• Published 27th Jul 2016
  • 3,146 Views, 60 Comments

Scaled Foal - ColtKit Productions

Spike's life is turned upside-down when he is sent to school to make friends his own age. Strangely enough he meets one Button Mash who slowly becomes something more then a friend.

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Ch6: Enter the Screwball

Spike hesitantly waved goodbye to his friends as they walked out the castle door. Twilight stood beside him waving them off as well.

Button looked back with a good deal of sympathy, nibbling the notes in his mouth. One from Cheerlee and another from the Princess. One note telling of his trouble at school and the other inviting Button's mom over to the castle tomorrow for tea and to discuss setting up a sleep over. Button really hoped his mom let him go. He liked Spike.

He blushed as Spike caught his eye. Turning he quickly galloped away, his chest fluttering a bit. He assumed it was because he was scared about facing his own mother.


Twilight sighed at her Ward as she closed the castle doors, "Okay Spike. I think it is important that we talk,"

Spike gulped, "I'm sorry Twilight. Cheerlee was just going over stuff you already taught me so I got bored."

"You know how important your studies are. Reviewing old material isn't going to kill you. It might even be good for you."

Spike groaned, "They were going over the founding of Equestria and how the government worked. Celestia taught us that when I was still in diapers,"

Twilight glared, "Spike, you KNOW how serious I take your education and I had hoped that you took it seriously to,"

"I do Twilight," Spike assured, "But I learned all the important stuff with you. I'm just at school to make friends,"

"School is still school," Twilight glared, "It's important to pay attention,"

Spike sighed, "I know..."

Twilight sighed, "I still haven't figured out what I'm going to do about this. I can't exactly ground you and it wouldn't be right to take the paddle to you when you already got spanked... How about this Spike. I'll let you pick your punishment,"

"Really!?" Spike gaped. Twilight NEVER let him decide how he would get punished.

"You can either get 5 swats from the paddle or grounded for 3 days,"

"TWILIGHT!" Spike wailed, "Both of those sound HORRIBLE! I just got off a month long grounding!"

"And then you immediately brake one of the most important rules in the house! Tell me honestly Spike. Would you have even considered playing with your JoyBoy if you'd been sitting through one of MY lectures? Even if we were reviewing old material?"

Spike sighed, "No... but I told Miss Cheerlee I was being bad. That should count for something!

Twilight sighed, "You're right it should but I really have no idea what to do with you,"

Spike gulped as he spent a moment thinking through Punishments that weren't nearly so harsh but that Twilight might actually agree to, "You could put me in the corner for an hour or send me to my room for the night,"

Twilight rolled her eyes, "That isn't nearly enough and you know it. Playing games during class is a HUGE deal!"

Spike groaned, "How... how about you spank me like Miss Cheerlee did?"

"How did she spank you?" Twilight blinked.

"Over her lap... with her hoof..." Spike blushed.

Twilight tilted her head, "That's it? I figured she caned you like Shining Armor occasionally got at School,"

Spike shrugged, "It still hurt," really bad actually, probably as a result of her Earth Pony strength but Twilight didn't need to know that.

"I haven't spanked you like that since you were 5," Not since she realized that although Spike's scales were soft they were remarkably dense.

"It really REALLY hurt Twilight," Spike insisted, blushing as he rubbed his bottom in remembrance. It wasn't nearly as bad as the paddle but it still did hurt.

Twilight sighed, "Well... I do need to think of a consistent way to handle misdeeds at school. Knowing you this won't be the last time you get in trouble and if spankings are how they handle punishments... Maybe going back to the old way, for school misdeeds, is best," she agreed.

Spike's eyes widened, "I-I didn't agree to that! I-it's just this one time!"

Twilight rolled her eyes and began herding Spike to his room.

That was the thing about Twilight. Give her a logical enough argument you can talk her into anything. Just be careful you aren't TOO logical because she'll turn it against you!

