• Published 2nd Feb 2017
  • 1,661 Views, 31 Comments

Star Falco - Norwegian boy

  • ...

Enemy Contact

Applejack was just standing by the barn waiting for Falco to come back, he said that I would go on a date with her when arrived back after testing his Arwing. It was getting dark and she was worried that he had forgotten what he said. She then heard someone coming behind her, it was her big brother Mac.

“Falco hasn’t come back yet?” Mac asked his sister.

“Nope.” Applejack looked down on the ground. “I’m starting to think that he has forgotten the whole thing.”

Mac could hear the sadness in her voice. “I don’t know Falco that well but I don’t think he is the one that let somepony down, he will come.”

Applejack was about to answer when she and her brother heard something in the distance, it was his Arwing. It came closer and closer, he landed it at the usual spot.

He jumped out and stretched his body. “Wow, that took longer than I expected.”

“You sure took your sweat time.”

Falco looked to the side and what he saw was and angry Applejack heading towards him, Mac was right behind her.

“Hey AJ, what’s up.”

“Don’t you AJ me, where have you been?” She asked with anger in her voice.

“I have been out testing my engine like I said I would.”

“It took you all day, what could be so important that it took all day?” She asked him.

“That would I also like to know.” All of them heard the new voice, it was Luna. She landed beside the Arwing. “Care to explain why it took all day?”

Falco looked between the two mares, Luna looking calm while Applejack was angry. “Alright, I will explain but first. Applejack, calm down or I will not explain.” Applejack took a couple of breaths took calm herself down. “If you really want to know, I was helping Spike.” That confused them both, even Mac.

“Little Spike? Why would you help him?” Luna asked Falco.

“Because he asked me to take him to the valley of the dragons to find his parents.” He explained to Luna.

“He asked you to bring him to the valley of the dragons to find his parents?” Luna asked him, Falco just nodded. “Why?”

“Apparently Celestia never told him who his parents is and when he asked her yesterday she said nothing, she just left the library without telling him anything. Of course, I wanted to help him.” All three ponies were shocked when they heard that. “But that’s not the worst part, Celestia told his parents that he had died when he was hatched. And because of this his mother died.”

Now they were really shocked especially Luna, that her sister would do such thing to others and to Spike. She wasn’t shocked anymore, she was pissed off.

“When I get my hoofs on my sister I’m going to strangle her.” Her horn stared to glow and then she disappear.

Falco and the other looked where she was standing, it was actually smoking there. Falco just shocked his head. “I’m glad that I’m not Celestia right now.” He went to close the cockpit to his Arwing.

He then noticed that Applejack and her brother was just standing there. “You two okay?” He asked them.

Applejack was the first to say something. “Yeah, I think going to bed. I have to think, don’t worry about our date Falco, we can have it tomorrow.”

Falco said nothing as she and brother went to the main house, he just scratched his head.

Not far from the where Falco had parked his Arwing Twilight was hiding in a bush taking note of what was happening, she put away her binoculars to write in her notebook with her magic.

“The subject know as Falco Lombardi has returned back to Applejack’s farm after taking his Arwing for a test, he had conversation with princess Luna and Applejack, Mac was also there. I don’t know what they were talking about but it angered the princess, whatever he said it also had an impacted on Applejack and Mac too.” She put down her notebook and picked up the binoculars to watch Falco further.

When she looked where Falco was standing she notice that he was gone. “What the, where did he go?” She popped her head out of the bush to see if she could see better. “He was with his Arwing a minute ago.”

She looked around but little did she know that he was standing right behind her, he just watched her looking around with her binocular. He couldn’t help but roll his eyes of what he saw, he then decided to have some fun with her.

“Who are you looking for?” He asked her.

“I’m looking for a bird that walks on two metal legs.” She told Falco without realising who she was talking to.

“Why are looking for me?”

“I’m keeping an eye on you because princess Celestia thinks you hiding something and I’m going to find out what, so are you going to… help… me…?” She turned her head very slowly around to see who she was talking to. Her eyes widen when she saw that she was talking to Falco, she put on her best innocent smile. “Lovely evening, isn’t it?”

Falco crossed his arms. “Yeah, if you want to spy on others. So, Celestia thinks that I’m hiding something?” He grabbed Twilight by her the throat and lifted her up to his face. “Listen her ‘princess,’ I’m getting sick of this. The only thing I want to, is to repair my Arwing and find a way home, that’s it.” He let go her, Twilight feel to the ground gasping for air. “The last thing I need is a paranoid unicorn to follow me, why don’t you try to listen to your heart instead of Celestia.”

