these two weren’t too much trouble?”

“Aside from Rainbow and Troy getting in an argument, we haven’t had any trouble whatsoever.” Twilight said, deciding not to mention Matthew’s episode. Sir Tophamm just sighed as he found the page he was looking for.

“I suggest you all sit down for this. What I’m about to tell you has long been a legend in my family, and little more than a rumor to any others who may have heard it. A long time ago, in the countryside near the early form of this station, there was a set of buffers that were almost normal. But they hid a secret, they lead to another world full of talking ponies of various forms." The ponies looked at eachother, confused beyond belief as the controller continued. "The legends say the portal opened the ponies first came through a few weeks before the Skarloey Railway. After the initial shock and confusion, the ponies became a part of Sodor life and even started to work on the Skarloey Railway. Everything remained peaceful for about a long while, during which the ponies helped build the Mid Sodor Railway and some of the standard gauge railways, but as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end and they sadly did. One day the ponies started to speak of attacks by an spirit of chaos made of various animal parts that could do anything he wanted.Twilight then spoke up

"A spirit of Chaos?" she asked.

The controller nodded "Yes. If I remember correctly, he was named Random, or Discord, or something like that, then later that week the portal just closed, never to be seen again. But there were rumors that time passes differently between world and goes much faster for the ponies, so for all we know it could have been over 1,000 years for them by now.”

“It has.” said Twilight. “Discord was defeated and sealed in stone 1000 years ago by the princesses.”

The Fat Controller nodded before speaking again "These six mares are living proof of these legends and it seems the portal may be open again"

“You want us to try and find it sir?” asked Troy.

The controller smiled at the two boys he had recently begun to think of as sons, "No you two need to work, and if I remember right Troy, aren't you scheduled to do your first long distance train in a week?" Noticing a worried look in Troy's eye, he continued. "Before you say anything, do you really think I would keep you both in my office this long if I hadn't already called Gavin and William?”

Troy let out a relieved sigh at that. “Right, my bad. So now what?” he asked.

The Controller gave an uncharacteristically sly smile. "Perhaps these ladies would like to see our own special magic we have? The schedule for today says all 6 should be resting at the moment, so why don’t you take your new friends to the sheds to meet them?”

Matthew had a concerned look. "Are you sure sir? It is kinda sud-”

“We’ll be back afterwhile sir. C’mon girls.” Troy said with a grin.

Matthew rolled his eyes at Troy before looking back at Sir Topham Hatt. "Should we hide them again sir, or let the public see them?”

That made Troy pause and think. He then said “Well, the station’s probably pretty busy by now. Doubt we'd get away with hidin em if we tried.”

Matthew nodded at that and smiled. “Well, looks like you had a rare moment of intelligence Troy. Sir, would you perhaps make an announcement over the P.A. system?”

“WHY YOU LITTLE!” Troy yelled.

“SILENCE!” thundered Sir Tophamm Hatt. “None of that now. The two of you are representing the railway, so I expect you to be on your best behavior. Understand?”

“Yes sir.” replied Matthew.

“I promise to do my best” said Troy. All three men tried to keep straight faces, but one look at each other and they all burst out laughing.

“Alright, off you go. And remember what I said about behaving. I mean it” said Sir Tophamm.

They men nodded and left, and right before reaching the platform, an announcement came on warning the passengers of a potential shock.

“Welp, that’s our cue.” Troy said. “Shall we?”

"I sure am Troy, but you know, this reminds me of something," Matthew replied, causing Troy to look at him confused before Matthew continued."Well...

Everyday when you’re walking down the street

Everybody that you meet is an original want to be"

After the impromptu song, the group was almost at Tidmouth, having gotten strange looks from everyone. "Don't you just love how songs can help you get somewhere faster?" Matthew said

"Yeah, but only if you know the song" said Troy.

The group finally arrived at the sheds.

"Girls, we present, The Engines of The North Western Railway," Matthew spoke. Once the girls looked at the engines, they all gasped in a surprised manner before a stunned silence fell.

Twilight broke the silence with a simple yell, "THEY HAVE FACES?!?!?!?"


"Heh, Twilight sure got a shock, didn't she? Oh, by the way, MINE!" Catching Matthew off guard and using his insane Earth Pony strength, Troy is able to take back the remote and turn himself back to normal, and delete Matthew's horn. "VENGEANCE!"

Matthew's mane puffed up like Pinkie Pie and he began to bounce around. "Fun. Fun. Fun. Fun. Fun..."

“Aw HELL naw. We ain’t doin this.” He then zapped the ground under Matthew turning into a massive square of fly paper. He continued to jump and chant, the fly paper lifting and falling as he went. As Troy’s eyes narrowed, his trap trump card briefly crossing his mind. “Nah, too early. Best to let it sit on the field and make em nervous. I can however do THIS!” At the apex of Matthew’s next jump, the bottom of the flypaper became covered in glue. He continued to jump, the full stage rising and falling, knocking Troy off balance. Using the remote, he gave himself wings and shot into the air. “Not so fast! You’ve activated my Trap Card! PAUSE!” He then used the remote to freeze Matthew in place.

"So Troy, you do realise as long as I am frozen, we can't end the chapter cause I can keep talking and talking and talking and talk-"

“Mute. Right, now that that’s out of the way, we do have an announcement. There’s been an update to our roster, and on behalf of The Asper Pariah and the saiyan brony I would like to welcome Magi Tail Welkin to the team. They have agreed to be our fact checker to help keep us in line on our history. Welcome to the the team, Magi, may your sanity rest in peace.”

Prank War:



Steaming to Friendship

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Matthew was still in his earth pony form, and stuck to the ground with his mouth moving rapidly. No sound came out as he was still muted, but he still seemed as happy as ever.Meanwhile, another spotlight shone on Troy.

"Wait, what!? We're already startin!? Dang, and Ah was just getting to the good part, too. Well, guess Ah better unfreeze our R63 Pinkie over there." Being unable to nod, Matthew just had a smile and a pleading look in his eyes almost begging Troy to fix him. Troy let out a sigh at that. "Well, I suppose it is the holiday season. Fiiiine, Ah'll fix ya." With that, he hit the play button and turned Matthew back to normal before destroying the remote. "After all, don't want the joke to get old, now do we?"

Using his Pinkie speed, Matthew caught the remote and changed himself into a unicorn before blasting it with magic to make it explode. "Ah, much better"

"Alright, that's it! I WILL aaaand Ah can’t do that, it would count as spoilers. Well, Ah do have this." Troy reached into his pocket and pulled out what looked like a black circle and threw it under Matthew before he could react, then threw another on the ceiling directly above the other one. "Now THAT'S thinking with portable holes!" He cried watching the show.
Matthew screamed for a while and then stopped. "Hey Troy?"


"It stops being scary after the first 100 times, it's kinda fun now, WHEEEE!!!"

“Well, while he's having fun, how about Ah get this train story back on track?
Suddenly, Matthew stops mid-fall and somehow walks over to Troy, soon punching him.

"Dude, that pun is extremely over used.”

"Respect the classics, man!"

Matthew rolled his eyes and gave a smile, "It's all about the classics with you, never anything new"

"Not true. There are some things I like."

"Yeah like what, Those Japanese Cartoons?"

"As our mutual friend would say. It. Is. ON!" With that, Troy tackled Matthew who grabbed the edge of the screen as they went flying off the screen where the sounds of cartoon violence rang out.
Meanwhile, Somewhere in the past, yet also in the future.
As Twilight started to freak out, the group heard loud laughter. As they turned around, they saw it was coming from Troy. Matthew, on the other hand, was more polite and tried to keep his laughter from coming out.

Rarity then turned to Troy. "You should really be more polite and considerate."

As he was too busy laughing, Matthew spoke up for Troy, "Sorry Miss Belle, I'm afraid he is often like that.

At this point, Troy's laughter had subsided, and he looked over at Rarity and Matthew. "Ya gotta admit, that was pretty good. So anyway, as we were sayin, these are the engines of the Northwestern Railway."

Twilight was slowly coming to terms with everything, but her mind was still racing at a mile a minute. "But, I, WHAT??? How do they have faces?

Troy just rubbed the back of his head. “Iunno, magic? Er, Matt, you wanna chime in here bro?”

"Engines only have faces when on Sodor, this has lead many to believe that the island has some special magic infused into it."

"Of course that opens up a whole other can of worms that we're just not even going near right now, but for the most part, that's just how it is."

"Not going to tell them how you reacted the first time you saw them?"

"Wasn't planning on it, no."

"I was born on the island so I am used to it and never had the surprised moment," he then points to Troy," This boy however, had a worse reaction then your purple friend here.

Troy then pointed his finger at Matthew. "Don't you dare."

“Troy, almost everyone we meet and get to know has to know this story, It's the unwritten rule of the island, you know this, and since we have no idea when these ponies will be whisked off to their home, they need to be told now.”

No. no no no, I swear, if you do-" Troy was then cut off by a purple glow around his mouth.

"So what is that story you're talking about Matthew?" Twilight asked sweetly.

Well the first day, he was actually warned about the faces but that didn't stop what had to be the most hilarious thing I ever saw, he was still and in shock when he saw the faces, but when he heard on of the engines actually speak and say hello, h-he screamed like someone had just been killed in front of him," Matthew had started to laugh as he spoke. As Matthew and the ponies began to crack up laughing, Troy suck up behind Matthew and delivered a quick kick to the back of his leg. Matthew, as he fell from being kicked, grabbed Troy's arm so he fell with him. Matthew acted mad and looked like he was about to beat Troy up, prompting the ponies to get worried. However, he just held his hand out and suddenly smiled, "Hey, nice one Troy, High-Five." Troy chuckled and returned the high five.

“Guess mah training’s payin off. So anyway, What now?”

Matthew looked at Troy and said “I think it’s time we formally introduce our friends here to the engines.”

“Sounds good. Wanna start?”

"Sure," He said, before turning to the ponies. "Alright ladies, I believe you have waited long enough, let us formally introduce you to the engines of Sodor." He smiled and walked closer to the 6 tender engines. From left to right, there was a big green engine, a medium blue one, a small red one, and 3 other blue ones. "Firstly is Henry," he said, pointing to the big green engine on the far left. "He is kind mostly, but can be pretty stubborn about things. Sadly, he has trouble pulling trains sometimes and ends up stalling in the middle of the line.""

Troy nodded and skipped the first blue engine, who scowled at him, and moved on to the red one. He then looked back at the other engine and replied to the scowl with a finger and a smirk. “Right, so this here’s Eagle. Now, he’s been here for quite some time, and he’ll help you out of any jam he can, though he’s a wee bit stern.” Troy then looked over to Matthew. "Your turn"

Matthew skipped the second blue engine, and he did the same things Troy did before moving on to the third, and biggest, blue engine. "This one here is named Gordon, he is the fastest engine on sodor and pulls the express almost every day. He is mostly grumpy and loves to boast."

Said engine had a frustrated look, and muttered “Oh, the indignity.”

As Troy moved to introduce the last engine, Fluttershy noticed him letting out a sad sigh, but didn’t mention it yet. “Well, Last but not least, we have Old Iron himself. Edward here is the oldest engine on the island, and a kinder soul you’ll never meet.”

Matthew also had a sad look and nodded as Troy spoke before adding words of his own. "He is the glue that holds this place together, always willing to help."

“Or at least he WAS” Troy muttered under his breath.

Matthew's sad look changed to a look of frustration as he looked at the two blue engines that were skipped. "And now," he said, "you may have noticed we skipped two engines."

"Screw them, Ah'm going to get a burger." Troy said.

"Troy, I dislike them as much as you, but it is only fair we introduce them too."

Troy just sighed. "Fine, let's get this over with already."

Matthew sighs as well, then speaks to the ponies, "Finally we have those skipped engines, 98462 and 87546"

"Couple of jerks if ya ask me." Troy said.

Fluttershy then spoke up, "Uh, if you don't mind me asking, wh-why don't they have names like the others?"

Matthew gently smiled at her before he answered, "The reason for that is actually what Troy said, more or less. Those two are mean, borderline cruel. They constantly mock the other engines and never seem to listen."

"If they had names, no one knows, remembers, and quite frankly probably don't care."

"Usually, I like to think of myself as a kind guy," Matthew started to say, "and I usually am not rude unless someone deserves it or I am having on of my 'episodes' like the one you say earlier, but in this case, I have to agree with Troy."

87546 sniffed at that. "At least we aren't defective."

Everyone, except Matthew, was silent for a moment, mouths open wide. Suddenly, Troy turned to the engine with murder in his eyes. "If you EVER say something like that again, I will personally turn you into SCRAP!"

As soon as 87546 said 'Defective, Matthew had a downcast look, frowning. "Yeah I guess I kinda am."

Troy’s head snapped around at that while Fluttershy gasped. “You are NOT useless!” they said together.

He still had his downcast look as he turned towards the pair. "You didn't let me finish. Yeah, I guess I kinda am." Suddenly his face shifted to a look of pure frustration as he turned to look at 98642 and 87546, "But, at least I have FRIENDS!!"

“Oh damn, got em!” Troy said as he held up his hand for a high five.

Matthew shook his head and frowned, "I wasn't trying to give a comeback, Just stating facts."

Troy rubbed the back of his head with a chuckle. “Fair enough. So, what do you girls think?”

Twilight looked at the pair and smiled, "I think you two seem like good friends."

A different voice suddenly sounded, "I couldn't have said it better myself Miss, I believe your name was Twilight Sparkle."

Everyone turned to look at the speaker and Matthew turned pale, "S-Sir Topham Hatt?"

Troy went white as well and gave a nervous chuckle. “O-oh, uh, hi there sir! Lovely weather, huh?”

The controller just rolled his eyes, "Neither of you are in trouble boys, I have been here for a while, and wanted to compliment you on how your treating these fine ponies."

“Oh, well thanks.” Troy said with a grin. “Well, now that we’ve introduced everyone, we should probably figure out living arrangements.”

Sir Topham Hatt spoke before anyone else could, "Why don't you two split them up, 3 with each?"

“Well, Ah agree, but the question here is, who with who?”

"Hmm, honestly I am not sure, what if-" Matthew started, but he was interupted by a voice that sounded like an angel.

"Sleeping arangments won't be an issue." As everyone turned to the new speaker, Twilight’s face lit up. “Princess Celestia! What are you doing here?”

"Hey, what am I, Chopped Gems," Spike said, slightly hurt about Twilight not noticing him yet.

“Woah, cool, a dragon!” Troy exclaimed. “So what do you do, little dude?”

Said dragon gasped when he saw Troy, Matthew, and Sir Topham Hatt. "H-Humans, Twilight are we in that world through the Mirror?"

“Huh? Wait, what mirror?” Troy asked looking at Twilight.

Twilight "didn't hear" what Troy said and looked Spike, "No, this place is different, we are on an island called Sodor."

“Okay, I know I’m being ignored.” Troy sighed. “Anyone else wonderin’ what the eff is going on here?”

Matthew whispered to Troy, "One of thoes two, tall ponies must be their rulers or something."

“Sounds about right.” Troy whispered back. “Maybe one of us should go say hi.”

"Well obviously it's not gonna be you, you never respect anyone but our boss." Matthew started to walk forward. This got Celestia’s attention as she looked at them.

“Ah, where are my manners. I am Princess Celestia. This is my sister Princess Luna.” she said motioning to the smaller alicorn. “And may we have your names?”

As soon as Matthew got close, he bowed respectfully before speaking. "My name is Matthew your Highnesses, the man next to me is my good friend Troy, and the man in the black suit is our boss, Sir Topham Hatt.”

Troy just gave a two finger wave and said "Hey, how's it going?" The ponies, Matthew, and even Sir Topham Hatt gasped. Nobody, except for villains, had talked to the princesses that way before. Twilight recovered first and walked up to Troy before kicking him in the shin. “Ow, hey! What the hell?! I just said hi!” Troy exclaimed.

"Seriously, did you really need to do that?" At first, Matthew seemed mad at Troy, but everyone quickly realised he was looking at Twilight. "He made a mistake, it can happen to anyone. But did you really need to kick him? Sheesh."

Troy just chuckled at that. “Eh, ease up there buddy. Didn’t actually hurt that much. Surprised me more than anything.”

Matthew sighed and then looked back to the princesses. "I am truly sorry for yelling at one of your subject and, judging by her wings and horn, fellow princesses. I just care deeply about all my friends."

“Though if you don’t mind my saying so, Twily here could use a bit of a workout regimen. Shoot, just give her a couple months workin on and around these locomotives, and she’ll build up some real muscle. Ah mean, that’s mah seret.”

The two princesses looked at each other and actually giggled a little, drawing confused faces from all. Princess Celestia was able to stop first and smiled at them all. "That is actually not too far off from what me and my sister had planned," she said, with a kind tone.

“So lemme get this straight.” Troy said. “You want them to stay here and work on the railway? Ah’m down.”

The princesses smiled and Celestia spoke again, "Somewhat, yes. We recently heard the stories of this place and how ponies once worked here. We wanted to see if this island was still friendly." Luna nodded and continued for her, " Indeed and thou hast proven, with thine actions, that this island is still quite friendly, so we wish to allow ponies to once again visit, and if thou wilst allow, work on this wonderful railway."

Matthew had a look of understanding, "That is not really our call to make, you have to ask Sir Topham." Troy said nothing and looked to be deep in thought.
“Well Sir Topham? What do you think?” asked Celestia.
Sir Tophamm thought it over for a bit, before finally coming to a decision. “Very well. I shall expect you at the sheds bright and early tomorrow for your first assignments.” The Ponies and humans cheered, however the engines were confused as heck.

"Uh, what just happened," Eagle said, slightly happy at the prospect of new workers.

"I think we just got fresh meat," remarked 98562, looking at 87546 mischievously. Fluttershy happen to glance at the engines and saw the looks on the two unnamed engines and grew slightly fearful, but when she looked at Edward and saw a sad face, her fear turned to an almost motherly concern. But that, friends, is a story for another day.
Back with our wacky duo, they had finished fighting and were covered in bruises. "My everything hurts," Matthew commented weakly.

“Yeah, it feels like we’ve been fighting for two months straight” Troy agreed. “So, next chapter actually starts what everyone is really here for, huh?”

"Yup, honestly I'm kinda nervous," Matthew admitted, "I hope we do Awdry some justice."

“And if we don’t, not our fault. I blame the saiyan brony and The Asper Pariah. They’re the authors here.”

Suddenly a loud shattering occured, "Oh god, hey Troy?"


"We should run, I think we just shattered the 4th wall and Pinkie hasn't even made that many jokes yet."

"Let's be honest, it never stood a chance. Welp, may as well call it here till we get it at least stable."

"Yeah, i think so, well cya next time everyone, hope you enjoyed the chapter."

Returning to Service

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Dear Mom and Dad,
Man, this place is sure been eventful. First, an engine who hasn't been out in a while was used again and helped another engine on a hill. Second, we had some trouble with an engine and some rain. Either way, I miss you guys alot, I hope things are well and I hope to visit soon.
Love, Your Son Matthew

"Once upon a time, There was a little engine called Edward. He lived in a shed with 5 other engines. They were all bigger than Edward and boasted about it."


It had been just under a week since the ponies first arrived on Sodor and things were going, relatively, smoothly. The two engines with no names were quite rude to the ponies as they normally were. Troy was up to his usual tricks throughout the week, and Matthew did find a good amount of them funny. Most of the week, however, was spent on two main things: getting the ponies used to human world culture, and teaching them to drive the engines.

Getting the ponies used to human society had been almost a piece of cake, that's not to say, however, issues were not had. On issue in particular, was when the ponies discovered humans ate meat and were worried that the humans may eat them at some point. Matthew and Troy cleared up the misconception almost instantly, informing the girls that they only ate certain meats and that the animals they did eat didn't have the level of intelligence the ponies and humans had. As previously stated, the other concern of the week was teaching the ponies how to drive engines. The Mane 6, Twilight especially, learned rather quickly, and were soon helping Matthew, Troy, or any of the relief drivers with shunting. However, none of them had gone on the mainline yet, simply because an opportunity hadn't really presented itself.

As the week progressed, Fluttershy had noticed that Edward almost always seemed sad. She also noticed that the two humans she was beginning to know as friends seemed sad when they talked about him, so she decided to finally ask why. "Uh M-matthew, T-troy?" She said one day, while there were all working, "Why does everyone seem sad when they talk about Edward?"

Troy sighed. “Because we never have an opportunity to get him out of the shed, and he's been in there for quite a while.” he said.

"B-but why?," she asked, not fully understanding.

"Well," Matthew replied,"as you have probably seen, all the other engines are either bigger or stronger than he is, so they tend to get picked for jobs."

Fluttershy had a shocked and sad look on her face. "That's not fair," she said, "He is so nice and kind, I am sure that he could do the same jobs as everyone else if he tried. I wish I could do something to cheer him up."

Matthew thought for a moment, then an idea flashed into his mind and his eyes almost glistened. "I am sure he would love to be polished, that is something you can do," he said to Fluttershy, who nodded and trotted away. Matthew then turned to Troy and spoke with a huge smile, "Troy, If Sir Topham agrees, I think I just found the perfect opportunity for us to finally bring a pony on the Mainline."

“Well, if he thinks she's up to it, Ah was planning to take him out anyway.”

"I see you and I still think alike sometimes, even after all this time." He smiled as Troy got his phone out, and waited patiently until he hung up. "Well, what did he say?"

“We're good to go. We'll surprise her with it in the morning.”

"Sounds great, let's tell the other girls later.” Later that day, they talked to the other ponies. Rainbow seemed slightly disappointed she wouldn't be the first to go on the mainline, but understood why. They all also promised to keep it a surprise, knowing Fluttershy would love it. The next day, they all met at the shed as usual.

"Mornin all. Hey Flutters, got a surprise for ya."

"F-for me, W-why?," she asked, extremely confused. Everyone else just smiled, Matthew letting Troy tell her the news.

“Well, Ah talked to Sir Tophamm, and he said you were clear to start running trains with me. What say we go surprise Edward?”

