• Published 8th Jul 2017
  • 19,584 Views, 1,434 Comments

Glory of the Sun - Celesti Lateo

|Self-Insert Fic| I thought being an Alicorn prince would be awesome, because, you know, magic and imortality and knowing souls do exist is kind of awesome, right? Eh, not so much when your new mother is a crazed wannabe goddess.

  • ...


"I'm so sorry, Shining", I say.

He continues to shake and sob uncontrollably. I try to move him away from the cor-from his mother, but he clings desperately at her.

What do I do now? I failed, again, and now I've got to console him, but how do I do that?

"Shining Armour?", somebody asks.

Shiny's head snaps right up, right into my head, but he doesn't seem to care. He stands up and go to the foot of the bed.

"WHERE WERE YOU!?", he shouts angrily.

"Shiny, I was just talking with-"


Twilight begins to wails, unsurprisingly. Shiny promptly shuts up, jumping off the bed, running to his sister's side. The maid who was holding her lower herself so Shiny can see her.

"Shhh, it's okay, Twily, everything's fine, shhh...", he whispers softly.

Is that what it took for Shiny to be confident like his canon counterpart? No wonder Twilight called him BBBFF...

The stallion, I assume Shining's father, approach them cautiously.

"I'm...sorry Shining, you shouldn't have been..."

He stops there, clearly too distraught to continue. I imagine having your wife die when you're in the room beside the one where she died would be pretty shitty. Especially if your son was there, instead of you.

"Shining, did she say...did she say something before...?", Night Light asks, his voice weak.

Shining looks up, his eyes full of determination.

"She did. She asked me to protect Twilight. And I will, I swear", he says, his voice filled with confidence.

Just as he finished saying that, light flashed from his flanks, leaving behind an emblem.

"Is that...?", Shining asks, but is unable to finish due to being overwhelmed by what had just happened.

"It is", I say, sitting next to him. "It's your emblem."

Said emblem was the same as the one from the show: a shield, three stars over it, and the starburst of Magic on the shield.

"A shield", I continue, "for our knight in shining armour, who has sworn to protect us", I say with a small smile.

He looks at me, seemingly surprised by what I just said.

"R-really?", he asks in a small voice.

Night Light answers before I can say anything.

"Of course", he says with a warm, if shaky, smile. "I wouldn't expect anything less from you, Shining Armour."

It's good to know at least one of his parents wasn't an abusive jerk. Whatever. I get up and head for the door. It's probably better for them to be with family. I walk up to my guard.

"Go fetch Lord Fancy Pants at once", I order him.

"Sire, I can't leave you-"

"I sincerely doubt anypony is going to assault me while you are gone. Do as I say, I need him here, now."

The guard sighs, but still turns around and head for the exit.

Oh, this is going to be a clusterfuck of a political mess.

"Master Solus, you asked for me?", Fancy says as he bows.

"I did. Did the guard fill you in on the situation?", I ask.

His ever-present smile fades away quickly.

"He did. Dreadful, quite simply dreadful. But why did you ask for me? If you wanted a pony to help Sir Armour through these harrowing times, wouldn't Macintosh and Cadance have been better suited for this?", he asks with a eyebrow raised.

"That's not why I asked you here. Please cast the privacy spell before we continue."

That get his other eyebrow to rise up, but he complies nonetheless.

"What is this about, Solus?", he asks with a quizzical look.

"Do you think Lord Night Light will be an effective regent for his daughter?", I ask.

There's no point beating around the bush, even if it seems harsh. Fancy raise a hoof to his chin, looking thoughtful, doing so for a few moments before answering.

"No. He's a good stallion, but a completely inept player, which is not helped by his unfortunate name and appearance."

"How can I protect their family?"

"Aah", he says with a sudden look of understanding. "Well, Lady Velvet was rather proactive in her approach to the Game, which made several nobles hate her and fear her. Unfortunately, with Shining Armour already under your protection, doing the same with the rest of his family would greatly upset the nobility. Celestia never intervened in such a way, and they will most certainly petition her to overrule you."

Well, shit.

"However, there might be...another way", he adds, slightly hesitant.

"What is it?"

"The nobles would complain because they would see you as somepony trying to disrupt the Game. If you were to appear as a fellow player, however..."


"A betrothal."


"What", I say flatly.

"A betrothal. Oh, most will complain, but they won't bring it up to the Empress, as Twilight Sparkle and her family would become a part of the Imperial Household. That way, it will seem to be a move from a fellow player."



"You...you want to me to marry a foal!?", I scream.

He raises his hoof in a appeasing gesture.

"I didn't say you had to consummate the relationship as soon as she flowers", he says quickly. "She simply has to be seen as a member of your family, that's all."

Callise! Like my life wasn't screwed up enough as it is!

"There's no other way?", I ask hopefully.

"Of course there is, but none that are as certain to produce the desired result. I wouldn't advise it if I wasn't sure this is the best course of action."

"What about my mother?"

"Hmm, I won't pretend to know how she will react. However, if we tell her you did so in order to bring the Duchy of Albany under the Crown's influence, then maybe she'll let it slide."

Fair enough. If she thinks I'm playing the Game I'll be able to pass off my rebellion as simply consolidating my political position.


"Fine, arrange the engagement with Lord Night Light and my mother", I say.

"At once, Your Highness."

We come back inside the room, where the grieving family is still trying to comfort each other. I lean toward Fancy, and he lower himself to my level.

"Night Light needs to show strength, help him direct the household before making the proposal", I whisper.

