• Published 8th Jul 2017
  • 3,028 Views, 132 Comments

Equestrian Railway Tales - Sudrian Engineer

Sodor and Equestria, Two lands, different as can be. Once they are connected, friendships will be made, engines will be driven, and most importantly, fun will be had as we ride the rails of Sodor in these, Tales of Sudrian and Equestrian Railways.

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Wheeshing and Whooshing

Dear Mom and Dad,

I am sure you heard about the new engine, James' crash. He, as well as Troy and Spike are fine. James did have trouble fitting in for a while though, and had all sorts of adventure. I hope you enjoy them and laugh like I did.

Love, Matthew

"James was a new engine who lived at a station at the other end of the line. He had two small wheels in front and six driving wheels behind. They weren't as big as Gordon's, and they weren't as small as Thomas's."


It was a beautiful morning on the Island of Sodor. The sun shone brightly as the crews worked to get their engines ready for the days work. James, having been back for a few days was finally allowed to try his hand, or buffer as the case may be, at pulling a passenger train. As the crews bustled about, Sir Topham Hatt walked up along with Rarity. "Good morning everyone!" the controller smiled. "James, I'd like to have a word with you." James would have nodded if he was able, smiling as he responded. "Yes sir, what is it Sir?"

"Unlike most of the other engines here, you are a mixed traffic engine, and therefore can manage coaches or trucks with little difficulty. However, you must learn by your mistakes."

James was well aware of what Sir Topham was referring to.

"That said, I'd like for you to work with Edward and his crew today to learn how to manage coaches. And Rarity here has expressed interest in learning to be an engineer."

Rarity nodded quickly, but blushed slightly. "Yes, indeed, but I much prefer to work with Troy or Matthew at first. Preferable Matthew. Troy is nice and all, but Matthew seems a bit more focused most of the time, and bit less, uhm, energetic."

Troy crossed his arms. "What? Am Ah not good enough fer ya?" he teased.

"No, yes, I, uhm, oh you know what I meant darling," The alabaster mare responded, a bit flustered.

Troy simply laughed loud and hard. "Truth be told, it's probably for the best, anyway. You'll be learnin right along with James."

Rarity nodded, then realised something. "We will still be with you darling, you're with Edward, right?"

"Aye. We'll be out front to show you the ropes. Just listen to Matt, and you'll be fine. Though," -the teasing grin was back- "it's a shame about all that soot and coal dust about to get in that pristine white coat o’ yours."

Rarity took a deep breath, shaking slightly. "Y-yes, I I know, b-but I want to help the railway more."

"Well well, color me surprised. The diva's actually got a real strong spine! Now that. That Ah can respect." Troy said with a nod.

"Yes, well..." She walked to James with a blush.

"Alright, enough goofin around!" Troy called. "We gotta get to the yard an find us some coaches!" With that, he climbed into Edward's cab and they set off. Matthew, Rarity, and James followed once the turntable was in place. As they went across, a gust of wind rushed passed, Matthew smiling as they were soon headed to the yards.

As they gathered the coaches and brought them to the station platform, Edward decided to give James a bit of friendly advice.

"Be careful with the coaches James. They don't like being bumped."
"They can't be as bad as the trucks." said James.

"Actually, they can be worse." answered Troy. "The coaches can be even more vengeful than the freight cars."

"Maybe not as bad Troy," Matthew replied. "But they certainly do not like being bumped, that is true."

"Nah. See, the cars just ain't all there in the head. The coaches? Heh. They don't get back, they PLAN. But, so long as yer careful, there's nothing to worry about." Troy replied.

Matthew just rolled his eyes as they continued along the line. "Oh come on, you know Ah'm right!" Troy called. The pair continued to banter back and forth all the way to the platform.

Finally, Rarity had enough. "WILL YOU TWO PLEASE STOP? I came to learn how to drive an engine, not hear you both."

Troy just raised an eyebrow. "Rarity, how exactly do you go about your normal work? And no, Ah'm not settin up for a joke, Ah'm honestly curious."

"Well, uhm... usually I am alone, in my shop, working on dresses..."

"Pushin to yer limit, and stressin over it til yer done?"

"Y-yes, how did you know..."

"Figured it out when ya got upset over us goin back an forth. See, Ah have a philosophy about work. 'If you can't have fun with it, it's not worth it.' Ridin these rails is enough stress as it is. The 'arguing' is our way of cutting loose and having fun. Laughin's a good stress reliever, after all."

Rarity just got quiet for a bit, thinking. As the train pulled into the station, everyone gathered around to admire James.

The red engine smiled, Sir Topham Hatt walking up. "Well now." he said. "You're certainly looking splendid at the front of a train James. Just remember what we talked about earlier."

"Of course sir." James sat for a bit, growing more happy as more and more people complimented him.
'I really am a splendid engine' James thought importantly before letting of steam with a loud "WHEEEESH". Everyone jumped in surprise, and a shower of water fell on Sir Topham's nice new top hat.

James noticed this, and heard the guard's whistle, bumping Edward when Matthew opened the Regulator. "Let's go, Let's go."

Troy stumbled a bit in Edward's cab as he opened the regulator for Edward. "Hey watch it back there!" he called back to Matthew and James.
Matthew yelled back. "It's not me, James wants to go quickly for some reason."

