• Published 2nd Feb 2017
  • 1,661 Views, 31 Comments

Star Falco - Norwegian boy

  • ...

Six Contact

It was the second day for Falco in Equestria, the sun was rising in the horizon and he was sleeping peaceful in his tent that was until an orange pony came over to his tent to wake him up.

“Rise and shine Falco. It’s time to get up on this beautiful day.”

Falco stuck his head out of the tent opening and he was not happy. “What the hell is wrong with you AJ? Do you know what time it is?”

“I sure do, it’s time to get up and have some breakfast.”

He wanted to shout at her for waking him so early but breakfast sounded good. “Fine, you win.”

Applejack was happy when she heard that, she stepped back a little so Falco could get out. When he was out from his tent he wasn’t wearing a shirt so Applejack could see his upper body, he had a six pack and muscles on his arms. Applejack stared to blush when she saw his upper body and she was glad she wasn’t a pegasus.

“Take a picture, it will last longer.”

That got Applejack back to reality. “Sorry, come on and let’s get some breakfast.” She stared to walked back to the house, very fast. Falco couldn’t help but smirk of that, he put on his shirt and followed her.

After breakfast Falco went up to the bathroom to take a shower, after he had done that he waked down the stairs, there stood Applejack and Applebloom waiting for him.

“Can I ask you a favour Falco.”

He became a little nervous of that. “What kind of favour?”

“I was hoping you that you could follow Applebloom to the school today, I would like to do it myself but I don’t have the time.”

“What about your brother?” Falco asked her.

“He is also busy.”

Falco put a hand on his face. “AJ, I can’t just go through to town I may scare half the town and beside I have to fix my Arwing so I can go home.”

“Your metal bird isn’t going anywhere and beside I’m letting you stay on my farm.”

“So, it’s blackmail.” Falco couldn’t help but be impressed with what AJ just did. “Alright, I take your sister to school.”

Applejack was happy by that but not Applebloom. “I still don’t understand why I can’t go there alone.” She mumbled to herself but Applejack heard her.

“Because you are too young, that’s why.”

“I’m twelve years old.”

“That may be true but last time I let you go alone you and your friends skipped school so you could get your cutie marks, Cheerilee was not happy by that.”

Then they stared to arguing and it was giving Falco a headache. “Would you two stop arguing already? Let’s get this over with but If I’m crating a mas panic in town I’m blaming you, got it.” He looked at Applejack.

“I can live with that.”

Said Applejack and then she walked up the stairs to the second floor leaving Falco alone with Applebloom, then an awkward silence came between them. They just looked at each other trying to say something, then Falco stared to walk towards the door.

“Come on Applebloom, let’s get this over with.” She followed him out the door.

They walked in silence towards the town and then thought occurred Falco head. “What’s the name of the town Applebloom?” He asked.

“Ponyville.” Applebloom answered.

Falco couldn’t help but snort when he heard the name. “Seriously? Who came up with that name?”

“Hey, granny Smith was here when the town was build.”

“That old fossil?” Applebloom nodded. “Holly crap, who would have known that.”

When they arrived into town both Applebloom and Falco expected that all the ponies in town would flee in terror but that didn’t happen, instead Falco got weird look as he walked past ponies. The only one that made a scene was three mares that shouted ‘the horror’ and then they passed out on the grounds.

“You okay Falco?” Applebloom asked him.

“Why wouldn’t I?”

“You are getting a lot of looks from ponies.”

“I’m ignoring them, are we close to the school?”

“Yeah, we are close.”

When they arrived at the school Falco saw a building that looked like it was about to fall apart, the color was a mix of light and dark red, purple, white and yellow it was staring to peel off. There was also a giant bell on top that looked like it was about fall down any minute, he also saw a bunch of toys that the children could play on like swings and a pole with two balls that had seen better days.

“Applebloom, is this your school?” She nodded. “It’s a bump, I would never let any children get close to this thing”. He said while pointed at the school.

“It’s been in bad shape for a while but we don’t have any money to fix it.” She said to him.

“Then why haven’t any adults taken the initiative and trying to fix it?” She just shrugged her shoulder. “Can you get to school from her?” She nodded. “Good.” He left.

