• Published 2nd Feb 2017
  • 1,661 Views, 31 Comments

Star Falco - Norwegian boy

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Dragon Contact

Falco was up early the next day to see if he manged to repaired his Arwing, he was doing some last minute welding to the engine when Spike approached him bag on his back.

“Hey Falco.”

Falco stopped what he was doing to look at Spike. “Hey kid, how are you doing today?”

“Good, I’m doing good. Listen, can I ask you a favour?”

Falco closed the hatch where he was working. “What is it?”

Spike took a big breath. “I was hoping you could take me the valley of the dragons.”

“Valley of the dragons?” Spike nodded. “As in there’s a valley full of dragons? Why do you want to go there?”

Spike looked down on the ground. “Yesterday when Celestia was in town to talk to you she visited the library after that so I ask her where she got my egg but she didn’t answer me, she just left the library before she answer me.” Spike looked up at Falco with tears in his eyes. “I just want to know who my parents are, is that too much to ask?”

Falco walked over to Spike and wiped away his tears. “No, it isn’t.” Falco looked at the crying dragon and he felt bad for him. “Alright kid, I’ll take you the valley of the dragons.”

“Really?” Falco nodded, that got a big smile on Spike. He gave Falco a big hug. “Thank you.”

Falco patted Spike on the head, that made Spike hug him even more. “Alright already.” He pushed Spike of him. “Let’s just get on our away already.” He lifted Spike up in the Arwing and climbed in.

He sat down in the cockpit and pushed a button and the roof closed, spike was in front looking at the buttons. “Hey kid, hop in the back.” Spike did as he said. “Do you have a map? So, I now where I’m going?” He asked while taking place in the cockpit.

Spike took off his bag and took out a map, he gave it to Falco. “Here.”

Falco took it and looked at it.

“What the hell? How am I going to find this place with the help of this?”

“Is not a good map?” Spike asked Falco.

“Good map? It looks like a kid made it.” Falco sighed. “Never mind, let’s see what we got here.” He studied the map even more. “It looks like we have to travel north/east from here, get ready kid.” He handed the map back to Spike and stared to pushed some buttons, then his Arwing stared to move.

Spike stared to get very nervous and Falco notice that. “Are you sure this is safe?” Spike asked Falco.

“Don’t worry, it won’t explode.” He looked at control panel. ‘I hope.’ Falco brought the Arwing higher and higher. “Better brace yourself kid.” Spike did as he said, then Falco bushed the throttle. The Arwing accelerated so fast that Spike fell on his back.

Falco had big smile on his face while Spike was lying in his back with stars in his eyes. “It’s feels good to fly again.” He looked back at Spike. “You okay there kid?”

Spike sat up and shook his head. “I think so, I wasn’t expecting that acceleration.” Then all of sudden the instrument on the dash board stared to flash red. “What’s happening?” Spike asked in a panic voice.

“Relax kid, it only means that I can’t push the engine to hard. I guess I have some work to do.”

Spike relax when he heard that. “Oh, I’m going to read some comics until we get there.” He sat down and took off his bag and took out a comic book and stared to read.

Falco became curious of what Spike was reading so he took a look, he saw a comic and it read…

“Power ponies? Serious? What kind of name is that?”

Spike looked up from the comic. “What’s wrong with the Power ponies?”

“It sounds like something a kid made and what kind of name is Power ponies?” Falco just shrugged his shoulders. “Whatever, if you like it kid then I’m not going to stop you.”

Spike went back to his comic while Falco focus on what was in front of the Arwing, making sure that they didn’t crash into something. After a while Spike had finished reading the comic books had brought and now he was bored, he was looking out from the cockpit watching the landscape passing by. He let out a big sigh.

“Are you bored kid?” Falco asked Spike.

“Yeah, this trip took longer than then I expected. How long have as it been since we left?”

“About an hour, I think. I didn’t look at the clock when we left.”

“Oh, how long until we will arrive then?”

Falco shrugged. “I have no idea, one hour maybe two or longer. Look kid, that map didn’t help me very much okay.”

“Sorry.” Spike looked out the cockpit again, he was bored out of his mind. He looked back at Falco. “Hey Falco, do you have any interesting stories?”

Falco looked back at Spike. “You want me to tell you a story?” Spike nodded. “I don’t know kid, they might not be suitable for a kid of your age.”

“Come on, I’m bored. I have read all my comics, there has to be one?”

