• Published 27th Jul 2016
  • 3,147 Views, 60 Comments

Scaled Foal - ColtKit Productions

Spike's life is turned upside-down when he is sent to school to make friends his own age. Strangely enough he meets one Button Mash who slowly becomes something more then a friend.

  • ...

Ch10: The Vote

Author's Note:

That's right!!!
This story is back on!!!
Have a chapter, on mez


Next chapter is FINALLY up.
I hope everyone enjoys.
Be sure to reread the fic, has some editing and alterations have been made

Twilight sat at her throne, before her friends. Plus Mayor Mare, as the town's representative... and... Filthy Rich. With Filthy, temporarily, sitting in Spike's throne. At least, until his own was finished being constructed.

They were all skimming through her first bill... with mixed expressions on their faces.

Rainbow was all about freedom and equal rights, even for Stallions. Once even voicing how she disagreed with how Stallions needed specialized training, just to allow them in combat. Even for Royal Guards.

Rarity might envy the upper class unicorns, but she wouldn't blindly follow traditions that hurt others.

Fluttershy was the element of kindness... enough said.

Pinkie... well if last night was anything to go by, what Pinkie's vote would be was obvious.

Twilight, as the Princess, wouldn't be allowed to vote. She could only veto their bills. But didn't have the power of a vote. Especially not where her own bills were concerned.

Filthy, was the wild card. Twilight could guess how her friends would take this. Her Earth pony friends were much more traditional... and Filthy may fall under that, being from a wealthy Earth Pony family. If that was the case, they would have enough votes to contradict her. Given Mayor Mare most assuredly would vote, "No," as well.

Regardless, Twilight didn't know Filthy well enough... that would change, after today.

Filthy calmly put down the scroll, looked Twilight right in the eye. Then said, with the seriousness this deserved. "You should consider, for your coronation ceremony next week-"

Twilight was already in charge, but the ceremony was still important. As a way of presenting Ponyville to the world. Reporters from around the country, would be arriving to see it.

"Announcing the passing of this bill, in your acceptance speech."

Pinkie gaped, while Rainbow snickers.

"Have something you want to tell us," RD asked the Stallion.

Filthy retained his diplomatic posture. "Lady Dash, there is not a Stallion alive, that has not heard the 'Stallions Duty' speech, at least once in their life...

"And because of that, I'm in a loveless marriage with a gold digging harlot. That I only married because my mother threatened to disown me, if I didn't.

"Meanwhile, you have been publicly shagging any mare to show the slightest interest in you. While loudly declaring you have no interest in Stallions at all... and not a single pony has ever raised an eyebrow towards you... Is that personal enough for you, Lady Dash?" his voice remained calm, and completely neutral. As if he was discussing the weather.

RD's ears pinned. She had only been teasing. She certainly wouldn't have said anything, if she even suspected he really was actually...

Next, Applejack spoke up, "Thankfully Granny isn't that bad..." Then sighed. "I'm about to trust yall with something that ain't ever leave this room."

Filthy raised an eyebrow, "Sure that's your secret to tell?"

AJ sighed, "Maybe not, but my words are ta hold any weight, Yall need to know where I'm coming from..."

Twilight's eyes widened, as she inferred, "Big Mac is gay," and from there, could guess her assumption about how her friend would vote, was most definitely wrong.

AJ hesitantly nodded, "Fact is most ponies are bi, but for a small few, they just like a specific gender. Some mares only like mares, other mares only like Stallions. Is a tiny number, but plenty of mares die alone, cuz there ain't enough Stallions to get with them. Others feel they have to settle."

"Exactly," Pinkie started, "It's-"

"But ain't no gay Stallions take away from that!" AJ glared at Pinkie. "Some Stallions, like ma brother, just plane don't like mares. And Ah'll tell ya right now, y'all vote against this bill. Which gonna protect Stallions, like my brother, from getting linched... Ah tell ya, Ah can forgive a lot, but ain't nothin' hurt my family. Y'all vote against this. Y'all voting against my kin... Ah ain't willing to forgive that."

Pinkie looked conflicted.


Button hesitantly answered the door, having seen who was on the other side.

"Ha-hi..." Spike greeted, looking nervous, "can I come in?"

Button chewed the inside of his cheek, "S-sure..." stepping to the side, as he opened the door wider.

Spike hesitantly wandered inside.

"Oh... Hi Misses Button?" Spike greeted, seeing Love Tap sitting at the coffee table, cutting coupons.

She was a complete wretch with nerves, even though she was trying to hide it from Button. Who could easily tell she was just busying herself.

"Have they finished voting?" Tap asked. Somehow both eager, and scared, to hear the answer.

"Not yet," Spike clawed at the floor with his not hoof. Making sure not to scratch it, despite how nervous he, himself, was. "They just started actually. Twilight told me to play in town, since this was a very important grownup talk, and didn't want me eavesdropping." he paraphrased his big sister's words.

Love Tap sighed, "I imagine so... You've... come to play with Button?"

