• Published 9th Apr 2017
  • 5,747 Views, 174 Comments

Lack of Loyalty - BioQuillFiction

I've been stuck as Rainbow Dash for little over two months now, not sure how, but it happened randomly. Being from the "one percent' group of wealthy people, parent's didn't notice or care... they probably don't even know I somehow got to Equestria.

  • ...


Today was weird. For some reason my body felt...better. Normal compared to how I used to feel, little lack of energy but now I feel full of energy. “This is weird but...hey I feel better.” I muttered to myself, wondering what’s with the sudden change in energy for me. “Wonder why though…” I muttered as I tried to think of any reason why i’m feeling better.

I headed down for breakfast. Not gonna lie, Celestia makes great pancakes. Sandra was with Twilight, who came over Daily since Sandra got here to ask questions and compare some history and such as well as play with any new tech Sandra had brought over… She’s now got a bit of a Tetris Addiction. “Well let’s hope more Pancakes…” I muttered, really wanting pancakes to go with my better mood.

As I sat at the table Twilight, as expected, was playing Tetris, Sandra and I eating away as Celestia gave us some more. “So, got anything planned for today?”

“Gonna hook up the Earth Internet to Equestria then work on making an Equestrian internet.” Sandra said.

“And I...don’t know.” I said, not sure if I have work today or not. “Most likely work but...besides that nothing much.”

“Oh, I did schedule a Doctors appointment for you at two. Both a human doctor, privately paid for by me, and a pony doctor.”

“Oh yeah cause I need all my shots apparently.” I grumbled, not really wanting to get all those damned things to begin with.

“And a Physical.” Celestia said. “Since you are getting official Equestrian Identification you’ll need those as well, and as a mare of age that includes your...Reproductive health.”

I groaned and put my hooves on my muzzle. “Why do I have to be a mare…?” I whined, missing actually being a guy right now.

“Welcome to womanhood.” Sandra said, finishing her pancakes, giving me a hug and Celestia a kiss, making her blush cherry red, before leaving to do her job.

“Still not used to that.” Celestia said.

“You’ll get used to it.” I said while eating more of my pancakes.

“Huh, what happened?” Twilight asked, looking up from her Tetris. “Oh, Pancakes!”

“You’re gonna need to learn some restraint Twilight.” I said. “And Celestia’s still embarrassed about getting a girlfriend so suddenly.”

“Well in all my time studying under Princess Celestia I didn’t ever see her in a relationship.”

“Twilight!” Celestia whined like an embarrassed mother.

“Come to think of it, there are no mention of texts on her in a relationship either?” Now Celestia’s face was beat red, the redness bleeding through her white fur.

I couldn’t help but chuckle. “Why are you so embarrassed? Did you have an accident during a date or something or have you never dated at all?”


“Really? Not going to say anything?” I asked curiously.

“I, uh...Never dated…” Celestia admitted.

“Really?” Twilight asked. “Even I date once in a while?” Wait, really?

“Wow.” I said. “I suppose people took the ‘Princess musn’t be touched’ a little too far...I mean, not surprising since people see you as a goddess.” I brought up.

“Well… it’s not just that. I have had suiters, courters...but between my duties to Equestria, the paperwork from my School, teaching my personal students and raising the sun and moon I never found the time. Before any of that I was just never interested.” She said.

“Makes sense I suppose.” I said honestly. “So many things take up your time you don’t have the time or energy for important things...like taking care of a kid for instance…” I grumbled, hating my parents for basically doing that exact thing to me.

‘Oh Trust me Donovin, I am making time for you.” She said, walking up to me and giving a hug. “With Twilight I was a tutor, but never replaced or overstepped the territory of her mother. I acted caring and motherly, but never did I overstep it. Now though, with you I can step into a mother's role. It’s why I did all this, and put the next thousand years worth of paperwork and responsibility on my little sister.” She said that part with a little bit of an evil grin. “She wanted to make up for all those years in the moon, so I gave it to her.”

“Oh boy.” I chuckled. “She’s probably regretting that now.”

“Maybe, but she needs the attention from the public. I’ve been the solo princess for so long, it’s her time to get the attention she’s wanted her whole life… let’s see just how much she ends up loving it after.” There’s that evil grin again.

“Oh yeah.” I chuckled a little bit at that. “She’s just going to be so happy about it all.”

“For a while. Back then our praise was from a fair and held just a delicious heaping of privacy… but nowadays with flash photography, poperacy and invasion of Privacy. Oh she’s not gonna like it that much anymore.”

“I have a bad feeling she’s going to outlaw some of those things…” I brought up.

“I made sure that those laws must be overturn either by the mass popular vote of those nobles on the high council or she and I have to approve the law’s removal. She’s going to suffer.”

“Um...now that I think about it, don’t you think this is a bit cruel?” I asked nervously, the ‘going to suffer’ part really making this bad.

“Maybe, perhaps suffer is too strong a term… more… find it hard to maintain privacy. Believe me, finding the privacy to act like a pony and not a Princess was rare and far few between.”

