• Published 2nd Feb 2017
  • 1,650 Views, 31 Comments

Star Falco - Norwegian boy

  • ...

Second Contact

“What are you doing Falco?” Asked a voice.

“What does it look like Fox? I’m ending this.” Falco answered.

“You can’t attack the enemy so close to a black hole you will get pulled in, back of now.”

But Falco did not listen, he steered his Arwing towards the enemy ship. “Eat laser you filthy ass monkeys.” He pressed the button and laser fired towards the enemy ship causing a lot of damage. “That’s right.”

He was about to turn the Arwing around but the black hole gravitation took a hold of his ship. “What the hell?” He was stared to get pulled backwards. “More power.” He hit the acceleration but it didn’t work, he was pulled inn.

“Guys, I may have a problem.” He told his team. “The black hole is pulling me in.”

Fox groaned. “I told you that would happened, hold on I’m coming to get you.”

“Forget it Fox, you get pulled into it. So back off.”

He stared to get closer and closer to the black hole. ‘Maybe even more power?’ He pushed the ship even more but then his instrument stared to flash red. ‘Oh crap, its shutting down.’ But before he could do anything he disappeared into the black hole with the enemy ship.

When he emerged on the other side he felt sick. ‘I think I’m going to throw up.’ He managed to hold it. ‘Alright, where am I?’ He looked around and the first thing he saw was a planet he didn’t recognized, but before he could do anything his Arwing stared to get pulled towards the planet.

“What the hell is happening? My instrument is going crazy.”

He then lost control of his Arwing, then he’s instrument stared to flash red again. He tried to get control over the Arwing but the controls weren’t responding. “Come on you piece of junk.” He then entered the atmosphere, when he cleared of that he could see a giant castle on a cliff. ‘Seriously?’ Was all he could think of.

He then noticed that he was heading for a farm in high speed and he could see light in the house. ‘Oh shit, I’m going to crash into that house and there are people living there.’ He tried to get control of the Arwing again so he wouldn’t crash into the house.

“Come on, turn you piece of shit.”

He noticed a forest just beside the farm so he tried to steer his Arwing towards it. “Come on.” He managed to steer the Arwing towards the forest, he got closer and closer to the ground. “Time to eject.” He tied to pull the ejector lever but I was stuck. “You got to be fucking kidding me.” He got ready for impact. “This is going to hurt.” Then he hit the ground and passed out.

Falco open his eyes and notice he was lying on the dash board, he pushed himself back and right way he felt the pain in his ribs and head. “Fuck that hurt, did I land in the forest?” He looked out of the cockpit and saw trees, he breath sigh of relief. “I guess I missed that house, that’s good. Let’s see if I can get out.” He pushed the button that open the cockpit and it open.

When tried to climb out he felt that he was in worst shape and he thought, he landed on the ground on his back and he almost screamed out in pain.

“Hey, are you okay?”

Falco turned his head towards the voice and he could swear the he saw a pony that walked on all four and was wearing a hat on its head. “Help me.” Was all he could say before he pasted out, again.

Falco was awakened by the sun shining in his eyes, he held up a hand in front of his eyes. “Fucking sun, I’m awake.” He tried to sit up but as soon as he did he felt pain in his side and his head. “God damn it.” He then felt something agents his hand and it was not fur, he looked down and he saw bandages around his waist. “When did that get here?” He then looked around. “Where am I?” He could see that he was in room, that was obvious.

Then the door to the room open and in walked a pony with hat on its head, it was female and hit had orange fur with blond hair. ‘Wait a minute, I know that pony.’ The pony walked over to the bed he was lying in.

“I see that your awake, how are you felling?” The pony asked Falco.

“I must have hit my head because I’m talking to a pony who walked on four legs.” He fell back on the bed. “Just my luck.”

That just confused Applejack. “I have a name and its Applejack, what’s so wrong with me talking?”

“Nothing at all.” He sighed. “I guess that your responsible for me to be alive, so thanks.”

Applejack smiled. “Your welcome, now I have some questions.”


Now was Applejack confused again. “Why do you want me to shoot you?”

“What? What I meant was… just ask already.” Falco crossed his arms.

“Alright, what’s your name?”

“Falco Lombardi, ace pilot of the Star Fox team.”

She raised her brow of that last part. ‘Star Fox? What’s that?’ She decided to ask another question. “Are you dangerous?”

Now it was Falco turn to be confused. “Excuse me?”

“Are You Dangerous?” She asked again.

“Define dangerous.”

“Well I need to know if you’re going to hurt me and my family.”

“No, I’m not going to hurt you or your family. Just don’t give me a reason.”

Applejack was satisfied with his answered because he wasn’t lying, that’s for sure.

“I believe you.”

He lifted an eyebrow. “Just like that?” She nodded with a smile. “Then you got a problem.”

“What do you mean?”

He looked at her. “You should never trust strangers so fast, it may come back and bite you later.”

“Why do I want others to come and bite me later?”

Falco groan. “Never mind, so what happens now?”

“Now I’ll invite you to breakfast.”

She stared to walked towards the door but stopped in the door way, she looked back at Falco who was lying in the bed confused. “Coming?” Falco just shrugged his shoulder.

He climbed out from the bed and he was grateful that he still had underwear, he saw that the rest of his clothes was lying in on a chair so he walked over to it and stared to get dressed. He didn’t bother to take on his boots so when he walked down the stairs the apple family could hear a klang every time his foot hit the wood.