He walked back to the farm leaving Twilight alone, she looked down on the ground. ‘What am I doing?’ She thought.

Back on the farm Falco went over to what he thought was Applejack’s window, he picked up a rock and threw it the window. It didn’t take long before someone open the window, it was Applejack poked her head out of it.

“Why are you throwing a rock at my window at this time of the night?” She asked him.

“Do you know what you friend the ‘princess’ is doing?”

“Who are you talking about?” She asked with confusion on her voice.

“The purple unicorn, the one spying on me.” He answered.

“Twilight is spying on you?” He nodded. “Why?”

“Apparently Celestia thinks I’m hiding something, I don’t know what.” He crossed his arms. “I thought that you ponies were nice but I guess I was wrong, tomorrow I’m going to fix my Arwing and then I’m going to find a way home. I’m sick of this place.”

Before Applejack could say anything, he walked back to his tent. ‘What are you doing Twilight?’

Meanwhile at Andross ship the captain was watching the whole thing on a monitor, he couldn’t help but smile of what he saw.

“Excellence, major.” The major came up to him and salute. “What is the status of the ship?” He asked the major.

“It’s working one hundred percent, we are ready to attack.”

“Not yet.”

That confused the major. “Are we not going to attack this planet?”

“We ned to deal with the Star Fox member and I have a plan to that, I want you paint the Star Fox logo on one of the drones and we are going to let the drone ‘crash’ into the blue pegasus that have been following the Star Fox member.”

Now the major was even more confused. “May I ask why?”

“Don’t question my orders major, just do it and make sure that she ‘crash’ into the drones when she leaves her house tomorrow morning. It that understand?”

The major saluted. “Yes sir.” He went off to do was he was told to do.

Early next morning Rainbow Dash woke up as soon as the sun was up, she ate breakfast and was ready to spy on Falco again. “Time to get to work.” She headed out and took to the sky in the direction of Applejack’s farm. “I know I’m going to find something dirt on him today."

She didn’t get very long, she hit something with her head and landed on the ground. She got up and rubbed her head. “Ow, what did I hit?” She looked for it and what she saw was a round metal thing, but what caught her attention was the logo on the side.

She walked closer to round thing to get a closer look at the logo. “Where have I seen that mark before?” She tried to remember, then… “It’s the same thing that’s on Falco’s metal bird, what’s is thing?” She poked it with a hoof, it didn’t move. “Huh, I guess is dead. I better take this thing to Twilight, see can determine what it is.” She hovered over it and grabbed it with her front hooves, she was surprised how light it was.

Arriving at the library she landed at front door and knock serval times, when she got no answer she knocked again. Then she heard movement inside the treehouse.

When the door opened she saw Twilight and she looked like mess, she had bags under her eyes and her hair was all messy. “What do you want Dash?” Shed asked with tired voice.

“I want you to look at this.” She pointed at the round metal thing that was lying beside her.

Twilight looked at it. “What’s is it.” She asked her friends.

“I don’t know, I crashed into it and then I brought it here hopping you could find out what it is.”

Twilight sighed. “Fine, I will have look at it.”

She picked it up with her magic to bring it into the library and Dash followed her, well inside she put it down on the floor so she take a closer look at it. “It looks like it’s made of same materiel as Falco’s Arwing.” She then saw the logo. “Why is there the same logo on this as his Arwing?” She asked Dash.”

“I think it’s belongs to him.” Dash answered.

Twilight just frowned, she then decide to scan it with her magic. “It doesn’t work for the moment and I think is some kind of recording in it.”

She looked closer and saw a button, she pressed it. A hologram with Celestia and Luna showed up, they were standing in the throne room and they were arguing.

Luna. “Why did you tell Falco Lombardi that you were the sole rule of Equestria, I thought we ruled together.”

Celestia. “I was a mistake Luna alright, can you let it go.”

“Mistake? You? Since when did you do a mistake? You are the ‘perfect’ ruler.”

The image stopped. Twilight and Dash looked at the recording then each other’s trying to comprehend what they just saw, then Dash got a big smile on her face.

“I knew it, I knew that Falco was up to something. I just knew.” She flew up and stared to punch in the air. “When I see him the next time I am going to give him a piece of my mind.”