“I can imagine.” I said. “But let’s hope she won’t go insane due to it all...also I heard rumors that the Nobles are just entitled jackholes that care more about their money then others...is that true?”

“It’s not untrue, but there’s a fair mix of decent nobles and...rather rude nobles but most of them are just overworked, many of them dealing with the same level of duties as I did. The stress I learned to cope and deal with over centuries… but for mortal ponies, it’s a burden that leads to a life of wealth in fortune, but failure in relationships and family.”

“Then just order everyone to take a week off or something.” I suggested. “Make it a national holiday or something I don’t know. If people are really that overworked than just make it a thing where everyone can spend time with family and party.”

“I’ve tried, but the ones who are in it for the wealth alone overturn the law. Though, now with Luna I can get it fixed… actually… I have an idea. For now though, head off into town. Here.” She said, handing me a bag. “A hundred bits, go nuts. Just remember your doctors appointment.”

“When is my doctor's appointment?” I asked curiously.

“Eleven. So you have about two hours.”

“Alrighty then.” I nodded. “Wonder what I could do with a hundred bits?”

It was still half an hour til my appointment. I just got out of the movies, the Pony Equivalent to the Power Rangers was meh. Bad Guy could have been better. “Well it wasn’t that bad at least.”

The movie only costed me ten of my hundred bits. Still a lot of money. I got some things I figured we’d need at home. I then came across what I think is a new shop? It wasn’t like the others. Decorated like it came...right out of the everfree… Zecora? Huh, don’t think I’ve spoken to her.

I walked over to the building and entered the front door. “Hello?” I called out, wondering if Zecora was here. “Anyone here?”

“Do my ears hear the words, of a customer in my store?” Came the rhyming voice of the Zebra herself.

“Hi.” I said while walking in. “How you doing today?”

“Good and fine like rich rice wine.” She said, smiling.

“That’s good.” I said while looking around. “So this is your shop huh? Looks nice.”

“Yes. Pinkie Pie said I should have a place to sell my brews, and something in my heart told me it was true.”

“Any business so far?” I asked curiously.

“Mostly a stallion or two, looking for a brew to help them make their mares go ooh.” She said.

“Yeah that makes sense.” I nodded. “Need to make sure things stay good in the bedroom…” I muttered, still hating the fact I’m a mare.

“Is there anything I can get, perhaps something to keep away pests?”

“When my mother in law is Celestia I doubt pests will be of much concern.” I said honestly as I browsed around, wondering what was actually here.

“Please browse until you find what you like. I will be finding stock in the back.”

“Hmm…” I wondered, looking around at everything to see what’s here. “What to buy…” I hummed while looking at everything.

Most of the upfront stuff was… er, stamina boosters, others were cold remedies, stuff to make your coat and mane silky, shiney, aid with bowel movements. Typical medicine and such stuff.

“Well...might as well buy this…” I muttered while grabbing some coat and mane stuff just to have something extra.

I found Zecora and payed for them, then headed out. Might as well head to the Hospital for my appointment.

I arrived and had the nurse know I was here so they can tell the doctors. I then picked up some magazines and flipped through them. Lot of furniture stuff here. ”Still find it weird that one of the furniture stores is literally just quills and sofas.” I thought to myself. ”Like what, can no other store sell quills or sofas?”

“Miss Donovin?” One of the pony doctors spoke, walking up to me.

“Yes?” I asked while putting the magazines down. “I suppose it’s my turn?” I asked while getting out of my chair.

“If you’d follow me we already have a hired person from your… birth world here that came in this morning before you did and set up shop. We’ll be examining you after each other, since you apparently also had no health or medical information at all from your other world.”

“Thank you.” I nodded while following the doctor. “Can’t wait to get all these shots...again.” I grumbled.

Once we entered my Doctor from earth was a woman, brown hair, green eyes. “Hello there Donovin, I’m Doctor Steffens, I’ll be your earth doctor today. Now, Miss Sandra is paying me a large sum of money to keep all this under wraps as well as insure any health implications you might have had on earth that were undiagnosed or missed while under your parents misscare are taken care of. Doctor Horse here is to give you the Equestrian side of these health and physical needs.”

“Cool.” I nodded. “So, how do we start doctor's?”

“Well since you don’t have anything from your other world Doctor Horse here will be administering some required shots every Equestrian gets from birth.” Dr. Steffens said.

“Yes. Now, I am inclined to tell you that since we have no real idea how your body changed or why, we can tell you that we are seventy percent certain that you will actually receive these illnesses anyway, so, we will start with the minor, less worrying illness. A simple Feather Flu shot. As the name suggests it only effects Pegasi, as well as Griffons. Basically any winged creature. It’s seasonal but an early shot can prevent it, after all, when caught on top of fever, migraines and nausea, all your feathers will fall out and those will take easy a month, maybe more to grow back.”

“Yeah I’d really like to keep my wings thank you very much.” I said honestly. “So let’s get these shot’s over with.”

