• Published 9th Apr 2017
  • 5,758 Views, 174 Comments

Lack of Loyalty - BioQuillFiction

I've been stuck as Rainbow Dash for little over two months now, not sure how, but it happened randomly. Being from the "one percent' group of wealthy people, parent's didn't notice or care... they probably don't even know I somehow got to Equestria.

  • ...

Hurtfull Words of A Hurting Child

It was a nice dream. I was home, with Sandra. “So, how's being a pony?” She asked me.

“Eh. I miss bacon but other than that it's not too bad.” I replied. We were watching Harry Potter, the second one. “Man, if I could have chosen why couldn't I have been one of the unicorn characters? Magic would be way better than wings.” I said as Harry drank that shapeshifting potion Hermione made.

“Hehehe… I miss you, ya know.” Sandra said. Wait, I remember this day, she didn't. “Where did you go?”

“Sandra?” I asked, looking at her. “Sandra… is that you?”

She turned to me. Wide eyed. “D-Donovan?!” She cried, hugging me tight… I returned it. “Wh-where did you go?! I've been so worried!” She spoke through her tears.

“I don't know how, but I woke up on Equestria on a cloud.” I explain. “Like those cheaply written fanfictions.” I said, almost burying my face in her left shoulder. “I don't know how I got here… I miss you a lot too.”

“How...how is it?” Sandra asked, neither of us breaking the hug.

“Not too bad. Rainbow Dash can't cook, got a job yesterday. Apparently I can sing.”

“Heh. Doesn't surprise me.”

“How is this possible?”

“Do you really care?”

“I guess not.”

“Your family finally knows you vanished. I came forewarned with lawyers about their mistreatment of you.”

“Really? How'd that go?”

“Better than expected. Apparently you didn't have any social security numbers, or even a birth certificate. Like you didn't exist.”


“Yup. Your folks are in jail, and all their money is frozen.”

“Ha. Serves them right.”

“They did find something on your computer through, a will of sorts you wrote?”

“Oh, found that did they? Hah. You happy?”

“You left me ten billion dollars, how did you-”

“Spent a lot of time alone before. Typed myself a will. In case I ever, somehow made a true friend, I would leave everything that was mine to them. A week before I can send I wrote your name in it. Did it work?”

“Well, legally you didn't exist, but since your parents admitted your existence and birth, revealing the doctors who were there and they confirmed it, given you've been gone for a month-”

“Month? It's barely been a few days here?”

“Really? Huh. Time difference I guess. Anyway since you wrote a will but legally didn't exist to the system the judge transferred all your parents funds and resources to me, as well as resources and property…”

“... Hah! Oh I bet my folks hated that!”

“Oh if you were there to see them get so angry. It was amazing… I’m going to find you, ya know.”


“I’ll spend every penny of your parents money finding a way to you.”

“Why? Can you even do that? Is it... possible?”

“You bet it is, because I am your family.” She said, hugging me tightly. “I’m like your mom at this point.”

I woke up, catching myself smiling. That was...nice. I don't know whether that was fake or real...but I don't care. It felt nice… I got up and ate some cereal quick as Dash got up and flew around quickly. “Oh, hey. You're up?”

“Yeah. Got up not too long ago. In a rush?”

“Looking for some of my older goggles. I promised Applejack I’d help her demolish an old barn so she can make a new one.”

“Wouldn't repairing it be a bit cheaper?”

“Yeah but the frame is starting to rot.” She explained, digging in the couch cushions. She came out with a pair of worn goggles in her mouth. “I’ll see you in a few hours kid.” She said, flying off fast put the door.

“Didn't even eat breakfast… wow…” I said, finishing the milk and washing the bowel. Washing dishes was… odd. It was a mix of hooves and teeth, and a dry mouth helps to avoid spit on the clean plates. These are the facts bronies. These are the facts.

I didn't work till late tonight so I have time to kill. I learned to write by holding a pen in the grip between my larger feathers. Was almost like writing normally, just have to take it slow. I wrote a note for Dash telling her I’d be out for a while and not to freak if I wasn’t here when she came back. If ‘i'm gonna be stuck here I might as well-

“Donovan!” Twilight screamed as she, I assume from magic, ran on the cloud floor and up to me. She had this...crazed look in her eye… “Heeeey, so, got a problem you need solved?”

“No...did you sleep last night?” I asked. she looked like she hadn't slept in a week.

