• Published 9th Apr 2017
  • 5,758 Views, 174 Comments

Lack of Loyalty - BioQuillFiction

I've been stuck as Rainbow Dash for little over two months now, not sure how, but it happened randomly. Being from the "one percent' group of wealthy people, parent's didn't notice or care... they probably don't even know I somehow got to Equestria.

  • ...

Wait, Is This What Friends Do?

It took over an hour, but I managed to get partial control of my wings. It’s kinda like moving my hands… if my hands were misshapen, made from feathers, and were on my back. I attempted a ‘wing-up’ as Sandra said, and could barely hold myself up. “Maybe I should try lifting small weights with these things.” I groan as my face is planted within the forest floor.

“That might be a good idea, you are Rainbow Dash physically, but I don’t think you have her endurance and strength.” Sandra said, helping me up. “So… should we get some… of the dog stuff?”

“Dog stu- Oh right… sure, just nothing too… frilly.”

She chuckled. “You really sounded like her right then.”

“Whatever. Can we… sightsee before we go? I wanna see what this place looks like more.”

Sandra seemed happy I said that. “Sure, I know a few really good places, and one shall be the ‘grand finale’!” She said with that ‘show-biz’ pazzaz.

I just smirked. “Cool, well then tour guide, lead the way.”

We walked for a while til we came across an odd looking tree. It was growing over a large boulder, split in two near the top, making it look like two trees connected to one trunk, and there was a rundown treehouse build in the split. “This was probably some time after or during the mining when it was built.” Sandra said.

“How long ago was that?”

“Sixteen years or so, near the main mine, there’s a bunch of equipment still there, even a still working mine cart that rolled down the track like a small roller coaster.”

“Never been on one of those before.”

“Then let’s get to the mine. It’s time you rode one.”

“Sounds like a plan… so is there anything in that tree house?”

“Not really, but at night you get an amazing view of the night sky in there, since the roof collapsed a while ago.”

“Cool.” We walked of further, reaching the mine dug deep into mountain side. There was large mining equipment still standing where it was last used, even some slightly rusted pickaxes and shovels were tossed around here and there. Inside the mine was kinda dark, but really cool. “So, what was mined here again?” I ask as I poked an old drill.

“Iron, ground beneath us has lots, but EPA kept them off since endangered plants and animals live around here.” She said, kicking a tipped over minecart.

We walked further into the mine, when it got real dark, Sandra pulled out a small pocket flashlight and we went a little further, finding a single minecart on the rails, ready to move. “So this is it?”

“Yeah.” She said, jumping in and grabbing me by the scruff like a dog and putting me in.

“Please don’t do that.”

“Did it hurt?”

“No, just felt… dehumanizing…”

“Oh… sorry.” She pulled a lever that was on the side of the cart and it started moving.

At first it was going real slow… then was picking up momentum. “Is.. this safe?” I ask, clinging to the floor of this thing as best I could.

“I’ve done this lots of times,” She said as we were coming down the main drop. “We’ll land in the waterfall at the end.”

“Wait, WHAT?!” I screamed as we dropped down the main drop of the rails. If this is anything close to what a real rollercoaster feels like… I really should have gotten out more!

It’s been about three weeks, and the whole, ‘dog’ trick has been working without question. My wing strength has been improving greatly, I can do twenty wing-ups without much issue. I also somehow learned how to use them as hands, though my control isn’t all there yet, won’t be playing Overwatch anytime soon, but Minecraft has now been updated to survival mode. As well as a few other games I started playing that I thought I’d never get to play again.

I can managed some console games, and with Sandra, playing them has never been so fun. We were back out in the abandoned mine, I can flap and keep myself in the air for a few seconds before I drop like a rock. We figured that I just haven’t gotten a lift off down quite right. The show and birds make it easy, I guess, given cartoon logic, pegasi have to access some kinda inner magic to gain lift off since I’m too big for a normal bird style lift off.

“So how was that?” I asked, sweating after hours of failed lift off attempts.

“You made it a whole two feet in the air before dropping this time.” Sandra said. We’ve spent so much time together, I find myself thinking a lot about her… but, is that because she’s the only person in years I’ve spent a lot of time with… or the thing all people are afraid to admit.

“It’s getting late, wanna take a rest and watch the sunset from the tree house?”

“Heck yeah, got some ice cream in the cooler in the trunk of the car, you head off and I’ll meet you there.” She said as she ran off to the place she hides the car.

Ever since day one she kept trying to hug me, I still freak out, but… one time, I was napping and waiting for her to arrive and when I woke up she was hugging me like a pillow. She looked so... peaceful, happy. I fought my instinct of either squirming away or kicking her off and just kinda laid there. I fell asleep again and Sandra woke me up saying I was crying in my sleep. I don't remember any dreams so I'm not sure what it was about. I ran, er, trotted, cause pony lingo, my way to the tree house. We fixed it up a bit, and we brought a nice fluffy blanket to lay down on and look at stars from the hole in the ceiling. I laid on my back and looked at the red the clouds turned as the sun set... I missed out on so many things, secluded in my room. Why did I stay in there? Why did I have to become a cartoon character to finally see what outside is like, or how other people are, even if that last part is only Sandra. Maybe... turning into Rainbow Dash like a cheesy fanfic online was a good thing.

