• Published 2nd Feb 2017
  • 1,662 Views, 31 Comments

Star Falco - Norwegian boy

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Last Contact

After getting her cutie mark Applebloom has been a good mood and now she was on her way out to share some of her good mood whit her sister and Falco, since this morning Applejack and Falco had a bad mood between them and she was going to fix that.

Stepping out she saw if she could see her sister and Falco but came to a dead stop, what she saw was Applejack stepping into a prison chariot and Falco who was not moving at all, he was throw into the same chariot as her sister. Then she saw guards, one of them she recognises as Twilight’s brother, Shining Armor. He and some other guards stepped into the other chariot and the pegasus that was pulling it flew off.

Applebloom just stood there, trying to figure out what she just saw. She then ran back into the house to tell her brother.

“Big Mac.”

Her brother was sitting in the living room reading the newspaper when Applebloom came running in, she ran straight to him and she grabbed the paper and pulled it away from her brother.

“Applebloom, I was reading that.” He told his younger sister.

“Forget about the newspaper, I just saw Applejack and Falco were taken by some guards,”

Mac just gave his little sister a confused look. “What? Applejack and Falco were arrested, is that what you are saying?” Applebloom nodded. “For what?”

“I don’t know, I never got the chance to ask them. They left before I could.” She then started to cry. “What’s going to happened to them Mac?”

He looked at his sister and she wasn’t lying. “You are telling the truth, that’s for sure.” He got up. “You stay here with granny, I’m going to ask Twilight about this. Something tells me that she knows more about this.” He headed towards the door.

Back the library Twilight had just received a letter from Celestia. “Well, it’s done. The princess has sent someone to arrest Falco.”

That made Dash happy. “You see, everything went out okay in the end.”

“Then why do I feel bad about it? It doesn’t feel right Dash.”

“You get over it Twilight.”

Rainbow was about to head home when someone tried to open the door to the library. “The library is closed, come back tomorrow.” Twilight told the pony.

“I will not come back miss Twilight, not until you tell me why princess Celestia’s guard arrested Applejack.”

“WHAT.” Said Dash and Twilight together.

As soon as they said that the door flew inn and hit the wall with a bang, inn walked Mac and he did not look happy, he walked towards Twilight and Dash who back away from him. They were terrified of him right now.

“I’m going to ask you again miss Twilight; why did the royal guard arrest my sister?”

“I don’t know what you are talking about Mac, I just got a letter from the princess and it said the she had send my brother to arrest Falco, I can write a new one and asked her about Applejack.” Mac nodded. She picked up a new letter with her magic and wrote a new one, then she send it with her magic. “Now we wait.”

Meanwhile in Canterlot dungeon Falco had just woken up after had been shot in the back, he sat up. “What the hell happened and why does my back hurt like hell?” He looked around and saw that he was in a prison. “What’s going on?” He asked no one special.

“We both got arrest.”

He recognized the voice. “Applejack?” He got up and walk to the bars and stuck his head out and looked around. “Where are you?”

“To your right.”

He looked to his right but could not see here, all he could see was another prison cell. “Where the hell are we?” He asked her.

“After you insulted princess Celestia, Shining Armor shot a beam in your back knocking you out cool. Then we were both taken to the castle prison.”

Falco thought back and he remember a unicorn. “This Shining Armor, he has white fur and blue tail?”


Falco slam his fist into the floor. “Fucking coward, who shot someone in the back?”

Then they heard a door open, both of them looked out from the bars and they could see Celestia with some guards and one of them was Shining. When Falco saw him, he saw red. The guards walked over to Applejack’s cell and open the door.

“Applejack, you are free to go.” Said the guard that open the door.

Celestia walked over to Falco’s cell and looked right into his eyes with anger, a normal pony would probably be very afraid about now but Falco was just bored.

“Did you really think you would get away?”

Falco was now confused. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“We have proof that you have been spying on Equestria for captain Hubert.”

Now he was even more confused. “I haven’t spying on you and how the hell is Hubert? I don’t know a Hubert.”

“Just keep acting dumb, I know your lying.”

“Listen princess arrogant, I’m not lying because I don’t know that the hell you are talking about.”

