• Published 27th Jul 2016
  • 3,147 Views, 60 Comments

Scaled Foal - ColtKit Productions

Spike's life is turned upside-down when he is sent to school to make friends his own age. Strangely enough he meets one Button Mash who slowly becomes something more then a friend.

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Ch4: Politics with Twilight

Author's Note:

This chapter focuses on Twilight and dives more into the world but then not every chapter can be about the main character.

Princess Twilight Sparkle was frantically looking over her schedule. It was pretty hard to keep up with everything without Spike around. She had trouble just making the list on her own.

She sighed, missing her little assistant already. Unfortunately her duties as Princess couldn't be put off until after school so Spike could help her.

For example her next meeting. She walked into Mayor Mare's office who was busy filling out paperwork. Her unicorn assistants were levitating the papers over to her for her to quickly read and sign.

"You wanted to see me?" Twilight asked.

"Ah yes, Your Highness," Mayor Mare gently shooed away her helpers and put her quil down, "Sorry, I was expecting you to stop by more then an hour ago. So I decided to catch up on my work. You're usually so punctual,"

Twilight sighed, "Sorry, it's Spike's first day of school and I'm still adjusting to not having him around,"

Mayor Mare chuckled, "You can hardly expect to get used to not having the foals underhoof in one day. Now shall we start the meeting. I have a formal request to make,"

"Of course," Twilight nodded watching as Mayor Mare walked over to her desk and pulled out a large scroll.

"You might not know this but I've been trying to get Princess Celestia to grant Ponyville the rights of a city state for some years now," She informed bringing the scroll over and giving it to Twilight, "Technically right now we are just considered a large village which falls under the jurisdiction of Canterlot, but as a City State we would be allowed to participate in setting down national law. It would greatly increase our trade and help with tourism,"

"That sounds good," Twilight nodded. She knew all about the benefits of being one of the city states. She had been Celestia's apprentice after all and learned a lot about politics, if not just from watching her. This meant she understood the disadvantages of being a City State as well. They could no longer rely on Canterlot's army and would have to form their own royal guard. They would also have more responsibilities and a greater level of independence which could be good or bad.

Mayor Mare continued, "Princess Celestia has denied my various request, stating that Ponyville was just not ready, but after you ascended into an Alicorn she has been giving us a longer leash. She even allowed Ponyville to participate in the Equestria Games. That was a big step in the public's recognition of us... if you were to make the request of her..."

"You want me to ask Princess Celestia if we can be a City State?" Twilight blinked.

"With respect, I think she is waiting for you to ask. You are already considered Ponyville's Princess but it isn't actually official. You would need to personally tell Princess Celestia your ready to lead. You've taken on a large amount of responsibility since you became the Princess of friendship, but most of what you do in Ponyville you aren't actually required to. Since you are technically a resident and not our official Princess. You've been doing the job for near a year now, regardless. So I think it's time to make it official,"

Twilight shifted uncomfortably. She knew the town relied on her a lot but actually seperating from Canterlot and declaring herself Ponyville's official Princess? She didn't even like it when ponies called her by her title.

"In here," Mayor Mare patted the scroll Twilight was now holding, "Are my suggestions for turning Ponyville into a City State. You need to have a firm grasp on where you want Ponyville to go in order for the request to be taken seriously. Firstly there is the matter of officially recognizing Spike as Ponyville's prince,"

"What?" Twilight blinked.

"Well he is your ward and he helps you a great deal with your duties. I think he will be able to handle the responsibility when he's older. Don't you?"

"O-of course," Twilight fumbled over her words for a moment. Spike might let the title 'Prince' go to his head though.

"Much of Ponyville already understands him to be our prince, but sadly most of our population believe him to be your... servant," truthfully most of the townsfolk thought Spike was her dragon slave or some kind of familiar.

"WHAT!?" Twilight gaped.