Falco was walking through Ponyville, he was on his way back to the farm to get his tools. Then he heard something above him, it sounded like wings beats. He looked up and what he saw, he wasn’t sure what he saw. It looked like two pegasus with armour that was dragging a carriage and on the carriage sat a pony that looked like Luna except she had white fur and she had many different colors, they were heading towards him.

The carriage landed a few meters from him and the white pony stepped out from it, one thing was sure the pony as taller than Luna, he noticed a sun on the pony’s butt. ‘This must be Luna sister, I have forgotten her name. Oh well.’ The pony saw Falco and smile, when he saw her smile it somehow made him unease. He didn’t know why.

“So, you’re the bird that crashed down in the Everfree forest last night.” Her voice was so soft it almost made Falco throw up.

“You could say that, who the hell are you?” When the guards heard the way he talked. they gave him an evil look which thought was cute.

“My name is Celestia and I’m the sole ruler of Equestria.”

Now those last words caught Falco attention. “You’re the sole ruler of this land? What about your sister Luna? Is she just for decorations?”

Celestia smiled of his words and her smile made Falco gaged. “My apologize, I have ruled alone for a very long time that sometimes I forget. Now, the reason I’m her.” Her face became death seriously that could scare most ponies but Falco just yawn. “Are you a threat my little ponies?”

“I didn’t hear the last words, my little what?” Said Falco.

“My little ponies.”

“I thought you said that, look. If you want to have an adult conversation then don’t use words like ‘my little ponies’, it sounds like something out of a kids show. Now if you’ll excuse me I have work to do.”

He tried to walk away but Celestia guards landed in front of him blocking the way.

“The princess isn’t finished with you yet creature.” One of the guards tried to say with intimidating voice.

When Falco heard that he smiled and patted the guard on his helmet. “Isn’t that cute, the little guard is trying to be scary. Tell you what, why don’t you go home and practise in front of the mirror because that was pathetic. Like is said I have work to do.” He tried to again but the guards blocked his path, he turned his head to look at Celestia. “If you don’t want these two to end up in hospital you tell them to back the fuck away.”

“Let him go.” Both guards hesitated for a moment but the stepped aside.

“Good call and the answer is no, I have no intention in hurting the ponies in this town. All I want to do is to fix my ship and go home.”

After he said that he stared to walked towards Applejack’s farm leaving Celestia alone with her guards. “I want you two to follow him and find out what his up to, but don’t let him see you. I’m going to talk to Twilight Sparkle.” Both guards salute and flew after him while Celestia headed towards the library.

Back on the farm Applejack was busy stacking hay bales in barn, she tossed the last one on top of the others. She wiped away some from sweat from her forehead. “There, finished.” She was about to walk out from the barn when Falco walked past and it looked like he was in a hurry, she walked after him.

When she arrived where he had parked his Arwing she saw that he was in the cockpit. “Hey Falco, did you have any problems escorting Applebloom to school?” She asked.

“Not really.” He jumped down from the cockpit and he has his toolbox with him. “I did ran into your princess on my way here.”

“You talk to princess Luna?”

“The other one.”

That got Applejack’s eyes to widen. “You talk to princess Celestia?” He nodded. “You didn’t say anything that offended her, did you?”

“Not really but I think she thinks I’m dangerous.”

That confused Applejack. “Did she say that you were dangerous?”

“No, but considering that her two pegasus guards are following me and your friend Skittles have been following me since yesterday.”

Now she was really confused. “What do mean? They are following you, how?”

“AJ, look up and tell me what you see.”

She looked up. “What I see is a few clouds and the sun is shining.”

“Look closer at the clouds.”

She did and then she saw one of them moving and then she saw a rainbow tail on the other, when she saw that she became furious. She couldn’t believe that Dash would spy on Falco.

“What the hay Rain…” She was cut off by Falco putting a hand on her mouth.

“Don’t let her know that you have seen her, let Skittles and Celestia guards have their fun.”

Now Applejack was confused, again. “Why? Why are you letting them follow you?”

“If they think that I’m dangerous then I say let them follow me. Now, I’m going to the school to and fix the swings and you are going to help me. I want you to go and buy some paint so I can paint the school, can you do that?”

Applejack looked at Falco to see if he was serious or not and he was serious. “Sure, I can go and by some paint.”

Falco was happy by that answer. “Good, I’m guessing you know what color you need.” She nodded. “That’s good, while you are buying paint I’m going to find a unicorn.”