Celestia took a steep back. “About an hour ago captain Hubert of the Andross force told me to surrender Equestria to him and he told me that you were a spy.”

Falco had stopped listing to her when she said Andross. “Did you just say Andross?”

“Yes, does that name meaning anything to you?” She asked him.

“Yeah, you better surrender to him or he will kill you all.”

That got Applejack and the guard to react but not Celestia, she didn’t believe his words at all. She actually smiled.

“Do you really think you can talk you way out of this? You are going to stay in your cell for the rest of your life.” She walked away from him and to Applejack’s cell. “Applejack, as the guard said you are free to go. It was all a misunderstanding.” Applejack didn’t move. “Didn’t you hear me?”

“I heard you but I’m not moving, if Falco is staying and so am I.”

Celestia was about to use her magic to drag her out. “Just go already AJ, let Celestia have her fun.” Falco told her.

“But, you have done nothing wrong, it’s not right.”

“I know that and you know that but, the princess here is to stubborn to realize who is the real enemy is.”

Celestia walked back to Falco’s cell. “If you are talking about your boss, I have already but up a magic barrier around the castle and guards are patrolling the street.”

Falco was not impressed of that. “That’s all? That’s not going to be enough.”

Then a with unicorn stepped forward. “How dear you doubt princess Celestia’s words?”

Falco looked at the unicorn. “Let me guess, you are Shining Armor.”

“That’s right.”

Falco leaned out as far as he could. “When I am getting out of this cell, I’m going to break that nose of yours.” He said with a serious facial expression.

When Shining heard that he stared to laugh, so did the other guards. Even Celestia thought that it was funny.

“That’s was funny inmate, that you really think that you are getting out of that cell.”

Falco’s facial expression didn’t change. “When I am getting out of this cell, I’m going to break that nose of yours. That a promise and I keep my promises.”

Celestia was about to say something but then scroll appeared right in front of her, she opened it and read it. “It looks like you brother is worried for you Applejack so, I suggested that you go home.”

Applejack walked out from her cell and looked over to Falco who just gave her a thumb up, she just nodded and walked with some guards. Celestia took one last look Falco and walked after them, then Shining followed her leaving Falco alone in the prison.

Falco just lay down in the floor. “This is just great.”

When Celestia and the others arrived in the main hale she turned to two of the guards. “Escort Applejack back to Ponyville.” They both saluted but they didn’t get far.

“I’ll escort Applejack home.” It was Luna who had enter the main hall.

“What’s the meaning of this Luna?” Celestia asked her sister.

“You heard me, I will escort Applejack home.” Luna walked up to her sister. “Or do you have a problem with that.”

Then they stared a staring contest that made the guards and Applejack very nervous, none pf them knew what could happened. Eventually Celestia gave up.

“Fine, do as you want. I have bigger problems then this.”

Celestia and her guards walked to the throne room leaving Applejack with Luna. “Follow me Applejack.” She did that. Eventually they arrived at their destination, Luna bedroom. The guards that was guarding her room saluted, both are bat pony.

Luna open the door with her magic and went, Applejack followed her. Applejack has never been in Luna room before, truth be told she has never been in any of the princess rooms and she was very nervous right now. Luna could see that.

“Don’t worry Applejack, you are not in trouble. I just want to talk to you before I send you home.” She closed the door with her magic. “I want you to be honest with me Applejack what do you think about my sister right now?”

That question caught her off guard. “Too be honest, I don’t think she is the perfect ruler Twilight says she is. She just arrested Falco for something he never did.” She looked down on the floor. “I don’t know what to think anymore.

“I see, and what do think about Falco? Is he a threat to Equestria?”

Applejack shook her head. “No way, he helped fix the school swings and help paint the school building. He even helped Spike find his father, somepony who does that is not a threat.”

Luna was about to ask another question when her room stared to shake, it wasn’t her rom but the entire castle. One of the guard came in. “Princess Luna, there something approaching Canterlot. Something big.”

Luna and Applejack walk out to Luna’s balcony and what they saw made their eyes to widen, entering the atmosphere was a giant black metal thing. None of them knew was happening. Then they saw many round metal things coming out from the big one, then the small one stared to fired something that looked like magic beams towards the city.

