• Published 8th Jul 2017
  • 19,581 Views, 1,434 Comments

Glory of the Sun - Celesti Lateo

|Self-Insert Fic| I thought being an Alicorn prince would be awesome, because, you know, magic and imortality and knowing souls do exist is kind of awesome, right? Eh, not so much when your new mother is a crazed wannabe goddess.

  • ...

Epiphany-Part 1

"Seems you managed to find yourself an ally."

Huh? Oh, Mom. The hell is she on about?

"You have chosen well. The Duchess of the Alban Hills is a very powerful and influential member of the Court and having her support will most certainly greatly help you in the Game."

What, like the Game of Thrones? Of course that's what she meant. What happened, Mom? You used to be all about friendship and rainbows and marshmallow. Couldn't you be that Celestia?

"Thank you, Mother. Could I see him tomorrow, before the celebration start again?"

Please, say yes...

"Hmm, very well. After all, with your lessons put on hold for the celebration you have the free time to do so."

"Thank you, Mother!"

I turn away from her ready to trot back, when she talks again.

"I'm proud of you, Solus."


"Your dedication to your studies is exemplary..."


"...and Iron Rod talks highly of you. He said he never saw a more stubborn student than you..."


"...your attitude this night was perfect. It took me years before I managed to fend off the nobles like that." She chuckles a bit at that.


She doesn't chuckle. She doesn't do compliment. Oh stars, what is she planning?

"Solus? What's wrong?"

What's wrong? WHAT'S WRONG!? For years I've been trying to get your approval, you bitch!

"Are you that surprised, of me being proud of you?"



Oh fuck. Oh fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck. Why is it so silent? I just used the Royal Canterlot Voice against my mother. Oh callise d'osti de tabernack, I just used the Royal Canterlot Voice against Celestia!

"I'm sorry! I didn't-AAAAAAGGGHH!"

Pain. Hot, searing pain. Oh, please, make it stop! Stop! STOP IT! PLEASE! I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY!

"I'll let your impropriety slide this time, as it was the first time you did so, as well as the last. Never do this again, and it will never have happened and you'll still be able to go see your little companion. Am I clear?"



"sniff... Yesh, Mahter..."

"Good. Proper Worth, bring him back to his quarters."

"Of course, Empress."

"Then come to my room, it seems you have been remiss in your duties."

"What! Oh, Empress please, I-"

"Silence. Are you questioning me?"


"Then proceed to do as I asked."

Proper helps me up, but I can barely walk. Everything hurts, like it's on fire.

I won't make the same mistake twice. I thought you might be like Celestia under your mask. But the mask doesn't hide your goodness.

It hides what a monster you are.

I lay in my bed, not daring to move. Even after an entire night, it still hurt.

I can' believe it. Why did I do that? It's not like I didn't know she was bad. So what if she's proud of me? It's not like I'd want the approval of a psycho like her.


Oh, whatever. It's morning and I can go see Shining Armour. At the very least Celestia didn't take that from me. Let's get up and...


Please tell me that Shining prefer reading like his sister.

So, now let's just limp to the dining room and...

Oh, hello Proper, you look so happy this fine morning.

"Good morning, Proper."

"...Good morning, Prince", he says in clipped tone.

Youpie, one hateful majordomo, what I always wanted. Can I fix this?

"I'm truly sorry the Empress punished you for my misbehaviour."

"Umph, thank you, Prince."

Wow, didn't that sound sincere.

"Prince Solus, you might want to get breakfast over quickly."

"I know, I can go see Shining."

"Indeed, but this isn't what I'm referring to."

"It isn't?"

"Should I ask the court physician to check your ears?"

"No, no! Um, what is it then?"

Ain't we one massive grouchy pants.

"Your Mother decided to allow you to have one of your birthday presents early, in the hopes that, and I quote, 'It will teach him why respect is important.'"

Isn't that ominous.

"Where is it, then?"

"We'll have to procure it, Prince."


"Yes. After all, you get to choose it."

"Choose? Are we getting a pet or something like that?"

"Hmm, I suppose you could say that."

Uh, cool. I wonder what the choices are? A phoenix would be awesome!

"Your breakfast, Prince."

Oh, right!

Proper said we'd go after I spent some time with Shining, saying something like I'll need to focus all my attention on my gift, which is fair enough, really. For now, I'm simply waiting for Shining to come over. Which is entirely fine by me, considering I'd rather not move at all.

"Your Serene Highness, there's a visitor for you", one of the maid says.

"Show him in, please."

And here comes my little plushie, uh, Shining, I meant Shining! Anyway.

"Hello, Shining Armour."

"Um, hello, Your Highness," he squeaks out.

And I thought death by cuteness was just a brony joke. Meh, it has probably more to do with the soreness my "punishment" caused.

"What did I say last night?"

"Uh, you said a lot of thing, like how you like bananas and-"

What? It's in my blood!

"I said, don't worry about it. You don't need to act like I'm about to blow up each time you do something."

"Oh, right, sorry..."

I put an hoof on his wither.