Spike gave a hesitant nod, while Button was looking at the ground, his face flushed.

"Alright," Love Tap sighed, "Go play, just... keep the door to Button's room open."

The boys were both blushing now, though they didn't know why. Regardless, they hurried to the colt's room.

XP Grinder hesitantly walked into the living room, watching his son go upstairs with his colt friend.

He came over to the couch, and nuzzled his wife. "You're a good mom." He insisted.

"A good mother wouldn't tolerate this kind of behavior from their colt... much less encourage it." Love Tap insisted.

"Maybe not... but the best mothers do." He sat next to her.

"You know... Button probably gets this from me..." he confessed.

Love Tap snorted, "Please, you never even look at another Stallion."

"That's entirely my point," XP sighed. "Do you have any idea of how rare that is? I never even went through a phase where I was curious about other Stallions... Maybe, Button got this mono attraction thing... from me..."

Tap sighed, "I don't know... We've done everything we can, followed all the books... but... he really isn't interested in fillies... if the Princess doesn't pass this bill..."

"She will... Her own son is depending on it."

Tap snorted, "Brother, not son. But regardless, Spike is a dragon. They are practically mono gendered, with only 1 in a hundred eggs being female. They don't even mate for life, much less raise their own children."

XP Grinder stared at his wife.

She shrugged, "Some filly gave me a book on Dragons. I think her name was... Screwball?"

The Stallion nodded, "I... I don't see Prince Spike just abandoning Button. He was raised with pony values. Just think of him as a Scaled Foal... IF things progress that far, he'll do the right thing by our Button."


Rainbow Dash added, a strange soberness to her words. "There are just as many lesbian mares, as there are gay Stallions... in fact, there might be more, given mares coupling is encouraged. A few gay stallions won't change that."

Fluttershy added, "I... I don't know much about gay Stallions... but it is unfair, they aren't allowed to marry. I mean, they aren't going to marry mares anyway."

Sensing the way the votes were going, Mayor Mare felt compelled to say, "It also be a big boost to our image. We would look extremely progressive to the rest of the world." Mind, if the votes had been going the other way, She would have talked about preserving there traditions. She was, after all, a politician.

Pinkie was doing her best not to explode. These were her friends. They were just being ignorant. "Girls, I didn't make the world, and yes it's unfair. But fact is, gay Stallions have very difficult lives. We should be encouraging them to find mares."

"Dey don't WANT mares!!!" AJ glared.

Filthy smirked, "Big Mac once told me he can't even 'get et up' when he's with a mare. He be absolutely no use as a husband."

AJ gah'ed, "I ain't wanna know that!!!"

"You brought him into this talk." Filthy dismissed.

Rarity looked considerate, "Pinkie, darling. What if we reached a compromise. We could add additional benefits to Stallions marrying multiple mares. Herds could receive better tax breaks. Mind you that only helps when businesses are involved, but we could make it easier for herds to get business loans, and maybe better government assistance. OH!!! Maybe send Stallions a check for every 2 or more mares they marry."

Twilight sighed, "That... is kinda illegal. Given mares used to control Stallions, through various ways. One of those being financial."

Filthy nodded, "Stallions wouldn't feel... appreciative, if they were given money so they could give mares babies. Although... maybe having more media, showing herds in loving marriages. But in Stallion focused media, such as action films and comic books.

"Herds have a bit of a stigma for Stallions. As something to be feared, and ripe with abuse. If we changed the public Perception. More Stallions might be willing to form herds... I'd be willing to buy a few companies to accomplish this. Maybe move the studios to Ponyville. It would help with the economy."

Twilight thought on that. "Maybe you could throw in a few gay couples, to promote them as well."

Filthy blushed, showing he already thought of that.

Twilight smirked, not minding he tried to throw a fast one. Given the goal seemed pretty noble to her. "I'll help you through the red tape, of purchasing some of the bigger colt focused studios."

Buying any company's licensing rights, involved LOTS of red tape. To insure it was harder for monopolies to form.

Pinkie sighed, "You girls KNOW how uncomfortable I am with this. You have any idea how many deviants will be moving to our town? And I'll be the one having to set up welcoming parties for them! This has bad idea written all over it."

AJ glared, and growled out. "Ma Brother ain't no deviant."

"No, He's selfish-"

"PINKIE!!!" Twilight snapped.

Applejack barked, "I say we vote now. It's clear we ain't gonna get through to her."

Rarity agreed, "I second the motion. I believe we know where everypony stands."

Twilight sighed, "The motion has been seconded. We will proceed to voting. All in favor."

Twilight watched as 6 hooves went up... a pink one obviously missing... The young Alicorn almost dreaded to say, "All opposed."

And thankfully no hooves went up.

The council looked at Pinkie.

"I'm not willing to vote against Applejack's family, but I don't want my name on the 'Aye' side either." Pinkie glared at them all.

All the ponies gave a sigh of relief.

AJ gave a nod, "I can live with that."