• Published 9th Apr 2017
  • 5,758 Views, 174 Comments

Lack of Loyalty - BioQuillFiction

I've been stuck as Rainbow Dash for little over two months now, not sure how, but it happened randomly. Being from the "one percent' group of wealthy people, parent's didn't notice or care... they probably don't even know I somehow got to Equestria.

  • ...

SUBJECT Delta: Code Name - Donovan

Project Skybreaker: Day one.

All test subjects dead upon release of their activation. Restarting the fabricators and restructuring their genetics.

Project Skybreaker: Day Fourteen.

Three out of fifty new test subjects survived. Two show lack of intelligence, awareness and lack of sight. Third made a grunt noise before dying several hours later with the others. New batch will contain experimental modified Rodent DNA.

Project Skybreaker: Day fifty.

One Test subject repeated a word I said today. ‘Doctor’. Running experiments.

Experiments show that this test Subject, Subject Delta, has vast learning capabilities. So far it’s been able to place colors into groups of those similar to it, understands basic tasks, such as walk, run, pick up object.

Subject Delta seems to exhibit a form of self awareness and almost childlike curiosity. Upon further experimentation his unique properties seem to be showing. Delta has highly programmable and flexible DNA, as desired. In order to pull this off however, Delta needs high amounts of energy. Not electricity or anything like that, pure energy. A single rod of plutonium gives Delta enough energy to change form once, more required for detail. Such as hair, eyes, gender, everything. Side Project Powerhouse has begun to work on a more renewable, stronger energy Delta can use to activate his abilities.

Project Skybreaker: Day four hundred and Sixty three.

Subject Delta, now going by his Codename, Donovan, is being placed in hiding in plain site. False memories, personality, and such have been implemented into it’s mind so it can pass as the child of his makers. The government is catching onto this project. It’s interesting. The ‘child’ seems to developing its own tastes in human media and entertainment. It’s become a gamer, loves music, hates the classical music it’s ‘parents’ play during their parties with their funders, and seems to truly believe it’s human.

Project Skysplitter: Day Four hundred and ninety five.

Was given orders to make Delta shapeshift to appear like this...Rainbow winged cartoon horse? Something about Project Powerhouse and Patrick’s Multiverse experiments. I just log these events, I don’t get paid enough for this mess.

“So...will I see ya around or…” Dash asked as I was packing my things.

“Maybe. If you want to, I mean.” I said. This felt...odd. I’ve only been with Dash for a week, now all this.

“So...you really gonna not gonna miss looking as awesome as me?”

“Heh...maybe. If you stop by the club some nights I can see if I can get you a VIP pass. Or something.”

“You’re still gonna work there?”

“Well, yeah. Not gonna live off of the Princesses good nature forever.”

“Heh, you’re alright kid.” She said, giving me a light punch on the side. “So, expecting much when you head over to the Princess’s place?”

“I dunno. Something other than noodle soup would be nice.”

“Hey, you like my noodle soup.”

“You put way too much salt in it.” I said, finishing packing the last of my things left about. “Well, guess I’ll see you around then Skittles.”

“Heh, sure thing kid. I’ll try and stop by your work every now and then, see what all the fuss is about.”

Celestia’s house was well away from town, I’d say as far as Fluttershy’s cottage, just north of town just within it’s limits. It was a large field, a long road walk to it, thin, rustic wood fence all around and flowers popped up in patches. It was nice. The cottage itself looked like it was three floors, though whether it was modified for the princess’s height or is normally that high I can’t say.

Once inside it was decorated not as a noble house would be, but rather, like how any old house would be decorated. “Donovan, is that you?” Celestia’s voice ran from what I assume is the kitchen.

“Yeah. I just got here.” I yelled back.

“Feel free to explore, and your room is on the second floor, first on the right.” So this is three floors. Dang.

“Thanks.” I said, heading there first before any other exploring.

The door that belonged to my new room was solid wood, my name burned into the wood. It was a simple push door, and I did. It opened. The room was blank, a pile of my stuff stacked in the corner, a good sized bed, sheets and pillows set up and made on the bed. Other than that there was a side closet, desk, and a bedside stand with a lamp on it. Not bad. I began setting up some of my stuff. Aside from a few hoodies, I know, strange for a pony to wear but they looked neat on me, and some Knick-knacks. A small box I used to hold neat looking rocks, a glass jar I kept spare bits after a shopping day in, a small glass dove, Sandra’s favorite bird. Never knew why. A scooter Scootaloo crashed into me and broke over my head, well, my back but the handle bar hit my head.

It was wrecked, she at first thought I was Dash but then realized it was me. She let me keep it, said she had a spare and that that one was an old one she was trying to tune up. I kept it cause to be honest I expected to at least have a bruise on me after a crash like that but nope, nothing. No bruise, scratch, nothing. I consider that lucky.

Lastly where some books I bought from Twilight. Turns out she sells books if they have over three copies in the library. Two for checkouts, and one for herself. Heh, nerd. Still, the books I got where interesting. Equestrian Historical Dictionary. Myths and Legends of Old, and Spell Master. That last one is like Harry Potter meets that old movies Page Master. Talking books are even in iot too… talking books in a book. Why am I now just realizing that sounds strange. Eh, still a good book. Lastly was my song book. I’d write out song from earth, sensore those that felt too graphic for ponies… they have a lot of words that are considered swears. This next song for tomorrow is based off Breaking Benjamin's ‘Ashes of Eden’.

