• Published 2nd Feb 2017
  • 1,662 Views, 31 Comments

Star Falco - Norwegian boy

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Fifth Contact

Twilight was in shock when she heard what Falco said. “What do you mean? When the princess summons you, you have to come.”

Falco could hear the panic in her voice and he liked it. “I have better things to so then talking to your princess, she’s your princess not mine.”

“But you must go, she is the princess.”

He walked to her and looked her into her eyes. “Now listen because I’m getting tired of saying this, I have to repair my Arwing so I can get home to my friends. For all I know they can be dead, so tell your princess that I have more important things to do.”

He walked back to his Arwing and stared to work on it while Twilight just stood there processing what she just heard.

“But, the princess, you have to.”

Pinkie watch her friend standing there, she felt bad for Twilight by the way Falco treated her. She also felt bad for Falco who just wanted to get home, so she decided to do something about the situation.

“Spike, can you keep Falco company while I talk to Twilight for a moment.”

Spike’s eyes widen when he heard that. “What? Why me?” Before he could get the answer, Pinkie had dragged Twilight away, leaving him alone with Falco. Spike looked at Falco with an innocent smile. “So, how’s is going?” Falco just gave him a blank stare.

Pinkie lead Twilight to the front gate of the farm.

“What are you doing Twilight?”

“Me? I have done nothing, it’s he that is impossible. He doesn’t want to listen to me.”

“What did the princess tell you to do when you moved here to Ponyville?”

“What have that to do with that Falco don’t want to go and visit princess Celestia?” Twilight asked Pinkie.

“Just answer the question Twilight.”

Twilight sighed. “She sent me here to learn about friendship.”

“That’s right, what do you think she would think about you if you force Falco to come with you to Canterlot? All he wants to do is fix his metal bird and go home to his friends, are you going to deny him that?”

Twilight hang her head in shame. “No, I can’t do that. I’m writing a new letter to the princess and ask her if she can come here and talk with him.” That made Pinkie happy, they walked back to Spike and Falco. Well, Twilight walked Pinkie bounce.

Back with Falco and Spike.

“What’s your story kid?” Falco asked Spike.

Spike blinked a few times. “My story? What do mean?”

“Why is a dragon living with a bunch of ponies? Shouldn’t you live with your own kind and your parents?”

“You see, Twilight hatched me when she was younger and I have been with her ever since, I never knew my real parents.” He looked down on the ground as soon he said that last part.

Falco could hear the sadness in his voice. “Sorry to hear that kid, didn’t Twilight tell who your parents are or the better question why haven’t you ask her where your parents are?”

That question surprise Spike, ever since he could talk he had never ask where his parents are. He always thought that Celestia had his egg all the time. Now the question was; where did she get it from. Did she get it from his parents or did she steal it from them? He just stood there thinking.

Falco waved a hand in front of Spike face, Spike didn’t recognise that so he tapped a finger on Spike’s head. That got him back to reality, Spike shook his head.

“You okay kid? You space out a little.”

“Yeah, I’m okay.”

Falco wasn’t convinced, he could hear that it was something wrong. “You sure? You don’t sound okay.” Falco but a hand on Spike’s head.

Spike pushed that hand away. “I said that I’m fine.”

“If you say so.”

Falco went back to his Arwing leaving Spike alone, then Twilight and Pinkie arrived. Twilight walked over to Spike. “Come on Spike, I have to write another letter to princess Celestia.” Spike didn’t answer her. “Spike? Are you okay?” Still no answer, he just stood there. Twilight walked over to him and put a hoof on his shoulder, Spike jump in the air of that. “You okay Spike?”

He nodded. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

“Good, come on. I need to write the princess another letter.”

She stared to walk while Spike looked once more at Falco who was busy with repairing the Arwing, then he followed Twilight leaving Pinkie alone with Falco.

“I have to go back to work.” She was about to go but first she bowed her head. “Again, I’m sorry that I scared the morning.” With that said she ran off leaving Falco alone.

Falco just stared where she had stood. ‘These ponies are crazy.’ He shook his head and went back to work.

The sun was setting and Applejack finally finished todays work and she was walking towards the house with a full wagon with basket with apples strapped on her back, as she saw that Falco was still working on his Arwing.

“Hey, Falco.” He looked away from what he was working on. “Why don’t you take a break from your work and help me these baskets.”

“Sure, I need a break from this anyway.”

Applejack was happy by that and stared to walk towards her apple cella, Falco followed her.

“How’s goes the repairs on your Arwing?” She asked him.

“Slow, I’m not very good at it. Sometimes I wish I had paid more attention what Slippy said.”

“Who’s Slippy? One of your friends?”

He nodded. “Yeah, he may be a nuisance but he’s a good mechanic.”

“Why don’t you ask Twilight for help? She is pretty smart.”

He shook his head. “Hell no, I don’t care how smart she is. I’m not letting anyone near my Arwing.”

“If you say so.”