“Why don’t you ask Twilight.” Applejack ask him

“She is probably busy talking with Celestia.”

“Why are she talking to Twilight?”

“Probably to talk about me look, I’m going to find a unicorn while you buy paint, got it?” She nodded. “Good, see you at the school and don’t forget paintbrushes.”

Meanwhile at the library Celestia was sitting on the couch in the main room waiting for Twilight to bring her tee, normally it was Spike who made tee but ever since yesterday he has been distant. Twilight has tried to talking with him but he hasn’t said anything. Eventually Twilight came out from the kitchen with the tee holding it in her magic.

“I’m so sorry princess, usually is it Spike that makes tee.” She put the tee on the table.

“That’s okay Twilight, where’s is Spike the by way.”

Twilight looked at the second floor. “He has looked himself up in the guest room, ever since we got back from Applejack’s farm he has been acting strange. I don’t know what’s bothering him.”

Celestia wonder if Falco had something to do with Spike’s mood, she levitated a cup and drank from it. “This is a good tee.” Twilight smiled with pride. “Now, the reason I’m her. Falco Lombardi, I believe was the name you wrote down in the letter.” Twilight nodded. “What can you tell me about him.”

“Not much I’m afraid, he hasn’t said much only that he wants to repair his metal bird which he calls Arwing.”

This intrigued Celestia. “And what is his intension with this ‘Arwing’ when it’s repair.” She asked her student, she knew that answer but she wanted to hear it from Twilight.

“He said that he wanted to go home to his friends, I’m not sure if I believe him. I get the feeling that he isn’t telling the truth, even if Applejack believe him.”

“Ah yes, the element of honesty. She thinks he’s telling the truth while you think that he’s hiding something, am I correct?” Twilight nodded.

Celestia was about to answer when they heard a door open and close, then they heard footsteps and down the stairs came Spike. It looked like he hasn’t slept all night.

“Hey Spike, how are you feeling?” Twilight asked him.

He didn’t answer her, instead he went straight to Celestia. “Where did you get me?”

Celestia blink a couple of times. “What do you mean my dear Spike?”

“I said where did you get me? Where did you get my egg all those years ago? I want to know.”

Celestia stood up. “I have to go.”

She walked towards the door leaving Spike heartbroken while Twilight was just confused, he turned around to face Twilight.

“Twilight, do you know where Celestia got my egg?”

She shook her head. “No Spike, she never said anything and I never asked her. Where did this come from? You have never asked about where she got your egg before, why now?”

He looked down on the floor. “Yesterday when you and Pinkie went for a talk, Falco ask me where you got my egg so I thought that I would ask princess Celestia when she came here, but she just walk out and said nothing. I want to know where she got my egg and maybe where my parents are.” Then tears stared to dropped the floor. “I just want to know.” He said with sadness in his voice.

Twilight put a hoof on his shoulder. “I’m sorry Spike but I don’t think you should listen to Falco.”

Spike pushed away her hoof. “And why not? It looks like he is the only one who are telling the truth, you don’t know and Celestia won’t say anything. Just leave me alone.”

He walked back up stair to the guest room, leaving Twilight alone and feeling bad. So, she decided to help Spike by asking Celestia herself. She ran after her.

Falco walked through town looking for a unicorn, he thought about asking the white one he meet yesterday but something told him that she would complain the hole time. Then he saw a unicorn with two different blue color in her hair, she had white fur. But what stood out the most was that she had shades and headphones but he couldn’t see where the music come from, she was walking down the street while nodding her head to what Falco assumed was music. He walked over to her.

“Yo, unicorn with the weird hair.” She didn’t hear him, she just kept going. “Hey, I’m taking to you.” He still got no answer from the unicorn so he decided to step on the unicorn’s tail.

That made her feel on her stomach, she looked for the culprit ad she was not happy. “Hey, what’s the big idea? Do you have a…” Her voice died in her mouth when she saw who it was. “Holly Celestia, Pinkie wasn’t joking. There’s a bird with metal legs in town.”

Falco crossed his arms. “Yes, that’s me and it’s so nice to ignore others.”

“Sorry dud, but when I listen to music I kind of zone out. Now, what’s pointed you stepping on my tail?” She asked him.

“You are a unicorn, right?”

“What gave it away? My horn?” She said with sarcasm in her voice.

