• Published 9th Apr 2017
  • 5,747 Views, 174 Comments

Lack of Loyalty - BioQuillFiction

I've been stuck as Rainbow Dash for little over two months now, not sure how, but it happened randomly. Being from the "one percent' group of wealthy people, parent's didn't notice or care... they probably don't even know I somehow got to Equestria.

  • ...

Wait, Wait, Wait... Just like that?

Out of all the movies back on earth, one of the ones I miss the most is Zombieland. A very funny take on the end of days. Sadly no movies seemed to have any take on the end of days for Equis nor do any books… seriously? This amazing genre is just straight up nonexistent in this world… Wonder if I can get the idea into media? Maybe some songs...Can I make one up? Hm… Am I even that creative?

“Donovan!” Rainbow shouted, crashing through her own front door and into the couch. “Owe…”

“Well, might as well go see what she wants.” I said, getting up from my cot and heading down stairs. Oh yeah, last night I got enough share of tips to buy a used cot bed and some disinfectant spray. It’s actually kinda comfy. I flew down the steps...why she even has stairs I have no clue, and saw her getting herself back up. “Yo, what’s up?”

“Dude! Princess Celestia just came into town!”


“And she bought a house!”


“And what else!? She just got property in Ponyville! She only ever owns property in remote, isolated areas!”

“So...why she changing it up now?”

“I dunno, but she said she’s announcing something and I came to grab you.”

“Well, alright I guess?”

The fly to town hall wasn’t long, and with so many ponies, likely all of the town was here. They set up some speakers and a mic for her to speak into. She looked at Dash and I, she tapped the mic and the whole crowd. Yeah...that’s not suspicious…

“Dear citizens of Ponyville. It is no secret that now I have a small piece of property within your town, as we speak guards are furnishing it and within the hour it will be livable. Now, what you all may not no is that it's a simple, three bedroom house. Why three bedrooms you may ask? Well, aside from my room, there will be one other tenant, and one room for a guest or two.”

“Think Luna’s gonna be there too?” Rainbow asked.

“If that were true then who’d be up in Canterlot ruling?” I replied.

“And, who this second tenant of mine will be, is somepony you all know about, but I feel not many of you have spoken to.” Celestia continued. “They are new to our lands, yet look like one of your most well known residents.”

Oh Fucking No…

“Donovan, please come forwards and meet me upon the stage.” All eyes where on Dash and I, Dash pointing a hoof at me then slowly flying out of their view… Wow, first time she doesn’t want all eyes on her.

I gulped, feeling embarrassed as I slowly flew up to her royal all that, yadda yadda. I landed in front of her, and she began speaking again. “Donovan, I know that your recent complaints involving your legal guardian's given the actual age you are as compared to the age your newfound body is, as well as her...lack of proper funding to care for another as well as herself. So, I have come up with an alternative.”

“If it means I don’t have to smell Skittles cooking again, I’m in.” I blurted out, almost freezing up at saying that. Well, it’s a half truth. Dash is a HORRIBLE cook, but why am I agreeing so...openly?

Celestia chuckled at this. “Then from this day forth, I, Princess Celestia, Solar Monarch of Equis, shall have a permanent residency in Ponyville, one I will be going back and forth too every so often. The nobles would throw a cow if I wasn’t there at all.” That earned a few chuckled from the crowd. “And, while I cannot return Donovan to his proper race, I can give you an Equine’s youth and build of your age, as well as alter your appearance to differentiate you from Rainbow Dash.”

“So I don’t have to look at her ugly muzzle every time I look into a mirror? You’ve been holding out on me Princess.” That earned me a bunch of laughs from the crowd, Celestia, and a ‘Hey!’ from wherever Rainbow Dash is hiding.

Celestia's’ horn lit up and my whole body felt...tingly. Like that numb, sleep feeling you get from resting on an arm or leg for too long. I immediately noticed I was...shorter. Not too short, bust shorter than Dash normally is. I saw my mane was now like my old hair color, a mix of brown and blond. My coat was an orange brown, but I could still feel I wasn’t...the right gender. “I take it gender spells are tougher?” I asked. She didn’t reply, but did not. “Dang...well, least I don’t look like a walking pride flag.” The whole crowd burst out in laughter at that one. I should do this professionally.

