• Published 8th Jul 2017
  • 19,584 Views, 1,434 Comments

Glory of the Sun - Celesti Lateo

|Self-Insert Fic| I thought being an Alicorn prince would be awesome, because, you know, magic and imortality and knowing souls do exist is kind of awesome, right? Eh, not so much when your new mother is a crazed wannabe goddess.

  • ...


It has been a few weeks since my birthday and they have been relatively calm. Relatively, as in, taking care of three six-year-old is a pain in the flank. Don't misunderstand me, I love them with all my heart, but children are children, whether human or equine. You have to make sure they take their bath, while they fuss about, saying they don't need it (as it happens, Shiny is mostly the only to do that, the other two are rather more happy about it. I wonder why). There's also their bedtime, saying they are not tired, with Mac being an exception because of his training. And there's...ah...nighttime indiscretions.

To be honest, I expected Shiny to be the one to have that problem, however, it only happened once and from what I gathered from his embarrassed mumbles his mother made sure he stayed dry at night. No, the one with that problem would be Macintosh. From what he told me, he never bothered to not urinate during his sleep, and seemed rather confused by the whole idea until he realized that wet bed covers are rather uncomfortable. I imagine his parents never bothered to teach him, considering the fact he literally slept in dung and piss anyway.

As for interactions between the three of them, Mac and Shiny are the "love you, hate you" kind of brothers. One minute they're getting along just fine, playing or talking, and the next one they're at each other throats either because Shining made an insensitive comment about non-unicorns or because Macintosh made a rude comment about nobles. They, of course, both get an earful when it happens and I explain to them why they were wrong to say whatever they said. Fortunately, they seem to have understood what was the problem and are more willing to explain to the other what they did wrong instead of jumping to conclusions.

Unfortunately, as my schedule is even more tightly packed than their own, I'm not around them as much as I would like. While Fancy is a rather reasonable authority figure, Mac don't trust him much, and neither him or Shiny really as somepony who they can be open with. Fortunately, Cadance took that role upon herself, to be there to soothe their worries and to talk them down when they are clashing. I'm hardly surprised that canon!Cadance is such a beloved princess.

Talking of Cadance, she took to her new life like a fish to water. Fancy even said he had never met a filly more eager to learn, and good at it, than her. She's polite, level-headed and reasonable. I really lucked out by finding her. Trying to deal with the colts without her would have been an headache.

Though, on the subject of learning...

"Now, let's take it from the top. Who are the lowest ranked nobles in the Empire?"

"Um, the Barons?", Shiny says, waiting for confirmation.

We are currently in the lounge of my quarters, sitting on pillows. I'm helping Shiny and Cady to revise what they know of the Equestrian political structure.

"Hmm, technically incorrect. They are the lowest landed nobles. Cady?"

She looks up and scratches her chin, looking a little lost in her thoughts, before she looks back at me.

"The Knights?"

"Correct. Shiny, as a Knight yourself, describe their role and function."

"They are tasked with protecting their liege lord life, honour and holdings, even at the cost of their life", he replies with a stilted voice. He's probably repeating something that was said to him. "While they hold no lands themselves, they can serve as adjutant to their liege both in military and civilian matters. During wartime, they will either serve as officers or as elite soldiers."

"Very good, Shiny. Cady, same question, but with the Barons."

"Uhh, they serve as representative of their liege lord and rule over their castles and hamlets in their place, so that their overlord can organize their holdings as a whole instead of wasting time going from one castle to another all the time. Right?"

"You got the gist of it. The Barons also enforce the dictates of their overlord and they, during wartime, are the ones to assemble the levies before rallying their lord."

Cady nods her understanding and I turn to Shiny.

"Who are above the Barons, and what do they do?"

"The Counts. They are the direct ruler of the region assigned to them, a County, levy the taxes and oversee the building of infrastructure in their demesne. They'll usually serve as the lieutenants of their overlord during wartime. They have more autonomy than the Barons but they still have to obey the laws instated by their overlord as well as levy taxes to the exact percentage their liege tells them to."

"Correcto-mundo. Cady?"

"After that, it's the...the Dukes?"

"Indeed. Continue."

She looks much more confident after hearing my answer and she stands straighter.

"They serve as the representative of the Crown to the rest of the Lords and enforce the mandate set by the capital. During wartime, they serve as commander of the army their vassals assembled."

"Essentially. What is the difference between them and the Grand Dukes?"

"A Grand Duke is a Duke who has multiple Duchies as part of his demesne. While more prestigious than Dukes, they do the same things as them."

"Excellent! Shiny, care to tell me who is on top of that?"

"The Archdukes. They serve as nearly independent rulers of the Archduchy they are in charge of. In essence, they assume the role of the Empress in the territories far away from the Heartland and/or unstable."