Will the Faithfull be rewarded
When we see the sun set
Will I miss the final evening
From the Flames that I have set
Is there anypony watching
I can hear the breath of death
Please don’t give mercy
Please don’t give mercy to me.

Kinda dark still but that’s my style I guess. I want it to tell a story about someone-Pony, who’s committed an unspeakable crime and is guilty of it… I play WAY to many M rated video games. Well, used to. I sat down at the desk, trying to convert the song but not much was coming to mind. I closed the notebook, got off the desk and began exploring the house. Most of the rooms on this floor where...odd. There was a large office, with two desks and some papers on it already. Why two desks thou- … Is Luna gonna live here too? Or visit some time? Huh, odd.

I left the room, turning and- “Omph!” I yelped, bumping into somepony. She was a white coated, black maned earthpony with an inkwell cutiemark. She was also wearing a collar and necktie...somehow without the whole shirt. “Oh, sorry.”

“No,no this is fine. I was looking for you actually.” She spoke. “My name is Raven, I am Celestia’s assistant. Normally I keep track of her schedule and the paperwork, meetings and such but with this little experiment of hers, I have a bit more free time.”

“Really? So, what did you wanna talk to me about?”

“Well, during this time my role is more financial. Celestia wanted the whole ‘Normal Pony’ Experience during this time so she’s limited herself to a weekly allowance to act like a paying pony’s salary.”

“Oh. How much?” I asked. Man, Celestia must really want a normal life...just like me… huh.

“Two hundred bits a week.”

“Huh, I make a hundred twenty five a week at the club. Care to tell me how ‘normal’ this budget of hers is gonna be?”

“Gladly.” She said, coughing to clear her throat before she began to speak. “Well, the water bill is so far based on the amount of Ponies living here, you, Celestia and myself, as well as any possible gardening endeavors she might want to pick up, should be around twenty to fifty bits, fifty being if she decided to start a garden, and she does love her gardens. Electricity is fixed at just thirty a month thanks to the roof having solar panels that power the house day and night. All save for the bathrooms and living room are powered by them. Heating and air are expected to be about fifteen, unless we just stick to warm clothing, thick blankets and a the fireplace and boiler in the basement we might not have to worry too much come winter time, Summer will be another issue completely. Food costs for us and the occasional guest will be between a hundred and a hundred fifty, assuming the princess curves her sweets consumptions by the end of the month there will still be about five hundred bits unless my calculations are wrong.”

“Um, mind if I poke a hole in your calculations?”

“Well, if you seem to have found one, by all means.”

“Well, back at Rainbow’s she had tap water, and electricity, in a cloud house. Do you know how that’s done?”

“I assume the clouds themselves?”

“No, special magic adapters that receive the power or water from the companies, and transfer it magically to her place, giving her power and tap water. As for that she has to pay extra on her bills, a fee of sorts for that service and for the distance. She told me Fluttershy’s house is the same, since she lives as far away from town as we are. Well, the power part at least, she gets her water from a well under her cottage. This house has both like Rainbow’s. She pays fifty bits for power, even with the panels you’ll be paying out possibly forty, maybe more given I asked Fluttershy how much she pays for power and she said it’s sixty, because the transmitters for power have to be placed on the roof or in the attic, and the trees around her place disrupts the flow. This place while yes clear all around, is on the opposite side of town from the Electric company completely, so that’s double the distance compared to Shy’s place. Or Rainbow’s.”

“Hm. I never considered that. I’ll begin recalculating after I get back from the Ponyville electric and water companies. I must say that was impressive Donovan.”

“Heh, thanks. Since coming to this land I’ve been self teaching myself things like this.”

“Well I must say you are quite the clever individual. I feel that we are going to get along swimmingly.”

“Only if you cash out for the blow up pool.” I joked.

Raven laughed. “Oh, I walked right into that one. I’ll be back when Dinner’s ready, if Celestia asks tell her where I went.”

“Sure thing… so Celestia’s cooks?”

“Oh yes, unless it’s a formal event or something of the sorts, the princess prefers to cook her own meals for herself, me from time to time, and princess Luna. As Well as Cadence and Blueblood.”

“Oh. Nice. So, what are those three like?”

“Hm? Well, Cadence spends her time as a couples therapist of sorts, helping the couples of Canterlot rekindle their love for one another. Blueblood mainly helps run Celestia’s school, processing applications and sometimes interviewing applicants. Though, his passion and Cutie Mark Tallent is in travel.”

“Huh, would have figured he’d be in the guard or something?”

“You’d think. Well, I best be off before it gets any later. We’ll talk more tonight Donovan, alright?”

“Sure thing Raven.” I said, waving her a goodbye as she went down the stairs. Uh, I like her. Not Sandra, but not bad either.

Project Skybreaker: Final Entry.

Subject Delta is ready, Project Powerhouse is up and running and once we program it’s subconscious orders, all something in that candy coated world of talking horses and pure energy will be ours to weaponize. This will take some time to do. Once completed though, Delta’s task will be to locate the closest, most powerful source of this worlds energy, and leech off it for ten minutes each night in their sleep. Once their genetic tanks have stored up the most they can, they’ll open another rift to the lab. With that energy, the atom bomb will look like a firecracker.

Genetic Tanks at……………………12%

Anomaly detected in physical appearance.
Running Form Shift Rest to Programed Default.
Genetic Tanks Storage now at ……………. 10%
Locating new energy source….. Detected...

Author's Note:

Yep... Yep.