“Well, now that that is out of the way, there is one last thing I need of you Donovan to complete this little arrangement of mine.” She said, taking out a scroll. When she unrolled it, it ran from the tip of her horn, where her magic held it, to the floor, and down past my back hooves. “A signature.”

“Signature? What for?”

“Well, given as your...biological parents aren’t here, I found some old texts that can allow this, but only with your signature.”

“Um...okay?” She levitated a quill over to me, and I walked over to grab it with my teeth. Thankfully I learned to write in cursive and since becoming a pony, with Sandra’s help, I learned to write with my teeth and lips. I wrote my name, next to a line that had Celestia’s name on it too. Her full name is “Celestia Aurora Faust”? Wow. Kind of nice and fitting actually. I finished writing my full name “Donovan Delta Galispear” Galispear is the last name of my parents, and I always figured Delta was my middle name since the staff never called me by my name, but I've heard them talk about who was obviously me, but used Delta to refer to me. Eh, I like it. Mainly cause I also played and Liked Bioshock 2...Damn I miss videogames.

Celestia took the scroll, and rolled it up as it began glowing. “From this day forth, Donovan,” She opened the scroll to read my whole name. “Delta Galispear, is my legal responsibility, and mine alone.”

“Wait, you’re my guardian now?” I questioned. A step up from Dash...maybe like a million for most everyone else here but still.

“Yes, and, if you begin to see me as more than a simple guardian, before you become of legal adult age in equestria, than this contract will allow you to become my adopted child, and, by law, a princess of Equestria, and all that accompanies.”

“Wait...You’re just...giving that away? Seriously?”

“Yes. You see Donovan, one of the reasons I take on students, and at such a young age til they are all gown, is because I cannot bear any foals of my own. Twilight is one of my few students to also have a family, many of my past students where orphans or came from bad families I was legally able to remove and claim custody over.”

“So in other words I’m your new latest attempt at a child of our own?”

“Well, that’s not how I’d put it, but, I would love to be able to call you my foal, Donovan, if you’d agree to it.”

I was suspicious. I mean, I have every right to be. I’m being offered the winning lottery ticket ‘condition free’. I don’t fully trust her, but I don’t have reason to distrust her either. Past experience with the rich and nobility where… less than pleasant. But she’s different. She may run the show in the castle with Luna at her side but she’s not stuck up or bitchy like others of nobility. Wonder how that happened? “I’ll...think about it.” Was my answer as she gave me a smile and nod.

Audio Log, Entry 146.

Interrogations went slow of Donovan’s ‘parents’ but they cracked today. His ‘father’, Patrick Galispear, said something. It was largely rambling, but then I figured out it was numbers. Strings of numbers. I know he’s a ‘renowned expert’ on multiverse theory and genetics but I don’t know what he was saying. In the end, they were repeating in groups of four.

89, 45, 55, 15. 3, 88, 34, 1. And lastly 4. 7. 2. 9. These look like codes to either a safe or doors, but to what I’m not sure.

His ‘mother’ Sintha Galispear, Grothper is her maiden name. A family of Biologists, chemists, pharmacists and doctors, and as well as mastering all her families tricks and trinkets, she also took up a Masters in Psychology from what I’ve dug up. Such odd professions to bring together. Anyway, she said something about a sub-basement where the codes I got will come into use. I’ve look over the mansion’s floor plans over and over again and nothing about any sub-basement comes up. Either it’s entrance was hidden and any evidence burned, or they’re lying and screwing with me. If they are, then we’re just wasting time and resources, if not, well, looks like some demolition work is in order. I know I’ll be more than happy to light a match to that prison of marble and gold Donovan had to grow up in. Been two weeks. No other dream meetings yet with him… I hope another comes soon.

Sandra, out.

Author's Note:

Oh, now what's going on here? I have no idea! I'm flying by the duct tape of my pants! :rainbowlaugh:

In all seriousness I never take myself seriously. :pinkiesick:

Okay It's late, don't judge for bad jokes.