When they got to the room Twilight pulled out his desk chair and sat down, summoning him to come with her hoof. Spike gulped and began tiptoeing his way over.

Twilight rolled her eyes, "Honestly Spike this was your idea,"

"M-maybe being grounded won't be so bad. I mean what's 3 days,"

"Here, now," She insisted.

Spike groaned and found his way too her all too quickly. Twilight rolled her eyes and picked him up with her magic before laying him over her lap.

"Do you have something to say to me?" She asked

Well this wasn't as scary as when a paddle was involved, still it was a bit terrifying, "I'm sorry I was naughty, please..." Spike gulped building up his courage, "Please spank me so I'll remember to be good,"

Twilight smiled teasingly, "Getting a little ahead of ourselves aren't we? Try telling me why your in trouble,"

Spike blushed and squirmed on her lap a bit. It was awkward because of how her pony legs bent so sitting like this couldn't be comfortable for Twilight either.

"Because..." Spike gulped again then said in one long breath, "Because I played videogames during class and that's bad because I need to take my studies seriously so that I'll grow up to be a respectable member of society." Twilight gave him that lecture a lot when she tutored him and his mind wandered. She didn't often have to wack him for it, just a lecture was usually enough to show him he'd done wrong. He hated disappointing Twilight and her dressing downs were fearsome. He always come out of them in tears and feeling a great deal of shame.

"Somepony is eager to get this over with," Twilight commented.

"Come on Twilight," Spike blushed. "Please stop teasing me and get it over with. I know it's not as serious as a paddling but it's still going to hurt!"

Twilight sighed, "Right right. I'm just feeling nostalgic. The last time I had you over my lap like this you were just a hatchling,"

Spike blushed, squirming, "Well I'm not to thrilled about it,"

Twilight rolled her eyes, "This was your idea,"

"Since when do you listen to me!?"

Twilight huffed, "Fine, let's get this over with," she raised her hoof, "ready?"

Spike felt the dread fill him but answered, "Y-yeah,"

With that Twilight's hoof came down. Spike yelped as he felt the hard keratin assault his rump. He could feel the light sparks of magic radiating from the hoof that let her hold things with them. The magic zapped at his scaled hide.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Spike yelped.

She was probably doing that zapping thing on purpose. It didn't feel that way when Cheerlee spanked him. Still it was better then the occasional stinging hex Twilight threw at his butt as a warning when he did something wrong.

"This is how my mom spanked me," Twilight explained, "If you focus it right you can channel the magic in hooves to give a little sting through touch,"

"YOU NEVER DID IT BEFORE!" Spike yelled as the hoof came down and zapped him again just as it hit him.

Twilight shrugged, "I was just a foal last time I spanked you like this. I didn't have a lot of control of my hooves,"


Spike hollered, "I changed my mind! Get the paddle! Get the paddle!

Twilight rolled her eyes, "Come on Spike," Twilight wasn't missing a beat as she continued to smack his rump, "I was spanked like this all the time. I know it stings but it DEFINITELY doesn't hurt as much as a paddle,"

That was true but it was pretty different from how Spike was used to being spanked.

The hoof went up again and came back down. Spike yelped again. Twilight wasn't hitting as hard as Cheerlee did but those zaps hurt.

Spike squirmed and it wasn't long before he was crying from the pain in his rear. He felt his backend burning as all four of his cheeks reddened. His eyes began to sting from his own tears. He grabbed at the green fins on the sides of his head to prevent himself from reaching back.


Twilight didn't seem to keep to her rule of ten since this was a hoof spanking. Spike really should have gone for the whacks with the Paddle.

Unicorns weren't as strong as Earth Ponies. If Twilight relyed purely on her physical power he probably wouldn't even have felt it but the zaps bad. This as bad as the spanking he got from Cheerlee.

Twilight gave him one last zapping smack before picking him up with her horn magic and pulling him into a hug.

Spike sniffed well rubbing his rump, "Geez Twilight you've gotten really good at that," he couldn't help but point out, "Have you been practicing?"