Luna could see ponies stared to panic in the street, they were desertion the city. She looked at the guard.

“Guard, get me captain Shadow right away.” She shouted at the guard behind her, he ran as fast he could to find the captain.

“Princess Luna was going on?” Applejack asked with fear in her voice.

“I don’t know but something tells me that this is my sister fault.”

As soon Luna said that a bat pony entered her bedroom, it was a bat pony with blue/black fur with purple hair. The bat pony saluted. “You asked for me your highness.”

“Captain Shadow, I want you to take every night guard and head to Canterlot and rescue everypony you can.”

“But what about your sister and her guards?”

“Something tells me that see is responsible for this, now get going.” Shadow saluted again, then she ran out the room and two guards followed her. “Let’s go Applejack.” Luna headed for the door.

“Where are we going?”

“We are going to the one who can help us.”

A couple of minutes ago in the throne room.

Celestia had just arrived back in the throne room, she was wondering if she did the right the choice. Her thought was interrupted by the something that flew in front of her, it was the same metal thing as before.

Then Hubert appeared again. “Greetings Celestia, have you consider my offered?”

As soon as he said that Celestia felt anger. “Surrender and leave Equestria? Never. I will never surrender to the likes of you.”

Hubert sighed. “That’s too bad, I was hoping to do this peacefully.” He looked to his side. “Prepared to attack.” The imaged disappeared and the metal orb flew out the window.

Celestia turned to Shining Armour. “Captain, alert the guard. I want them to protect the castle at all cost.”

He saluted and ran to alert the guard. As soon he left the hole castle stared to shake, Celestia looked outside and she saw black metal thing entering the atmosphere, then it send out small metal orbs that looked like the one that had visit her before. Then they stared to fire beams towards the city.

One of the guards in throne room saw that. “Your highness, what about the ponies in Canterlot?” He asked Celestia.

“I have soldier in the streets, they are safe.”

Luna and Applejack had just entered the dungeon and the first thing the notice that there were no guards there, all they could hear was whistling. They ran to Falco cell and they saw the bird lei in the bed, he was whistling, it looked like he didn’t have a care in the world.

“Falco Lombardi.”

Falco looked at the cell door, he waved when he saw who it was. “Hello tuts, how is your day going? Having trouble with the invasion?” He then notice Applejack. “I guess we can’t have the date now AJ.”

“How can you lay there and make jokes when Canterlot is under attack?” Applejack asked him.

He just snorted. “Why should I care? According Celestia I am an enemy, so I ask again; why should I care?”

Luna stepped forward. “Ponies are dying, don’t you care about that.”

He turned his back on them. “Nope, it’s not my problem. I am the enemy, remember?”

Luna fell on her knees and stared to beg. “Please, I beg you help us.”

He got up and walked over to the cell door. “Why should I? Ever since I have got here most of you have treated me like a bad guy. I asked you again; why should I care?”

“Don’t you care that ponies are dying?” Applejack asked him.

He looked into her eyes. “No.”

She was shocked when she heard that. “What’s wrong with you? Don’t you have any compassion for the pony that are dying out there?”

“My compassion disappeared when I was arrested for something I didn’t do but if you ponies want my help then it will come at price.”

“I will give you anything.” Said Luna while Applejack couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

“I want to punch that bastard Shining Armor in the face.” Both Luna and Applejack gave him a confusing look. “That coward shot me in the back and for that I promise him that I would break his nose and I intent to keep that promise.”

Luna stood up. “I have no problem with that, he isn’t one of my guards so I don’t care.”

“Good but there’s one problem, even if I got my Arwing to work I can’t use my weapons. My weapon chip was fried on arrival, what I need is a replacement and I don’t think that there’s a store in this place that sells that kind of stuff.”

“Who can we find one?” Luna asked him.

“We can find one in one of those drones out there.” He pointed at the window. “Those who are attacking the city.”

“Can’t Luna just shoot one down with her magic.” Said Applejack.

“That won’t work, I have seen unicorn’s trying to shoot them down with their magic. They have shield that reflects magic, this Hubert has probably modified them so they can’t be destroyed by magic.”

