• Published 8th Jul 2017
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Equestrian Railway Tales - Sudrian Engineer

Sodor and Equestria, Two lands, different as can be. Once they are connected, friendships will be made, engines will be driven, and most importantly, fun will be had as we ride the rails of Sodor in these, Tales of Sudrian and Equestrian Railways.

  • ...

Down the Hills

Thomas used to grumble in the shed at night. "I'm tired of pushing coaches, I want to see the world!"


The sun rose on Sodor, but all was not beautiful this morning. And nowhere was it better reflected than in the face of Troy Blaze. He was still upset over the night before.

"He better not skip out today. We got too much to do to be down a man."
The first sign of trouble was his van being gone when Troy arrived. Troy pulled in and parked before looking around and seeing a note taped to the door. The note read as follows:

“Dear Troy, I am sorry but I just can't do this. I will be back in a day or too, don't worry. I am not leaving, I just need time. From, Matthew.”

Troy just stared at the note for a bit. "Dammit boy, you know better. Well, nothin Ah can do about it but just head on in and inform the big man about it." With that, he snatched the letter down, got back in his truck and drove away. Meanwhile, in his office, Sir Topham was going over the schedule for the day. He was somewhat surprised when the phone started ringing as he wasn't expecting any calls this early.

"Sir Topham Hatt speaking."

"Morning sir." came Troy's voice.

"What happened this time?"

"Ah'm afraid Matthew won't be coming in today. Left a note stating he needs time off, and Ah'm pretty sure he never bothered to call last night."

"Actually he did, even when sad, he still cares for his job."

"Good. Wasn't sure with how bad off he was. Anyway, it's looking like we'll have to rework the driver assignments. Ah'll talk to the guys and see what we can come up with. Should Ah expect you at the sheds?"

"I already have been doing rearrangements and thankfully the next few days have low activity."

"Do ya reckon Twilight can handle the yard work on her own?"

"I do believe so, she is a very smart pony."

"Alright, then we'll leave her to it. Goodbye sir."

"Goodbye Troy."

It wasn't long before he was pulling into the sheds. The others, Twilight especially, were confused as to why he was alone. "Where's Matthew?," the purple Alicorn asked.

"He decided to cash in some of his vacation days." Troy replied.

"But, I, WHAT???"

"Said he needed some time off. Don't worry, you're just shunting today."

“Oh, are you sure I am ready?"

"If I wasn't, you wouldn't be on your own."

"I guess so, okay, I will get to work."

"Good. Now let's get these engines steamed up."

The other drivers and ponies arrived, setting to work for the morning. Despite the occasional ask of where Matthew was, the day progressed as normal. It felt like no time at all before the moon was chasing the sun from the sky and the engines were coming home to their sheds.That night, due to not having Matthew around to stop him, Thomas continued to talk about seeing the world. The next morning, everyone gathered at the sheds, except Matthew.

Gordon couldn't help but snort, "Looks like he is gone again, where could that lazy man be?"

"Lazy? Coming from the one who was too sorry to get a train up a hill? That's funny." Troy snarked.

Gordon just sputtered as the engines set to work. That evening, Thomas was the first engine in the sheds.

"When can I pull trains? I want to see the world!" He said.

Twilight just sighed and patted his side as another engine rolled into the sheds.
"Patience child. You'll get your chance." said Edward.

Thomas sighed, "But I want it now..."

"And what did that impatience get you last time?"

“But I would wait to be coupled.”

"It's a shame really. With how well you and Twilight were doing, Troy and I had discussed letting you two taking our goods train tomorrow. But with all that impatience, hmm. I don't know..."

Thomas gasped and gained a pleading look. "Please Please Please, I promise to be patient and calm, PLEASE!!!"

Troy and Edward just looked at each other, then to Thomas and back again a few times before bursting into laughter. "Well now, Ah expect you ta remember that promise tomorrow." Troy joked before getting a serious look on his face. "An Ah expect both of you to listen very well and very closely to what we say tomorrow. Those freight cars aren't called the 'Troublesome Trucks' fer a laugh. Now, do Ah make mahself clear?”

Thomas would have saluted if he had arms and Twilight did so, both agreeing in unison. The little blue engine also thanking Edward for his kindness profusely. The next morning, Thomas and Twilight were shown to the freight yard.Twilight was worrying about how things would go as Matthew was still missing.

"Ah suggest you calm down and focus on the task ahead Twilight. Last thing we need is you two getting in an accident because yer distracted." Troy said.