Twilight rolled her eyes, "Yes Spike. I like to sneak into the rooms of naughty foals and give them a spanking just so I'll be ready for you,"

Spike pouted. He was sure she was being sarcastic but part of him believed her.


Spike groaned the next morning as light poured into his bedroom... he wish he could say it was from the sun.

"Discord," Spike groaned pulling the sheets over his head at the bright flash that had woken him up.

"Not quite," A... female voice?

Spike's eyes snapped up as he covered himself with his sheets. A purple Earth Pony was standing... errr Floating, in his room. She had spirals in her pupil-less eyes and wore a propeller hat like Button's. Her cutie mark was that of a baseball and a screw.

"This is ALL YOUR FAULT!" The floating filly snarled.

"Eh?" Spike blinked before yelling, "Luna! I think I'm having a nightmare. Come fix it like you did for the Crusaders,"

"Your not dreaming glue face!" wow this girl had a mouth, "You're too busy DESTROYING MY LIFE!"

Spike just blinked at the figment of his imagination, "I really have no clue why I'm dreaming about some crazy filly,"

"I'm not crazy! and for the last time your not dreaming!" She landed on the floor, "I'm Screwball,"

"I'll say," Spike agreed and strangely the figment reached out and whacked him, "OWWW, That HURT! Wait a second... dreams can't hurt,"

"For the last time I'M NOT A DREAM!"

Spike gaped for a second before he started screaming his head off, "RAPE!"

Twilight immediately appeared in a flash of purple light and looked around frantically, "What's going on!?" she demanded.

"She raped me!" Spike pointed at the filly.

"I did not!"

Spike glared, "She hit me well I was in bed! Remember Twilight, that one time after I found that word in my comic book you explained that's what it meant,"

Screwball just stared at Spike well Twilight groaned. The filly snorted, "You're an idiot,"

"Why? What's it mean?"

"Okay!" Twilight smiled, "Spike needs to get ready for school and... WHAT ARE YOU DOING SNEAKING INTO A BOY'S BEDROOM!?" Twilight suddenly yelled at the filly, realizing she existed.

The filly just snorted as she whipped her mane back.

"I expect an explanation young lady," Twilight glared.

"My dad was talking to Fluttershy and she told him how Spike was going to school and now I HAVE TA GO!" Screwball glared at Spike, "It's all your fault!"

Spike demanded, "How's it my fault! I don't even know you!"

Twilight saw the filly's eyes and groaned, "You're Screwball I take it,"

"That's what she claims," Spike huffed, "Like I'm supposed to know who that is,"

Now Twilight looked at Spike like he was an idiot, "She's Discord's daughter,"

"DISCORD HAS A KID!" Spike yelped, "Why didn't anyone tell me Fluttershy was pregnant!? Or is she Celestia's?"

Screwball glared, "Neither, my dad ripped off a piece of his soul and sculpted it into me," she said as if that wasn't the weirdest thing ever.

"How come I've never seen you before?"

"I live in the chaos dimension with the other Draconequus," Screwball rolled her eyes.

"THERE ARE OTHER DRACONEQUUS!?" Screamed Twilight and Spike. Who looked at each other in horror at the thought.

"Relax they're nowhere near as powerful as daddy," Screwball dismissed, "In fact they're kinda scared of him... and me," she deflated but quickly caught herself, "Not that I care! I'm far more powerful then them to,"

Twilight got a sympathetic look on her face, "Is that why your dad is sending you to Ponyville's Schoolhouse? I'm sure you'll make lots of friends there,"

"Why would I want to make friends with mortals," Screwball huffed, not really wanting an answer. She looked Spike up and down, "I guess you'll do, being a dragon and all. It's not like you're a mortal creature yourself but you're no deity. I guess I can be friends with you, even though you ruined my life,"

"Wow thanks," Spike rolled his eyes as he got out of bed.

"Hurry up and get ready so we can go!" Screwball demanded with the bossiness fitting a Demigod.