"Well tell him to watch it! He almost knocked me off the damn footplate!" Troy responded.

James noticed that neither of them seemed to know about Sir Topham's new hat and began to feel a bit better. "Sorry Troy, I am just excited to be pulling my first passenger train," the red engine lied.

"Well, excited or not, you shouldn't go so fast." Edward cut in. He didn't much like starting quickly.

The coaches were grumbling too." Don't go so fast, don't go so fast." they said.

James sighed, still slightly sad, "I am sorry everyone, I promise to behave."
Everyone accepted this. Even so, when they reached the first station, two coaches were beyond the platform, and they had to reverse to let the passengers out. James apologized again, doing his best to stop right at the next station. As they pulled in, they saw Thomas waiting with his two coaches.

"Hello James. Feeling better? That's good!" he said kindly.

Matthew hopped out for a moment and walked over to the blue tank engine. "Hey Thomas, how is your branchline going?"

"Really good!" the young engine replied. "What about you?"

"We are doing fine, just a few hiccups is all. Sorry I can't drive you for a while, I just want to make sure James acclimates to the railway well."

"It's okay!" replied Thomas. Then they heard a whistle. "Oh, that's my guard! I have to go! I don't know what Sir Topham would do without me to run this branchline." And with that, he puffed away importantly.

Matthew laughed and hopped back into James' cab.

After they left the station, they passed the field where James had had his accident. The fence was mended, and the cows were back again. Not long after, they passed through the yard outside of Edward's station and started up the hill just down the line.
"Wow," James started, "This hill is steep."

"I've done it before." Edward replied with a grunt.

James was just glad he wasn't tackling the hill alone. Finally, they managed to pull the train up and over the long grade and decided to rest at the next station. They had to stop there anyways, so it all worked out.
"I'm impressed you managed that hill James." said Edward.

"What is that supposed to mean?” James asked angrily.

Edward smiled a rare, mischievous smile. "Do you know why we call it Gordon's Hill?" he asked.

"No, I don't." replied James.

"A few months back, Gordon had to take a goods train here and got stuck halfway up."

James listened to the story, and soon it was time to leave. About an hour later, they arrived at the last station.
"Well, here we are." said Edward. "Almost time to head home!"

James whistled in happiness, scaring an old woman and causing her to drop her handful of letters.

"Careful!" called Troy as he hopped out of Edward's cab. He then helped to pick up the lady's letters. "You should be more careful Ma'am." he said. "The engines are required to whistle on arrival and departure."

"Oh, I'm well aware of that!" the lady replied. "But it's not even close to time for them to leave, so I wasn't expecting it!"

"Fair enough." Troy replied.

Matthew ran up as well, slapping Troy after his comment. "It is not this woman's fault," he said, crossly. "Anybody can be scared by a whistle!"

"Ah'm aware!" Troy replied. "That's why Ah was sayin to be more careful! Jeez, and here Ah thought I was the violent one of the two of us."

"It sounded like you were being rude to her, and sorry. Maybe your rubbing off on me too much."

"Yeah, Ah guess I am pretty awesome." Troy said with a grin, only to get a telekinetic slap to the back of the head. "Oh come on! Can we focus a little bit less on the 'slap' part of slapstick?"

Matthew looked to Rarity, just in time to see her horn stop glowing. He winked at the mare before they all got back in theit respective engine's cab. Ready to leave for home.

As they set out, James began to wonder what Sir Topham was going to say about his new top hat, even after the day's work was through and he was resting quietly in the shed.


"James was quiet in the shed that night. He had enjoyed his day, but was a little afraid of what the Fat Controller would say about the top-hat!"

Author's Note:

"Well, here we are, another note, another excuse for being late."

"Yeah, Ah'm not even gonna try to make an excuse. But hey, thanks for stickin with us this long."

"Isn't Sloth or somthing a sin?"

"Yeah, but we've been busy with IRL, so we're in the clear for that."

"Yeah, I suppose, any meaningful words?"

"Well, Author Nova has a few if you'll indulge him."

"By my guest."

"Thanks buddy. So, it's been over two years since we started this little project. A project I can honestly say has been, well, kinda life changing. And it's because of you guys. I usually do a retrospective around this time of year reflecting on what's changed since the last one, though this year's was a bit early dur to the series finale, and wanting to jump on the bandwagon of how the show has changed lives. And it seems like a good time to do one on ERT. Two years ago, I was browsing my feed, and I saw this random user called the asper pariah asking for help with a story. I ignored it at first, but kept coming back for some reason. Finally, I said "Fuck it" and offered to help. Now, it's a fairly successful story,(that I brag about to anyone who'll listen) which was a major confidence boost. But at the end of the day, it's you guys that make it possible. Honestly, as much fun as it is writing these chapters, my favorite thing is discussing it with you guys in the comments. But hey, here's to the Pariah for having a good idea, and here's to two years strong, and many more. Because I swear to you, that come rain or shine, Hell or high water, one day this story WILL have that green check. No matter what, while it may go on hiatus,(or our normal schedule...) We will NEVER cancel it. This I swear to you, on mine honor. Thanks, and keep being awesome. Nova out. Pariah, anything you'd like to address?"

The man was tearing up a bit and shook his head, simply hugging Nova in thanks.

"Well folks, we'll catch you on the next trip. Take care everyone."