She blushed a bit before speaking, "Maybe you can come?"

Troy thought for a second before replying. "You know what, Ah might better." With that, he hopped into Thomas's cab. Twilight sighed in relief as they started out of the shed.

As Thomas gathered the cars, Troy began advising Thomas and Twilight.
"Alright, now listen up. The freight cars are silly and noisy. They talk a lot and don't attend to what they're doin. And, Ah'm sorry to say, they'll play tricks on an engine that's not used to them."

"I shunted trucks all the time back in Brighton," the tank engine replied.

"All well and good, but how often did you take them down the line?" Troy asked.

"I transported them to different stations once or twice," He replied as he was being backed up.

"Then you're not used to them like me and Edward are." Troy said. "Especially as this train is going over Gordon's hill." While this wasn't the official name for the hill, all the workers had taken to calling it that, much to Gordon's dismay.

"I have gone over hills before, I am fine, grandpa," The engine laughed as he spoke.

"We'll see." Troy said. The cars, however, were giggling and plotting amongst themselves.

Thomas backed up to the trucks with a bump. "Ow ow ow!" they screamed. Troy looked back at them with worry evident on his face.

"Ah shit." He said before jumping out of the cab and walking up to the freight cars. 'Damned if Ah do, damned if Ah don't. Might as well go for it.' He thought. "Alright, calm down you lot. He's still new and didn't mean it."

The trucks only laughed at this, and continued to plot. Troy just shrugged as he walked away.

"Well, if anything does happen, Ah suppose it would be handy to have extra firewood around the house." he said just loud enough for the trucks to hear.
The trucks ignored this and continued to plot as Twilight blew Thomas' whistle. Troy was still looking worried as he climbed aboard.

"What's wrong?" Twilight asked.

"We're in fer a world 'o trouble when we reach that hill." Troy said. Twilight started to panic, then got an idea, "We should be fine if we stop at the top and set the brakes."

"If the little devils let us. Well, that's a problem for later. For now, let's just focus on getting there."

Twilight nodded as she blew the whistle again, the trie setting off along the mainline. Thomas was having the time of his life. "Come along! Come along!" he called.

The trucks giggled and laughed calling out, "we won't go, we won't go," in reply.
They clattered through stations and rumbled over bridges. Thomas blew a happy "peep peep" on his whistle as they rushed through the tunnel where Henry had been shut up.

Twilight was checking the gauges as they went along. "It seems okay so far," she commented.

Meanwhile, off in Wiltshire, Matthew was near the incline just outside of Box Tunnel, which was part of The Great Western Railway. He was watching engines being helped up the incline by bankers. A little boy, who was with his mother and father, was watching with him.

Back on Sodor, Thomas was rushing down the line, stations, tunnels, and fields shooting by. "Honestly, Ah'm surprised how well we're doin. You keep this up kid, and you might just get to help out on the main line from time to time." Troy said. In her mind, Twilight suddenly started to get worried, commenting on how well things were going always seemed to jinx it. Troy noticing the look on her face, decided to comment.

"If you're worried about what we're sayin, well, ya can't jinx something that's already cursed." he said.

"Wh-what do you mean already cursed," she asked, panicking more.

"Calm down. What Ah mean is that the only reason they haven't tried anything yet is because they haven't had a chance." Troy replied.

"A-and they won't, right?"

"Twi, as much as Ah wanna comfort you, Ah'm not about to lie to ya. They're gonna try something, and it's up to us to make sure nothing comes of it. But we won't be able to if ya don't calm down a bit. Cooler heads and all that."

"But but, I, it's gonna, but," She continued to panic as they approached the hill. Troy just sighed and lightly smacked her in the back of the head.

"Focus! Ah need all hands on deck! Understand?" She gasped and took a deep breath before nodding. "Alright, good. Now get ready, we're gettin close."
With that said, the two kept a close eye out and as they approached the top, Troy called out "Alright, keep it steady!" as he shut the throttle and began to apply the brakes.

Thomas was still extremely happy and simply called out, "We're Stopping, We're Stopping."

"No, no!" screamed the trucks. "On! On! On!" and banging their buffers, they pushed Thomas down the hill, and were rattling and laughing behind him.
"HELP, HELP, STOP PUSHING, STOP PUSHING," Called Thomas, trying his hardest to stop. But the trucks took no notice. "Go on, go on!" they giggled in their silly way.