She gasped extremely happily, "E-Edward, R-really?"

“Yep. Ya know, the funny part is that Ah was actually supposed to run my first train the day you girls showed up, and was planning to take Edward. Well, not gettin anything done just standin around. Let’s go get the ol boy fired up, hey? Fluttershy gave her usual, and adorable as heck, cheer of “Yay!”

The group headed over to Edward, the sounds of the engines speaking starting to be heard. "None of the drivers will choose you again Little Edward," what sounded like Gordon, said," They want big strong engines like us."

“Well, much as Ah hate to admit it, he’s right about one thing Old Iron. We do need big and strong engines Gordon. But, til we find one, well Ahh suppose you’ll have to do.”

As Gordon huffed and spluttered indignantly, Fluttershy spoke up.
“Troy, that wasn’t very nice.”

“No, that’s what’s known as a sick burn. But anyway, enough about Gordon, we’re here for the Old Iron.”

98642 and 87546 smirked, chuckling darkly before 98642 spoke, "Looks like the end of the line for you old timer."

Matthew and the ponies gasped before he turned to the two unnamed engines. "SHUT UP!" He frowned rolled his eyes before turning back to the ponies. "Ok girls, the rest of you can come with me to the station and you five can ride your first mainline train." He smiled and lead all the ponies, except Fluttershy, away.They stopped when they heard full on laughter. Every pair of eyes turned to see Troy doubled over laughing.

"Oh how cute" he finally got out. "You actually think we'd pick you two over Edward, hoo boy, thanks, ah needed a good gut busting laugh."The ponies and Matthew nodded and left, leaving the engines, Fluttershy, and Troy alone.

Gordon spoke up first, confused and slightly mad, "O-over edward, Y-you don't mean what I think you mean, do you?"

"If you're talkin bout scrap, you know Sir Tophamm doesn't do that. In fact, we're taking Old Iron out for a run on the mainline today." 98642 gasped, starting to fume, just like 87546, Gordon was just silent, Eagle smiled while Henry just looked unsure. Edward had the best reaction of all, his mouth open wide for a good bit, waiting for confirmation of what he thought they meant. "Well don't sit there slack jawed, buggy eyed, we're here to answer all your midnight prayers!" Troy sang out. "No, but seriously, you're coming out today. And I'll also be teaching Flutters here how to handle the mainline while we're at it.”

Edward gasped and a few tears leaked from his eyes. "Yes please," he said, in his wise and caring tone, a smile seemingly a mile wide on his face. The other engines, except for Eagle, all had frowns, making various comments while the human and pony pair set to work. Together, they built up a roaring fire and had built up plenty of steam.

“Alright, let's get to work. First stop, the coaling hopper and a water tower.”

Edward would have nodded if he was able to, the smile never leaving his face. "Yes, I do believe I need a fill up before I am able to pull a train," he said, waiting for a feeling he had been longing to experience again, the feeling of being useful.
After they had filled Edward's tender, they went to find the coaches.

“Alright, you remember your shuntin practice with me an Eagle Fluttershy?” Troy asked as they steamed in.

“Oh, um, I do, but, why do you ask?”

“Because you're going to be the one backing Edward onto the train while Ah get him hooked up.” Fluttershy had her mouth open wide and was slightly shaking in fear, "A-are you sure I'm r-ready Troy?”

Troy raised an eyebrow at that. "There's a reason I taught you like Ah did. I find that actually doing something with someone there to guide you teaches far better than listening to an explanation or reading some theory. So yes, you're ready. Remember, just pay attention, and you'll be fine."

"Th-thank you Troy, y-your very kind, u-uh E-Edward, if I mess up, please tell me," she replied, turning to said blue engine.

Edward replied with a smile, "I am sure you will do fine, if Troy says your ready, you must be."

“Right, well, this is all well and good, but we need to get this story moving. Fluttershy, you’re on controls, Ah’ll flag you back. Remember, nice an easy, these ain’t freight cars.” Troy said.

Fluttershy watched as he got out and walked to the coaches, she slowly opened the regulator to reverse Edward, who was encouraging her. "You can do is Miss Shy, just like that, nice and easy."

“That’s it, come ooon back. Little more, little more,” As Edward got close , Troy signaled for Fluttershy to begin applying the brakes. “Almost, right there!” With that cry, Fluttershy pulled the brake lever and brought Edward to a smooth stop. “See, told ya you could do it.” Troy said as he hooked the lead coach to Edward’s tender. “Alright, let’s go start the day.”

Fluttershy and Edward both had smiles, Fluttershy extremely proud of herself. "Thank you both for believing with me, did the coaches get bumped?"

Suddenly another voice spoke, "Oh not at all dearie, you drove Edward very smoothly, we barely felt it at all."

Fluttershy gasped and hid in her mane, "Wh-who was that?"

Troy chuckled and pointed a thumb at the coaches. “The engines ain’t the only ones round here with somethin ta say, ya know.”

Fluttershy blushed and mumbled an apology, coming out from hiding, and decided to watch the scenery pass by. As they pulled into the station, Troy decided to have a little fun. As the train came to a stop he jumped out onto the platform and pulled his hat off with a bow. “Mornin, all!” He cried as he put his hat back on his head. “Yer train has arrived!”

Some passengers gasped, surprised at the engine at the front, others smiled, having missed seeing the kind blue engine, but none smiled more than Matthew and the rest of the main six.

Deciding to let the conductor have his job back, Troy climbed back in the cab to make sure everything was ready for their journey. Matthew herded the ponies onto the coaches. smiling as he did so. Soon the clock struck the hour and it seemed like it was time to go, but Troy wouldn't leave.

"Why aren't we leaving yet Troy?" Fluttershy asked, nervously.

“Standard procedure, Fluttershy. We can’t leave til the guard sounds the okay.” He replied.

"Oh ok, but, didn't you say the train his to leave at 9:00am?"

"Yeah but, no whistle, no go." He reached up and pulled the chain to sound Edward's whistle and listened, but still there was no reply. "Hmm, well that's not right. Ah better go talk to the Stationmaster see if we can get this figured out." Fluttershy waited before also getting off and going to find Troy. She found him just as he asked the Stationmaster if he had seen the guard.

“Sorry old bean, but I haven’t. Perchance the porter may have seen him eh what?”

“Ahright, thanks, Ah’ll go ask.” Then he noticed Fluttershy. “Oh, Fluttershy. Would you like to come along?”

"Yes please Troy, I am worried. I-is my first train gonna be late? A a-m I gonna be in trouble?"

Troy sighed and wiped away the tears. “None of that now. Things happen that are beyond anyone’s control, and this is one of them. So we have a problem, big deal. It doesn't matter if ya have a problem, what matters is how ya react to it. Ah, and there’s the porter. C’mon, let’s get to work on solving this problem.” He said with a smile.

The other ponies and Matthew, who had been watching from the coach their were in, smiled and Matthew spoke, "Now do you see why I told you to let Troy take care of it Rainbow?" Rainbow just sat back in her seat grumbling as Troy and Fluttershy went to talk to the Porter.

“Excuse me sir, have you seen the guard?” The porter thought about it for a second, and then replied “Aye, but not since las’ night. If ye’re askin’ aboot today, then Ah’m afraid Ah have nae seen ‘im.”

Troy sighed. “Well, thanks anyway. Guess we ke- Never mind, there he is.” Sure enough, there was the guard rushing across the road with his flags in one hand and a sandwich in the other.

“Sorry I’m late” he panted.

“It’s cool, we’re not late yet. C’mon fluttershy, let’s get back to our engine so we can go.”

She smiled and trotted back to the cab, walking alongside Troy the full time. "May I blow the whistle please?" She asked, an adorable excited look in her eyes.

“Sure” he said with a laugh and a roll of his eyes. Then they heard the guard’s whistle. “Well, aren’t you going to blow the whistle?” Troy asked teasingly. With a quiet squeal, Fluttershy did just that, and the train set off. The day was mostly uneventful, Edward puffed along contently, asking for his whistle to be blown whenever he saw friends he hadn't seen in a very long time.

Later, as the sky slowly started to darken , Edward pulled back into the station he had started at, coaches empty except for 5 ponies and 1 human, and his whistle was blown. "That felt wonderful," he said, smiling. "Running the line again was always a hope of mine, thank you Troy and Fluttershy, very much, you both did wonderful." Matthew was about to speak when Sir Topham Hatt came out of his office, walking to the group.

"I couldn't agree more Edward," He said, clear pride in his tone. "I have been receiving calls all day, all complementing the performance of you three. I am especially proud of you Fluttershy, if I didn't know this was your first time on the mainline, I would have thought you were an expert." Fluttershy “eep”ed and hid in her mane at the praise.

“Hey now, none of that either, he’s not wrong.” said Troy.

Rainbow flew over and hugged Fluttershy encouraging her, "Yeah Shy, you did great, heck we all thought it was Troy driving till we stopped at that station and say you at the controls."

The grin on Troy’s face at that looked not unlike a shark that’s spotted a bare behind. “Well Ah’ll be!” he exclaimed. “Was that a compliment Skittles?”
Rainbow was about to reply, but realised now was not the time, filing her comeback in her mind, she would tell him later, for now she just smiled and rolled her eyes.

“Alright, well, me and Flutters gotta go drop these coaches and get Edward back to the shed. Later y’all.” Troy said. Fluttershy smiled and waved as they got back in the cab, heading off, Matthew and the others waved back, he then turned to Rainbow.

"Hey Rainbow, wanna help with Gordon in a few days? He has a long good train to pull and I could use a companion to drown out his grumbling."

“Sure, I’ve got some downtime.” she replied.

"Usually, if your with Gordon, You'll be with Troy, but I have a feeling that he will be with Edward for a while, Just a hunch." Meanwhile Troy and Fluttershy had dropped the coaches off in the yard and were heading back to the shed. After they had made sure the fire was out and there were no coals still burning, the two engineers started out the door.

“Make sure ya get some rest Old Iron." Troy said. "You're gonna be just as busy tomorrow."

Edward smiled and yawned, the days events catching up with him. The other engines looked jealous and once Troy and Fluttershy had left, Gordon spoke, "Today was pure luck slow coach, you will never be as usef-," he was cut off by the sound of an engine snoring after a long day of hard work.


“I’m going out again tomorrow. What do you think about that?”
He didn't hear what the other engine thought, for he was so tired and happy, he fell asleep at once.

Freight Trains and Hills

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"One of the engines in Edward's shed was called Gordon. He was very big and very proud"


It was the morning after Troy and Fluttershy had taken Edward out for his run, and Sir Tophamm Hatt had decided that with the extra hands, er, hooves, he had enough staff for Edward to go back on full duty. While most of the engines were happy for him, Gordon was unimpressed. "PAH!," said engine said in anger, "You are a small engine Edward, You'll never be as useful as me, you are just a waste of metal at this point."

“Strong words from the living ego museum.” grumbled Troy. It was still early, and he wasn’t a morning person. “Why don’t you do us all a favor and put that long tongue back behind your teeth?”

"Well I never, Proper drivers are suppose to agree with the engine," the big blue b(beep)h said in response, frowning.

Matthew soon walked up, frowning. "Come one you great big ego balloon, time for the express."

“Hmph. When have Ah ever been any kind of ‘proper’?” Troy shot back as Gordon pulled away. “Well, come on Flutters. Yesterday was fun, but Sir Tophamm thinks it best if we ease the Old Iron into full duty, an Ah agree. We’ll be in the yard shunting all day today.”

Fluttershy nodded and climbed in, starting to light Edward's fire. Meanwhile, Matthew was whispering to Rainbow. "You know how I said Gordon had to pull the express today?"

“Yeah, what about it?” she replied.

He was trying to hold back laughter as he spoke, "I lied, he has a goods train to p-pull.”

Troy's head popped out of Edward's cab at that. "Damn dude, that's just evil." Then he grinned. "You've been hangin around me too long!" With that he went back to work laughing as Edward puffed out.

Matthew just smiled, Rainbow doing the same, as they got into Gordon's cab and started the fire. "So," Matthew said to Rainbow, "You keep saying how fast you are, ever gone 100 mph?"

“I bet I’ve gone even faster!” She bragged.

He nodded, actually pretty interested, shoveling a bit more coal before he spoke again. "So, what else do you do besides go fast?"

“I’m a Wonderbolts Reserve member! They’re only the coolest, most awesome group of flyers in Equestria!”

"Wow, sounds fun," he replied, pulling the lever starting Gordon's motion.
Meanwhile, Troy, Fluttershy and Edward were shunting in the goods yard. Edward enjoyed shunting. It was like playing to an engine of his age and experience. He was now teaching Troy and Fluttershy tricks that even Eagle didn’t know.

“So first, you come in quietly so they don’t know you’re there, and then you bump them into their proper siding.” he said.

“Like this?” Troy said, as he did just as Edward had said.

“Yes, that’s good. We’ll have this yard sorted out in a couple of puffs.” Edward replied.

They played until there were no more trucks, and ran onto a siding to rest. As Troy and Fluttershy had lunch in the cab, Troy looked at his watch. “Bout time for Gordon to come through.” he said. “Think Ah’ll finish mah lunch somewhere with a better view.” he finished with a grin. With that, he gathered what was left of his lunch, jumped and grabbed the edge of the cab roof, and flipped onto the top. “Ahhh, much better.” he said. As Fluttershy joined him on the roof, they heard a whistle as Gordon came through with a long line of dirty trucks.

“A goods train! A goods train! The shame of it! The shame of it, ohhh the indignity.”
Troy laughed and Fluttershy giggled and they got back to work. Meanwhile in his cab, Matthew was repeating a phrase of his own.

"Oh, stuff it Grumpdon, Oh, stuff it Grumpdon."

Later, as Edward was shunting, the yard manager came up. "What's the problem, chief?" Troy asked.

"Gordon can't get up the hill. We need Edward to push him, please."

"No sweat. Let's go, Old Iron." With that, Edward set off to find Gordon.

Meanwhile at the hill, Rainbow and Matthew were arguing with said blue buffoon. "Come on Big G," Rainbow said, "You're not even trying."

“I can't do it. The noisy trucks hold an engine back so. Now if they were coaches, nice sensible things that come quietly, now that would be different.”

Just then, Edward arrived. “We've come to push!” he said as Troy walked up.

“No good.” grumbled Gordon.

“Ah you just wait an see.” Troy replied dismissively. “All that puff, and he gets stuck on a hill. That's gonna be a mighty big egg on his face when the Old Iron gets him an his train over the hill.” he said as he walked away.

Matthew and Rainbow Dash brought Gordon back to the bottom of the hill where Edward was waiting, and after Troy gave the signal, they started off, Gordon still grumbling. "I CAN'T DO IT, I CAN'T DO IT, I CAN'T DO IT!!"

This constant moaning made Fluttershy nervous, "W-will we be able to do it?" She asked Edward and Troy in a worried tone.

“Of course we can.” Edward said encouragingly.

“Pfft. This’ll be a cakewalk. Gordon’s just bein sulky because he wants someone else to pull his freight cars so he can go back to his precious Express.” Troy put in.

Fluttershy nodded, opening the regulator. Meanwhile, Matthew and Rainbow were trying to get Gordon to actually work. Smoke and steam billowed from the snorting engines amidst a chorus of "I can't do it" and "I will do it."

And then almost before they knew it, they were over the summit. Gordon gasped and started to gloat, annoyingly, "I've done it, I've done it, I'VE DONE IT. I KNEW I COULD DO IT!!"

He ran on so fast, that Edward was left far behind and unable to catch up. As they pulled into a siding at the next station to fill Edward’s water tank, Troy spoke up.
“Well how do ya like that. Not even a thank you. Bah, Ah don’t even know what Ah was expectin. Still, that was a mighty fine show Old Iron. Tell ya what, Ah’m off tomorrow, How bout Ah swing by the shed with some paint to fix up yer coat?”

Edward replied with a smile, "Oh yes, that would be nice."


"I'll get out my paint tomorrow, and give you a beautiful coat of blue with red stripes, then you'll be the smartest engine in the shed.”

Tunnels and Rain

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Once an engine attached to a train was afraid of a few drops of rain. It went into a tunnel and squeaked through its funnel and wouldn't come out again.


It had been raining for a long time, everywhere you looked, it was wet, wet, wet. The rain wasn't that heavy, but to length is what soaked everything. One morning, Matthew and Applejack were getting Henry ready for a train.

"Y'all might wanna be careful out there. Best double check yer sandin gear so ya don't lose grip at the wrong moment." Troy said as he was doing just that with Edward. Fluttershy had decided to stay home and tend to her animals, so Twilight was with them today. Matthew mouthed a thanks as he and Aj did just that, the farmpony looking outside the shed.

“Hoo wee, this keeps up and it'll knock the paint right off the engines.” Applejack said. All the engines knew she was joking, except for a certain green one, the seeds of doubt being planted in his mind.

"Sure AJ, and it will also make the color fall right off my clothes," Matthew replied, laughing.

"At least Ah'd have a reason to change outta this monkey suit." Troy muttered under his breath while adjusting his tie.

Matthew rolled his eyes as he pulled the lever, Henry starting off. "Let's hope," he said, "Henry has a good day today." The trio went to the station, coaches having been already shunted into place, and Matthew couple Henry to them. "Ready to go Aj?" Matthew asked her.

"Sure am partner. Let's go!"

This time, Aj pulled the lever and they set off. A bit later, as they were starting to approach a tunnel, the rain became very heavy, pounding the ground and Henry's paint. As they entered, Henry began to slow down and come to a stop. "I'm not going any further. You can't make me spoil my lovely green paint and red stripes!"

"What the heck are you doing Henry?" Matthew spoke. "These passengers need to get to their destinations on time." He and Aj had gotten off the train, Matthew holding an umbrella over them as they stood in front of the engine.

“No. I'm not coming out!” Henry replied and blew steam at them. By now, the rain had slacked down to nothing.

"Henry, look! The rain has stopped," Matthew said as the guard came out and started to wave his flag till his arm ached and blew his whistle till he was out of breath.

"It will start again soon. And then what will become of my green paint and red stripes? Henry replied.

The passengers also got out and started to argue with him, one of which was The Fat Controller. He spoke severly to Henry, "You are being a very naughty engine Henry, you work on my railway and are suppose to do your job."

"I'm not spoiling my green paint and red stripes for YOU." Henry said.

The controller started to get mad, and desperate. "FINE, then we shall pull you out, Matthew fetch a rope." Too scared to annoy his boss even more, he did so, and as quick as possible too.

"Don't you worry none partner. I got mah lasso right here." Said Applejack as she pulled a rope out of her hat.

He nodded and set the loop over Henry's coupling, almost everyone grabbing onto it. Sir Topham Hatt didn't, and in reply to the annoyed looks he received, he said, "My doctor has forbidden me to pull." After a three count, everyone pulled, but to no avail. "We shall push you out." The controller said shortly. As everyone gathered at the back of the train, Sir Tophamm climbed atop a barrel and quickly said "My doctor has forbidden me to push."

Matthew wanted to comment but didn't, quite loving his job. Either way, everyone started to push, but Henry just kept his brakes hard on. "This isn't working." Sir Tophamm said. "Very well, we shall have an engine push you out."

Meanwhile, Troy and Twilight had finished with their current jobs, and had brought Edward back to the shed to rest. It had been fun, but something had been bugging Troy. "Say Twi, how come you don't ever bring Spike along? I don't get much time to hang out with the little guy."

She blushed with a gasp and answered him sadly, "I don't want him to get hurt. After all, you said yourself just how dangerous steam engines can be." She frowned as a station master ran up.

"We need help at Ballahoo tunnel. Henry refuses to come out," he said.

"Seriously? Well, Ah suppose given enough time, Ah could repair him enough that he can at least make it to the next station." Troy replied.

The station master sighed before he replied, "No he is in fine working order, he just refuses to come out of the tunnel."

"wat? Nononono, what the what?!" Troy sighed. "Well, Edward needs to rest, Ah suppose we can grab Eagle and try to push him. Twilight, get a bucket and fill it from Edward's sanding gear. When yer done, just set it in the cab.”

“Why do you want a bucket of sand?” Twilight asked.

“To throw on the tracks ahead of us to make sure we get where the sandin gear can't.” Troy explained as he climbed in Eagle's cab. Twilight nodded and set to work, setting the bucket down and pouring some sand into it.

Meanwhile, back at the tunnel, Matthew was starting lose it as well. "YOU WILL GET OUT OF THIS TUNNEL NOW OR I WILL NEVER DRIVE YOU AGAIN." AJ was trying to calm him down. Emphasis on trying.

"Calm down there Sugarcube! Tain't no need fer all that!" Aj said.

He took a deep breath but still angrily stared at Henry, "It hasn't been raining for 10 minutes you giant green grouch." Presently, they heard a whistle from behind the train. As Eagle puffed up, Troy stopped him a few yards from the train and began to throw sand from the bucket onto the rails.

As Matthew walked up, Troy looked up from what he was doing and greeted his friend. "Hey, how's it goin? We came to push."

"Troy, thank the Lord your here, I am this close to snapping." His eyes were bloodshot and he was twitching slightly.

"Oh good God! Dude, you need to chill." Troy exclaimed. "Tell ya what, why don't you come by after work and have a drink? You look like you need it. So anyway, Ah'm done sandin the rails, so let's do this."

"You know how I feel about drinking," he replied, shaking his head. "I just wish Henry wasn't so stubborn.”

"Fair enough. Alright, well, get clear. We're gonna try this." With that, Troy climbed back into Eagle's cab and gently eased him up to the train. Once he was buffered up to it, Troy started to open up the regulator. But no matter how hard Eagle pushed, Henry refused to budge.

"Come on young one, it's time to go." Eagle said.

"NO!" Henry exclaimed. Matthew, AJ, and Sir Topham began to talk, serious looks on all three of their faces. Eventually, even Troy and Eagle gave up and Troy joined the huddle.

"Sorry gents, but looks like it's a no go." Troy sighed. "Only thing Ah can figure is jus grab the coaches an leave Henry."

