• Published 9th Apr 2017
  • 5,758 Views, 174 Comments

Lack of Loyalty - BioQuillFiction

I've been stuck as Rainbow Dash for little over two months now, not sure how, but it happened randomly. Being from the "one percent' group of wealthy people, parent's didn't notice or care... they probably don't even know I somehow got to Equestria.

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Woke Up With Wings

I was tossing and turning again. As per usual, my parents were throwing another social event to gain more resources to gain more money. And my bedroom, being down the hall from the ballroom, I was hearing all the crappy “refined” music BS the rich pricks were listening to. They had one at least four times a month, that’s one for every week of the month!

I threw my pillow at the wall. “Fuck off!” I yelled at the wall, where the horrible music was coming from. I tried earplugs… didn’t help. My bedroom may be the size of a two story house, just no walls, and such, but that music is driving me CRAZY! A human can only listen to so much Beethoven in their life.

Oh screw it, I’ll just blast my headphones til the speakers fry or I go deaf. I grabbed my phone off the charging station on my bedside table, and plugged in my Beats headphones into them. I picked the song, I Don't Wanna Die, by Hollywood Undead. I tend to just surf the web until I find a song that I like hearing. I put the volume to the max, and let my brain vibrate with the songs and the speakers killed my eardrums.

Another night of blasting music to keep my own sanity through another night of my parents Rich Prick Parties. After the clock finally turns to about four in the morning my exhaustion takes me and I fall into blissful unconsciousness.

Fuck. You. Mom and dad.

I woke up and stretched. Man, my bed is big, but for some reason it feels a lot bigger. As I sleepily climb out and stand on two legs, I find myself crashing face first onto my hardwood floor. “Fan fuchin-” I cut myself off mid curse. My voice sounds… off? I sound… like a thirteen year old on helium. “Crap… did I hit my voice box?” I ask myself, trying to get up… something else doesn't feel right. As I put my hands down to push myself up, I don’t feel my hands.

I finally look at my hands… only to see blue stubbs. WHAT THE FUCK?!?!? I somehow kept my screaming internal as I was having a panic attack. My whole body was… I’M A HORSE!

I managed to make it to the mirror, walking on all fours feels about as weird as you’d expect, and look at myself. My normally brown hair was now a gay pride flag, my body was covered in blue fur, I have a gay pride flag for a tail! And to top that all off, wings were on my back, and a tattoo on both my ass cheeks! I manage to calm down some after a few… hundred, deep breaths. “Alright, keep it cool Donovin. Y-y- I. I somehow got turned into a bad skittles mascot, this has to be a dream.” I quickly bit my arm. “Ouch! Alright, somehow not a dream! The fuck?!” I just now noticed, I’ve ridden horses before… and for my gender… something was missing. “And I am missing my pair… I’m a mare to boot!” I facepalm… or is it hoof? GAH! Who cares about that now?! How in hell did this happen?!

Come on, think Donovin… computer! I, rather slowly, walk over to the computer, and I had to turn it on via a pencil to push the power button. I had to hold it with my teeth, and use said pencil to type on my keyboard. I typed in, “Turned into a horse” and all that came up was something about fanfiction about some kids show. My Little Pony? Hasn’t that been on since the eighties, or something like that? All other search options related to the same thing, so I just clicked on a Dailymotion playlist that had all the episodes… and when the theme song hit… I hated it, too cheery. Then… the same fucking horse I somehow turned into came on screen. I turned into a cartoon character?! That defies all logic!

As the show was just starting… my heart dropped as my door opened. I ran for cover, and peeked out over the side. The butler was delivering my breakfast. As usual, just placing it on the couch, and leaving. Note to self, lock door now. I quickly locked the door and went back to the PC, and watched the episode. If I somehow became a cartoon character, am I anything like her?

After the first five episodes I decided that, I indeed somehow became a cartoon horse, that meat no longer agrees with me, as my breakfast sausage proved, yet eggs were fine somehow. The hell is up with that? I also found out that this, Rainbow Dash I somehow turned into… I hated her, with a passion. She is egotistical, loud, rude, self centered, and somehow represents loyalty… who wrote this? I looked up the show some more… and to my surprise some good and talented people make this show. Huh, maybe it’s just the first few episodes that are crap?