“Then all hope is lost.” Said Luna in with a somber tone.

“Maybe not.” Both Falco and Luna looked at Applejack. “This morning I went to visit Twilight and she had one of those ‘drones’ in the library.”

“Where did Twilight get one of those?” Luna asked her.

“I don’t know, I saw Rainbow Dash there too. Maybe she found it.”

“Then we have no time to lose, I will teleport us to Twilight Sparkle library so Falco can get this weapon chip from the drone.”

She closed her eyes and as about to teleport them, until Falco remined her of something.

“Hello, I’m still in prison.”

Luna blushed of that. “Sorry, I forgot.” She levitated the keys that was lining at the table and open the cell so Falco could get out. “Alright then, brace yourself.” Her horn stared to glow and all three off them disappeared.

They appeared right in front library. “Is everpony alright?” She looked at Applejack who was a little disoriented.

“I still don’t get how unicorns managed to teleport without their world spinning.”

“Believe me Applejack, I had trouble at first. You okay Falco?”

They looked over where he was, he was standing by some bushes, throwing up. “That was not good for my stomach.” He stood up and whipped his mouth. “Well, at least I fertilize Twilight’s flowers.”

Luna just rolled her eyes and walked towards the door and notice that it was missing, she also could hear voice inside.

“I admit that Falco is a brute Twilight, but spying on us. Are you sure you are alright?”

“For the tenth time Rarity, I’m fine and yes, I’m sure he’s spying on us.”

Falco couldn’t help but groan. “Great, it sounds like the hole gang is there.”

They walked in and he was right, Twilight and all her friends was there even Applejack’s big brother, Big Mac was there.

“I’m telling you all, he’s spying on us all, this thing.” She pointed at the drone. “Is the proof.”

Then Twilight and the rest heard clapping. “Bravo ‘princess,’ you are a real genius.”

They all looked at the door and there stood Falco, as soon Dash saw him she took off towards him ready to punch him but she didn’t come very fare. She was stopped by a black aura, then she was thrown into the wall knocking the breath out of her. All theirs eyes widen when Luna stepped into the library.

“As long as I am her none of you are going to touch Falco, are we clear?”

“Princess Luna, what are you doing here?” Twilight asked her.

Luna walked over to Twilight with anger in her eyes. “I’m here doing what my sister should do, saving Equestria. Right now, Canterlot is under attack and it’s her fault.” That got all in the library to gasp, except Luna, Applejack and Falco.

“Canterlot is under attack? We have to go, princess Celestia needs the elements of harmony.”

Twilight was about to leave but Luna block her path. “You are not going anywhere Twilight Sparkle, you have done enough. I’m am here because I have a plan to deal with the threat.” She looked over to where Falco was standing but he was gone. “Where did Falco go?”

Applejack who was also standing there just pointed a hoof at Falco who was by the drone. “Nice work, great an energy shield that reflect magic, wish I had thought about that.” He had manged to get one of the panels open.

“What are you talking about Falco.” Luna asked the bird.

“Easy, this drone has a shield that makes magic useless.”

“That’s is impossible, I scan it and its not working.” Said Twilight.

“Well your wrong princess, this drone is working and it’s been recording you and your friends the hole time.”

Dash, who has just recovered after Luna had thrown her into the wall. Decide to say something. “Yeah right, you would say anything to save yourself.” She tried to take a stepped but lost her balance, luck for that Fluttershy was there.

Falco just rolled his eyes of what she said, he pushed some buttons and a hologram of Twilight and Dash appeared.

Twilight. “Well, it’s done. The princess has sent someone to arrest Falco.”

Dash. “You see, everything went out okay in the end.”

All the ponies in the room was shocked when they saw the recording. “They have been watching you all the time and they have probably gathering information about you ponies ever since they got here.” Falco told them.

“Then why are your logo on the on the drone?” Dash asked him.

Falco looked at the logo. “That’s the Star Fox logo but it’s been painted on, the paint is still wet.” He slide his finger on it and he got red paint on his finger. “Hubert and his lackeys have probably painted the logo to make sure I got blamed.”

