• Published 27th Jul 2016
  • 3,146 Views, 60 Comments

Scaled Foal - ColtKit Productions

Spike's life is turned upside-down when he is sent to school to make friends his own age. Strangely enough he meets one Button Mash who slowly becomes something more then a friend.

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Ch5: Discovering Friends New & Old

Author's Note:

I added a bit about how size changing works for dragons

Spike tried his best not to cower as the foals ganged up on him at the playground. He didn't even make it to the swings. As soon as the other children noticed him they swarmed and began asking a billion embarrassing questions. Spike was trying to be polite and answer them.

Shining Armor's speech about public image had really hit home. The last thing Spike wanted to do was embarrass Twilight and since Spike was her ward, everything he did reflected on her. Shining Armor... he's the one that pointed out to Spike that he was Ponyville's unofficial Prince. Spike HAD to go to school and be an expert of Friendship or he'd bring shame to Twilight... Shining Armor hadn't phrased it like that but Spike had developed Twilight's habit of over analyzing everything. He wasn't as bad as her but he did tend to do it if he was honest with himself.

"Why don't you have wings?" one asked.

Spike blushed and explained, "It's a birth defect from being born from pony magic instead of dragon fire," his lack of wings was actually something he was pretty self conscious about, since the dragon migration. He learned a lot being with the other dragons during that time but sadly the biggest lesson he'd learned was how all dragons are jerks... well not ALL he should say.

There were more civilized Dragons in districts found in many of the big pony cities. Spike had been to one of those areas when a rogue fire snail was setting fires all over Manehattan. The cops automatically assumed it was the Dragons doing it and there had been a lot of... problems as a result. Princess Luna had gotten Spike to help as even the dragons living in pony cities were very tight lipped around ponies. She thought Spike would have better luck finding out what was going on...

None of that really matters now other then Spike did learn that he wasn't actually the only Dragon in the world who wore aprons or read comic books. City dragons were actually decent folks, even if they are very distrustful of ponies, but with how most ponies treat them he couldn't really blame them.

"You're not going to hulk out on us and destroy the town again are you?" Another asked, referring to the time Spike turned into a giant full sized dragon and attacked the town in a greed filled rage.

Spike blushed and shifted awkwardly from foot to foot, "N-no t-that was a one time thing... see dragons kind of lose control of themselves if they collect too much stuff too fast,"

The foals gaped, "So you can't own ANYTHING!?"

"No I can own stuff. I just can't get a lot of stuff at once. I have to collect things slowly. A few new items a week won't matter. So I don't get overwhelmed by my own greed,"

The city dragons from Manehattan had actually explained that to him. It was why city dragons were less jerky then nomadic ones. They were very conscious of collecting their hoard slowly over time, so as to not overwhelm themselves to their basic instincts.

Embarrassingly one of the dragons actually gave Spike a book on Dragon anatomy. Spike didn't really understand how he could read it, as it was in some strange hieroglyphs that literally looked like chicken scratches, but it all made perfect sense to him. The book explained that dragons instinctively understood the ancient language of Draconic and although few actually spoke it anymore nearly everything they wrote was in the language in order to preserve their secrets.

Spike actually practiced writing the Language himself and was a little shocked how easy and natural it was. He tried to actually teach Twilight but the subtle dips and curves were really tripping her up as even the slightest change could make the symbols have entirely different meaning. It was easy for Spike but Twilight couldn't even read the stuff.

The book also explained that Spike wasn't actually a boy but "Omni-sexual". He might have boy bits but he could also get pregnant to, like all dragons. Although the book didn't explain how somepony (or "some-dragon" rather) could get pregnant... Twilight wouldn't tell him either. She just said a mare's husband put "seeds" in the girl's belly but refused to say what kind of seeds or where you got them. She promised to explain when he was married but not before... and he wasn't allowed to get married until he was a hundred, she had added.

"Well Dragons will eventually grow up to be as big as Skyscrapers. We can also change size at will by tapping into our greed." Spike explained, "We can even use it to make ourselves as small as flees." At least theoretically. Spike still hadn't figured out how to do that as the book said size alteration was very dangerous and easy to lose control to your instincts. It didn't advise practicing outside of dragon school, or rather outside of an older dragons supervision.

