• Published 8th Jul 2017
  • 19,579 Views, 1,434 Comments

Glory of the Sun - Celesti Lateo

|Self-Insert Fic| I thought being an Alicorn prince would be awesome, because, you know, magic and imortality and knowing souls do exist is kind of awesome, right? Eh, not so much when your new mother is a crazed wannabe goddess.

  • ...


Oh stars, what the fuck did I just do? I didn't think the amulet would be so...alluring! At the very least the runes I commissioned should have been enough to prevent Celestia from sensing Cadance's ascension. Though I wonder if they were necessary...I was only half there, as opposed to Cadance, who was completely there and completely in, well, harmony with her surroundings. If I was only half there, even though I'm an alicorn with somewhat good intentions, I wonder if Celestia would have access to wherever we were. Hopefully not. It would make things considerably easier, especially if that line of thought applies to other things related to Harmony, like the Elements.


"Cady, you'll have to open the door", I tell my sister-in-all-but-name. Argh, why did I do that to her?

"Uh? Why?", she asks with her eyebrows raised in confusion.

"The door is attuned to you. It was made that way so I couldn't escape while I was still...corrupted."

She looks at me with a wan smile.

"You really planned this all out, didn't you?", she says in a whisper.

"Cady, I...,*sigh*, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"

"It's fine, Solus", she interrupts me. "I mean, I'm an alicorn! I can't be mad because of that, can I?"

Yes. Yes you can.

"Okay", I mutter. "Anyway, just place your hoof there", I say, pointing to a specific rune on the door, "and think really hard about everything being safe and a-okay."

"Is that all?", she replies, surprised. "I don't have to use my magic?"

I shake my head.

"No. Your transformation wasn't a certainty, so if we had keyed the runes to your unicorn magic, which we couldn't have at the time, anyhow, and considering this room is probably one of the most warded place in existence, or close enough to it, we would have been trapped in here, with only somepony with great magical power, like my mother for example, as our only chance to get out of here."

"Oh. That sounds bad."

I snort.

"Quite. At any rate, we should get out of here."

"Right!", she says as she walks to the door and place her hoof on it. "Safe, it's safe...", she begins to whisper, closing her eyes, her face scrunching up because of her effort to focus.

The runes on the door slowly dim, in a rather erratic fashion, like a light bulb who isn't screwed in right. It seems I'll have to help Cadance with her focus. But well, she's just six. Not many children have that kind of control on their mind, at least not those who aren't reincarnated humans.

It takes a a few more seconds before the door open, revealing a rather panicky Fancy Pants waiting on the other side. When he sees Cadance, he promptly wrap her up with his legs, nuzzling her.

"Are you alright? Are you hurt? Did he do something-"

Cadance interrupts him by booping him.

"I am, I'm safe and unhurt", she says with a reassuring smile.

He sighs, visibly relieved. He turns to look at me.

"Did it work?"

I smile.

"It did. The world has a new alicorn."

"By the Sun, I can't believe it actually worked!", he says with excitement audible in his voice. "Is it that easy to make alicorns? Did Celestia lie to us about her nature?"

I shake my head.

"Unfortunately, no. Alicorns, while not gods, are still heralds of Harmony. A pony needs to have great potential to be able to ascend to such a state." I look to Cadance and I smile. "Cadance was one such pony."

Fancy smiles too, looking at the filly in his hooves.

"That she is", he says. "Now, let us leave this dreadful place at once!"

I nod in agreement.

"Indeed. Lets go, then!"

Fancy let go of Cadance and stand up, still smiling. I should try spending more time with all of them. Who knew Fancy had become so...fatherly towards Cady? Which is fine by me. While I may have a mature mind, I sincerely doubt any of them see me as a parental figure. If Fancy can fill that role, that's perfect, especially for Cadance. Lard knows she needs to have every advantage she can get if she is to rule Equestria. I'm sure she'd make a much better ruler than me. Or at the very least I'll make sure she is.

"You're back!", Shiny exclaim. "Where were you? We were so worried!"

We? Oh, Mac's back. Is it really that late already?

"Sorry you two, I'll explain in just a moment", I say, then turn to Fancy. "Fancy, would you please take care of the staff?"

He bows.

"At once, your Serene Highness."

He walks away and I turn back to Mac and Shiny.

"Come on, we'll need privacy for this."

I lead them to my bedroom, then cast the privacy spell.

Mac looks at me with an inquiring look.

"So, what's this about?"

"Yeah! Did something happen?", Shiny adds, with a worried tone to his voice.

I wave my hoof.

"Nothing bad. If anything, we'll probably never have any better news in our lifetime."

That make the both of them stare at me with wide, disbelieving eyes. Cadance steps up, with a small smile adorning her face.

"I wouldn't have been so dramatic about it, but it is indeed very good news."

"What is it?", Mac says with a slight frown.

He really hates it when something happens and he can't do anything about it, doesn't he? Not surprising, all things considered, though I hope being such a worrywart won't bite him in the flank.

"I...well, I don't really know how to say that appropriately", Cady says with a thoughtful expression. "It just seems like I'd need to say more, but...I'm an alicorn!"

"What!?", both colts shout in surprise.

"You heard her right, she's an alicorn", I assure them with a smile.

"But she doesn't have a horn!", Shiny protests, incredulous.

Mac seems to agree with that statement, if his questioning look is anything to go by.

