• Published 8th Jul 2017
  • 19,584 Views, 1,434 Comments

Glory of the Sun - Celesti Lateo

|Self-Insert Fic| I thought being an Alicorn prince would be awesome, because, you know, magic and imortality and knowing souls do exist is kind of awesome, right? Eh, not so much when your new mother is a crazed wannabe goddess.

  • ...

Dawn of the Final Day

So, let's make a mental list:

-Breakfast, done

-Bath, done

-Goodbye, done

-On their way to their lessons, done.

I really am their parent, aren't I?

I chuckle at that.

I always wanted a family of my own, though I did not expect to get it like that. But still, they are my family, and I will take care of them. Especially Mac, if I can't save his family.


"Prince Solus?", a muffled voice asks.


The door open and a guard step in.

"Sire, your mother would like to see you."

Really? Why? Maybe...

There's only one way to know.

"Lead the way."

"Ah, Solus, good morning!"

"Good morning to you too, Mother. Why did you want to see me?"

"Straight to the point, hmm? Good. I have enough veiled words with the nobles. Anyway, I asked you here because I have found a suitable candidate to become your majordomo."

"Really? So soon?"

"Your birthday offered the perfect opportunity to select one, since all the nobles are gathered here."

Fair enough.

"Who is it?"

She smiles, turning to the guards.

"Let him in."

They open the door and in step a sharply dressed stallion, white with a blue mane. He seems familiar...

"Solus, meet Count Fancy Pants of Suedia."

He bows, placing a hoof on his chest.

"An honour to meet you, Your Serene Highness."

"Lord Fancy is known far and wide for his impeccable taste and manners. He'll make a perfect majordomo."

Hmm, canon!Fancy Pants was at the top of the Canterlot elite while being completely different from typical aristocrats like...uh...those two arses who insulted Rarity. I guess I can't really expect to remember that kind of detail after so long. At any rate, if this Fancy is anything like in the show...

"If you are recommended by my mother, I will be glad to have you, Lord Fancy!"

He bows his head.

"Many thanks, Your Highness."

"Perfect!", Celestia says. "Well then, why do you not go ahead, Lord Fancy? I would like to talk a little longer with my son."

"Of course. With your leave."

He bows again and leaves.

"I am sure you will appreciate him. He is a bit of pariah due to his positions."


"Yes. He seeks to improve the lot of the lower classes and generally make the law fairer."

Really? And you chose him? Why...

"Why choose him then?"

"Because I support his ambitions."


"You do?"

"Is it so surprising? I want the best for all my subjects."

Why slavery then? Maybe a milder question...

"Why not just change it yourself?"

"Because I cannot acknowledge the fact that I let it come to this in the first place."

Ah. All-knowing goddess can't make mistakes.

I repress the desire to facehoof.

"Mother, I'd like to ask a more...sensitive...question."

She raise an immaculate eyebrow.

"Go ahead."

"Why slavery?"

"Why? Because it is what is right. This is necessary for the Imperial Order to function."

"Would freeponies not be more productive?"

"Mayhaps, but then they would get dangerous ideas and desire, the ambition to elevate themselves beyond their station. The earth ponies work, the pegasi protect and the unicorns think. This is how it is."

Did she just pull a 'Brave New World'? Alpha, Gamma and Epsilon. The pegasi and unicorns won't rebel because they are glad not to be the earth ponies.

I'd point out that two of the Founders were earth ponies, but considering that I only know that because of the show, I doubt it will be well received.

"Does it have to be that way?"

She smiles sadly, looking at me like I'm a foal. Well, I am, but I mean, the condescending kind of look.

"Yes, it does. I tried a fairer way, and it only led to Chaos and betrayal. The Imperial Order might be harsh, but it is for the Greater Good."

Luna. She's talking about Luna. What else could she be talking about? I think I just found the point of divergence for this timeline.

"The Imperial Order is for all Equestrians, not just the earth ponies. While they have to work, it does not mean the others can abuse of their servitude."

Fuck you. I know for a fact that concubinage is a thing. If sexual exploitation is a-okay, what else is?

"For a thousand years the Empire has grown and prospered, proof that the Order is working as intended."

So did the fucking Roman Empire. I guarantee you a lot of people would have preferred if they didn't.

"I understand, Mother."

"Good. And who knows? Maybe you will be able to intervene where I cannot. After all, I cannot be everywhere at once."

"If you say so, Mother."

"Is there anything else you would like to talk about?"


"Then you should go join Lord Fancy. It would not do for you to have a frosty relationship with your majordomo."

Oh, really? I wouldn't have guessed.

"...get along splendidly!", Fancy says.

Seems he's introducing himself to my household.

"Now, go do your duties and when you have the time, compile a list of whom do what so I can orchestrate this whole thing! Have a good day and do your best!"

He's way more cheerful than Proper, at least.