"Is it true dragons eat defenseless animals for breakfast!?" one foal asked, pulling Spike from his thoughts. Before he could answer another quickly scoffed "Idiot they eat ponies, not critters,"

Spike shifted a bit, as he knew both were true... of nomadic dragons at least, "I'm on a strict pony diet,"

One of the foals screamed, "He DOES eat ponies!"

"No no!" Spike quickly backtracked, "I mean I eat hay and flowers and fruits and pastries and all the normal stuff ponies eat," he assured, "The only really strange thing I eat is gems,"

"You eat rocks?" Another asked.

"No I eat gems," Spike corrected, "There magic is good for my scales and bones, plus they strengthen my own magical reserves," he flexed his muscles before flinching back when the foals actually reached out and TOUCHED him.

One of the foals giggled, "he feels like a snake," "I thought they'd be all hard and rough,"

That is when Button stepped in and literally shoved the ponies away, "What's the matter with you foals!?" the young colt demanded, "Just cuz Spike isn't a pony doesn't mean you have the right to treat him like a freak show! Spike totally sacrificed himself to Miss Cheerlee for me," he proclaimed as over dramatically as possible, "He's a good guy and it doesn't matter that he isn't a pony! So leave him alone! I bet the Princess would lock you in her dungeon for harassing him like this!"

The foals grumbled but reluctantly disbanded.

Spike couldn't help but sigh with relief, "Thanks,"

Button blushed, "Sorry I ran so far ahead, I thought you were right behind me,"

"I was until I was foal napped by the... well... foals," Spike shrugged.

Button nodded, "Just forget about them. Come on, the Swings are still calling us,"

Spike reluctantly nodded and followed closely after.


Diamond raised an eyebrow as she stared at Button Mash and the Dragon. She turned to the Cutie Mark Crusaders, "Looks like somepony else declared themselves Spike's hero."

Apple Bloom mumbled, "It was a dumb plan anyway,"

Scootaloo sighed, "It wasn't like we had any other plans,"

Diamond shrugged, "You three can still come by my mansion if you want... or... we could stalk Spike after school and see what he's up to,"

Sweetie Belle groaned, "We aren't going to stalk Spike,"

Diamond huffed "So it's okay for you girls to spy on me but not Spike?" then gave a slight smirk as the girls shifted uncomfortably. She might be trying to use her powers of manipulation for good now but she was still prone to getting what she wanted, "If we watch them we'll be able to figure out our next move into getting Spike to like you again. Just wait and see girls, it will be brilliant,"


"Y-you sure the Princess won't mind?" Button hesitated as Spike lead him to the castle door.

"It's fine," Spike Swore, "Don't you want to see Twilight's private Arcade?"

The young colt really did. He already spent his week's allowance and couldn't go to the local Arcade at the moment... and he knew soon as he got home his mom would ground him for getting in trouble at school.

Button's groundings weren't really typical. His mom would make him go outside and play, since he usually didn't. Of course he wasn't allowed to watch TV or play videogames either. It usually lasted for a whole week but it might be longer this time since he didn't just get in trouble at school but got his flank smacked (for the fifth time this year). This might be his last chance to enjoy an arcade for a while.

On the other hoof he was nervous to meet the Princess, especially since he got her ward in so much trouble on his first day of school.

"Just wait till you see it!" Spike boasted, "Twilight has more Arcade stuff then the actual Arcade. It's like bucking Las Pegasus in there."

Button nodded and stepped inside when Spike held the door open.

They were immediately greeted by the lavender Princess, "Spike! You're home! I..." She looked at Button for a moment before grinning from ear to ear, "You made a new friend already? Spike I'm so proud of you!"

Spike looked down all shamed face, not being able to hide anything.

Twilight immediately picked up on it, "What's wrong?"

Spike hesitantly pulled out the letter and handed it over.

Twilight blinked taking it, "What's this?"

Button gaped at her. How could she not know what a red letter was? Surely she got at least one when she was in school, or at the very least had a friend who got smacked.

Glancing over the first line of the letter she gaped, "You got a SPANKING!?"

Spike blushed a bit well scuffing his foot on cold floor, "S-sorry Twilight, I know I was supposed to be good but-"

"We'll talk about it later Spike," Twilight glared then glanced at Button, "For now you can just play with your new friend but once he goes home you come and find me,"

Spike looked over at Button and asked, "Wanna stay for a sleep over?" However this was immediately met by Twilight whacking him upside the head, "It was worth a shot," the young dragon mumbled.

