• Published 27th Jul 2016
  • 3,146 Views, 60 Comments

Scaled Foal - ColtKit Productions

Spike's life is turned upside-down when he is sent to school to make friends his own age. Strangely enough he meets one Button Mash who slowly becomes something more then a friend.

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Ch8: Bad End to a Great Day

Button and the Crusaders and even Diamond had followed Spike home from school as planned. Unfortunately Spike hadn't seen Screwball since she teleported away. She hadn't even come back to school all week. He'd asked Discord to invite her to the sleep over on the condition she gave his other friends a chance... but he hadn't heard back.

It was a mid Friday afternoon and Spike had led his band from school straight home. After a boring week they were finally at their 3 day long sleep over. They would return to their own beds come Monday after school.

"Welcome to the first official foals only castle sleep over," Spike pumped his fist into the air as he opened the door to the castle.

Diamond gave a cheeky grin, "Does that mean your not allowed in?"

Spike rolled his eyes as Button said, "Spike's pretty much a scaled foal,"

"SHAME ON YOU!" Pinkie Pie suddenly jumped out of a small vase that clearly shouldn't have been able to fit her.

Button just gaped as Pinkie slithered out of the vase and got right up in his face, "SHAME! Don't you know you're not supposed to directly say the title of a Story like that! It's supposed to have depth, meaning, not be a cheap laugh! You need to put more effort in it then that!"

"W-what?" Button worried, she sure looked mad but she was speaking gibberish.

Spike shrugged, "It's Pinkie Pie, don't question it,"

"SHAME!" Pinkie wailed, at Spike this time.

From around the corner came the exasperated groan of Twilight as she came into view, "Spike?" she looked all kinds of happy upon seeing him, "The map called me away with Fluttershy! I'm finally going on a friendship adventure!"

"That's great Twilight!" Spike smiled, "That mean Big Mac coming over?" he asked eagerly. Big Mac was always his foalsitter.

"Sorry Spike, not this time," Twilight sighed. She knew how much Spike looked forward to Big Mac watching him but- "Some of Applejack's trees have come down with a case of apple blight and needs his help. It was hard to convince her to let Apple Bloom off work,"

"Maybe I should skip the sleep over if the Apples are in that much danger," said Apple Bloom, looking worried.

"The other girls are helping them. They might not know a lot about farming but they can do what AJ tells them and Big Mac can do the heavy lifting,"

"Oh..." Spike deflated.

"But Pinkie is here to watch you. If anyone can make your sleep over a blast, it's her,"

The 4 fillies all cheered excitedly well the boys looked uncertain. Spike just wanted a relaxing few days with his friends, not a party. Pinkie's parties were always fun but it's not how he wanted his first sleep over to go. As for Button... he didn't really like Pinkies parties. His mom usually forced him to go and she wouldn't let him bring his Joy Boy so he was bored the whole day.

"Don't worry Spike," Pinkie smiled, "We'll keep it low key. After all, you can't eat Sweets for 3 days straight,"

"Awwwwwww," the fillies whined.

Twilight gave Spike a kiss to his forehead before reminding Pinkie, "I'm counting on you,"

"Don't worry Twilight, I'll see to it they have a blast," and they did.

After Twilight left, Pinkie directed the group to various activities all over the castle: Hide and seek in the dungeons, swimming in the pool on the roof of one of the towers, and of course a couple hours in the Arcade on Button's insistence. They had a great time, Pinkie directed them to each of the activities and left them to their own devices for the most part. She occasionally appeared to "bring them snacks" well not so secretly checking up on them. It truly had been a blast... too bad it had to end so horribly.

When night fell the children sat around in a circle, playing the most ancient of all sleep over games "Truth or Dare" or as Spike was coming to understand it "Pain or humiliation"

"I dare you to... kiss Button," Scootaloo grinned evilly at Sweetie Belle. The little colt blushed bright red all the way through his brown coat well Sweetie Belle eeped.

"Scootaloo!" Sweetie hissed at her friend. Ever since they started hanging out with Button, Scootaloo had been harassing them about making a cute couple. Sweetie was fully aware the little guy had a crush on her for years but seriously, she was nearly 2 years older then him. It wasn't funny! Why would she want to date a little kid!?

"That's dumb," Spike huffed as his chest got all tight at the idea, "You should switch to truth," He told Sweetie. They had been allowing each other to switch if they didn't like the first choice then choose between the two awful options.

Button gulped, staring at Sweetie Belle. Sweetie just groaned.

"Fine!" Scootaloo grinned even larger, "How many times a day do you masturbate?"

"Scootaloo!" Sweetie screamed.

Spike blinked, "Master-what?"

Button shrugged, "Mom told me that's when you touch your no no place,"

"Like when you pee?" Spike blinked

Button blushed, "You got to touch your thing when you pee? All I got to do is lift my leg in front of the toilet,"

"Stop talking about peeing!" Sweetie demanded before glaring at Scootaloo, "How could you ask me a question like that in front of 10 year olds!"

"They got to learn about this stuff some time," Scootaloo shrugged, "Now answer the question or kiss Button,"

"I'm pretty sure I'd go to jail if I did either those things," Sweetie glared.

Apple Bloom reminded, "No dares that can land somepony in jail,"

Button blinked, "Does that really need to be a rule?"

Apple Bloom insisted, "It is well playing with Scootaloo. First time we played this game she dared me to rob Filthy,"

"WHAT!?" Diamond yelped.

Scootaloo scuffed, "I dared her to sneak some candy, that's all,"

Apple wailed at the memory, "Filthy caught me, swatted my flank at least a hundred times,"

"More like 20," Scootaloo smirked.