The controller nodded to Troy and the others, walking to Henry. "Now Henry, You have finally done it. You have finally found the limit to my patience. Since you refuse to come out, we shall take away your rails, and leave you here. Troy!"


"Take the coaches away while I try to figure out a way to clean up this mess."

Matthew had an idea and looked to Aj, smiling. "How strong did you say you were AJ?”

"Purdy strong, why?"

“I'll ride with Troy to the station next to the sheds, and if it's ok with him, I'll get Edward while Troy is with Eagle, collect some trucks, and bring them here to load the rails in. While I'm doing that, can you help by seeing if you’re strong enough to rip up some rails and sleepers?”

"Sure thing, Sugarcube."

"Ah'm down, we'll just have to run back and find a junction."

"I'll stay here with AJ and Sir Topham and get the people back in the coaches, cya once you come back for the train Troy."

"10-4 good buddy. Let's go guys." With that, the trio rolled back along the line to find a set of points. As said, Matthew got everyone aboard and did so himself after going into Henry's cab and putting out his fire. It didn't take long for Eagle to return and buffer up to the front of the train. He was coupled on, and they set off. "Don't you worry none, AJ" Troy called as they set off. "Ah'll make sure Matthew comes back fer ya."

Suddenly, there was a yell from the middle coach. "SHUT UP TROY, I'D NEVER LEAVE HER BEHIND." Troy just chuckled as the train made steady progress to the station. It wasn’t long before they pulled in. Matthew hopped out and, after explaining the problem to Edward, not only got some trucks, but a coach and some workmen before heading back to the tunnel.

Upon arrival, they were greeted by a cheerful "Howdy partner" from Applejack. The most impressive part was the fact that every bit of track they need gone was already ripped up and set neatly to the side. He was half surprised, but he also half expected it so he smiled.

"Nice job AJ, let's load the trucks," he said. While Matthew, Applejack and some of the workmen loaded the rails and sleepers into the trucks, the other workmen set to work building a brick wall in front of Henry. Once everything was loaded, the others began to help build the wall. A few hours later, it was done, and a set of buffers had been set up as well. Matthew had a serious look as he stared at Henry, "Goodbye Henry, and Good Riddance."

Applejack looked at Matthew worriedly at that. "Now tain't no need fer all that. Ah'll admit He was a right heel, but maybe he can still learn a lesson."

"Maybe, but I doubt it." He climbed aboard the coach Edward had and they left.


Now Henry can't get out, and he watches the trains rushing through the new tunnel. He is very sad because no one will ever see his lovely green paint with red stripes again. But I think he deserved it, don't you?

Apologies and Help

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Edward and Gordon often went through the tunnel where Henry was shut up


It seemed like a normal sunny day on Sodor, but upon further inspection, you might realise it wasn't. Matthew was in the cab of one of the numbered engines, groaning as the engine bragged and bragged. "So the green coward went and got himself shut up in a tunnel, did he?" 98426 sneered. "Ha! Well I say he got what he deserved."

Matthew was at his tipping point, sure he was mad at Henry, but not even the green engine deserved this. "SHUT UP NOW"

"Oh? Did I upset you? Hmph, please. Unlike your 'friend', you're FAR too softhearted to do anything about it."

"You’re right I am, but I'm not the one who just heard you and is walking towards you." Troy had heard everything as 98452 had just pulled into a station.

"So. Think ya can just say whatever ya want and get away with it do ya?" Troy said laying a hand on the pistol he always carried. An evil grin slowly spread over his face. "Heheheh. You more than anyone here should know just how fast word gets around the railway. We'd hate to come to work one morning to find you missing with naught but a few pieces to show you were ever there. So Ah'm going to say this One. Last. Time. Don't hurt my friends. Sorry to steal the spotlight there, Matt. It's back on you now." Matthew just rolled his eyes as he continued to drive the engine, glad none of the ponies had to deal with it. Later that day, he was with Gordon and Rainbow, Troy having wanted to work with Edward.

It had been a long month for Henry. After refusing to leave the tunnel for fear that the rain would spoil his paint, Sir Tophamm Hatt had the rails taken up and the tunnel walled off. Not that it had done Henry any good. He was cold, lonely, and dirt and soot from the tunnel roof had spoiled his paint anyway. In all honesty though, locking him in the tunnel was a kind act from Sir Topham. Henry isn't the best of steamers and the director could have used this as an excuse to scrap him, but he knew Henry could be useful, so temporarily locked in the tunnel it was. Edward and Gordon often past the tunnel, and when they did Edward would always say "Peep Peep. Hello!"

And Gordon would say "Poop Poop. Serves you right." Gordon always pulled the big Express, and was proud of being the only engine strong enough to pull it. Rainbow wasn't rude as she knew it wasn't right to tease Henry, and there was also the fact she didn't want to anger Matthew, who was often with her and Gordon when Troy worked with Edward.

Finally, she had had enough. As they approached the tunnel, she decided to speak up. "You shouldn't be treating Henry like that." She said.

Gordon huffed, "He deserves it and I am going to do it again," he said. But right as he was about to, there was a crack and steam hissed out everywhere. Gordon almost disappeared in a cloud of steam, and began going slower and slower. Matthew stopped the train just outside of Henry's tunnel. "What has happened to me? I feel so weak." Gordon groaned.

Matthew groaned, climbing down and stomping over to his face “You burst your safety valve, now you can't pull the train."

"Oh dear." said Gordon. "And we were going so nicely too. And look at Henry laughing at me!" Indeed Henry was laughing, but then he stopped and just watched.

Meanwhile, Sir Topham, who was on the train, climbed down and walked to the front. "Darn these big engines, always breaking down at the worst time, send for another engine at once," he demanded.

"Yes sir!" Said the guard, and went to do just that. While they were waiting, Gordon was uncoupled and run into a siding out of the way. Matthew, meanwhile, sighed and walked to the brick wall, climbing up and sitting on the top, he spoke to Henry.

"Hello old boy," he said, "I would like to apologize for my treatment of you that day, can we still be friends?"

"Of course." replied Henry. "Though I would like to come out and pull trains again."

"I know Henry, I know, I will see what I can do about getting you out soon." The man pats the engine's boiler before hopping off the wall and heading back to Rainbow and the bossy blue engine. ("HEY, I HEARD THAT!!" "I know you did Gordon, now no more fourth wall breaks until the author’s notes.") Meanwhile in the yard, Edward had been busy shunting again when the yard manager walked up.

"Somethin the matter?" Troy asked climbing down from the cab.

"You could say that." the manager replied.

"Is it Gordon again?"

"Yes, but this time he's burst a safety valve and can't pull the Express. Can you do it please?"

Troy turned to Edward. "What do ya think Old Iron?"

"I'll try my best." replied Edward. Troy nodded in agreement and climbed back into the cab. Fluttershy, who had taken a break for a few minutes was walking back when she say the pair getting ready to go.

"Uhm, Troy, Edward? Where are we going, I th-though our job was uhm, shunting?"

"It was, but now Gordon's broke down, and Edward's the only engine left to pull the Express. Should be interesting." Fluttershy was confused but climbed aboard nonetheless, ready to go with them to meet Gordon. As they steamed up to where Gordon was broken down, Gordon snorted.

"That's no use at all! Edward cant pull the train!"

"That's what you said when you got stuck on a hill too." Troy said. "Although it pains me to admit it, you might actually be right this time though. But, we won't know if we don't try! Let's go Edward."

Edward pushed and puffed and puffed and pushed and pushed and puffed and pushed and... well I think you get it by now, but anyways, he simply could not push the train, it was then Matthew had an idea.

"Why not let Henry help sir, he is dreadfully sorry."

"As a matter of fact I will Matthew." Sir Tophamm said. He turned to Henry. "Will you pull the train for us Henry?"

"Oh sir, please sir," Henry said, he was thankful Matthew had suggested it.

"Hey Dash, it would take too long to get AJ here, wanna be my firemare a bit longer," Matthew asked the prismatic-mained mare.

"Sure, let's go!" Rainbow replied.

The coal still in Henry's tender was usable but not the water, so it his tanks had to be emptied and water siphoned from Gordon's tank into his own. Once that was done, Matthew shoveled some coal and lit the fire. The wall was taken down and the tracks replaced, and Henry puffed out. His boiler was black, and he was covered in cobwebs.

"Oohh, I'm stiff. I'm stiff!" he groaned.

A few, immature minded, people, mostly Troy, laughed at his phrasing. Then Sir Topham spoke to the green engine. "Go find a turntable, and have a short run to ease your joints.”

When Henry came back, he was feeling much better. It was decided that he would be in the front.

"Ready green guy?" Matthew asked happily.

"Yes, I am indeed." Henry replied.

He then pulled the whistle chain, signalling Edward and Henry's throttles to be pulled at the same time. There was an answering whistle from the back of the train as the two engines set off.

"Pull hard! Pull hard!" called Edward.

"We'll do it, We'll do it," Henry replied, eagerly.

"Pull hard, We'll do it, Pull hard, We'll do it, Pull hard, We'll do it," the two engines said together. The train started off slowly at first, but soon began to pick up speed.
"We’ve done it together! We've done it together! We've done it together!" the two engines cheered.

"WELL DONE HENRY AND EDWARD, WELL DONE!!!" was the shout from the two drivers, meanwhile, Sir Topham was leaning out the window to congratulate the pair. Unfortunately, he forgot to take the wind into account and his hat was blown off into a field where a goat had it for tea. At the station at the end of the line, the pair stopped and passengers disembarked and gave their thanks.

"Reckon we might better go back and get Gordon. Ah don’t much fancy havin to drive to such an outta the way place to replace a safety valve." Troy said.

"Well done Henry. I think you've earned yourself a new coat of paint." said the controller. "How does blue with red stripes sound?"

"Oh yes please sir, then I will be just like Edward!”

The two engines set off for home, collecting Gordon along the way. When they got back to the shed, Troy grabbed his tools and was able to replace the burst safety valve with little trouble and a lot of ribbing Gordon. While he was working, Twilight and Spike had decided to come for a visit.

"Hello Troy. Fluttershy tells me you all had quite a day?” Twilight said.

"Grr, get IN there you little! Yeah, it was, interesting." Troy replied. "To be honest, while it's amusin to see Big Bossy get his ego pricked, Ah am very glad Ah'm off tomorrow. This here is probably gonna take all afternoon and half the night."

"Maybe I can help?" Twilight asked.

Spike grinned as he looked at Troy working on Gordon, "Can I help too? My small claws may be able to reach into places better."

"Sure! Any help would be appreciated. Spike, can ya hand me that 5/8 socket outta the toolbox?"

"Uhm, what’s a 5/8 socket? I don't know much about tools."

Troy just stared at them with a deadpan look on his face before grinning. "Well then, guess yer jus gonna hafta learn, huh? Tell ya what, Ah don't much like how mah trucks been runnin lately an it's about time for a tune up anyway. Ah can teach ya about tools and how to work on a motor while Ah'm at it."

"Sure, sounds like LOTS of fun, oh, if Twilight is ok with it."

"Well, Twi? What do ya say?"

She thought for a moment, weighing her options and spoke, "Ok, but I want to supervise."

Troy's grin turned almost evil at that. "In my shop, there are no supervisors. Looks like you get ta learn too! Hope you don’t giving those wings a workout Twi.”

“What do you mean?” she asked nervously.

“Hahaha. Twi, mah truck is big enough that AH have to sit on the fender to work on it, and you're like half mah size. Eh, doesn't matter either way, still gotta get this da-” He stopped himself as he caught sight of Spike standing in the cab. ‘Like Ah didn’t have enough trouble not cussin around Matthew’ Troy thought to himself as he cleared his throat. “This valve in before Ah can do anything. So first thing's first. Spike, this here is a socket." He pulled the socket of his ratchet and presented it. "Ah need you to find the one that says 5/8 on the side, alright?"

Spike nodded and set to work, Twilight learning as she watched.


"Wasn't Henry pleased when he had his new coat. He is very proud of it, as all good engines are--but he doesn't mind the rain now, because he knows that the best way to keep his paint nice is not to run into tunnels, but to ask his driver to rub him down when the day's work is over"

Little Blue Introduction

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Dear Christopher,

Here is your friend Thomas the Tank Engine. He wanted to come out of his station yard and see the world. These stories tell you how he did it.

I hope you will like them because you helped me to make them.

Your Loving Daddy


A few weeks later, on a bank holiday, Twilight was flying to Troy’s house with Spike on her back. While Twilight had respected Tory’s request to not be super early, it was still about eight in the morning. As they came in for a landing, they got their first glimpse of where their friend lived. The view that greeted them was calm, almost serene.

The first thing they noticed was a cozy looking cement house with Troy’s truck parked next to the porch on one side. Off to the side was a big garage with the doors currently down. Next to it was an open shed with a tractor and various implements. After they got done looking, Twilight made her way to the door and knocked. After knocking a few times, she heard someone moving around before the door opened to reveal Troy but with a major difference.

“Are you wearing glasses?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah? Ah usually wear contacts, but since Ah got the day off, Ah took em out las night.”

“Oh, wow. They, umm. They look good on you.”

“Thanks. Well, come on in, Ah guess. Ah’ll make coffee.” As they walked in Troy motioned to the table for them to sit down while he got the coffee ready. When he turned back around, he almost burst out laughing. “Ah knew Ah forgot somethin.” he said. All that could be seen of Twilight was her horn sticking up over the table.

“Gee, ya think?” Spike snickered.

“Don’t start with me little boy. Yer bout to be on my turf.” Troy joked. He was enjoying himself immensely. It wasn’t often he got to really stretch his snark with someone who could fire back. “So anyway. Ya enjoying yer time here on Sodor, Twi?”

“Oh yes. It’s been fascinating.” Twilight replied. As she and Troy made small talk, Spike had wandered into the living room to investigate something that had caught his attention.

“Hey Troy?” Spike called.

“Hmm? What’s up kiddo?” Troy said.

“What’s this?” Spike asked pointing to an electric guitar.

Troy just looked at Spike with a confused expression. “Do y’all not have guitars in Equestria?” He then looked over to Twilight. “Oh, right. The dominant species doesn’t have fingers. Well, Ah suppose it wouldn’t hurt to show off a bit.” He grabbed it and pulled the pick from the strings and began to play. As he finished and looked over at Spike, Troy could swear he saw stars shining in the young dragon’s eyes.

“Woah. Can you teach me how to do that?!” Spike asked.

“Maybe later. One thing at a time buddy.” Troy responded. “Well, Ah think we’ve spent enough time inside. Ah did a lil poking around las night , and figured out that it’s the plugs, so we get to have fun with that. Fortunately, Ah already have the replacement plugs and wires in the toolbox on the truck, so we don’t have to worry about that.”

“Wait, what do you mean by ‘have fun’? This isn’t another prank, is it?” Twilight asked.

“As much fun as it is to prank you, when it comes to mah truck, Ah ain’t about to play around.”

“It must mean a lot to you.” Twilight said.

Troy sighed. “...It was my Grandpa’s truck.”

“O-oh. I didn’t know. Are you sure it’s-”

“Truck’s mine now. Means Ah get the final say on what happens to it. Sides, one way or the other, it’s still a machine. Means it still has to have basic maintenance done on it. An if a couple city slickers who don’ know the first thing about automobiles happen to learn something while Ah’m at it, then alls the better. Well, Ah got ‘er parked in the garage so Ah could have a little light las night.”

When Troy opened the door to the garage, Twilight and Spike saw that there were three other vehicles under tarps. One though, was a little loose allowing them a look at a white fender and a yellow number five on a red background on the door before Troy covered it back up. “Whoops. Can’t show that one til after Henry’s book.” Troy muttered to himself.

“What’s that one?” Twilight asked.

“It’s another that means a lot to me. That’s why Ah keep it under the tarp. Right, well. We’re not gettin anythin done just standin around. Let’s get to work.” With that said, Troy got his toolset and the parts out of the toolbox and set them down on the carburetor pan. “Alright. Spike, since you’re learning and don’t have wings, you’ll be sitting on the radiator. Twi, unfortunately, Ah was serious when Ah said yer wings would be getting a workout.” Troy then broke out in a grin as he followed up with “Though from what Ah’ve seen, that’s probably a good thing.”

Twilight just narrowed her eyes as Spike and Troy burst into laughter that choked off abruptly at the sight of the evil grin plastered across Twilight’s muzzle. “You’re right boys. That is pretty funny. Almost as funny as me asking Pinkie and Rainbow to plan a revenge prank.”

“Aw crap. She’s learning!” Troy exclaimed. Eventually, none of them could take it anymore and burst into laughter. After they all calmed down, Troy picked Spike up and set him on the front of of the truck on top of the radiator. After that, he climbed up on the fender and sat down and began to teach them how to change out the spark plugs and the wires that connected them as well as what all the various parts did and how they all fit together.

Meanwhile, a few miles away, in the yard near the big station, Sir Topham was waiting with Matthew. “What did you want me here for, Sir?” The brown-haired boy asked his boss.

“To show you our newest addition to the railway of course, with 98462 and 87546 being gone, and Eagle leaving soon, we need more help here,” The Director answered. Matthew was about to ask another question when a whistle sounded.

Sir Topham smiled. “Ah,” he said, “here they come.” Matthew sighed, “You have a wonderful sense of timing, sir,” A 0-6-0 black tank engine backed into the yard. The letters ‘NWR’ painted on the side tanks and the number ‘1" under the bunker. A cheeky face grinned as the locomotive stopped.

From the cab a slightly greasy face in between a smart railway uniform poked out. “Good morning, sir,” it called, “Oh, morning Matthew,” the figure clambered down the steps and walked up to the two.

Matthew raised an eyebrow. “William?” he asked. “Where did you get this one?”

William still smiled and run a rag over his forehead, managing to make it greaser against logical convention. “Well, once the workshop was done, and his trials were finished, he was sent to Barrow, where I collected him,”

Sir Topham Hatt nodded. “And very good of you to do it,” he paused and looked at the new engine. “Since he’s now part of the fleet we need him to be in North Western livery,” he cleared his throat. “And I would prefer to know him by a name than a number, 1 is not as much a mouthful as 98462 and 87546, but I always felt I was speaking to machines, not speaking with locomotives,” the Director walked up to the engine, to two employees quickly following like unwitting henchmen. Sir Topham Hatt look up expectantly at the now unsure face of his new engine and hand his hands grandly went to his tailcoats lapels. “Now then, do you have a name?”

"Uhm," the engine began, "No really sir... B-but the person who drove me for my trials and safety checks, his last name was Thompson, and he called me Tom."

The Director hummed. “Tom?” he cleared his throat once more. “Then I shall refer to you as Thomas,” he turned back to William. “I think Thomas will be very helpful at the station,” he said nodding towards the Vicarstown Station. "But like I said, William, go and get him repainted.” William nodded.

“Yes, sir,” he turned around, but then Sir Topham Hatt spoke up again, “Be quick now, you do have more jobs to do." The man nodded and scrambled to get back in the cab quickly, before they fully left the yard, the tank engine called back.

“I really do get a new coat of paint?” William chuckled.

“I wouldn’t lie about something like that,” he opened Thomas’s regulator and they steam away. Over the erupting hisses William called out, “Since you are going to be a Station Pilot it might be a good idea to have you be blue like the other mainline engines,”

“I like the sound of that,” Thomas said, “I didn’t really like this black colour,”

Sir Topham Hatt nodded. Then he turned to address Matthew and spoke. “Go get Troy and have him take you to the works. Also arrange our Equestrian friends to arrive at the sheds at 5. You and Thomas should be there soon after and everyone can meet him.” Matthew nodded and took off to his van, hoping Troy was done with his Truck.

Back at Troy’s house, he, Twilight, and Spike were just finishing the final touches on the truck. After doing so, they closed the hood and walked outside. Suddenly, there was a car’s honk and Matthew pulled up. “Hey Troy, Twi, and Spike, I hope your done with the Truck cause I need your help Troy.”

"Sure Matt, what's up," he replied.

“I need you to get me to the works, then get Spike and the girls to Tidmouth at about 5.”

“Uh, Ah mean, yeah, Ah can do it, but what for?”

Oh, that’s a Surprise for the girls and you, just trust me, I do that for you all the time,” he them mumbled something that sounded like, “against my better judgment.”

Troy just grinned. “Ah thought I was supposed to be the dark and broody character here? Looks like yer stealing mah thunder there, slick!” he laughed.

Twilight and Spike watched the two go back and forth soon Matthew spoke again, “Anyways, Let’s get going, I am needed at the works.”

Troy looked down at his phone before looking back at Matthew. “Well, it’s gettin to be around noon. Got time fer a bite fore we leave?”

“Sure, what were you thinking, and can your helpers join us?”

“Who do you think Ah am? Lunch was part o’ the deal fer helping me with mah truck! But anyway, Ah was thinkin burgers fer us, and a salad fer the herbivores. What do y’all think?”

Twilight nodded, albeit a little slowly. She was used to seeing meat being eaten and talked about, but not fully. Spike, on the other hand (”Or claw or hoof.” “Stop breaking the 4th wall Pinkie, your not even that involved in the story yet.” “Sorry Matthew.”) nodded more quickly as they all got into Troy’s other vehicle.After a decent trip, they pulled into the works parking lot.

“Alright, we’re here.” Troy said. “Ah’ll head over to the portal and get the others. See ya later!”

“You don’t have to yet, relax for a bit, cya later.” He walked in and greeted the workers, “Alright men, let’s get to work.”

Troy looked at the other two who had moved into the front seat. “Well, the kid did wanna learn guitar. Ah reckon we can kill a couple hours. Might wanna send a message though so the others know to meet us later.”

Twilight thought for a moment, “I really have no reason to stick around, I will go back to Equestria and let the others know.”

“Sounds good to me.” Troy said. ’Heheh, and Ah can introduce the kid to some anime while we’re at it.’ he thought to himself. “Alright, well we’ll see ya later Twi.”

She playfully hit his arm, “You need to take me to the portal first.”