Falco thought about it, was there a story he could tell. “Well, there was this one time me and my team fought giant insects.”

Now, that got Spike’s attention. “You fought giant insects? Cool.”

Falco smiled when he heard Spike enthusiasm. “It all stared that Andross nephew declared war against the Corneria army…”

Meanwhile in Ponyville.

Twilight had gathered her friend in the library to talk about what Celestia ask the other day, she was walking around the main room waiting for Applejack who had yet to appeared. Her friends expect Dash who was sitting in a corner with her hoofs crossed over her chest, she was in a bad mood because Falco had disappeared before she got to the farm. The others was watching Twilight walked around.

“Twilight dear, what’s wrong? Why are you passing around like this?” Rarity ask her friends.

“Sorry Rarity, I just want Applejack to get her so we can get this over with.”

As soon as she said that Applejack walked into the library. “Alright Twilight, I’m here. What’s so important?”

Twilight took a deep breath. “It’s no easy way for me to say this so I’m going to tell it like it is, princess Celestia asked me yesterday if we could spy on Falco Lombardi. She thinks that he’s hiding something and to be honest I also think so.”

Her friends looked at each other, they weren’t sure if they heard right. Rarity stepped forward.

“Let me get this straight, princess Celestia, your mentor want us to spy on Falco?” Twilight nodded. “The Falco who yesterday repaired the swings at school and also repaired the roof at the school building, that Falco?”

Twilight nodded again. “Yes, look. I’m not forcing you to do it but the princess told me to do and I’m not about to disobey her, you all can chose if you want to do it or not.”

She looked at her friends hopping that someone would help her.

“I’m not doing it.” They all looked at Applejack. “He’s been on my farm for three days now and I don’t believe that he’s hiding something.” She turned around and stared to walk to the door. “Why don’t you ask Dash on what he’s been up to, she’s been spying on him since he got her.” With that she was gone.

Twilight looked at Dash. “That’s right, I have been spying on him and I also think that’s he’s planning something. I don’t know what but I’m going to find out.” She flew out the door before Twilight could ask her.

Twilight looked at the rest of her friends.

Fluttershy. “I’m sorry Twilight but I don’t think I can do it, he may be scary but I don’t think he’s hiding something.”

Pinkie. “As much fun it sounds to spy on him I won’t do it either, I’m trying to throw him a party and I don’t think he will come to one if he finds out that I have been spying on him. I also don’t think his hiding something.”

Rarity. “I’m sorry Twilight but I have to agree with Fluttershy and Pinkie on this and after what he did for the school, I won’t be spying on him.”

Twilight couldn’t believe what she was hearing, her best friends won’t help her. ”That’s it, the only one that’s helping me is Rainbow Dash. I thought you were my friends.”

“We are your friends Twilight, but we think you and princess Celestia is wrong when it’s comes to Falco.” Said Rarity, the others nodded in agreement.

Twilight looked at them with disappointing look. “So that’s is, after all we have been through. Some friends you are.”

“Twilight dear, we are your friends.”

“Get out.” They hesitated a little. “I SAID GET OUT.”

After Twilight shouted that they left the library leaving Twilight alone. “I better prepare.” She walked up to her room to get her stuff so she could keep an eye on Falco.

Meanwhile with Falco and Spike, Falco had just finished telling his story.

“…and that was that last of the bug queen.”

Spike just looked at Falco with awe. “Wow, race that has no soul. I didn’t think that existed.”

“Believe me kid, they existed. Just like Celestia.”

Now Spike was confused. “What do you mean?”

“Yesterday when Celestia came to your town to have a talk with me I looked into her eyes and what I saw was no soul, they said that the eyes is the path to your soul. Not in her case is, there was no soul.” Spike was about to answer that but… “Look like we have arrived at our destination.”

Spike looked out of the cockpit and what he saw was a giant valley, he also could see different dragons soaring in the sky. Then he felt the Arwing slowing down.

“What are you doing?” He asked Falco.

“I’m landing outside the valley, I don’t want to get my Arwing roasted by dragons.”

He landed the Arwing just beside some trees, then he open the cockpit. “Jump out kid, I have to get something first.” Spike didn’t argue, he jump out and land in the grass, then he waited for Falco.

He didn’t have to wait long, Falco jump out of the Arwing holding something in his hand. It was black and it looked like giant L.

“What’s that?” He asked the bird.