“Pretty much, look I need help your help. I’m going to fix the swings at the school and I need a unicorn to hold it up.”

“The swings looked fine the last time I saw them.”

Falco groaned. “Fine, don’t help me I’ll do it myself.” He stared to walk towards the school. “Unbelievable.”

He didn’t get very far. “Wait a minute.” The white unicorn came up beside him. “I didn’t say that I wouldn’t help, if swings are in bad shape then count me in.” Falco smiled of that. “What’s your name by the way?” She asked him.

“It’s Falco Lombardi.”

“That’s a cool name, my name is Vinyl Scratch but I’m also known as DJ PON-3. You may have heard of me.”

“Look Scratch, this is just my second day in this crazy place so no, I haven’t heard of you.”

When they arrived at the school yard they went right to swigs, Vinyl walked over to it and inspected the swings. “I don’t know dud, they look fine to me.” Falco walked over to them and flicked them, as soon he did that the swings snapped in half. “I take that back, they are not fine. What do you want me to do?”

“Just lift it up with your magic so I can weld it back together.”

“Sure, I can do that.” Her horn stared to glow white and the swings stared to levitate.

“Nice, now bring the part that broke closer together.” She did as he said, Falco found his welding equipment and got to work.

While he was working, Vinyl stared to get restless. “Dud, are finished soon?”

“Do you have date or something?”

Vinyl tolled her eyes of the answer she got. “No, I’m just not used to standing still without music. I need to listen to music.”

“Right now, you have to stand still without music remember, patience is a virtue.”

Inside the school house was young colt by the name of Button Mash sitting by his desk listing to Cheerilee talk, he was actually resting his head in his hoof and staring outside the window. ‘I’m so bored, when is this day going to end?’ He then looked in the direction of the swings and what he saw made his eyes go wide.

Out on the playground he saw a giant blue bird that was standing on two metal legs working on the swings, he also saw a unicorn he recognises as Vinyl Scratch holding the swings up with her magic. He turned his attention to Cheerilee.

“Miss Cheerilee, there’s a giant bird in the playgrounds.”

Cheerilee looked up from the book she was reading, she looked at Button. “Button Mash, how many time must I tell you not to make thing up. There’s no giant bird in the playgrounds and Nightmare Moon isn’t trying to steal your lunch.” The rest of the children laugh at the last part. “Now keep quiet and listen.”

“But… I…”

Cheerilee couldn’t help but groan, she got up from her chair and walk to him. “I will prove to you that there is no giant bird at the playground.” She looked out the window. “See there are a giant bird that’s fixing the swing? What the…?”

Cheerilee couldn’t believe what see saw, what Button had said was true. Out in the playground stood a giant blue bird the was standing on two metal legs and he was doing something to the swings, she also saw Vinyl Scratch.

Her words also got the rest of the children curios, the all ran to the windows to see if Button was telling the truth. All of their eyes widen when they saw that he was telling the truth, all of them became a little scared afraid of the bird except the CMC.

“Huh, what’s Falco doing her?” Said Applebloom.

“Do you know that ‘bird’ Applebloom?” Cheerilee asked without taking her eyes of Falco.

“Yeah, His name is Falco Lombardi and he was the meteor that crash in the Everfree forest two nights ago. His been living on our farm trying to fix his metal bird but he calls it Arwing, whatever that is.”

Cheerilee wasn’t sure if she believed Applebloom or not but she wasn’t going to let an alien bird roam around the school yard, she headed towards the door.

“Stay her children, I’m going to talk to this Falco character.”

They saw Cheerilee disappear out the door, then they looked out the window again to see what’s going to happened.

Vinyl had decided to sit on the ground instead of standing, she let out a yawn. ‘Man, this is boring.’ She then heard someone coming, she looked over her shoulder and saw Cheerilee approaching. ‘This should be fun.’ Cheerilee walked right up to the two them. “What’s up Cheerilee.”

“Hello Vinyl, I’m glad to see that you’re doing something ells then walking around the town listing to music all day.”

Vinyl just shrugged. “I was bored and Falco here need help so, I’m helping.”

Cheerilee looked over to Falco who was busying welding the swings, she cleared her throat but that didn’t help, he just kept on working. “Excuse me, Falco Lombardi.” That got him to stop.

He looked at the new pony. “Who are you and how do you know my name?”