Troy and Twilight could only hold the brakes on and hope for the best. The Trucks pushed him along the line for a good distance when Twilight gasped, "It's Wellsworth, and the points are set to the siding."

"Good. At least if we can't slow down enough, the damage will be minimal." Troy said grimly. Twilight suddenly smacked her forehead and gasped, horn igniting.
"I trust you have an idea?" Troy said. Thomas started to slow substantially quicker. "Keep that up. We're still comin in way too hot"

She increased the power of the spell as Thomas continued to slow.
As Thomas shot thorough the station and into the siding, he shut his eyes tight. "I've got to stop!" he said. When he opened them, he saw he had stopped just in front of the buffers. They all gave a sigh of relief but then the sound of a throat being cleared sent chills through Thomas, who suddenly looked like a child busted for sneaking candy.

"Welp, looks like it's time to walk the green mile." Troy said before climbing down from the cab.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Sir Topham Hatt asked.

Troy did a quick and obvious count. "Ah'd say two humans, one pony princess, one steam engine and the nine cars that make up this morning's freight train sir." he said with a fake smile. The suited man glared at Troy intensely. "Ehhehe, right, well, uh, anyway, the morning freight has been delivered on time, sir. We just had a small hiccup on the way down the hill.

"I should say so. Thomas, Twilight, what are you both doing here and why did you come in so fast?"

"That would be me, sir." Troy said quickly. "The kid wanted another shot at a train, and they've done exceptional work in the yard, so Edward and I agreed to let them try a small run."

"I am sorry Troy, no matter your intentions, you have caused severe confusion and delay."

"Delay?" Troy asked rubbing the back of his head. "From the speed we were going, I was sure we were early. Ah well, what's the damage chief?”

"The Delay comes in now, Do you see that shed on the other side of the yard?" At the nod of the man and pony, he continued, "You will shunt the trucks into one side of the shed, then put Thomas in the other. You will then wait for Edward and Fluttershy to arrive with a coach. Thomas is to be left here as you 2 are taken to where these goods are needed and then home."

"Just so we're clear, I'm still coming to work tomorrow, right?" Troy asked.

"If Matthew was here, no, but since he is still abroad, yes."

"So I'm fired when he gets back then?"

The controller sighed and put his hand on Troy's shoulder. "Troy," he started, "You and Matthew are like sons to me, I would only ever fire you if you did something that put the railway in danger. That is why, as long as he doesn't stay gone for over 2 weeks, Matthew still has a job here."

"Fair enough. So, suspension instead? I can live with that. It'll gimme time to practice my guitar and ocarina." Troy said. "Till Matthew gets back however, I've got work to do, so if you'll excuse me, sir, these demons aren't going to shunt themselves."

"Actually, technically, you can't have any suspension, I have a plan for Thomas."


"You, Fluttershy, and Twilight, are to report here for the foreseeable future. Edward and Thomas will stay here until further notice. This will be done to properly train Thomas in the art of coach and truck pulling."

Troy snapped a salute at that. "Understood, sir."

"Now, off to work you three."

"Consider us gone" The next day, after hearing the news of changes from Sir Topham, a certain van pulled up to the parking lot of Wellsworth. The man and two ponies that had been working on getting the engines up to steam caught sight of this.

"Well hell, it's about time!" called Troy. Of course, the van belonged to no other than Matthew. "Ya plannin on doin some work today?" Troy continued.

"Yes, yes I am, so what are we doing today?"

"Training the kid on proper train pulling. We've just about got em up to pressure, so why don't you go get in that cab?"

He nodded and got in, setting to work instantly. Things went smoothly, and Thomas and the girls learned a lot before the next big incedent. But that's another story.


"After pushing them about here for a few weeks, you'll know almost as much about them as Edward. Then, you'll be a Really Useful Engine."

Author's Note:

"Here we are. The home stretch of book 2."
"Aye, and I'm looking forward to it. You know, I've noticed something. At this point, the story is writing itself and the authors have no control anymore."
"What do you mean?"
"It's really blown up from a simple little crossover. Some of what's happened to us just came out of left field. Let's not even mention the big plans they have."
"That and all the references"
"I'm not Sorry."
"Me either."
"Ah, but seriously, we're having a blast with this, and enjoy talking with everyone. So before we leave today, Matt, do you have a question of the day for us?"
"Why yes I do, so, What, in your opinion, is the weakest Thomas episode of the classic series."
"Fire away in the comments, and let's get a discussion going! Till next time, Ya'll"