“It’s a blaster, a weapon.” The bird answer the dragon.

“Why do you need a weapon?”

“Look kid, you are a dragon so it’s unlikely you will get attack while I looked like a meal on two metal legs.” He put his hand on the Arwing and the cockpit closed. “Let’s just get this over with.” They stared to walked towards the valley.

Have you ever got that felling that every eye are on you? Well, that felling got Falco when he and Spike was walking through the valley. He looked over to Spike who was walking in front of him, he looked like he belong here.

“Hey kid, do you know where to look?”

Spike scratched his head. “I don’t know, maybe some dragons that looked like me.”

It wasn’t a very good plan but, it was a plan. Before they could get on with the plan a giant dragon, who was black and red landed in front of them. The giant dragon stared to talk in a deep voice.

“What are a young dragon and bird doing in the valley of the dragons?”

Spike just looked at the dragon whit awe while Falco pointed his blaster at him, the dragon decided to sniff Spike.

“Why do you smell like a pony young one and why do I smell Celestia?”

Now Spike was afraid. “I was raised by a unicorn and she got my egg from Celestia, I came to here to find out who my parents are.”

The dragon looked closer at Spike. “I sense a lot of pain in you, young dragon. Why is that?”

“Yesterday I asked princess Celestia where she got my egg but she didn’t answer me, she just left. I want to know who my parents are.” He said in a somber tone.

The dragon nodded in understanding. “I understand young one, I will take you to your parents.”

When Spike heard that his had big smile on his face. “Really?” The dragon nodded. “Thanks, but I even don’t know your name.”

“My name is Drake, may I ask your name young one.”

“It’s Spike.”

“Good to meet you Spike.” Then Drake looked at Falco who was still pointing his blaster at Drake. “And who is your friend?” He asked Spike.

“This is Falco, he helped me get here.”

Drake looked closer at Falco while he was ready to shoot. “You don’t have to pointe that weapon on me Falco, I won’t hurt you.”

“Why should I believe a teen foot dragon? You could just eat me like that.” He snapped his fingers.

Drake smiled of what he said. “You have a pointe there.” Drake then closed his eyes then he stared to glow, all of sudden he was a lot smaller. “There, is this better?”

Spike mouth feel to the floor when he saw what Drake just did. “That was cool, how did you do that?”

Now was Drake confused. “You don’t know dragon magic.” Spike just shook his head. “That’s weird, dragon should know magic from a very young age. Suspicious.” Drake looked into the valley. “We can discuss that later, right now let’s find your parents. Followed me.” Drake stared to walked into the valley.

Falco who had lowered his blaster walked up to Spike. “Are you sure you want to trust this dragon Spike?” He whispered to him.

“Right now, he is the only one that know where’s my parents are, I have no choice.”

Spike followed after Drake while Falco hesitated a little but eventually he followed the two dragons. ‘Somethings tells me that I’m going to be eaten alive in this valley.’

When they arrived at the heart of the valley they could see dozens of different dragons, some on the ground and others flying in the air. Spike felt right at home while Falco felt like lunch on two metal legs.

Drake looked back at his guests. “I have to warn you two, dragons here don’t like outside guests. But as long as you stay by my side you will be okay.”

“What does make you so special?” Falco asked the dragon.

Drake just smiled. “Because of my title, let’s find Spike’s parents.”

Drake headed for a cave near the entrance of the valley, Spike and Falco followed him. When they arrived the saw a dragon, likely a male that looked like Spike. He was lying outside the cave in his giant form, he noticed Drake and the others approach him.

The dragon bowed his head. “Sir Drake, what do I owe the honour for this visit?”

“You don’t have to bow for me Rock Crusher and don’t call me sir Drake, I hate that tittle.”

Rock raised his head. “I can’t do that sir Drake, you have earned that tittle and I won’t insult you.” Drake just rolled his eyes, Rock noticed Spike. “Who is the young dragon sir Drake?”

“This is Spike and I think that he is your soon.”

“WHAT?” Said Rock and Spike together while Falco just coked an eye brown.

“Are you sure sir Drake? Celestia told me that my son died years ago.”

When Spike heard that he was shocked, why would Celestia tell him that he was dead. It didn't make any sense.

“Did she tell you how your son died?” Drake asked Rock.

“She told me that he died when he was born but, how do you know that this young dragon in my son?”