“My name is Cheerilee and I’m the teacher at this school and I was wondering what are you doing her. When it comes to your name, Applebloom told me your name.”

“What does it look I’m doing, I’m fixing the swings. The swings just broke when I just touched them, Vinyl can confirm it.”

Cheerilee look over to the unicorn who just nodded. “Well, this is very kind of but I would like that you told me before you came here.”

“Yeah right, you would have probably told the kids to run and hide when you saw me. It was better this way.” He went back to work.

“You have a pointed there, are you done soon?” She asked him.

“Almost.” He put on the finishing touch. “There.” He put away the things he just. “You can let it go now Vinyl.” She did as he said and stopped using her magic, when she did the hole swing stared to sway a little. Falco touched it with his finger and it didn’t fall down. “I don’t know how long it will last but I would by a new one.” He told Cheerilee.

“That’s good and all but we don’t have money to buy a new one.” Cheerilee told him.

“Why don’t ask Celestia.”

“We did, two months ago.” That shocked Falco and Vinyl. “We send her a letter but we haven’t got an answer yet.”

“Did you just say two months?” Falco ask, Cheerilee just nodded. “Don’t you think that is a little weird that it has taken so long?”

She stared to rubbed her chin. “When you mention it, yes. But I’m sure she has good reason.”

Falco shook his head. ‘it’s sounds like she doesn’t care.’ He then stared to look around. “Where the hell is AJ with the paint cans.”

As soon he said that he saw her walking towards the school with a wagon and on the wagon, was paint cans, he walked over to her. He jumped over the fence as approach the school.

“Took you long enough.”

“Sorry about that, I had to go home and get the wagon so I could carry them all.” He stared to study them all. “Don’t worry, I got right colors.” He gave her smile that made her blush.

“What’s all this.”

They saw that Cheerilee and Vinyl come towards them. “What does it look like, I got AJ to paint so we could we could give the school house a new paint.” He pointed at building. “Have you seen it? The paint is falling off.”

“it’s have seen better days.” Cheerilee nodded. “Alright, you can give the school house new painting. Just let me get the children out from it so they can help.”

She walked towards the school house to get them and Applejack followed her, Falco looked at Vinyl who was just standing there.

“What about you? Are you going to help?”

Shrugged her shoulder. “I got no better things to, I’ll help.” Vinyl walked after Applejack.

Falco was about to follow her but the he thought about something that’s been bugging him. “Wait a minute Vinyl.” He ran after her. “How could you listen to music? The only thing I could see was your headphones, where did the music come from?”

“I put the music inside the headphones.”

“Let me guess, you did it with magic.” Vinyl just smile. ‘I hate this place.’

When they arrived at school house Cheerilee had gadder the children in front of the building, the children look at Falco with curiosity in their eyes, expected Applebloom and her friends. Then a unicorn filly with a tiara walked up to him.

“What kind of hideous creature are you?” She asked him.

“I don’t know, have you seen yourself in the mirror lately?”

The filly mouth feel to the ground while the other children stared to laugh of what Falco said, now she was furious.

“My name is Diamond Tiara and my father is the most power full pony in Ponyville so you better respect me creature.”

He bent down to get a closer look at her. “Let me guess, your daddy’s little girl and whenever you get in trouble you just run to your daddy and make up something and he believes you. Go ahead, run to your father and tell him whatever you want, I’m not afraid of him or anyone ells.” He flicked away the tiara on her head. “And by the way, you look like fool wearing that.”

He got up and walk over to Applejack leaving Diamond speechless, she tried to say something but no words came out. She picked up her tiara, put it on her head and walked over to Cheerilee and the other children. Cheerilee looked at Falco and she was in shook, she couldn’t believe that someone talk her students like that.

She walked over to him. “Excuse me Mr. Lombardi, was it really necessary to say that to Diamond Tiara?”

Falco was just studding the paint cans. “Look Cheerilee, I understand that you care for your students and I respect that but I don’t like bullies and something told that Diamond Tiara was one. So, I have her a taste of her own medicine, it was that or I beat her up. And I don’t hit children’s.” He picked up a screw driver from his tool books and open the lid on one of the pain cans. “Now if you would excuse me, I have a school building to paint.” He took a paint brush and stared to work, so did the others.