"You see her collar?", I ask while gesturing to said object with my hoof. "It's enchanted so it hides her nature even from my mother."

Shiny and Mac come closer, looking at the collar.

"Really?", Shining asks, while poking it.

"Really", I say, my smile widening.

"How did she do it?", Mac asks.


What do I say to that?

"He tested me", Cadance interject. "He and Fancy made a test to see if I had what it took to be an alicorn, and I did."

Succinctly put, if a bit misleading because of that.

"Wow, I knew you were smart, but to become an alicorn...", Shiny says, with a voice filled with wonder. "Could I become one too?"

Ooh, those puppy eyes...

"I...", I begin, uncertain as to how to continue. "I don't...think so, Shiny. Sorry."

His ears fold back and he looks down. Shiny...

"Oh, right, like I could-"

"Shining Armour!", Cady and I say at the same time.

We look at each other, clearly as surprised as the other is. I nod my head, letting her know that he's all hers.

She walks up to Shiny and lift his head up with her hoof.

"Shiny, only a very small number of ponies have the potential to become an alicorn, and of those, most don't even know about it", she says with a smile, placing her hoof on his wither. "You're a very special colt nonetheless. You're kind and gentle, loyal, dedicated and diligent. Solus couldn't have asked for a better knight, and I couldn't have asked for a better friend."

He looks at her, teary-eyed, and then turn his head to look at me. I smile brightly and nod. He then look to Mac, with the latter simply smiling and saying:


"Oh, I...I'm such a crybaby-"

I step up to him.

"Maybe, but you'll grow up. And there's nothing wrong with tears. Just stop putting yourself down over nothing, okay?"

He sniffles and wipe his tears away with his foreleg.

"Okay. Anyway, congratulation, Cadance", he says with a wide, if slightly brittle, smile.

"Yeah, congrats, Cady", Mac says.

"Thank you both, I couldn't have done it without such good friends...wait, Solus?"

"Yes?", I say, confused as to what she might want to ask.

"What am I the alicorn of?", she asks with a questioning look.


"I mean, Celestia is the Alicorn of the Sun, right? So, what am I?"

Hmm, how do I say this? I mean, I know what her domain is, but how...well, actually...

"You used your love and understanding to pass the test. You're the Alicorn of Love."

She raises an eyebrow.

"Of love?"

"Yes, Love. Do consider the fact that Friendship is Magic, and Friendship is a sort of Love. You could hardly be more harmonious even if you tried."

"Wait, you really meant that?", Shiny asks, completely flabbergasted.

"I did. The Magic of Friendship is a real thing. It's how the Founders vanquished the windigo."

"Wait, I thought the Empress saved the first Equestrians?"

Isn't that surprising to learn?


"Yeah, no. She wasn't even there when the Long Winter was bearing down on the three tribes."

"But my mother-"

"Your mother was lied to, and so was the person who told her that, and so on and so forth. Celestia lied in order to make herself look like a saviour, the messiah sent to save us all!"

"So everything I was told is false?", Shiny asks, seemingly confused and worried.

"Not...necessarily, but most of it is of dubious veracity. I don't know how much of it is true, I only have knowledge of a few big events. Considering Celestia would suppress any dissent, I don't think we'll know any time soon."

"Oh, right. I just thought...forget it, I'm just being stupid", he says, scrapping the floor with his hoof.

"Shiny, say that again and I'll have you do extra lesson with Iron Rod", I admonish him. "What did you think?"

"I...I thought that Celestia was still, you know, good?", he answers hesitatingly.

Oh. Shit.



"I don't know. She is a tyrant, but I think she genuinely thinks she's doing what's best for Equestria, and won't let anyone tell her otherwise."

"So what are you going to do? Didn't you say you wanted to bring Harmony back?"

I look to Cady and Mac, who look just as saddened as me.

"I'm going to fight her."

"Fight?! Fight the Empress? Isn't that treason?", he screams, panicked.

"It is, but so many are suffering because she rules. If it weren't for me, Mac and Cady..."

That make Shining stop and gape like a fish.

"Bu-but, she...she...she is our Light...is that...is that a lie, too?", he asks, in a quiet whisper, looking down at his hooves.

I slowly hug him, softly wrapping my wings around him.

"Sorry, Shining. If you're unwilling to follow me in treason, I'll understand. I'll release you of your oath and make sure you are able to live a comfortable life, away from me", I say softly, petting his mane.

He stays silent for a moment, before he whispers inaudibly.

"What did you say?", I ask calmly, in a reassuring tone.

"I...I'll stay. Celestia never helped me, you did. She never stopped my mother when she was hitting me. She never answered my prayers, but you did. I love you, Solus, you're my best friend, and nothing will ever change that."

I smile softly and nuzzle the top of his head. You silly pony...

"I won't let you down, I promise."

Author's Note:

I'm really sorry for the delay! It just...well I decided to take a pause because I didn't know how to continue from where I left off, then I watched Game of Thrones, which frustrates me to no end because this season is stupid as all goes. Then I suddenly had the desire to play Dragon Age: Inquisition again, only Origin was being very uncooperative (Wow, a EA product working like crap, unbelievable!) and I had to fight it for a whole day before finally making it work. Sort of. I had to reinstall it, but the website didn't let me, so I downloaded the installation package from my brother's computer, which is connected to the same internet rooter, by the way, and then I could finally play DA:I, which I was doing up until now. All in all, just a string of bad luck, essentially. The next chapter shouldn't take as long.