• Published 8th Jul 2017
  • 19,534 Views, 1,434 Comments

Glory of the Sun - Celesti Lateo

|Self-Insert Fic| I thought being an Alicorn prince would be awesome, because, you know, magic and imortality and knowing souls do exist is kind of awesome, right? Eh, not so much when your new mother is a crazed wannabe goddess.

  • ...


Author's Note:

Warning: Some bit of this chapter might be a little intense. If a moderator deems it rates as Mature I'll rewrite it, though I've tried my best not to be too explicit. If you're squeamish, skip the double-separation, it's just a dream-sequence.

Well, I've fucked up. Oh my eyes hurt. Is it the first time I cried like that? I think so. Lucky me I told Shiny that crying wasn't shameful. It's not like I was repressing my emotions at all.

Urgh. I'm such an idiot.

Well, in my defence, it's like the universe waited until this week to reveal all the sordid details of my new life: Slavery is a thing, my new friend is abused, Cady was nearly raped, Applejack is going to be bred, My father is also my brother and my mother loves me, maybe even too much.

"So what are we in your eyes?"

What are they? I haven't known them for long. Friends? I do intend to set them up to be Bearers...

I've helped them. Especially Cady. And she wanted to help me in kind.


Who am I? Myself, probably. Even if my memories are fake, my actions are still mine. What am I? A clone of my mother. That's still fucked up as all hells. Well, I've got a lesson out of this: "Do not repress your emotion until you have a mental breakdown, dingus."

What makes it all the worse is that I lashed at two slaves and an abuse victim. It's not like they'd know anything about my hardships, right?

I've got to apologize as soon as I can. And find a book on meditation. I sense I'll need it if I don't want to blow up like that again. As well as find a proper outlet for my negative emotions. My friends are not punching bags.

Maybe I could ask Iron Rod to teach me how to use a sword, even if I'm too young for it yet. Or a warhammer.

Hmm, somepony opened the door...


"P-Proper?", I say in a raspy voice.

Fuck, my throat hurt.

"Yes, Prince. I brought you tea, to help you calm down."

Uh. How thoughtful. He set down a tray on the foot of my bed and levitate me a cup, which I take in my hooves, since I don't trust myself to use magic right now. I take a sip.

"Blergh! It's bitter!"

"It may be so, but it will help you sleep. But you need to drink it all."

Fine! I'll drink your garbage juice. I try to gulp it down. And I succeed. Though I'm wondering if it wants to make a return trip.

"There, isn't that a good colt? At least for once in your life."


"Um, Proper?"

"Don't worry, you'll sleep a wonderful sleep."

"Right. GUA-"


Where the heck did that pillow come from?!

"Now now, don't throw a tantrum, you brat!", he hisses.

What the fuck Proper? Let me breathe!

Look for the font...

"It's no use, brat! The tea was meant to render you impotent."

Shit! I begin to trash about.

"Why not a poison, you ask? Simple. Nothing that could kill an alicorn is subtle enough."

Fuck! My lungs are on fire!

"Now, just lay your little, empty head and-Aaaah!"


"Koff-koff, arghh, urk...wha-what the -urmph- hell?"

"Get off me you whore!"

He swats something away. It land on the floor in a tumble. Wait...Cady!? I jump off the bed next to her.

"Leave -urph- her alone!", I screech.

"Oh, stop it you brat! Always so selfish!"

"Selfish? I'm not the one trying to murder somepony!"

"I wouldn't if you would just listen! When I first became your majordomo..."

Keep talking, moron. Reach the font, let it flow, purify the streams...

"...I thought I could finally reach the position I deserved. To have the ear of the future Emperor! But you wouldn't listen! Always ignoring me and brushing me away! But no longer! I'll be rid of you and I will finally be able to play the Game again! Free of you and your childish tantrums about 'Justice' and 'Compassion'!"

"Is that all? You got angry a child wouldn't listen to you?"

"'Is that all?' You ungrateful brat! I sacrificed years of my life for you!"

"No you didn't! You sacrificed them for something you felt you were entitled to. I sincerely doubt my mother told you you could manipulate me for your own gain!"

He screams and lunge at me. Seems he's finally out of patience. And out of time!

"IGNIS!", I shout.

He bursts into flame, screaming bloody murder. I help Cady stand and we make a run for the door. Which open right as we reach it.

"What's going on in here?!", a guard shout.

He sees Proper trying to grab us and jump over us, rearing up and smashing in Proper's skull. And here I thought it looked ridiculous when ponies fought on the show. The guard turns to us.

"Sire, are you alright?"

"Y-yes. I think so..."

"I'll have somepony bring you to the Physician."

He guides us out of the room. He calls over another guard, and tells him to bring us to the Infirmary. All the while I kept a wing wrapped around Cadance, to try and reassure her, since she's shaking like a leaf.

"It's okay", I whisper. "It's over now."