High above them on a couple of clouds was Rainbow Dash and Celestia’s guards, looking down on them. One of the guard looked over to the other.

“It doesn’t seem that this this bird have evil intentions, what do you think?”

“Doesn’t look like it, let’s report back to princess Celestia.” Said the other guard.

Dash saw as the two guard took off and headed towards town, she looked down at Falco with narrowed eyes. ‘I don’t know what is planning but I will find out.’ She thought as she watched him. Then all of sudden he looked up at her and gave her a little wave, she hid her upper body. ‘How that hay did I see me? Does he know that I’m? Impossible.’ She carefully looked over the cloud to keep watching him.

Celestia was walking through Ponyville in search of Falco Lombardi or her guards and Twilight was walking beside her, asking about where she had found Spike’s egg. She loved her student but even Celestia had her limits.

“I don’t understand why don’t tell Spike where you got his egg Princess Celestia, don’t he have a right to know?”

“Whatever Spike has the right to know as nothing to with it Twilight Sparkle, it’s was best for Spike.”

Twilight was about to ask again but two pegasus guards landed in front of them, they bowed to Celestia.

“What did you find out about Falco Lombardi?” She asked her guards.

They both got up and looked at each other’s, then one of them spoke.

“We didn’t find out anything wrong with him, right now he’s at the local school and he’s about to paint the school house with some new paint.” The other guard nodded in agreement.

Celestia looked into their eyes. “Are you two lying to me?” They both shook their heads in fear. “I guess I have to see it for myself.” She walked past them and headed to the school, Twilight followed her out of curiosity while the two guards just stood there like statues.

When they arrived at the school they saw that the two guards were telling the truth, they were paint the school. Falco was sitting on top of the school fixing the roof while Applejack, Cheerilee and Vinyl with the school kids was actual painting the school. Twilight also saw Applebloom sitting on the roof with Falco helping him with the roof, she was holding a hammer between her hoofs. Twilight couldn’t believe what she saw, when she first met Falco he was rub and had a big mouth but right now, she didn’t know what to believe.

Falco stopped what he was doing to wipe away some sweat, he then noticed Celestia and Twilight. He gave them a salute.

“Where’s you two lap dogs Celestia? Did you get sick of them and threw them away?”

Applejack looked up at him. “What are you talking about Falco?” She asked him, he just pointed at Celestia and when Applejack saw the princess her eyes widen. “You can’t talk that to the princess like that, she is the ruler of Equestria.”

Falco looked down on her. “Is she? What about Luna?” Applejack was about to answer but Falco cut her off. “Just forget it AJ and focus on what you are doing.” He went back to repairing the roof.

Celestia turned around. “Followed me back to my carriage Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight hesitated a little but she followed her teacher.

Falco watch as those two left the school yard, he just shook his head. He looked over to Applebloom who was busy with hitting a nail, she had big smile on her face.

“Having fun Applebloom?” He asked her.

She put down the hammer and wiped away some sweat from her forehead. “For some reason, Yes. I don’t understand why.”

“That’s good, take a look at your butt.”

Applebloom was confused. “My butt.” She did that and what she saw made her eyes go wide, on her but was a cutie mark. It was an apple with hammer and nail that looked like cross. “Is that my…?” She couldn’t finish her own sentence.

“Your cutie mark? Yep, I saw it appeared like five minutes ago. I’m surprised that you did notice before.”

Then Applebloom stared to jump up and down. “I got my cutie mark.”

Then she stepped on the ledge of the roof and lost her foot stepped and stared to feel to the ground, Falco manged to react fast enough to catch her but she was heavier than he expected and he feel with her. They landed on the ground with a thump, Applebloom was on top on Falco.

Applejack came around the corner. “Applebloom, Falco, are you two okay?” She asked them.

Applebloom rubbed her head. “Yeah, I think I’m okay.” She then looked down at Falco. “You okay Falco?”

“Considering that I have a pony on my stomach, I feel fine.”

“Oh, sorry.” Applebloom got of him.

“You are a loot heavier than I remember.” He told her.

Applejack walked over to her sister and she was furious. “What were you thinking? You can’t just jump up and down on a roof, even if you got your cutie mark.”

Applebloom hang her head. “I’m sorry sis, I was just so happy when I got mine that I forgot where I was at the moment.”

“Just be more careful for now on.” Applejack looked at Falco who was still lying on his back. “You okay Falco?”