Apple Bloom glared before continuing, "Then he brought me home to the farm where Grannie made me cut a switch! It was horrible. Not only did I get ANOTHER spanking but AJ grounded me for a month!"

Diamond did her best not to laugh but her little snickers were forcing their way past her lips.

"Is not FUNNY!?" Apple Bloom insisted.

Scootaloo full on laughed, " You're right, it's hysterical!"

Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes, "You know, if Rainbow had been your guardian back then she would have given you the switch to,"

Scoot just stuck out her tongue.

Sweetie glared, "So choose a different dare!"

Scoot huffed, "Fine since your such a wimp I'll choose somepony else. Button, I dare you to kiss... Spike!"

All the fillies gaped at Scootaloo, "What? They are the only one's who are the same age and it's not illegal for colts to kiss,"

"Scoot that's not-" Sweetie Belle tried to start but was interrupt by Button saying, "Okay," with a bit too much eagerness in his voice.

Without warning Button turned to Spike and planted his lips against the other scaled foal's. Spike... melted. Not literally of course but his body got all tight and his stomach had little butterflies that were trying to get out. He instinctively gave a light bite to the colt's lower lip, gettting a yelp of surprise and then a moan of pleasure. They continued kissing for several seconds with the girls blushing at them... and then Pinkie Pie showed up.


3 hours later

Pinkie sighed as she stepped in the little dragons room, he was sobbing into his pillow, "I'm sorry I had to spank you Spike but-"

"You didn't have to send them all away!" Spike snapped, glaring at the party planner, "We'd been looking forward to this all week!"

Pinkie sighed, "I'm sorry Spike, but after that confusing game the girls made you play I think it's better if you spend some time away from Button Mash, and the girls needed their parents to explain to them why what they made you do was wrong,"

"That was SOOOOOOOO embarrassing!" Spike wailed, "You had me marching in shame, door to door, and telling everypony about my first kiss!"

Pinkie's eyes widened, "That was your first kiss?" but Spike didn't answer, "I'm sorry Spike. The girls really shouldn't have made you give up your first kiss like that. That moment should be special. It should be with somepony you really like,"

"I... kinda liked it," Spike muttered.

Pinkie groaned, "I know you're confused but Stallions kissing is very very naughty,"

"Mares kiss each other all the time!" Spike glared.

Pinkie sighed, "I know they do, and I agree it's not fair, but it's a Stallion's duty to... to only kiss girls,"

"Eh?" Spike blinked.

Pinkie sighed, "I know Twilight doesn't want to have 'the talk' with you yet so... Let's say it's a Stallion's duty to only kiss mares because kissing leads to marriage and marriage leads to foals. You see, Stallions can only have foals with a Mare, not another Stallion,"

"How come?" Spike blinked. Even in his distraught state he was still eager to trick Pinkie into revealing the secrets of life.

Unfortunately Pinkie didn't fall for it, "Stallions just aren't built to get pregnant. Twilight will explain why when you're older, it's just boring anatomy stuff,"

Spike pouted.

"I'm sure you've noted there are a lot more Mares then there are Stallions. The reason mares can choose each other is because most will never even get the opportunity to even date a Stallion, much less marry one, because of how few boys there are. That means many mares have to marry another mare if they want a special somepony. However it's a Stallion's duty to marry a Mare and have as many foals as possible. If even a small number of Stallions married other Stallions then they couldn't have babies.

"Our population wouldn't grow very fast at all then and it's almost guaranteed even fewer colts would be born. That goes on for too long and ponies, as a species, will die out. It's not fair and it's not even right but it is necessary. Necessary for our species as a whole. Stallions can't be selfish and choose another Stallion, not when faced with the survival of our entire species.

"Stallions have completely equal rights in everything else. You can choose to marry any mare you want... but for the sake of our species it has to be a mare,"

"But... I'm a dragon," Spike pointed out, "Not a Stallion. That book on dragons I got in Manehattan's Dragon Town said I could get pregnant,"

Pinkie sighed, "I know," Twilight had told her. The book worm was always eager to share new knowledge, "But that doesn't mean you should, at least not with a Stallion. If you choose a male dragon nopony will mind, but Stallions are precious to us. We need every one of them to do their part. Honestly you might even get in bigger trouble because you're a dragon.

"If you had hybrids with a mare nopony would care. They would even congratulate you because you gave a mare a child when they usually couldn't have one... but if you choose a Stallion... things will go very bad. You'd be seen as preventing them from having a pure blooded foal. You'd still be taking away from the pony population no matter how many foals you had. After all, your foals wouldn't really be ponies but a new species of their own.

"Not many Mares would mind having hybrid foals but that's because they would never have the opportunity to have a pure blooded foal of their own... but then you're children, regardless of their gender, would never be all to marry a Stallion either...

"I'm sorry Spike but that is how life is, not everything can be as great as a party,"

"... You ruined my party," Spike accused, not seeing passed that for anything else she had to say.

Pinkie, for her part, flinched, "I know I did, but some things are more important then parties," she brushed away Spike's tears, "Hopefully you'll understand when you're older,"

Author's Note:

The reason I had Pinkie be the one to ruin the party when she found the boys kissing was to show just how seriously ponies take it. I also didn't show the moment when the party was ruined because I had a horrible time writing it. Trying to write Pinkie being all serious and scoldy well spanking the boys just wasn't working. So I decided to leave it to the readers' imaginations.

What do you think happened? Just how badly did Pinkie freak out when she saw Spike, who is basically her beloved nephew, kissing another boy. Did Scootaloo speak up or did she let the boys take the blame. Tell me what you think in the comments.