Twilight was just stun over what she just saw. “He was lying the hole time, he doesn’t want to repair his Arwing. He is doing it to take over Equestria not go home, I need to write a letter to princess Celestia.”

But before she could do that the door was open with a bang, Applejack walked in and she did not look happy. She walked straight to Twilight and pressed her head against hers.

“What the hay are you think Twilight? Why did you spy on Falco yesterday?”

Twilight back away a little. “I did it because the princess told me and I won’t disobey her orders.”

“Well, thanks to that he’s leaving today. He is going to repair his Arwing and leave.”

“No, he's is not.”

Applejack was confused of those words. “What do you mean by that Twilight?”

Twilight pointed at the device that was lying in the library. “We saw a recording of princess Celestia and princess Luna on the device and it has the same logo that’s on Falco’s Arwing, that’s is enough proof for me to send a letter to princess Celestia and get him arrested.”

“Arrested him, for what?”

“I believe that he’s is going to take over Equestria.”

Applejack couldn’t believe wat she was hearing. “I don’t believe this, you see one recording and that’s is what you are going to do.”

Twilight pressed the button on the device again and recording tared to play, when it was done Applejack was not convinced. “That’s it? That don’t prove anything, you see one recording and think’s he is going to take over Equestria.”

“Look at the facts Applejack, we have a recording of the princess Celestia and her sister on a device that has his logo and the time he’s been her he hasn’t given any information about him and the place his is from.”

“Well, here’s my facts; he helped fix the swings at the school, he also helped my sister get her cutie mark and yesterday he helped Spike find his father.”

That last part got Twilight attention. “He helped Spike find his father?” Applejack nodded. “That’s why I can’t find Spike, why did Falco help him?”

“He brought Spike to the valley of the dragons so he could find his parents and here’s the worst part, his mother died after he was born.”

Twilight eyes widen. “What?”

“That’s right Twilight, Celestia told them that Spike died when he was born and Spike mom died because of that. I don’t know how but she died.”

Twilight didn’t want to believe her. “No, you are lying.”

“Hello, look who you are talking to. I can’t lei and I can tell when others are telling the truth.” Applejack sighed. “I guess you don’t want to believe me so write your letter but if you do, then out friendship is over.”

Applejack turned around and walked out leaving a stun Twilight, she tried to progress what she had just heard. On one hoof, she wanted to believe her friends but she couldn’t deny the facts.

“I don’t know what to do anymore.”

Dash who was watching the whole thing walked over to her and but a hoof on her shoulder. “I think you should send that letter Twilight, Applejack will get over it eventually.”

“I hope you are right Rainbow.”

Twilight grabbed a scroll and a feather to write to Celestia, after writing the letter she send it with her magic and she was hoping she did the right thing.

At the same time on the ship the general was watching the whole thing. “Just as thought.” He walked to the middle of the bright. “Prepare a live recording with the drone that’s hovering over Canterlot castle, I’m going to have a talk with Celestia.” He told his crew, they saluted and got to work.

Inside the throne room Celestia has just read the letter from Twilight. “I knew that I was up to something.” She put away the letter. “Get me captain Shining Armour.” One of the guard saluted and walked out of the throne room.

It didn’t take long before Shining Armour showed up, he walked to her throne and saluted. “You summon me princess Celestia.”

Before she Celestia could say something the one of the window shattered, a round metal came into the window and hovered in front of Celestia. Shining and the guards in the room drew their weapons and pointed at the metal thing. Then a monkey that was standing on two legs appeared in front of her.

“Greetings princess Celestia, my name is Hubert and I’m the captain of the ship that’s hovering beside the moon.” He bowed.

Celestia got of her throne. “Is there something you want captain Hubert.” She asked him.

He gave her an evil smile. “Yes, there is, you are to surrender Equestria to Andross forces, leave Equestria and never return.”

The guard around them gasp when they heard that while Celestia didn’t react at all. “Why would I do that? What would happen if didn’t do that?”

“If you don’t I will attack Equestria and take it by force.”

Now Celestia was angry and Hubert could see that. “Do you really think you can defeat me? I am an alicorn, the most powerful being in Equestria. You don’t stand a chance against me.”

Hubert just smile. “The last four days our man on the ground have gathered intel on you and the ponies of Equestria, I feel very comfortable about the intel he has gathered.”

“Let me guess, the man’s name is Falco Lombardi.”

Hubert keep on smiling. “Now, I’m a responsible man. You have 2 hours to decide, I suggest should choose reasonable.” The image disappeared and metal objected flew out the broken window.