“Considering I just have a pony fell on, I feel great.”

Celestia had arrived back at her chariot and she saw that her guards were ready to take her back to Canterlot, she was about to get on the chariot when Twilight came up her.

“Princess Celestia, are you leaving?”

“Yes my student, I must speak with my sister when it comes to Falco Lombardi and I want you and your friends to do something for me.”

“Anything princess.” Twilight said with enthusiasm in her voice and a big smile.

Celestia smiled at her student. “I want you and your friends to keep an eye on Falco Lombardi.”

Twilight smiled disappeared. “But, why? Do you think he is dangerous?”

Celestia shook her. “No, I don’t believe that but I think he’s hiding something and I want you and your friends to find out what. Can you do that for Twilight?”

Right now Twilight didn’t know what to think, when she first met Falco she thought that he was hiding something but after what she saw at the school, could the princess be right? Is he hiding something? She didn’t want to disappoint the princess.

“Okay princess Celestia, I tell my friends to keep an eye on him but, I don’t want to force them to do it.”

“That’s good Twilight, if you will excuse me. I must return to Canterlot.”

She got on her chariot and her guards flew towards Canterlot leaving Twilight alone, Twilight watch as her mentor disappeared into the sky. She walked back to the library to prepare for the next day. One thing was sure, she did not look forward the conversation with her friends.

Evening had arrived in Equestria and Applejack, Applebloom and Falco was walking towards the farm. Ever since Applebloom had gotten her cutie mark she had jump up and down nonstop, when she had showed it her friends they were happy for her and a little jealous, especially Scootaloo.

Falco just looked at the happy pony as she was in front of him and Applejack. “She has been like this ever since she got her cutie mare, is it really that important to a pony?” He looked at Applejack for an answer.

“Yep, it shows our talent.”

Falco nodded. “Huh, let’s hope that she doesn’t forget it.”

When they arrived back at the farm Applebloom ran straight in the house to tell Mac and granny Smith while Applejack went into the barn to park her wagon, Falco walked to his Arwing. He stared to work on the engine while it was still light outside, Applejack walked outside and felt the wind in her fur, she then walked over to Falco to see him work.

She just sat there watching him. ‘Come on AJ, just ask him.’

‘I can’t, as soon as he has fix his Arwing he will be going home and I will never see him again.’

‘That’s true but if don’t ask him you will probably regret it for the rest of your life.’

“Five bucks for your thoughts AJ.”

Falco’s voice got her back to reality, she blinked a couple of times. “What?”

“I said; five bucks for your thought.”

She cocked her head. “What’s bucks?” She asked him.

“Bucks are the currency we use in my world, I would have just your currency but I don’t know what it is.”

“Okay, our currency is called bits.”

“Bits, not bad. So, what’s on your mind.”

Applejack took a deep breath. “I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me tomorrow.”

Falco stopped what he was doing and looked her with confused look. “Are you asking me out on a date?” Applejack nodded. “You now that as soon as I got my Arwing repaired I’m going home.”

“I know that but if I didn’t ask you granny Smith would probably torment me for the rest of my life.”

Falco could not help but question her logic. “Your life? AJ, there’s a big chance that she is going to die before you.”

“I’m full aware of that but something tells me that she would come back and haunt me about not asking you, do you want to?”

Falco scratched his head. “I don’t know AJ, do ponies date other species?”

“It is uncommon but I have heard that some ponies even date griffins, you know what. This was a bad idea, forget that I asked.” She turned around and stared to walk away.

Now Falco felt bad for her, even she knew that it would break her heart she still decide to ask him. He might be a jerk but he has a heart.

“Wait a minute AJ.” She stopped and turned around. “We can go on a date, AFTER I have teste the engine tomorrow. Deal?”

Applejack was now happy. “Deal, thank you.”

She was about to hug him but he held up hand to stopped her. “If you want that date with me then no hugs, alright.”

She rubbed her neck. “Sorry, I got a little carried away. When do you think, your will be finished testing the engine?”

He shrugged his shoulders. “Don’t know but I will try and stared at early as I can, just so you know I have no idea how long it will take.”

“That’s okay, see you tomorrow then.” She walked back into the house with a smile on her face.

“I have a date with a pony tomorrow, now I really don’t hope that Cat find out.” Falco just shook his head.