Dash was not convinced. “I don’t believe you, you are lying.”

“Believe what you want.” Falco reach his hand into the hole and puled something. “This weapon chip will do, for the time being.” He got up and stared to walked towards the door.

“Where are you going?” Twilight asked him.

“I’m going to save Canterlot, whether I like it or not.”

He exit the library, Applejack and Mac followed him leaving Luna with the rest of the element of harmony. She looked at Twilight.

“When I heard that my sister let you stay here in Ponyville to study friendship I was not sure that was a wise decision, but after you help me at my own holy day I realize that I was wrong. Right now, I don’t know what to think, a pony who are studying friendship why won’t you be friends with Falco? You should just head back to Canterlot.” Luna walked out the door leaving Twilight with the words she just said.

Falco had run as fast as he could towards the farm, Applejack and Mac was right behind him. When they arrived at the farm Applebloom was waiting form them by the stairs to the house, when she saw them she got a big smile on her face. When Falco and he siblings ran past her she became confused, she ran after them.

All of them ran to Falco’s Arwing, Falco was doing something to it while Applejack and Big Mac was watching.

“Applejack, what’s going on?” She asked her sister. “And why where you arrested?”

“I will explain it to you later Applebloom but, this is not the right time.”

Applebloom was about to say something but then Luna arrived from the air landing right beside the Arwing. “Are your weapons repaired Falco?”

“Let’s hope so.” I closed the panel and jumped into the cockpit, he pressed a couple of buttons. “It looks like the weapon chip is holding up for now but I don’t know for how long.”

Luna nodded. “Then I suggest you hurry, I will head back to Canterlot to deal with the situation.”

“Hang on a minute.” Falco threw something at her, Luna caught it her magic.

She looked at it, then she gave Falco a confused look. “What am I supposed to do with this?”

“It’s a headset, it lets us talk when am in battle. Just put it on your head like I do.” He put his on head and Luna mimic him, he then closed the roof to the cockpit. “Can you hear me?”

When Luna hear Falco voice in her headset she was shocked. “What kind of black magic is this?”

Falco rolled his eyes when he heard that. “It’s not magic its technology, this is better than have you in my head.” He looked over to Applejack who had worried face, he just gave her a thumb up. “I’m heading to Canterlot.”

Luna nodded. “Alright, good luck.”

Falco pressed some buttons and the Arwing stared to move, the ship stared to float, he hit the accelerator and the Arwing flew towards Canterlot and the enemy ship.

“I’m also heading back.” Luna looked at the apple family. “I think it’s best that you all stay here, I will back when it’s all over.”

Luna was about to teleport herself to Canterlot. “Wait, princess Luna.” Luna raised an eyebrow. “That bird ow me a date, I want you to promise that you bring him back.”

Luna gave Applejack a reassuring smile. “I promise Applejack, he will return.” She then teleported herself to Canterlot.

Applebloom walked over to her sister. “Applejack, what’s going on and where’s Falco going?”

Luna had teleported herself to her bedroom, she walked over to her balcony to see the damage the enemy had caused. She couldn’t believe what she saw, buildings were destroyed, smoke was coming out from them. She could see her sister’s guards, who was unicorns. They were trying to destroy the drones but their magic just reflected of them.

She decided to try out the headset. “Where are you Falco? It looks really bad down there.”

“I’m close, eta two minutes.”

Luna was amazed over that. “That was fast.”

“My Arwing if fast, even if it’s working at fifty percent.”

Then Luna door was open with a force that shock the entire room, in walked her sister and she was not happy.

“I have to talk to you later Falco, my sister just walked into my room.”

“Got it, talk to you later.”

The headset became quiet, Luna turned around to face her sister. “What do I owe this visit my dear sister?” Luna asked Celestia.

Celestia walked straight to sister. “I want to know why you let the prisoner out of his cell.”

Luna couldn’t believe what believe what she heard. “Seriously? That’s your concerns? Canterlot is under attack from an enemy we have never faced before and all you care about that I released your prisoner, what the hell is wrong with you?”

“Don’t you dare question me, Falco is part of this new enemy and belongs in jail.”