When they arrived at the cellar, AJ unhooked herself from the wagon and open the double door to the cellar. Falco looked down into it.

“You have cellar for your apples.”

AJ nodded. “Yep, this cellar makes sur that the apples don’t get ruined under the winter.”

“Makes sense, what do you want me to do?”

“Just wait down by the stair while I give you the baskets, then take them down to the cellar.”

Falco did as she said, then AJ went to take the first basket on her back and handed it to Falco. He almost fell into the cellar when the picket the basket full with apples.

“Bloody hell, did you paints rocks to look like apples? Because this is heavy.” He went down with the first basket. ‘Or am I out of shape.’ He thought.

“I did not paint rocks to looks like apples, maybe they are too heavy for you.” She called back with teasing in her voice.

They counited working, AJ gave Falco the baskets and he brought them down. After a while Big Mac came and help them, they manged to get all the apples down before the night came. They went to the house to get some supper. Well inside Falco saw granny Smith working in the kitchen while Applebloom was sitting in the living room reading a book.

“Can I use your shower? I really need one.” Falco asked them.

“Sure, is up the stairs second door on your right.” AJ answer him.

He thanked her and went up the stairs and found bathroom, well inside he saw that the shower was smaller than he expected. ‘This is not going to be easy.’ He thought. He stripped down to his Adam suit and went in, he managed somehow to take a shower, he dried himself, got dressed and went down to the first floor.

He saw that Applejack and the rest of the family was sitting by the kitchen table waiting for him, he sat down on the available chair. Applejack decide to ask him something.

“Do you want me to get the guest room ready for you Falco?”

“Don’t bother, I’ve already set up my tent.”

“You have a tent?”

He nodded. “Yes, I’m prepared for most situations.”

They ate their food in silence, when Falco was finished he headed to the door, he was about to touch the door knob when Applebloom stopped him.

“Mr. Lombardi.”

“Listen Applebloom, if you want to continued talking to me then you better call me Falco. Got it?” She nodded. “Good, what do you want?”

She looked down on the floor kicking the floor with her hoof. “I’m sorry that tried to steal your metal bird, I hope that you’re not mad at me.”

He stared to rube his forehead. “I’m not mad at you but what I don’t understand why you did it, just to get some tattoo on your butt? It doesn’t make any sense.”

“It’s called a cutie mark and it very important for a pony, it’s show a pony special talent.” She actually started to cry. “Me and my friends have tried for months to get ours but nothing works.”

At first he was mad at her but now Falco felt sorry for Applebloom, he bent down to wiped away her tears.

“Look Applebloom, I don’t really understand much of this but do you really want your talent to be stealing?”

She shook her head. “No, but we have tried so much but nothing works. I’m starting to think that we won’t get ours.”

“Hey, look at me.” She did. “One thing I have learn through the years is that you should never give up, you and your friends will get your cutie mark someday. Now if you excuse me, I have some work to do.”

Falco open the door and walked into the night to work on his Arwing while Applebloom walked up stairs to her room, little did they know that Applejack has seen it all. She had watching them for the entrance to the kitchen. She didn’t notice that granny Smith had walked up beside her.

“You like him, don’t you?”

That made Applejack to jump a few centimetres from the floor, she put a hoof on her chest. “Granny, are you trying to give me a heart attack?” She took a few breaths to calm herself down.

Granny just snorted. “You are young you can take it but answer my question, do you like him?”

AJ looked at granny. “Do you mean Falco?” Granny nodded. “We just met granny and besides, as soon he has fix his metal bird he will leave and go home.” She said with some sadness in her voice.

“Then you better tell him before it’s too late.”

“I do not like him.” Applejack said with frustration in her voice.

“You are terrible liar Applejack.”

Said granny Smith while she walked to the living room living Applejack alone with her thought.

‘Do I like him? How can I, I just met him?’ She shook her head. ‘I’m too tired to think about that now, I’m going to bed.’ She headed up to the second floor.

Back on Andross ship the captain was staring at the planet from command center, then the major came up to him.

“Captain, we have the first video from the planet.”

The captain turned his head to looked at the major. “Good, let’s have a look at it.”

Both walked over to the station where another monkey was sitting by a screen with a keyboard. “Show us the recording private.” Said the major. The monkey in question pressed some buttons and an image of a white and black horse with wings and horn appeared on the screen in front of them, it looked like they were standing in a throne room.

“Who are those two major?” Asked the captain.

“As far we can figure out they are the two rulers of the planet.” The major answered.

“There are two rulers on this planet?” Questioned the captain.

“As far as we can tell, yes.”

The captain nodded. ‘That can’t end well.’ He thought. “Play the recording.” He told the monkey and the monkey pressed a button and the recording stared to play.

“I’m telling you Celestia there are something by my moon.” Said the black one.

“While you stop bothering me with issue like that, we have more important issue at hoof. Like that meteorite that landed in the Everfree forest last night.” The one called Celestia answered.

Celestia stared to walked towards the doors and the black one didn't like that.