“Honestly, Ah thought you were gonna teleport or somethin. But hey, if ya wanna ride, you gotta ride.”

“I am not that good at teleporting that far, so a ride is preferable, yes.”

“Fair enough. Let’s go.” With that, they took off. After they dropped Twilight off at the portal, Troy and Spike went back to his house to relax until it was time to go back and get the girls.

Meanwhile, at the works, the paint was drying and Matthew spoke to Thomas. “Ok So, Thomas, when were you Built?”

“Oh, um. Well, I was only finished a few months ago. The people at the workshop told me I was a special order.” Thomas replied. One of the workers nodding.

“That is correct," he started. "Sir Topham wanted a shunter for the yards at the big station, as you know. Thanks to Edward returning to service, the railway had more money than usual, so he commissioned you to be made based off of, but not the exact same as, a London, Brighton, South Coast Railway E2 class.”

Matthew smiled happily as he and the engine talked for a while, soon he was given the ok and climbed into Thomas’ cab, starting the fire after shoveling some coal. “Well Thomas, are you ready to see your new home?”

“Yes, please!” Thomas said excitedly. He couldn’t wait to show off his smart blue paint. They had even changed the position of his number “1” and made it bigger.

As they travelled along the line, Matthew began to hum a tune “If I may ask sir,” Thomas said respectfully, “what are you humming? I kinda like it.”

“Oh, it is just a few notes that popped into my mind for some reason,” The man replied, continuing to hum as they went.

At this point, Troy and Spike had made a fair bit of progress on Spike’s lessons, as the young drakes blunted claws proved perfect for holding down the strings of a guitar.

“Not bad, kid.” Troy said as he put his guitar away. “Ah’ll be headin back home for a bit here pretty soon, Ah’ll see about gettin you a guitar sized to you.”

Spike nodded and smiled, “Thanks Troy, this is gonna be fun, but we need to go get the girls and take them to the sheds.”

“Aye. C’mon, Spike. The ole Anglia’s gettin a real good workout today.” With that, the two left to pick up the girls. Troy made good time back to Tidmouth Sheds, and actually got there ahead of time.

About 10 minutes later. A whistle sounded, one the engines, ponies, dragon, and human had never heard before. A few seconds later, and engine rolled up. He had six small wheels, a short stumpy funnel, a short stumpy boiler, and a short stumpu dome. The engine had a sky blue paintjob, much like Edward, Henry, and Gordon, and had the same red stripes and yellow outlines on his cab windows just like the others aswell. The key difference, however, was on his side tanks, he had a big bold 1.

Troy cast a critical eye over the young engine. “Hmm. Aye, you’ll do just fine.” His attention was captured as he heard Matthew humming a tune. “Huh. Ya know, it’s almost as if that song was made just for him.”

The little engine looked around excitedly as he took in the sights and sounds of Tidmouth. “Hello everyone, my name is Thomas,” he said in a tone of child-ish wonder. “I am really happy to be here, A workmen told me that I was built especially for this island, and I am so excited to call such a beautiful place my home.” He smiled, the ponies loving his excitment, but of course, Gordon had to be his bossy self.

“Sir Topham Hatt must have made a terrible mistake,” he started, drawing the annoyance of the others. “You are much too small to be really useful.” Thomas looked hurt, he had dealt with bigger engines belittling him almost the entire time he was in the workshop where he was built, but it still got to him each time.

Troy just sighed. "Gordon. At least the kid hasn't blown his safety valve and doesn't get stuck on hills."

This comment caused the others to laugh, Gordon, meanwhile was furious at being reminded of his mistakes. “Hmph. High spirits and and those bothersome trucks.”

Matthew rolled his eyes and smiled, “Well everyone, as he said, this is Thomas.”

After the girls introduced themselves, Troy spoke up. “Well, Ah can tell our resident jackass” he looked at Gordon as he said that “didn’t exactly leave a favorable impression on ya. But you won’t dealin with him too much. The main one you need to get to know is Old Iron over here. See, me an Edward are gone be the ones teachin ya how to run the yard tomorrow, so Ah would suggest bunkin next ta him tonight.”

The little blue engine smiled as Matthew turned the table and drove him into the shed next to Edward. “Ok Mr, I promise to do my best and make everyone proud of me,” the little blue engine said.

This made the old steamer smile wide. “Well now, you keep that attitude up, you’ll be well on you way to it.” Edward said warmly. “And by the way, my name is Edward.”

“I’m Henry.”

“I’m Eagle, but you won’t see me for long, I am needed on a different railway, and will be leaving soon.”

“Oh.” Thomas sounded a bit sad at that. “W-well, I hope you enjoy it.”

“Relax, kid.” Troy spoke up. “He’s jus movin, ain’t like he’s gettin scrapped. Shoot, there’s a good chance he may come back for a visit.”

Matthew nodded, “Troy is right, and if Eagle wasn’t leaving, you wouldn’t be here, Edward is taking over for Eagle, so we need a tank engine like you to shunt in the yards.

“Oh, okay.” Thomas now felt much better. “We start tomorrow, right? I can’t wait!” The ponies, Matthew, Troy, Eagle, Henry, and Edward smiled while Gordon just groaned and rolled his eyes.

“Alright, it’s gettin late, ya’ll. Let’s get Thomas in a berth and get these engines shut down and ready for the mornin routine!” Troy called out. With that, he climbed into Edward’s cab and backed him into the roundhouse berth.

Matthew nodded and helped, getting all the engines in and locking the doors.

Troy looked over at his friends and sighed contentedly. “Welp. Today has been pretty productive. You girls might want to stay with us tonight, it’s a good ride to the portal and back. Twi, you and Spike are with me. Oh, speaking of, Ah got some time off coming up pretty soon, you wanna come fishin with me, kiddo?”
Spike just smiled and nodded eagerly as they all headed home, to bed.

Dragging Along

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"Thomas was a tank engine who lived at a Big Station."

Dear Mom and Dad,

Well... It almost happened, I won't say what, or I will ruin the stories I have sent with this letter. Life this past month and a half was, interesting, to say the least. Thankfully, I have amazing friends to help, anyways, I miss you guys and hope you know I will try to visit soon.

Love, Matthew


It was early next morning, and Edward was showing Thomas around the yard.
"This set of sidings is for coaches, that set is for trucks, those are for setting things that are in the way," he explained, happy to help a young engine learn about the yards.

"Is there anything else?" the little tank asked.

"Well, there are the freight cars. But you need to get used ta the coaches first. Those things are a damn menace." Troy replied.

"Now Troy," Matthew said, "that wasn't nice, they are just a little sensitive is all and don't like being bumped." Troy just stared back with a deadpan expression.

"Uh huh. You just keep tellin yerself that. Though Ah will admit that their ability to create songs on the spot is incredible. Well, shall we get back to work?"

Matthew rolled his eyes and nodded, soon Thomas came up to Gordon. Gordon had been late with the Express and had to go extra fast to make up for lost time. Due to this, he was quite tired and was taking a nap. Thomas being a cheeky little thing, decided he was going to have a little fun. Remembering a trick he loved playing on the rude tender engines of the London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway, he giggled and blew his whistle as they past the big engine.

"Wake up Lazybones and get to work, you can't catch me," he said, and puffed off laughing. Naturally, this made the big express engine rather cross.

"Little nuisance doesn't know what hard work is. I've a mind to teach him what... Hmm." Instead of going back to sleep, Gordon instead started coming up with a plan to teach Thomas a lesson. Thomas, of course, didn't realise this.

In his cab, Matthew and Twilight were not pleased. "Now Thomas," the man said, "I know he was rude to you, but that doesn't mean you can wake him up with your whistle."

"Troy would have found it funny." Thomas protested.

Matthew just rolled his eyes as he spoke. "Yes Thomas, he probably would, and I will be honest, seeing Gordon jump was a bit funny, but that doesn't excuse what you did.”

Thomas just huffed and kept working. Later, they met up with Edward and Troy as they pulled in with a train. Thomas told Troy about his trick thinking he would at least find it funny. He was surprised when the man simply sighed and fixed him with a serious expression.

"Boy, lemme tell ya somethin. Ah'm well aware of mah reputation as a prankster. A reputation Ah've more than earned. And Ah admit, that was pretty damn funny. But ya need to learn when to be serious too, or those pranks are gonna come back to bite you where the sun don't shine. And trust me, it ain't pretty."

Thomas was confused, pranks were fun, why was he getting scolded for it? Was something wrong? He resolved to apologize to Gordon at the sheds, but Gordon wasn't there when he arrived. He tried to stay up to apologize, but Gordon was still busy. The little blue engine ended up falling asleep extremely late. Because of this, Thomas had trouble waking up the next morning. His fire kept going out, and he couldn't make enough steam. Matthew, who was slightly stuffed up, was slowly losing patience.

"Come on," He said in an annoyed tone. "This is your fault Thomas, we are already 5 minutes late."

"Sorry" Thomas said in a small voice.

"Hey, ease up on the kid." Troy called. "These things happen. Here, let a pyro take a crack." Even still, the best they could do was a weak fire. Twilight and Matthew walked up to Thomas' face while Troy tried to get the fire going, Matthew speaking first.

"Sorry about that bud, my nose is sorta messed up and is making me a little short tempered, you aren't fully to blame, but why were you up so late last night?"

"Its okay. I just wanted to apologize to Gordon. I didn't mean to make us late."

Twilight smiled and spoke "That is very nice of you Thomas, that is a sign of trying to be friends and having friends can be magic"

"Thank you. I'll do my best!" Thomas exclaimed.

"Ha! Got it!" Troy called. "Shouldn't be no time before you get a good head of steam."

Matthew and Twilight hopped in the cab and thanked Troy before heading off to Knapford to arrange the Express. They were about 10 minutes late, but hoped to make up for lost time. As they pulled into the yard, the coaches looked down at Thomas.

"And where have you been?" they sniffed.

Matthew sighed and rolled his eyes, "None of that now please coaches. He had a rough night and his firebox refused to light. Please be kind."

"Hmph. Very well, at least he isn't dawdling anymore."

Twilight sighed, "Don't listen to them Thomas. Just focus on working.”

"Yes ma'am." Thomas replied. As he brought the coaches to the platform, despite his best efforts, his inexperience and the fact that he was in a hurry led to him bumping the coaches on accident a few times. The coached grumbled a bit, but were otherwise silent. Soon Thomas passed the big bossy engine himself.

Gordon just huffed as Thomas went by, but allowed himself a smile after the little tank engine was past and whistled. "Quickly, now!" he called.

Matthew was just about to hop out to uncouple thomas, but Gordon backed up with a bump, making him lose balance.

"Are you okay?" asked Twilight.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just need a second Twi," he replied woozily. As he got up, the floor underneath him lurched again and knocked him right back down. As he shook it off, he noticed the scenery moving.

"Oh no, Twilight, Thomas, if what I think it about to happen is about to happen, BRACE YOURSELVES!”

None of them could do anything else as Gordon picked up more and more speed. He laughed as the coaches sang "You can't get away! You can't get away!" Thomas started to cry as Gordon pulled him. Meanwhile, further down the line, Edward, Troy, and Fluttershy were doing a freight service.

"Makin good time. We're only a few miles out from the Main Line." Troy said. "How do y'all think Thomas and Twilight are doin?"

Edward chuckled, his eyes lighting up, "Pretty good I would hope. That engine is so eager."

"He's such a nice little engine too." added Fluttershy. "Oh? What's wrong Troy?" she asked after noticing the troubled look on his face.

"Do ya think Ah might have been a bit hard on the boy when Ah got on to him about prankin Gordon?" he asked.

"It is possible," the number 2 engine replied. "But he does need to learn the proper times to joke."

As they approached the 'Y' that joined the main line, they heard a familiar whistle. "Well hey, looks like we're just in time. After the Express, there ain't no more high speed trains due through for a while. By the time the next one comes thr- WHAT THE F**K?!"

As they were reducing speed, the trio noticed Thomas still on the end of the train crying. Troy immediately lurched back into the cab and slammed the brake lever to full on before jumping out. Edward was just as surprised, he knew Gordon could do dumb things, but this, this was worse. He called Thomas' name and the little tank engine yelled Edward's name, obvious fear in his voice.

"W-w-what are we going to do?" asked Fluttershy.

"Ah'll tell you what we're gonna do." Troy growled, climbing back into the cab. Fluttershy let out a shriek at the unexpected and murderous voice behind her. "We're going after them. Ah've already uncoupled us from the train, but there's no time to throw the switch, so it looks like we're goin tender first."

Edward was about to reply when they heard a whistle. There was Eagle puffing down the main line, shock clear on his face. He came to a stop before speaking to the trio.

"Was that... Thomas?"

"Yes. Eagle, I'm very glad you showed up. Can you take my train?" asked Edward.

"Sure, but where are you going?" the red tender engine asked.

Edwards eyes hardened at that. He now wore an expression that promised much pain and suffering. "We're going after that thrice damned fool." he said. "He's going to regret messing with my boy."

Eagle was shocked. Both at the uncharacteristic look of fury in his old friend's eyes, and the fact that in all their years, he'd never once heard the old Seagull curse. But it was the last line that confused Eagle the most. '"My boy?"' Eagle thought to himself. 'What does he mean by that?' Out loud, he simply said:
"Very well, then. Be careful. All of you."

Fluttershy shivered, tears coming to her eyes, "P-please calm down Edward..."

"Don't bother."

Fluttershy turned to Troy. "W-what? Why?" she sobbed.

"Because there is nothing we can say or do that will change the facts.” he said coldly. “What Gordon has done is inexcusable. He's put both Thomas and his crew in mortal danger over a harmless prank. Either way, Edward will probably calm down when we stop them." He then bent down and gave the terrified mare a hug. “Hey, if you'd rather go with Eagle and his crew, you can. We won’t judge for it."

"N-no, i-it's ok, I wanna stay with Edward," the kind mare replied.

"Alright. And for what it's worth, Ah'm proud of ya."

With that said, Troy stood up and took his place at the controls. "Alright. We've wasted too much time already. Here's the plan. Despite Edward being older, smaller, and running in reverse, we have the advantage of not pulling a heavy train and a full tender. We should be able to catch up pretty quick. When we do, Ah'll climb across and unhook Thomas from the express."

Edward sighed, but still in his angry tone, replied. "No. It is too risky, especially with how quick the speed can change. We will go to the station, take Thomas to Vicarstowm, and I will comfort him while you two tell the Fat Controller, then and only then, we will confront Gordon."

"We'll see. It worries me though. Thomas was never meant to go that fast." Troy said. "No point arguin about it, though. Let's go."

Fluttershy was half-scared, half-worried, 'He wasn't meant to go that fast? Oh dear, oh dear, I hope he will be ok,'she thought to herself. She jumped when she felt a hand on the top of her head. She looked up to see Troy smiling at her.

"Relax. We'll save them. If all else fails, we still have the original plan to fall back on. Eyes up, Shy! We're not savin our friends standin here jawin! Get this loco movin! We got a train to catch!"

Fluttershy felt a burst of determination, she would NOT let Thomas be hurt, she WOULD help him, and she WILL give Gordon a stern talking to. She set to work, once she ensured the line was clear, she shoveled some coal, pulled the lever, and Edward puffed off.

Meanwhile, Thomas, while still scared out of his mind, had found slight comfort in catching glimpses of the scenery as it flashed by. Although even that was dampened by the coaches laughing and singing "You can't get away! You can't get away!" Matthew and Twilight had found somewhat comfortable positions and were just trying to ride it out.

"You wanna know what makes all of this worse Twi," the brown haired man asked.


"Thomas wanted to apologize."

"Oh. Poor guy. I hope we stop soon, for his sake."

"Me too, we can tolerate this speed, he is the one forced to go that fast”

As if by magic, the two felt the train slowing down.

"Maybe we're there?" Twilight asked hopefully.

"No, the closest station is Wellsworth, but we are definitely slowing down, I wonder why..." Deciding to try to figure it out, Matthew got up and looked out of the cab. "Huh, the signal is on caution"

"I wonder what might have happened that could be dangerous." Twilight wondered aloud.

“I don’t know. I guess we’ll find out at the station.”

Sure enough, they stopped at Wellsworth, and without missing a beat, Matthew ran and uncoupled Thomas from the train. Seeing this, the stationmaster allowed Gordon to leave, which he did, but not before give one last remark. "Well little Thomas," he started, "now you know what hard work means, don't you."

Thomas could only groan in pain. Something didn't feel right, and he was scared.
Twilight, hearing the little engine's groans, ran up to the front and hugged him as best she could. Matthew walked up to the front and patted his buffer beam. "It will be ok Thomas, I promise," he said, trying to comfort him.

Thomas sniffled. "A-are you sure?" he asked. "Yes, do you think you can make it to the siding?”

"I, I think so."

The pair hopped in his cab and started, slowly.

"Oh my wheels and coupling rods!" Thomas cried. "Oh, I shall never be the same again!"

At that point, Edward pulled in and Troy jumped out to see the express pulling out. "Damn. Well, he's got to come back to the shed eventually. Ah can til then to rip him a new one." He looked over to the siding where Thomas was sitting. "How ya feelin, kid?" he asked Thomas.

“My wheels feel like they’ll fall off if i move much more.” Thomas replied.

Under normal circumstances, Matthew would ask for Thomas to stop being so dramatic, but in all honesty, he was worried about the engine. Edward pulled over onto the siding and buffered up to Thomas.

"It's alright, I've got you." he said.

The little blue engine gasped but then smiled softly, speaking, "Thank you Edward."

"Quite alright, little one." Edward smiled.

"So when Ah'm done with Gordon, should Ah go see about adoption papers?" Troy said so only Edward could hear. Fluttershy also heard and smiled, giggling at the little joke. Eventually, the two engines made it home. Once they were settled in their berths, Troy decided to look Thomas over.

"Well, good news is ya get a clean bill o' health. Get some rest, an you'll be right back in the yard tomorrow." Troy said when he finished. "However, Ah can't inspect all the internal gears and whatnot, so, Matthew, Twilight, keep a close eye on how he performs. Anything out o' the ordinary, and you park that boy IMMEDIATELY."

They both nodded, worried about the engine, Matthew spoke. "Hey Thomas, this will sound bad, but I wanna say good job today, what Gordon did was unexceptable, but you aren't mad or anything. That is a sign of a good person, or engine as the case may be."

"T-thank you." the little engine's cheeks had gone rosy. Matthew couldn't help but smile until he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"So does that make me a bad person? Cause Ah'm tearing into him when he gets back." Troy asked.

"No Troy, no it does not," Matthew replied, his fists clenching and eyes squinting. "I am going to do the same, but let's call The Fat Controller first."

"Right. He should be finishing up with his meeting. Ah'll just use the phone inside." Troy said. Matthew nodded as he, Fluttershy, and Twilight comforted the little blue engine a bit more.

Meanwhile, at Tidmouth Station, Sir Topham Hatt was finishing up his inspection and was preparing to board the Express. Before he could, the stationmaster came up to him.

"Sir, you have a phone call from the Vicarstown Sheds. They say it's urgent." he said.

Topham rolled his eyes, "Bother that Telephone," he said as he walked to his office and picked it up. "Hello, who is this?"

"It's Troy. Ah'm afraid there's been a problem."

The controller could tell by his tone alone, that this was not a normal issue and he became slightly on edge. The last time he'd heard that particular tone, Troy had almost killed a man. "Of course Troy, I will be there right away," he said before hanging up and rushing off the catch the express to Vicarstown.

Back at the shed, Troy was sitting on the tailgate of his truck cleaning his pistol. Matthew rolled his eyes as he turned back to the rest of the main 6 and spike, who had arrived a bit before, and finished explaining what happened, "And then Troy, Edward, and Fluttershy arrived and took us back to the shed." Rainbow Dash, who had been too busy earlier, and thus wasn't with Gordon when he pulled Thomas, had an angry look.

"He's done some stupid things to soothe his ego, but this. This is just too far." Troy said.

The thoughtful silence that had descended was soon interrupted by Troy jumping up and slamming the tailgate shut and getting in his truck.

"Wait, where are you going?" asked Twilight.

"To clear my head." Troy replied before starting the truck and taking off in a cloud of dust.

"That is probably for the best, he can get pretty violent when someone he cares about gets hurt. Anyways what do you girls wanna do while we wait?," Matthew asked.

"How about a game?!" Pinkie asked popping out of a barrel.

"Why were you- nevermind," the man swore the pink mare was in front of him a moment ago, yet suddenly she was in the barrel.

"What game should it be Pinkie, Darling?," Rarity asked

“How about Go Fish?”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and spoke, "Ugh, but that's a boring game." Before she could continue or anyone else could comment, Matthew burst into laughter. "What's so funny?!" Rainbow demanded.

"Y-you think i-it's boring?" He dissolved into more laughter before slowly calming down enough to continue, "You clearly have never played it the way I do."
"And how's that?"

"Before I can explain, Pinkie, do you have a... Why am I even asking, of course you do." Sure enough, she gave him a pack and she gave each girl, and the dragon, five cards each.

"Okay, now what?" Rainbow asked.

"So in the regular game, you have a stack in the middle and nobody knows what card you just picked up aside from yourself, right?"

"Right. So, what, we show our cards?"

"No, but notice how I didn't get 5, this version of the game, I call, Trick Fish. Basically, when on of you needs to 'fish' I pick the card you get, so you don't know if I am helping you, or someone else, till you look at the card. Plus, I switch who I help, one round I could give Twilight a few cards she needs, the next, Pinkie, the next none of you, and so on."

"Seems interesting, I guess. Alright, let's play already."

After a few hours of fun had all around, the group was interrupted by the sound of Troy coming back.

"Are you feeling any better?" Twilight asked.

"Ah'm not gonna kill him on sight if that's what yer askin."

"That still doesn't sound very nice."

"Well excuuuse me, Princess. Ah dunno if you've noticed, but I'm not a nice person to people I don't like."

Matthew had started to get upset himself, and spoke his mind, "You DO like Gordon, he just made a bad choice. It is my belief that, while certain people, or in this case, engines, can be considered evil, not all are. Most simply make bad choices, such as what happened today. That does not mean, however, that he is evil, he just had a bit of anger issues."