“Oh No, I feel fine! Just fine! It’s just I need to turn in my weekly friendship report and there hasn't been a single friendship problem to report on all week! And I have to turn something in! I can’t be tardy!” She was shaking me at this point.

I pushed her off, she rolled on the floor for a bit before looking back at me. “Then just send her a letter saying there’s nothing to report this week, and I dunno, promise to give a double report the next.”

“That...than can work! Oh, but what if I can’t manage a double report for next week?”

“Then send her a letter saying there’s no friendship problems to report on, and ask if she’ll accept anything else. Like, a replacement report but on another subject, like plants or clouds, magic, whatever.”

“Huh, that can work. Thanks Donovan! I’m glad you helped me out.”

“Eh, it was either that or have you keep freaking out and likely cause some magical issue that almost destroyed the town.”

“Heh. Well, I’m happy to have a friend like you.”


“Well, yeah.”

“Twilight. I LOOK like your friend. I SOUND like your friend. But WE, we are not friends.”

Twilight’s ears fell at hearing that. “W-what?”

“Twilight, I got turned into a Pegasus from what in my world was a child's cartoon show, managed to go unnoticed my the very staff my house has had serve me since birth, and none of them noticed I was even gone. Got sent here, after I finally had a friend of my own, who I cared about greatly and let’s not forget our first meeting you had Applejack hogtie me and used some crazy magic on me that made me pass out. Your princesses make Rainbow Dash my legal guardian, for some reason, without even consulting MY opinions on the matter, and, to top it all off, my so called gardien can barely save enough to keep her house with a decent amount of food for one let alone two, and this place is pretty much a mess.”

“Donovan I-we… I didn’t know you felt that way.”

“Cause you all just assume. You, your friends, your princesses just assumed I’ll adjust to life here. I want to go home, I want to be human again. I WANT to see Sandra again, but something tells me that’s not going to happen. Cause you all are just a bunch of assuming idiots.”

“Hey, now that’s-”

“Right, Twilight, you’re the smart one, Celestia’s prized pupil. Of this generation.”

“W-what’s that supposed to mean?!”

“Are you gonna look me in the eye and tell me that Princess Celestia, your immortal ruler and the pony who moves the sun and dean of her own school, has had not a single student prior to you?”

“...Well… She has, but-”

“But, you’re just the newest in a long line. And let me guess, each new student was better and more talented than the last, right?” Twilight just hung her head, remaining silent. “Thought so. Your successor will be better than you, surpass all your set goals and records. Same for your friends. Somepony more fashionable will beat out Rarity some day, a faster, younger pegasus will beat all the records Dash set sooner or later, somepony stronger and...I dunno, better at farming will take over and best AJ, anypony with the talent and patience Fluttershy has can do her work, better if they weren't so scared of literally everything, and I’m scared to admit it, but somepony better, more hyper and...more random than Pinkie will come around and best her at party making. We’ll all be bested and at some point largely forgotten.”

“H-how can you say that?”

“It’s how my world works. Equestria can’t be too different. Nothing lasts forever, honestly, can you tell me you know EVERY once important figure of your history, or of just the major events?”

Twilight didn’t speak, rather, she left, a flash of purple telling me she teleported away. I sighed, rolling my eyes. “We all expire Twilight, and someone or something better always comes and climbs over us at some point.”

Dear Princess Celestia.

Donovan is… upset, reasonable or not what he told me today just… I can’t keep it out of my head. He was rude, and… and what makes me so mad is that he’s right in a way! I’m sorry I’m sending this rather than my weekly friendship report, but Donovan was right about a lot of things. I’ll write in detail what he told me in the enclosed second scroll…

I think I need a break or something. Maybe visit my parents to try and clear my mind.

As Celestia read over the second scroll, detailing her students conversation with Donovan. She sighed. She knew, like Twilight said, he was right in some ways. She was worried though, they had made little progress in finding out where Donovan came from and how to change him to his true form and send him back. She had hoped there would be something but her only conclusion is Discord. An option she’s rather leave for last. She read over the letter again, and felt an idea emerge in her mind. “Guards.” She spoke.

“Yes, princess?”

“Tell Cadenza I’ll be going on a little vacation and that she and Luna are to take over.”

“Um, is that wise, your highness?”

“They’ll do fine, besides, this will be good for both myself and Donovan.” She said with a smile, teleporting to her room and began to pack. “This will be so much fun.”

Author's Note:

Hey, psst. You, guess what?

It's not dead! Surprisingly.