Drake put a claw on his chest. “You insulted me Rock.” He said in a mocking tone, Drake saw that Rock became very afraid. “Relax Rock, I was just having a little fun.” Rock breathed a sigh of relief while Falco just rolled his eyes of the bad joke. “I know because I could smell your scent of young Spike.”

When Spike and Rock heard that they looked at each other, then something happened inside Spike. It was like he knew Rock, he ran over to him and gave him a hug. He stared to cry.


Rock was surprise of what Spike did put he returned the hug. “My son.”

Falco watch at side line with smile on his face, he has reputation to be a bad ass but even he has a soft side and this was one of them. Drake walked over to him.

“Mind telling why you are here.”

Falco gave him a look that said; are you kidding me. “Way to kill the mod but if you want to know, I’m here because Spike asked me to bring him here and I wasn’t to say no to a kid who just wanted to find his parents.” He then looked around. “By the way, where is his mother?”

That got the attention of Spike. “Falco has pointed, where’s mom.” He looked up at his father.

Rock looked over to Drake who just nodded. “I’m sorry to say this Spike, but your mother died some time ago.”

Spike eyes widen. “No, how did she died?”

Rock took a deep breath, this was something didn’t look forward to. “After Celestia told us that you had died your mother Garnet lost all will to live, I tried to comfort her but she didn’t want to live any more. She died a mouth later.”

When Spike heard that he was devastated, that his mother died like that. Falco was also shocked but there’s was one thing.

“I hate to interrupt this moment but there one thing I don’t understand, why did you give Celestia Spike’s egg? Why give here your egg?”

“Celestia come to use right after we got Spike’s egg and told us that he was destined for greatness, at first we didn’t believe her but she manged to persuade us. When she took the egg, I knew something was wrong but I didn’t say anything and that is something I regret. A few years past and she returned and told us that our son had died when his egg was hatch, I was furious at Celestia for taking our egg but before I could do anything she teleported away.” He looked down on the ground and they could see tears feel to the ground. “I lost my wife because I didn’t do anything.”

At first Spike was mad at his father for giving his egg away but when he saw him cry all that hate disappeared, he gave his father another hug. That surprised Rock.

“Don’t worry about father, I’m not mad at you.”

That made Rock cry even more. “I don’t deserve a son like you.”

“As much as like this touching moment I would like to remove something from your body young Spike.” That got attention from all three.

Spike let go of his father. “Remove something from my body? What?”

“Just wait and see.” One of Drake’s claws stared to glow, he then touched Spike on the chest. Then all of sudden Spike starred to glow and then he grew, when he stopped gloving he had grown a few meters and he had wings. He was a little bigger than Falco. “That.”

“What did you do to me?” Spike asked Drake.

“I just removed at seal that was place on your chest, likely Celestia works.”

When Rock heard that became furious. “First she tells me and my mate that our son had died and she has the nerve to put a seal on him that prevents him from growing, I’m going to rip her wings from her body.” Rock said in a very angry tone.

Little did they know that while Drake had removed the seal Falco had made his way back to his Arwing, when he was back he opened the cockpit and was about to hop in.


Falco looked behind him and saw that it was Drake. “Yeah, it looks like Spike is going to be okay from now on. And besides, I have date back in Ponyville.” He climbed back into his Arwing.

“May I ask why you help Spike to come here?” Drake asked the blue bird.

“I already told you, I wanted Spike to find his parents, that’s good enough for me. Tell him that I wish him well and that I’m going to tell his friends back in Ponyville where he is.”

Drake nodded. “I will and Falco, if you ever need some help in the future I will be there.”

Drake spread his wings and flew back into the valley, Falco just watch as the dragon disappeared. He then shuddered. ‘Dragons’ He was about to power up the ship when he saw Spike running towards him.

Spike stopped beside the Arwing, he was breathing heavily. “Thought I would not make it.”

“Something you want kid?”

“Yes, tell Twilight that I’m sorry and that I want to stay here.”

Falco smiled. “I kind of figured that out already kid.”

“And would also like to say thanks for brining me here.”

Falco just waved it off. “Don’t worry about it.” He stared up his Arwing. “I hope that you get to know your father Spike.”

Falco closed the roof and then he brought the Arwing higher, he waved at Spike and the dragon waved back. Falco hit the throttle lever and he was on his way back to Ponyville.

Author's Note:

I don't know if I got the map right and I don't really care, my story.

I would liike to thank Thesandman88 for the names of Spike's parnets.

Drake is my own OC.