"And while those are all good points, it doesn't change the fact that you two could have died. However, it doesn't matter either way. In the end, his fate is up to Sir Topham." Troy replied.

Matthew just rolls his eyes, munching on some chips as they wait.

It wasn't long after that they heard the sound of a steam engine approaching, along with Sir Topham's car. Matthew sighed and went to meet Gordon, while Troy went to meet the Controller. Matthew walked up to the crew driving Gordon and talked them for a bit and waved as they left. His face then made a frown and he walked to the front. "Hello Gordon," he said in a very upset tone.

"And what do you want now?" Gordon sniffed.

"Oh nothing, just to deliver you unto fate." He grinned and climbed into the cab, Driving the engine to the sheds, Eagle taking the coaches to the yards.

"What the devil are you talking about?"

"Oh nothing, just having a bit of fun." He chuckled as they arrived on the turntable, Edward glaring daggers as Gordon as he was spun.

"And what's your problem little Edward?" Gordon huffed. He was beginning to get annoyed. Edward's glare just sharpened.

"You know what you did." Edward said with a coldness that made the bigger engine shiver.

"Indeed he does!" Sir Topham boomed.

The ponies also glared at the engine as Sir Topham walked up after Matthew backed the blue menace into his berth in the sheds.

"Troy has told me everything, and I am very disappointed. You should have known better! Those speeds could have damaged Thomas beyond repair!" At that point Sir Topham stopped to calm down a bit and sighed before continuing. "As it stands, I shall have to send Thomas off to the works so that he can be thoroughly examined."

"But I've already been ex-" Thomas was quickly cut off by Troy smacking his elbow into Thomas's smokebox.

"And not only that, but Edward is busy with other jobs, as is Eagle." Sir Topham continued. "Therefore, for the foreseeable future everyone will simply have to fetch their own coaches. And Gordon will continue to do so until I say otherwise. Understood?"

"You can't be serious sir! I am a tender engine. Tender engines don't shunt!" Gordon cried.

"Very well." said Sir Topham.

"If you want a station pilot that badly, I suppose Edward or Eagle could fill in."

"Thank you sir." siad Gordon.

"Of course, that means you'll also have to take their goods trains." Sir Topham said.

The ponies laughed, but Gordon gasped and spluttered. "B-but, but, I, WHAT?!

"To put it simply Gordon, I brought Thomas here so that Edward would be free to return to fully normal service. There is a lot of work to be done and your little stunt has put us down an engine. In fact, until further notice, Henry shall take the Express and Edward shall look after his coaches while you take Edward's goods trains."

Gordon grumbled as Troy and Matthew towed Thomas to the works with Edward, an inspection starting quickly. It took a few days before the crew declared that Thomas wasn't hurt and was clear to return to service. Over the course of thoes days, Gordon moaned and groaned every time he had to pull a freight train. The cars would just giggle and joke about his misery. Little did anyone else know, this incident would provide troubles a few years down the line. But that's another story.


"He went home very slowly, and was carefull afterwards never to be cheeky to Gordon again."

Sleep Deprived Railroading

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Thomas often grumbled because he was not allowed to pull passenger trains


The day after Thomas got the all clear from the Works, he was back working in the yard. There weren't as many trains that day, so Edward was working with him, "So Thomas, how are you feeling?" Edward asked.

"Much better now that I can stretch my wheels. It's really nice after sitting in one spot for so long." Thomas replied.

"That's good to hear. You know, I think you're almost ready to start working with trucks, son."

The tank engine had a confused look at the last word. "Uhm, what did you say?" He asked.

"Ah, my bad. I guess Troy's accent may be rubbing off on me." laughed Edward. Troy, being mischievous as ever, decided to fan the flame a little.

"Hey, don't you go blaming this on me! Ah'm innocent!" he said. Matthew just laughed louder, falling onto the floor of Thomas' cab.

"Oh my Celestia, Matthew, are you okay?!" Twilight gasped out.

The boy was still laughing but managed to get a few words out, "Y-yeah. T-too F-funny."

Twilight just rolled her eyes, "I swear, you're almost as crazy as Troy."

Suddenly he stopped laughing and stood straight up, speaking in a serious, yet condescending, tone. "Twilight, Twilight, Twilight... Packed deep down inside me is randomness 10 times as much as Troy."

"Oy, them's fightin words, lad!" Troy called from Edwards cab.

"You know it's true," he yelled in return.

"We'll see come April Fools, won't we?" Troy replied. Edward shuddered at that, and was sure every engine on the Northwestern just felt a shiver run through their boiler. Every engine, that is, except Thomas. He wasn't sure what was so bad about it. Edward saw the confusion on the young engine's face and decided to inform him of what was coming.

"Thomas, when these two get together for April Fools day, things get hectic. These two almost shut down the entire railway last year." the old engine said.

His eyes filled with wonder and a smile grew on his face, "The whole Island? Wow, that sounds like fun, can I watch?"

Troy just laughed at that, "Boy, if you want, you can participate." The little engine's eyes widened in excitement. Troy looked over to Thomas's cab, "Hey Matt. This year is going to be fun."

The man simply agreed. Later that night, Thomas was asking Henry and Edward about the rest of the island. "You guys get to pull trains all over the island. What's it like?" he asked.

Edward smiled and began to describe it. "It is a magical place. The skies are blue, it is like a storybook land wonder.”

"Laying it on a bit thick, aren't you old timer?" said Henry. But Edward took no notice. Especially when he noticed the look in Thomas's eyes.

He simply continued, smiling, "The sun almost always smiles with valleys as green as can be."

"Do you think I'll get to see it? I can't wait to pull trains like you do!"

“Of course you can. Someday. As for now, you need to get some sleep. We've got another hard day's work ahead of us tomorrow."

The tank engine giggled and fell asleep, dreaming of the Island. The next morning, pulling trains was all Thomas could think about. Or talk about. Slowly, Matthew got annoyed, but also didn't want the other engines ro be rude, "Hey Thomas," he said calmly.


"I know your excited, I do. But, you are starting to get very annoying."

"Oh. Sorry." replied Thomas.

"It is ok, just try to tone it down. You know first hand, or buffer in this case, that not all the engines are as kind or understanding as Edward." Thomas couldn't help but shudder as he remembered what Gordon had done. Even now, he was still scared of the big Express engine. "You can talk to us about it, but tone it down like I said, ok?"


Unbeknownst to them, Henry had already backed down onto the train and had heard the conversation. 'He's a bit annoying, but he's still learning. Once he's had time to learn, I'm sure he'll make a fine engine.' Henry thought to himself.

Throughout the rest of the day, Thomas only mentioned wanting to see the island rarely as he continued to do his work. The other engines were impressed and relieved that Thomas was able to talk about something other than pulling trains. At the end of the day, as he was being driven into the sheds, he was talking about wanting to pull a train, but stopped as he say a few of the others looking annoyed. Troy, seeing the looks Thomas was getting, decided to nip the problem in the bud.
"Somethin on yer mind, lad?" he asked.

The engine blushed and spoke, "Oh, uhm. Kinda, but I don't wanna annoy anyone."

Troy just glanced at the others and said

"Ah, they can all blow it out their funnels." There was a collective gasp at that.

"N-now see here!" Gordon spluttered. Before he could continue, Troy just flashed a rude gesture at him and kept going.

"Thomas, ya can't please everybody. Yer gonna annoy folks, that's just the way of it. But, at the same time, Ah do kinda get where they're comin from. Ya gotta watch yaself. Though it is kinda sad that these 'mature' engines are so easily annoyed by a kid." He finished with a sideways glance at the rest of the engines. The engine made a noise of agrement and thought for a bit, considering the man's words.

"Do me a solid, would ya guys?" Troy asked. "Try to set a good example for the kid. After all, he's also learnin from watchin all of you."

Gordon mostly spluttered, but seemed to have a small hint of thought in his expression. Soon, a very familiar, yet feeble whistle sounded as Henry came up to the turntable. Troy looked over at Matthew, "You heard that, right? That's not a good sign."

The man nodded and went over to talk to Henry's driver.

"Evening Matthew" greeted the driver.

"Hey Linus, what's the matter with ole number 3?"

Linus just sighed, "The usual, I'm afraid. The ole boy is having trouble keeping steam again."

"Ah, I see, well Troy and I can take it from here, you get home, I know your sister is expecting a call tonight"

"Thanks Matthew. Heaven knows how she worries."

"Tell Lucy I said hi"

"I will. Good night Matthew."

Matthew waved to Linus, then, once the turntable was done rotating, he hopped in Henry's cab and drove the sickly engine to his shed. Troy walked up as Henry made it into the shed.

"Looks like another long night, huh?"

Matthew just nodded, "Girls, think you can teleport home, me and Troy need to do some work on Henry"

"Can we help?" asked Twilight.

"You can try, but you girls probably want to get some sleep"

Twilight looked over at Spike and sighed in defeat, "Alright girls, let's go."

Matthew and Troy waved before getting to work, "Alright Matt, you know the routine. Ah'll get the toolbox, you go get the coffee started."

The two men had a small table and a coffee pot set up in the back of the sheds in the event of nights like this. About an hour later, there was a purple flash of light as Twilight teleported back. She found Troy and Matthew in Henry's cab, with Troy halfway in the firebox and Matthew passing him the tools.

"Hi Troy! Hi Matthew!" she said. Both men jumped, followed by a lounge clang from the firebox and a storm of cursing. Matthew, in a brief bit of anger, hopped out of the cab and smacked Twilight's back.

"You maybe be a magic pony but you DO NOT teleport where you know people are working with a steam engine. What if we were testing him and your flash made one of us fall out and get run over..."

"Kinda hard fer a train to move when all the bits are taken apart. Also, violence is my schtick, get yer own." Troy said holding his forehead.

"Violence is usable by me when my friends are hurt"

"Well, no one's hurt aside from a headache, and being overly enthusiastic is hardly a slapping offense. But why ARE you here, Twilight?"

"Yes... WHY?"

"I... I just wanted to help."

"You are suppose to be home..."

"Let er help. From what Ah hear, this ain't exactly her first all nighter. Though it'll definitely be her toughest. May as well grab some coffee Twilight. We're here till sunrise."

Matthew sighed and agreed. The trio worked hard almost all night, it wasn't until 1am when they stopped for sleep. The next morning, despite the group's best efforts, Henry still felt ill.

"Well, we've done all we can do." Troy said groggily. "C'mon you lot, time to fire up the engines."

The other drivers and girls looked at them worriedly. Troy chuckled, "Don't you worry none. Ah dunno bout those two, but gimme a few minutes and a lot of caffeine and Ah'll be right as rain."

Twi and Matthew shook their heads before firing Thomas up for the morning. Henry usually pulled the first train in the morning, and this thought was running through Thomas's mind as Matthew and Twilight worked to get him ready. Soon, at the station, Matthew was driving Thomas around to shunt.

"Come along! Come along!" Thomas fussed.

"There's plenty of time! There's plenty of time!" grumbled the coaches.

"Calm down Thomas, we do have plenty of time," Matthew said between yawns.

As they reached the platform, Thomas just got even more excited, "Let's go around to the front now!" he said.

"Thomas, we can't, we have to see if the other workmen managed to get Henry fixed," Twilight answered.

"Alright." Thomas sighed.

They waited and waited. The people got in. The conductor and stationmaster walked up and down. The porters banged the doors. But still, Henry didn't come. During all of this, Thomas just got more and more excited. Soon, the racket drew Sir Tophamm Hatt's attention, and he came to see what was the matter.

"Where is Henry?," He asked, confused.

"He's not feeling well sir," said Twilight.

"Then find another engine!" He ordered.

Matthew yawned, sighing, "There's only Thomas, sir."

"You'll have to do it then, Thomas. Be quick, now!" Sir Tophamm said. So Thomas ran round to the front at once.

Matthew sighed, "Be patient now Thomas, wait until everything is ready."
In their sleep deprived state, neither Twilight or Matthew remembered to get out and couple Thomas to the train. Soon, the whistle for Edward, who was taking a freight train, was blown. Hearing that, Thomas's crew thought that was them and started. Thomas, being so excited, didn't realise he had left the coaches behind. Between the tired crew and the excited engine, none of them heard the calls from the station to stop. Nor did they hear calls from a bridge they went over, or the first 2 signal boxes they passed. But soon, they came to a signal set to danger.
"Bother." thought Thomas. "And I was going so nicely too."

He let out an angry "peep peep" on his whistle.

A signal man walked up and spoke, "Hello Thomas, what are you doing here?"

"I'm pulling a train, don't you see it?" Thomas replied.

"Well where are your coaches then?" asked the signalman.

The trio gasped and looked back, Thomas' face falling instantly. "We... We must have left them behind." Thomas said.

"Well, I'd say your best bet is to hurry back and fetch them." the signalman replied.
And they did just that, Thomas starting to sob.

Back at the station, Troy was wondering how HE had gotten stuck with dealing with the crowd.

"Is this some kind of joke?!"

"Why did that foolish little engine leave the ENTIRE TRAIN?!"



"Would everyone please just SHUT UP!!" Troy roared. This was met with instant silence "Okay. Now. What happened, was an honest mistake. The engine's crew and myself were up all night last night trying to get Henry feeling better, so they probably made a couple rookie mistakes. We do apologize, and word has already been sent down the line to stop them and send them back. So if you'll all just calm down, they'll be back soon, and we can get you on your way. Ya bunch o assholes."
As the crowd started to argue back, Thomas returned. As they saw the tears running down his face, they couldn't be cross anymore.

"Bout damn time y'all made it back." Troy said to the crew. "Apparently, after this, Ah hafta babysit you two for the rest of the day."

Matthew had tears in his eyes as well. "No you don't, not me at least," He said sadly. He got out of the cab and started to walk away. Troy just grabbed his collar and held him there.

"Now you listen to me." he said, his voice low and serious. "If you think I'm going to let you give up, you've got another thing coming. Now get back in that cab, get that engine ready to start while I go couple him to the train." Troy sighed. "Look. The only reason Ah'm taggin along is because Fluttershy can handle the local runs without me, and you two are still half asleep. If it makes ya feel any better, Ah'll be rejoining my crew later today after you've woken up. Like Ah told the jackasses, Ah mean passengers, it was an honest mistake."

Surprising him and everyone who knew him, he punched Troy in the shoulder before running off before he could be caught, "Dammit!" Troy swore, running after him.


"Not happening!" he responded.

Enveloping him in her magic, Twilight lifted him and floated him back to Thomas. "He needs time to cool down anyways."

Troy struggled for a few minutes before he just sighed. "As long as this doesn't come back to bite us." he said. 'Looks like Ah need to double down on mah training' he thought to himself. "Let me go get Thomas hooked up, and we'll get this train rolling"

Soon they were off, Meanwhile Fluttershy and Edward, who had finished a round of shunting, saw Matthew run past, "Hm? Has something happened at the station?" Edward asked. But Fluttershy was too worried to answer and flew after him. "Fluttershy! Come back here! You're going to leave me without a driver!"

She blushed and returned, "S-sorry."

"It's okay, But don't forget you have an important job." admonished the old engine. She nodded and they got back to work. Later that evening, the other engines were laughing at Thomas.

"Look, there's Thomas, who wanted to pull a train! But forgot about the coaches." laughed Gordon.

Henry laughed as well, "What's next, leaving his shed without a driver or firemare."
Thomas was on the verge of tears. All laughter stopped abruptly however when a knife embedded itself in Henry's buffer beam.

"Fancy that funny do ya?" Troy asked from his spot on top of Edward's cab. "I seem to recall a certain green engine that was supposed to be in front of those coaches instead of Thomas but was too sick." He jumped down and grabbed the knife before walking out. "Ah'm goin to look for Matthew. Behave."

Henry grunted in pain and surprise, the others watching shocked. Edward sighed.
"We really need to talk to him about that anger problem. However,he does make a valid point. The child is still new, and his crew were sleep deprived. What's your excuses for Gordon's Hill and Henry's Tunnel, hm?"

The ponies laughed as the two engines spluttered and stuttered. Matthew was at his home, having recently woken from a nap, and crying. He was surprised by a loud banging at the door.

"Alright Matthew Hope. You open this damn door! Ah know yer in there!" Matthew did nothing, he was only silent, "If you don't open the door, I WILL kick it down!"

While it didn't open, there was the tell-tale click of it unlocking. Troy sighed, "Fair enough." It didn't take long to find Matthew after that. "Alright, Ah know yer sensitive, but damn, man. The big man put me in charge as a safety precaution, not because yer not capable."


"Actually, that would be Henry. His designer if you want to get into technicalities."

"Gordon on his hill, I was the driver. Henry in the tunnel, me. Gordon's safety valve, me. I was driving Thomas when Gordon pulled him, and I was driving him today, ALL ME"

"In order: Gordon was being a brat, Henry was being stupid, mechanical issue, Gordon was being a brat, and as Ah said, Henry, technically his designer."

"I am the one who pulled Thomas' lever."

"And? Engines have a multi-man crew for a reason. Things happen. Quit trying to take the blame."

Matthew just sighed and stopped talking, tired of arguing.

"Look, just be ready in the morning, alright? Ah'll be by to pick you up at the usual time."

Matthew sighed without answering and left, heading to his bedroom.


But for a long time afterwards the other engines laughed at Thomas, and said: "Look, there's Thomas, who wanted to pull a train but forgot all about the coaches!"

Down the Hills

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Thomas used to grumble in the shed at night. "I'm tired of pushing coaches, I want to see the world!"


The sun rose on Sodor, but all was not beautiful this morning. And nowhere was it better reflected than in the face of Troy Blaze. He was still upset over the night before.

"He better not skip out today. We got too much to do to be down a man."
The first sign of trouble was his van being gone when Troy arrived. Troy pulled in and parked before looking around and seeing a note taped to the door. The note read as follows:

“Dear Troy, I am sorry but I just can't do this. I will be back in a day or too, don't worry. I am not leaving, I just need time. From, Matthew.”

Troy just stared at the note for a bit. "Dammit boy, you know better. Well, nothin Ah can do about it but just head on in and inform the big man about it." With that, he snatched the letter down, got back in his truck and drove away. Meanwhile, in his office, Sir Topham was going over the schedule for the day. He was somewhat surprised when the phone started ringing as he wasn't expecting any calls this early.

"Sir Topham Hatt speaking."

"Morning sir." came Troy's voice.

"What happened this time?"

"Ah'm afraid Matthew won't be coming in today. Left a note stating he needs time off, and Ah'm pretty sure he never bothered to call last night."

"Actually he did, even when sad, he still cares for his job."

"Good. Wasn't sure with how bad off he was. Anyway, it's looking like we'll have to rework the driver assignments. Ah'll talk to the guys and see what we can come up with. Should Ah expect you at the sheds?"

"I already have been doing rearrangements and thankfully the next few days have low activity."

"Do ya reckon Twilight can handle the yard work on her own?"

"I do believe so, she is a very smart pony."

"Alright, then we'll leave her to it. Goodbye sir."

"Goodbye Troy."

It wasn't long before he was pulling into the sheds. The others, Twilight especially, were confused as to why he was alone. "Where's Matthew?," the purple Alicorn asked.

"He decided to cash in some of his vacation days." Troy replied.

"But, I, WHAT???"

"Said he needed some time off. Don't worry, you're just shunting today."

“Oh, are you sure I am ready?"

"If I wasn't, you wouldn't be on your own."

"I guess so, okay, I will get to work."

"Good. Now let's get these engines steamed up."

The other drivers and ponies arrived, setting to work for the morning. Despite the occasional ask of where Matthew was, the day progressed as normal. It felt like no time at all before the moon was chasing the sun from the sky and the engines were coming home to their sheds.That night, due to not having Matthew around to stop him, Thomas continued to talk about seeing the world. The next morning, everyone gathered at the sheds, except Matthew.

Gordon couldn't help but snort, "Looks like he is gone again, where could that lazy man be?"

"Lazy? Coming from the one who was too sorry to get a train up a hill? That's funny." Troy snarked.

Gordon just sputtered as the engines set to work. That evening, Thomas was the first engine in the sheds.

"When can I pull trains? I want to see the world!" He said.

Twilight just sighed and patted his side as another engine rolled into the sheds.
"Patience child. You'll get your chance." said Edward.

Thomas sighed, "But I want it now..."

"And what did that impatience get you last time?"

“But I would wait to be coupled.”

"It's a shame really. With how well you and Twilight were doing, Troy and I had discussed letting you two taking our goods train tomorrow. But with all that impatience, hmm. I don't know..."

Thomas gasped and gained a pleading look. "Please Please Please, I promise to be patient and calm, PLEASE!!!"

Troy and Edward just looked at each other, then to Thomas and back again a few times before bursting into laughter. "Well now, Ah expect you ta remember that promise tomorrow." Troy joked before getting a serious look on his face. "An Ah expect both of you to listen very well and very closely to what we say tomorrow. Those freight cars aren't called the 'Troublesome Trucks' fer a laugh. Now, do Ah make mahself clear?”

Thomas would have saluted if he had arms and Twilight did so, both agreeing in unison. The little blue engine also thanking Edward for his kindness profusely. The next morning, Thomas and Twilight were shown to the freight yard.Twilight was worrying about how things would go as Matthew was still missing.

"Ah suggest you calm down and focus on the task ahead Twilight. Last thing we need is you two getting in an accident because yer distracted." Troy said.

She blushed a bit before speaking, "Maybe you can come?"

Troy thought for a second before replying. "You know what, Ah might better." With that, he hopped into Thomas's cab. Twilight sighed in relief as they started out of the shed.

As Thomas gathered the cars, Troy began advising Thomas and Twilight.
"Alright, now listen up. The freight cars are silly and noisy. They talk a lot and don't attend to what they're doin. And, Ah'm sorry to say, they'll play tricks on an engine that's not used to them."

"I shunted trucks all the time back in Brighton," the tank engine replied.

"All well and good, but how often did you take them down the line?" Troy asked.