He stands back up, only giving me a slight nod in response, and walk to Night Light, talking to him, before they both leave, the dark-coated stallion clearly unwilling to leave. Get your head in the game, Solus. It's time to be there for your friend. I walk up to Shiny, sitting beside him. He's holding Twily in his forelegs, staring at her, the little foal sleeping peacefully. If only Shiny could be so lucky...

"What does Fancy want with my dad?", Shining whispers.

"He's helping him get control of the situation", I whisper back. "Your family can't afford to show weakness."

He frowns, snorting angrily.

"Stupid politics."

I smile weakly.

"Yeah... Shiny, there's something else."

He finally turns his gaze away from his sister, looking at me with confusion apparent in his eyes.

"What else is there?", he asks.

I bite my lip. I really don't want to say this...dammit, Celestia. Couldn't you have been like in the show?

"With...with your mother...gone, your family is severely weakened. Your father seems like a good pony, but he's not in any position to keep your mother's work from falling apart."

"So?", Shining asks with a raised eyebrow.

"You'll need protection. Unfortunately, with you already being under my protection, the nobles will refuse to allow me to do the same with the rest of your family."

"Plotholes...", he mutters.

I snort, before continuing.

"Quite. They won't allow it because they'll consider it a disruption of the 'Game'. However, should I do so while seeming to be a player myself..."


There's no point in sugarcoating this, he'll want to throttle me, no matter what.

"A betrothal, between me and your sister", I answer bluntly, my voice even and neutral.

His face scrunch up, like he's ready to scream, but he swallows it back, before hissing is answer.

"What. The. Buck."

I rub the bridge of my nose and inhale slowly and deeply.

"They'll think I want to increase the Crown's influence, and as such won't complain about 'foul play'."

"That's...", he chokes at the end, though considering how he's glaring daggers at me, I imagine it's not because he wants to cry.

"Horrible. I know. But I promise I won't hurt her. As an alicorn, I don't really need an heir, so I don't have to, um, consummate, the relationship."

He clearly doesn't understand what I mean, but he still calms down. He breathes out loudly, hanging his head, before looking back up to me.

"It's the only way?", he asks in a small voice, glancing down at the foal in his grasp.

"The only viable way, yes", I say with a saddened frown. "Will you give your blessing, then?"


I place a wing on his back.

"I'm sorry Shiny. At the very least, we'll really be brother now."

He smiles wanly, but doesn't answer.

After that, we remained silent for a while, Shining Armour rocking his baby sister and singing softly, until Fancy and Night Light came back.

"I imagine you already told my son about the betrothal", Night Light says.

I nod.

He sighs, before soldiering on.


He smiles sadly.

"Considering I just handed over our titles over to you without much of a fight, I think it's clear that I am not suited in any way to lead our house."

Fancy places a hoof on his wither.

"Don't be so harsh on yourself. Not many could say that an alicorn is a friend of their family. You simply used an option that is exclusive to you", he says reassuringly.

Right, we're not manipulating a grief-stricken widower, at all. Shit.

I stand up, looking at Shining.

"You can stay here if you want, Shining Armour. You're dispensed from your lessons."

He looks up, nod, and continue to focus on his sister.

Righty-o. Dammit.

I turn to Night Light.

"We'll be taking our leave. We still have to convince the Empress to accept the betrothal. If you need help with the...funeral arrangement...simply send for Lord Fancy."

The stallion smiles tiredly.

"Understood, Your Highness. Good day to you, and thank you, for everything."

I nod, before following Fancy out of the room.

Time passes by like a blur. Celestia had surprisingly little to say about my betrothal. Her reasoning being, and I quote, "You'll outlive her". How cheerful. Though the way she said that does not inspire vision of a molestation-free future. Brr...


Fancy worked tirelessly to make sure everything was perfect, as well as helping the family cope with their loss. I have no idea what I would do without him... Cadance and Macintosh were also there to help comfort Shining. Well, I say Cadance and Mac, but it was mostly Cady. And me. He tried not to cry, but he has yet to succeed when he's not in Twily's presence. His sister give him the much needed strength to get through this harrowing trial. That's at least one thing to be glad for. I was afraid he'd hate his sister, but now he clearly loves her. Hurrah for happy endings. He thought with as much sarcasm he could muster.

The funeral itself was...meh. I was present, and so was anypony that was anypony. Everypony was crying and telling the family about their condolences and sympathies, about how they were at their service and blah and bleh. Considering how Night Light looked constipated for the whole thing, I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only one who was disgusted by the display of saccharine dishonesty. Shining though...

Shining didn't cry. He said she wouldn't have wanted him to. Though he did ask me something...

"Solus", he whispers, "do you think she really loved me in the end?"

I sigh, looking at him sadly. I place a wing on his back.

"Your mother...she wasn't a good pony, or a good mother. She did many bad things, but she did love you, of that, I am sure."

Or at the very least, that's what I like to believe. It's more probable she simply did what she did to feel less guilty about the abuse she heaped on Shining Armour, to ease her conscience before dying. Confession of regret about something you can't make up for aren't really worth much, in my opinion.

And now, thanks to her death, I find myself the fiance of a newborn foal. Hopefully I'll overthrow Celestia before we are expected to conceive an heir. At the very least, she'll be with her brother. I was worried him being my knight would prevent them from having the same bond as in canon. Maybe I'll have the help of another alicorn in the future...

At any rate, Shining is much more focused on his studies now. And much more mature too, it's like he aged up overnight. I hope he won't push himself too hard.

But life continues, no matter what, even if we think it should stop for us, and we must adjust to its flow or drown.