It's now been two months as a pony and a lot has happened. First off I have perfect control over my feather fingers, so gaming on anything has been a blast to do, especially with Sandra there. Second, Sandra and I are friends... the only thing I keep on me that's girly is the rainbow colored ribbon with the acronym, BBF on it. I keep it tied in my mane, I kinda like the ponytail look. I rarely take it off.

Oh yeah, I can fly now! I even can walk on clouds, which are softer than the silk sheets I never use. I don't like using them cause it feels like I'm gonna slip out of bed using them. Lastly, is that Sandra is the only one I let hug me... which I'm almost addicted to her hugs these days. "Hey Donovin," Sandra asked. We were in the tree house again, late night stargazing. "I have to tell you something... don't freak out."

I looked at her confused. "Something wrong?"

"Well, a position finally opened in the police force here in town, they hired me right away and I start work next week."

I felt my heart sink. "Y-you're not gonna leave, right?"

"I might be gone for a while, but I have two ideas."


"Well, even though you are a pony now, your memories can still prove you to be, well, you. I've been reading up on a few things. First off, when I come back around, I'm gonna have a place of my own... I want you to run away and live with me."

"What?" Part of me was shocked, the rest wanted to scream yes.

"You shouldn't be in that hell hole, stuck in your room all day... I've had my eye on this place... this land... It's up for sale, and... remember that 'birthday present money' you gave me?"

"I told you it was nothing."

"eighty thousand dollars cash isn't nothing Donovin, that's either drug, or hooker money." I rolled my eyes. "But, I'm gonna use it to buy this place, and get a house built here, preferably near or into the mine."

I rolled my eyes while grinning. "You and that mine. So, even then... what about my home? If the plates aren't empty then the servants will know something is up, actually, late night stargazing like this leaves a plate or two of food still full." I hope they aren't finally getting worried.

"Even if they did notice, you'll be with me, in our own home, where your parent's would never think of. And if you do anything else, just, message the assholes saying you're moving out to school or live elsewhere to keep suspicion down long enough."

That might work, excuses for me never being at home, finally free, and parent's won't give a damn anyway. "That would work to keep searches away for a while. They won't even bother checking up on me."

"See, we can do this, and if your parent's do find out you flat out left and try and find you, I'll be there file the child abuse report. After all, not seeing their own kid, knowing they turned into a pony magically overnight, and that they ran away from home for however long it takes them, if they bother, to find you. You're still a minor, so law is on your side, and given your... circumstance, the government as well."

Right, we've managed to keep this secret this long... might as well test how far that can go. "Yeah, and if it comes to revealing myself... you'll be there as my personal guard."

She giggled. She's so freaken cute when she does that... and I clearly have a crush on her... "I'll always be here for you Donovin, or would you prefer, Sound Dash?"

I rolled my eyes again. I made up an Oc and named them Sound Dash. Sound, because of my love of music, and Dash, because, well, you can guess. "I'll only go by that if I meet another human-turn-pony like me, which is unlikely."

"I still like Sound Dash, if you were born on Equestria that would be your name."

"Maybe, but if I was, you wouldn't be there."

She pulled my into a tight hug. "Then I'd find you, you're my friend, like a helpless brother/sister all in one, and so freakin' cute to top it all off."

"I'm not cute, I'm sexy."

She just shoved me playfully before hugging me tightly. "You really have changed, you were so nervous when we first met, now, you're so different, so confident."

"I have you to thank for that, if you didn't come around, help and just be there for me... I'd be no different from back then."

"Well yeah, that's what friends do."

I hugged her arms with my front legs. "To friends."

"Friends. Where ever your semi-helpless butt goes I go."


"Pinkie promise." I just laid in her embrace til I fell asleep. Who'd have guessed turning into a pony would have been the greatest thing to ever happen to me.

* * *

Ugh. The blanket feels nice... How long was I asleep? I tried getting up, rubbing my eyes with my hooves like I learned how day two as a pony. When I could fully see I nearly had a heart attack. I was on a cloud, up in the sky, above some kinda road in a green feild... "Where the heck am I?!" I screamed, trying to make scene of another strange and impossible situation. "I was with Sandra last night, how did I get here? And where-"


"Huh?" That voice sounds... familiar... not Sandra's, but where? "Rainbow Dash!"

I looked over the edge of the cloud... and didn't believe what I was seeing. Twilight Sparkle...and the other five, standing with their elements looking at me. "Uhhh."

"Come down here!" Twilight yelled.

I am stupidly confused right now. I made the mistake of looking around me... and saw what I can only describe as madness... not spartan madness, but madness non-the-less. Where have I seen this scene before? "Sure?" I say as I fly down. Maybe... Oh, season two first episodes... I'm that early? When I flew down to them they all looked rather surprised. "So... um..."

"Rainbow... that was easier than expected." Twilight said as she placed the element of Loyalty around my neck. "You broke Discord's spell all on your own?"

I poked the magical gem a bit before taking it off. "Listen... I'm not exactly who you think I am..." This might be hard to explain...

"... Grab her!" Twilight yelled as I was suddenly tackled by the other four. "So Discord made you think you're not you." Twilight muttered.

I tried to get out, but Applejack has me pinned good, hurts too, and Rarity's magic feels like a mattress is on my wings. "I am not Rainbow Dash, my name is Donovin, or Sound Dash, whatever you prefer."

"Just a quick Memory Spell." Twilight said as her horn lit up.

This... isn't gonna end well...