Above them a certain rainbow coloured pegasus was listing and she could not believe what she just heard. ‘What the hay is Applejack thinking? She can’t go out on a date with that freak, I got to tell Twilight.’ She jumped off her cloud and flew towards the library.

Twilight just sat on the cough in main hall of the library just staring at her books. ‘Should I really do what the princess told me? She thinks that Falco is hiding something and I did that too but now I’m not sure anymore, he did repair that school but he had help. Is he planning something?’ She put both hoofs on her head. ‘I don’t know what to think anymore.’ Then she heard a crash on her door.

“That hurt, why did you looked the door Twilight?” Rainbow asked her.

“I need some time to think alone Rainbow, come back tomorrow.”

Then Rainbow stared to knock on the door. “This is important, open the door Twilight.”

Twilight sighed, she got of the cough and walked over to the door. She opened it. “What is it?” She asked her friend.

“Applejack is going on a date with Falco tomorrow.”

Twilight just gave her a blank stare. “That’s it? That’s what’s important? Look Dash, if Applejack wants to go on date with Falco then I’m not going to stop her. Can you please leave me alone? Come back tomorrow.” Twilight slammed the door in Dash’s face.

Dash just huffed. “Fine, I’ll come back tomorrow.” She flew home.

Back on the farm Falco had just finished up repaired for today, he was in his cockpit pressing some buttons on the control pane.

“When are you going to show yourself Luna? I know that you are there, I heard you land like five minutes ago.”

Luna stepped out from the shadow. “Are you enjoying yourself?”

Falco smiled a bit. “A little, what can I do for you today tuts?”

She frowned when she heard what he called her. “I heard that you had a talk with my sister early today.”

Falco just snored. “A real charmer that one, did you know that she is the sole ruler of Equestria?”

That got Luna attention. “What? Did you say sole ruler of Equestria?” Falco Nodded. “But, me and my sister are supposed to rule together.” She said with confusion in her voice.

“Well, she introduced herself as the sole ruler of Equestria. You tell me.”

“I have to have a talk with my sister tomorrow but now for the real reason I’m here, this ‘Arwing’. Can it fly into space?” She asked the bird.

“Not for the moment, I’m not sure if I have fix the engine yet and even I got them working there something in the atmosphere that’s messing with my instruments. Why do you ask?”

Luna sighed. “My sister doesn’t believe me but there’s something that’s hiding behind the moon, I want to know what so I came to you. I want you to find out what.”

Falco wasn’t sure if he should believe her or not. “Are you sure and how do you know there’s something behind the moon?”

“I am the princess of the night, I know.” She said with some pride in her voice.

Falco couldn’t help but roll his eyes. “As I said before; I’m not sure if I have fix the engine yet, I’m going to take the Arwing out for a test run tomorrow. I will know better then, come back tomorrow night.”

She nodded. “Very well, I will come back tomorrow. After I had chat with my sister.” She spread her wings and flew into the night.

'Now that’s a conversation I would like to see.’ Falco thought while he saw Luna disappeared.

Meanwhile behind the moon.

The captain monkey was standing in the command center looking down on the planet. ‘It won’t be long now until this planet belongs to Andross.’ Then another monkey came up to him and saluted.

“Sir, we have confirmation that one of the Star Fox team is also in the planet.”

“Show me.” The monkey handed the captain a picture showing an Arwing and Falco working on it. “Star Fox, what is the status of his Arwing?”

“As far as we can tell he’s is trying to get it reaper.”

The captain nodded. “What about the two rules of this planet?” He asked the monkey.

“They are still arguing and the one called Celestia went to the town where the Star Fox member was, the only thing they did was talk.”

“Very well, keep a monitor the two rulers and the Star Fox member.” He told the monkey.

“Yes sir but, shouldn’t we eliminate the Star Fox member? As long as he’s alive he poses a threat to us.”

“We are not going to eliminate him just yet, we are going to use him when we invade the planet. Is that understood?”

The monkey saluted. “Yes sir.” He went back to his post.

The captain went back to looking down at the planet, then he stared to laugh so evil that the rest of the monkeys in the command center became afraid.

Author's Note:

This might not be my best chapter but it's my longest, no matter which story of mine.

Yes, I know that Applebloom has a cutie mark but this is my story and if you don't like it, I don't really care.