Nodding, Dr. Horse took the noodle and carefully injected it into my front left leg. I felt a small numbness as it went in. He took it out, placing a bandage over it. “There. I’ll be getting the MRI and X-ray machines ready for you. Just a precaution, Sandra and the Princess wanted every possibility covered.”

“In the meantime I’ll be conducting your physical by human world standards, see how much you are capable of in this form.” Dr. Steffens spoke. “Won’t take more than ten, fifteen minutes.”

“Alrighty then.” I nodded. “Best make sure I’m perfectly okay instead of figuring out I’m crippled somehow.”

“Yes. Now, We do also have Rainbow Dash’s file here as a comparison, we’ll be using hers as a foundation for yours to determine how similar/different you two are.”

“That sounds about right.” I nodded. “Well, let’s get this started then.”

First up was wingspan. Unsurprisingly, a match. Endurance and agility I was less that RD’s match. Wing flaps per minute I was just fifteen while Dash was topped at fifty. Mare makes even her health a competition. Eyesight was a match, height as it turns out I’m a half inch taller than RD. huh. Lastly was… er, specific organs and I’ll just say that while physically it’s the same as hers… I still have my… er, heh… cherry.

Lastly was a hearing test. Which I’m actually better at RD at. Notes in her file say it’s from all the rushing wing when she flies.

“And that’s it. Everything for your Physical. Equestria side anyway. I want to see you same time next week for some modified earth exams.” Dr. Steffens asked.

“Sure.” I nodded. “Need to make sure everything's okay right?”

“Yes. This will finish up a few things next week then see if the Feather Flu shot the Doctor here gave you will affect you in any way. He’ll be back to check on your bloodwork and pressure, mandatory before proceeding to X-ray and MRI.”

“Yeah, that would be good.” I nodded. “Question actually, when I got the shot, should I have felt a small numbness? Or is that just normal for shots?” I asked curiously, wanting to know if that was just a normal thing or not. “I mean I’m fine but just wondering.”

“It’s normal. The needle is small and so are the veins, injecting a liquid into it causes a sudden rush from injecting the vaccine. Causes a numbness in the arm, or in your case, leg for a bit but it goes away after a bit. Sometimes patients don’t even notice it.”

“Alright, just making sure.” I nodded. “Just wanting to make sure nothing bad happened because of that.”

“Relax, it’s normal. Doctor Horse should be here soon to take you to MRI and X-ray. This was all I needed to do for now so I’ll just get these notes copied then head back to earth. Oh, and here.” She said, taking out a small bag of Cheetos and giving it to me. “Nabbed that before coming over. Figured you haven’t had earth food in a while. I checked and even this worlds Junk food is healthier than most earth snacks, save for their sweets. Swear that muffin I ate when I got here was trying to give me diabetes.”

“You get used to it.” I said honestly. “Was it good though?”

“Save for the sugar amount trying to kill me, I guess it was pretty good. Well, I’ll be off.”

My health check up went well. Over all my equestrian mare standards I’m perfectly healthy, with some surprising differences between RD and I. For starters while my… ovaries can have children, genetically they are human ovaries. So any kids I have might be human or, half. Depending… I still don’t know if I even want kids though… Sexually speaking I’m… not actually sure if I’m good with that or not. Guess time will tell. Or hormones… Either or.

My life is uncertain and bizarre. Well, whatever comes next will be… something.

Author's Note:

Had no more drive for this. Sorry. Cheap ending but I can not find a drive for this story. Sorry.

Comments ( 14 )

Understandable. Take you for a wonderful story ^-^

Not a bad way to end the story

There has been worse endings. Yeah it leaves some of the plot hooks unattended and many points unanswered, but it is good enough for someone who has lost the will to continue a story.

At least you wrote an ending instead of leaving it in limbo. Decent ending too

You gave it an ending. Whitch is more than most do.


Sandra couldn’t have changed his form?

Indeed...:twilightangry2: like at least turn him back into a male?? :facehoof:

ovaries... how would they even be able to tell short of checking the DNA? The reproductive systems of a horse, being that they are also mammalian, is nearly identical to that of humans.

I muttered as I tried to think of any reason why I’m feeling better.

“For a while. Back then our praise was from a fair and held just a delicious heaping of privacy… but nowadays with flash photography, poperacy and invasion of Privacy. Oh she’s not gonna like it that much anymore.”

Exterminate the journalists! Exterminate the journalists! Exterminate the journalists!

“Please browse until you find what you like. I will be finding stock in the back.”

That doesn’t rhyme.

Even though you said it was a cheap ending, at least you gave us an ending. Most authors don’t continue and simply leave it as it is so thank you :D

... could be interesting.
Learning to control all of the body's functions.

Better than leaving the story without one and disappear without saying anything yet it was good

My health check up went well. Over all my equestrian mare standards I’m perfectly healthy, with some surprising differences between RD and I. For starters while my… ovaries can have children, genetically they are human ovaries. So any kids I have might be human or, half. Depending… I still don’t know if I even want kids though… Sexually speaking I’m… not actually sure if I’m good with that or not. Guess time will tell. Or hormones… Either or.

that's a way to end story i guess...

It was great great job on the story

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