Little did the two sister that while they were arguing a drone was heading towards Luna’s bedroom, it didn’t get were far before it exploded. The sister looked outside and saw Falco in his Arwing giving them a saluted, he then turned his Arwing towards Canterlot to take on the drones.

Luna pointed a hoof at what just happened. “If Falco really was the enemy he wouldn’t have saved us right now.”

Celestia walked towards the door, she stopped and looked over her shoulder. “When this is over, Falco is going back into his cell and then you and I are going to have a long talk.” She walked out of the room leaving Luna alone.

Luna couldn’t help but wonder what wrong with Celestia, the one she just had a talk with was not the one she remember a thousand years ago, she sighed and decide to see what was happening with the city. She could see Falco Arwing destroying several drones, she decide to ask how he’s doing.

“You okay out there Falco?”

“I’m doing great, these drones were designed to reflect magic not blasters. They are dropping like flies.”

Meanwhile on the enemy ship Hubert was looking through the window in the command center and he was not happy, he turned around. “Major, send out some more drones to attack that Arwing. Bring it down, NOW.” They all saluted and got to work.

Over the city Falco had just shot down two more drones. “This is easy, I’ll be done before I know it.” Then he saw more drones coming out from the enemy ship. “Me and my big mouth.” He saw half of them flying towards the city while the rest of them was heading towards him. “Oh crap.” Then they stared to fire at him.

He had to make his ship to spin so the lasers would reflect of. ‘Why do I hear Peppy say do a barrel roll right about now.’ He thought as the Arwing stopped spinning, he then hit the accelerator. “Try and hit me now you worthless piece of junk.” Then he saw green energy fly past him. “You did not just shoot the green shit at me.”

He hit the brakes on his Arwing and saw many drones fly past him, he basted some of them but it was to many of them. He manged to doge some of the laser but hit was also hit many times. ‘This not good, there are too many of them.’ He looked for a solution but there wasn’t any one. ‘I guess this is it.’

Luna watch from her balcony, helpless. As the drones continued to fire at Falco’s Arwing, she wished that she could help him but the drones were immune against her magic. Then she saw something that but a smile on her face.

“Falco, help is on the way.”

Now Falco was confused. “What help? Magic doesn’t work.” Right after he said that he saw flames destroying the drones that was attacking him. “But I guess that flames do.” He then saw two giant dragons fly by him, one of them looked like Spike father and sitting on top of him was Spike, he was waving to Falco.

Falco couldn’t help but smile, he saluted at Spike who saluted back. Falco watch as Spike dad destroyed more drones, he then looked at the other dragon, which he recognized at Drake. Destroying more drones, but when they did that more drones came out from the enemy ship.

“You got to be fucking kidding me.” He looked at the castle. “Luna, can you hear me?”

“Loud and clear Falco, what is it?”

“Can you communicate with the dragons?”

It was a short pause. “Yes, why do you ask?”

“Tell them to attack he main ship, where the drones are coming put from. If we take it down then it will be all over.”

“Got it, I tell sir Drake right away.”

Luna horns stared to glow. ‘Sir Drake, can you hear me?’

'Yes Luna, what can I do for you?’

‘I need you and Spike’s father to attack that giant metal thing in the sky, if we take that down then we will win.’

Drake looked at what she was talking about. ‘It shall be done.’ Drake flew towards the enemy ship with Rock Crusher closed behind, Spike was destroying the drones that was coming near his father with his own flame. Both dragons cast magic fire beams towards the ship, but it just bounced of the shield that was protecting it.

“Are you shitting me? I should have guess that the main ship shields are stronger that the drones.” He stared to hit his head. “Stupid, stupid, stupid.” He was about to go into the battle again but then out of nowhere a drone manged to strike him with a blast, then smoke came out of his Arwing.

Luna was watching the hole thin. “Falco, are you okay? Smoke is coming out in front of your Arwing.”

Falco bushed some buttons on the dashboard. “Shit, that blast destroyed my weapons. I’m defenceless. FUCK.” He then stared to hit the dashboard.

“Then it’s all over” Luna said in a somber voice.