We reach the Infirmary and the nurses rushes us in. It's not long before we're both in bed, being fussed over. That is, until Celestia arrived.


Ouch. And I thought I was loud when I used the Royal Capslock. And she's trying to crush me. Well, it's probably a hug, but still.

"I'm fine, Mother. Please stop crushing me."

The hug loosen up, but she doesn't let go.

"Are you sure? Maybe he poisoned you, or-"

"He didn't. He said it would be too obvious."

"He was stupid enough to attack you in the first place."

Fair enough. What was he expecting, really?

"Even if he did, I'm surrounded by healers. I won't die tonight, Mother."

"I...I know. I'm just worried about you."

That's heartwarming. Where was that hidden my entire life?

"I'm tired, Mother. Could I sleep?"

Yes, go away. I'm still not done processing what you are in relation to me.

"R-right, of course."

She reaches down and kiss my cheek. Blergh! No, that's too fucking creepy!

"Goodnight, Solus."

And she leaves. Just like that. Had I known she could be this reasonable in private...

Hindsight is 20/20, right?

I look on my right, to see how Cady is doing. Uh, she's asleep.

"We put her to sleep with a spell, Prince", a nurse says. "We could do the same for you, if you wish."

Somehow, I don't think I'll be able to go to sleep on my own.

"Yes, please."

She nods, her horn lightening up, and I begin to feel drowsy...

What a beautiful day! We are in a grassy field, under a tree. It's sunny and I'm surrounded by my friends! There's Cadance and Mac, playing tag around the blanket, laughing and smiling, Shiny is beside me and I help him read a book, Mom is eating a cake (not a slice, a cake), and Proper...

Proper? Why is he looking at me like that?

Suddenly, he lunges, grabbing my neck and choking me!

"I hate you! You killed me!"

I didn't mean to!

"You made my life hell! All because you can't let go of the past!"

No, you were just a greedy bastard!

"Was I? It's easy to dehumanize your enemies like that. Do you even know if I have a family?"


He begins to burn and melt away.

"I'm burning because of you! You murdered me!"

You were trying to do so first!

"You're still a killer! A monster!"

Only a charred corpse remain. I buck his chest, which caves-in.

"This is your punishment! Suffer for your crimes! Look!"

He picks me up and throw me. I land in front of Mac and Iron Rod.

"Why didn't you help me?", Mac says in a hollow voice.

His body is scarred all over, blood seeping from countless cuts, blackened by bruises that mar his body.

I didn't mean to! I wanted to help!

"You did help! He's going to be a great weapon!", Iron Rod says cheerfully.

No! He's just a child!

"So? Speak up if you want to stop it!"

I open my mouth but my teeth begin to fall out as soon as I do.

"Not able to speak up for the little one? Some friend you are! Hey maggot! Go rape the pink one, she deserves it!"

What? No!

"I can't hear you!"

Mac approaches Cadance and climb on top of her.


"Hey, open your mouth, whore!"


A hoof turn my head away.

"Now, now, don't look at those beasts, my sweet child."


She kisses me, her tongue slithering in my mouth. She moans, using her hoof to keep my head in place.

"Isn't that pleasant? Oh look, there's your friend about to be punished!"


"Please, stop, I'll be good!", he wails.

Velvet whips his flank, her face distorted by anger and hatred.

"That's what you always say. Apologize!"

"I'm sorry!"

She whips him again.

"Sorry who?!"

"Sorry Mother!"

Mother kisses me again.

"Isn't this exciting?", she says with a manic grin.

NO! Please, stop it! all of you!

"We can't hear you~!"



Just a dream, just a dream...

I hold my legs to my chest, shivering. I'm drenched in sweat, labouring to breathe.


Cady? I hug her, burying my head in her chest, sobbing.

"What's wrong, Solus?"

I whimper, unable to muster the will to respond.

She begins to pet my mane nervously, wrapping her wings around me as best as she can.

"It's okay, it...it was just a bad dream, shhhh."

"Your Highness!?", a nurse says.

"He's okay, he just had a bad dream", Cady replies in my stead.

"If you say so. I'll recast the Sleep Spell."

"No!", I scream.

"Your Highness?"

"I-I don't...don't -sniff- want to-to..."


"Don't worry, Prince, I can make sure your sleep is dreamless."


Her horn lights up and she casts the spell.

"It will take longer for the spell to take hold, but it will be completely dream-free."

I nod, still sobbing and unable to speak another word.

The nurse leave, and Cadance try to let go of me. I tighten my hold on her, desperate to have her stay.

"Y-you want me to stay?"

I just bury my head in her chest again.

"O-okay. I'll stay. I'm here, Solus. You're safe."

We lay down, me clutching her in a tight embrace.

"Sleep, everything is going to be okay", she whispers in my ear.

I slowly fall asleep, without releasing my hold on her.