Mayor Mare poked the scroll firmly, "This would help nip that misconception in the bud," she stated, "Next we have the matter of selecting the City's nobles. Obviously you would want your friends to fill that role,"

"I would?" Twilight blinked again.

"Please take this more seriously your highness. If Ponyville is truly to become a City State you would need to hold yourself with highest confidence,"

"R-right," Twilight blushed but steeled herself and tried to act more Regal, "Yes, yes of course but what I mean to say is why would my friends be a good choice? Other then being my friends I mean,"

"Well you already run a 'Council of Friendship' with them were you spread across Equestria handling diplomatic disturbances both large and small. This means each of them have the essential understandings of what it means to be in a position of authority,"

'By solving Friendship problems?' Twilight thought to herself.

"And if they were genuine nobles ponies would be more inclined to listen to them when you send them off on one of these diplomatic ventures. And although you might not realize this the very fact they're your friends plays a large part. They can keep you grounded and won't be afraid to disagree with you or call you out when they think you have gone too far. Such qualities are the very reason City States have governesses to begin with,"

"Well... I imagine Rarity would love being a Governess... still, I need to talk with them to see if they are willing to take the job,"

"Of course and I have one final suggestion for a noble to serve on the Council,"


"Filthy Rich, his family is largely responsible for making Ponyville what it is today. Making him a noble would make him happy and insure his family maintain it's roots here bringing us more business. It would also help him spread his influence and potentially make more money which would again help Ponyville. Also, although it is rude to say, having a stallion on your Council would make you look very good and progressive,"

"So you want a token Stallion," Twilight gaped.

"No of course not, I never meant to imply that. Everything I said was true. Having him serve on your Council would greatly help. His family, along with the Apples, are responsible for building this town and should be recognized for that. As Applejack is serving on your Council of Friendship and would already be made a noble her family would be represented properly.

"The Rich family might actually be insulted if you gave the Apples such an honor and not them as they are equally responsible for building this town. Besides Filthy Rich is a reasonable colt, even if his wife is a bit unbearable, and his heir has had a dramatic change of heart and might actually be capable of doing some good herself when she's older. Their family already understands politics and you would need someone with such experience as one of your advisors." the fact he was a Stallion, which would look good to the voters, was just a bonus.

Twilight nodded, "That makes sense, I would like to read over the scroll myself, make a few adjustments and get back to you later this week,"

"Of course your highness, that is exactly what you should do."


A few hours later Twilight's friends were sitting around the map in her house. She just finished explaining in detail the request as well as had a copy of the scroll in front of each of them. She had decided to reschedule her other meetings for later in the day as she was already far behind and this was important... Spike was probably in recess by now, her mind strangely wondered.

Applejack eyed the scroll with disdain, "So Mayor Mare wants us to become fancy-fied nobles. Sorry Twilight but I don't think I'm really cut out for that,"

Rarity scoffed, "Oh Applejack don't let yourself miss out on the opportunity. If nothing else think of what being a Governess will do for your family business. You'll be selling apple confectionaries all across Equestria,"

"I already sell all across Equestria," AJ informed, "I got an agreement with Filthy Rich,"

Rarity shook her head, "I promise you dear it will be great for business. You went to sell apples at the Grand Galloping Gala in order to increase your client base,"

"And look how that turned out."

"My point is as a governess you will have all those doors opened to you automatically. You're sales will easily increase three fold by the end of the year,"

AJ blinked, "You think so,"

"I know so darling. You might not even be nearly as dependent on Filthy Rich as you could start selling to other large companies as well."

"I don't know about that. The Riches and Apples have been doing business since Grannie was a filly."

"You would still be doing business with him of course but you'd also be selling to a lot of other ponies as well,"

Applejack sighed, "I suppose it couldn't hurt. I just ain't like the idea of having to rub elbows with all those snobs. Having to go to the Gala was bad enough."