Celestia stood there with anger in her eyes, she was not surrender to monkey on two legs. But first she had to take care of her bird problem. She turned to Shining.

“Captain, I want you to take some guards with you to Ponyville and arrest Falco Lombardi, he is living at the element of honesty, Applejack’s farm.” Shining just stared at her. “I gave you an order captain.”

He shook his head. “I’m sorry your highness but shouldn’t you talk with your sister first?”

She looked him straight into his eye. “I gave you an order and captain and I expect you to obey.” Shining stood there with fear in his eyes. “NOW.” That got Shining to react, he saluted and headed of.

Luna was walking towards the throne room to talk with her sister, she tried to talk with her yesterday when it came to that Celestia told Spike’s parent’s that he had died. Her sister wouldn’t say anything so she would try again today. She arrived in the main hall and saw Shining Armour coming out from the throne room.

She got eye contact with him for a second and it looked like he has seen the devil himself. “Captain Shining Armour.” He didn’t react, he just walked past her and disappeared. ‘What’s going on?’ Luna thought as she entered the throne room.

When she entered the throne room she could see a broken window and some servants gleaning up the broken glass, he sister was sitting on her throne breathing heavily and it looked like she was in a bad mood.

“Sister, what happened here?” Luna asked Celestia.

“I’m dealing with something and it’s under control.” She answered Luna.

“I can see that, mind telling me what is going on.”

“A monkey by the name of Hubert told me that I should surrender Equestria to him then he gave me 2 hours to decide.”

Luna raised an eye brown of what her sister said. “He told you? What about me?”

“What about you?”

“Why didn’t this Hubert ask for me? Why just you?”

“He came to me not you don’t worry I’m handling it.”

“And exactly how are you handling it?”

“By arresting one of his men, Falco Lombardi.”

Luna wasn’t sure if she heard right. “Why are you arresting him?” She asked.

“Because Hubert told me that Falco was one of is men.”

“And you believe him?” Celestia didn’t answer Luna. “I don’t know what’s going on but I think that you have lost it Celestia, we are supposed to make decisions together.”

“It’s a little difficult when you are sleeping through the day.”

Luna could not believe what she was hearing. “I have to, I have to watch the night.”

Celestia snorted. “Whatever, you can leave. I’m handling this.”

As much as Luna wanted to stay and help her sister she didn’t want her help so Luna left, outside the throne Luna just stared at the door. She shook her head and headed back to her room.

At Sweet Apples Acers Falco was busy trying to repair the engine to his Arwing but it wasn’t easy thanks to Applejack, she has for the ten minutes tried to convince Falco that she had nothing to with that Twilight spying in him but he wouldn’t listen.

“Would you please listen to me Falco, I have nothing to do with it.” Applejack told him.

“Would you shut the hell up Applejack, I don’t want to hear it.” Falco answered while working in his engine.

Applejack was about say more but then two chariots landed not fare from them, she saw that Twilight brother stepped out of one of them with more guards that was all unicorns. Applejack could only wonder why they were here. Shining and the guards walked towards them, they walked past Applejack and headed straight to Falco.

Shining stared to speak. “Falco Lombardi, in the name of princess Celestia you are under arrest.”

That got Falco to stop working. “What for?”

“For spying on Equestria and giving information to the enemy.” Shining told him.

That got Falco to laugh. “That’s funny, why don’t you go back to sun butt and tell her to get here facts right. If you will excuse me, I have work to do.”

He turned his back to them and stared to walk back to his tent, that got Shining to see red. He fired a beam into Falco back’s knocking him unconscious. He then looked at his fellow unicorn guards.

“Take him away, let’s get him back to Canterlot.”

The guards nodded, they went to pick him up but did not get very fare, Applejack was blocking the way.

“You are not taking him, he has done nothing wrong.”

“Applejack, stepped aside or else we have to arrest you too. And believe me I don’t want to do that.”

“No, if you want him then you have to arrest me too.”

Shining sighed, he didn’t want to do this. “Fine, you leave me no choice. Guards, arrest Applejack for interfering on royal guard’s business. Take them both away.”

Two new guard came to take Applejack over to the chariot that had bars on it while the other two brought Falco with them using their magic to the same chariot, Applejack stepped inside while they threw Falco lifeless body into it. They closed the door and got ready to take off.

Author's Note:

Not the best chapter.

One chapter left.