"Correct. How many are there, and what is their names?"

"Four. Borealia, Monsoriens, Corignis and Transalbina."

Otherwise known as the Frozen North, Griffonstone, the Dragonlands and the Mysterious South. I'm sure the Griffons and the Dragons had plenty of fun when Equestria came for them...

"Right. What about the Lords on the border, Cady?"

"They, uh, are the Marquis. They are the equivalent of the Dukes, but they are given much more leeway so they can defend their demesne effectively without having to wait for their overlord to come take command and bring an army with them. Just as a Lord with multiple Duchies is called a Grand Duke, a Lord with multiple Marches is called a Grand Marquis."

"Perfect! That's all of them! Now, what else it there?"

"The Senate?", Shiny says.

"Indeed! Mind explaining what it is?"

"Um, it's where the leading nobles of the Empire assemble to discuss about matters concerning it as well as proposing laws to the Empress."

Essentially like the Roman Senate, since it didn't technically have the power to make laws, they only served as a consultative body for the Consuls and Tribunes.

"Solus, can I ask a question?", Cady says, looking sheepish.

"Go ahead."

"Why does Celestia allow the Senate to exist?"

"Hmm, very good question, Cady. Celestia can't rule everything herself, hence the nobles. However, while they worship her, even that wouldn't stop some of them to try and gain more power. Thus, she created the Senate, where the nobles can squabble for power all they want without threatening the Empress authority. Or at least that's my best theory, which Fancy told me was the most likely option."

"Oh, okay, that makes sense.", she says, nodding.

"Now, do either of you know about the burghers?"

They both look at me.

"Er, no", Shiny says.

"That's alright. The burghers are the rich merchants, landowner and guild masters who have considerable influence even though they are not a part of the nobility. As such, cities are able to elect a Lord Mayor whose status is roughly equivalent to a Baron. On top of that, cities, either ruled over by a municipal council or by the Mayor alone, can create a municipal charter through which the city is able to administer its own affairs without interference from the Counts and Dukes. They still have to follow the Celestial Code of Law, however."

"Do they have to be unicorns?", Cady asks.

"Strictly speaking, no. Unicorn commoners and pegasi are legally equal in status even if their position in society is regulated by said laws. In practice, pegasi burghers are virtually non-existent."


"Because the most influential burghers associate themselves with the Lords, which a pegasus would have a hard time trying to do the same."

She looks down, rubbing her foreleg.

"Oh, that's..."



I smile sadly.

"I wouldn't be conspiring against my own mother if things were fair."

I shake my head.

"Anyway, the burghers were granted the right of assembly by the Empress four and a half hundred years ago. Each chartered municipalities can elect one or more representatives, called Tribunes, to represent the 'common' pony interests in the Parliament. Much like the Senate, they don't technically have the right to legislate, but they were given the right to serve as judge when a noble is put on trial, in the interest of fairness."

"Really? And they accepted that?"

"Well, I say 'fair', but what I really mean is lucrative, since the burghers presiding those cases are usually bought off."

Cadance rolls her eyes.

"What else did I expect?"

Shiny interjects, looking decidedly upset.

"But it's not all bad, right?"

Well, he is a noble. I suppose he'd rather that is whole life not be a sham.

"Not all bad, no, but mostly bad. That's why there are Lords like Fancy who want to change things. They usually aren't as revolutionary as me, but they still exist."

He gazes at me, his eyes full of sadness.

"So we really are parasites?"

Damn it, Mac!

"Most are, but you definitely aren't, Shining. You'll only be when you stop caring about your fellow ponies, no matter their tribe."


Cady places a wing on his back.

"Don't worry Shiny! Would I be your friend if you were bad?"

Shiny gawk at her, teary-eyed.


She smiles.

"No, I wouldn't be. You're a good pony, Shining Armour. and don't you forget it."

He rubs his eyes.

"Okay!", he says much more convincingly.

Adorable, both of them. At any rate.

"Now, is there anything else about the politics of the Realm?"

Cady ponders about it a moment, before answering.

"I don't think so. Thanks for helping us, Solus! We know you're busy, so we really appreciate you taking the time to help us, don't we, Shiny?"

Shining brighten up immediately, smiling broadly.

"Yeah! Thanks, Solus! It means so much for us!"

"It's nothing. Everypony should be able to have access to education and it's my pleasure to help my family."

They both look abashed at this. They know I consider them family, but they're still getting used to it.

"Anyway, I think it's about time for supper. Let's go rescue Mac from Iron Rod and let's head to the dinning room."

They both stand up, smiling.

"Yeah, let's go!", Shiny shouts, running after me.

Cadance just giggles at Shiny's exuberance and follow after us.