Falco looked at the enemy ship and then back at his own Arwing. ‘I can’t believe that I’m doing this for a bunch of ponies.’ He took a deep breath. “There’s one way to end it all tuts.”

Luna was confused when he said that. “What are you talking about?” Then she saw that the Arwing was headed towards the enemy ship, then she realized what Falco was doing. “Falco, stop. You can’t do it.”

“Magic can’t get through that shield, even dragons are powerless. Then only thing I can think off is ramming my Arwing through the commands center, it would start a chain reaction that would blow the ship up.”

“But, you won’t survive.” Said Luna in a worried tone.

“No, I won’t.” He stared to laugh a little. “I never thought that I would die in a land where ponies live.” He hit the accelerator to get more speed and to hit the ship even harder. “Tell AJ that I going to be late for our date.”

“I will and I’m sorry about this.”

“Don’t be tuts, this is my choice.”

Inside the enemy commands center, one of the monkeys was monitored the radar. He noticed the Arwing’s signature coming towards them, and it was in a hurry.

“Captain Hubert, the Arwing is coming towards and it’s looks like it’s not slowing down.” The monkey told Hubert.

Hubert look out the window and he was right, heading towards them was the Arwing and it was on a collision course. He then noticed the rest of his crew was just standing there.

“What the hell are you all waiting for? Shoot it down.”

They went into action, the pointed the weapons towards the Arwing and fired. It was hit multiple times but somehow it manages to keep going.

Inside the Arwing the spark was flying and Falco was bleeding. “Nice try assholes, but I’m ramming you all straight to hell.”

The Arwing was getting closer and closer, the weapons kept firing but it didn’t seem to help.

The major looked at Hubert. “You order sir?” Hubert said nothing so the major took control. “Abandon ship.” The crew stared to panic, all of them wanted to get of the ship as fast as possible. They stared to run towards the escape pods excepts Hubert.

He was standing there, looking at the Arwing which was coming closer and closer. He was terrified. “This can’t be happening.”

Back in the castle Luna was watching as the Arwing headed towards the enemy ship, she watch as the Arwing crash into the front of the enemy ship, then she saw small explosion in front of the ship. Then more explosions through the ship, then it stared to lose altitude. The ship was heading towards the outskirt of the town.

She watched as the enemy ship land on the ground creating more explosions, then it stopped. Luna could only stand there watching Falco sacrifice his life, she stared to cry.

“How am I going to explain this to Applejack?”

Then her sister entered the room again, this time with guards with her side. “Luna, we ned to talk.”

“This is not the right time sister.” Luna didn’t turn around, she just looked at the wreckage of the destroyed ship.

“I know that Falco sacrifice himself to save Canterlot.”

Luna wiped away the tears from her face. “I don’t know how you know that to be honest I don’t care right now, what do you want Celestia?” Luna asked with anger in her voice.

“It’s pain me Luna that I have to arrest you.”

Luna turned around and she was confused. “Arrest me? For what?”

“You let a criminal out of prison, therefore you aided the enemy.”

Luna just stared at her sister, trying to understand what just she said. “What’s wrong with you? You can’t arrest me, I’m one of the rules of Equestria.”

“You gave up that right when let out Falco. Guards, arrest her.”

The guards that was both unicorns drew their swords and pointed them at Luna, before they could arrest her she teleported away. Both of them just stood there, looking at where Luna was standing.

“What are you two standing there for? Got after her.”

Both guards ran out of the room as fast they could, leaving Celestia alone. She looked around her sister’s room on time, she was disappointed in her sister’s choice that lead them on this path. She walk out of the room closing the door after her.

Night has fallen in Equestria and lonely pony figure was coming out from one of the holes in destroyed enemy ship, he was holding some of the destroyed ships parts with his magic. He got an evil smile when he saw the parts.

“Yes, this will do nicely.” He then looked at the castle. “Soon I will have my revenge over you Celestia.”

Author's Note:

There you all have it, the last chapter. There will be a sequel, I have already stared on the first chapter. The sequel will be out next month, I hope.

If any one wants their OC in the sequel then send me a PM, it has to be a pegasus. It doesn't matter if it's a stallion or mare.

Shadow is my own OC.