"I transported them to different stations once or twice," He replied as he was being backed up.

"Then you're not used to them like me and Edward are." Troy said. "Especially as this train is going over Gordon's hill." While this wasn't the official name for the hill, all the workers had taken to calling it that, much to Gordon's dismay.

"I have gone over hills before, I am fine, grandpa," The engine laughed as he spoke.

"We'll see." Troy said. The cars, however, were giggling and plotting amongst themselves.

Thomas backed up to the trucks with a bump. "Ow ow ow!" they screamed. Troy looked back at them with worry evident on his face.

"Ah shit." He said before jumping out of the cab and walking up to the freight cars. 'Damned if Ah do, damned if Ah don't. Might as well go for it.' He thought. "Alright, calm down you lot. He's still new and didn't mean it."

The trucks only laughed at this, and continued to plot. Troy just shrugged as he walked away.

"Well, if anything does happen, Ah suppose it would be handy to have extra firewood around the house." he said just loud enough for the trucks to hear.
The trucks ignored this and continued to plot as Twilight blew Thomas' whistle. Troy was still looking worried as he climbed aboard.

"What's wrong?" Twilight asked.

"We're in fer a world 'o trouble when we reach that hill." Troy said. Twilight started to panic, then got an idea, "We should be fine if we stop at the top and set the brakes."

"If the little devils let us. Well, that's a problem for later. For now, let's just focus on getting there."

Twilight nodded as she blew the whistle again, the trie setting off along the mainline. Thomas was having the time of his life. "Come along! Come along!" he called.

The trucks giggled and laughed calling out, "we won't go, we won't go," in reply.
They clattered through stations and rumbled over bridges. Thomas blew a happy "peep peep" on his whistle as they rushed through the tunnel where Henry had been shut up.

Twilight was checking the gauges as they went along. "It seems okay so far," she commented.

Meanwhile, off in Wiltshire, Matthew was near the incline just outside of Box Tunnel, which was part of The Great Western Railway. He was watching engines being helped up the incline by bankers. A little boy, who was with his mother and father, was watching with him.

Back on Sodor, Thomas was rushing down the line, stations, tunnels, and fields shooting by. "Honestly, Ah'm surprised how well we're doin. You keep this up kid, and you might just get to help out on the main line from time to time." Troy said. In her mind, Twilight suddenly started to get worried, commenting on how well things were going always seemed to jinx it. Troy noticing the look on her face, decided to comment.

"If you're worried about what we're sayin, well, ya can't jinx something that's already cursed." he said.

"Wh-what do you mean already cursed," she asked, panicking more.

"Calm down. What Ah mean is that the only reason they haven't tried anything yet is because they haven't had a chance." Troy replied.

"A-and they won't, right?"

"Twi, as much as Ah wanna comfort you, Ah'm not about to lie to ya. They're gonna try something, and it's up to us to make sure nothing comes of it. But we won't be able to if ya don't calm down a bit. Cooler heads and all that."

"But but, I, it's gonna, but," She continued to panic as they approached the hill. Troy just sighed and lightly smacked her in the back of the head.

"Focus! Ah need all hands on deck! Understand?" She gasped and took a deep breath before nodding. "Alright, good. Now get ready, we're gettin close."
With that said, the two kept a close eye out and as they approached the top, Troy called out "Alright, keep it steady!" as he shut the throttle and began to apply the brakes.

Thomas was still extremely happy and simply called out, "We're Stopping, We're Stopping."

"No, no!" screamed the trucks. "On! On! On!" and banging their buffers, they pushed Thomas down the hill, and were rattling and laughing behind him.
"HELP, HELP, STOP PUSHING, STOP PUSHING," Called Thomas, trying his hardest to stop. But the trucks took no notice. "Go on, go on!" they giggled in their silly way.

Troy and Twilight could only hold the brakes on and hope for the best. The Trucks pushed him along the line for a good distance when Twilight gasped, "It's Wellsworth, and the points are set to the siding."

"Good. At least if we can't slow down enough, the damage will be minimal." Troy said grimly. Twilight suddenly smacked her forehead and gasped, horn igniting.
"I trust you have an idea?" Troy said. Thomas started to slow substantially quicker. "Keep that up. We're still comin in way too hot"

She increased the power of the spell as Thomas continued to slow.
As Thomas shot thorough the station and into the siding, he shut his eyes tight. "I've got to stop!" he said. When he opened them, he saw he had stopped just in front of the buffers. They all gave a sigh of relief but then the sound of a throat being cleared sent chills through Thomas, who suddenly looked like a child busted for sneaking candy.

"Welp, looks like it's time to walk the green mile." Troy said before climbing down from the cab.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Sir Topham Hatt asked.

Troy did a quick and obvious count. "Ah'd say two humans, one pony princess, one steam engine and the nine cars that make up this morning's freight train sir." he said with a fake smile. The suited man glared at Troy intensely. "Ehhehe, right, well, uh, anyway, the morning freight has been delivered on time, sir. We just had a small hiccup on the way down the hill.

"I should say so. Thomas, Twilight, what are you both doing here and why did you come in so fast?"

"That would be me, sir." Troy said quickly. "The kid wanted another shot at a train, and they've done exceptional work in the yard, so Edward and I agreed to let them try a small run."

"I am sorry Troy, no matter your intentions, you have caused severe confusion and delay."

"Delay?" Troy asked rubbing the back of his head. "From the speed we were going, I was sure we were early. Ah well, what's the damage chief?”

"The Delay comes in now, Do you see that shed on the other side of the yard?" At the nod of the man and pony, he continued, "You will shunt the trucks into one side of the shed, then put Thomas in the other. You will then wait for Edward and Fluttershy to arrive with a coach. Thomas is to be left here as you 2 are taken to where these goods are needed and then home."

"Just so we're clear, I'm still coming to work tomorrow, right?" Troy asked.

"If Matthew was here, no, but since he is still abroad, yes."

"So I'm fired when he gets back then?"

The controller sighed and put his hand on Troy's shoulder. "Troy," he started, "You and Matthew are like sons to me, I would only ever fire you if you did something that put the railway in danger. That is why, as long as he doesn't stay gone for over 2 weeks, Matthew still has a job here."

"Fair enough. So, suspension instead? I can live with that. It'll gimme time to practice my guitar and ocarina." Troy said. "Till Matthew gets back however, I've got work to do, so if you'll excuse me, sir, these demons aren't going to shunt themselves."

"Actually, technically, you can't have any suspension, I have a plan for Thomas."


"You, Fluttershy, and Twilight, are to report here for the foreseeable future. Edward and Thomas will stay here until further notice. This will be done to properly train Thomas in the art of coach and truck pulling."

Troy snapped a salute at that. "Understood, sir."

"Now, off to work you three."

"Consider us gone" The next day, after hearing the news of changes from Sir Topham, a certain van pulled up to the parking lot of Wellsworth. The man and two ponies that had been working on getting the engines up to steam caught sight of this.

"Well hell, it's about time!" called Troy. Of course, the van belonged to no other than Matthew. "Ya plannin on doin some work today?" Troy continued.

"Yes, yes I am, so what are we doing today?"

"Training the kid on proper train pulling. We've just about got em up to pressure, so why don't you go get in that cab?"

He nodded and got in, setting to work instantly. Things went smoothly, and Thomas and the girls learned a lot before the next big incedent. But that's another story.


"After pushing them about here for a few weeks, you'll know almost as much about them as Edward. Then, you'll be a Really Useful Engine."

Proving Yourself

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"Every day the fat director came to the station to catch his train, and he always said 'Hullo' to Thomas."


A few days after Thomas's incident, he and Edward were still working in the yard with their usual crews, plus one. Troy, after much effort, had managed to convince Twilight to bring Spike along with her that morning, and he was now helping Troy and Fluttershy in Edward's cab. Thankfully, it was an easy day and there was not much shunting to be done. However, a familiar blue car soon drove up.

"Hello all," Started the controller. “Troy, I have a job for you 3 days from now."

"What kinda job?" asked Troy as he hopped down from Edward’s cab.

"A new mixed traffic engine is coming and I need you to help put him through his paces with a goods train.”

"Sure thing. Be nice to run a train again." He turned to Spike. "Wanna come with, Little Bit?"

Twilight had a bad feeling about that for some reason, perhaps a form of motherly instinct? But they wouldn't be possible, she was not Spike's mom, right?. Anyways, she voiced her opinion. "Uhm, Troy? I don't think that is a good idea." Troy turned back to Twilight.

"Maybe not. But the kid's got potential, and the freight cars aren't that bad once you know how to handle them." he said flashing a thumbs up.

"But, this is an engine you have never driven before."

"It's just like a new stick shift. Ya just gotta go real easy and get a feel for it before you start really running." Troy replied.

"But, But, I, uhm..."

"Twilight. He'll be fine. Kid's got thick skin and at the first sign of trouble, he'll be the first one out of the cab, alright?" Troy said.

Twilight sighed as she looked at the man, "It just feels like something bad is gonna happen is all." Troy just smiled.

For a second, Twilight could have sworn there was a hint of regret in it. "Trust me, Spike's not the one you'll need to worry about. I'll chuck him out myself before he gets hurt." he said.

Twilight couldn't help but frown at the way he phrased that. "I don't want you hurt either Troy."

He just shrugged. "Meh. Ah'd prefer to stay alive and whole too, but if it comes down to me or the kid, well, that's a pretty easy decision innit. Right, well. We'd better get movin. These cars aren’t gonna sort themselves. Let’s go, Spike.” Then Troy had an idea. "Hey Twi, why not have Spike work with us for the next few days? I'm sure he'll learn as much as Thomas." The purple alicorn sighed and nodded.

"Fine, I suppose you are right, he can join us for a few days."

"Great! Let's hop to!" Troy said. For the next few days they worked hard making sure Thomas learned about shunting, caring for coaches, and more. Thursday came, the day before the new engine was due to arrive when Thomas noticed something in the corner of the yard.

"Matthew, what are those?" Thomas asked.

"Those are Cranes, but you probably already knew that part, huh?"

"Uh-uh. What are they for?"

"Well the whole group is called the breakdown train and it must stay here. It is for lifting engines, cars, or coaches back on the rails if there is a crash."

"Then I hope it stays there!" said Thomas.

"That is a hope of every railway worker everywhere Thomas."

Finally the day arrived. Fluttershy was with Edward, Twi, Matthew, and Thomas while Troy and Spike were at Vicarstown Station, waiting. "You excited Spike?" Troy asked.

"You bet! I get to meet a new engine and help on my first train!" The young drake said excitedly. Troy chuckled at Spike’s enthusiasm.

"Yeah, it kinda is a big deal ain't it? Though ya might wanna temper yer expectations a bit there son. Still gotta do the full inspection, an that could take a bit." Seeing Spike's face fall, Troy grinned and kept going. "Though I suppose it might go a bit quicker if I had, oh Ah don't know, maybe a number one assistant helpin out?"

The dragon laughed as they waited for the engine, and soon, he arrived. The engine that approached the platform was a redesigned Class 28 in a black livery. He seemed to be both nervous and completely sure of himself at the same time, which thoroughly impressed Troy. "How ya doin? You must be the new engine Sir Topham is bringing in."

"Y-Yes, I am, My name is James."

"Well, nice to meet ya James. Ah'm Troy, an this here is Spike. We'll be doin yer run in today. Course first, Ah need to conduct an inspection to ensure yer ready to go out."

"Uhm, okay, that makes sense I guess... Uhm, did Mr. Hatt tell you about my brakes?"

An eyebrow shot up at that. "No. An Ah want you in that sidin right now so I can take a look." Troy's stern expression softened and he sighed as he realized how he sounded. "Relax, I'm trained and certified to inspect an repair steam locomotives. You've got nothin to worry about." he said.

"Y-yes sir, but you need to drive me there. It's not that their are broken... they are wooden..."

"Hm. Ah don't like that." He sighed. "Well, let's get you over there and have a look then." He then climbed in the cab and moved James into the siding. Spike, meanwhile, walked to James's front as Troy looked the engine over.

"Hi," he started, "I am Spike, nice to meet you James."

"Hello Spike. If I may ask, what ARE you?"

Spike laughed for a bit before answering, "I am a dragon."

"Wow, I thought dragons weren't real?" Spike laughed again and briefly explained about Equestria. As Spike was finishing his explanation, Troy was also finishing his inspection.

"Well, aside from the brakes, everything looks alright." The man seemed to be debating about something.

"Spike, I'm calling Twilight. I'm not sure about this with those wood brakes. Honestly, who thought those were a good idea."

"What? NO I wanna help..." Spike was sad yes, but it seemed there was something else he wasn't fully conveying. Troy just couldn't tell exactly what.

"An Ah can respect that, but Ah'm more worried about yer safety."

"I am a tough dragon, I can handle some wooden brakes."

Troy just sighed. "Ah know Ah'm gonna regret this, but fine. Let's go, son." Not noticing the word son, he hopped into the cab. "Alright. Let's get started." Troy said. "So the first thing you're gonna want to do is spin the reverser to full forward." Troy grabbed Spike and lifted him to where he could reach the lever. "Alright, all the way to the right."

A little while later, back at Wellsworth, Edward was telling Thomas about some of the events from before he arrived as they moved around the yard. "And then," he said, "Henry and I helped Gordon to the sheds where Troy fixed his safety valve."
Thomas was giggling. "All that bragging and he burst his safety valve!" he laughed. The others laughed a bit before Edward remembered something. "Oh, Thomas, I just remembered something. Sir Topham will be here soon to see how well your getting on."

"He is? Do you think he'll be impressed?"

Edward smiled as he looked at the tank engine. "Yes, I believe he will Thomas, I believe he will." They all smiled for a bit before a whistle was heard, and a panicked one at that.

As the two engines looked to see the source of the whistle, a freight train came rushing through much too fast. "Help! Help!" called the engine. "They're pushing me!" It was James, and he was frightened. Thomas and Edward were shocked to see his brakes were on fire. The freight cars were rattling and laughing "On! On! On!" behind James. Still whistling "Help! Help!" poor James rushed out of the yard and disappeared into the distance.

Matthew and Twilight's faces paled as they realised the implications of this runaway. Matthew was first to snap out of his shock. "TROY!!"

"Spike's with him!" Twilight gasped. Then they heard an alarm. A worker came running up to Thomas.

"James has come off the line! We need the breakdown train! Quickly!"
Meanwhile, Sir Topham had just arrived and saw Thomas, Twilight, and Matthew shoot by with the breakdown train.

"Was that Thomas?," he asked himself in shock before going to Edward. "Edward, WHAT is going on here?" Edward explained, prompting the controller to hop in his cab. "Very well. Come on then, Edward. We must go at once."

Thomas soon arrived at the site of the accident, working as hard as he could to help clear enough debris to get to James. The freight cars groaned as they were pulled away. Thomas felt no sympathy for them and told them "This will teach you a lesson. This will teach you a lesson."

To which the cars responded with "Yes it will! Yes it will!"

"Bother these trucks and their tricks." Thomas said. "I hope poor James isn't hurt."
At the other end of the train, Troy, Spike and the fireman were looking James over to see if he was hurt. It didn't take long before they were finished.

"Don't worry none James. It was yer old wooden brakes and those idiotic freight cars that caused the accident."

Twilight, meanwhile, was hugging Spike. "Spike, are you okay?!" she asked.

"I told you mo- Twilight, I'm fine!" Spike replied.

Twilight was too worried to notice Spike's near slip-up, but Troy wasn't, though he remained respectfully silent. 'Well now, seems me an Spike are gonna have an interesting conversation tomorrow' he thought to himself.

Meanwhile, Thomas and Matthew had pushed the Breakdown Train into position to lift James. Troy decided to make himself useful by helping the workmen to secure the chains to James to get him back on the tracks. Once everything was ready, he signaled the crane operator to start lifting. The operators flipped the switches, the cranes starting to lift James. Thomas watched with wonder and amazement as the black engine rose into the air. It wasn't long before James was back on the rails. Sir Topham smiled once James was on the rails and walked up to Thomas and Matthew.

"James needs to be taken to the works, do you know the way?"

The tank engine smiled, "Yes sir, I do sir, it was where I was painted blue."

The controller nodded with a chuckle, "Yes it was, please shunt James there. Edward and Troy will help finish cleaning the wreckage."

"Yes sir!" Thomas said.

"We'll get it taken care of." said Troy. "C'mon, Spike! You're still part of mah crew fer the day, so hop to, boy!" he called. The dragon had a smile and hopped in Edward's cab, ready to help more. That night, as the sun had just finished setting, Thomas and Matthew were finally returning to Vicarstown Sheds. As soon as they entered the yard, the workers erupted in cheers and applause.

"What's going on?" asked Thomas.

"They are all cheering, for you buddy," Matthew replied, patting the side of Thomas' cab. "You did a good job today, and helped the most after James' accident."

"Aye, lad!" called a workman. "Ye did the work o' ten engines today ye did. Why, I'd wager yeh put even big Gordon to shame!"

Thomas just blushed, as they arrived at the shed proper and the engine was being rotated on the turntable, the ponies appeared and cheered for him as well, Edward, Eagle, and Henry congratulating him. Gordon didn't say anything, but even he smiled as a way of showing slight approval.

"Now hold yer horses, folks!" called Troy with a cheeky grin at the ponies. "We ain't heard what the big man himself has had to say yet." He then turned to Sir Topham. "After all sir, didn't you have an announcement to make?"

"Why yes I do Troy," the controller started, "James, shall have new brakes, a new coat of paint, and all the repairs he needs. Thomas, due to your active nature in the face of danger, want to help a friend, and excellent work ethic since the incident with the trucks, you shall have a branchline all to yourself."

At this the cheers were deafening. Thomas barely got out "Oh, thank you sir!"

"Congrats, kid." Troy said. "Ya've definitely earned this one."

Gordon sputtered and groaned, "But, but, who will fetch our Coaches? Tender engine are not meant to... shunt"

Before Sir Topham could answer, Troy piped up. "Well, looks like a perfect time to learn how. Might wanna get used to it, well, Ah can't rightly call ya Big Boy. Heh, you'd look like a toy next to one o' them." he said. The others burst out laughing at Gordon’s indignant expression.

"So anyway, as Ah was sayin. A branch line engine needs coaches if they're gonna be any use." Troy continued. "Well, Sir Topham an I were going over the rollin stock, an we found a couple of coaches that haven't been used in years that you can use. We'll get you introduced to em tomorrow."

A few days later, Troy had brought his guitar to the sheds. Thomas was about to start his first official run on his branchline. He had been practicing with empty trains and was finally ready to start. A puffing filled the air as a red engine slowly approached the sheds. Thomas gasped and smiled. "JAMES? Is that you?"

"Yes, Thomas. How do you like my new paint?" True to Sir Topham's word, James had received a completely new paint job. He was now a brilliant red with gold banding and his dome shone with polished brass.

"You look... Splendid," the little blue engine replied.

"I know. And, I am ready to do work. what’s first for me?"

"Sorry James, I don't know, I am off to run my new Branchline," The blue engine smiled and Matthew blew the whistle and pulled the lever, Thomas leaving the shed to head to the yards. Gordon was being by a different driver that day, said driver having made a mistake and brought him to the station too early. As Gordon slept, wanting to catch up on the sleep he missed, Thomas pulled in and smiled.

A rule on the North Western Railway, as with most, is that engines had to whistle before leaving the station to ensure nobody would be injured for any reason. Thomas couldn't help but grin cheekily as he blew a loud "PEEP PEEP" on his whistle as he pulled out.

"WAKE UP LAZYBONES, really useful engine coming through," the tank engine called, giggling as he rolled along the line and away from the station. Gordon spluttered awake at that.

"Cheeky little tank engine." he grumbled. Rainbow sighed but had a smile, speaking to the engine. Further down the line, Thomas had just taken the points he needed to, officially on the Ffarquhar Branch. As he pulled into the first station, Sir Topham Hatt was standing on the platform with the passengers.

"Thomas, I am very proud of you. I know you’ll represent the North Western very well. Remember, these passengers are counting on you." he said.

"Yes Sir," the little blue engine replies, "I promise to not let you down." His whistle was blown once all the passengers were aboard and Thomas rolled on.

"Hey Thomas." Matthew started, "Troy and I have a surprise." Twilight was confused, but smiled in understanding when she saw Troy sit on a box with his guitar. Troy cracked his knuckles to limber them up and began to play. As the music echoed across the island, Matthew started them off.

"He's a really useful engine, you know, All the other engines they'll tell you so. He huffs and puffs and whistles, Rushing to and fro, He's the really useful engine we adore!"

Troy joined in for the next part as they continued to sing, Thomas puffing along his new branchline.


"Now Thomas is as happy as can be. He has a branch line all to himself, and puffs proudly backwards and forwards with two coaches all day. He is never lonely, because there is always some engine to talk to at the junction. Edward and Henry stop quite often, and tell him the news. Gordon is always in a hurry and does not stop; but he never forgets to say 'Poop, poop' to little Thomas, and Thomas always whistles 'Peep, peep' in return."


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Life on Sodor soon found a new sense of normal as Thomas worked happily on his new branchline. However, a few weeks later, something interesting happened. One day, Sir Topham came to the station to greet the engines, ponies, Matthew, and Troy.

"Somethin on yer mind Sir?" asked Troy.

"Only good news Mares, Gentlemen, and Engines," He started with a smile. "For the past month, I have been in talks with the London, Midland, and Scottish Railway. They have agreed to allow the Express and other trains terminate at Barrow-in-Furness."

Troy whistled at the news. "That's a mighty big town. An a big town means a big station. And that means a lot more passengers, and plenty more revenue to keep up our fleet, or even expand it." he said.

"Indeed Troy, However, this will result in 2 somewhat major changes for the railway."

"And those are?"

"Instead of Vicarstown, Tidmouth will now be the main station, and the extra revenue the railway makes will go to upgrading said station. As for the other, I am sure you all have noticed building materials being delivered to The town of Tidmouth over the past 2 weeks?"