Rarity dismissed, "Trust me darling it will be magnificent "

Twilight assured, "You'll all be compensated as well,"

Rainbow Dash blinked, "Compensated? for getting to be kick ass royalty?"

Twilight sighed, "Being a Governess comes with a lot of responsibility, not just from you but from your family and future generations. It's customary to give the families enough money to support themselves. Governesses have an average salary of twenty thousand bits a month"

The entire room grew quiet before Rainbow Dash screamed, "I'm RICH!"

Twilight rolled her eyes, "Normally that money is gotten from collected Taxes but if we do this the private vault in the Castle will become the town treasury. Money from taxes will go in there and everything else in Ponyville will be paid for through it. I'll have to set up a smaller vault and just pay myself a monthly check out of the castle's vault instead of just buying everything I please like I have been doing... Mayor Mare suggested keeping taxes as a matter of 'Sales Tax' and 'Business Tax' exclusively so we aren't charging ponies more money then they can afford to buy,"

AJ shrugged, "I don't know Twilight, those business taxes are a mite high. Half of what I make goes into taxes,"

"Same here," Rarity nodded.

Pinkie shrugged "Come on they have to get their money from somewhere. And if you didn't give so many bits too the government how could I afford to pay for all those parties?"

Rainbow Dash gaped, "You mean our TAXES pay for your parties,"

Pinkie shrugged, "Well I am the town's party pony. I try to keep things fun but simple so not to take too much money out of the treasury,"

Twilight shrugged, "With how a pony's mood can effect the environment around her it's important to keep them happy. Why wouldn't taxes be used to pay for morale maintenance?"

Dash groaned, "So that meant my birthiversary must have taken a lot out of the Treasury," she moped.

Pinkie shrugged, "Well no, Cheese Sandwich is a certified party pony. He gets funding from Celestia herself to be used at his discretion as he throws parties all around the country. Best. Job. EVER!" she cheered.

Pinkie continued, "I get a small salary from the city as a government employee but I have to work a second job at Sugarcube Corner. Luckily they let me live in a spare bedroom as part of my paycheck. All the party stuff comes out of the treasury so I don't actually have to pay for any of that myself.

"There are over ten thousand ponies living in Ponyville and I have to plan parties for each one of their birthdays, big ones for when the foals earn their Cutie Marks, not to mention the holidays and festivals. I could never afford all that on my own, but like I said I try to keep everything on a strict budget so I don't impact the treasury too much.

"Parties are great but the Treasury also pays for the hospital's upkeep, the city wide health insurance policy, the school house, other government employees and offices, and stuff like that. I don't want to be taking their money."

Dash was staring at Pinkie. With how much of an airhead the pink Earth Pony could be, it was easy to forget sometimes that she was not only considerate but really smart.

"Wait a minute!" Pinkie suddenly gaped, "If we do this whole Governess thing won't that mean I'll be working THREE jobs!?"

Twilight calmed, "Honestly all a governess really does is advice their Princess or Mayor, which you gals already do. It just be giving you an official title... and a nice salary," she assured.

"Oh, Okay I'm in," Pinkie bounced.

Twilight looked around at the others.

AJ sighed, "Yeah I guess I'm in too,"

Rarity smiled, "This will be fabulous darlings, just wait and see,"

Rainbow Dash grinned, "You bet I'm in,"

Twilight looked over at the last member of their group, "Fluttershy, you've been pretty quiet,"

"It's just..." the yellow Pegasus tried to explain. Then choked back her nerves, "I suppose I could give it a try if everyone else is," this sounded like a lot of responsibility and she didn't know if she was really cut out for it. She had made great strides these past few years but to become a legitimate pony in authority? It was a lot to take in but if she had her friends with her she could manage.

"Then it's settled," Twilight smiled, "Now we just need to go through every detail of this request letter and make adjustments where we see fit, SPIKE!" she called. Then blushed when she remembered Spike was at school. She noticed her friends were looking at her funny. She cleared her throat and said, "Let's get started."