"Ah, Prince Solus! I was just taking stock of the situation. Is there anything you need?"


"Lord Fancy, do you know what happened to my last majordomo?"

His smile fades somewhat. I wonder why.

"Ahh, yes, yes I do, Your Highness."

"Then you will understand if I desire to get to know you better?"

"Oh! Of course, Prince!"

"Good, then let's go to my room."

He seems rather dumbfounded by my actions. Meh, whatever. I'm hardly finished. We proceed to my room and I cast a privacy spell.

"Is that really necessary, Prince?"

"Rather, yes. My mother tells me you are sympathetic to the plight of lower born ponies?"

"Ah, well, yes, I am, Prince."

"Would you agree that trust between us is very important?"

"I...I would, Your Highness."

"Then, will you let me cast Heart Lock's Memory Modifying Spell?"

"Wha-what!? That's-"

"Do you really think an alicorn would betray your trust?"


"Also, I will let you cast it on me."

He looks completely flabbergasted at that.

"Prince Solus?"

"You heard me. So, will you let me?"

"I...very well. Why, if I may ask?"

"So we can be honest with each other without fearing the consequences."

"Is that really necessary?"

"I would think so, considering I wish to abolish slavery."

He stares and blinks at me.


"I wish to abolish slavery."

"You do?"

"Indeed. Do you?"

"Ah, well..."

"Memory spell."

"I-I do, Prince."


"Very well. Then to ensure you are saying the truth, I would like you to swear an oath."

"An oath? Well, in for a copper, in for a star. What is the oath?"

"One of loyalty to me and my cause. Would you prefer if I went first?"

"Go first? Ah, well, yes, it would ease my mind."

"On the Earth, Moon, Sun and Firmament, on Harmony and Friendship, I, Solus of Equestria, solemnly pledge to fight on behalf of the slaves and others that are oppressed."

Oooh, there's the weird feeling again. He seems surprised, maybe by my choice of words?

"D-did you feel that?", he asks.

"You felt that? Uh. That's convenient. That way I'll know if your oath is sincere. Your turn."

"Ah, um, very well. On the Earth, Moon, Sun and Firmament, on Harmony and Friendship, I, Fancy Pants of Suedia, solemnly pledge exclusive loyalty to Solus of Equestria, to support him and his cause."

Hmm, the feeling is the same from when Shiny pledged himself to me. Perfect! No Proper 2.0!

"Thank you, Fancy."

"The pleasure is mine, Prince. You really desire to bring an end to slavery?"

"I do."

"And where did you get that idea?"

Shit. What do I answer? Let's go for cheesy.

"I saw the suffering of the slaves, two of them are now my friends and companion. I simply want them to be free."

"Friends? An alicorn friend with slaves! Ah, if only the public knew! And what does your mother think of that?"

"She doesn't know."

"She does not? Are you doing this behind her back then?"


"And what will you do when she learns of it?"

"Hopefully I'll have the means to dispose of her then."

He looks horrified at that.

"Dis-dispose? You intend to kill your mother?"

"Not necessarily, if I can just banish or purify her."


"She used to hold Harmony close to her heart, something obviously happened to her."

"Harmony? What's the difference with Order?"

He didn't know the difference? And the oath is still valid? That has got to be illegal...

"Harmony is...understanding, the will to understand and befriend others, to work with them for a better tomorrow. Order is oppressive, static. It's the opposite of Chaos, while Harmony is about Balance between all things, including Order and Chaos."

"Ah...quite the difference indeed. Why would she advocate Order then..."

That seemed to be aimed at himself. He did not seem ready to hear talk of high treason.

"I can free you of your oath if you want. You did not give your consent with all the necessary information."

"No...no, that won't be necessary. I stand by you, Prince Solus. Your ambition might go much further than I expected, but it is necessary to ensure a better future for Equestria."

I hope you are right to place your trust in me.

"Thank you. Now, I'd imagine you are well versed in the Game?"

"I am."

"Then I would have you teach me and one of my companion how to play it."

"One of your...ah! The one who I am supposed to train, yes?"

"The very same. She is called Cadance."

"Cadance...to train a slave to play the Game, how delightfully scandalous!"

"Now, is there anything else we need to keep private?"

"I do not think so, my Prince."

"Perfect! Then I shall leave you to organize the household. I have somepony to meet."

"And who would that be?"

"Sunset Shimmer."

And his face scrunch up. What's wrong with her?

"Sunset Shimmer? Do be most careful with her. Even at her tender age she is quite the player, and a rather ruthless one at that."

Ain't that reassuring.

"I will be. I think I can get her on our side."

He looks doubtful.

"If you say so, my Prince."

"I'll be back soon. See you later, Fancy."

"Be safe, my liege."

I leave at a quick pace. I'm rather nervous now. But she's just a kid. A kid who manage to rule her school even with the human counterparts of Celestia and Luna watching.

I'm screwed.