The information clicked in the engineer's head like tumblers falling into place. "Yer bulidin a new engine shed at Tidmouth too, aren't you?" he asked.

The other engines gasped with some excitement as the controller nodded. "Indeed, and it is very near completion"

"Rockin. We'll have to check it out later." Troy replied. He then turned to Matthew. "What ya think, buddy?"

"Sounds like it will get really busy around this island soon."

"He's got a point. Any plans to keep things running smooth?"

The controller nodded and began to explain his plans. "Until the 5 of you, meaning James as well, get used to the new changes, I will have engines come and go to help for weeks at a time."

"That actually sounds pretty fun." Troy said. "That said, what are our orders, chief?"

"A few more arrangements must be made before schedule changes come into effect, so today is normal"

"Understood. C'mon Shy, we've got passengers waiting." Troy said as he climbed into Edward's cab.

A little later, William was talking to Matthew about Thomas. "You should have been there William, Gordon dragged Thomas like he was a toy." Matthew said.

William fumed. "I notice no one's brought up what his crank axles were like thanks to that,"

"What do you mean?" Matthew asked.

"I was there at the works, and cor blimey, how hot they were! If Gordon had gone any faster, and any than he did, then Thomas's crank axels would have melted!" This caused Matthew to gasp and ask more about it.

Meanwhile, Edward was puffing cheerfully through the countryside. In his cab, Troy and Fluttershy were teaching Spike more about running a locomotive. Well, mostly Troy. "SPIKE! Yer lettin yer boiler run low again!"

"Sorry!" Spike gasped.

Troy just chuckled as he opened the injector. "That single minded focus o yours might be pretty handy helping Twilight, but ya gotta loosen up here." Troy explained. "While you were starin out ahead of us, you missed all yer readings drop on the gauges. Though, I suppose yer size might be part o the problem. Kinda hard to multi-focus on reading the gauges, working the controls, AND watch ahead when you can't even see out the window."

Spike seemed to deflate at each word. Especially when Troy brought up his height.
"Son, let me tell ya somthin." Troy said.

"What? That I should be proud of what I HAVE accomplished?" Spike asked, a little more belligerent than he meant to. Troy just smiled knowingly.

"After a fashion. What Ah was GOING to say, is that I've seen recruits that have everything goin for em, and still can't manage a train near as well as you're doin. Say, I got a day off comin up. Wanna go fishin with me down at the river?" The dragon nodded with a sigh, too upset with himself to speak.

Troy's expression turned stoic at that. He knelt down and grabbed Spike by the shoulders and looked him in the eyes before speaking with a seriousness that neither Spike or Fluttershy had heard before.

"Spike, listen to me, and listen good. Ah'm not sayin these things to be mean. It's just simple facts that you're not good at this yet. But you CAN be. But you're lettin a few criticisms get you down, but that's how you learn. We all make mistakes. Learn and grow from them. And look forward to that fish fry me an you are gonna do with all those fish we catch."

He nodded, still a bit too down in the dumps to talk, but he now had a small smile and worked harder than before. Troy sighed playfully. "Well, it's an improvement, Ah suppose."

Spike nodded as they continued on down the line, a few days later, they were indeed fishing on a river by Thomas' new Branchline. "You enjoyn yerself there, kiddo?" Troy asked.

"Yes, I have never fished before, this is really fun." The dragon was much happier than he had been a few days ago.

"Well, glad to hear yer havin fun. Cause Ah'm curious about somethin." Troy said.

"Sure Troy, ask away."

"Back when James had his accident, I heard you slip a bit when you were talking to Twilight. Coulda swore it sounded like you was about to call her 'Mom.'" Troy looked over at the young drake with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.

Spike nearly dropped his fishing rod in shock at the question. "I uhm, well, you see, I," He stuttered, trying to come up with an answer.

Troy just laughed. "Honestly, it's pretty obvious to anybody that pays attention. An no offense to Twilight, but that girl has a real hard time seein the forest for the trees. An it sounds like you still don't wanna confront how you feel."

Spike sighed and spoke. "I am just worried she will laugh at me, or not understand."

"Doubt it." Troy said simply.


Think about it, son. After James wrecked, what was the first thing she did? She beelined it right to you and started fussin over you like a mother hen. No, I think she feels the same way and just doesn't realize it."

"I guess you could be right, but she usually just calls me her assistant, and sometimes makes me do stuff that is very hard to do alone... Sometimes it feels like she doesn't care about me."

"My Mom made me do hard stuff too. Chores are just part of the deal. An honestly, when I was younger, I felt the same way sometimes, but I was dead wrong. An like I said, she probably doesn't realize she feels the same, so she settles on 'assistant.'"

"How can I tell her though?"

"Son, yer askin the wrong one. Only advice I can give you is to just tell her, and I doubt yer gonna listen to it."

"I guess telling her would be best, but I am just not sure..."

"It would be, but at the end o the day, it's your call." Troy paused as he heard a whistle. "Well well, and here comes Thomas."

"Hey Troy, why does Thomas have a 1 on his side when none of the other engines have numbers?"

"Well, apparently all engines are required to have running numbers now, and Thomas was the first to get one, hence why he carries the number 1. Edward is getting his today, which is why I have the day off, and since he's the second to get his number, he'll be number 2, and so on." Troy replied.

"Oh, okay, I guess that mak- HEY I felt a tug on my line."

"Alright, hold still, wait for him to run with it, then yank back on it."

The dragon did what Troy said and yanked the line hard, reeling it in as he did.
Once they got it in, it was revealed to be a good sized catfish.

"Yo, now THAT is a catch." Troy said. "Hang on, lemme get mah camera. We need a picture o this."

Troy stood next to Spike, proud smiles on both their faces, the catfish between them, as the camera's timer reached zero and took the picture from where Troy had put it on the cooler.

"Thanks Troy!"

"No problem kiddo. Tell ya what, when we get done, Ah'll let you get an idea of what driving is like. Ah prefer to stick to the back roads anyway." Troy said.

"That sounds fun"

"Just wait." Troy said, a familiar impish grin forming on his face.

"I know that look"

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Troy said, quite unconvincingly, it must be said.

"If I get hurt, I blame you" Spike expected Troy to joke back, not the look of hurt and regret he saw for a brief moment. "Are you okay? I'm not the only one with a secret, am I?" asked Spike. Troy just laughed.

"And here I am giving you advice, huh? Yeah, sorry Spike. it just brought up bad memories is all. But hey, I'm a WAY better driver now than I was then." Troy's grin was back in full force. "Sides, YOU talked me into it, remember?" He joked.


The two enjoyed a few more peaceful hours on the river bank fishing and joking before it was time to leave. After they got everything loaded up in the back of the truck, Troy climbed in.

"Alright Spike, sit in my lap and grab the steering wheel." he said. The young dragon doing so soon after."

As Troy turned the key and started the engine, Spike let out a small gasp.
"It's different feelin the power rather than just hearin it, huh?" Troy asked. Spike just nodded. "Don't worry, we'll keep it slow for now, and I'll be doin most of the work. Ya know, the funny thing is, this is how mah Pawpaw taught me to drive when Ah was your age.

"Hehe, this is fun."

Troy grinned. "Ready to kick it up a notch?" he asked.


"Then hang on!" Troy then stomped the gas pedal to the floor and sent the rear tires squealing as the truck turned sideways in the curve, the V8 roaring through the dual exhaust. Troy felt the familiar adrenaline rush and let out an excited "YEEEEEHAAA!" as he drifted around the curve.

Spike was scared at first, but soon grew to love it.

"THAT WAS AMAZING" Spike exclaimed.

"Aye." agreed Troy. "Just remember, not a word to yer Mom when we get home."

“Why?” Spike asked innocently.

“Cause she’ll roast BOTH of us if she finds out.” Troy replied.

'Maybe. Just maybe, it's time I faced up to myself.' Troy thought.

Wheeshing and Whooshing

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Dear Mom and Dad,

I am sure you heard about the new engine, James' crash. He, as well as Troy and Spike are fine. James did have trouble fitting in for a while though, and had all sorts of adventure. I hope you enjoy them and laugh like I did.

Love, Matthew

"James was a new engine who lived at a station at the other end of the line. He had two small wheels in front and six driving wheels behind. They weren't as big as Gordon's, and they weren't as small as Thomas's."


It was a beautiful morning on the Island of Sodor. The sun shone brightly as the crews worked to get their engines ready for the days work. James, having been back for a few days was finally allowed to try his hand, or buffer as the case may be, at pulling a passenger train. As the crews bustled about, Sir Topham Hatt walked up along with Rarity. "Good morning everyone!" the controller smiled. "James, I'd like to have a word with you." James would have nodded if he was able, smiling as he responded. "Yes sir, what is it Sir?"

"Unlike most of the other engines here, you are a mixed traffic engine, and therefore can manage coaches or trucks with little difficulty. However, you must learn by your mistakes."

James was well aware of what Sir Topham was referring to.

"That said, I'd like for you to work with Edward and his crew today to learn how to manage coaches. And Rarity here has expressed interest in learning to be an engineer."

Rarity nodded quickly, but blushed slightly. "Yes, indeed, but I much prefer to work with Troy or Matthew at first. Preferable Matthew. Troy is nice and all, but Matthew seems a bit more focused most of the time, and bit less, uhm, energetic."

Troy crossed his arms. "What? Am Ah not good enough fer ya?" he teased.

"No, yes, I, uhm, oh you know what I meant darling," The alabaster mare responded, a bit flustered.

Troy simply laughed loud and hard. "Truth be told, it's probably for the best, anyway. You'll be learnin right along with James."

Rarity nodded, then realised something. "We will still be with you darling, you're with Edward, right?"

"Aye. We'll be out front to show you the ropes. Just listen to Matt, and you'll be fine. Though," -the teasing grin was back- "it's a shame about all that soot and coal dust about to get in that pristine white coat o’ yours."

Rarity took a deep breath, shaking slightly. "Y-yes, I I know, b-but I want to help the railway more."

"Well well, color me surprised. The diva's actually got a real strong spine! Now that. That Ah can respect." Troy said with a nod.

"Yes, well..." She walked to James with a blush.

"Alright, enough goofin around!" Troy called. "We gotta get to the yard an find us some coaches!" With that, he climbed into Edward's cab and they set off. Matthew, Rarity, and James followed once the turntable was in place. As they went across, a gust of wind rushed passed, Matthew smiling as they were soon headed to the yards.

As they gathered the coaches and brought them to the station platform, Edward decided to give James a bit of friendly advice.

"Be careful with the coaches James. They don't like being bumped."
"They can't be as bad as the trucks." said James.

"Actually, they can be worse." answered Troy. "The coaches can be even more vengeful than the freight cars."

"Maybe not as bad Troy," Matthew replied. "But they certainly do not like being bumped, that is true."

"Nah. See, the cars just ain't all there in the head. The coaches? Heh. They don't get back, they PLAN. But, so long as yer careful, there's nothing to worry about." Troy replied.

Matthew just rolled his eyes as they continued along the line. "Oh come on, you know Ah'm right!" Troy called. The pair continued to banter back and forth all the way to the platform.

Finally, Rarity had enough. "WILL YOU TWO PLEASE STOP? I came to learn how to drive an engine, not hear you both."

Troy just raised an eyebrow. "Rarity, how exactly do you go about your normal work? And no, Ah'm not settin up for a joke, Ah'm honestly curious."

"Well, uhm... usually I am alone, in my shop, working on dresses..."

"Pushin to yer limit, and stressin over it til yer done?"

"Y-yes, how did you know..."

"Figured it out when ya got upset over us goin back an forth. See, Ah have a philosophy about work. 'If you can't have fun with it, it's not worth it.' Ridin these rails is enough stress as it is. The 'arguing' is our way of cutting loose and having fun. Laughin's a good stress reliever, after all."

Rarity just got quiet for a bit, thinking. As the train pulled into the station, everyone gathered around to admire James.

The red engine smiled, Sir Topham Hatt walking up. "Well now." he said. "You're certainly looking splendid at the front of a train James. Just remember what we talked about earlier."

"Of course sir." James sat for a bit, growing more happy as more and more people complimented him.
'I really am a splendid engine' James thought importantly before letting of steam with a loud "WHEEEESH". Everyone jumped in surprise, and a shower of water fell on Sir Topham's nice new top hat.

James noticed this, and heard the guard's whistle, bumping Edward when Matthew opened the Regulator. "Let's go, Let's go."

Troy stumbled a bit in Edward's cab as he opened the regulator for Edward. "Hey watch it back there!" he called back to Matthew and James.
Matthew yelled back. "It's not me, James wants to go quickly for some reason."

"Well tell him to watch it! He almost knocked me off the damn footplate!" Troy responded.

James noticed that neither of them seemed to know about Sir Topham's new hat and began to feel a bit better. "Sorry Troy, I am just excited to be pulling my first passenger train," the red engine lied.

"Well, excited or not, you shouldn't go so fast." Edward cut in. He didn't much like starting quickly.

The coaches were grumbling too." Don't go so fast, don't go so fast." they said.

James sighed, still slightly sad, "I am sorry everyone, I promise to behave."
Everyone accepted this. Even so, when they reached the first station, two coaches were beyond the platform, and they had to reverse to let the passengers out. James apologized again, doing his best to stop right at the next station. As they pulled in, they saw Thomas waiting with his two coaches.

"Hello James. Feeling better? That's good!" he said kindly.

Matthew hopped out for a moment and walked over to the blue tank engine. "Hey Thomas, how is your branchline going?"

"Really good!" the young engine replied. "What about you?"

"We are doing fine, just a few hiccups is all. Sorry I can't drive you for a while, I just want to make sure James acclimates to the railway well."

"It's okay!" replied Thomas. Then they heard a whistle. "Oh, that's my guard! I have to go! I don't know what Sir Topham would do without me to run this branchline." And with that, he puffed away importantly.

Matthew laughed and hopped back into James' cab.

After they left the station, they passed the field where James had had his accident. The fence was mended, and the cows were back again. Not long after, they passed through the yard outside of Edward's station and started up the hill just down the line.
"Wow," James started, "This hill is steep."

"I've done it before." Edward replied with a grunt.

James was just glad he wasn't tackling the hill alone. Finally, they managed to pull the train up and over the long grade and decided to rest at the next station. They had to stop there anyways, so it all worked out.
"I'm impressed you managed that hill James." said Edward.

"What is that supposed to mean?” James asked angrily.

Edward smiled a rare, mischievous smile. "Do you know why we call it Gordon's Hill?" he asked.

"No, I don't." replied James.

"A few months back, Gordon had to take a goods train here and got stuck halfway up."

James listened to the story, and soon it was time to leave. About an hour later, they arrived at the last station.
"Well, here we are." said Edward. "Almost time to head home!"

James whistled in happiness, scaring an old woman and causing her to drop her handful of letters.

"Careful!" called Troy as he hopped out of Edward's cab. He then helped to pick up the lady's letters. "You should be more careful Ma'am." he said. "The engines are required to whistle on arrival and departure."

"Oh, I'm well aware of that!" the lady replied. "But it's not even close to time for them to leave, so I wasn't expecting it!"

"Fair enough." Troy replied.

Matthew ran up as well, slapping Troy after his comment. "It is not this woman's fault," he said, crossly. "Anybody can be scared by a whistle!"

"Ah'm aware!" Troy replied. "That's why Ah was sayin to be more careful! Jeez, and here Ah thought I was the violent one of the two of us."

"It sounded like you were being rude to her, and sorry. Maybe your rubbing off on me too much."

"Yeah, Ah guess I am pretty awesome." Troy said with a grin, only to get a telekinetic slap to the back of the head. "Oh come on! Can we focus a little bit less on the 'slap' part of slapstick?"

Matthew looked to Rarity, just in time to see her horn stop glowing. He winked at the mare before they all got back in theit respective engine's cab. Ready to leave for home.

As they set out, James began to wonder what Sir Topham was going to say about his new top hat, even after the day's work was through and he was resting quietly in the shed.


"James was quiet in the shed that night. He had enjoyed his day, but was a little afraid of what the Fat Controller would say about the top-hat!"

Leaks and Laces

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"Next morning the Fat Controller spoke severely to James: 'If you can't behave, I shall take away your red coat and have you painted blue.' "


The next day, James woke up nervously, and looked around. Nobody seemed mad at him, so he thought he was in the clear in regards to the top hat incident. However, as he was being prepped for the day, he heard a throat being cleared next to him. James looked over to see Sir Topham looking quite upset.

"James," he started, in a stern and upset, but still caring, voice. "I understand that accidents happen, but letting off steam on my new top hat was rather rude. If you can't behave, I shall take away your red coat and have you painted blue. Engines on my railway must be aware of things around them." He nodded to the engine and walked away. James knew Sir Topham only said it to try and get him to be more careful, and wasn't that upset at first. This all changed, however, when Marissa, a blue LSWR M7 who was helping out for a few weeks, began to tease him.

"How about that Big Red? Threatened over some simple steam, what a laugh." She proceeded to laugh rudely at James, who became very cross. Once Matthew pulled the throttle, the red engine jerked forward.

"Easy now James," Matthew said, "You don't want to cause any more trouble." This comment only proved to make James crosser. From Edward's footplate, Troy could only sigh.

"There'll be trouble over this, mark my words." he said as James puffed away.
In his foul mood, James didn't even try to be gentle while gathering the coaches from their sidings.

"Ouch! Ouch! DO be gentle!" they called. Matthew tried his best to lower the bumping to a minimum, but it did no good, James was still being very rude. He bustled into the station, growing crosser as he saw nobody around him unless they were boarding the coaches. It seemed word of the incident had spread, and nobody wanted to risk getting soaked.

"Why does a splendid red engine like me have to fetch his own coaches?" James complained. "Gordon doesn't have to. At least I'm worth looking at."

Rarity wanted to make a comment about how different colors suited different people, or engines as the case may be, but Matthew shook his head, stopping her. "Matthew dear. I understand not wanting to start a fight, but I feel that this is important." Rarity said.

"You can tell him when he is calmer, but," He began to whisper to the pony, "He seems to have a temper as firey as his paintwork, telling him now may anger him more."

"I...see." said Rarity doubtfully. "Well, it doesn't matter, we should be setting off soon."

Matthew nodded as everyone climbed on board. Soon, it was indeed time to leave and James shot off as soon as the throttle was pulled. "Woah James," his male driver said, "You need to be more careful."

But James wasn't listening at all. "I'll show them! They think I can't pull coaches, I'll show them!" he grumbled to himself. The train rattled over the points outside the station and onto the open Main Line. As they cleared the last set, James surged forward trying to go faster.

"Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!" he called. James's speed continued to rise, despite Matthew's attempts to slow him down. Soon, they were going so fast, the coaches were swaying from side to side.

"You're going too fast! Slow down, You're going too fast!" they cried. James simply laughed and tried to go even faster, but his crew had finally managed to get some control back. Matthew gave a relieved smile as he was now in slightly better control. Soon though, he noticed the brakes coming on as the coaches chanted.
"We're going to stop, we're going to stop, WE'RE GOING TO STOP!"

Soon enough, the train ground to a halt. "What's happened?" James asked. "Why have we stopped?"

Matthew hopped out and grumbled, speaking a bit rudely to the engine. "A leak in a pipe most likely. You've banged the coaches hard enough to put a leak in anything."

Rarity followed him out of the cab. "Matthew, while I do understand your frustration, don't you think you might have been just a teensy bit rude with James?"

"And he wasn't rude to us for ignoring our warnings of being careful?"

"Yes, but two wrongs don't make a right darling"

"You're right, they make a left." The man smirked as they soon found the leak in the pipe. "Well, here it is." he started, "Now how do we fix it? Hmm."

Rarity just sighed at the man's remark. As she thought about how to fix the problem, she recalled something. "I believe I may have the solution Matthew. Paper mache."

"We would need a lot of newspaper... NEWSPAPER, THAT'S IT!" The man hugged Rarity in excitement and began to start towards the back of the train, calling to her. "You start at the front, ask the passengers to get off." Once all the passengers had disembarked, Rarity addressed them.

"Our sincerest apologies ladies and gentlemen, but I'm afraid there's been a slight issue with the train." There was a general sound of grumbling from all but one passenger. "You see, our brake pipe has a hole in it, and we require some newspaper to mend it." Rarity continued.

The man was wearing brown shoes, blue overalls, red shirt, white gloves, and a red hat. He simply had an understanding smile as he listened to the Drivers. Matthew had a nervous expression as he spoke, "There is a leak in the brake pipe. We can use newspaper as a temporary cover, but we need a leather bootlace to ensure it stays on."

All the passengers murmured amongst themselves, but none of them were wearing boots. The locomotive crew couldn't help but wish Troy was there as boots were all he ever wore. There was however one man who was. He was dressed rather smartly complete with a bowler hat and his name was Jerimiah Jobling. He shuffled and tried to hide his nice new dress boots from sight. Rarity, with her eye for fashion and detail, noticed this. "You sir," she said, "can we please use your bootlace?"

"I won't!" Jeremiah said. "I just purchased these, and I can't have you lot destroying them!"

Matthew rolled his eyes as he answered, "Then I am afraid we will stay here until workmen can arrive, making all of you late." At first, the passengers began to say they were bad drivers, but Matthew and Rarity simply walked back to the cab to wait. The passengers, no longer having the crew to vent their spleen on, all turned on Jeremiah instead. All of them, that is, except for the man with the red cap.

"Please sir," He said, calmly, "Let them use your bootlace so we can all get to where we need to be. I am sure you can easily get a replacement."

Jeremiah resisted at first, but eventually aquecised. "Fine. I'm sure they'll be more understanding of a missing bootlace than me being late." he grumbled. The man smiled and got Matthew and Rarity, said duo quickly thanking Jerimiah and setting up their temporary fix. Matthew looked for the man to speak to him, but noticed he was helping the passengers back into the coaches and smiled.

"Come on Rarity," he said, "That will hold till the coaches get to the works after we finish this job."

"Of course Matthew!" Rarity said. "We've lost enough time as it is, we really should hurry."