"Don't be, I understand why you're so nervous. How do you think I feel when I'm with the Empress?."


I walked right into that one, didn't I?

"Nervous, incredibly nervous. Even for me, she won't make an exception."

"But surely she's not as harsh with you, right?"

I'm sure my face must be in a rather fascinating configuration, if Shining's wince is any indication.


"O-oh, I'm sorry, of course I wouldn't know, I'm just a stupid colt and-"

"Shining, stop. You're not stupid. You had no way of knowing, okay?"


I raise my eyebrow.

"Oh, uh, no but, right?"

"Yes. Who told you you were stupid anyway?"

"My mom, uh, mother always call me that when I make a mistake."

Oh, Shiny.

"Well, she shouldn't!"

"But I always mess up and say stupid things and I'm just stupid-"

I hug him tightly. Poor thing, he's shaking like a leaf.

"No you're not. I'm sure you're a very intelligent young stallion. Sure you make mistakes, but if you didn't, how would you learn?"

"Wha-what do you mean?"

"Look Shiny, everypony make mistakes, even the Empress. But that's not a bad thing, as long as you learn from them and strive to never repeat them. Do you understand?"


"Are you crying?"

He ferociously wipes his eyes.

"No, I'm -sniff-, I'm not!"

"There's nothing wrong with crying, you know. Tears help your mind calm itself. Only fools think that crying is a show of weakness, because they'll be the first to break."

"But I c-can't just cry in front of everypony!"

I wipe a stray tear away and raise his head so he'll look at me.

"Of course you can't. But that doesn't mean you can't do it when you are alone. Or when you are with a friend."

"Li-Like you?"

"I'd be happy to be your friend Shining, as long as you're willing to be mine"

"Of course!"

"Then why don't we have some fun, like friends should?"

"Uh, what should we do?"

"Well, can't go play outside, I'm still sore."

"What happened?"

"Oh, uh, I fell, um, down the stair. Yes, the stairs!"

Oh bother, I sound like an abuse victim. Which I am, actually. Fuck damn it. I'm an adult, he's just a kid. Get your priority straight!

"Um, okay, if you say so. What about, uh..."

"What about reading? I've got a few good stories here."

And he's looking down again.

"Shining, what's wrong?"

"I, uh, don't... don't...-sniff-"

Oh stars, he looks about ready to bawl his eyes out! What did I say?

"Um, look, if you don't like reading-"

"I don't know how to read! I'm so-sorry, I told -sniff- you I was stupid, a-and -sniff- simple, not worth your time, I'm so sorry-"

"Whoa, hey, hey, calm down! It's alright if you don't know how."

"It's not! You know how to read!"

"I'm not exactly the best pony to compare yourself to-"

"Exactly! Because you're an alicorn and you're perfect and-

"Perfect? I'm not perfect! If I was, would I have hurt my friend feelings?"


"No, Shiny. I apologize for making you think you were stupid-"

"No, don't apologize, I'm not worth-"

"Yes you are!"

I place my hoof on his cheek.

"Shiny, you're just six. It's normal if you don't know how to read. I often forget my foalhood is anything but normal. I can help you learn if you want, but you have to stop thinking so little of yourself, okay?"

He stays silent, looking away.



"Right. See the bookshelf there? There should be foal's book at the bottom, take one you like and I'll help you read it."

"You really don't have to do this."

"Shiny, I insist. That's what friends do, okay?"

He nods at me, and go fetch a book.

Oh, Shiny. Does everypony in the Empire think like that? No wonder the servants look so afraid when they see me.

"Uh, I have the book."

I smile at him, trying to reassure him.

"Good, sit down beside me and I'll help you trough it."

"...The u-unicorn...?"


"The unicorn vent, uh, went to the ma... ma, uhm..."


"Oh, right..."

"Don't worry Shiny, you're doing real good."

"My tutor doesn't thinks so."

"Your tutor just want to have progress so he doesn't get fired. If he makes you that uncomfortable, it's no wonder you're not learning anything from him."

"You really think so?"

"I know so. Literally. I had teachers like him."


"My mother learned they weren't doing their job properly."

"Oooh...", he says with a wince of sympathy.

"Yup. The others soon learned that pushing me too hard is counter-productive. They still push me, but they have legitimate reasons to do so."

"I wish my mother would understood that."

"Maybe I could talk to her?"


"Yeah, of course!"

He hugs me.


He suddenly pulls away.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean-"

I pull him back.

"It's okay, you silly pony."

I let him go before he a apoplectic fit.

"Prince Solus, an Alban retainer is here for Lord Armour."

Party-pooper. Oh well, there'll be other times.

"Thank you. Well I had fun today Shining! If you are patient, I am sure you will master reading soon enough. I hope I'll see you again soon!"

He gives me a small smile at that.

"Likewise, Your Highness!"

He makes for the exit, but before he leaves I tell him something more.


He turns his head to look at me.


"You're a wonderful pony, please, stop thinking so lowly of yourself."

"O-of course!"

He then scampers away, beet red.

Oh, Shiny, thank you for showing me there's still hope for this world.