“Don’t you dare ignore me Celestia.”

“Oh, shut up Luna, like I said I have more important things to do then listen to you and your moon.”

The picture stopped and the captain couldn’t help but smile of what he saw. “It looks like the two rulers are not in agreement.” He looked at the major. “What happened after that?” He asked.

“The one called Celestia return to her room to write something, we don’t what. And the one called Luna also return to her room, as far as we know there still at their rooms.”

The captain nodded. “Good, keep an eye on both of them. I want to know there every move.”

Night had fallen over Applejack farm, Falco had taken apart the ships weapon board to get closer look at it. He was sitting in front of his tent with flashlight strap on his head, he was looking at chip with a magnifying glass.

“This is just great, the main chip is fried. I don’t think I will be able to fix it.” He said to himself. He then looked into the night. “I know your there, I heard you land like ten minutes ago.”

Out of the shadow came a pony that had both wings and a horn on its head and Falco didn’t know what to think about that, one thing was for sure it was female.

“What the hell are you?” He asked the pony.

“My name is Luna and I’m princess of the night.” She answered him.

“Look tuts, I didn’t ask for your name I asked what you are.”

“Oh.” Luna had blush on her face after the mistake. “I’m a alicorn, it’s a combination of all the three pony race in Equestria.”

Falco was not impressed of what she said. “Whatever you say tuts.”

Luna did not like to be called tuts. “My name is Luna not tuts, you better remember that.”

She tried to sound frightening but it did not work on Falco, he has been threatened by far worst by Slippy when he tried to make improvements to Arwing. Slippy had total mental breakdown that day, it was not pretty.

She stepped closer to him. “So, you are what crashed in the Everfree forest last night.”

“Actually, I crashed in my Arwing.” He pointed at the meta bird.

Luna looked the Arwing with curiosity. “You crashed in that?” Falco just nodded, she walked over to the Arwing. “It doesn’t look that Impressive.” She said while studying it.

“That’s because is not turn on right now tuts.”

“Don’t call me that.” She said with anger in her voice.

“Whatever, is there something I can do for you ‘your highness’?”

She could hear the sarcasm in his voice. “Yes, I would like to know if you are dangerous to the ponies of Equestria.”

“Are you asking me if I’m going on killing streak?”

“Not the way I would said it but yes.”

“Nothing like that, unless someone is paying me then I might be considering it.” Luna’s eyes widen when he said that. “That was a joke.”

“It was not FUNNY.”

She shouted that last part a little loud because it knocked Falco on his back.

“Bloody hell.” He sat up and he could see Luna talking but he heard nothing, all he could hear was very high pitched sound. “What did you say?” She stared to talk some more but he heard nothing. He decided to try something, he put his thumb in his mouth and the he blew. He could hear again. ‘Wow, that actually work.’ He thought.

“… and I hope that you remember that, are we clear.”

Luna waited for an answer but it a little difficult for Falco to give on when she made him deaf, so he just winged it.

“Whatever you say tuts.”

She did not like that he called her tuts but she was satisfied with his answer, she was to say something ells but was interrupted by the door to the main house opening and closing. Then Applejack came around the corner.

“Are you okay Falco? I heard somepony shout.” She then saw Luna. “Oh, it’s you Princess Luna. What are you doing here?”

“I’m was here to find out what crashed into the Everfree forest last night, now that I know what it was I’m here to decide if this bird is dangerous or not.”

“My name is Falco Lombardi and the only thing I want to do is to fix my Arwing and get home to my friends, I don’t intend to invade your land.”

Luna looked at Applejack. “Is he telling the truth Applejack?”

“Yes princess, he is telling the truth.”

Luna was satisfied by that. “That’s good to hear element of honesty, now if you both excuse me I have duties in Canterlot.” She took one look at Falco. “I should warn you Falco Lombardi, my sister is coming to see you tomorrow so you better watch that mouth off yours.” She told him.

“I’ll try to keep the in mind.” Was his answer.

Luna nodded and then she spread her wings and took off into the night leaving Falco and Applejack alone. Falco watch where she had flown to, he then shook his head. ‘This world.’ He then looked at AJ who was watching him.


She shook her head. “Nothing.” He just shrugged his shoulders, he then went back to the chip. “What are you looking at?” She asked him.

“This is the main chip of the weapon board I showed you, I’m trying to fix it but I don’t think I can. I maybe have to replace it, is there a place in Equestria that sale this stuff?” He asked her.

“I don’t think so.”

He was not happy of the answer he got. “Shit, unless I can find a new one I’m pretty much screw when I get back home.” He stared to pack up the stuff that was lying in front of him. “I better get some sleep, something tells me that I need it if I’m going to survive my integration of Luna’s sister. Good night AJ.” He disappeared into his tent.

“Good night Falco."

Applejack walked walk back to the house with her head hanging low, she wished that she had said something. ‘Granny is right, I like him.’ She thought as she walked in to the front door.