"Don't give James any ideas, I doubt Mr. Jobling will give up his other bootlace." This comment, though meant to lighten the mood, only caused James to become sad.

'This is all my fault' James thought to himself as he pulled off. 'I really should have listened.'

Later, once the train arrived back at the main station, Sir Topham was waiting, very angry. Before he started to speak, he noticed the look on James' face, and calmed down a bit, able to see that the red engine felt bad enough. "James, I'm very disappointed with you." Sir Topham said. "I'd rather hoped that you would have seen sense after what happened yesterday. Since you clearly haven't, you will stay in your shed until you DO learn some."

James simply looked at the controller sadly and replied "Yes Sir, I am sorry sir." Matthew could tell by the engine's tone that he already was starting to realize the wrongfulness of his action, so he patted the side of James' cab as they headed back to the shed. "I am sorry for being harsh earlier James," he bagan, "I promise things will start to look up soon. Sir Topham just wants to make sure all his engines are really useful. I am sure you will be let out again before you know it."

"I hope so." James said sadly as he puffed away to the shed.

That evening, at the sheds, the engines were talking. Gordon and Henry ignored James, making fun of him as they talked to each other, Edward wasn't back yet, and Thomas, well Thomas smiled sadly at James. "You know James," the tank engine said to him, "while not exactly the same, I was in a similar position to you before I got my branchline. I am sure the others have told you, but I had my own accidents and incidents."

He paused a moment before continuing, "Sir Topham, though upset, knew I could still be a good engine. I bet he is thinking the exact same about you as well. He may seem stern sometimes, but he really does care about us. I know you can be useful James, just like Edward, Henry, Gordon, and myself, you just need a chance to prove it." Thomas then yawned, tired from a busy day on his branchline, so he made one last comment. "Goodnight James, sleep well." He fell asleep, as James gave a small smile.


"But he was a sadder and a wiser James and took care never to bump coaches again."

James' Triumph

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"James did not see the Fat Controller for several days. They left James in the shed and did not even allow him to go out and push coaches and trucks in the yard."


It had been a week since James' incident with the bootlaces. Henry and Gordon had teased him incessantly about it, while Edward and Thomas felt sorry for him and offered kind words. It was looking to be another long, miserable day in the shed for James until Sir Topham walked up with Matthew and Rarity.

"Hello James," the controller began, "Thomas and Edward have been telling me how sorry you feel, and I believe you are ready to come out again."

"Thank you sir!" James said happily. "I AM ready sir."

"That's good!" Sir Topham replied. "You see, ever since what the papers have dubbed 'The Bootstrap Occurrence', people have been laughing at the North Western, and we simply can't have that."

If James had a moveable head, he would have nodded. "No indeed sir, I will do my best to make you proud." Sir Topham nodded and left, but Janes spoke to his crew as they warmed him up. "Matthew, Rarity, I am sorry for how I acted."

"All is forgiven darling." Rarity replied. "Right Matthew?"

"Sure is Rarity, we know you are sorry as well James, and Thomas told me what he said to you."

"So what's the job for today?" James asked.

"Well James," Matthew replied as they began to leave the shed. "We have a goods train."

The two railway...er...folk, shall we say, braced themselves, as they knew of James' VERY vocal displeasure of trucks. But instead of complaining, James simply squared shoulders that he didn't have, and replied "Then let's get to work." Matthew smiled in surprise as they made their way to the station. As they backed on to their pre-organized train, Marissa, who had organized it, puffed up next to him.

"Hehe, here are your trucks James, I hope you have some bootlaces and newspaper ready." She scampered off, laughing. James was mad for a moment, but took a deep breath to clear his mind.

"Right then," he said "these trucks won't deliver themselves. Let's go!" Matthew let Rarity open the regulator as they started off, however, the trucks screamed and groaned.


"Well, that's a shame, because Sir Topham said this red monster is the one you get" James told the trucks. "Now come on!"

"NO NO, WE WON'T GO, NO NO WE WON'T GO." But they did, at first anyway. The train got a little down the line before the brakes on some of the trucks came on. Accidentally on purpose you could say, causing the crew to get out and inspect the train.

"Whatever do you think happened Matthew?" asked Rarity. "Dear James was running far too smoothly for this to be a repeat of our last trip together."

"Rarity, do you remember me telling you about the incident on James' first day, as well as what happened with Thomas and these trucks?"

"Yes? Oh, I see. You're suggesting this is simply a case of Troublesome Trucks."

"Indeed, there is nothing James can do, trucks will always be troublesome and cause problems. The best we can do is manually reset the brakes and start again. It will be dirty, so I understand if you wanna wait in the cab while I do it."

"Really Matthew? How very uncouth of you to suggest I would abandon my friends."

"It wouldn't be abandoning me, because I know why, and know where you would be. If you left without saying anything, then it would be abandonment."

"Either way, it simply wouldn't do to walk away and leave you with all the work."

"Thanks Rarity, how about you start at the front, I at the back, and we meet in the middle?"

"I do believe that sounds like a wonderful idea!" The two set to work and soon had the train sorted. At least, they thought they did. They continued down the line a ways, before Matthew smelled something and groaned, slowing the train to a stop.

"Why are we stopping?" called James.

"The trucks again, they are making their own axles run hot... I can smell it, we need to stop for a moment so they can cool."

Over and over again this happened. And every single time, James simply set off again, determined not to let the silly trucks get to him. Soon, off in the distance, they could see Gordon's hill and Matthew tried to speak in a way that only James and Rarity would hear. "We will charge the hill to try and take them by surprise, then we will be in the home stretch."

"An excellent idea!" Rarity whispered.

"Indeed." agreed James. So Matthew opened the regulator to 100%, and James charged the hill. It was tough, but before they knew it, they were halfway up the hill.

"I can do it, I can do it," James started to say, "I can do it... but will the top ever come?" With a sudden jerk, it all became easier.

"Hurrah!" he said. "It's easy now!" But then he felt the steam stop flowing into his cylinders.

"They've done it yet again!" said Rarity. Matthew groaned in agreement, telling James the problem.

"She's right James, they made the coupling snap, we've left our tail behind." The back third of the train was rolling down the hill. Thankfully, the guard applied the brakes quickly, and the runaway stopped at the bottom of the hill. He set a few detonators on the track and stood behind the breakvan with his flag, ready to wave it if another engine approached. Sure enough, a few moments later, Edward approached, pulling 3 coaches behind him.

"What happened?" called Troy.

"Blasted trucks snapped a coupling. I barely got them stopped." Replied the guard.

"Damned idiots. Well, at least ya got em stopped, an looky there, here's James now" Troy then climbed down from Edward's cab to help get the train in order.
Matthew saw him as the train stopped. Getting out of James' cab, we ran up to Troy.

"No thanks Troy," he began, "It is mine and Rarity's train, we will fix it."

"Understandable." Troy replied. "However, y’all’d do well to remember that there's a mighty fine line between provin a point an foolish pride. That said, here. Ah always keep a few spare couplin hooks an chains in Edward's toolbox. Make sure y'all get it done quick like, now. We got a timetable to keep here!"

Matthew took it and began to fix the coupling, as he did, Edward called out in his kind way. "James," he said, "would you like help?"

"Umm, no thank you Edward. I'll manage," James replied.

"As you wish James," the kind old engine replied, watching them attempt the hill.

As they climbed up, the red engine began to chant again. "I can and WILL do it! I can and WILL do it! I CAN AND WILL DO IT!" Back at the bottom of the hill, Edward asked Fluttershy to blow his whistle in support of James. She flew up and pulled the chain, and Edward gave a loud "PEEP PEEP" on his whistle. While he and Fluttershy cheered James on, Troy simply leaned out of the cab and smirked.

"Give em hell, James." he said.

Soon, they did reach the top, the trucks too tired to even push James down the hill. This resulted in the rest of the journey being much easier as they soon arrived into the yard the goods were needed in. They dropped the trucks where they were needed and James went to a siding to rest. Not long after, Edward pulled in with his train, his crew laughing amongst themselves. As Edward stopped at the station, a certain black suited man stepped out. Sir Topham Hatt made his way across the tracks to James.

"Well now." the controller started. "I was in Edward's train, and saw everything. And I do believe that congratulations are in order. You've managed to make the most troublesome train on the line behave. Why, even our dear Edward and Troy, despite their skill and preference for goods work, struggle with this one!" Edward blushed while Troy grumbled. Matthew tossed a small pebble at Troy, as if to say 'Let James have this, he earned it.'

"T-thank you sir!" James said.

"After a performance like that, I think you deserve to keep your red coat." he turned to Matthew and Rarity. "What do you think?'

Matthew smiled with a nod, "Definitely sir, he worked very hard today," he went on to briefly explain the troubles they faced.

"Well now, that's even more impressive!" he said. "Well, I must be off. Anything else before I take my leave?"

Matthew shook his head and answered, "Unless you have another job for James, no sir."

"Very well. Good day everyone." Sir Topham reboarded Edward's train, and the blue engine soon left. James smiled, resting happily, and when he and his crew were ready, they returned to the shed.


"But the Fat Controller was smiling. 'I was in Edward's train and saw everything,' he said. 'You've made the most troublesome trucks on the line behave. After that, you deserve to keep your red coat.' "

Make Way for James, Hurray for James

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"Sometimes Gordon and Henry would sleep in James' shed, and they would talk of nothing but bootlaces."

One night, a few days after James' Troublesome Trucks Triumph, Thomas, Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, and Melissa were awake in the sheds. Matthew, Troy, the ponies, and other railway workers had gone home for the night. Gordon looked over at James, then to Henry.

"I say Henry, did you know that apparently BOOTLACES can be used to run a train?"
Henry and Melissa snickered, the previously green engine replying. "Indeed I did, did you know being red apparently means you can wheesh steam whenever and wherever you want?"

"Oh yeah?" James retorted. "Well what was this I hear about a big blue express engine that couldn't even get a simple goods train over the hill that was named after him? Or a certain other engine that was afraid of the rain?"

Mellissa just laughed, speaking before anyone else could. "Why don't you let the trucks make you crash again, maybe let them kill you and your crew this time useless red monster."

The shed went completely silent. Gordon, Henry, Thomas and James were shocked to their frames and left speechless. Worse for them was the look on Edward's face. One that only Gordon had seen, back when he had thought to teach Thomas a lesson, the memory of which still gave him chills.

"Now see here young lady." Edward said. "I don't know how they do things in London, but that sort of talk will not be tolerated on Sodor. Do not EVER let me hear of you saying something like that ever again. Am I clear?"

Melissa just rolled her eyes before answering, "What ever oldie. You should let them crash and kill you as well. Us little tank engines could run this railway better than any tender head, right Thomas?"

"You leave me out of it!" spat Thomas. "Edward is a way better engine than you!" Melissa just rolled her eyes again and pretended to fall asleep, still listening to the others in secret.

Gordon looked around as he and the others took in what Melissa had said. "Going back to previous things..." he began, "You talk too much little James. I am a big engine and have something to talk about. After all, I'm the only engine that can pull the express. When I'm not there, they need two or more engines, think of that! You see, I've pulled expresses for years, and not once have I ever lost my way. Why, it's almost as if I know which line to take by INSTINCT."

Melissa gained a very slight smirk, thinking of a way to get back at the tender engines. You see, every wise engine knows that the signalman, not them, sets the switches so that the trains travel down the right line. But Gordon had grown so proud and arrogant that he'd forgotten this simple fact. Melissa knew this as well, and was going to use it to her advantage the very next day.

Matthew and Rarity arrived early the next morning to warm James up. "Hello James, how did you sleep?," Rarity asked.

"Well enough I suppose." James replied.

Quickly, knowing they had a time table to keep, they fully prepared James, and were soon off to the yards, but not before Gordon was able to give James grief.

"Ah good morning James." Gordon said. "What are you doing today, odd jobs? Ah well. I suppose we all have to start somewhere, don't we?" Before James could get a retort in, Gordon carried on. "It's nearly time for the express. Now run along and fetch my coaches, there's a good engine. And don't be late!"

"What do you mean, you suppose," Matthew inquired of the red engine as they got to the yard. James told them what had happened.

Their eyes widened to the size of saucers, looking at each other in shock. They expected teasing from Gordon and Henry, but the other aspect was a surprise. "She really said that to you?!" Rarity asked, flabbergasted.

"Yeah" James sighed. "She also told Edward he should too. And then tried to get Thomas to agree with her. He didn't, of course."

Matthew suddenly shivered a bit, groaning. "Ooohhh no, Troy is NOT going to be happy when he hears, I just hope Edward is smart enough not to tell him yet."

"Edward seems the tactful sort. I'm sure he'll wait til the right time to tell him." Rarity said.
Matthew nodded as they arrived in the yards, starting to shunt coaches for the express.
It wasn't long before Gordon arrived to back down onto his train, Troy on the footplate. The murderous expression on his face promising swift vengeance.

Matthew sighed, realizing he found out somehow, giving him a look that said 'we discuss this together with Sir Topham.' Troy simply nodded. Neither of them noticed Melissa leaving the station a few minutes before Gordon.

The signalman just outside Knapford Station was a veteran who'd been with the railway for years. As good a signalman as he was, he was currently wishing he hadn't celebrated quite so hard last night as he took another sip of coffee to quell the rather nasty hangover he had. Melissa rolled up, blowing her whistle loudly. "SIR SIR," she called, "THERE IS A GROUP OF PASSENGERS LEFT BEHIND FROM THE EXPRESS, IT MUST BE PUT ON THE LOOP LINE!"

The old signalman winced. Even without the hangover, that was a bit much.
"Ya sure? Usually either I'd get a call from the stationmaster or more like those passengers would just be out of luck." he said.


Meanwhile, at Tidmouth, Gordon was just leaving, calling James. "Goodbye James, see you tonight at the sheds." He was soon thundering along the line, headed to the signal box and switches outside it.

"Everything's looking good so far. Once we clear the signal box, it'll be full steam ahead!" Rainbow said. Troy nodded.

"Aye." Troy agreed as he pulled the whistle chain." Looks like we'll make good time tod-WOAH"

Troy was cutoff as they swerved off the mainline and onto the Loop. He immediately shut the regulator and slammed the brakes to emergency full on to slow them down enough to avoid derailing. By the time they had slowed, they had no choice but to continue on the Loop back to Knapford.

"I hope." Troy panted. "That THAT. Was just an operational error. Cause if it was intentional..."

Rainbow had noticed something when they passed the signal box, a specific engine to be exact. She didn't want to enrage Troy further at the moment, however, so she kept silent for now.

As they pulled into the station, Gordon was desperately trying to go unnoticed as they saw James bring the coaches for another train to the platform. Not knowing how serious the situation was, James couldn't help himself. "Hello Gordon," he called, "is it tonight already? It is awfully bright out to be night time." Gordon was silent. "Did you lose your way Gordon?" James went on.

"No, it was lost FOR me. I was switched off the main line and onto the loop. I had to go all round and back again!" Gordon replied.

"Perhaps it was instinct!" said James.

Matthew couldn't help but laugh at James' remark, before he saw the commotion at the ticket window. Passengers were complaining, demanding their money back. Sir Topham, who had just finished talking to Troy and Rainbow Dash about what had happened, climbed onto a cart and blew the guard's whistle so loudly that all the passengers turned to look at him.

Matthew and Rarity, once making sure James' breaks were on, got out and walked over to Sir Topham as well. "Matthew, Rarity, after this debacle Gordon isn't going to be able to take the train." Sir Topham said. "The passengers won't accept it. I'll need James to take it. Be quick now!"

They both nodded excitedly, dashing off to move James as Troy and Dash moved Gordon out of the way. Before the Fat Controller could board the train, Troy stopped him.
"Sir, we need to talk tonight. After work, reckon you can meet us at the Wonky Whistle? Ah'd prefer to keep it private."

"Very well Troy. Now, if you'll excuse me." With that, he boarded the train.
Soon James and Gordon had switched positions, the guard about to blow the whistle, the stationmaster calling ahead this time, ensuring the points were set right, the signalman explaining what had happened. "Ready to do this James?," Matthew asked.

"Yes! And we'll do it right this time!" James replied.

The pair in his cab nodded, Rarity blowing the whistle as James began to move when Matthew opened his regulator. In no time the train had rattled out onto the main line and was quickly picking up speed. As they were, Matthew turned to Rarity. "Hey, Rarity," he began, "Do you ever just have some random music pop into your mind?"

"You mean Heartsong, darling?"

"Not a song really, just music, or lyrics or anything."

"I suppose I do sometimes. I take it you have one such melody in your head?"

"Yes actually, would you like to hear it?"

"Of course I would."

He began to hum at a good volume, honestly making it up as he went. "Why Matthew, I dare say that's quite a catchy tune!" Rarity said.

"Thank you Rarity, it just seems to suit James, doesn't it?"

"Indeed. Almost as if it were made just for him."

The trio continued down the line, bridges, stations, and tunnels flashing by. The passengers were all cheering in the carriages. Sir Topham however was feeling something different: Pride. James was performing excellently, and the ride was incredibly smooth. He started to lean out the window to tell James, but decided to wait till the next station since the engine probably wouldn't be able to hear him over the wind anyway.

They soon glided to a gentle stop, arriving at the last station. Despite starting late, they had made it on time, James having made up for lost time along the way. Sir Topham stepped out and walked up to James who was simmering happily. "Well well. It's been quite some time since the Wild Nor'wester ran so smoothly. Would you like to pull it again sometime?"

James felt like he could burst with excitement, replying happily. "Yes sir, please sir!," he joyfully exclaimed.

"Very well. I'm proud of you James. You've really come a long way." Sir Topham said.
The red engine smiled happily, excited to be praised by Sir Tophamm. "Now then, let's go. I've got a very Important meeting to get to."

James would have nodded if he could. Once everyone was back onboard, Matthew and Rarity started James again, him flying along the line again. It was late in the evening when James returned with the express. He was surprised when as he was shunting the coaches into their siding he saw Gordon pushing trucks.

"Gordon," he asked in a confused way, "Sir Topham made you shunt?"

Gordon sighed. "Yes. Though I loathe it so, at least it's quiet. But enough about that, I hear you did well with those coaches."

Matthew called from the cab, "Oh yes, he did splendidly, I would even say as good as you."

"Now now Matthew. Let's not get carried away."

"He's not darling," Rarity answered. "Obviously you do a good job, as you do it 9 times out of 10, but James did a good job as well. He didn't say James was better, he said as good as."

"As you say." Gordon huffed. "Regardless, well done little James."

James just felt himself blush a bit as he answered. "Thanks Gordon... by the way, did you ever figure out why you were switched on to the loop?"

"Unfortunately not." Gordon replied.

"Ah intend to talk to the signal man later, but that's all we got to go on." said Troy.

"Um, guys?" Rainbow said. Troy looked over to her.

"What's up? Ya alright, ya look a lil nervous."

Matthew recognized the look Rainbow had, it was the same one he himself had when about to tell Troy something that might anger him. "Well come on then. What's eatin ya?"

"Uhm... Dash... you may wanna wait till after we bring the engines to the shed... I know that look," Matthew interrupted.

"And what look is that?" Troy asked.

"Uhmm... the 'Troy is not gonna like it' look..."

"Y'all seem to think I'm a loose cannon just waitin to fire, huh? Dash, if you know, then say so we can get this sorted."

Matthew simply frowed, "Troy, buddy, we have been friends for a while, so I feel comfortable saying this, you ARE a loose cannon waiting for a reason to fire."

"I've put up with you this whole time haven't I?" The smile fell from his face as he sighed.

"In all seriousness, Dash, what happened? Look, if it makes you feel better, I won't explode alright?"

Matthew thought for a moment and gained a smirk. "If you really mean it, PINKIE PROMISE not to explode..."

"Yeah alright whatever"

"Do the actions and say the rhyme or it doesn't count." Matthew wasn't sure if Troy had heard, but Twilight, Applejack, and Rarity had warned him of Pinkie Promises a few times.

"Know that as I do this, I am despising every thrice damned second of it. Cross mah heart, hope ta fly, stick a cupcake in mah eye. There, ya happy?"

"Very much, Rainbow, Rarity, you are also witnesses, so are you Gordon and James, Right?" The four vocalized their agreement, Rainbow and Rarity doing so reluctantly.

"Yer lack of trust is veeeeeeery reassurin."

"Just this morning, you seemed like your fuse was lit when you found out about Melissa... anyways, proceed Rainbow."

“That’s because Ah was pissed about that- anyway, go ahead Rainbow.”

"Er, yeah. Well anyway, right before we got switched off the main line, I saw Melissa sitting on the line next to it." Everyone tensed and looked to Troy, expecting him to blow up. Instead, his face lost all emotion.

"Dash, you ever seen the bar for the railway men?"

"No... but I could probably find it if you told me what town, and what's around it..."

"Ah'll show ya tonight. Ah'm meetin Sir Topham anyway so you can just ride with me. He needs to hear this."

The pegasus nodded as the crew soon set about bringing their engines to the sheds, a certain tank engine wisely deciding not to be there. As the crews were dropping the engines' fires for the night, Gordon decided to break the silence.

"Well now. It would seem today was a most interesting day." he said.The engines and ponies all agreed, talking about it. All the engines, except for Thomas. He had a very worried look as he tried to avoid conversation. The engines and ponies all agreed with Gordon and began discussing the events of the day.. All the engines, except for Thomas. He had a very worried look as he tried to avoid conversation.

Soon, Edward had enough and looked to the little blue tank ening to ask him if something was wrong. "I, I am o-ok," he shakily replied.

"Rrrriiiiight. Ah don't believe not a word o that, but that ain't my business."

"W-what do you mean, I am my n-normal ch-cheeky self..." Thomas stammered.
All the engines and their crews, both pony and human, tried everything they could think of to get Thomas to tell them what was wrong, but to no avail. The blue engine grew more and more scared, worried, and angry, before he finally snapped, shouting.


"James and Gordon are now good friends. James sometimes takes the Express to give Gordon a rest. Gordon never talks about bootlaces, and they are both quite agreed on the subject of trucks!"