When he finally arrived at first floor he could see Applejack and a big red pony working in the kitchen, he then noticed an old one who was green in a rocking chair, sleeping. The last one he saw was sitting in the living room and this one was a lot smaller, it has yellow fur and red hair with bow in its hair.

Applebloom was busying busy sitting on the couch table with her drawing when she heard something coming down the stairs, she turned around and what she saw was the bird that Applejack brought home last night. She watched as it walked towards her and sat down in one of the chairs by the table, it buried its face in its hand.

Falco groan in his hands. ‘I’m in a magical land with ponies that walk on four legs and talk, if Cat finds out she is going to torture me with it forever.’ He the notice the little pony staring at him.

“What? What do you want?” He asked Applebloom.

“Hey, I’m Applebloom. What’s your name?”

“Falco Lombardi.” He leaned his head back.

“Where are you from?”

‘Curious this one.’ He pointed up. “Up there.”

She looked up. “You come are from the second floor?”

Falco looked at her. “No, I come from space. Very far away.”

She stared to giggle. “You can’t come from space, there’s nothing that could survive out there. Our teacher told us that.”

“Well I can.”

Before Applebloom could ask any more Applejack called from the kitchen. “Breakfast is ready.” Applebloom got off the couch and ran to the kitchen.

Falco just smiled of what the pony did. ‘Fast one.’ He got up and walked to kitchen and when he got there he could see that Applejack and her family was already by the table including the old mare, who he could swear was just sitting in the rocking chair just a second ago. He just shook it off and sat down in a chair beside Applejack.

He noticed that the red stallion was watching him the hole time. “If you got something to say big guy then say it.” The stallion didn’t say anything he just went back to eating.

Applejack looked between them. “Are we going to have fight?” She asked them both.

“Depends on the big guy.“ Falco answered.

“His name is Bic Mac and he is my big brother and I don’t want any fighting at table.”

Falco said nothing and decide to help himself to the food that was until the elderly ponies kept given him a look.

He pointed his tump at her. “What’s her problem?” He asked the others.

“My name is granny Smith and was wondering was kind of an animal you were.”

“I’m a bird, I thought that the beak was a give way.” Falco said in a sarcastic tone.

She just shrugged her shoulder. “If you say so.”

Falco just rolled his eye and went back to the but was interrupted by someone knocking rapid on the door.

“What now?” He asked with annoyance in his voice.

“Open up Applejack, I know that there is a new pony in there.”

That was a new voice Falco had never heard and its was female. ‘How hell did she know that I’m here?’ He thought to himself.

“I’ll better open up and let Pinkie in before she breaks down the door.” Applejack went to open the door.

‘Pinkie? What kind of name is that?’ He could help but snort.

He was about to try to get some food again but this time it was a pink pony right in front of face, that scared him so much that he fell backwards in his chair. The pony was standing on the table.

“Hey my name is Pinkie Pie and you are new to Ponyville and I know every pony and I don’t know so I had to…”

That’s was all she could say before Falco punch her in the face so hard that she fell on the floor, that shocked Applejack and her family.

“Would you shut the fuck up, you just don’t appear in front of others like that especially when someone is trying to eat, didn’t your parents teach you any manners?” He took a few breaths to calm himself down. “I lost my appetite, I’m going out.” He left the kitchen disappeared out the door, he slammed the door very hard on the way out.

Applejack walked over to Pinkie who was still lying on the floor, she was rubbing the place where Falco had hit her.

“What’s the matter with you Pinkie? I told you NOT do that but you did it anyway, did you even listen to me? I’m starting to wonder if you take anything seriously.”

“I’m sorry Applejack, you know that I get excited when there is somepony new in town.”

“I know that but he is hurt and the last thing he needed is a pony that appears out of nowhere, beside am not the one you should apologies to.”

“You’re right, I go and do it right away.”

Pinkie was about to head out but Applejack stopped her.

“I don’t think now is not the right time, do it after he has calmed down.”

Outside Falco has gone behind the bar and there he was pacing back and forth, he had done that for a while trying to calm himself down.

“I swear if every ‘pony’ in place is the same as the pink on I’m going to scream, I mean, how the hell did just appear in front of me with out I notice it? It’s not possible.”

“Don’t try to think about it, you only get a headache.”

He knew that voice, he turned around and there stood Applejack with and sandwich on her back.

“What do you mean ‘don’t try to think about it’?” He asked her.

“A while ago my friend Twilight tried to find out why Pinkie did the thing she did, well lest just say it just created a lot of headache for her.” She walked over to him. “Her, I brought you a sandwich.”

He took it. “Thanks.” He was about to eat it. “It’s not hay on it, is it?”

She shook her head. “Nope.”

“Good.” He took a bite of it and his eyes light up. “This is good.” He ate the hole sandwich.

Applejack smiled. “I’m glad you like it.”

Falco leaned against the wall to the barn. “Sorry I ruined breakfast.”

“Don’t worry about it but you should apologize to Pinkie for hitting her.”

“Sure, when she apologizes to me for almost given me a heart attack.” He then pointed at the dark forest. “Is there where I crashed?”

“Yep, I saw you fell out of giant metal bird. What was that?”

She didn’t get an answer but what she was that Falco stared to walk towards the Everfree.

Where are, you going?” He didn’t answer he just kept on walking. “You can’t walk in there alone.” She groaned. “Two times in two days, must be a record.” She ran after him.

Author's Note:

Yes, Falco punched Pinkie in the face. There had to be someone out there how couldn't stand Pinkie.
If you have any thing bad to say about my gramma then keep it to yourself.