"I can talk to... what's your name Sweetie?"

Button blushed, "B-Button Mash, your highness,"

Twilight nodded, "Please just call me Twilight. And see me before you leave and I'll have a letter to give to your mom about setting up a sleep over for the two of you some other time,"

Button nodded, a little shocked and really pleased to hear that. As the Boys ran off to play Videogames Twilight read the rest of the letter.


Twilight immediately regretted her decision on promising to set up a sleep over. According to the letter that colt was the reason Spike got in trouble.

He tricked Spike into playing video games during class! DURING CLASS! Spike knew how important his studies were. At least he admitted to the teacher what he did after his new friend was caught. The teacher was very impressed with Spike's character as the boy actually asked to be spanked with Button as they both did the same thing wrong.

Twilight was more then a little proud herself. Spike could have kept quiet and gotten away with it but he did the right thing.

Still, neglecting his studies was serious but Twilight didn't really know what to do. That was the type of thing she would normally spank him for but he already got spanked so... maybe she should just deny him his dessert. No that wouldn't be enough. Ground him? No Spike just got off a very long grounding. That would be too harsh. Twilight was at a loss of what to do.


Button caught the girls looking at them through the corner of his eye. They were peeking through the doorway. They were just sitting their, watching them play games, "Spike," the colt whispered.

"Just ignore them," Spike shrugged as he mashed buttons on the arcade box, not to be confused with the colt beside him.

"What do they want?"

"For me to tell their sisters we're best friends even though they never wanted to hang out with me until their sisters yelled at them."

"Really?" Button blinked, "I always thought the Crusaders were cool."

Spike sighed, "They are but I accidentally let it slip that they never asked me to hang out at their clubhouse so they got in trouble. Now they suddenly want to be friends... they're just doing it because they got yelled at."

Button huffed before looking directly at the Crusaders, "Either come in or go away! You're creeping me out,"

The girls gulped and hesitantly walked inside.

"H-hi Spike," Apple Bloom waved as Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Diamond Tiara stepped in, "Mind if we play to."

"It's a big arcade," Spike shrugged, then went back to ignoring them.

Diamond Tiara scuffed, "Honestly Spike how long are you going to make the Crusaders feel like glue?"

"Excuse me?" Spike glared while Button gaped at the horrible curse Diamond just used.

Diamond continued, "They know they messed up and all your doing is making them feel worse. You said you forgave them."

"I do forgive them!" Spike insisted, "I know they never meant to hurt me,"

"Exactly. You have known them for years. You know that they really do care about you. They might not have been very good friends but that doesn't change the fact they always considered you one. I know you feel bad that it took their sisters yelling at them to get them to apologize. You were probably hoping they would do that on their own but now that can't happen. Sometimes it takes somepony else to make us realized when we're being idiots"

Diamond smiled surprisingly sweetly, "Tell me honestly, do you really think these fillies, who you've known for years and memorized all their little quirks, would try to befriend you just cuz the grownups told them to? Does that really sound like them?"

Spike hung his head, "No... it doesn't..."

Diamond then nudged Apple Bloom.

Apple Bloom gulped, "We're really sorry for how we treated you,"

Scootaloo added, "and for not realizing it on our own."

Sweetie Belle sighed, "We're really sorry for everything. Can you please forgive us?"

Spike sighed, "Yeah... I forgive you and I'm sorry to. I shouldn't have treated you like that after you apologized the first time..." He slowly cracked a smile, "Wow Diamond, you're really getting used to using your powers for good. I didn't even know I felt that way."

Diamond blushed, "Thanks,"

"Have you thought about apprenticing under Doctor Wolf? I bet you'd make a great therapist."

Diamond blinked, "I never really thought about it. I always figured I'd inherit father's company some day. He probably won't be stepping down for a few more hundred years though so... I haven't really thought about what I'd do in the meantime... therapist," She rolled the title around her tongue, "That really sounds like something the Crusaders would be better at."

"No way Diamond," Apple Bloom grinned, "I think that's a great idea. Like you said earlier. Your cutie mark let's you understand ponies and if you want to help them you can use your talent to do it. I think it be the perfect way to use your talent to do some good,"

Diamond hesitantly smiled, "I'll talk to my dad about it. For now, we're in the Princess' private arcade. Let's go crazy." she stood up on her hind legs and waved her hooves about as the other children cheered.