One Week Later

Alright, to recap exactly what the heck I’ve been doing, I binge watched that whole show, I am rather hooked on it, I still hate Rainbow Dash, I managed to get all my meals and other necessities sent to my room, without anyone noticing me, like they even bothered before, and that going to the bathroom in this body is a lot harder than it should be. I’ve resorted to leaving the toilet for poop specifically and using the shower to pee in, washing it down the drain after I’m done.

I also found something else out in the shower, but that’s something between me and the shower.

I ended up checking out fanfics relating to my situation, and found them a tad entertaining, and rather similar to what I first went though. I’ve been reading online and watching T.V. both on T.V. and online. THough, I guess you could call me a ‘brony’ now, but I think I will keep my distance from them… I read a clopfic regarding who I turned into and had some, what should have been nightmares, wet dreams… Damn female hormones.

Other than that I’ve gotten rather used to walking around on all fours… doesn't sound right when I think, or say it outloud. My only goal as of now is figuring out just how I’m supposed to fly. The show gave no help, and the only thing I could try and get info from where videos about how birds fly and some internet videos about how if pegasi were real, what it would take for them to fly. In the end, I had to leave it up to ‘magic’ as she show put it. “Alright, in one, two, three!” I shout, jumping from my bed, flapping my wings, and hit the floor, falling on my stomach. “Crap.” I got up and shook it off. I’ve been at this for three days, I get that learning something new is hard, but in the show they make it look so easy, even that freaking baby Pound Cake can fly!

I climbed back on my bed and just kinda laid there. I’ve gotten pretty used to this body, but I still wanna know how in the hell this happened. How did I got from a fifteen year old guy to a cartoon mare? I felt my stomach rumble and figured I should order something. I picked up my phone, yes In my mouth, and used a stylus to tap it til it opened and I went to an app mom and dad mad all the staff have. Basically they didn’t believe in talking to the help, and made this to work around it. I typed in my request for a salad, and some sweets. Pony tastebuds make both greens and sweets taste amazing!

I know your next question, why aren’t I as school, or being homeschooled? Well, I get taught online. I do an assignment via some learning program, do all I need for it, take an online test, If I pass, then great, if not, I have to retake the whole session til I pass it. Because of that, and my parent’s one rule regarding me not ever leaving my room, likely because they didn’t want to see me, I was a shut it… okay, I was no better than that ugly whatever it was from The Lord of The Rings.

Least online games and Youtube keep me somewhat informed on what’s going on in the world. I no longer use my mic, and the only game I can manage is Minecraft… on peaceful, since mobs wreak me like crazy. It takes much longer than it should, but on survival I got a nice farm, house, and basic world set up, and in creative I’m just building whatever to pass the time.

Life for me has become even more dull then I thought it could be. The butler entered, placed my food on the couch, and left without even noticing me. Not staff nor my parents acknowledge my existence if it weren't for my morning breakfast and requests for food. I ate and went back to bed and just laid there. “Another day, how much longer is this going to last? … it’s probably permanent.” Damn I wish I had someone to talk to… any brony I tell about this will likely fanout or start masterbating right then and there if they ever saw me. None of the staff will even acknowledge my existence, and my parents could care less about me. “Maybe I should at least try and make a fiend just to message and talk with? Not, talk, just text and stuff. At least then I’d have some outside contact.”

To my surprise, the door opened again, and someone came in. “Hello?” It was a girl's voice, she a new maid? “I’m kinda lost, I’m new and…” She froze when she saw me. Her hair was blond, brown eyes… and she had a pin with the image of my ass tattoo, er, ‘cutie mark’. Gag me and the one who came up with that name. “Ra, r-r-r-r… Rainbow Dash.” She said as she fainted.

“Well… I did ask for something new.”

Author's Note:

Short because I'm new at this and I'm used to having more than one character on scene so sorry about chap one being short, but next will be longer.